Milverton Sun, 26 Mar 1914, p. 4

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PINE TAILORED apis FOR MEN | SPRING SUITINGS and TROUSERINGS guarantee a perfect fit, proper style - and first-class workmanship. N case you prefer to have your ; ENTLEMEN who have a careful || NEWTON. | ‘s. Shantz and son. of Ce Mr. s. T. ae suit made in the city, we have a full range of samples from Toronto, and will be pleased to have you'cail and iook over these | samples before buying elsewhere. J. M. Fleischhauer Merchant Tailor MILVERTON, ONT. Don't Experiment" with anything so valuable as your eye-sight. If you h any reason to suspect that there is something rong with your eyes, you should consult us at once. will give you the best advice, test your eyes carefully and fit you with the pro- per EYE-GLAsses to relieve the e carry a kof coy Goons of every iat tio) P. H. BASTENDORFF |: Jeweler and Opti Eyes Tested Free Milverton, Ont. |**°™ 20th . hi paid | igaded on Monda Century Brand for over eighty dinners for the ondied on Member of friend Cl hi ers who me for mi chines and too at the station to ae lothing | much eredit, cannot be given for the |Syeoh and Job {ab er in which jteam. His uo jooked. vatter the wants ae both the Mr. LINWOOD. ge Martin Kieswetter. of Willough ing ~~ Mrs. ats a nd Miss cartes ak spent Satur- H. d black roadster: last_ week.—) 60. a successful for $8.500.—Mr. pdertaking Sattit ie now [Glennie “of sWinkerbotene: spent a fon of New H Ballard is rs, Robi HAWKESVILLE Messrs. W. Catheart oe B, Bogus. orman Wilkinson on Monaay last, George al to any in the country ours here on Tuesda: M. ©, M. Berlet. of Berlin. Tanner made a business trio to Ber) lin and Gueloh on Wedne of Berlin. visited an- lessrs. George (Brunner and Ed. Paff. | the Union hote} o: rme is hor che ‘funeral of iin fi «and stand there is still another carload a ae attented: at sas pent Frid Me. Fred. Don. ° | hew. ald’s.—Mrs. EB. er spent Wri- come so 1 that ™ fs is e-| rietor of the Fountai eh ra ee Mis Se: J, botde the tear Tes» oe [yeaecnte an hes o ir hm hip. He was-only 30 yea en 8 : n | ghip. \Ontario. We thought last year’s re ae it of an oper ‘ nd death was the re ae : |e eae Bat ten int i eR ar inosine tony ue tice ge te vert to-shov pina Baturday Mr. 8 : tustly-dealt with both by the “tems the funeral of his brother Taenata at Rotel Seer aaa rey, eee @ Mr. Breeman an atic [the funeral of Meese nid Hoe who| & Mr. J. fied with the articles ated The ae from Toronto jast week suffer- SA ae four ragore Fe Een spat ie ae ing from en attack = ie erippe a te horses to his Bh te on Fri |Parlane i : : rapidly reco anid 7 {handled delivery, he was ever 8] Sbf0 to ve \gguheDbahBid The Li on April 1 sa Se arent taken a postin, wit DOW Ree MARTIN Me et Ww his eae : ae at ore foes on A quiet sedating v s poles at home o! oe rt rrying a boquet of white car- fern entered the * parlor | bri other ‘bi friends follow Sp of their many the con- a nm oa rare om. Dec. Sist. 1914. “for 6c. Leave your subseription with Nor pee Ament — at undy’s store. e directors of jw. Oo. the neat eprue She: have as ed re numl vith Id. of R.Y. FISH&CO. LINWOOD see Dealer in ss. Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture ‘The McQuay Tanning Company of Owen Sound has withdrawn its ap- plication to the town for a loan of $25,000. but instead will go ahead and make the proposed extensions Slant. doubling the capacity which devoted exclusively to the manutsel- nre of high-grade harness leather. | a0 Are You Insured cai dat tase tection for. wie and, Stel ‘at a S. Spencer, GR. x N. Zimmermann,R.S. Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand SUPERFLUOUS HAIR ANADIAN HOMESEEKERS’ EX CURSIO NS MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN Tuesday March 3 to October 27, inclusive. Winnipeg and Return - $35.60 rm - 43.00 ‘oronto, and Stations West and noah ce ‘Toronts pare onete fares from Stations East of Toron to it two months. Gtisremoved by the Electric Needle. | MRS. W. OWAN Will be at th Grand Central Hotel, on March 3ist PUBLIC NOTICE! meget Eyelid FARES SECOND GLASS) MARCH AND APRIL Settlers travelling with live stock and t i ERS! SPECIAL, ch len ‘ARGH. ad APRIL ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLEGE Any time and grow with us, Moles, Blemishes, Warts, Eto., perman | Be: oe . D, ia Reble of North Dakota. sent visiting with Reble.—Mr. A rank, nt the week-e 1d day. ness Bh to Owen id , i da S Mae Bassett. of Listowel. ‘week-end with Miss Frieda 0. Koebel* mile race: Priedman Oldest dressed lady. ‘on ice Miss M. Pauses es y aS . Miss F. iatiss Y. + Wy ts ary 8 gebummer: ol hn Crawford *_ best a reroiae line Laval ir] years. Miss pio lar Rennie, of Judges. J. W. Collins. Jos, Karley. Jos. ee EE ES ed L Av Grace! fibani, on the eve ing of Crutcher. of ence Carss. 5 joined together im holy wedloe ev. F. K. Hughes. ree’ urch was filled to its utmo: it cap- and whe the organist. Miss E. Miller. played the time-honoure di ch aiter, ‘areal ema 16,20 p.m. train from 10 Union Station. d a For partiqulars address re proceede: 0 + x ‘tiers and families without live stock the choir chanted the ‘Deus Mise ial REGULAR TRAINS, Stetiek: EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, Principal © |atur’. Af ec signing of th Toronto "10.2 = Through eumeme et |isier the happy counle. having Colonist and Tours ae ate heir Pics ‘Through trains Toronto to. W and er ER BSS h "Or oes note on Wer, COLONIE CARS ON A TRAINS. soft the | chureb for 1 The. gifts oom. rth 7 vorpar enlace from, Canadian Pacific Agenis or CENTRAL friends of both bride and. groom eM. G. Murphy D.P.A., Toront the Trnmerous and costly. Mr. Crut- er has for several years. been close ‘ » choir of Grac BP. W. THOMAS, LOCAL AGENT. ane Sd eas sated wilt O Scouaiousat ° Ble - SIRATECRD: i marriage was made the cacipient ota BECOME. a spceralise, in Business, arringsdsome set of Rogers | 1847 Tempffers more opportunities, thar very I ‘An addr: oe ‘To reap the full spoons me; ri S vou must pave the was Fe ad at the time of makin: ag. This is One mesentation to which Mr. ae We: ul seapooke we Bite? || pristis. ihe fittingly “replied. Smart | Tailoring Sw? E once for our free catalogue D. A. McLACHLAN, ~ ~ Principal BURNS. Mr. Simon Loney. ot Senne Sa; returned, home last wi Segoe _svend= ww weeks wit nfs his M Fee dy, | L¥ disposed of. to Hoffmeyer disposed of the ‘roperty pet and a shor! ee expressing regret at their de- wartar AL) BANK at ugh Ross. jr. who has spent ast two months with his parents sre rieft for bis home in Calgary last Henry Johnson and Mas- ter Gordon visited over Sunday at ‘S. cal Mr. a Steven S24 of ae cent: old teens joy their new home. F. Tank has: purchase: ‘rom Me. Winkler the property a ag Mr. Wink ie to Mr. Winkler.—We are sorry lose from our village Mr. and fos Chas. Wright who have eon residents e past year.—The Woman's In- o = cae = = bring your needle and t ladies cornea art invited to at! MeF. ‘ADDINF REEMAN ttend. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. We. D. Bk rd. ith ve bere Wellesley. sr edu y, Marel 8th. when Diss “Lillian Pets Fee e- aan became the wite of Mr. Henr ‘Edward McFaddi RaeRTEE young farmer. geremony was performed by Rev. W. Moffat in the presence of a toe ‘invited guests. The ride was given away. by Mr. W. D. eee the parlor waist, is | wedding breakfast was se erved. Bee ive erous gifts were young couple who wi eir friends is April 1st. lo’ concession 6. fe hip ot Wellesley. “RUNNER. Mrs. C. Walker ret urned hone Wednesday last after ekg ‘rs, on some ae week-end Miss F joretod Squires. of pilarias: @pent Sunday with Miss Alice Wh ney. i | THE REASON FEWER PEOPLE TAKE “SALTS” ‘thomas last Win. | We find the use of salts and other hi Sunipbell? of Stratford. Tapent a few | physicsis becoming less eve Seabees Clothes that you can well feel HOMESEEKERS: re i home. of her | more and more people are using Rexall Or- roud to wear. Inexpen: R. ave igs Vera | derlies, which we an ly belic yet decidedly dressy. Sloth EXCURSIONS frieads in Listowel | be the best bowel remedy ever made, They at gi ind trip tickets to points in Manitobe, Al- | du wee! Ve, are. sO! ste so. mu candy that even the natty appearanc and Saskatchewai ar yi CBtae a St paul |to report that Miss Jean Davidson is children like them. At the same time they single-breasted styles after ae ana at ‘ow, yaell Gripper ok list.—Little | act so easily and naturally that there is no Engli: met Sie ra 60 hamper ‘on above of Linwood. is visiting ) Purging, ig or pain. They peor. cleverly made. o 11 No: change | yj} . Omer Hastings me ane the re ce by e ‘ ra ttende gt Is, make it less RETURN LIMIT, TWO MONTHS of the farmers nent oe lable to es age in We have the utmost Fabrics are guaranteed all Sars ee we fe ee SETTLERS’ FARES faith in them. We ktiow what the wool, pure dye and thoroughly Bisse MESS made of and the pleas ficial runk before being made up. Be er re e Wa wien LH Barber slated NG Sables pa gad: Dike ae aoe in ‘iherta as and Saskatch eo Te en this morning th You ne ‘ saath sor “it. hesday during Starch and Apri |, hie intention to put a 0H to: ‘he # oat, oe soe i ney LOW COLONIST FARES bs nds i 3. track and tell us and we'll ne-way Second-class) ¥ In =o s From stati Ontario to certain so intends ito keen. a sharp lookout ee SS. N. SMITH § [iscsiicsesnk sccaedee i tek de io ee, thar look | Eos 15 Be OO ae nyse : = Ret pnit 15th, inclusive is surprising the number of ducks that | Rexall rns TelOr est ees ee Grand Trunk theket nee i neat. ponds in the vicinity. and Rexall Sto and i this fowa o MILVERTON, - ONT. orniny ‘A . ‘For-|that he intends to prosecute every in- gota See ant of the law.—Guclph Mer-| THE PUBLIC ORUG ae 4. c¢ Phone 1, Agent |cury. MILVERTON. ( Ready for y pring Business The warm weather of the past few days has had a tendency to make you think of spring merchandise. We are now showing everything that is new in spring goods: Dress Goods, House Dresses, Aprons, Prints, Etc. Our “special made” shirts in pique with collar “ tie to match in blue, cream and white are very nifty. Have a look. Our new “King” Hats are here in all the newest creations. We have the Arrow collars in stock in all the newest styles, at 2 for 25c. All 4 ply linen This week we have on display a new range of House Dresses direct from the manufacturer. This is one of the nicest assortments we have had the pleasure of show- ing to the women of Milverton and vicinity. We invite YOU tosee them. Prices ranging from $1 up to $3.50. Ladies, who Wish to choose their Easter Suits, should see us early while our assortment is at its best —which is now, to-day. New‘ Aprons for the kitchen, at prices ranging from 25 to 59 cents. Gents’ Furnishings No need to oy you about the W. You cannot beat them for fit, mAllthe latest ieee now in stock. Specials for Saturday Plums 7c tin Cherries 10c 15 awton Berri 1c Garden City Bean! Tie tin “The Arcade” Salenon = for 25¢ ¢ yeerine Soap Se cak 4 Bee Fruit, 3 for 2se |t} Bring us Your Produce MILVERTON “| Ww. K. LOTH Spring has Arrived— Easter is Close at Hand. You will need a new pair of SHOES to match your Easter Suit or Bonnet. You are not finished without them. We have the latest styles Come and see,.no trouble to show the goods, T. P. ROE “The Shoeman” Eggs taken in trade. © MILVERTON THE LATE MRS, WM; REID A much respected ted resident 0 of ars ii o family sons an Haahters ‘sams of Brandon}. Man.. . Violet. Irene and hom- Clark. jot and m. Carviey Mrs. T. ‘Wihitney een a few days |of Brandon, Man. "The “pall ‘bearers with friends in Strat were Messrs, Albert Adams. Llewelyn Me Mrs. W. Lone of ee Loney-John Loney W} Rei pie feet sunday with Mr. and fver Reid and John Rei Misti, Petar The form we loved is shee til St. Patrick's Day Post Cards and NOVELTIES. 4 Ten Cent Cigars (any brand) for 25 Cents (SATURDAY ONLY) J. E. WEIR Drop in and hear a Good Song by a food artist on a “Victrola.” |) We will pay the highest Ration price “Yours Seepiiee | for cream delivered at factory. Will aor € Free || test and pay CASH—while you wait. pusiness” IN ene Hetene lovirig memory of the late Hug Tron. who sdeoet rted life< ‘Mareb 28th. 1913. A voice is heard on earth of kinsfolk weeping The loss of one thev lov But he is gone where the ‘redeem’d are keeping A festival ee The mourners Nae. the way and The Tneral ill, ‘tolls slow; But on the golden streets the holy Are mao to and fro. Tejoice! And saying as they .meet. anot pene iy Long w: tin | The Siviow's heart 4: plad: another Hath reeak'a the aD 's home- AVID HARRON. Daily Mail 1 and Empire can be se cured at the,Sun office” fey oe un- til Nov, ist for $2.00. PEARL CREAMERY, Milverton Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right. Maite" Geo. J. Coxon —

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