NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Natura aA Aid in Making New Hoalth Giving Blood In ‘the spring the system needs a healthy you must have just-as-the trees must w sap to renew their vital- . te: sean 2 pimples or In other ases there is Paarl a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. re that the —that the in- wi aay has deserved youl che. These Pills d blood ‘our greatest need plese “This new blood drives de ie seeds “of disease and makes men, women and racer “bright, Mr £0. _ Burns, Albany, ; Moiese ‘was terribly run down and co weak tnt I could hardly drag myse nd. neryous that I | was Aes Vk across the floor jfor fear I would fall. Grad ai to good cess, and finally I began taking Pi ever I was and have e dence in recommending these Pills rer * to other sui fe ae Ret RASERIE atereald bytall miedi- Wo other precautions to retain nine de. or car J by mail | eg Rcematbisentto le teed of fact oy nob ale + $2.50 from aed Dr. Se aaa Medi- cine Co., When ste rea writes ie all tak frends. sping at a grand hotel, owe » trip, ea st s who de n't ps w labels on his grip? When stopping at a grand hotel For one short week to board, we doesn’t tip without a yell Ty the can afford? ce wi When stopping ab 9 grand hotel Just listen ir fun! Ww fae ects has cer done well Enough to stop at one Suffered 20 Years ©. ‘Trouble, With Kidney Cured By Gin Pills. Mr Daniel P. Fraser of Brid N.S. days about | GIN PILLS Rides, ca Thladde ed by many doctor oitete Th a niven ah ait Hapa of my ed GIN PILLS. Toronto A Holding Ont. ‘Don’t refuse me absolutely. can t you hold out some hope Miss Re chise “Oh, yes. T can hold it just out of your reach.” Only One “BROMO QUININE” fet. the genuine, call for full nam ATIVE oa he ao oN he Look for signature of VE. Cures PER Oie ‘bays. ‘tee. When a girl thinks she has a br ken heart it’s 9 sign that she is bi a lious. Minard’s Linimicnt Guren Dandrun. The Man: $i, a “lated invention of iis own, Te ( an indi ce spotligh ns m wl he male ‘hrs the hotel obbies.” EGZEWA STARTED WA RASH Suffered Terily Fro From Eyebrows Spread to Neck, Chest and Arms. Completely Cured by Cuticura ~ Soap and Ointment, =/' When my baby boy ‘was about four months old he sufferett ter- tibly from. eczes trouble started in. a ‘ery itehy. Tt m: im very cross and fretful. noticed tho From there i¢ spread to his neck, chest and arms. ‘When he thie pean it would 3; “1 got medicine but tt did no good. I tried dif- ferent remedics without result. 6 a Sues of ousiniens gobs and Ointment oe ing teat for ays 1 notices a sha es Tae ime posh Fall gazed alco ‘of Cutlets ‘uticura Ointment. it rah ive i js hos bath aulgh the Cull cura Soap every might af aera applying “} the Cuylonra VOfntment. Wetore Ehad sed [half of the Cuticura So: pan “Olntment ho | was’ ‘compictel ‘Mire. LE. 1, Stromberg, May 29, 191 t Thgepiae usb of Bani p for toilet. an s to preserve, purify nt are Sold by. ce: ere. ee a Hiss ard to Potter Drug & ‘Che. Cora D, Boston, U. 8, A. m Blseverad’ hatibroukh muy fear ele- AVIATOR'S TRYING ORDEAL GAUGING NERVOUS POWERS OF MODERN FLYING MAN. Cold Baths and Careful Life Are Precautions Taken to Re~ tain Nerve, have now looped the legp over one nes times, and me: n practising the feat inal San carried out my thopeeniats loop, which total I hope a year or so, writes B in London Answers. Many people shake their ens ruefully when A ae them ol Sargcuete that %. icky rible strain of whirling my machine Weaee in the clouds week after week for year or more. eir con- vietions are further strengthened when ee learn that I am under- going no special fraining, Pie my ights. nine Me te Only Cold Baths. But I am Sah confident that I shall carry out my thousandth ee he same excellent health which T at presen and their visions, of my becoming a — hysical wreck ill-founded. are, 1 think, the same time, I do not want to make light of the emendous fully coats thas unless I keep in the pink of condition my nerve will go. Sc y morning, matter how low the temperature may be. Th cold ut, beyond leading a moderately careful life, I ways continual flying” that wears ay a nan’s ner sudden hoe or moment of deadly peril when “he stares death in the face, which destroys his confidence for eve: I could name several flyers whose nerve was he fined by one particularly bad smash or excep- Hondliyy narrow esc ae from death. Such a Reppenag is liable to occur J elf Nore of- ay ten it is to ight con- paiveber pend mono- plane to find that I had tthe requisite nerve to swing the ma- Ris on to its back. “But I ly do not anticipate such a OS ESR A for ave had my aerial ordeals, which, I, ‘think, would have killed my. ago had it been built that w Bombs in Mid-air. For instance, last summer.I was iving s me pomb-dre opping exhibi tions, aad, fitted in the r of my | Bleriot monc a lane Ww: releasing the pr as a celts for | hi ib Th he bomb- nee wa tube A au in flying , two rolling wires were vator completely out of actior Undoubtedly I escaped a viole: carry aie my as I a okar baud a telegram was handed #9 ine, On openin found. it signed by ation of mine Wd i6 ten 1/*Dreamt Jase might that a you would have serious aceident, on hundredth loop. Very worried.’ here was gale blowing at the time, miles an hour, and it looked ans oa that I aia be His Ce about like a feath- ft. dp 3 smashed But I risked it, and carried ‘out my i irae loop un- thal ill-omene r been superstitious, ;and am one of the few y airmen who do not Bo 3 in for ieee fo jeliony | recently a doll \c | plane and 2 wo it aloft and oped pthe loop Sata. in is the th: ngs hry our nerves mos whea startiag out t I have maay~ irrital pea mome ais wait: the engine t up— a oh with the flying For for X Afraid of a Peneil. I remem ome time Sel that La people, sae aed i nind my aeroplane after a: ox 1 flight would often chet out’ pen on the ated the fabrié eae a Tittle tear eauld grow toa dangerous él worry me Re end, and thou “signa Ww Whether the Paints of their ad pen at tures: used orry: mi mo: than the Tikelihood ‘0 machine mid-air dlising my Blowiee up ia mb-dr selfs oundenies 1 tis eyen more ~ib at to feel the faint- f est shadow ©! cites on for believing that;my nerve gow rags T should hav’ Pe give up flyin: ut Whether I shaulll'da so even. on is another matier. Flyin sport that, once mastered, shard yut to clamber into ia of) HOMES RESEMBLE BEEHIVE. Pygmies Mighty Hunters—Vindie- tive Enemies < Probably few people would —en- tertain the idea of “on ing oie honeymoon in the heart of Afri pygmy land, yeti judaing from ‘the le by Powell Cot- of 2 Beaune at th ich prevail ia civil- USE e ic. worries ized countries, and is totally inde nden A nueae case ho! the tyranny of fashion olds sufficient out- which is shared with enormous rats and powerful mosqui mies as sagt hunters, vindictive enemies and oteadfast friends. Con. m are rega: 2 ne srr) of ea opulence a-babv. and even in Tater life dee on dress never go much bey ond an apron of barkcloth with a bunch of leaves by way Prcinact The bi received with a gi resignation + eae boy with fa- vor, but it is satisfactory to learn that in later life girls or paper on as of some value. It prospective bridegroom sate a a time to ec he five ho le sickles, three spears, thin bands whi should happea to ha iste which case pte merely Te heaeee hee for a ii gin life in a primi- fe aiped like a_ beehive, ae feet high, built of p lings driven into the thatehed with leave: however, the; selves dog kennel ite singularly free oe the res’ sve mustn’t their favor ing. ie nd-as ithe’ e@ recreat tango is not to be comp: whieh the lecturer prop’ shortly find its way to Toads os rooms low a aah Nona Can Regain Health READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY. “For years I was thin and delicate. was easily yellow pallor, pimples and blote uly mortifying skin would never look nice agat grew despondent. ‘Then my appetite failed. I grew very weal Various remedies, pills, tonics and tablets I tried without. permanent benefit A visit to my sister put into my hands ox of Dr. milton’s Pills, -S placed felleuca: apet them and ni man that they ie me a well wo death by reason of the Perea bal: P wouta ack be. without them whatever ance of my machine. ‘The ight|they might cost, I found mil- | of myself au ths & eginns apes e- OND ons Pills by their mild yet searching ported by ngs, ble delicate fesices y Be man’s nature, They uf es to plane to earth with-|never once griped me, yet they estab -legator. ‘Had | ished repuintliy, My apbetite. gra eat ia mny rear, }Xeen—my blood red and pure—heav te MERE “etbd -bave) been pv Duet ay ceeee Caer pees And 2 a o-day ski s ar a largely ‘supported by the / rear| wrinkled as when I was a girl. Dr. PIAg nothing on earth would have | Hamilton’s Pills. did it all.” ct machine plhungingMiolent- above straightforward’ letter ir ee from Mrs, J. Y. Todd, wife of a welt tthe nown miller in Rogersville, is proo mee f one eee ere Sagan sufficent that Dr. Hamiltou's Pils are wont oman’s medicine. se when I was.preparin Lae oft to |no other pill but Dr. Hamilton’s, 25c. hundredth Fe0pt Just |per box. All dealers or The Catarrh- i me Co., Kingston, Ontario, alae. ee Saving. “Speaking of stingy sce ee shopkeeper reflectively, 8 no one.can oe t old Se we tint 2 pes, the “oe customer. “Why, he even looks over the tops of his glasses for fear of wear- ing them owt.” Try Murine Eye Remedy W ic Good for All yen that Need Care ye Remedy Co., Chicazo A Versatile Genlus, — “That's i , your Rad, 0 wee an electri = jamp as the head of his ts Cure pent oe Druggists | refund money PAZO OrNianac falls to cure tiching. Blind, Protruding Piles." First appiteation gives rellef, match Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia, The Only Diffleulty. “Do you have any’ trouble with a cane ss ane oe "1 who in tr, the people were ee Ran it last. :| Dr. Morse’s atlas Root Pills et the need which 0 often | rippe ac purilying t the fe blo _way they relieve or cure Tileenens Indi igen, es, fhe ; is To the fil ies Fe = ee words Dr are to abandon. A moeiauera’ Rehoas ‘ Peete ithe pyle. Wi Many a aes cigar ‘has met its he = to They Helped Her Wonderfully WHAT MRS. Sess SAYS OF BODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ment of the Women of the W That Dodd’s Kidney Pills are Wo- man’s Best Friend. Sheen! Alta., March 30. —(Spe. —"Dodd’ = Kidney} Pills heleed me racwonibet full, Best, a highly Ree pected Ia lady liv here. And Mrs. Best ee ‘the sontinieul of thousands of Ww Swine en who suffer in silence can be cured just as silently. The key- stone of woman's health is the Kid- they are kept strong and all over the body. Dodd’s Kidney Pills cure Kidney Disease. Dodd's Hidnoy Bills: quake Tsalahy Kidneys and good: bivo: t's why they are known as woman’s best friend. cy STILL WORKS HARD AT 142. H Been in His Life. Sick Patriarch Ossete tes, one of the numerous tribes, who inhabit the Terek. territory uth Russia, are noted for their lo: ongevity. The other day there died in the vi of Aul Misur a a age, Karginova and she was famous for eyesight, her jet black fine set of teeth, which “l to the end. She died een ing wheel verge Sie eh ee ei by thes nekasaes Veloetrae Ossete ee OE i ad Las youngest is a boy believer in hard work and of The ages of these two an- are attested by they church records of the village. — ee PASSENGER. DOES STOKING. Chemie ‘al Engincer ‘si ys That's the y to Keep Fit at Sea. When you haye to work in a tropi cal region it is neces to ki Your bois in ae best possible tr A. ‘Oltand dler; back fre ; ato Proms from all way ” Southamptor ny ME Chandler says he spent two hours every atiornoeh Sane to his un- dergarments, shove coal into the eriiees) alton m7 had paid for his pas : § the Sal. way I. kn, in which you ean keep yourself hard as nails on a-sea age, id Mr Chandler, ‘‘and i a get the privilege if you ues ale ok: quaintanee of the chief aan of the e| Why iionctbl Catarrh Is So Dangerous When Unchecked, Bronchial Catarrh Dev ae Rapidly—Attacks the Pee in In Consumption, If you have fullness of the head, headache, difficulty in hearing, stuffed instantly. en. you inhale Catarrh- ozone ii e lungs, little drops of pee are carri he remotest ig and spitting cease, and of course, dropping tute the throat cease also. ahs cH i i You see Catarrhozone cause of the disease. Don't Fou thin this | is the right way yu think. of. “or ‘The N. and Kingston, Ont, A Sliding Scale. “What i is the Pree of your milk ? “Ten cents a “You ean eee it here daily, rae ae the ee is alway good jhave a mil Then it wi i ee fe cents more.” Minard’s ‘Li + fo: sale a oe Wisdom follows experience, but the trouble is thal jt never catehe URy ED, 4 ISSUE eae Alberta Woman Voices the Senti- as SOME TRIFLES THAT BETRAY. Mr » Lloyd George Always on the More i There are few more alluring speakers in Britain, when once he than Lord e most miser- ae oo in the British saanee mons, inste: of oe Tia and ahirntlive; London Answ: Mr. Wi He Church nervous frame of min id nt Is to sh an how itself clearly in many ‘eo to those who know the form it take: AS ot teari paper the ruler hel of Admiralty can manage to get hold iu might suppose that such a it that Vee his ee gets fidge ems von- sed im his train 3 Ate hesi- sathat lis yea has is5 as what it ought to have rolling like what was expect- His Majesty ine George is sub- ject certail he is Tee Not seem to. Dae ie sequence of thoughts, but it is so unusual thing that the King appear incapable afterwards his chat The wen speaking. aire his only cellor of the Exchequer know him to he literally a bundle of.nerves. wish to cramp his -eloqueace eosin W sierroy ap noees imal: pulgibavbew Henan oa a big audience, That will do ck! For Mr. Lloyd George’s room and plenty Chis, of the confined space’ ueteran psets him. anion iS eoele about, his neniee and TT ¢ his mind when i opel of his shat procedure by claspini nie iande-bebiad bacl to be fol Sa ras ee more; in te course, by first nfomm snes: Joint and | use Pains Banished by Nerviline iT CURES RHEUMATISM, ands of people, chuck full of we ea ot Se Sea glad, bright line has cured of fal story of its power aches ane Sarr res of rheumatism and kindre ail miracle-worker,” rites Char- lotte Chipman, mother of a well- nown famil: sald at Mount Pleasant. “Last mth I was so crip- scular times w ha) old liniment. with Nerviline soon relieved my mis- real short time and 1 was about my work as usual.” Yo matter where the ache is, no matter how distressing is pain you can rub it away with Nerviline, For rty years Shay Heoké-curing Tim pago, sciatida, back-ache, colds, chest onus and all sorts of winter ills, Keep a large 50c. family size Dab handy and you'll be lots trouble and have smaller doctor ville Small ‘trial size 25c. at. dealers every- \ panties «Meese TENNIEL HAD NO IDEAS, Subjects for His Cartoons Were Found at ‘Punch’’ Dinners. Si aes cencaiel s fame as a ca toonii dive, if only for seeking pies Punch, ‘Dropping ilot, which depicted the Se Lupine between oe Be ng nd Bis- marek, aN wai reatly Shier by both the Kai- a and the great German states- o Ateh hors whose books Ten: illustrated owe much to the ar aE iel for their popularity. No other ar- tist ever succeeded: in Bessie aa the msical fAVice.§ ts derland”? as he T stra tion, writes Harry Furniss; to © that he was ‘a man without felkaas and the Punch weekly dinners dur- ing his period may be said to have heen held solely for the purpose of takes—he put the Russian crown on the German Emperor. No known (ee see: Be chee for Sit John, looked, was, 8c Aauuiee said, as wean 2 breath would blow them away. manufa: ae A. a. specially tured pencil known as Unsightly tly Warts Re Removed ‘The operation is simple aug painless: apply Saas ‘Wart and Corn ace: Sess been cure you t at all dealers; live long and prosper let the other fellow worry. Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Eto. A te iend may hea ehap who hopes that he ‘can use you before you can. use him, nervousness if| frock- | t “My fata but Nerviline is. a] wi PILLAR-BOX POST OFFICES, Will Sell Stamps ‘at All Hours of the Day or Night. - 'p to the present the familiar red pilldy boxe: seen everywhere in the streets ie Regn vs fark of nee kine see! and are gensenile a taal Bis moves ent spots. Their great disadyant- however, is the fact that th cant supply stamaps’in pnoteoncle, ly. star e Canadian Post Office authori- aie shave realized that the eae illar-box has its drawbacks, so ve the world. sell you one stamp. wwiible hook oF ataabal wad oll course, take your letter just ike an ordinary pillar-box. ‘There will be no closing-time for sale of stamps. You will be able to get ce day or vie Sun- days included, an our ¢oin in, the lit up by electric light, at night. fi— FARMS FOR SALE. H.W. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Stremy I a WANT TO BUY OR SELL A rol look, Grain, or Dairy Farm, write or Tatberae aes esoete H.-W. DAWSON, Colborns Toronta. WANTED. WHEN BABY IS ILL. _ When your baby is is il; ¥ |is cross and hai Satan he indigestion ; Tablets. cine for little. © give him Own ¢ constipation, and breaking up s. The Tablets are an ‘medicine dealers or by m: oy at 25 cents box from The I 2 iemny? Medien Co., Brockville, nt. setts n, peasealed ART TREASURE TROYED. Vandals Wreck Collections In Rus- sian Museums. Nowhere are ancient and valuable art treasures treated with more in- ig Bee mee and negligence than in Russ The ee Pie eae of this comes in a dé m Chita, in eotied yom Wiad there is, , oF rather was, uddhist museum chet of la iterature on Tibetan 1 talore of the Buriat peoples. ‘or decades the local authorities seem to have. completely neglected this museum. Eyentually com- plaints of its sense ees filtered throngh to St. Petersburg, whenee an investigator was des- patched without media Bate is weber is almost. incre its deta: the vandalism “ swith the: fine collections have been sub- jected. All idols of gold and silver have been carried bodily away; others. have been despoiled of their it he pride of the museum, bas completely disappeared. Rare valumes of Tibetan medical lore and others in the Buriat lan- eikges Ukeee ead ruthlessly daz n torn A complete set of lama processional masks has been apparently hacked d | about with knives and utterly spoil- irreparable damag no one on the spot seems an or care This is 'To whom it may concern: BS have elf a certify that aed AINIM ed it in frag required andchave never failed to get the desired effect CAL M.D, KING, Nough on the Professor. The mild-mannered old gentle: man who was staying. with Mrs. Slimkins was a geologizt, and when one morning ane Tastlinaly son informed him that fore was a queer old stone in @ neighboring field he was ia high glee. “Come along and show it to me,”’ ajd, making his way to the spot, I—I—ain’t. got time,’ sir,” aes the boy, and he began a hasty retreat. Sunes were es in the field, but the professor took non Puntil a te abla roar aHnseis attention, and he saw advancing to greet him. near thing, but the professor wo ya trouser-button. On the other side of the hedge pee was surprised t shouted the ‘T believe you sent me that ‘field purposely. fe expect you oe to see me kill didn’t 28 mother euvped the professor. dog. ‘envi Ys soon, her thought i Pwaetthile at fo try an’ ‘ave it out of the family.”” aeiee has ao abominable wea- a fierce ball) | ay oENTS nee, Appl Company, FOR WEATHER 1 iow rates, liberal commission. ‘The Guntada Weather Insurance ‘or NSUR- NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. HY COD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN York County. Btationery end Book Business in, ction, rice only $4,000, ‘Terms Hberal., Wilson, Publish! ing Company, 18 West Adelaide Stre NURSERY STOCK. SSTRAWDEERING EASPDEERIES TUE. TRAWBERRINS, Ge ay PIP) Nasletioa, | Free, Catala icConne Son, Grovesend, Ontario. MISCELLANEOUS ANCER. Ps, internal and external, cured out pain by our home ‘treatment, Be hefore. too Inte. Dr. » Limite Si coll imesh Bellman Medica} ‘Ont. four Best Horse Worth to You ? Yet your best horse is just as liable to develop & Spav Pe Heel a KENDALL'S: SPAVIN CURE el iunny thsi ie of At ‘by he rt “T have used Ken sev ani <p ibe on the Horse’ eget dnagelsts oF Dr. Bd. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Falls, Vt. for over half a century Ourlargeand beautifullyillustrated E FREE i A. SIMMERS, Limited TORONTO, ONT. Tea and ae Weather. ‘09 bad! tb Lady s Mrs, ther for her einen teas Second 83 at she pours but it rains.’ never You folk are ‘bela taken up by tociety. aren't y “Welly welden't Vatteve it brage ging, but we know three ladies who smoke cigarettes STALLIONS DISEASED — Ne the Gud oa Otten becoute 20 devitalized tiny they —— al dee ane ma fol tere "To countarees the grown ot a keeg him in normal ead “son thers le throngl-a eer Preg aa “form of distempen. His Wnnue ‘oC aes tls eee ae ‘ontoy