Milverton Sun, 16 Apr 1914, p. 1

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SAVE YOUR 5 4 Old Rags, Iron, Horse House Cleaning Time! and ep ese you { - - a ae “e eernand sr desta aap ; anen— senrere > Pp. NEUMEISTER { Gleeckman, ~ Milverton “Ft Shines For AIL Eues takon as cash MILVERTON |t TFFFTT 5 x ys ‘ Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, April 16, 1914 “Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher SAVE, because--- It is useless to try to recall money wasted last year. Begin 1914 aright. HEAD OFFICE : Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto INERAL MANAGER: A. H. W. c MONKTON BRANCH : F. W. RthaRTRONG: Manager SSX K | U EFeé"7°. — —— rrr, LOOAL NEWS be CAPIIAL PAID U RESERVE FUND si UNDIVIDED PROFITS vs [Metropolitan Bank Head Office : TORONTO $1,000,000.00 1,432,547.61 DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS Issued payable wherever desired. The SAFEST and CHEAPEST of remitting money. Milverton and Millbank Branches: D. C, Brown, Manager Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday #7 Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph cial Paid-up. Surpl Business Tpaining-— vy men have fallen short of bu: yecause, as they grew neglected to ou vate habits of economy, Every young man should keeo a in Iie Sav- because persona’ al. econ. d to use capital wisely in business. Start MILVERTON BRANCH: P. J. FASKEN, Agent M tS with his son at Mildmay. Lie A ATC AO SPECIALS THIS WEEK AT MOHR’S GROCERY— Seeds.. 6 packages Rennies Garden 25¢ Oca kes Tollet Soup, aasort- Sed perfumes wee 25¢ Sweet Violet Soap, in box 3 bottles Hxtracts assorted 25¢ Split Peas and Soup Beans ‘per Ib 5c Stuffed Olives, regular 15 Torino LOC TEER Kalbfleisch spent Easter {Uist sear een, emuloved with Mtr. aes tin: me eee his | ni tout in Baden on Monda: | M ee Klterhorn aha ban: ola w days with rel- | li rae over fhe, holidays; e this year splendid she Wilker, us eft on A poaeeany £Mr. Chas. Ritter. ir. left on Thurs- Pr where he will the 2 e the |of Education, Mt. Forest. the follow: aire ing.) ~ As} helm ane may rest assured of fair|ing resolution ‘Ah popular among the | treatm child absent from school villege He will, be anioh 2 7Mv. "seivo Rennie. son of Mr, and|than three days i . junday April pee when their Chaplain Rev. T. J. Rob- inson will deliver a discourse on Odd- Serlowal ip. o Eggs 1$e. cucniher, o Mil vert doz. Engeland & Soi Ladies’ and children’s spring contd at, Engeland 8. 7Mr. Vernon Linder-spent — Good Tost arrived kc gar “ Stone’s fertil- Friday i Elmira. izer, F. Hesse mann & Son. anted—Apply to Mrs. Geo. Re Chas. Talmage spent we ae me e oa thin muel Lander who for some been employed at Ber- e. time sey pea Good his fai bakers have d delivery. d stayed several hours. They must} In view of the overcrowded con- aye mistaken the pond for _ Strat-jdition of the labor marke! ey riti ford’s much advertised lake.—Welles-|Columbia. the term of pro ion of a, — Lea! the try at British ‘Columbia ports the annual meeting of the V of artisans and laborers. skilled and Good Friday uns ee as oy extended to Se rs. Bens we ation BAS appendicitis on Wednes- crete B ictowel "stand Tv. is the begin- |school. an jical Egas 190. doz. Engeland & Sons. Get! your: Walloaper at-<Sageland & ‘he Easter holi ‘days in Elmi ~ biovsles and Nj a curtains to “over 50 designs est makes NY r from here attended the aa prices at Bngeland’s, gupelien bold bY PU. endartt: KY | Wellesley spring show last week. See our w rinse display of kodak-|¥ Miss Elsie. Steinhouse. an “New York. NG Effie Crawford. of aes and camera supplies. Bastendorff. | is visiting wil r, and Mrs. 8. N japent the holidays at her eh about that sh meeded | Gleee! "5. \ Mr. Josiah Aiken. of Listowel, was auncoatt Ag Jand’s have many to| Just received a car of St Marys No. 106 N fa Visitor at Milverton on, Thursday eee ort . &N, Planing \ }lasi The Milyorton Pastime Club will | Mill Co. Milverton, i \ Lae. Harold ©. Yokom, of Welland. | hold their eee assembly on’ the yes: Geo. Gropp returned last week | {spent the holidays with his aunt. Mrs, | ening a April 23rd. om Webb. Sask.. where he disposed KJ | Fred. 0. White. Miss Lizzie Salkeld, of Monkton, |of a carload of. horses, Mrs. Henry Allen and daughter. of |spent Friday with her friends Misses | A carnival of | music in Zimmer- ingham. spent. the holidays at the Bifie and Vida Crawfor mann’s hall on Tuesday ev’g. April home of Mr, J. J. Elliott. the Women’s Institute will meet |2ist. Hear Mr. Davey sing “Now the John Byers and daughter | to- oor (Thursday\ at the Pao) Night.”~ Macey’s arrangement of the Grace. of Oakville, visited at the home | Mrs, Geo. T. Tanner. New sextette from of ge ee Duoklow this week, ¢ Aeolian Male Quartette.| ‘The cast bound -G.P.R, train on G. Hami re are Ganada’s Greatest Singers. in Zimmer- | Wednesday. morning arrived at Mil-|9 f attending the wl wer wedding of Mr,|mann’s hall on Tuesday ev’g. April 21|verton about three hours late, ‘The WIE SS and Mrs. Wm. Anderson at Stratford ‘Mr. Fred, Linder and Mr. Herbert jcause of the delay was a landslide at Mr. a Ts. MocPartland spent’ the Faster holi-| the big cut on this side of Goderich Glenallan © sper e pea “holidags | dave with the former’s parents in t a meeti Court Milverton, ih their Aauphter. ‘Mra, W.J: Elmir No. 99. C.0.F. Tuesday evening So. SS ee tmermann. of ane G has. Spencer was appoi Miss Gretta Beattie of Carlingford. Elgin. was tor with her cases gate to High Court w holidays with | Mr. and Sirs. Fred, Zimmermann over {Quebec in June. & Eunice Langford. | the holidays, neuker was appointed alternatiy in McWilliam and Mrs, Wm.| Stratford promises to deft on se sfeWilian sand baby of Mt. Forest. | gest building year in Ohio. where spent Easter at the home of Mfr. and |total for the season will probably a aa meade a couple of weehe | Urea eee the neighborhoo: ea) ting her sister. ‘The weather since the inception of | will include new & Sao ories. the ne! aa! hag Lederman who has for the een Very cold up tothe | Knox nd ‘the new. Avon fo, the namexpas compisints at boys nih wet chittens ‘bade GRE hands banal Sg Rreadt(t bran tiehpeied hg members of the foard of Health will insist that all their bread wrapped for Ey: geonnt pees of the Boa: it ‘is the misfortune of St hy to have the only poeple ethics railway in the province eS may. This is mou as ble of Brant county orices, =P, nen Pants and pa at reduced ister, nals has ‘installed - telephone in ae denta 1 office for the and folk senfeld. of London. Mrs, i Waster wi re Mr. and Mrs. 8. Glock. "Rte. R. Miller has disposed of his mplete her studies ‘Se. is being put through the, Legislature i Sarnia a The baby city has a Population of “10 985. ‘There are now 21 cities in On- tario. here are they an OW many of our readers can name them in order of size’ ‘Mr, W. A. Mitchell. the well-known fruit grower of P Mr. te vaying: tri sah an "musa eps: of ba But travellers in other the _ producers to an absolutely 0, sell article or suffer the ‘in: th e to follo’ The services in it arch Sunday last had a double significance observance of Easter and ot Rev, F, T. Dea- has e-aL Ene ere A. D, Gischler lett on Tuesday J dbunonb oatabvick represents iy coenty Inch provinee to outta the erence | ative of the artment of Agvicul- |to possess toll roads.—Brantford Ex: eke haeyeneh Ae Berlin this week, | ture. is able to report that the Kent | positor. with Bishoy ‘Thomas “Bowms peach crop has wintered well, — What is termed as a Daylight Say- airman. There ser-| principal orchards are down — Cedar | light Saving. Bill bas heen ntpodbea in the ‘Byangeliea ree ee Springs way “Sete Lake sErie and|in Regi ‘oose Gundat ered cation shes that sufficient |and Prince- Albert. eStart ar ci (Mr. Bert "Hoover who for the past | uroportion of the are in good! putting the clock ahead one — hot year en engaged by Mr. Lew or eien practically assure a “ood |during the summer months and thy Gamble as barber left for his home ave much daylight has been fav eo MValkerton this weekJand may| The services at the Evangelical | ably received. the plan having een entually go West unless he gets|ehurch were well attended on Easter | most successful in Port Arthw suitable work i tario, Bert dur-|Sunday. The pastor preached appro-| Begs which cost nine cents in ing his stay in Milverton made a host | vriate sermons morning and evening. | China are now. notwithstanding the of friends who regret his departure. ‘At the morning service the pastor |duty and the long haul, entering in- The Sunday School of the Evangel-|had the Gleasure of receiving eight |to competition with nadian pro- eal church reached: the standard ers, anthems rendered by |duct and lowering the price, Russia efficiency in the modern the choir were exceptionally good. The | too .is sending ege’ Canada and School organizations on Easter thurch was decorated with beautiful ioe paying the duty is laying nie ay. Two new departments were or- | Baster lilies. aanized namely a Home department As a’resnlt of the reckless shooting | under the supervision G. | of birds by 8 number of youths from | Grosch and a Cra Wing! farmers Turnberry | Mrs, Chas. Wil alii “will ask the council to take | Parents of children “who are begin: | steps at once {fo have the slaughter nin the primary, toom next term | stopped. They claim that the bir are respectfully requested tos ich are being killed are invaluable them’ promptly on Monday. April 20.| to them in keeping aon Sand | This is aid Miss Beamer to be-| grul d that the will suffer gin the baby class at once. Those | seriously if the birds are killed off. sent in later are liable to. be left in . Hannigan. of Guelph. stated a class by themselves. Also send} the other day that vrerything yos- them regularly when they have be-| sible was being done to bo t is not wise, however, to send Ritter a tot otherwise injured. mon: fre a distance who ict the Easter holidays in Milver- isses Laurene Barr and “The Fashion Shop” wR Too Busy to Write an Ad. This Week Watch This Space Next Issue Mrs. Kate Sproule MILVERTON Stew: oe “Blewart: ot sirstion’, at> a abb Miss Bette cawrord of Stratford. at : Miss Ada Coulter. at ee to. ol her ork “Mrs. : Miss Clara Rid= Bees, hee Lilian eae of ee auetyee jome + . Gordon Connell. oF Pinkerton, at ur Thos. Connell’s; Mr. Mrs. | Alex. Johnston. of Bright. aE Mrs. Ed. Mrs. Robson Tivingstone Doherty Bie i Berlin, at Mr Peter. Pook eee Miss Cook See Clin: Se at Agincourt? Miss Sole Agent pee 1D. L. @ Ww. SCRANTON STANDARD Oc ANTHRICITE. G. HAMILTON PORTLAND Mawie Blomenstein at ode Miss me to build Hydro Bleetric rail. Provincial legislature, advising y are expected to support che . | movement. The post pees senna replace introduction of the parcel post system. repor' current in Ottawa to Re effect that Ww ores r Beokner me Strat: ford and / Tavistock: “Ww. Spencer and Master Beverly “fuskes at Dunn) Mr. te | Schwartzontruber var Mr. os. Wanless a E Toronto: the Miss: a ae at Sebringville: Mr. and . V. Gerth at Elm found to too annoying eat up ti ¢ dollar may now be a lower price than the otherwise obtain, m at adian farmer wow leaught t 8 thot to. be is would hi mi picture foe Soott’s Bmulsion advertising. —Lion: Head News. rder to cut down expenses the has cancelled th: in the next mont! men on the lines east of Pittsburg. | At the annual meeting of the West-|'s gam. Zimmer B62 Web . {ern Ontario Cricket Association, held |this Tite about five Ae ae Debi Bik ou. eae last. ill from two o'clock Tuesday after- Seen Se GM Py af Listowel, wa 2 ‘i Sains in elected honary “president Mr, Moras She seemed Vv was one of ¢ operation far place and oO ee is getting as. long as Rat ould be expected. or the doors and was beautifully appropri ein decorated with Eas' : adi wi a spending holidays im fey ye of a for m steer that on the hoof ‘dened the coulee at 1080 pounds and dre: re form: on; Mr. Reinwald Yendt, Yn irs. Adam MONKTON. the ‘visitors from tan and mi we, have nociben the “Mer Mrs. A. pe and famfly a t Mrs, ‘hos, Atéridaes vos alin Revie oe as dis| in this issue. and Listowel, is home for t days and spent a few days Mount For Ria urteen months our butcher, killed a splendid animal il beef line last ee We the F at Welles- Kressler and posed of his hotne: aR Stonkt on y bs part of al. . jadvt, te her arrival with ened at Harri: ton and fee usiness of Monkton Haan Easter id Dur- a hae os Th be Gordon. Mis: The city of St. Thomas is becoming | Gor if sion, of Souamtan Listowel: Mr. Ed. Bet > ess ‘Toronto, — itp “ot the ‘htbat eras mening: | We. Ferret to report i 4 n On- k list from jan attack of Date e sity 4 ie city 4 wo camels, > 1 in the , se. by branch 4 { the Shriners, Thom . erreur eave tant th Shriners consid- ‘ eration of offering a substantial sum | is accompanied. by a siltation that ; the “ships of the desert” vald t aon tne “disposal of the Shriners on. the |ing was held ta the publio libgary on | 7th. for the ! Milverton — were enti shocked on Wednesday morn- ng to hear of <bbt wer Mr ly otion ant was born came e John Foerch to Wellesley Seca Ne 1852 She pee, married i a loan 50,000 to the Globe | ree with ue Saesiyen eek Parniture Company of that town, and | ire Brederiok, William John, Milver me. [exemption of taxes for term ton, Mrs. Denstedt. Hitiee, Mr years, and granting a site of one ear ton. Parrott, Loran. Henry, of Ellice, of land. not to exered $1,000 in_ cost. | yfrs. Henry Kenny - Morninaton. and on condition that the company expends | snarew. of Detroi past an,—Listowel Standar 6.000 in. building and machinery |{wo years she has been living in Mil- Now that the fishing season | is at 2 TT eN resided and a new labor-saving devi for | fom 85 to tor ice, mera} wathering fish worms is timely! You }260 the second year. The bu' ilding to| vin take place to Greenwood cente- take a broom handle three and a| be crested will be four stories, wil “Milverton on Saturday after- half feet long drive ‘int a spot | 150 fee’ noon: 4 : likely to be inhabited by angle worms | Now ‘at, indication polit fo open eet leaving ai sticking up about. six | weather. citizens are reminded to seo & < lashes Then take a rou joard |that all coal ashes or other refuse are PUGH-MORGAN and rub it over the top of the broom |nrepared fot removal from their prem == dle. This rubbing will ‘ses. The Ontario Health Act pro- t 3.30 on Wednesday afternoon a vibration of ides for municipalities proceeding atet wedding took place at the mi: i : a a é and Mrs, D. M. Mor- Wed ere ena a fee areeey soy OMfay 1oth. of this| Sfargaret. Tren. became the bride of ailful in a short time. property oWf or before May of this | Margaret. Trene. ee other, eat boat one month te Day A. Pugh. of Claremont ld gage of fore. Wood, condiste the eere- e oe ld meet | mony vabalyta by Rev. ds A. eae Toronto jand Mr. Morgan gave his 1 gown was . Mr, an aie to New York. the bride’s costume ue bine with tuscan hat. en. w. D. WEIS’s SALI SALE RFGISTER. ‘hursday, April 1 16—Tmplements and ts igaes Milton Rev, Trott ‘Norman re Wecetronnt n Maitis Lieyd Holi M. oe Better. Fred T, Mok Ca fis P Managing omits celebri aa their Sunday anes 1 es erma o'clock, BR pe raat at frien me are the roads was very lar triet. son, of Wi ing aw Tare, Grace Se en Prin moe ot Marvel Geo, kas le Geo. Sr Dona’ Sey aS nn’ Pati Wanekney. Semple Bros. stakes. BIE THN ci tere Wellestéy on Si pril Ean Ne Rev. Mr Ganley seer oust effects ie Millbank for W. uston. erhagida Aun Bist stoke and im~ plements on 15, Ellice. about 2% mes bret of Rostoc! as + ‘or Soaeyt: Hann: nesday Apri ch. Chow wife mann. aged 68 years. 1 ibhee and d: oe actod x “hae and, ‘msds the follow iat ee cy rejoice with MILVERTON. N SPRING sHOW show took besa by macs Se from oe Stroud ais bt) rons ‘3 saturday ane we 3 | Zimmermann—At Milverton. on Wee il 15th. en ee Boer of ya tt hts three years an i ote 1d Gia) ie Mant horses. Groseh Kerr: é mers

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