a ~ tibns. in the Province is to the effeot nearly the same condition ich 8 to og buiidng rights. Ths arc meet te co-operate with the Belgian ~ that fall wheat is seetine Ae in winter, having re- the low sidered sdeaacory nthe San es Sele and the tent caterpillar are re to be feared than sudden dips in temperature. The clover out- look is bright. - wintering of live-stock caused y farmers to . with the exception of some cases of dis- mper, did well. Cattle have also dope gill actate remarkably free rom disease. Fodder supplies have been ample to supply all needs ‘BATTLEFIELD i ENDANGERED GROWTH OF BRUSSELS MEN- ACES HISTORIC SCENE. London Times Calls for a Rescue Committee to Conserve Famous Spot. year is the centenary of the r the greatest “battle in ec the British Army ever took part there is no Sipe for the moment, to recall ica pees and signifi- event in the history a aie uke 18, 1915, will doubtless have its fitting cele: brations, and the field itself will be more Mis an ever an object of pil- grimag S iieatibn is, What sort of field field has a arity attraction for the modern visite In the fret “place, it is so small, as compared with the scenes of breech-loading battles, that it ma; be eee in all its bear- ings, ata Thais serena place, the principal features of the ground are little es seis what they were 100 years ane Is Little Changed. ‘The positions of the two confront- ing armies, only three-quarters of id, behind screened his emy Were Tess til their ammunition safes POEs es mont, with its and loop- holed wall, a orchard, ita teak its gateway, rich in memories of nae fight—all these sake spots hi lowed by gre: t deeds of arms, un- desecrated yet yy, the tracts of overflowing and @ mushroom growth of little houses is springing up in the immediate neighborhood. A tramway line has been run to the foot of oe Lion Mound, and al- ready plots of lai a on paar Sher are hela offered for Unle: jomething ground may become dotted with shoddy villas and hotels. to Belgian. initiative, a a proprietors, r tively mode rate oum. Weak este: quir British Committee Wanted. . The Belgian Government is under: ‘stood to be willing, if Bae ti ou ey is forthcoming from al - give the scheme its “assistance Ad _ support The first step to te taken’ is the formation of a British committee, committee and to peas subscrip- _ tions. That it has - alrea dy can only bee tateributed to failure to realize the urgency of tl at tural demand for land’ is S boned | oe higher val | be the ule out Marne incurred near which are least to th re ual boy intent on fishing. “DEATH AGONY” 1S A MYTH FAMOUS LONDON PHYSICIANS THINK SO. What Nurses of Well-Known Hospi- tals Say—Has Caused Un- told Suffering. Another - popular _ superstition which has been the cause of untold suffering to humanity is exploded by statements made by edie ai thorities that there i as the ‘‘death agony. The question was raised by Me. J. Cook-Wilson, who, in 2 letter t the London Times, describes how be stoo BS the bedside of ast dying fath n ¢ last stages,’’ said Mr. Wilson, ‘‘there began the rapid 1. bored pene which is a familiar feature of such cas tw Euereeeng to oes ‘and medical opinion, but ot help reflecting that it aa meee probable interference, and that the only _ecisive proot could be an ex; which, in the nature of the Seg it seem impossible to have. “However, my father being ex- ceptionally ved the dreadful night. > eee his breathing became much quieter, he Knowing a ming, he managed |3 clearly, “Tell the doc- tor I have sia 8 vat coiifortabic night. Unconsciousness Supervenes. Somewhat grewsome as the sub- ai fully supervening i in the vast ma- cases. All surgeons are f the manner in which a certain ty we of patient sign to be aiiepetty etiz stru ani reams, au ‘to announce on re- covering consciousness that he has no remembrance of any suffering.’”” ior sister agreed that death agony might. well be described as a popular myth. ‘The question is discussed in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous book, * Stark Munro Letters. “All the physical evils of life,” says Dr. Stark ee Kans in sities oe sl letters, 8 death, and yet deni, ie a ays seen it, has not bee A Painfal or maria Process. “Tn many cases a man dies with- rly as much during the whole of his fatal w. r And it is often tho: ae sbeh sate seem most terrible i ie onlooker ashed into a bag of splinters, the aunfor tu- nate Le ey ay ulsed wit horr doubtful could his tongue be loosen remember anything at all about the ” whether “the deceased, , would matter. . , I am well convinced that it site newly- ee infant and w it died could eahiate ‘their expesenes, “the for- mer ha sufferer, would have to be the tthe d ake “Ketehed.” A gentleman was walking along he side of a canal one evening and asked, ‘My little how | ‘ Why Not 7 Per ¢ f your money earns less th are jottering ‘the onda of a nich yield 1% inter ts ell. folder and full particular: ecesbtul, well-organize ind have oft "Your investment may be- time otter one year on 60 Sha! notice. Send NATIONAL § SECURITIES _ CORPORATION, uumireD,, 1%, write to us to-day ‘tha agin hay 83 yor fi hee Fo op the. blood, and expe sone) “SPOHN'S o such thing PRICES CF FARM PRODUCTS SePoRts *ROM aw jE LEADING TRADS i CENTRES OF AMERICA track, Toront Sats—No, 2’ Ontarlo oats. 38 to sph. se 164c for Hand. seed, $2.20 hel , $2.1 abet may, 15 #0286 pet 1p; chink. as duake: 17 to ese, Be a bag, 9 to 9c, to 16¢ edium, rolls per 18 to to backs, ‘Tierces, 134¢; tubs, 132c¢; pails, doe; Now t rele hai joc vied Beds. cc _ Montreal, vy, 77d ni, Sac. ‘i $4 90; do. Holed “ats $2 inl A $28 2 ots, gad. ea to ber ao, Butter argholgest easterns, is vo aie reamer Live Stock Mark ‘Toronto, utchers’ 0 $9. fo, April” Le Prime deeves, 8 0 Sh; with a few ch LH medium, Bt 74; common, Piet 06 cows, yo fo $80 cach Calves—-h to 8: heey, to. 64; lambs, 84 to 9; hogs about 10. sent 52 SOE eae BOY LOSES HIS SIGHT. ee Kicked si Apiareilily Emp- Can While Playing. ae from Toronto says: e boy 0 jured by the edinah that he will} loge the sight of one eye. is in we _ (General Hospital in a cree fe “thes poise have been unable to find any trace of the exploded can, which seems ue have been blown to fies and. score someway ata loss for a pasta of the accident. |'They think it likely, overs ae ~ Hawaiian "Heire eSS, a lespatch: from. Si ly fono! ing, rich in own right nd a. eae of the Wal known Pi ieee Hone _ Hawaii, ed, bi minute Mrs. ae remembered pit he * = decree. of divorce ies g| ore °: Still Jett to the. people of ca spected. Altar of Heaven, form merly. be the centre of the universe, may there de with the Belty tn e lot bebalt of the “oiling Inillions. who! ot broad system of toleration unknown to ani factory ian Tai recognizing the Young ‘Turks the circumstan cision of Attempted Spiral Descent Against Army killed at the Brooklands Aenliepe while making his final. fi Mussulman Atbaiiians Are Assassi- Athens, April 8.—An official ¢ aCe says Albaa rs itsa, and, with the aid of merie, who had! previously disarmed the inhabitants, began a m In Europe where the problem of securing sufficient’ food: pressing than in this Seni on staid os are being mad the ists in their efforts to 0 pindiee teal ie artificial 1 anes chemist. nam 2 es of arava spent ee what, substitute oe meat. He has nam this artificial meat Vienne, J simila: | there ‘were none. word “diver? Comment on Events Annexing Canada. The United States Con; vexed over Canadian “al eetising among nate’s: anbhy’ etces ef Cattie, Crain, Cheess and S120 American farme’ ‘ s mii aise veved ere na pat sanhcen dees boon spending avout $60,000 a Year, far advertising—and has drawn som Brendet Bo Amerteans ‘over her borders in. the Porpnto: “14—lour—Ontario | last ten ¥ Senator Nelson in. whea. Aeurs, ie per cent., $3.85, sea-|amining Mr. Alfred Washington, an ad- board: $8.95 rising manager, spo) follows Bianitopaa-—Wih rst pent, in jute -baxe ‘ou were hired by a foreign govern- Bere atest se CONE ORE | Gent to a. ait ack ot SUeret ts e288. pit in jute bags, $4. own <n not ashamed? Manitoba wheat—ti porte -No. ‘Mr. ington, iaplied ad that, ‘he’ did not yee 9ic, and No. % 904c; “Godericn, tha Sod ‘WI val to cire Pence ul ee Sratier a ario wheat—No. 2 at 980 to $1.1 he New. ra ce Id agrees and adds outside, according Wo freight, and $1 oa Bn4 Ne fe na Deople swithiant: oF: rail. oa Ca nat Manitoba bran, $24 a ° sie a paar 5 time ton, in ate: Toronto freight. Shorts, h to cry out Rane wat ee hurt vee dat present we ate getting along nicely. Country i Aeon © Economy. The suageation that macadam roads be not aie anywhere and that brick paved high made the rule o., sigrage prints, 21 to 28c: | hay much to commend it. The cost of - age. 25 to making a] is twice as Eges—20e per dozen, in case lots. ce eee ae Cheese—-New ‘cheese, 194. to 1046 for | tha ca latter 1s large, and 16 to twins. figured at twent: uch a year Beans—E ee the up! of a brie! Macadam roads did well enough when c ner su ed cost of tno brick rods in the ond Is true economy eration 13 in China. President Yuan Shi Kal has issued a faith from whatey Dut the President, Intends to see to it ‘bt Imperor upon the highest little changed he passing rd the humiliation vas a Manchu edict of seven vei required bik ng of this worshi supios He ‘with the onaneid fed af rk: chants of. , Unfortunately le Jts ele the at 1 No doubt. the question of will under ome up the the powers. Gommuttignasin it be upheld at all in kev. jortality From Pueumont, he, of na the ‘dither new remedy hi aie eS BRITISH AVIATOR KILLED, Advice of Instructor, sh ‘PS; Was instantly ———— KILLING SHRISTIANS, mated by the Gendarmes. that _Mostulman ns yesterday ente , in the vilayet of Motaeah the gendar- the Chri: Substitute tor Me Meat. more ng le by 4] em- ther ae food p to be. 4 ‘tltctory ech eaee arrived ; but 08 pobool on ust a y will must report to 23 “of the \C.P.R. be. taken as of equal. value of ~ CAPTAIN sues RODMA Ships Passing Through Panama Ca-|~ nal to Be Under His Control, > man or one of #l ee captains, peneeeel: shrsuzh the pilot All the officials who visit ships Capt. Rodman as head of the Department of Canal Captain Rodman. Uae As soon as a ship moves o° nal authorities, The engines of a ship will be immediately, locked by the canal o! of steel chain th eae. eee. This as will be under the constan: vatch of a canal guard and an en- ineer of the ship, until after ee S/ing the locks nits removal will be ordered by the canal pilot aboard The pilots haye been selected by Capt. Rodman, and for three months he has been instructing and training them. ROTTO ML LESS LAKE. Discovered in the Rocky Mountains by Fore: In the heart of the snow- mice R hundreds of miles west of Edmonton, lies a lake whose gis Oe are always troubled, into which a large river flows but out. of whi there is no visible exit he lead of a forest, survey part) nt out by the Dominion eta Branch to examine the forests in this wild re- gion states that the Indians shun ak rits, and superstition, time deep rumblings may te heard where far below the surface the wat rls through the hidden Salley ver that enters the lake rush- a subterranean cave many ley, the portal of which no man has ever yet passed. This summer the Dominion For try Branch sent eight éurvey-panties into the forests of the far West, and a) Ao 5 g g z ction, summer in the wild region of nonth- Manitoba; three parties were in the hill colnty of Saskatchewan rth of Prii Ibert; one pan was in the Robkies all summer ; an- other was cut off from civilization for several months mi near Li Lal aR Ced ezine os gehicns “upland plateaus of the Railway Belt in| ® Ls “z & besides all other professional titles, a real bushman, am ax-mi ‘and a jumper.’ e total area examined last sum- tl Forestry Branch’s work of segre- gating and securing, for the proper use of, the, present generation and , the yast areas of mature “Young _ reproduction » and Heineee ue ids he Pi great Norbh-W C.P.R. RCA cre LIZATION. Tt is not without actaloe: to note uae the gi eap) ation of the e is. can below the fae which other big systems show the United States. The fixed charges of the C.P.R. un- der’ $18,000 per mile, as against an average of ss a Rees mile.\. The lines compared Atchison, ‘opeka, Great Northern, her deck Parifie and Unio apace acific, eet ele of oe eal ne qe itpmet ah utile the hes 1913 ee a hoe the averag ikere would be Ean of. . Subjects A a teat El Paso says: Seven hundred Spanish exiles from Torreon have entered Texas. With their removal, Northern Mexico i practically stripped of its entire population, which a few years ago numbered thousands, The exile me col e order expel- Ting Spaniards ne Torreon was given. So important did he con- sider the work of wang the La- guna district of Spaniards, that but 4 hours was given to the unfortu- to secure meagre personal be- is | the rotugee tr trai of King Alfonso eines and go where, und eka B entrained oh feo Aros % order. It was. early mornit aie arrived. eth nares and chil fatibeca’ ridineoutle ee os were aie quarters in box e yards, =the to aes is the tae in ae rebel border Ti spite of the fact that't their pro- perty has d the poorer ones in such ways ~ ies ‘could, and none of ties re- fugees are destit ute. “Our London ‘Letter Cigarettes apes by Women. English women have ‘no desire to be a of the cigarette mabIt. nies, een opened. in P abuses” for ac ent, 10 quite 04 me} aires Bae dou.” “hower® tha FE at the cigarette habit ago the women who smok: with wi a sociated Shaviantam ihe fale are requested mot to. smoke’ To-day the! legeod that, his A Nobital arse told every memby a of her t' a 5 ur been made, fo1 in nits country. from the ‘Hotiand. tie. W, building at Greenock, is i emi ‘are a ‘om aut but Parr tana aie atin “company *enlgn whieh anded. by earn igh Bnd ao Giecetny ine design of “brevious submarines, and elghing “tw British lve 10 the ney, vat Ssels- of the sume design ler, and will be known a ccessful. esting experiments with the new anaesthetle urethane are being: conducted on animals in « jaboratory. "This ‘drug ts obtained Gy combining urea with Seah und ts ad- _ hypodermic like age. e: ize of urethane is sald to be the fact that heart:-falture hover occurs when it Is properly used. gr give , take. place, to failure of of th t th ath’ ce of this is cles # that tho ma- jority of dente “ander chy eroform, oc. ras the of heart failure, When breathing ntly does uring. the “atiministration om ‘an inhaled ni tie it can usually py artificial ‘respiration, alway rovided that the heart is still’ beating, urance that in all cases of over he breathing would be affected before the heart—ind not after it an Immense comfort to the ty-five Is Young in London, Oneestt aed to be said al that the true Londoner, the ated o enerations, ‘This hay but it ts not rhe port of the Lon: ven that Tondon- a ta Last ample, there were 7,800 death: of Longonsrs: wns had ite for over Seventy-five years, A mean ture life table based on modern stat- istles shows that the Londoner who is 76 1s due to live for another five or six years and that those who have Fenched X6 ‘ca yon an. average of n rel er three veurs of lite, "the man of $6 has an average future of tw ewr's, bu twentyenin ine years; for in the women hold (0 eater. tenacity at theme able poiftt Is that Londoners ate sok ty ese days 4 iutomatte cally die off at the thina’ gener son ne San rpraAtlcninliat Que 1a, poor conv ersational- iat, econ ane t ‘most recent critton, Keo tome, ae Heide ught up ical ghe will bowin to talk ww Fetiarkabie ERY ews eyiale with nd a 1h tidden, nee uperveties, and t not Aap whether’ to: ri the ‘end of the the thread {8 bre ed, ation, and once olen she k rows abstract. thinking of something els Helps Burglars in Work. The microphone is now used by Aurglers for ‘king combination Jocks, On turning tthe lock a sight sound is made ceiver is employed, and it is ap- plied against the safe n lo are used with the telephone, tn this way the sounds arene which: Mies of opening the ee At Outs W With Webster. Professor X, one George | daft, hi Sy | of he Dauaty of Donegal r{after attending a funeral of another on FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE LAND’S” SHORES. “5 — Z Happenings tn the Emerald Islo o? Interest to Iris! men. Alderman Thomas Fitzgibbon has been ‘una nitbusly re-elected Mayor of Sass mel. i. ore, Relief Clerk, pou has been appointed var =a master at Dundalk Station : Lawrence ya aae of Cul. as ae bean sworn as ugh sheriff The sudden death his residence, 'e0: Mc! clea h, sub-postmaster % Tl Goveniaeak Le sanctioned a loan of $12,500 r the erection of a new court fhouks at Lim: . The De epartment. of Agriculture 6 has announced a serious Sure of foot and me ith disease in Naas, | county Kildars ea MacPhoreais telat! wife ae hn acPher: Bart., Batindaloay die ni rte result ot her ce ing. fi A teers for Blig The Ardee Town Commissioners have decided to invite tenders for the electric lighting of the town in pre anee for gas. Sere Aa acres of land at Salthill, Gal- Ne ay, have bee) e r the fifth year in succession, conor R, J. MeMordle, M.P., s been unanimously sélected to ait ea office of Lord ayor of Bel- “The scutch mill owned by Samuel fire, entailing a loss of near! 8 Joseph’ Flanagan, aged twelve, boy at Skerries, county Dublin, was killed through a tombstone falling n hi At a ‘meeting of the Eppley: District Council, outbr f latina were re) eported ia Hackinnre: Rathduff, Courtnacuddy, Ter nier: ney and Ballybuckle r, Peter beac tho newly~ elec! ail paper apbtey bs 8 given notice to e Ardee Commissioners of a voieeae for Ba: erection of artisans’ | dwellings. 0 For some weeks past an epidemic ofscarlatina has been Halal! in ao Bins “ee and a number of s hay tr eared: ty “Ban- bridae Aca i he see Pe ocourted, at Mul- aha county Sligo, of Catherine some who had aitained ae great, of 110 years. mes an Was &- feat Trish speake: The Kinsale Tural Council have mi thorities with reference to = ing Fort Camden with water rom 8. uy ing a eo of Corm: