TheMilverton Sun And eoabeton cae BYERY ARORA IS Pdatina: Rabe Sun Printing Office Street, Mily iverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES One $1; six months, 50 cents; three monthe. 28 cents, in-advance, “Subscsibers in arrears will be liable to pay $1.60 per year SON Tne ADVERTISING RATES 6 Mos. 3 Mos. Mos $40 «$250 $8 22 12 5 12 7 8 2 1 6 t Cents per line for first Insertion and Sas tents pec line for cach subecquent ins Hon will be charged for all transient adver- reipements witiont specific directions xii el inserted un‘ilforbid and charged ac- cord cae for contract advertisements must be in the office by noon Monday. attention. MALCOLM MacBi Publisher and PropHletor BusinewsGarde 6 Omce: Over. Maeopollten Maya: Magers Medical. P. 1. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, NILYERTON Bigire-20 te 42 o'glonk a. ni. and 2 @ 4 o’cloc! nd 7 to orciock p. 48. DR.A.F. McKENZIE, M.D. Physician and na Gureeg MONKTON 0. ARIO Ottice at ie fsa) fan. an be as possible from 1 to m. and in evenings, DR.I race PARKER cian Specialty : Treatment of all chronic. and n exits, Including joint. tro Grugiess methods, Ca bie amethada Yeuedted if Grand central Hotel, M Sa.mtol p.m, Will dnesday fesidences if prefer DR RF FORSTER, Eye, Bar, Nose nly. House Surgeon Nor eork Opthalmis and vAucal: Insti tute, Clin, Assistant, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospital, Golden Square and pais Hye i London, 3 Waterloo St., opposite Knox Chureh, Stratford," Phoie 207. Lega H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Rartister, - Notary Public, - Conveyancer olicitor for Bank of Hamilton LVERTON, ATWOOD wel, Milverton Loai F. R. BLEWETT, K.C._ Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Ge ? Gordon Block ONTARIO W. BARR, Veterimaty Sucgeon atliverton, Graduate of Ontario. Veter ary Ci ofdomest Calls by te phone ot otherwise promptly attended to me Socictics. ERTON LODGE Es 8, ® A.M., G,R.C., erton, is every Monday evening on or before full. moon every month ns their hall ix J, E, Weir's Block, Vinictng breth- renalwaysweleome. R. , WM, J. Loeger, Sey. x. ia ., “Silver Star a Milverton pencer, N. G. A: Zimmermann, R. Bee. le. Office in oe = at block Village Clork let tropolitan Ban! RS, Monkton, Oat, No- No- A. CH tary Public, Conv riage Licenses, Si * fe Perth, Real Est: ought and sold. A few choice farms for Tintiedinte sale, seer Pauke fear THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin, ia wines and liquors Rates §1,50 per day. Wat. Witt, Prop, Soa NOTICE! MBs. HG EL, LINWOOD keeps hans Cont, hime, Cement snd all kinds of Butta , such as Lumber, Lath, Shia Cider ang Apsle Butter dt. oh ‘bes “quality ager R.Y. FISH &CO, LINWOOD Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc, Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand ‘ od i| younger son gathered his t people had ancer, Issuer of Mar-| # longing to return. Lesson Y. The Prodigal Son (Tem- perance Lesson)—Luke 15. 11- Golden Text, Luke 15.18. Verse 11. And he said—This int) duction separates the paral the two preceding, and we cannot be sure it-was spoken on the: same oceasion. However that m the connection in thought aoe be recognizes 8 ting es ion than 12. The younger . .~. said, Giv me the portion of thy substance that falleth to me—The portion of a younger would be peer Bes Ms received, tha third of the estate, if the seater ‘haa but two sons (Deut. 21. 17. younger son's demand for h ther was unusual, were not unheard of in the at living— elder son his portion also, but he remains at home. 13. Not many days after, the posses- already carried land and » he them out. Selling the turning everything into money takes his leave, apparently not to Wasted his substance with riot- ous living—The youth knew nothing GE the fabor and. selteden ial with which the property hi quired, and being away from th restrains of home and of those who knew him, he squandered the money 32 thoughtlessly as he had acquired . Began to be in want—His as- ue in his ‘‘riotous were not the kind of friends would stand by him when his mon was gone and he needed asistance. 15. Went and joined himself to one is th citizens of that country e lux! ebHOns quarters in White: ‘he una doubtless lived and entertained, he is thrust out to earn his food as best he may. Hav- aid or Seed a he must attach himself like a ye who most odious task.and an abomin- ation, since swine were peculiarly unclean, both actually and accord- ing to Jewish ritualistic classifica- tion, 16, Husks that the swine did eat —The pods of the carob tree, still found i fe Palestine and other Medi- terranean countries. No man gave unto him—These no interest in a starved foreigner who earn enough to eat. sons of many rich men to-day as incapable Supporting them- selves if their money should be lost? Would the money and his social degradation had made him lethargic. Now that é faces starvation, he arouses him- self, and the thoughts of home bring servants—Laborers who was a sin utterly displeasing to Soa: me as one of thine hir- | ed servants—His Dentiaiice is real. He asks this as a fav It is so much better than Hie) iheae posi- arose—He acts’ upon his ™: is ile he was yet afar off, his re: ize aa son even though cloth- ed in filthy rags. Was Bred with compassion aud ran ae fell on his neck, im—The father’s Wareene ae before the son has spoken a word. The Pie does not know in what spirit come; if vis suet that he Hi returnes . The son makes his confession e had planned, ae the father’s Lonel is so Co son a proposal to be made’ a hired servant. 2 28. The: father said to his servants as geen pis own folly ana "learned his Jessoiy. A long stately sone worn on cere- monial aaa on ring on his hand—Perhaps a road ring, which gave the wear: er some authorteti in the house. andals, “as men. Slaves bob. 23. Bring the fatted. calf--Doubt- less one being reserved for an ap- ive pee half tolerant, The | cocky’? and it is not hard to believe the ee eae ay be | th “|that you are not, y ry Bring ‘Baltic quickly the besi robe}, this occasion is of Aa preates im- portance than the fea: The remainder of Si parable ue not be overlooked anh in study or in class discussion The mataeade of the elder | oh to- ward the returning prodigal is in sHRRD -OcUeMet qitlts ths Seaneiane fate veneciat tha Tethes ERS | GREE UB BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES. FROM NEWS in the Emerald Isle of BIRD 100 YEARS OLD. Parrakect at London Exhibit Still Vivile After Cent ury. Of the 2,400 birds-exhibited at the Horna Hall, at the London Cage Bird Association’s annual show, perhaps the most notable is a centenarian parrakeet, says th | London Oe cle, 1 sage-looking bird, a rusty in ee as befits its years, ace ews the ‘admiring crowd with a ba cee ous, which seems to intimate, “Why, I know your grandfather, so ene sta: a baa who has been saying ‘‘Hello, for something like 100 years, dust, and is; as a consequence, un- able to oe seu clean, White ma; Te parrakeet, blue love= Bide ns only some of the wonders of a ee boasting like “450 foreign birds, passing beauty, but of alm less worth. ‘There is the great ame- thyst sunbird, of a vivid green with leagthy tapering blac! Jong flowing tail of inky Hees and many other sun, sugar, honey- various parts of Africa and India. The queen whydah is a little bird wel eo no larger aaa a Gould’s painted post-impressionistic most bizarre and daring colorings. Close upon 1,400 canaries of di- verse kinds, the “hunch- backed Bel- gian species, crested varieties, white specimens, am shires and Lancashires, are all a in a. record show, which ‘dly con- stitutes a bird-lovers’ Perea ef ARE YOU EASY TO LIVE WITH? on Having Their Own ay Too Much. People Insi The fact that a man or woman is easy to live with does oo ae without question that he in possession of all the eae in the calendar, but it is pretty safe hard rather serious ones, too. we know there are some people oe hard to get along with. we claim that the reason is that y are uncompromising in their principles. Folk do not get along with them ones ‘deaas same folk going § came lf— His dissipation iad shut out the thoughts of home. The loss of his | dom over a contemptible vice into the semblance of a respectable virtu Unless you are a great except to te rule, and the chances are ou are hard to with eaten you im were regarded much as tramps are | #¢! 40> regarded in\our eouatty their i= | VOCRANING “pont OND WEY» and give sition being intesior o that of {too matte consideration to other Lee slave: people. And that atititude- toward Against ee ORE is, life in yest! is not a virtuous one Gane God. prodigal knew by any means. Of course every one that misconduct toward parents ‘should be unyielding it comes to a ma) dtter of pubeine: but there is a vast difference between stand- ing up for iple ape daee ee up for mae your own who made it the sum of all her praying for herself that she might be mi easy to live with. Per- haps she did not go far enough in her praying, but just the same if that praye one tae wi cranks made over into soniething| W: useful, and this would be a vastly a pleasanter place to live in. RE * Ladies Liye Longer. Shall we ever revert to the days when men and women lived to well over five score years? It is possible. Doctors of to-day have already rea Be ous and: hygiene, much longer than recently the Lon- the death of ten be- ledge of people are liv. formerly. Quite. don Times recorded Soloeene ans in one day, seven ng Women. An eminent physician says ‘that “the essential cause of g out from over- as vigorously or as continuously a: do their male ae a pene i there would » parity in age telah at lie, ot os two sex! ig never a iailare—but aose tia feast. But to the father Marriage one or beth parties to it may ¢ listens in awed amazement to| gi, lost its poet of shedding scales and' ; sucking and fruit-picking birds from] oq 4 hi Of course | Mu s}of the R «| from various O We See teldiol » certain woman J y| when the y | Mr. Richard iesirisn. OMiay posi lized that, thanks to a-better know- pu Interest to Trish- men, A large whale has been driven ashote on the rocks at: Bunavalla, | near Darrynane: The employes of Dromalane Spin- | ning Mill, Newry, who struck work a a ago, are still out. | acres of land along the 0" district Py ee Valley district of South ‘Tyrone are under water on account of recent heavy rains. Bearing the names of Irish sol- diers who fell in the South African War, a monument al has been found coated with tar. _dustice Dodd at the Limerick As- sear nc pe County Limerick. Masons and carpenters engaged on urban cottages, at Thurles, have struck for 75 cents Gia Seairted tht EAs ae aoe i qth rae oo workhouse now The oath ee taken place at Jor- dantow: nty Antrim, at the age of 7 al, James Moore Gourley, who has been for 43 years stationmaster there. Two men of the need nee named O’Brien and Jen of Rania County Mayo, are eae ave been drowned in a boat- ing accident, A number of hounds belonging to the Ballymacabe Club pote ee N| poisoned aie hunting nea: castle. son was Hae a laid. bes annual spring show was held Londonderry under the auspices oft the North West Agricultural So- ciety and excelled all the former ex- hibitions. A serious disturbance, in which several people were injured in b: pee néar , following ing. A destructive fire took place at a in which a cottage, known as Staveley’s Cottage, was burned. to. the ground before the local brigade aould poe ler any service. ‘At Clogheen Rural Council meet ing it was stated that a local mer- chant an elec- tric generating plant and was pre- n| pared to light the town at mp. The death is announced of Danl Mullane, a’ farm laborer living near room, Cork, who is stated to have reached the nee of 110 years. He was active up toa few months ago. The Belfast suffragists have now instituted a campaign upon ie post office pillar boxes. Several of the hokee have been found to contain a qnanhty of corrosive finid. utbreak of scarlet fe- of a family named Fannen the’ rafie: died and other deaths have since occurred. The foot and mouth disease in the South has now assumed rather The ‘ out- has now extended into County Tip- pera : A large number of extra members R.I.C. have been drafted countries to augment | j, the forces in Cork and pea LEeG outbreak of foot-and Canale hine tn the station Union, has died from it. isastrous fire occurred on the Coe eee Portarlington, id_ historic aoe of as completely destroyed. he loss is aateaned at $35, Lord Strathcona’s Maxims. Be content with your lot, but al- rays be fitting yourself for some- es higher. Only cheerful pense- yerance will bring you to a ch. bos t depend upon the lees of ends your behal po ae comes ore trequenty than to others, but hers wre very few it does nae a alt some time or another. w the old counsel: “Trust in Province apd keep your a A Hoyt Outlook. tisfied with~ the ii when of the toughest ee juries T =e saw.” of the fun we haye is in the anticipation, which never causes a ache. i xs re) is thought that the poi- te 7.20 per | s | sarily igs that s Fashion Hints Seen in The yoke is a new note in’ skirts. Cotton dresses have boleros 0! silk. Entire frocks of jet are seen the event, nec ottyets ‘are seen among the new blou The mushgom hat for the little ' girl is the tl The silk coat appears in brilliant sombre Separate sont have a decided flare at the hip: One’s mloted: ous must not be of the severe typ: Gilded Peacock cones are being used on mil The block foilaed with white coin spots is growing Pretiy hats for little girls fashioned with soutache braid. Some of the new handbags have tis Shops. in are 2 é =! ® g = A a s “Bodices are extremely: simple in line, while skirts grow mote elabo- The feather pompom is an impor ant feature in the millinery spring. Make your waists full at ar back and front if you would be i fashion. The cameo buckle is made in spe- cial ty and design for shoes and slipp' his ead the bolero costume is fayored above = others for, the sunny we ean senbare of the suits is the high roll collar, Baler i the calla lily. the newest collars seem to the neck in a loose, nae: Skis Ra : See €- DUSTBANE o | put the ee’s (ease) in sweeping — nae SWEEP-DAY Gleans Garpets { Don’t ask for sweeping compound Brightens Floors hardware man. ioe IT KNOCKS THE DRUDGERY be: OF Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your | SAY DUSTBANE | pS BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES EEE t Pays to Dress Well “Nothing ‘gives a man more ‘prestige than to rs Well Aitired?” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop.,... HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. j O. DUFFIEL Monkton, - The Up-to-date aller, Ontario Net scarfs a di all sorts of fanefal designs ean uae or colored bead Charming are ite white crepe: de chine blouses made with trimming. ‘of geranium pink silk. can hardly be a mistake in 1} selecting a spring costume of taf- k feta, meget made into sepa, les a tbe Teal o match. —* SP D LIVES IN COFPINS. Woman Tells of Horrible Prison Conditions in Mongolia. s of Mongolia—its veness and fleas 0 (a western ¢ivilizat praved morality were recently y oan be rode at a _meet- Asiatic Society in Bulstrode accom- plished a remarkable feat last year, but a solitary compaa- es lay said: "Within @ emall eompo fericed in by high spiked palsades, ate five or six dutgreone: There are human beings in. those dungeons, and among them quite a number of highly civilized, refined and gentle Ghineae, iho are shut wp As the remainder of th lives in hea a coffins, “out ot under any ei. y upright: flat. They see, aayh ight. but for a few minutes when their food is thrown into\their coffins through a hole four or. five inches in diameter twice dail Saar POINTED PARAGRAPHS. True love is never too good to be true. An excess ot ‘bracers’ will un- race an: yb Ee e can't ia the best of a citizen who hasn’t any. Many a spoiled boy has developed into a fresh m a eaaict.ty horréw thoubla thet it is to give it away. Did we ever hear of a married man. who flattered his wife? here are some good husbands, but most of them are dea Most girls are easily pied all ae has to do is to feed them y | tal = man usually gets the short end FOU aE a alter Suieas Sis wiles allow ance: Tf the world owes every man a liv. s must be pre- The average man's idea of being unselfish is t let,some other fellow have eas he doesn’t want. A mi So washing and rag in ons = to Aiopare him: ‘ Brees. Sa aay Most of the oe eee is Chinese printers is made Your New Harness Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly, In prices you will find us right.: Attended to Repairing Promptly Geo. J. Coxon {Your New Suit— _S. N. SMITH, Ghe Up-to-date Tailor MIL LVERTON, nine Before placing your order, come in let us show you our new Jines of suitings. We guarantee to please you in both fit and price. Cans Supplied Free | We will pay = highest market price | for cream delivered at factory. Will | test and ebay CASH—while you wait. | “Yours ie PEARL CREAM ERY, Milverton 0 your age I could an quite udermana that passed for your de Young: Doctor= "To Grisply J tign in grammar.”’ “Gladys had a different teacher Visitor aT 6 mamma's Sine Ae v Tam man ‘No, al gee a4 ing picture?” “Yes ear First ae Your Victim, -Pluck, my p re Bait that i is the one essential to ia and busines: : a—Oh, of course, T} acm. is finding someone to pluck. His Greatest Wish, “What is your greatest wish, doc: tor, now that you per suecessiully ter the names of other people.” lained. New Goyerness—‘‘When I suppose you are a! Little Girl —! mimes Vou! AE es et telling me “that Tahrotla be seat and < hoy, The trouble put ‘Dr.’ af — Grand Trunk 5 Stations om. a.m, Railway Time Tables + Canadian Pacifio juelph at Goderioh THE, CANADIAN ORDER moving se wie tection for uM : Mov-|5 shinimum cope, dnve ae FORBSTERS offers protec: a fasplly at Are You Insured S. Spencer, GR. tt Wasa 8. aie Brunner 9.92 bieieg aces 3 poeta fae eee 4.63) : — tor ‘Sehers Sie ta.67 a —Really? But then you 5 is 4 % es CREAM WANTED +