Family Paint is made washed and scrubbed. tell more about’ Famil: Paint. SOLD BY. JAS. S. LOCKIE, Hardware Merchant, NEWTON |‘ House-Cleaning™ Time és House Painting ,1 Time The Sherwin- Witltame| rticu-| sel to lighten house cleaning! lab: Iti fe an ojl paint and can be . Get color cards = It brush- the y y HOUSE FOR SALE House and quarter acre land on mill street near G. T. R. station. “Apply to A.D. ALEXANDER. FOR SALE. Choice Town Lots on easy terms on Pacific ‘Avenue. New street connecting Mill Street with C..P. R; Station Grounde—Ten lots sold and houses woing up. y ny. pply to. ic tad *E oe WHALEY. LOST arcel of Laundry was hasepiep ta Ceenice'e 28th. Will the party. to Donley’s hotel, of th ind save further trouble. Ropert Lintick. taken from t Office, Newton Move quickly if | or, a 's shed, Newton, ept. ease return ‘the same 1e Po: NEWTON. Miss for her home last week after spend- ing some time with the Misses Me. ‘The Misses Murray, of Berlin suent the holiday under the parental roof. |. and n, were visit- 's Mr. Paal Col- Wittig and: children, of Tavi teck, are guests at Mr. Chris Yost’ iss White is visiting her speounieres ane Robt and Will Whit iss Proctor, of Stratford, , spent a ter ‘days with Mise, Flossie Donnelly. FARM FOR SALE 125 acres. west half Lot 2, 4th Concession 20 acres bush, balance sab Hines Waoby churches’ and. sonoch alec e factory route, For particulars apply ae wD. and G. SCHELL, Wallace P. 0. children will remain here for a time. Mra iting at herhome in Congratulations to to Mr. and Mrs. W. nt) : RECON SALE is r, were guests a t Mr. Wu. Rein-| great preparations for a d_con- wald’s last week. ss és cert on Thursday Nov. 15th, the pro- re Mrs. Thos.’ Hutchison and | gramme is to be entirely glven by the c | family on ‘Thanksgiving holidays | Soung ladies thout a man in the | in ouse, a big hit is expected by the er spent a day last | fairies. Go Boaecasion of tbegala ts bee uae with his fants before assuming Herb Kaufman, lately of the Mil- eniia'g Mood well The, farm 18 wall fenced, hi duties as day operator at. Lis verton Sun, igned his position ‘and underdrained and Ina epad’ ar there rand Busciet x similar position galtivation and is aul under cha: y Terms of ‘sale: ‘Ten per cent sale and sufficient therewith fom nake wp 23 rh we ret rticulars apply fos, ‘3 sh, Hor further particulars apply to JAS, St Hampstead or We. We Riverte 8 Bye, of New York, + DWEER, TAMONTEMART, Kilbonrne, of London, spent the hole . day era Se oae immedi ate skeet daughter atatheir home. f}and Lockie vices Feast in Waterloo last Wednes- Mitchell avae “Thankegiving: with re and Mrs. J. 8. Lockie Unreserved Auction Sale M STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND Louschold Eltects, ‘The People’s Ave-| Were: Mrs. Colombo, ilts, Livingston | Rodgers substituted here and Mra 3 tioneer haa reeeived structions teem Daniel Miss Attig and Miss Mar Klein looked after the banks interests], Miss Gene Ake ts ning BoP AB Teltee’ on Feidays Bail | aa Waterloo tiatars passed | (0.3t erent accede ee A followin valuable farm stock, pan cen our ne last Sunday on | ore from “Zora t Ao a ae Ope Koa Lae Speck mares 8 and 12 yearg old, ged ho ores | their way to Attw ou where Shey. ruspe and children from Sebring: esesdaeee tres cien corsets cat spend a few days each ville ew days. with their | at Hesson on abies thoreuunices “a brother Mr Ly Sebi baud acMra. > Teekard Ogram and path rBinder (Frost tari: gaia eee Ack cash (he |My, BA. Kalblelch and W. Murat man _and| Miss Ogram are visiting. the formers Xa ew), sleigh, fanning mill, pulper. seh Reeder, Hiding plow plows, lang roller, e¢t iron has one witier, Mrs. H. sta was a visitor at ] his home lore few days. Among those of our villagers spent aday in Stratford last week Davidson, of Strathroy, left | fr enter- -|ally among congregations ,|stead. Tonight severi | zens went to hear him and are on Turnbull and . Hawke and chidren are vis- M val of another rela children, of Wroxe- Me esers. Brimstin, Ruthig, Whaley I attended the’ Oriental| Miss Roddie Ross were in who Messrs. Timmerman and Peterson of the Guelph and @ i il ir dep of oT Bat late Milverton on ¢ Grand Trunk.—Guelph Herald, is “Carthage Ploughing is the or order of the day Aan our feritiers. Barnie Stock, one-our cheese aa left last week for his home in ‘Tavistock, Miss Jessie Watson, and her nephew, Johnnie Watson, of Mother. ville spent last ae with the foriner’s sister Mrs. ids Mr. esli ies ‘of Georgetown, eee her asta Mrs. J. Gamble this Matrie Johnston spent Thanksgiving. with the torimer's mother Mrs. Robb in Stratford. 7th Con. i ease Ass Ww yeber attended the ee 8 2 in Berlin on Thu and Friday of last week, WELLESLEY, Thanksgiving Day was observed in inany different ways, but the major- ity of the sporting’ fraternity went out hunting for a good afternoon's sport Rev. Dr. J. Paulson, from Kropp, Gerinany, i is at this present stage de- livering a limited number throughout the cou our ets tle h here. i wise Kathleen Robb, accompanied Mrs fam e-| day with friends in . |evening in honor of their guests .|with her parents Mr, and Mrs . | in let towel. POOLE Mrs, Martinson and little daughter, of Detroit, are visiting at the home of Miss Katie junday Miss Katie Spenler has pe ae trom Tavisto Mr. an 's. Peter Boshart have rned from a visit with friends in ‘Tavistock. The otis Ses Moyer, of Baden, spent. a few days of this week with friends Miss ‘Katie Kipfer, of Shakespeare, was a Sunday visitor with friends in ble vieini ity. Mrs. Ben Armstrong and fay, of Grimsby, spent a few days home of Mr. and , George F ell. 3 Clara ‘Wilkins, of Stratford, cha “Mr, Schultz, of the Merchants ts. ‘Thos ‘Mayberry. al mally spent the: Theakigiving’ bell anover. and Mrs, Kennel, of Nebraska. Miss Janet Chalmers, ending a long holiday with mother, Mrs. J. Chalmers, Sr., has re- turned to Sai nia to continue her dutles as a nurse. i rge, of Toronto Medi- 1 College, was a visitor at his home during the Thanksgiving holiday. Miss Laura Magwoo London school spent Thanksgiving WOO ‘The Marriage of Mr, Wm. Struthers and Miss Hossler, of Pontiac, Mich., ae last Wednesday, Oct. 7 iss Georgia McCallum, of Stratford eae school has returne: after a visit with her sister Mrs. A. F. Clark. rs. Large and Miss Emily, Large spent a day last week in Lon Mr. orrow spent the Dhainks- giving holiday at his home in for and Mrs. 8. R. McConkey, o ‘pralcee visited with friends here, Sunday. Mesdames J. W. Chalmers, Shearer, Fler ng, Claviand J.B. Hammond attended the W. F. MC 8, convention ‘Mrs. Martinson and daughter Mar- jorie ‘have returned after a week's Visit with friends arid Magwood, of Stratford, y his cousins Blanche ing use of the er get the opportunity. Bes for some time. mand Mrs, Jacob, Hammel and r. and Mrs, George in, Hainbarg, spent ina Ker ike Our young ladies, better known_as the Basket Ball Club are making on the Ni Record staff of Berlin. friends during her stay with us. it] Mr. W. B. Meet ey of the Western Bank heré nt his Thanks- giving holidays at home with hig Par. ents in Penetang, wh: M, sa in ee aes the holiday. Thabo in Listow vey, of List beer Mrs. P, Colon Mrs. Zimmer. of Mil- verton, were the Buests of Mr, Mrs. Colombo on Sui cordance with our mill here and ate Aterlos, being the guest of peat strongly in favor of inducing some| Miss Mary A. Ratt Me uk A Bum Joke other bank to come in here if things | fre, Aero toe a re not remedied and arranged ino ; ‘ nih | wllacounteos @ per oy rants Star.) satisfactorily. ee Anderson received al let. Becees om idr cast over es, of Akron, Ohio, has 1 he Ziegler family gave one of the at oe uel ih aS . He Daniel,Quipp, | J. Hy 1 Wale or er quested the. Solbaie of young girls| finest programmes last Tue: ven- | Simon Crookshanks, stating that she EN ce histo ihe flr to sank. the young nlice: | lcig tne waselventta dus Gonitnn iat had beet -atiankoat witht ollawadar: The mayor is dete suppress| this town. but the support was any-| We are pleased to know that she is in Synopsis of Canadian North-West Homestead Regulations AY: even, numberd section of Dominion nds In Manitoba or the North. went proviiee, exci pting 8 and 26, not reservec z catfaded by any” person wh te ited of s family, OF ony sale tect Sener cae, cateut ol aanquartes Sipple was the guest of Mr.| Day ore or less, personally at the local land office fo for ue lsidee ie ihe Jand commissioner of migration, Winnipeg, or the went ree gelve authority for come One to mane entry for hitn is required to perform ‘The eader the Sonditions: conucct | therewith under ora) At te residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year for three years, (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deveased) of the homesteader ‘resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for the requirement: ssidence may be sat- ts as Tabed Gy buh person residing with the fushey or moti —_>—_—_ BRUNNER fine Therd of ae on Mon rr, Williay trip 3 Stratford o n Wedne: os a tthe late Mrs, Crawford on Mon- Jol ae Hartman on ait oe Peters: ipa Thai hoy Ae Monday, Freddie, the Tofhat son $f Mrs, Moehlinann, while playing at ne i Mrs Chas qtee te ae child, nIkbegh suffering considerable, seems to be doi ing nicely. "BURNS Gustins spent] day in nay is visiting " and t the lo S evil it] te dy ie attack it . Henry Schmidt isposed of a m Peters pa a busine Quite a number attended tel foner- faintly end nas Troehiich pent Sun- Hawkesyille with Mr. John man. ‘The Creditors of the rete Ce tlle ng Co., the business men of the tow: ‘MILLBANK” . MeLennan is Be up with Stroi J trotheriged of the Independent Order is ecatunliy a0 ing eyening and Viola spent ‘Thanksgiving Day his parental home, Miss Grace Ki ss Miss Beatrice, jorking, ‘Thanksgiving’ vacation under parental roof. spent the —— HinWaODD: me wit vishes to thank the oF Dacca for the prompt settle- Hite claim against the order for $1, 000 of which her deceased son, ae on W,, ni a member. one, of Winfield, spent Sunday: with hs siter Mrs, E. Strome “Eden Fields. iss Turner; of Alma College, St. Thomas, spent ‘Phanksgiving with her friend, Miss E. Adella The Misses Gertie Se Seal eee love visited ee ir friend, Mis: Str rome, on Sunday. ies shearer spent a few days in Pisco calling on friends. Mr. rs. John Gilliland are visiting the latter’s parents in Wallace, sister, Mrs. Thomas Henderson, of erally Mis A. Berlet entertained a number of her friends on Thanksgiv- Miss Minnie Ogram returned home ou Wednesday after yisiting friends a fair way for recovery, if no further trouble sets in. s McGillivray spent the Tattee pai at ot last week at her home in tow Miss B E. Landrachan, trained nurse Mr. Alex a severe attack of rheum Mr, Mrs, Albert - Ruthig, Newton, "spent Thanksgiving at Mr. Peter Helm’s Miss Frieda Helm siving at her home i in, and Mrs. BJ. visitors at Adciatas on ‘Thanksgiving and rethained o Mie Phillips, of rine peak: lie farewell in the Parish H Tones and family on Monday evening 's. Rybert Reid, Alma, spent a ser ith Mr. and Mrs. Peter ee ee H. Schmitt spent Sladen? in .|, Mr. Alex Brat hag S cliposee of his hous e and lot riffith, en- —| Mr. Cratch and Mi Cli - | day at their homes her gineer, of Mil vert. Townsend, of fates “wilted thee mother Mrs. 8. Rey. and Mrs. Oaten, of Milverton, were ealling on friends in the village on ‘the ©. P. progress- expected “thal the regular trains will be running by the November. Miss Alger visited afew days with her brother, Mr. Alger of the Sover- eign Bank. iting her sister Mi rs: Rittei thong those who spent the hoti- | 44° were: Mr, Dan and Hugh Ross, Miss Olive Free: ay tee ates E Hehn eron and Mis Grace Haig epent Thanksgiving in Miten Au ev. Conch, of Casterville, N F ee Byes Be peel 2 rs: o|on Ist. of | Ri an d, of enw etaie 2 is vis- of Lis istowel, visited friends here one da; se Jast chern, of the Board of Hea zine the public schoel here ordered those Eaves tle ae a eee remain at hom il free ees Sue trouble. and Miss Leonard ens services on ie set. ee Drayton, preached, HE ‘lie ‘Glen. pen ess furnished excellent music. E. Culbert spent Thanksgiv- New Goods! New Goods 1 NOVELTIESI} See YRS “The People’s Store ”’ ee reas The generosity of this store has been the cause of its big success, Our busi- ness has doubled itself, which the crowds of buyers will prove to you. We had the : heart to go in for big things and the courage to try improvements wherever they were, needed. You will always find the very newest on the market here, and we ask you to have a look at the display in our north window, which is only an indicator of what you'll find within. Be Just received a shipment of the very latest and newest Paris Designs of Fancy Net Stoles with veil combined, in plain and scalloped edge, very wide, in raised and plain me- dallion effect, in lengths of 4o to 78 inches,’ from +125 cents to $5.00 In Bolerois and Fancy Shoulder Collars we have a large range in colors of Paris iv ory and (black, in net. and emboidery effects, long and short fronts, suitable for children, misses and ladies, at soc to $1.50. Embroideriery Stock Collers and Turn- overs—We have a most beautiful range of the very newest, all shades and designs from... dissseveue5 tO 75 cents, See Our South Window for a Display of Linens For Thanksgiving week we offer special inducements in Linens, such as Table Cloths by the yard, also Table Cloths and Napkins to Irish Linens, match in the newest We will allow a discount of 20 per cent, on all Linens dur- ing Thanksgiving Week, New Handkerchiefs This store has a grand reputation for handkerchiefs, both in quality because it has earned it. Men’s Fine Irish Linen Handkerchiefs — Yo. Mar ¥ hems, extra fine quality, at from and value inch 7 ssseeeT§ tO 50 cents each. Women’s Fancy Handiepaiiads — hemstitched, scalloped and lace trimmed edges, all new patterns embroidered, Each 25, 35 and 50 cents, New Covered and Pear! Buttons in serge, satin, cheviot and velvet covering, all siz Swiss or linen centres, settrestsstetevereesessssesese 10, 1244, 15, 20, es, also Pearls in small and large NEW SKIRTS Our skirt order has been delayed somewhat, but arrived at last, sizes, and a finer line you never saw. Don’t miss seeing and comparing them, Very newest models. $2 to $10.00 Another Shipment of Dress Goods — Vex y latest colorings. We guarantee you cannot find a better display of Dress Goods in the large city stores, We want all Your Poultry Alive and will pay the Highest Prices. Delivery Every Tuesday and Thursday Prices from == [CHARLESA. FINKBEINER ing in Vive ing. Miss Olive, Babb, Miss Turner, Mr, Lytle and Mr. Babb, of Millbank, ps Sunday in town, the guests of iss E. Adella Berlet. Wet t might have proved a fatal ac- cident occurred at Linwood od Friday evening of iast week, when rnbank, were en up. L, A. Heimler’s shop, mee it off ‘below the groun buggy to such a sndden stop ‘thats one of the young ladies Mr, Gelber of AB uggy were so wenn Hhbrbhnehannnnniniee Newion | The Up-to-date Stores | witha Ladies’ Fur Ruffs ic clone at Half Price at Millbank Store 1 only worth $2.00, Qo 46” $3.00, 04 Dees, “+ $4.00, ae ‘+ $4.50, 5 ‘$6.00, ‘Do You Know What You Pay for th Granulated Sugar Eleswhere s acne We sell eg pounds for Ne CASH, i <, — Z Farmers’ Poultry ‘We want all your Poultry, alive or dressed, and will pay the HIGHEST PRICES for it. MeLennan is on the sick lis iged beneath the sidewalk that it Weed. Niel cholls, of Toronto, reqalred the united strength of five or} “your poultry may be delivered at— pent a few days r. Jas. Nicholls. | six men hem out. Tl! piers buyer g ee es pein Mr, and Mrs Biter Livingston and shat the horse freed itself from the rig | MTT, * grandaughter, ' o! aden, spent e}after falling, no doubt, e fo holidage with'Mre, Geo. Su Vitingee Miss Stewart rom serious in GADSHL iss cee Visited | 7 ry. if not death itself, while under her fend iss es ive Bab! Mr. Ss. Dente: of Strat- joes “apent a few days, at his hom (8) If tl the settler. has Ps permanent. Rng at dence upon farming land owned by him the vicinity of his homestead inne Miss Margaret “Dotson from ead enka as £0 residence may Dé satlescd by Zealand, is visiting at Mr. Jonn egidence upon the said Land, iA ix. ha! notice. tn, welling should be n aay eed : na a Petfere ven: to the: reared, rominion Ina Lamb, of Stratfer ee Ende at Ottawaof intention to apply for che gest of Mr. D: Henry on Tian coRY, giving Day. epitty of the Minister. of the Tntettor tie Dowd, of Gamlechie. a ras a, sit wen her home here during * 6 pas 3 COMMERCIAL. Ge ae visited jiriends in Brantford during Mirae, Oct. 18.191 ae ey Hater Bagh Dae eras s. Cameron and Mr, Richard erage. 4 Z odliister , model and C.B.C. students woe : respectively of ome i spent the af olidays at thei re. bi ‘ fuiies is zs bell ttended thi “e oie f tu sect 60056 ell attended the annual meeting 2 Fane phar? ee : the Stratford Presbyterial W. Eggs pei ace eve < Society in Listowel last week. Lard Tallow. ‘Turkeys per pound sey! Unreserved Auction Sale ! Hogs live pelstt < 610 6 210 2 HEAD OF STOCKERS, Driving Mare 18 W,D. Weir “eco receives 2 iustruetions to sell for Samurel Ma an = 20 The somet) Half of Lot 25, ane eh Elma, Shocts, tor 2% mi southwest of Donegal, on Tuesday Corn, per bushel, Ot 80th 1906. Drivin years old, 13, 19( obyee steer, top buggy and harness, 48 Fall Wheat..... ia ot ek ears ‘Steers a deca Barley eee eee ee nent prictor is bound for the he Sale. Somafentes at one o'clock hay Terr ionths’ credit on sums over ‘$10, tha it amor and under, cash ; a pt ‘of 6 per cent. per arinum off for cash 2 wa = Bini ~ > SAMUEL McLENNAN, 2 ioneer: Proprietor. aie hasty ea tana escape me sue those Piles LS it ne that it was eee oe mireeu! lous, ATWOOD, bayaes @. i. aes at lovelies, Gimited » Ont. AA REREREEESIRIRR RAR RA AED Live Fowl! Wanted at eo, on a uesday Oct, 30th, before 2 p, > When the si prices will be paid in ‘saa trade. Fowl must bo fat and erops “empty. A Kew Ste at Nowton—Sugar Bar Packing Boxes all sizes and pric the thing for Saur Kraut, Sugai TOES FOR SALE, rels from 10 to 25¢ cach, Lard Tubs 250 each dust v Sacks 5¢ each, @ OD We aaliete a share of your Pee Sapna Eggs 20 | H.GUSTIN | Butter 190 ca > * * mH He a cs # es cad # Be 3 Es * # 3 3 me cad aH # * a pl : Diets aatacennins