Milverton Sun, 25 Oct 1906, p. 6

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BUTTONS AND BUCKLES —_— retreats, !eaving its “nose” in the a S The Mark fei: wmee/A Refreshing Stimulant braze ] eons. to hold fast, a leaden cap is ONCE THEY ADDED DIGNITY TO That Te Is ERE PATS ASR That is perfectly Boonies . ¢ He ; pure, MEN'S DRESS, Pen-Angle trade- sium. is disclosed, fae mark (in red) on | {2¢ ction of the air and water & of the highest medical authority in the land you are earnestly advised to use Ried bee Ce ee every ee sail Ns ache bees therapies 4 ‘ garm Us You) of the 4 a prorectanen : 3 COLTSFOOTE EXPECTORANT Driven Out by the Plebian iil fiend won't 6 clinging “nose” als i i shrink,— your | q i : oi Sse 8 hs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and al Throat Shoestring. fw dealer so |san eo ata ties of Sheffield and Bir- guarantees it. When i comes to the etl of its tether, his toot rowed le syrup and should bein | ming ae : 2 i everyones eae ee egetable SzEun 5 in | mingham in England have long been at Underwear thus | about one hundred feet down, aie upwards, pret x6 % softer, warmer, | ploe under tho hull of the baltieship CEYLON GREEN Re 4 e thorized their respective products, particularly | restate fr i warms 1 oni - AG those made of metal. Sheffield still any Pen: more flexible, | and away from the nettin| ing thus Sending prides herself on her manufacture of euekn better wearing, | he vessel to her dogn A Perfect Luxury to Japan Tea Drinkers y- i what is now known as Sheffield plate, Lead packets only. 400, 500 and 600 per Ib, At all grocers. are - a carefully concealing the fact tae ies) SOS - EXPECTORANT” made at Birmingham also; and Rays BETTE Ra - * that Birmingham {s noted for three} | WwW ci OTM A Price, 25 cents, things only—butlons, buckles int toe UNDERWEAR EAR FRENCH COINER CAUGHT. OSHAWA Steel eople can haraiy appreciate to-day See the great change which the use of bul- odds as the number and value of Shingles. Seance Sues =e Respectable wait are | | Wind, ORIGIN OF i CREAM. fons nas mado in tho dress of mon, ged by Counterteiter NEWEST TERROR OF SEA Though the ancient Greeks and Ro-| Consider what a labor it was. when. it oe n forty young men i wo-| | Water, tooked ans (aed ice Tor table Perroses 0 eat took 500 points to tio the doublet to the Gold ( uff wien aE goods (analy staan a ee Anrough even hotter weather than we} hse, points being silken strings with Latin quarter, are lying in La Sante| | Sterm on ATES IN E * ee 1 r tags or metal points on them. < Prison awailing trial on a charge of Fe eS SARITAERENGHNONAVAL | have, they intredueed nto Francd toa Bielios, wiite of ess tinportance,! BP inlg $5 20 ullering’ base coin. WARFARE. were for more than 200 years a neces- have as companions in jail sary part of the dress of of the most notorious professional co F cee EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD at $4 Diamond ee of eae a waote, oe pol bent i were eni 0 capture Motor Boat Built to Fight Submarines ete BURR opine Hall hasa vast array of solid | {/<"? Sides. —Will Be Carried on we as in. most-of the Eaene Ret gold Cuff Links—made by hese wholesale arrests have created = : wie: Popys who notes in his dia ’ ; great pelurbation in some of tho most |} Made from Painted or Galvanized St it 2. ae y . or Galvanize eel, at prices varying from $2. 5 Warship. ‘ tian tres, le gay nly reobe past at the s of fashion, says for the store's own skilled gold. tespectablo. families in Fr One|} per hundred square feet covering Measure, ‘This: ts ‘the’ most Suen oe Though the naval manoeuvres now] nized accep os” ave referred to | January 12, 180: This day 1 began to smiths. of the prisoners is the sou Ot apn ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses, Barns, Stores, Ele- : In progress in England may prove many/ froin timeto time in. the asara} ‘cen. | Put buc n my Notable value is found in ff! 80d most of the others are sons ct} | vators, Churches, ele. Any handy man can lay the “OSHA WAY mie A : defiite points in oxsen warfare, tnclics| iry in English people's lelters from |, In the Toilet of nd it is recor eae ce | \ ghters of highly-placed Government! {hammer and snips are the only tools reaa 8 may shortly be modified in some points] sieyaq. “Iced creams,” however, were | for 1670: “Tho BPRTIEN AMaliine aos our $5.50 pair of 14k. Gold, » Magistrates, and legal tunin- We are the largest and oldest ccompany of the kind under the British a new invention. For another naval nown’ as carly as the year when Wil-|'Toduced under Charles 1. still contin- dumb - bell shape, suitable eas fag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings throughout Canada, terror has eee added to the list, says|titm of Orange came over, and by tho] Ues to be the fashion, bul the immenso (aly A FS. Fin gy @ discovery of the far-reaching op-| | making th ben the London Ex; middle of the eighteenth century “ice |T0ses on tho shoes have gradually de. i gram; = erations ot tue, eoiners was brouall E, WATER AND LIGHTNING-PROO! ; First we had the wooden ship, armed] Choam” 4 clined and are replaced by wide st alogue es show man) out by the frequent complaints o i § with ad the ood fusilers; then |°T8™” Agured in cookery ‘books, and ‘bilcklea ts ecoee Cnet Sarit ue Y Pi shopkeepers in the Latin quarter.» So eee Corrugated Iron in tong sheets, Conductor Pipe ae ; the cannon that would crash its round een you will find very few buckles, ‘Arioles any reporls were recovered of the pas- NG, in Tenftstioniat: belek or stone, ali through the oaken timbers of the COULD SCARCELY WALK, thong ey are present in those painted ticles are sent post free, Se oid 7 a : Hee ate ue ‘AL CEILINGS, in 2,000 de: Laie md*Van" f.06.: Gling : feces th ich was su Sabieais the. Gcanglacistpipelual woanbe: tn A Rheumatic Sufferer Cured by Dr. tees een any ha the litte satin gure Bre con puiaens Oh ihe hee Write toa ee Roc 1H ander samples ot “OSHAWA mre el 8 id’ si ell e rs is Si yop us stal card and we will 4 “siete ie Su aegis oe iatng> Pteacondinas malbtcee of his ladies AMES ir Joshua send hgh piety tales ‘Ofie of ese ee ee ‘and: trovti 22 PEDLAR PHOPLeE, rated ca his story it appears that the students handful of peas rattling against a barn haan tism is rooted in the blood—| ing: door; then the rifled gun with its burst-[that is a medi¢al fact every poor rieu-| buckles on their shoes, a costume which ing Shell that crashed through the; matic SL ome should know. Liniments}has disappeared from every place but heavy iron as if it were cheese. and outward applications coun | pos-| the stage. TUBI OF DEATH. a By cure rheumatism. — The; a} Of course, when the court set the ex: wore enticed into fis Scainicny tha song Rontredl, due, London, Ont. | Winnipeg, Han, | Yoncouver,B.6. of polssionel coin 60 Dundas st,/76 Lombard st, } 615 Pender st. It a hat S eter of the stu- denis ase remittances had run out Write your Nearest Oftice.-HEAD OFFICE AND WORKS—OSHAWA, Ont were one day discussing their financial oe a ue garden of Luxemburg, when three well-dressed men, who were Seating oat by, entered into conyer- Cilawa, Ont no, On it. 423 Sussex st. | 11 Colborne st s the Harveyized steel noney, ahd While: the autferer ample everybody who could sported pee Sapa ef be nt last Is using them the disease is steadily} buckles, and the factories of Birming work of. resisting destruc-| growing worse—is slowly but surely|ham and Sheffield turned out immense OHENILLE OURTAINS Ea tnds of ho word efeing, ex:|{eking @ firmer grasp upon the enlte/ numbers. “When the fasion was ais ee ret : use ee 4 plosive steel projectile that could bon height and tiey were worn on shoe end rehiange ae Pore eh LAOE “TUREAIS eed ils way through onsthing bullt-of ee ne aes out Fann students Sib ins Sa i it ly it could hit fair and uey y an eventually invited them . eae at sai ile, speedy: torpedo-boat} be driven out. Dr. Williams made of pewter, copper, brass, silver. <a uelgntoriig cate; — fhe <clpetinhonpe das Oi! pout with its fubetut of death: and. de-| actually aon re Ee pad Bate y plate, silver and gold and steel. Afterwards ihere were eniilinual mee art a pepae o on, LADIES ! struction, ree strike, the. slcel- | Trey pills. helps mnske new rich red | gute cecting ot Ducks is i fad in| shown nowhere to better advantage |/Rs, apparently by chance, and event ha sapere: Agent in your locality, earn § Rito LAS a a el hich sweeps the poisonous acid] Que" atinet ot igor ireseuren, wimaat{dhan in this very matter of bucks ally ‘the three, men, made poppet uortinentieg ea money in your spare ° ay gm from the system, loosens the aching fifeeg Sita OE aes fod ‘Apparently they ‘still wear the slyle ‘ . : weep the seas clean of these little hor- R n ures, fans bits: of Ince, carved. ivories whlch was into in tao though ihey| Sm, Jn, crelaing imitation ” gold : mets, terrors of the battles Inatle. “new health tres trom, pain, {4 such things, Ae cir 3 pues Ault (cig Holocendly: Insecure Yer: tune pleces. “These pieces we: every day ety home; 50 per 4 seplasy the aubenscingy atrald ot no; Among those who can bear witness :o| Or {WO You. pr alias tell ne cata the sel fet are quite as ily to run plled fo the students at euuuik ones cant profit in this for you. Write, Use ‘ thing, and now comes something that, tn¢ truth of these statements is N ial of the into the foot ‘as into the shoe. . B. Eager Company, Toronto. — lis. believ e master of the sub-| {he t “ac ckle. se rine toe Porgint: £abgiois: of Shr daroine, andlord wore ucts of: brass 4+ the destroyer of - submarines. ; : : : every lust ery in naval War) eumatem and. ‘had. begun. to think | o% schoolmaster wore | Fruit Growers, Attention he was incurable. “I could not straight- plate "pucks, plain ie eee enous A THANKFUL MOTHER, NE ES ER. 4 ae Mier Sriae Wats Th beading on the edge. The prosperous BOW ERs ROYEE en up," says Miss Langlois. “My limbs - orehant had buckles of sliver wrought nes xo comma to pay, and salingf for The new submarine destroyer is the; were almost useless, so stiff were they. he beck Steel x 1 thank you wih all my heart for able’ bo off er rou Ba de rd AD} Je Treas 4'to 0 fees a E28 3 g in pattern, and the court dame wore x ir, Lewis Nixon, graduate; For many months I endured such pains a. 3 t @ buckle still shia Baby's st dwn Tablets have done high, gro witty at ok fae re rigtiena sade torvdier naval omesr, | ak only rheumatic sufferers can under: as ee sone on neers ant Hen jays an important part, and the chiel:| for my~ little seys Mrs. Antoine ; ana Spring dolivécy, for 818.00 ver hin then shipbuilder, and no official| stand, Alth nix. thisly. your ACS Pel acte alice nese atnra sions the'very|Charetle, Jn, 6 ce, Quer [Setar aR hag Er v th hon Sleel Co, of Pittsburg./ age the suffering red ac’ ally se iste cia aii es: to ao un nde Similar “When I Regan Aa her ihe. Tablets 7 en of the submarine de-} made me like an Fics wi jereliol glk . “The } si she seemed to be pining away, but at 4 Reena eRe aN entast ake Gunict-vir UB aamt ont| eng sr 70, 00 Ga ee a ee a a we =A SHAP IW A WHEAT FA Mo the patent rights that must be pre-{cines, but got not the slightest help un- ace form of the five killed Highland regi- idly: n 5 now a fine, fat Sa ee 4 served. Patents will be asked in all the! (i! almost by chance my, attention was} may be called the ual tide in the reign 1 write you a tare ganly iro -geeat_Buropenn, ‘cap NEAR _ wire. 4 countries of the world where patents] directed to Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I} of. buckles, for hey were still acl knowledgomen of dpe havemneyes. | een, Scoupler ye 4 may, be began taking them snd in the course of} worn. til! about 1800, the fashion. was | Iande « forget Sa Baby's Own foreign foe are London and St, Peters: “The boat,” writes Mr. Locsin MN a few weeks T could sce they wore help-| gradually declining, although the buckle 1 né for her chit.” rn 2 burg. 1,060 acres of clean unbroken, prairie, “will be small enue to be vi i Little by Title the | pain began | remain: ant pat sk t fey Which | ters ithe this ays ing toe ang com-| 4 Ronmgts rf the. finest wheat land on earth, on the 4 eats an eral se hee alto go, and the stiffness to leave my} of F; has not as yet in for reform | fort to all mothers lig ha eble af ‘ou a sufferer with col banks of the Red River, 45 mfles from 4 you ore, get a botils of Monoway"s Corn | Winnipeg, four miles from two railway ry ; T continued taking the pills for of apparel in the army a far made an: peed of twenty- ene knots an hour, and | joints. 6 ¢ ppar ho army so y al Clires ci haa diate beep IG ta aa STHST: stations SiS an “nere. lalseay it BS 080 x orthy and Salegalinsdaancs | eevaetl mnths. when every. symptom | ‘The sizes of buckles varied immensely tveraion in this deli pes bn y of the trouble had disappeared. I have| trom tiny affairs which "were worn Ferdinand Seren ealy ove ash, balance easy, No better farm, no “The. areongements for the destruc-| hot felt a i Less singe} the knee or to loop up the hat. to te fey yas to a well nit pedlneag “ane nego rea etter invesinent tion, of submarines 1 eannot now di-}and 1 bless the day Dr. Willian invented hy ‘George Hf,, which were ono| PE you. ci ‘gel. thes 8 from g vulge, but they will be efficient.” Pills came to notice. iiehe aide aid: fivesinehes® heoad: <covér- REMARKABLE WIRE GUN your dealer write. The Dr. willie Ea Pee Te ate me it Ir ATTIE, 12 Merokenis Bank Building, - Dr. Willlams!-PinkePitls neyel tail to | en, wide and five inches broad, ‘cover. Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont, and Sree It will cg Meeks: eal Fed Gremio pis gi Sane te cy end either ails OF he took, pa them al 850 ¢ peg, Man. will be built w o te the root of the trouble in the bloo ‘ Nor ceieaect re 5 ithinnest possible plates compatible with that's why these: pills cure all the com- ail, and stowly, but surely, the | WIL PIERCE SIX-INCH STEEL PLATE| “yigam," said tho “master of the] MONTH AFTER MONTIT 9 cot HOPE poauine ER sticks, ut goers to toar holo, in your theoat, Are you awar 7 ‘i non ailments due to poor and watery plebiam Shpeulting crowded: the decora- AT THIRTY MILES. house, authoritatively, cyte: eglectod ooid ia | Dinguss , lve borrowed a Hrames, | Within and safely, proiected | plood, suchas anaemia, hendaches.and| iy. shoo buckle oul of use, ‘Tho moni oot down iy staya Meroe’ Dut tt ut ured’ with Alon’ Lang. Datsam't Cough ‘aad! goodt Suany tle aeons’ fron your ah one (Pp, B modem motor, capable Of] nacknohes, indigestion, neuralgia, St facturersof Engiond ‘did not Tet 50 int- — tack “on oie fie arouaht it down took | worry wo longer. tine and “another Be you know juak Th a word, the now submarine destroyer | Yilus dance, Siergee 3 bie pactent an Siatlusiry adie “seithoul & PPO sixteendneh “Gun: of This Kind: Wopid| “110 Pole outvol his illustration. arcy: “Blanche sa Says _ she, as sy PO x om I UorP crete Ee 3 “ i 3 a nity): “Yes; it a sch a ad Laat pe torpedo men and ferowing aiv “you need a tou supplied Soneacs “Holland, Ger- Hurl a Projectile a Distance of yb There a wil Wisdom oer ees pug ae eanining Araya uke! os; ite 1. armed — wil el 0 a : r. k el “Yes, Ie mow. wha’ . a E straight down throu ree deathdea| See, that the full "natn, Dr. iiams! Sineaeitoul YAO" the eensealeing began] The most powerful gun ever con- which means alles. of saris never] 0 : Horace: “No; but T have seen Sead ane illo onaiee ee Nets . te Paneer td See te Aton. every bo. Sa to ‘gain ground a petition was drawn up | structed was at completed by the cosines * men ah at member.” S ‘ OG rap aL Be ies. we “several respectable bucklemakers | Scott Iron Gomp: ae peer te q The submarine vessel must keep} py ait medi dealers ‘or by moll at ly : ae ; sly It Needs no Testimonial.—It i 1 within twelve or fourteen feet of the] 55 enya rs ioe es for $2.50 wate areal Ha ee Ra eter i ols onan javentor: Mr Sete < arentée: in teelk I Nalinlontele Eyrirs | Botte <pelmans thee periodical attacks to to, hé| trom The Dr. tans “Medicine Co., ware Vel aalaUtercot iibumaade Gt hence fare tomil-| Mimnseit with. his, ailment, aid required they could» be furnished» in of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diate nemy. And ight| Frock vill nt. kere field apostate eto i eS remark-| direct his attention to Parmetee’ thousands from all sorls’ and condi-|rhewa, and have to’ use gr reat recat, Overhead: what chance Soule the ee 2 ot Mino sens workmen in the different branches of} will issue from ils mouth atthe remark: | (700) Bie wwisoh cassierapocls {6 ons of niece widelp-uierent pistes: {fond 16 avoid the “dl done “ob within the submarine, have Serge, eae ee Datee: the: preva- el pierce . 6 gestion and disorders of the digestive Mane medicines are put forth every waler, cooking, and green ti, cure " ‘i . vi shoes Box OF vans vi 2 ° era » bri n th ht 8 ere their lives? ANIMALS! INSTINCT. iss nluhnioss # promisercton give cine |leyoe ot organs, have no equal. year which havo but an ephemeral ex-|to bring on the al 0 suieh_per istence ond: then are heard of no ee sons we geal reoomnend D sordial as being PS Sen is car i s “ . will ‘ 2 rj 3 , ; —+~ Mon Cate nd Doe ent how] gms ha ono se ts |, smo; Aad a cn fh Be Oa Sentry oni te ie RaDSan Eine heap and convenient shoestring had| The strength and range of this unique | Proposals Fi mn) rel ley seine te.finst maid icine in th naan a8 2 cheap ig a 6 sinarter men than Jou, too" Mey Hasty-| fe a een rSaiee plaints: “Ata, fow-drope 4 Clear Healthy Skin.—Eruptions f] 4 weiter in the Monthly Review, Mr. | gained ine strong ® hold and the buckle} piece of ordnance lie in the employment| Match: “They must have been, How | ss + Tare takeioin water: eiientiite symptoms 5 ite Pent ee ee seat oe inane |G: Bingham Newland. argues that in-| had to give wa: ch th Shela Oran Ce Si eene IO it they manage to eraw! out of il?" MINGLY. are nfotioed mo further trouble. will be isl ‘a ar is r he migrati d 2 = of the gun, round which many mi rs blood caused by unhealthy action. ct naan vot hits, SEAS ae THe pa col necHgn SqUENS Wire tonmeRventti cot aus inc So wor IAW HEE rece noralized the doctor, “is not experience ihe. sliver, and. .Kdneys. «IR, CORPCLINE | pots iding power distinct} of sistas x probably that of Sir Pon- iinsk ds wound, becauso fo you hao lost yak appetite ad arp BEE this unhealthy action and restoring the}trom’ intelligence, ‘and leads. them. lo sonby Fane. He has 400 specimens of |The sheets of tho central tube are 208] fest, bus conmancs taking “Fereria the ns," suggested the professor, Wout spoil. THE DAY FOR HIM, organs to their normal condition, Par-) iocalities tar removed from. the tf hereastene acta onitonee 28 oni we Iriches ctorig? s wide tonite. ae uae never looked on the seamy , iM. ree aN eahde. tha blonks art tha|4eperture—in the case of insecls to| glass, jel. gun melal and even wood, | seventh of an inch thick. Upon the ies = : side A certain Trishwoman, on her death fame time sleanse the blood, and the countries where, in the nature as: fae Cielo: e-beine cnaleeity. papal tinals of steel has been} Elhet: “I rather “like that young bed, called her husl to eee eeectos oan UsapPear | tiiey can never previously have visited. | to, Mie MIG SR Rate eee sta in sucn a way that it is im-|Doubleday. He has a good firm mouth “Patrick,” she suidy “I've @ last rays Spon ey nian eae Tustinot fs: molion. of cerlgin. eres cells “many stray buckles are picked up at poratbia eel mi 6 burst, “‘Thejend chin,’ Myrile; “Goodness! Has he Moth aqulst to make of » % mes Which have, become fixed by frequent the palace. complete gun is. 813 inches in length, | been kissing you, too ear ‘ot ere wets oO ian mn fo ge anny thing, Passer-by “I thought you were] practice or by heredity. The conservatism of the English is}@nd weighs just over ten tons. eeteree: <n respondes he Sorrow. blind?" 'Mendicant: Weil. mister,| Animals Nae ie faculty (instinct) . This wire-gun is the first of twenty- een ce aueronice of de in wees pcre 1 3 5 times is so hard and competition is so| highly developed, whereas man pos- == | five ordered by the American Govern- fore a ie alla 2 atch cold. Do you know 5S a , Said lemnly, “tT 3 great, that even a blind man has to] sesses it only in a very modified degree. ment for home defence. CE ee es Gaze the Luog Toni, and | Want. yo sh na lave mother ridesii tie keep his eyes open if he wants to do-any| Man, before committing himself, re- : te aS. sraves’ Worm Exterminator. It is safc what thus done for so many? It is wid | carvidge beside ye to me funeral.” : business at all.” flecls, and thon acts accordingly, as his sure and effectual, Nhe lis aly. leila eoaysoeral | "Els sto Samith’ verre kana ‘ 7 own ind intelligence prompts oat OUZ IIS \| re inventor deciares that he could z cases of tho air pawsages in children, | Mary!” cried Pat, springing to bis fock thi ima the contets rely on construct a 46-inch gun of a similar] A gentleman who was on_a visit: to Teis absolutely harmless and pleasant to | in desperation, sone ie {! rated baiderl th eT |} ina which would be capable of hurling ; 1 Mary, however, was determined on sorered with evaptions that diacharye a thin ean | n° Scoume kno iia whic a{] A tickling in the throat; a monsler projectile the record distance {his polnt, and Pal nally vieuled to ee aie ho mado Megara lady 3 with Woarer't in nerve cells ready for im- hoarsenessat times; adeep of ninety miles. Sucl last rayquis| lave her tide be a conjunction with Weavers Syrup, mediate ee as: po sion may rape, breath irritates it;—these possession of the French. would aie. he pi Aina weeny bitter: oa ee An tos! a fare est, without me- fe f = h them fas el ees without leaving “but ane ye, Mary, darlint. Ao 3 THE WOMAN'S PRIVILEGE, healt aid iGsivoaay and HDs to are features of a throat eir ; Ahead Mitcharie: aukeatie MaGcene pol fur me Calon that : fake observations, would in all proba- cough. They’re very de= igible torpedo, the in- ti eo h ae <n aon Peal ho will! iWin are you looking so glumitiiiy tail to find bis way out Dut an eg) Se ee Halping, of the| the rope should break? n,” replied oes ? Ne an Sioa Hats ceptive and a cou, h mix- y, will probably play| the man, who had no eye for anything Nap animal, having the homing instinet, is p 8) United: Slates Navy, will probably play | he man. who had no eye for a ad 3 iets iy enter wont my fiancee has changed her! yiover ‘at a loss providing the way is] ture won’t cure them. an important part in the next war, Mee esicorge sabe efor they founda the “D& i Me a leer . rect rat a nes Y ETE This skiff, which is atlached to the| Went!” . MISCONSTRUED. Hoven instantiy Dackash meh a “still worrying over that? ft was] PO. eight months old, the writer ou want something that torpedo by a cable, is filled with a kind S ———— what! f ot Laer og fully two weeks ago since you told me] yaintes ‘sent in a shut-up basket to will heal the inflamed of controller board, which, by thé turn- ees wou re ee te Hiaiac seni cilia “oh threatens i : i she had broken. off theengagement.” | O\itiqus some teh miles out jot So peniieines conch te ing of a crank, sets the tarpedo's elec- fe iis bri oat call -OF Unrest years. 918 Meanie tig F “Ob! it’s been on and off again twice} (4, 2 tric mechanism in motion. The torpedo z ished} and ieee had at ecu pay et oscars re “blood and tone HP. ale SE cna hoe tue ies i a See > Then he nee Mistress: “Bridget, 1 don't % See . d the man in charge brings them to a. ‘lined to share a Mistress: “I : uuppose 4q t System 6 Tee en fcinpedetities trom the you mind having dear little Fido in tho x : can’ be no question of landmat . Sane ars tacked Made ia Capada and Sold by all f cee your privilege,” he | kitchen with ; SES See Ee eee * | Scott's Emulsion es Ee SRE | boat, rihses Beene ee you realize what I ha idgets. : i Y he mounts the torpedo, sitting astride, ma ; = ponDD. s" Si Siled “ i =e such a remedy. [and releases the cable. Restarting the ist sg saree ee fnineent pena I'he pero as wonderful healing |) 0crir sean ihe man nos w|] Df. Leonhardt’ “Anti-Pill “round” i ower. lifes @ sure cure for Indigestion, Bilious- beyond the attainment a nouriae ing Pp . hang on for very life. Ho ape "UStnation a iq eee . his superior knowledge. But» Removes . Ven a LITTLE NERVE NEEDED. ‘all eieate arising therefrom, 6 AMERON 8 se ny ne ed ; es peepee! the cough and the whole When well within the mile timit, he feoelpt of name and address, snoring ni . . name address hronio® Bronchiti = ie ne a Guleome of @ natural levi} system is given new |] guides the torpedo. towards tho ship,|| i ZSus mame and past ofice F lavish Asthma Cie casting , hyo Sttenmth and wince and then flings himself into the sea, reé ‘THE WILSON-FYLE CO., Limited, now, in spite of "all, Es reject me. Had eee : —-—+— 8 BOF «2% Hi iying solely upon a cork jacket to Keep Niagara Falls, Ont, ||T not every reason for thinking other- ete Z FOREGONE’ CONCLUSION. Om eye nen Riiraline (cal geslat he te Sega "Se shook her head. : » Ash: laken the great- 5 The lerpeic dashes on its mission, not,” she replied. “1 did : aes lately tc {6 ‘patting every baby he|| SCOTT & BOW NE, Chemists and when its “nose” runs into the steel ight Citing. Why, if T had fa the a « Toronto, Ont, Belling of the ship—all ironclads are i suites idea of marrying you, do you been: ‘Avhat office is he going to 500. and $1.00. All druggists protected by netting a wartime—the suppose I should mares poe you to propeller reverses and the} (808¢ = waste all that money?”

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