Poe = ‘i she be able to see the hidden 1, “gen Lae the fish had disap; GREAT FIRE IN TORONTO The National Exhibition Grounds Devastated A despatch from Toronto says. Ap- parently insignificant at the outset, a fire which broke out o1 large wooden Women's ® Building, Pauiey House, Dog Buildin, ld be destroyed. Pro- and ran cimnieaels about the & - FIRE SPREADS WEST, gin the Chane in the wind it seem- ie grounds, in | 0} er © Were all releas-|? fire, and were endeavoring to extingu- @|ish it when a ery suid from the crowds, ing the scenes from age, that the te old Exhibition directors, yer All efforts Ne the numerous save it w ea sir fruitless 88, nes of | glass in the Sy ae bro ke Ay bea secur: acks and served as drai to The old Duilding, which, hes wilness- splendor, furnished making a fearsome pyrotechnic display. Finally dull crashes were heard, an the roof began to ‘fall, the girders sank 0 the ground, ajl that remaine ened of scattered blac! il- giant arms eee SI wooden buildings to the north were a parently never in dong. but il seem- ed for a time the home of Park Com- missioner Chambers, which stands the western limit of the grounds, would LOSS AND INSURANCE. The “ye is approximately papas $125,000. The insurance Transportation Building is on the grand sfand, kitchen, rooms, licket-boxes, id stand and fences, $54,000. 22 to On the catte sheds ‘there is an insurance of 110 are to be o| e CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAPPEN) IGS FROM ALL OVER THY GLOBE. Telegraphl+ Briefs From Our Own and ther Countries of Recent Occurrence. CANADA. Winnipeg's hullding ‘penite er the year have exceeded $11,000, Six new townships in northern Ontar- lement, Ano! oa ted in Kent, this time near Blen- heim, Mr Jona. Chariton has given $50 hair of moral philosophy to endow at Questa ‘University, Typho! fever has assumed an epi- demic ee in some localities of New Ont 4 56 applying for a street railway Deut nin Bari ‘The Hebrew congregation of Kingston sill ‘hal “Letiall sanageguec nha poal ote Montreal Street Railway Com- pany will add $2,000,000 to its capital stock. The Royal Canadian Regiment, infan- try, is short of its establishment by 2004 at Halifax. An agitation is being raised at Van- couver fer the holding of an immense exposition in 1910. Dr. Reaume ee _desidea joe Fear es @ fishing i the Bay of Quinte for the Sate or this year on! eye Investigation hy iat false reins to the Government Ontario “Bank began five years to. James Ashdown, millionaire hardware merchant, has asked by many Winnipeg organizations to run for mayor. af Nova Seotia paid $125. ‘The Ban! 00 for the lot at the corner of P and Garry streets, Winnipeg, and. wit erect a $2 fice buildin ‘Twenty-four sections of Indian lands south of the Qu’Appelle Valley were sold b; auction the Dominion Government at Regina. Big prices were in, ederic Nickolls of Toronto is|4a5 af accountants proves ONTARIO HEALTH RETURNS. Typhoid the Only Contagious Disease Very Prevalent returns sesamin the province's mber are satisfac- ol gave he following statement on Thurs- ay The health of the provinee, based on the returns for September of 750 divi- sion Yebistrare, 0 far-45: deatha einised contagious -disea: 32 some Tages having teporte a_populatio: deaths from sel 2 an s were reported from a population of 384,476, the death-rate be- nly 0.05. hile the returns {ro} divisions give nd 83 ees, the ne is much Tower me September, 1905, e, igures being 1 spectively 12.4 an be et that smallpox, 5 and diphtheria have rea joint, The tolal deaths from ell causes are ‘om a population. of 2,070,613, ro} which makes the death-rate 13.79 in 1,000. — SERIOUS FRACAS IN TORONTO. Dominic Trivari Was Wounded in the ‘ight Thigh. despatch says: Thursda Gurofsky of the Elm A Toronto Louis ee Triva Pain oe Bo) sees Seto Fe nitiet woun om. aun ‘dressed’. Seto Te sky's do live . aay keto 6c Tee + Me to 12c The trouble was the oulcome of the Gur- Beto 90 a cy her Bie jostled off ine. sidewalk in front of an 2 —At 0 $10 a ton fittng, us chestnut Street, about 4| for No. 1 fatty an cer Jots here. o'clock, by tee Italians. Taking Baled Straw 0 $6. per ton in whi ed it on one of the three,!car lots here. ; LEADING MARKETS BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, 0: 99 per cant patents, bi Side, for export. Ma) Ba, $4.50 second patents, $4; bakers Millfeed—Bran, $15.50 to $16, guiside; shorts, “$18.50; Manitoba bren, $18; short, $21 in car lots, bags in- sien Toronto end yah trelghts. Wheat—Ontario — white, Re Wi nece Mantiggs — No, asked, Palat Favors ae es 1 hard, 8336 No, 1 nother, Li i northern, a ene aida ed, 7834e bi i Buk hate iy ge i ude ed, on 6c Barley-<No. § Bytrosa8i¢e:oavial cul side; No. 3 te: asked outside, 4530 bid, n7B Ber cent. Po ints, 352ge ed, To- cae ee = . 3 ye inter ae aa *s tee bid, 3340 eae and l4e to 14%e for ings - job Egas= Press are quoted trom Be to 2te by. some, while other dealers quote from fie to B2c, Poullry—Live poultry, especially chick- ens, are @ very. plentiful Posse MONTREAL MARKETS, in bulk, | ene 5 ter eee 35% bid; mixed, 364e t i DEATH AT SILVER ‘WEDDING. A despatch 1 canal ia says: Two people dead with ea: held a short ge ago near hete 3 at the home of Mr. an in lesser or seater Toute the guests were stricken Iwas first thought to oN an spe uf lypheid fever, ond} Morrow were call quickly recovered from. th others did nae recoyer, two. srogenning, One was Mrs, ee ea wife of Mr. Ferguson, and the other was Mrs, Foster, ree of Hetion Foster. , who are _etilleally ill,” children Svan y and childrei Two Dead, ae Se M1), Near | 3 ee a Pashion Hints. - birt FASHION’S 'S VAGARIES; Prraana eae. of the favorite ma erials 0 se See betwi i Yaboin in cloth, poniaine ave he sheer tnaterinls—chiffo gauze, mauaealine gown of the new shade shine ‘oj Wilh a stron; rol Me a oa EF SNNR buttons and 250 People Drowned at Elliott’s Key, | 9) Florida. A despatch from Miami, Fla., says: Bee Key, an island = miles south e eye was torn rings the information, jured. avo. says he anchored on the lee side of Eliott’s Key mn after by the waves |" Bug lavendei were stricken down. ind ‘sh Ganga lavender and gold Jol ph Sen, i York, ies in a critical | embroi a d_dises, . condition. Allan an ens mn the ove liest \- country PRoDUCE. were ill, but recovered after a brief ill- | mings me elle or thetreraaie Butter -Conaitions Jn the market ave | ess Miss Laidiman, Blackheath, was | gown 1s one of pompadour silk padded about unchanged, also stricken, but is not in | flowers, with fascinating touches of gold Creamery seve as She to Re} danger. A couple of hired men were |Spangles and sflver tinsel. other: lids 23e to 24c | Jaid low, but their recovery quick. | clusters of lilacs in two shades of helo- i 23 | It is Sots Net that ten people in onej trope, with follage heavily embroidered is 18c to 20e | famil, ill as the result of eating jin silver thread and opalescent paillettes, Bo to 20¢ | the chickens pangles in the eee : 180 beaut an effect, Inchanged al ic for ISLAND ENGULFED. Seis nines tot eesti ery ath ball ee wn large colored flow- insert- which narro\ ribbon the same color as the flowers is woven. les, beads. scrolls and velvet flow- shades of it which an Se brown costume is po: ager very. strong this year on most of he new trimmings, Especially is this noticeable in the jetted passe- menteries. By the way, these jetted trimmings are peoullaay lovely, _ bein, bands, heavy motifs and in ful separate that the Snfagration was under] The insurance is placed iy the city, | yNlantreal, Oct, 28.—Grain — ‘he local mi eociea I, as a space seemed jand there are 48 companies partcipat realize e cases over $20 per} up on the aie of the eee ant cae Wheat market was quiet to-do th n to check the rene BE the flames. The |i acre. roca tally “as Sedna, the postoffice| Buckwheat—56e per bushel, at store, is believed now that a portion firemen were gathered to the west. o Bin Cite Pulliam ee “resi oed ae ibaa. cushed down ned Louis| Co™—American No, 2 mixed, 57¢, eo the sul flereely-glowing cauldron of{ vided into 100. parts or shares, eacher in the Mercer Street school,|on Agnes Street and summont tre nd: Mane Windsor, because there were colored | Gurofsky, who returned with a revol- No. 2 while, tte % suet Adams sent out one of their boats iidren in the class, Her resignation} yer. The Halians gave him two mone ie? a oe saints! 4c to 40%¢: n Friday morning to look for the men He jerked his head backward over his|was accepted by the Boar wounds in the ear and face 00k | 393 6 to. me per bushel, ex sto aN *Tand their boats. th et, return they shoulder, indicating six or seven sun-| Station Agent King, of .R., at wei from him. Loi ru fling Peas Sin tar lit reperied nd sign of the -YOUNG fish on the shore, Carman, Man., had $56 stolen from the] ning with the Italians at his heels when a oS poe te ‘ For a while they conversed on various till, but'the thief became repentant and his brothe to his assistance with | $1.10 fur-Alnitoe sing wheat, $4.25 —? topics, exchanging experiences. on the|wrole @ note telling where the cash} another revolve this time a great Fa" hale sian tt cee] WINGED ESCAPING BURGLAR. FOLKS Anding of squirrels’ hoards and bi vont be found. crowd of people had gathered and ex) vi ston wheat patents,’ S440 19. $4: 25: tg sts, and wes the hatefulness of arithe- . Abraham Pratt, Assessment Com-| citement ran high re was a pitched sir ight rollers, $3.60 (0 $3.70: in bag “}St. Thomas Man Sher ie as He @ | metic. Presently tne boy thrust his c Building Inspector of | battle at Cape and Chest eae exlrans S15 10 8 Coan ut of Cella hands in. his (s ¢ as dismissed from the cily’s|and a riot call was sent into the Agnes 1. as, PRINCESS UNA’S GLAD pay, {pert Nis. poche. i help yo fos sr failure fo have the ruins of {Street station. genstabie Robinson ar- ener “Manitoba bran, in oe aid cexpaten from st “Thome ays: i fr tree, 4 } Hotel levelled to the|rested Joseph Gurofsky.. His 38-calibre | $50, Shorls, $28;"Ont » in bags, | yt, Duroche, who li Prineess Una lived in a beautifull over ta foc out hand Neat revolver had five empty chambers. ‘The [S150 to $10; “a “to a Ber catranghg| aye Was: owvaliened. Py acnolee, An sy Ate Ae vent acta ane ieene ane castle; with big palace _ grounds alll have to go home 16 ah cS n u chives een | weapon take st from Louis Gurofsky had | rain. $28 to. $20 pe straight! ceflar on Thursday’ night, and discoy- caters ie 20 Princestess aad’ seasny like most ttle! “Cousot just hale napkins and fin-| presented with some 4.000 manuscripts} not heen fired off, Crown Attorney Cor PT Steh Able ree a aLeais ge, in] 20,4 Durglan crawling out of a cellar jopal spay Lia een stating of a Prarie: an be ic trond. eine | der-bawis!” assented Una, gayly. important histerical nature relative | ley refused Go appllealiote foe et cat Tos; 82.40 in jobbing To Py window. Nr. Duroch ie fred a ent trom | AONE i at ae che, ae So when the boy had helped the littie| to the troublesome times of 1837. SRE ES on meal ieee Grabs 2 Yad ee alin aninliee Oak AS EiRt at her heavy royal ghee eA ae princess. dovin, r to gatne: Present es Durham is the donor. be COOKED AND ATE W ~ = lc — shila Ha cnt chased gold rims and rich, lustrous col- SRUMMTA Ge ees be on some, brush for tie fre while he cleined| Mr. €. McGill, oom of the COOKED AND ATE 2 10 SI: No. 2. $1150) They jumped Ino 'a ng ahd drave rap. |OFINdS, etossed In fed, geen and git ‘al cari ts a was a : a alicenven Giclees bare ne Other plaid buttons’ are surrouni \ no process ee Shenae ee SE cee dk a eceannen ve-| Revolding ahs. of ie Doings of King |" Binet tans in eanciolse ily avay. by brown ‘glass cut in Jeweled etlects ike havi y ; im turn: a summons z ee Eges—The m steady at sas io and. gilt scrolls, ally. felching ecu cas hee oe BAD eae: Serra = hed 2 ot of Ts which the Hoe Neve ate he cocker on: & charge of} 4 despateh from Marseilles, France, |230 fon selects fF MORE DREADNOUGHTS. was, st in diferent colored enamel, In mypediniely- began le. signing them, Mr. MoGill was T2190) syye."The mg lat Sire enor me eer ORT aided in gilt and black and halt-c Su aan ews ite saree mg eG eles “N ke re € i one waties soy trom Indo. hing oe pls is ie ® ia 80" British Admiralty ‘Ordering ‘Three New He d with a graceful thistle Moog a fancy for slipping away by herself to ele the “is ena it comes after |° —- Herought, another and more bs lons=B short cut mi s _Biniding is to, be apne featur the woods which were part of the pal- GREAT BRITAIN. 3 tory of the doings of King Than. 22 10 S2h; hala fa .75 10. $1 cess of the. the win 5: ids, fee ground. Here she could pluck flow-| ,yn not yen Inow, Bue me ee Anam, showing that he went to the |50; clear fat back, : omg ute Cee ie British. batticchin’ Brond: {Walch are so easily worked into special ers to her heart’s content—violets in the] sto time vad ie eet they ha Bank of England has advanced| extent of cannibal After” killing mess $20.50; a tb x designs, even by a novice, are seen in a fine time, an it nought has irally. to give hee th eck spring, Wild roses in the summer, blue| the ash and t very vestige ofits discount rate to 6 ver, ne of his wives-he caused the body to It, ang “olety bacon. 12%6 "to onters for the eonstruction without de-/ at the Rew shades, with, Black really gentians in th PAR eee aad net cnn real Britain will remove twenly|be cooked and served up for dinner, 1B brie plate deel, $12 to. 813; i the ‘in Gesae hese’ parece Woll, one day sho was pluckin, hue Pst amcteal ahipa: front ative duty im ender |lareky nie eatouneee under | half-bar $6.5 ols, joons and bra gontians (it happened to Bee Ue Sr ey none fe .eeonomie ior any apliveatee = est bain ot deethe Sammmakite Kings Wier (homie see ee $11; half-barrels do.. 10S; faney edge. There is less papier you sec), and he was zonty kane TuEMia, Gahtedhes Chk See cord Tweedmouth, First Lord of the} were bound ‘and. burned. with boiling| compound nee 8 | o 930 pure Jara, ai ‘and sliver in then than lost. sea. oe iersel “glad in tho. fact thai hooks, end a compass,| Amiraliy, says the, recent econo:| al and subjected to olher cruelly, while kettle 2 19 son. Walle ste gut looking on in silent ad:| Ys. Bay: vel! { tina ene fiie more she h d escaped the vigil-| miration, twisting grasses aroun hier| mies will not fears the British 1 naked women cane thrown into the sow eng ing to ee Bano Bx Rane Oe ance o! Ae royal gi ind had bee ot eta. cages of we heasts. size; breakfast pea 15e ti splice i 8 sas a : : hi s of dull green broadcloth, ple 0 slip away trom thelr eyes unob- By ond by a dreadfully accusing sound UNITED STA’ Bench auto ¢ tot as cute hones Pes ed ‘tat The Steamer Dundes Launched on the Be ee Per denice oth yea Tn the woods the grass was still green | {°!!, 07 the ears or he Mas reese; ; er. 5 60. to $6.75. per 100 : yde. ined with black and gold, and caugnt and soll, like a cared-for lawn, and it}i’s a bugle, and she knew that it. was] In the explosion of an automobile at) y ‘Acceseston oe Laka fe. and: therewith »t At -buek y over copper-colored ese oft, was thickly Set with saeetebes the binest rincess Una had e ees eh ening of the eae gol- W lingered in her smile. (You as ae she not reached the fond she had plucked as many gen- tiuns as her two hands could hold, she webs on the shadowed green-swai and fust at this moment the sun, beginning to gilda the the hij est eastern at ee: JOOS straight the court chamberlain sending out search r her SF smooth be one of the wae ae BFE course Princess Una was sorry to that it had bee vs been Such i glad day,” she whis- | ere miei. “Is been such a reo eeee JAPAN FOMENTING ‘TROUBLE, An Antipriish ‘Yarn pai by Agen seviig: that the anti- British aaeaivant down at the rinces: gplenty 10 ae toi tat {here meat Pe ca eee own wor! yond «th 2 9 a =atone wall which shut in the palace parva uae to foster a feeling of kin- Wood. She Knew the grounds in tront| iP between the two dark races, and jul what might is mysterious region between the ta ae Fil Tprarichies” of that tall tree, his A radiant iittle fish rol him!” exclaimed Una, a quick effort thet Tit of us ae and leaped into ess, with a S sl in yes, he didn’t look one ces: me didn't have te boy couldn't 28 eee “Don't you care!” cried rote hale pile of der.” } [- pipehl ‘aod sl way 0 | Sconiat lo Japan, where they wil be Soe with an’ almosphere | OF disa: The | Hindoo students, now: in Tokio, the correspondent. of tin Taking advantage of this Anglophobe certain é to end to supplant the boyeotted British merehandise wit o0ds, are festa with a warm wel- cine potenti atten ay SHOT THROUGH BREAST. A Young = rapa ae Killed at A despatch on ‘live young A sad felts HF have frightened her royal parents, sorry | Cat Sis Rinpell Cleveland two persons were killed and two seriously injured. Ten men were burned to death and two fatally: injured in a fire in a board: Ing-house at burmingham, Alebama, on a The $50.00, chureh tuilt largely with ke his wireless telegraphy inycntion, was dedicated on Tuesday, It is for Slavish = of West Berwick, eb taken on Monday n- imi- Hawk Fa led two years. ine will make a watch-charm of the bul fame mesaniae of Greeley, Color- ado, me and advertise for a wife. Among numerous answers Morris of = 23 sen from St. Ratu says: | on the Sl. Petersburg tle graph agen has ved espatch from ‘Tokio ing w off his right arm, de- stroying his Tell eye, knocked out sever- 2) al teeth and otherwise injur GENERAL. New, South Wales and Victoria have evere laws against an ambling. ‘The sentence of death imposed on four Russian for peers has been commute The Legislative Assembly of Western anatralla decided to withdraw from the an Commonwealth. —_——+—- IRREGULARITIES IN BANKS. 415. coca in the United States Dur- A es Se Ste SENS session of ies thir ty-sec- annual convention: of the Ameri ers’ Association the annual repo! cf Secretary James R, Branch, cf New Sess iregulanie in. ene Cir cles, 0! ave been convicte mn association’ through pereelnaten and folal paid member- , was 8, surplus and depos- agureralo capital, 5/Some of them were te ag ing. perios i) The ‘impos amounted of .A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: Forty-six years ago Moses, Fred, Joseph and s Beauchamp, then a; ive. t en years, were sep parents having died in 1$59, “They did eb a ey came here for @ reunion last w ae who went est, and became a weal tne ranchman at Davis, Sout Dakota, ie} fermi Family ask Separated eset Mor: The “Royal Gu D sbanded. the palues: hea. been ‘placed under tne protection of 150 native soldiers, and the terror: en inmates of the Palace have been rescued from sufferings. Th majority of the latter were women, w1 fe bore the marks of 1 their faces ing slashed and tongues by pincers altached of their legs, paar THREE MONTHS’ COMMERCE, Increase of eae for ao Quarter : iseal Yea to. the fleshy parts to increase their agonies, A des ae a Hees si Re- fugns: [or thie “rst ltteer monte ‘ot-the Gurrent fiseal year show an increase ct in ion, a cere with the f the the trade of the Domin- correspond- of 1905. 244, Exports the fiscal year Bh 095,738, tebe Aolalled for + MORE CARNEGIE HEROES, Sixteen New oe of Funds and Medals. A despatch os Pi ung, says: Sixteen eos awards. of fuse sa m dals were made on Wednesday the carnegie ferd-figia: ebmimiasion tee inde ¥idual have saved lives, and whos r Deshibining, twenly years eller of Langham, Province ho ed drowning on ¢ fred 0. Burnham, — carpenter. jae: Sas REUNITED AFTER 46 YEARS. Once eat the “Soo. others and ‘and > Soest after “spending } in muy. about me case a tha a brother is the sisters, of the e- PiemBership: is Seine several foams: dollars. cut out, while others had been suspended | j de-|on the expiration of See Hees eh tina BUFFALO MARKET. Buflatoy Oct. 28. Flour 1 Northern, light; No. 2 my No, ® yellow, 1c. “Oals— 87905 No, 2 mix NEW YORK WHEAT MARK! Oct. 23.—Wheat. Ne w York, fen be 2 red, 79 2 red, afloat; northern Du- in 87%0 ho. b. afloat; hard win- , 8234¢ f.0.b. afloat, —— GETTING READY FOR OPEN arliament Will Not me patch from Otiawa 2 Pi parations for the opening of Parliament are proceeding quielly the “Hill.” rliest date whieh the Government scan be ready (0 meet the Hous DNOUGHT. See RUSSIA WANTS A DB ‘The Finance Minister Refused to Pro- ide Funds _A despatch feo oe Petersburg says: s to bulld a ba tle t type. In order to overcome Minister of Finance Kokov- sef'S refusal to Supply TRADE IN BRITISH BOTTOMS. Carried se ‘ds of Canada’s Goods Says Blue-book. espatch from London says: Scat 300k on ship that British otiome oarried 66 of Canadian trade See KITCHENER TO VISIT CANADA? ;~ Report That He Ald terran the Land Fi A. desps ae yamiored’ from a don eet i in India that Lord Ki will visit forces on a sa) Mac! ‘irm. Wheat} tr — Spot] Thursda: oli Before No- u ds| and drawing dj the nervous ckay interests of Hamilton for g ade on the great lakes, was iach: ed on the oe on Wednesday, ——$}———— CUBA STORM-SWEPT, .| Fears Are Eee for. Numerous ra pis Ereaace says: A tropical storm passed over Cuba on All Cuba and the Southern Aulantic san of the Unit that were out when the storm broke, Pneumonia, diphtheria croup, ial gia, chronic rheumatism, gout, asthma, emia, and ilo have all been treated most successfully by concentrated sunlit Even diseases of the kidneys, stomach, rain, and s| “al overcome by sirong sunlight, although it cannot pene- trate to these deep it acts, these cases, by agers the surface sve he blood from. the congested or; e sun can cure sleeplessness, ane e the a) tile and the nutrition of the pa Ane blood, strengthen tho heart, and pre- kills consumption microbes in dust, cholera, and yphoid microbes in drinking water, sate fe- ver and measles microbes in infected Tooms, 1 WISH. aeuy, 1 hen ae eager feet, dae On gee I wi sh a a entle nal With lorie fer soft rf end te = ‘Wednesd: oes oe ang Saag; e elling face, A “Wrluitenee a phone. to Saturday,I- look” for asker eyes, Con's Toei see; ustralia. }Canada with the object zor sme the land lisfactory, basis, steamer Dundee, specially built i ‘he mol together by: ung uttons, or natart this trimming are usually Balas ly rel iS r “banding of oblong led figures ARC heen Ww ben- galine, Spaneed: hea in three tones of deep blue SEQUINS FAD OF FASHION, juinned net in all Mack or in black. hi wide or narrower is kilted and formed into a ruche and aldéng the centre is sted a little piece of ribbon velvet, which m ta into a ruche. ~The vel- is crossed each half inch by a row ot ania the width of the velvet, theso —+———. bulges serving to sew on the velvet to KING SOL, M.D. the killed insertion so that one may it ‘ ; ta [82¥ @ in the making. his is a o e re lea tener in the world | charming finish to the all black evening gt. sui re a few. examples | dross on it'may be done on white in- Meee pean powers sertion With black velvet and sequins onsumption- of the lungs has been for the black net mounted over while, successfully treated by means of a con- or threo inch insertion may be Ne mirror overlaid with blue glass. | aiahorated into the prettiest galloon, It Disfiguring lupus s to the chemi-!{-"jined at the back with chiffon, tho eal rays of the sun, although tho haat Mining showing 4s a piping at the edges, light is found more convenient i The surface of the lace _is enriched with roses, with colored Velvet, shading with the chiffon lining. To accommo. date these the patterns in the lace are eul away; arele, for Instance, or ovals, Fancy braids can be quick), posed into showy trimming by French Knots, bead work and chenille threads drawn in. It is a new note of fashion BY whi ch, puls silk braid on to the lightest lance, a charming ae i a white ie orepe de chine is trimmed with two widths of while Russian braid, DREADNOUGHT TESTED, The Great~ Bites ay Through Wer esp from “Shamans Eng- ha ae The British. battleship Dread: a carried out her gun trials in. the en sea on Thursday with ie most eusteelary results, Officers of-the high- es{ rank and experienced in ordnance then’ a finally all he te ne them, coos nee = adside, simulaneoush . vas 3 a to es te her structure, arate a si Si » I wish for heart, Tal ey abe een