: _ WARTBURG. = Our new Penne eacher. Mr. Pucker. = Owen Sound, arrived ee , burday to take hich reopened on Monday nek class Mr. McCloy wetted 110 with a fair attendance in the smaller ipsuranee. cla ae. good deal of oe is felt in Master Braden Henry spent last | Sunday visiting his grandmother in ornin: ihe rof Musics iawood Every Thursday Rernoon at V. R. Berlet’s Residence ee ah a to ae ‘ fonday hai : iss took in the excursion he . g on Saturday. : Roy Henry tisited friends ‘in Wel- Linwoop. e e busl Testes a 2 Saturda vill sell for M So els ‘the ent! 2 number. of mR ORGOK at: Pic bare. igsto + Mr ana Mia J Ww. Barr and |rop Mr. Hollatz’s losd will be y Teeny the plotio'in Gameiterd last on Saturday. September 3rd, daugh' Nora. ornisk anes the square. ‘Terms made Miss "Gera MeKuni now “Mi. Fred, /Barnhardi left on Tues. W. D. WEIR, Auctio ant ee Me, Atremen- ie Gistth aud Goo Gack |W HE cMuwciesmon, OER. tation lin this viewulty. during from, with t of Milverton, Be Sunday at Te. e hoy y to} Theodore Riehl is cleaning np a ne prices throughout the FARM FOR SALE. — *aeview" the home of Mr. and Mrs.|see Fred making his ‘vay to the | good deal Sill Gideon Litt is also spans 6 ‘Sth oc Nie Wood d. wed Nicholson has been do Se se tase ee ot 6 on the ‘8thi con. of the Town-| Mr. Woodworth. of London. spent} olson has been do- ‘offmier noe are busy threshin GOLD WATCHES of ‘Momington. ‘containing 124 | few days tas me i ao! nat ® bala J in different styles and sizes. Jew. i re rs. P. Kreutzweiser. Mrs. ing this season owing to the heavy eled Rin} ngs ol a amd an al lance of barns. Sel H. Sohlucter and Miss ©. Schlueter = ae on Wed- rep of fall wheat. i i took in the “Old Bays." weunion at mesday a loa Some farmers are done harvesting Bridgeport last week. Mr. John selling. wot the idth of| while others are waiting to get their Mr. Wm. Burgman. of Milverton. Logan. “had only team of horses} threshing done before they can get spent a day or two in the village last willed. = Tightning on. Monday morn-| thei : weak K senening seavfeintan ces. n mak- fost the fi have their ere: —————— and s; f A iy A BASTENDO RFF sa to the ‘best mackete, ‘The: farm 1. a business|ing a start and bad no ¢ at ground ready to mow ond it vill be sold on very ter soe a Guelph on Wednesday “of ig! hi en cireulatin im | Food wBhape this ‘year, WELER and OPTICIA: suitable party. For farther informa-| last week. subsoription list fo benefit. Sein Dapber 1nd Sua w pa Tested Fi tion address at once W. T. McGor-| Mrs. Ralph Jackson. of Seen Mr. Ray McNaught. of Grey. ha of Pale Hill. a visiting with Mr. pag Tested: BREE: of Charnes man, Port Arthur. Canada, spent ‘Thumsday with friends in thi struck by lightning 2 : villas a nd burned to the ground on Mon- severe thunderstorm passed over : Mira Mansctisiieot- Toronto, apent day moming onday lity of Milverton | : few dans last week a3 the guest of -and ‘Mrs. David | Lindsay. of | a, owley's | house | was IT WILL PAY YOu bi . W. Hargraves, .X.. are at pre is struckby lightning and. part of the ae * nS. |. Fathi = Kt id vic’ es YOUNG PEOPLE Walisd'th hereh¥ civen timbacout tet Mowengte, Uh. are a a|Frignd 2° Aehur @ aoa :. Bae dom eh ois Dee ers Fomey ever aa will be hel ant to the Ontario] present the Site and wee [ees Oe Sin and Wa Merry" |C 3 "Cin, Baumbach, of London. The Listowel Business College a Koh Ay ee Schnurr. field Tete on Monday for Ha: pink eer peck ata ene ne of Co: ft its And 3} W. Martinson, of to atten ent the meeting o! SEE spent Sunday with Mrs. ©, Helle so, POOLE. for free catalogue nr eZ ieulars. to Mi . on Si Z : Trends in the vill Sat Comp: DWIN G. MATTHEWS, Principal el ber. at Elev Messrs. Hugh. Pel m and Art Ren- voor. and Mrs. C, Heller are moving Miss Annie Brenner. of Michigan. % conducting the | into Monkton and -will take up resi-|is spending a ew “weeks with her sis- 8 in ing to their in the house thet was Seca ter. Mrs. JE — Y Lists of the. Munietpality |r, in LA MS rake aes fed by Mi Dobbs. Mr, Mr. - Ogde of Guelph. are of lverton tor 1910, having ee tne tenting to threshing operations. Miss os Saar cot Hamilton. 2 soentind ptew- dave with MEnaud C : sons ed uusiness at the | “Mr. and Mrs. Ed.. Karley. of Han-| rived bh and is suffer-|ytrs amen. anadian Court are Seg oiee Ava sien at over. are ab present visiting the for- |ing from. ee attack of quin-|~ yrs, L. Kieffer and daughter Mrs. said time and p ee iy mer’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mat Ka a ay week : pater itrvertoa this 24 OaE: of | toy, 2 . Craig of the Bell Telephone Co. visiting friends { eat N Nati ti onal nal] Asset: 1910. W. D, WEIR, Clerk.|;,M% and Mrs ‘Thos. Williams | and | was e the other day we] Mr. Charles Ls en paid a basiness + De | family who. dines been visiting f nds | unde1ttand that for the Ges ny {trip to Guelph las ne Exhit hi bi ~ - {a Linwood fav eome Hime left for} cenirl office will be eftablished here. “fr, Win. Irwin, Bay. visléed edt thelr home in Gravenhurst on ‘Tues: | A iumber of country subscribers ask-| pubiia scbsol om ‘Monday Xl nition FARM FOR SALE. day fy toa sight witvios” and” ander! \ 450 Mnempia Gagnlay’ oaeue’ SUAGAY = onse _ hae Wilker and his mother: these cir an t = at Mr. E. C. Knoblau Mr. C. Y The undersinged offers for sale his | law Mrs. Schmétzer, spent Sund: be ‘too great and Tel n loyd. Milton, and Mi farm being North half Lot 13. Con. WN aenas . will ely ‘be r i Mite Coote spent Sunday with f 10. Mornington, consisting of 100 Mr, Edwin ‘Koehler left. the other sd. Wil lea ‘Moorefield. . or les ut 90 gore: y for Walkerton where he will] Bruce Peninsula last wee md show aula o dusctnc fenie aeabae oe Return Rates from Milverton | |cleared. the balance in bush. pend a week among friends. oughly enjoyed ‘the outi vec Qttgmded. the funeral of ‘Mrs, 1 Mr. Leo Boegle. of St Clements.) Mr. Geo. Goettler and Gehineider, Mnear las e of c . Two wells i y and siste shill, Mrs. a sterns. never failing supply | was a visitor im the village on Mon: gie spe ° at the | Schneider was a 3 L K 4 85 acres s rop. 10 acres summer-| Gay * 1.0: thage for many y DAILY islet id roots alance seeded| “Another electrical storm passed ov- r. Geo. Well is]* Mr. rew Mittleholtz is agai 3 fons: On Ee Blase tae ex this locality on Monday morning | visiting in t alee gud aie oui the siolf list. He is now improy- @ a Aug.27 to Sept. 10 storey. ae bones: ‘21x31. wi : ‘Carge t so far mo damage by lig ehtning | Logan f 5 Ys. ing at the home of his son ins. : mM S Li 1 t - PS se has been reported. Mr. Philip ob ie. we regret t gs morning an electrica apriage License: - i All tickets fond for'retura until Sept. 15th || CROs Balt frame. two good Joe! we understand that the enterpris-| hear is at pre down with typhoid |S ssed over this vicinity giv- 8 : S Issued, - Milverton tne ad ae Pac cena 4 jing 1 ticiy of deeroi& Perec are’ bans | lal Audie muamieuton: OF Toronto.| ing the neople quite a scare, The ae | Po perc ha ae pra a into this local- spendin ing ouple of ‘reste at he Bebitiing toe havoa with the roo! oak FOR OFFICIAL PROGRAMME [without crop r informa-| ity six loads of stockers for fall and | i the villa of ‘the Separate school but mo other pies pal to GHUBERT BOE ease f. “Mrs. s. Brot of Humbolt. | serious anes has been repor' \ las shaded 4 i Sun, i Who has been visiting at th M ley, y Mrs, 8, | Josephine Haid pent Sunday Ss. the past thre months | Franees Queri d hey: r e WwW rt fo. NOTICE ! eran CHG nee ee eve ieft Or hos kamteay Wea esday. i ck. evening, commeneing at 7.30 o’e Mr. John Ellacott spent fev DIRECTORS’ MEETING. 2G f Toronto. spent {days last week with friends in Chath-} ganday il h her parents ‘Mr. anc yan The Directors of Kite Bima Mrs. M. G The following _gentlem from| \futual Fire Insurance __ We are appointing sales agents no in every unrepresented county for the ason of 1910, Ove: nt. of M. Goet Gog. he FALL TERM FROM AUG. 29th $ | s¢250 foe 24) Vr Miss irene Herlett Js holidaying: In| Mitohell were im the village on Tuce<| setts miepting 4a the Agricultura BOR es aE a tf 2 * | Guelpl Ped afternoon on business; Messrs. | fall, Atwood. on ay. the CENTRAL jummer mont pay ree a wm. Oakley. of Bred Pierce, John Blowes. ; Phomip: . i. Satur ae Betided with ieiodds |son and Bredevrochte e ekly for endered. G: Business College § |i! Bereloey soapy ele = wand bine War Ba uaa near Aoucele on + Lac M fi e i -P.P.. of Berlin. call- had two fingers badly crushed and OVER 600 sty ela CULTI- ea on a number . his friends in the ie pee cently in the pulley of ATH villag ig sling Petcbke of Newdorf. ees hardware merchant Mr, id tte. ‘poattl lay with Mrs. P. Ilacott. this week closed have departments Our acreage is ae as it Ses 3 c. i important that you should represent 3 ‘ supine: ML eeslodee oa emmsreieuranay a firm of good standing and size. We | Kraut pias es Ge toe takin ree -y the Business will gan: and $10.00 for a e Write at once for ourfFree Catalogue § | supply strictly first Brade stock and aa a ae ig hi chased it ome weeks age, Gen- ae eae foc: inbath x ension D.A.McLACHLAN, -EPrincip: "4 : ete os Test a eos = aye cass in Mechs i Mon way ab t era is felt at Mr. : Basi ae ae ae feria ee , e rict, Established a i mn ee 3 The meeting adjourned till Tuesday For further particu-| Mrs D. R. PUNE: ane a ai th hie deal a the ‘20th of tember 1910. to loc derd spent “sunday, w with her parents Mr.| we believe ceting with general s0°-| mo Fagin ACR REI. te and arsil <S, speak for Mr. Bettger | "icc, Pee ae seek “hs PELHAM NURSERY | COMPANY Mr. Kerr. of the "ifetropolitan bank; [the extensive ‘patronage enjoyed’ by | Fonseca, We have on hand'a large stock of Ex Toronto. — Ont. wl y ‘oronto hi ae A tension Tables, ranging in length from yi Senne eat to Milverton.| Mr. and Mr: S i k Saget ¥ “| Mr. Ernest Burgener. of Wellesley. | children ae : 6 to to feet. They range in price from COMMERCIAL. spent Sunday with his brother Mr. C. | over Sun KINGWOOD. - ss -___ oe. Linwoodd. iott. $6.00 up. Call in and inspect them. #:: Ot . Misses eee and M of ‘all Wh - Geo. Hahn. of Jilmira. spent Milverton, were the guests of Mrs. 7.) | Mfr. ‘and Mrs. Henry. Hofstettler, 50 | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kreut etterfield part(of last we Bidet mitts day or so last week F u tured? Btsloynee Wasi we A Wlise Onrsle: Pubokplbere: veturnea | with ‘friends here. ’ e telat S ae 15 ‘| (he programme of the Women’s In-| home on Saturd fter spe is Wm a st and family spent NEES He i for the September me ne ent sister i: re agen.|a few days this cody be the for- $= Fits, por owt 000 8 00 |i ke ‘es follows! Sue. “Slane | Mr and Ate Wn, Meriyeld snd i petal ed orrance civiane : : =F Messrs. Abe and Archie and Misses Furnit I can cure the worst ease of | Manitoba flour, per ew 20 3.90] Hee pncoueess er oF i nal mee ares ea pan ae beset iss rniture Dealers and Undertakers Rupture cee operation || 5} eo P PaitasViepn. Helnnueh vans i Sinday with friends at Berli or loss of time, from infan- aay ’ eased 2: te Besoiawalt, S Bagees: witl 3 s 0s. Barnett. of Listowel, vai | Toe GIG age, i % ; itation, iS edith “Miller. God| ‘The esidents ts of Selby g aja Busines trip to this vicinity las! a ‘ e Ki af. oe eat F B o a ertae in set ices : n ee aa a! cians eee Kemp, who was in ROS Rev. Daca ithe ot Da ndal B 9 3 35 asuenes old resident o! pace Friday r, port having ecial services were held at the t train which collided ct at Once Hogs liveweight + $5 8 35) acparted this life on Thursday of las and Mrs. Christian Seh- with Sir Wilfrid Laurier's special, be- 0 nt aft 600, Bi iss Pearl Barnhardt is apending 3 a 3 r 3 Brant no & wer Zion di and remove the daily dan- ar a a ist holidays in Noatich and io ‘wan’ dipcharze the CPR. in 5 okatcangilkto. “Piit in ae 9 2 was taken ill} ford. shareh on Sunday but next Sunday. | canse at the “Vancouver Coupon and send to Dept. L. 0 alarm: was felt by the family | Mrs, A. Huggins has Returned af-|Sunday School ‘and church service La STRATFORD MARKETS il early in the afte’ hen | te weeks visit with friends a will be hel@ at the usual hour. se. H . : mh Pall Wheat. $ abe. Sores : Apes: seh Moet J. S. SMIT = radually 38 1 abou clock | er-in-law Mrs. ed a ° ° I H Bin ies 4 5! When he passed peaceful vay. |i age of 89 yeans. aS . : te stomach trouble is believed to], Messrs. Fred an erry 88 Caledonia st. ns DOF tae heck che coum Mis Pekin vient ak with friends in Mol- Oats. Stratford, - P 120 1.20] was a nati rmany and eswi Forest. gous Butter te Canada about 57 years ago. sett-| Miss Odelia Ronnenberg left Mon- || . ing in ‘th i esley. | day ing for Toronto to attend OF ne x [ite predentin oboe neh he lr a i pending : = 3 ago, Mr. Sohlueter was the s. erton is s ; Meswi fatbet Of ten obildren, eight of whom | two, weeks he millinary wholesale | = Age, «Time Rup.., : ° ears: ‘i follows; | houses in Torontp getting: all the new- e Sate. |est ideas in fall rillinesy, She has He nry” Emanuel John, Kate is ee ee Single or Double ...... re De ae ehte my SNeSiy, a . saa funeral took pla Weber tore: Bind be Satistaction Guaranteed. SEALED TENDERS addressed to |Pemetorvon Saturday and wes very | ey for a trip North and ep ent || undersigned, and endos lett ect imenc. c ‘he . © |Sunday (with his brother Henry at || ag Ake Saabs gl Se 6h will Stockman conducted the bey car = pee a m., on dn fe pte: he mittoned:. Mns. Vai oe Gohneider. ot Hess HESSON. Strauss, vino for, some time has een living with hex daughter Mes, Jacob | Reichert died on Thursday last after} 5° a ap. Wy, ; see! f i] Dre and Mrs. Nethereott. of Stra tender obtained on ‘Avlieation at the a few (weeks! ec eaaetany to ford. Mise Struthers, of New, York. oltice of Mr. Thos. A. Hastings, Jerk on Saturday afternoon, eda listed aphicg eerie ie In pins to make room on our shelves for fall goods, which are arriv- Sar ce TREES A. li ing daily, weare fe | ke thi i , we'are forced to. make this great temptir p Office’ Waterloo, and at this” Depart | GRAV<LRIDGE. tee Voll and’ Mr. By Struthers have Sen m: great tempting offer to the public en, cr a ington. is re he West where they will of 100 pairs of Boots and Shoes at $1.00 per pair in Mens, Women's ersons tendering are notified that |%. Mrs. James Rac. of Burlington. 1 W mon and Child Ss Styl Bice tenders will-not be considered unless ating at Mr. 1d. Denger's, as © Knight. of Stratford, hildren’s Summer Styles in broken sizes, on ‘ er om the printed forms supplie Mrs. Ezra Knechtel, of ee week-end with Miss Emily Rigned’ Wich, Hels wotual signa- yarton, visited at Mi. Geo. Mill- x tare SUE thee occupation. and | er's recently. Bre M. Kéyndy. of Liblers sitions : places residence. ‘tn ‘the |. Mrs. ‘Thomas Westman. who has |i ng auaintanee ‘irms; the } | been ae Pearioeaty it this past week me ni Ee RI DAY A N D SAT U R DAY \¢ ogoupn. | 8 slowly improving: Mr. Earle Magwood left Monday if Miss Mabel and) Master Gordon Wedepred a yuh i; Stalli . d Filli ie fe got etch | povbea, of Listowel. are holidaying | position inthe O2-%. office : ions an ! 1es Each tender st be accompani a ed, grand arents Mr. and] apilim, Eisle: Coulter, of aban. is AUGUST 26th AND 27th, 191 ° "Harvest “he hing is in full swing by. j ari FOR SALE! boriarti mad Us fa aed x ad the rain is turning out splen-| Duris Monday morning Oa eee ly. per . the s1 k of Honeygrove cheese Z ;: é Ez one to clue gare olde Be: | pon % Rye tie amnat of phe ste ae Daily. t oowbrides and story was own Jo oe Ferdi Never before have such bargains been offered in the Boot and Shoe ved by expert jud, t Wades wr diet ie Sanates i all-round ablpment that ever left the fender hh fe ford, a ys last week | last week to 1 ir work at line, as some of these goods are regular $4 value. alle to do 8 a sarin Don't miss this opportunity, as it may never occur again. Our increas- of tees are visiting at their grand: ing tr n stock * i ae dot, Se Your Bote, be not Caterers dina ig trade demands us to carry a larger stock of Fall and Winter Goods, ho. prlees are right. Inspection eagtment does not vind Atselt ‘Rostock STP therefore we offer this Great Slaughte—$1,00. PER PAIR—at cordially invited, : to accep! lowest or any tender. seen, ed to the Behorkl ‘ ‘ si B. Mr, Geo. Denyer. i Method Conference ane th order, ‘ isiting his brother Mr. Ed. Denyer. JNO. SEMPLE, ‘R. 6: DESROCHERS, TAs kts, Tiigs oft Miafanvilies pent Wore Sipatee Bean 7 Secretary. a hure! if : i " Milverton, Ont. Department of Public Works, Sunday with friends here. , | 340.000; mumber eof i 580 * $ ae FOttawa: August 22, 1910. Miss Frieda Doerr returned on Fri-| local chers 689: class leader 3 3 THE SHOEMAN 3 3 y after ee is her holidays with i 5.348: Sun- P oI ve sfin ssh taint lias coals day Schools 3590, ‘The increase . in ‘ ' ate I One Door Enst of the Drug Store oo Newgpaners will mot be paid for friend in a} si c poe authaniey they in oe Ro and tire wy elarenehte mien - authorit sete spart- ‘4 Conference four Years ago was i ~ A26-2in. ae ‘and Mies 5, Jee Jacobs, 874, ‘There, are 98% more inister