Milverton Sun, 25 Aug 1910, p. 1

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STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, ~~ ONTARIO Vol. XVIII—No. 7 Milverton, J.G.HAMILTON Agent for DL. & W. SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRACITE FURNACE COAL STOVE AND NUT ST, MARYS LIME Ihave a quantity of Hardwood (Beech and [laple) 16 in. long. Split if desired. Sheds at C.P.R. -STATION The Metropolitan Bank Head Office: TORONTO Capital Paid up $1,000,000.00 Reserve Eund and Undivided Profits 1,307,809.25 A general banking business transacted. Savings Department at every branch. MILVERTON BRANCH: Cc. G. WALKER LINWOOD BRANCH: G. L. ZIEGLER LOCAL NEWS o - ° + a7, P. wbAsart, bn pai Eegs i8e. per doe Mageland € Son, Butter 22¢, per Ib. “Engeland Mrs. Thos. Crawford. of Millbank. spent a day last week with Mrs, I’. Baca with Mrs. -F. pins. e._of Burlington, A caer es Te Guest of Bre Geo Gaetan Mr. iand Mrs, Fred. Hofferd and dasa eee ke Mr. and Mrs. C. Schw: ae yon Tabard in ithe at Gustine: Newton, are cee you shoul * Miss Oarrie McKnigh Greet bers oa yo t. of ee Pieces id at present spending a week or t Manager ei £]| with Mas. ‘sel iss P. Hs Sarnia, is at =| present cataloguing the books of the Milverton public .. NEW ARRIVALS IN Regal Taffetta Underskirts made to order. $2.00 to most ‘satisfactory Another lot with black only in stock. All other shades can be Prices ranging from I beg to say that Regal Taffetta is the E know of no other material that can be made into Underskirts which. will retain its original firmness, appearance and wearing qualities, and sell at a popular price equal to Regal Taffetta. We have a big range of the above men- tioned Underskirts in all sizes. Nicely made with deep flounce and rows of shirring and corded flounce. embroidery flounce, $9.00 EACH imitation of Taffetta silk in the world. It rustles, looks and feels like silk and it absolutely holds its rustle We Guarantee Regal Taffetta to give perfect satisfaction and should the skirt you purchase not give you thorough service in its wearing qualities, we are authorized to replace it with another skirt of equal value or tefund the money. terns. Per yard o: 200 yards of Wrapperettes in all the new shades and pat- ew New Arrivals in Wrapperettes «=. and Cotton . A Luxury in Whitewear nly . 12!¢c Ask to see our “Fine Mada- *s 2 dozen pair long Corsets, very special per pair .. 48c polane” Cambric Cotton, re- gular 18c per yard, our price PER war: oe 15c We still Children’ have a nice assortment of s Dresses in all sizes. .:.:.: | SCHAEFER’S “The Satisfactory Store” “le MILVERTON, ONT. re of Strat- ‘ord. ee a erton and tite on Tuesday ‘afternoon, a tee oun- 18c. tubs 19°, Engeland are showing the st stock of Dress Goods ever shown in Milverton. 53 pieces to D. zeland & Son stock school Bonen on anaes. J. Scott's barn ‘was struck bot. lightning last week but the bolt was carried safely to the e rods no damage bi tham burning * point and shattering a globe on In buying a English south “trom Walestey to oad year in the Central Prison and twel- ve lashes as a punishment for inde- gentvassault on a girl of tender age. tl durii |lash' was adde: Mr. John asi | weeve of Wel Tha’ mprisonme i who is now the days wei Good wi n of which his many‘ friends in Milverton are glad. town in recent years OCT OE SEO OL OLS OT ORSTOTOL Reme there i: ago for mow fying in and relief is sure to: follow. Wdmonton hospital with tywhold te¥- Tecommended for cous} md | °F; whooping cough. Young People's Alliance of uring the past two w ate ‘ie Evangelical church is giv a W. Schmidt has regular Rally Day prberanis Mexe orders for rodding barn Sunday evening. Rev. J. G. Litt. of midt has been e} Sebringville, will preside. work through the fact Mr. Earl Magwood, who for. the es are lower than ot! past year hi mn assistant at the work always gives satisfac C.P.R. station at Milverton = asemtery is a dange ous Monday transferred to London w where but cam be cured. Cha he ‘vill ba employed in the nts’ ic. Cholera and office, has been successfully used in nine epi- r. Gideon Knechtel. of Brampton |demios of dysent. and Miss Maggis Knechtel and her een known to fail niece Miss Melinda Knechtel, of Fik- able for children and adults, d | ton. are at sent visiting at | when eauced with w the resides of Mr, E. Knechtel, Mik jened it is pleasant to take. Sold by| vert jall de liver is sluggish and out of His Hone Judge Chisholm at Ber- |tone-and you feel dull. Dillons, consti- lin on pe prune xe ntenced i, pated, take a mberlain’s lon, Va teen-ye Btomach and Liver Tablets to-night it Sept, 6th, 1910. ¢ {not already done so. arrang fore opening, ty uart tickets tor $1 cash Geo. Roe's dair: Found on rimmed spectacles. of- fice. Mr. John Hoffman. of Stratford. spent a few days in Milverton last week, Mr. Henry E. Groseh is spending & week with ae in Chesley and Owen Sound. Apply at P gest bargaind in shoes ever eluretra me iiierton See T. P. Roe’s eS owe "Daub. of Amulree. is at vr east spending a few weeks with her pe uline Borger left on Sai- ¢ wholesale ronto. milk is see dipped out ma will day Southampton. One Sound and Ches- biastor ea Bt ae pets aya a _weel Mie at Berlin, Seta and otha ree mber you One Dollar's . get swath of Dry Goode Boots, Shoes, ete. for-eighty-five cents cash at Gustin's ewton. ne Ib, prints of butter 22c. _ per xb, Every print must weigh 16 oun- foes, aegees 18c. tubs 19°, Engeland & Mr. Chas. ‘Trim who left early July for a five weeks’ tour of British Isles is expected to arrive jome this week, ea) SingaZereeaamm ay morning and anied ‘by a-copious rain- yeioh was See needed. in the t Ropslales: of t 126 bert Parker wha left here some time | before retiring and you or feel all morning. Sold by all colts, one ed by "Flying § other being a Monbats 3 are in care of Mr Ed. Seadene OE Milverton. ver two hundred oe Beventy-! us million feet umber ‘was cu New Brunswick Crown lends last ord and the stum alf that amount has dont me net Miss Lotta White’ ‘a music class tad ens for the fall term ‘on Tuesds Will pupils who aa e for lesson time at their earliest ain ience. as no time can ‘be kept from last term, unless registered on or “be- he Roe is all right. the action ote t wels regular. there is a natural craving and relink for food. and family left home for the day to| ighboi ing | rove over to |e spent oe afternoon. | was willin | who stated that the boy. e| |horse had disappeared while he was | |wway. Mr: Tanner ca over nd | t onse hom. ook but the boy was! | taken Yo Stratford and charged fore P. M. O i | waa found guilty but sentence | suspen ted in order that he might "be |° | depor' | om sae to the Toronto Exhibition | vices for creatis hibition weeks see aa attractions will. be of a sen sational and thrilling description, in- anaine: a hazardous leap for life ae i eS 0! res for The electrical display 100,000 ineandescent and a ing: treet ost given each day. | sundays included, py Raven's magni- } ficent ae, x ra securing this device, For t When this is Jacking you m OW that you meed a of Chamberlain's oma c] iver Tablets. They | strengthen the digestive ted ts prove the ae and regulate the ihe road ride reac Saturday a pair. of sold] | jeposit one dollar in yo -haye commenced to R. J. RANNEY, a few dollars in the Bank to fall back ‘upon? MILVERTON BRANCH WILLIAM kK. LotH ISSUER oF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, ONTARIO d itor and Publisher the Bank of Head_ Office Manager HAMILTON Head Office : Savings Department ! at hi Rhea current tal Farmers’ Money Orders issued ada of a at small cost. The Farmers Bank of Canada 2 Joi aasuucte ma payable to either or the | survivor of Sere Pai Sale Notes tamer and cattlemen at lowest current rat ( and at the principal Sikieg points in the United States. y forn an excellent method of remitting smallsums of money with safety and i Millbank Branch: TORONTO t Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- ved andl TDtares, pait-or_added be opened, the monéy hee and advances made to pay: opie t par Se any office in Can- chartered bank (Yukon excepted) Th rm J. R. ERNST, Manager SNAPS FOR CASH GUSTIN’ s NEWTON WINE QUARTS.. WINE % GALLONS. IMPERIAL QUART, S.. seseeee70C dozen 75¢ dozen seeereeeee85C dozen EEE | WELLESLEY. Mr. and ay Edgar Bohaub. of El- | mira, spent wi days here with his eect and + fired home Monday. qT isses Behau spent a few days in Water Memra. 0. ‘R. Gingerich. Caspar Ber par Moyer. Hy. Zettle Xendk, t. Bivouy and C. ese visitors ant the Twin Git on Saturday. ond Mrs, John Kaufman, Mr. ©. Albrecht attended Hamburg on Saturday after Mr. J. eaetias new awellitig is now under Mr. "edwin “Kiln weelt for ‘a to resum ies in the Standard bank. Mrs. Gross. of Buffalo. is at present visiting friends Here Mr. Albert Stahle. of Berlin. spent left ec last is dut- d sr neat Cham- | berlain's “Colic. Cholera and Biasthoca| emedy with you when starting on ges of water and climate of-| and it is best to be prepared. Sold by} D | all dealers. | w escape of Mr. Robert | McCourt on Saturday morning from | his pa id ing run over by Eastbound | moming O.P.R. express at the ain street “oraasing, only. sosentuat or es age count | ny the drivers owing to the believe that | fs ill be no Aiftioulty | he Safe- of human life it is required. MILVERTON. | Bis Beacon a Files On the aight of Thursday of tast | week the store and post office of Mx, | ire.” Mr. Pier-| son su led in saving but a few things which happened to be in { Nar. Mr. Kertcher saved ce hy | b) y having a number o! wrights in the house at the time. oe all whatever was availa Mr. Kertcher's mew steam mill is progressing rapidly and will be in running order in about two weeks. seal ei ann, wee “Waterloo, as the guest of dedication a the new organ for the Sabbath School at the Miss Luth- eran church was solemnized last Sun- |. at It cannot be| day. of Cleveland, ria, Tl, Loth. STS. Ad d. Renfer, of Peo and Adolph ifs tant Ganse sranadbee atimikt of diacHipent |both former "Wellesley boys are spend- ing their vacation here. r. and Mrs. Norman Altem: Braninton. are holid: s for a abort ROSTOCK. ae ES reopened on Aug. 15th with ickel t: as would 1d ‘greatly Shel {hein svark y insisting that | children attend school as soon as pos- ible ‘A igoodly number of our villagers ea uckle- a soled ain ui) e. TES belong: to han ale Srp aan which’ is | very fair, J Wingefelder. of the G.T. a Stratford: was home over aun Mir, Carl Saffen, who arsed plerked for \Mr. Druar, was in village over Sunday looking up aid friend 5 Mr, d Mrs. C. Gaul spent Sun- day With Mrs, Gaul’s mother mear he | Sebringville, Schmidt has returned | to aatrd ieee Mr, and Henry yk an active mart in removing NOSIS spent Sunday with wre Ke. Mrs. C. Yost tea ad Miss Meletta | Yost spent sandan at Amulree. of ving here ith ; i MILLBANK, . Me Eel 5 a Ee Mann. pt Auburn, con- et ie Serviced BS i en n Knox church. r. J. Freeborn and son Olarence, _Nebraak, are visiting friends in the villag: Te a Mrs. A. MoKee. of Oleve- eer Site. spent a few days with riends hi Bate wie ond Miss 8. Smith and Miss Cameron. vd ee spent Sunday a¥ Pete ar ie J. Donald. of itratford. and M! Apert of Mon- tities spent A with friends here, ev. Haig and daught week-end with f) Listowel where M Haig con Mr. the services in Knox abt ‘ch 0} dai fe e| Mr. Geo. S yn Sun- and ‘Mrs. J. Ritter spent Sun- fart in Stratfor r. BE, Corti prank Tuesday with friends in Linwi Mrs. re ng relatives in|. Ming, Geo. Wee ‘thus purchased a St, Jacobs over Sunday. from Mr. D. Jack and intends Mr. C. D, Koehle at present re~ Sitoking, jandsome residence, newing old de ceitancas in Hanover. . Rankin, M.P., of Stratford Walkerton, and other places north. | wag in the village ‘on ‘Tuesday. Miss ©. Huehn, of Berlin, is sperid-} yyy, ad a record yield ing ‘a few days here and is of 3 8 londs RESiicnEott s teow” ant guest of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Strebel Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Berdux spent hlin made us business a few days with pee wae relativ- tn oe Horan on Tues shi lope he a carload ot cattle to Toronto on a Miss Mary MoGillivray. ‘ott is holidaying: the Man Cm treinde wlll sole ng on ‘uesday. t 2.30 mm. at the home towel nine Pr Poult by WM and Dootor ih 7 Miss Bt hel Mi Kees, 4. Sera invitation is tLe | fa Indies hey expect, the work pete 3 the ‘alks to commen- B Bettger’s loss would have ‘been very ‘heavy. Girls Wanted @eee , Operators on Ladies’ Lawn Waists and Whitewear, Girls experienced well lighted workrooms. work at good w i will train you to do your own sew- ing. Apply— The Star Whitewear Mfg. Co, BI ERLIN, ONT, fa Eepttsng Rn) storm on Monday morn-*

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