: et ep tech from London says: eae asi tale? the es ot making hie fi ‘to : I. shed a as 4 Ark be Se on ‘the L don meat er, just eae mis Be being Ped to descend b; violent squall. The © Channel was crossed in a rough wind and mis\ weather, | Moiasan having to ely en- aiid on the c 3| Then w the ey of his| wer tol fight ina sharp concise ain with ait accent which stamped.hin ndoubt peas as Retin an which he was gener- ‘aliy supposed to be. sir,” he said, “here T am iy Hingland; and never north of before in my life, except once wen i went t ‘o Cherbourg by train. ound 4 insulated with Cua and pioert aie: Between my tet That’ straight to eres wtusadag Mtge and right ast shi aod pees vilasee hi natur- | f motoreee J i ae r Scarfoglio- tegie pa te for a supply adiator the inl Tor and watched nal closed wil one of ci for the | ts fled in Calais Wedge on to wont have ak 1 He e city pulled w down until, as @ left t, Wwe ainiogt seraped the ue? i the housvs. “In two hours we were e wind from the river} When Haaga takes from One gust made me pails the small quantity of e requires t! 18 -be to go down not totose velo _went straight away B Calais; reled three times round, and*came down. That was 7.40 on Ngee te ey hia By 10.50 we e off a I could not see England, Pe T tai my ae by my marine compass. “Did I think of anything coming oro at have any sensations? No, I had all I could do to look ater the eacroplans, I saw fishing acks and sm ats, and no- thing slse till fa scat geht of we and ing yon at. Walled pal which I naturally took to be} and th in your| ed his hi to his viv: cious discourse, © by eloquent and convincing arm play. ually the young Bees not having been -| country before. had to come down in the best ioe I could find.” "Nor MUCH BAD SILVER. Department Says T There’s Very Lit- tle in Circulation. A despatch from, Ottawa says Enquiry was made at the caer department on Wednes in re- impression has|¢ on all genuine sil- ae crown on posite the crown on th heey 8 Phen vt at cae one posite edge of the pla ben Bias pe is yi in ig Res as coin: nted previous to Spiernéd: , but since that t}(must reach was less counterfeit money in circu- ion, lation NOT HEAVING CANADA, Oficial f Sehetehe American Set. ers are Returning, from A weak Ottawa says: Ny which was spread broadcast. by the anti-Canadian Western States. J. White, the ‘siiperintender ato} Ca adian agencies across the line, pega is in Otta have gone Eg to bring their fam- ilies to Can PAY $10,000,000 INSURANCE, Losses at Brussels Exposition High- er Than Expected. A despatch from, Brussels says: probably amount to $10,000,000, of which sum Lloyds carry $1,000,000. INLAND. REVENUB RTTURNS. Tucrease sae: “Over eee for July of Last Yea from panies A kan Aa gays: returns for 9, as compared scientiously SHIPPING FRUIT. adiator. Dance on the oalee A student of the Tyrol lese people describes a remarkable says:|dance in which the malo dancers rder to assist in the export-of | beat time on the ceiling with their apples ag tender randenburg and one or two fruits, Mr. J Ruddick, “Cold int Tyrolese valleys which boast Storage Connnisaiouee has arrangements’ for cold jotage face | Cold Storage Accommodation is Ar- ranged For. bo A despatch from Ottawa In or small ain’s him by his up in the air, 7 a » helps by jerking him- na steamer sailing for Glas- | gow on September Qne cham-} shoulders, he ‘tread Nar onc eee ttacness will be ayail-| th able. e regular freight rates. Tt is Probable also that arrang ments will made with railway) companies ver Fipiing: special jeare to Montreal, on the way. All i neute rat fruit h 0 dance aroun room. Such dances are rapidly falling into disuse.’ Sure Way of Saving. of puttin his own rman writer hours before the time of sailing. aL hia profitemelte soon as ear faving made $80,000. by a fortunate literary speculation, PLAGUE IS SPREADING. New Cases of Cholera Ri aily in Sate Ru: ‘i : despatch from St. Bigavars sa, horrors. of the cholera se urs i whe has been sent by the Gov ment to South Russia measures of combatting th steadily ii i What the Knife Said. es Fosiues their Savant ad adult “Some folks want funny i ssrintions have been. swept 2 ng them unsup- 1O indie: sation yet ew ended Mag cakes are sucl eet enannbataobs nife is required months | go aro a bata registered daily, the of ficial figurek. according to’ reports, | theugh immense in ves, un-| derstating the full extent of the disease owing to ite impossibility of registering all ¢ themsel would be falling about ib yet. be used for cHormRra AT BARI. eae ki Outbreak in [talian Town Has Caused Consternation. SEES SERS te The Educated Chinaman. To Se, Matsa eee one talks Bigea in glish, i rt from says, | reports from the seaport town of Bari announce es of cholera there. Th alarm, not only Sauron that Hea: ple of the affoats region, but also among the residents of rounding SO antiy: Rome is excellent, energetic sanitary eing taken is raported that owing to the presence of cholera at Bari the naval manoeuyres, having!) Rome le hers ich way velly The Chinaman » - ou will speak to ine ue Proper a nu. 4,71 ith $1,229,542 ea Be samo month, Be in th * 81, - Taranto -as their base, been andy we ene *" suspended, but the Ministry of Ma- rine denied this. How Far the Blood Travels. iaoling Vessel Wrecked by Explosion and |»: Six Persons Killed. 4 A despatch from Curling, Nfd., gays: Six persons se ey pe and four injured on Wedne: George’s an roar of the explosion aii se, hapa is mont into the water. to 00. if a man eighty-four yoars old could haye had one s blood corpuscle floating in i all his tite it would ha time ‘nearly. 7,000,000 miles, A Startling Reply. They escaped ie Serene Reply ‘A gentleman fective is the owne “Good morning, Mr. H. made a very pleasant call on us last even’ “Tm very sorry,” ing ie “T'IL see in future. 4 who we: tile jured were trighttully boned and dt being treated at orge were taken to » mene Hospital oe St. 's. came the the water that appears io enjoy much au- Drority | A the lands: This onowi Ii stens ith ea tatochirace tana thetraps rious experimental scientist burn The crowd flees like a herd of sur- arn their fingers on the reach 0 found rte Taito gtedtence that | he | cl e- | ing cas him ob- tis hat | iw ~ rte paras was ys ni ovine 2 alwa: A skeen or Uhre wea the train oat or the cheat bins, and cating holes of grain’ In fact, nothing hat exceedingly intelligent animal. After re had caught a certain number of mind pens. an ee trap, we could catch 'rom the damage orate eget ny Se errs caused avy is ibe (ve, Well knew that he all Amsterdam rushed to the circus. petore: home vone ep sons of his wane Piece of che jump. for him, but unless the old dog Was pretty smart the rat would send him yelping down’ the field. Also, when we cornered a few of the rat ADE aah Lape penn yay over fixed hungrily on eat. But not e 8 doubtful if. we would have the snap we have controlling 3 he ts, he disputes Fe these been tea ors mere uae age than we ever supposed. t estimate of the damage he Goes in Canada each year was placed fabulous amount. was more millions per year than most farmers they = to mark It now come to this, that he aclentincy ail over the world are ing e: with much success. So the dere cick tad ayer etal London something of the same nature is going on. T comes as a surprise ae he | \e- x-|fhe Tat, but that ly he was _an|e! dered into our Kets after the enticing |1, ry|germs of disease from his dirty an | haunts. have dollars in thelr’ pockets when | pu ga will not rot and through which it ‘8 ri bet ought to be possible to starve the rat The rat is sald to have ie a ie tome C chlnge salto t we heartily wish he a foothold a strange explanation of the coming of iow We are tol a Scnie. bs Se farmer, the rat see! min to be-Originally: @ town eaiimale ‘Apparently he is not & asus, save by education. He prefers to in. hablt underground’ passages and sew- pick up a Hving wherever he t serious menace to thelr, SCORE "be: Around farm buildin; turned to make things really comfort- able and enticing for the town-starved | city ra aaveation is, What is the Taner going to, do of What wi aoe Acer to absolutely impossible for the rat eat his old country like Canada, it to death during the winter. Certainly it ls Possible to starve him on the expl hat the next ship back. TURES 1 | th .|never we: Nd | out ee RISES a Iberat erete in th aving been the cau: education in the m: ante Witen it is remembered that. barn ing floors constructed of “concrete ‘will ie hae they will keep the to ionetee acne of the use of con- In summer he may forage in an es let mia mind ‘A ROOT CELLAR AND A FEEDING FLOOR—BOTH OR CONCRETE, THM MODERN BUILDING MATERIAL y any. feaoneune tntettigent lable, In this one mw ter of defene ce against rats, there ts not fai Make a test case rain bins, or on some of the smalier places wire grail or flour ts stor out the advantages Wri n Bible Times. Plinderd Petile cays that there is nothing abnormal, nothing to. b ed, in the general outlines o THE W WORLD'S MARKETS |<* REPORTS FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES, Prices of Cattle, Grain, Ckeese and Other Dairy Produco at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. ‘oronto, Aug. ‘Ontario eat—Old No. nominal T eet me \things are important as Wh 2 winter showing the probability of documen- pay, records of a historical nature existing at the time.—Jewish Chron- tside. afsnitaba Wheat—No. 1 northern, $1.15; No. 2 northern, $1.1314 ; No. 3 cou $1.10'4 at lake ports ate shipment. Americ an sf Had to Give It Up. can you spare the time for our “narage, Marion?” the betroth- ed_man asked. ‘The woman consulted her engage- book. “Three o'clock next Fri f No. yellow, ellow, adi ‘Toronto freights. erosion No. ene ;N restern, 4 ke’ corse ta ere’s | ment; Ontario No. 08 of the Glitter Geld must attend at that whi te, 38¢ to s the only time I have,” » the be she agreed. indifferently. And: ao. they parte he said. e nts, 0; inevitable, ; 90 per cent., 's New mos win Templo, who has been inted to the headmastership of Repton (Eng.) Sehos 1 Milifeed— Manitoba bran, ton; shorts, ti Ontario bran; $22 per ton on track, To COUNTRY PRODUCE Creamery prints, 24c; separator prints, 20c prints hoice), 19¢ tubs, 18¢; inferior tubs, Butter- dai oy 2004 16c to "related the ppri- ‘Rees Easy at 19¢ made the attempt. in case lots. Cheese—1 to 20c per doz. mate; “but ¢ per pound for large er.pound for twin $2.10 per bushel for Careful Upbringing. When having dinner at a friend’s scious: primes and $ dishe Hon 9 to 1 ts 6, George atoes—Local de: for a long time. ie ers 7 q er b 1 hi Hang (ing farmers 70c to 200 Beccbie. PROVISIONS. Wholesale quotati Pork—Short cut, #901 to 830.50 per cag him’ eettilie » leaning his hea ie said: dear; I wish my stomach yrasn't being brungded ° up ‘eirece e a STIFF FINE IMPOSED. - pails, 1663 stocks ste Smoke vei Balted MeatsLong clear nd cases, 15%e to 16c; Auoes slaty sie to "1403 Picture Theatre Men Went Beyond Limits of License. sree oe Barrie eit n ere sree " x4 hams, 18% to 19c; her municipalities ey a license. had pee ot itahonte for only | yet been det Bonus for Tobacco. A state grant of Ao an acre is sade fos for experiments in Irish-grown matte ™ [ee Hal j do ‘They were fined $160. | "Green meats out of pickle, 1¢ less Bae ae Ws (Ae than smoked. lf a lemon dipped in salt w'li era wonders in rae brass and BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. copper cooking. utensil to $1.05 outside; new, 97c]| ¢ ; C immediate ship- +) December, Good ots of hogs ¥t0 On peplb. Revolver Being Cleaned Went om oft % puaweitlad bout ten miles from Sackville, was fatally h Es etroa gid noon. The extremity of suffering and des- Beary, Ive to 17%; bacon, 19¢ to 5) di nese acne in Tokio where the city is supporting 100,000 refugees. crop is estimated at 4,500,000 bush- Montreal, Aug. 23.—Oats—No. 2] ols, ‘4 Western, ree 41e Y foe aaa | sts, ge iataca Winter mice Betenia str ong bakers’ $5, t to} 9. | di 2, to 22¢, per doz Province eggs at 12 to dozen. Wheat—Sp 1, carloads store, 5 Winter, No. 2 white 6 on seach Gals s— NG 2 , ac} . 4 white, 70 to 780. i Whe: No. $1.00% ; No. 2 red, ; September, $1.02% 1.06%. LIVE STOCK } Montreal, Aug best cattle rol” “at Basic “e Ze ner Ib. ; ead ated animals from 4% RY SHOT BY ACCIDENT. and Killed Sackville desk shot on Wed- nesday he’ accidental y McDonald of sae ae The bullet riee ed Estabrooks’ stomach. faba eR Te neh JAP FLOOD LOSSES. (00,000 Refugees Being Cared for A despatch from Tokio says: The damage to the rice only from their sources, 20 ; Mania L esedeag of their own original eating. 1 ee pnch sok . nocent and modest. ¢ Brit worthy wo nena pt policy would be mbes h "HOW WORDS CHANGE. - A Knave Was Once a Lad and a lain Only a Peasant. n the pro) derivation a Knack of shifting not but also out We accept an anecdote verting ae ans somethin, hed. short if inpub+ LD tymlogeally To prevent, which is now to hinder, its Latin original to antici was anciently a young por an. Paradise in oriental tongues meant iy. royal ark sdalonlahed means literally thunder ruck once merely > ladon Ywasin ite anciené sense a ed a. bacoftiolons tana tebe nourheos y ready to de kindly offeo. wt tious, in the early 3 urban apa, privat idiot itizen An w a distinguished from an. officeholder, ‘Frontispiece, if considered trom. its’ Latin word not an abusive term in but means a fai, gool> laced ma means not comes New York World. The Flower Harvests A Grasse. t naene Beane nECeSs sh people that the were great trust repo: Ragnrne Gen. tho best thing th