z eH ee ee en Oe ee a eee is Je ef ng es ore, PANE CREE [ions io bless.you” = | > i is the tarning-p paint to enanonty There stood an enormous mirror] + 5 é = ae By Boat mepeneeroged dhaee gre te foe ete |i Uap ot Mit Muy NF TG ste ene + | the brie i ow : : ‘The Imperial Oil Co.,Ltd. |stand, andthe bridegroom who| Sure, Enrich the Blood Supply. | een s appalling. One Ontario Agents: The QHeen City Oil Co., Lt. | Sent it would look over her shoul- asked. the little Prellaw: Her jes on arriving, and’-so'they would |} ‘A WEDDING IN -PERSIA|wes poor ine car and, to "hater the bce of, i second. ii An illness caused by lack of | commandme: i ee wal Se benefited and cured] To her great surprise, the lad _an- a of treatment with Dr. |swered glib! mush, “Ten self I said: “And av. Jd far ke a ae o mpl ti And ery weil eas setans the Fc Wiha nk, ll Those aaa a good things of life and thoroughly |e signal for departure. ‘The mo- |i, a iad Cee “And PEL ot ga WHERE BRIDE AND GROOM| Enjoyed them.” She was one of the |*2<2's eyes filled with ‘tears as she| oom Or ee a rcs should break : ; Even ahutld. Break te FIST SEE EACH OTHER. EIGHTY LEGITIMATE WIVES ANGER, Tumors, Lumps, ete, “Inter: _ nal porter of all oe use han<-there’d" tesa? nd external, eared without pain by i Nazzreddin. Shal * e eee re. ming,’? trium-| oor home treatment ite us before too hah (I am not in been proved by cure: Eihiently answered the youngster. Winrar eee Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited, duiesact; ane algae incest of eases not only In Canada but in describe one and be forgiven). : Dress of the Attendants . and ail parts of the world. More peo- fork ebbrieas el reriecieeniee of the three or four necklaces that SRE. Guests—Seat of Honor for — | When she was se he t ° eB Boe Ae oe at a Heian were hung under her chin from ear | Pie to: aL one health and happi-| Hope for the Chronic Dyspeptic. a aS PER: § little three” pronded fork into i6| 2 28 ‘orming a helmet. we| fy to. Dr Wilken Pink Pills|—Through lack of consideration of BS eS si ri ee at dln Cede chee SIGE waar theel| Pee ek Hae, and Jett: thank ate ee ee One of] the body's needs many persons al- dark way leading from a dirty |sigu. for all to eat, they exchanged es Ee lag Aree Ser pets enn digestive ap- , e k- Bem 4 . n ure unt! ey__be- street from the most\ crowded part |sweets from table to table, talk RATS AS NEST ROBBERS. ago I became ill and very|come chronic, filling days’ and would have | nights with suffering. To these a| |ereat Lumbazo, Tooth. . oye be ee of the bazaar in ‘feheran into what | ing little. ite oda ae reminded me of the patis of an old One woman who arrived late was Moorish house in Spain, writes | brilliant in cherry damask gown, ever and on others would De: bathed in a cold sweat. I grew Scarcity of Birds Where They Were eile of armelee’s Vegetable One is recommended as a sure and Lady Barclay in the Pall Mall Ga-|ana flashing her eyes down the co Plentiful. weaker and weaker wu ae - ette. The passage elit. into the|Toom to one old woman who had re-| “From the freak increase hat He a SRE tee ty sre ae een en wall was like a tortuous’ way to a|mained sitting when the others rose | notic, : timber of at lyeontnea- 6 te ; oun aee pecially compounded "to Se ane torture chamber of the Inquisition. {at her entrance called. across, |h's spring it is evident that th *| eral doctors Ee ere ee ee, HENRY CARPET DYEING Here and there a Persian soldier | ‘Why do you not salute me? Why | BS ahabe: inex deen nae asl no [erable money, but did me no good, | are Eset tallow: Oy ite Pra cend: tay mand Cpanel eet gtood near an oil stove in the dark;|do you not speak to me?’ Quite| * Sie ee trey saree ; - good, are successful always. Briar American Dyeing © | diminishing effect on these destruc-| a8 I was still getting weaker and jpostend we are rure to watlaty. his tattered uniform looking like a|a flutter greeted her romans She | tive xodents. though i¢ has ad on} Wesker, asked the last doctor RES Box 188, Monteoal. burlesque of war. Unexpectedly | |eontinued, “Why. da“ you. not lait oihay wild-antarsles save vib: wo ‘attended me to tell me frank-| ,“ Glasgow naturalist has an Aw | Pino ENGLIS . the dark ended and a small door-|speak?” The woman addressed an-|ey in the Edinburgh Scotsman y if he could eure me, and he told stralian love-bird, which, in addi- | FIRST ENGLISH HORSERACES.. Qntario Veterinary College way led me into. the inner court- ea hurriedly, “I am speaking, |" My shrubbery has been sufferin Tieng cs tion to whistling, can speak dis-| Chester possesses plausible claims| gptiatoa with the nl é yard of the women’s quarters, \hea~ me,” The first woman sank} from a plague etooita of Sate He he did no Ik he c tinetly over fifty words. to be the birthplace of the British| under Theat na Two square stone basins of clear, |back pacified and the excited rustle | it was only this week that I discov:| ! told war Thad heard a great deal The rate of wages and the work- | turf, says the Westminster Gazette. fai ca 3 clean water formed the centre at of craning heads stopped. peed what the Men is ‘n{ akout Dr. Williams’ Pink B Pi lls and |i2g agreement in the building trade | It wa: William Lester, who Intrmartor Sik Animals he Co ays : the patio, and. stone. paths ran| A tiny little girl of 10, .quite| tie last few years 1 have succeeded | asked if he thought they would help in Paisley will be the same next] about 1609, “being Mayor of Ches-| “y.p.—calendar on application A around them. Stunted trees ete ltovely “came and talked vo" the. in enticing « great many wild birds| me. His reply was: ‘Well, they|Ycor 85 past 12 months. ter, did cause three silver bells BAe As GRANGE, V8, M.8., : aml there pushing. their squeezed| opened my bag and took out a sa-|{o build in mp garden and the con.|Wen’t do you any harm and they| pears be made of good value to be run for | Dent. Principal, e ‘trunks through the paving stones chet of violet scent which I ne and tents of their nests have been pro-| may help you.’” I sent for a haif| he destruction of the house fly is} upon the Roode Dee.’’ This seems y of the courtyard gave ibs impres- | handed it toher, saying, ‘Take it;| viding nightly meals torsthie tae. omen boxes at once and began tak-|® public duty. Almost all Boards| the earliest defimte establishment - sion of a shabby garden. ‘The|it is yours.” She held it a ier These marauders do not come|ing them. After taking three boxes|of Health are mow carrying on a of a horserace, From the nature of ‘ : house stood at the far end, facing |nose, then pushed it away, answer-| singly but in pense ‘and they go| there was no doubt they were help-| crusade against it, A bulletin re- the prize was derived the proverb a ntered, and the first im-| d don’t want it; it has|from nest to nest taking out eggs| ing me, and I contin using them| cent]. y the D Gor. ‘To bear the ; bell,” though the i pression which I rescived wee of ala nasty smell?” Atithe sAme-time, |r young birds as the case may be,| for some time longer. With the ] 1 Dominion Gov! bells in ‘ais case existed long be- K moving mass of rather solid butt or great eyes watched me,|white they climb trees with the agil:| result that I am now as strong and | °" ment states that no house fly is| fore the r-ancestors ‘be- Gosne: Aieare re central 4 flies or a cluster of badly painted she took up a mandarin’ orange an: ity of squirrels. From the feathers | hearty and can do as good a day’s| free from disease germs. Use Wilt ing more easily satisfied in the eas atte se eras peas, for so looke i: the wo-|ate it, dipping it piece by piece| lying about I pr e that the rats| work as any man in my neighbor-|son’s Fly Pads freely and persist-|™atter of amusement than their new, Write ‘ You could ngt say they were| deep into the salt. Verily we taste| have killed the sitting birds as well, | hood eutly, and do-goupahare towardal ere Coe eee tnd Gerard Sten tenes > Bari hitroctly but|with different tongues and smell} put 1 have so far not aepinlieeess hea Pill wra-poldl bycallsonedi=| ceugr age tine cet : apparently only one contest. ‘The ~ it was like @s all| with different noses as well as see] them Se aaleting | cine dealers or may be had by mail| vr ae gE ole Monn tothe) ‘Chester Cubs’ which hee bots at done a little wrong to our eyes. I|with different eyes from the East. | ths Sets afew a baited with the| at 50 cents a box or sik Boxer for public health, substituted for the ‘“‘best bell,’” i a have grown accustomed to these| Another hour we sat eating, then| most tempting morsels, but the only | $2-50 from The Dr. Williams’ Me- now worth £2,500, to say nothing Is Your Hearing Good ? standards, and I can now also eeo|we were moved to the terrace, given | success I have had was when the | diel i A whale, 25 “feet Jon of ones cheeses for the three them as they undoubtedly see them-|a high place and told to watch the| bait was a sparrow fledgling which tured in the Tay, near Neonat placed b The na od ei afte om, the neoree jancers. They faced us below be-| was killed by falling from its nest Minard'’s Liniment Cures Diphtherta. SRC ae Sk gh eae orto THIS SWEET PEA EFFECT |yend the bonfire and were unique|jn the warterspout and whose body i's Home Trial. girls from 12 to 20, no more, their|] made use of. Other dainties eye Hait’cuf like th uases-in a Panto: ‘quite tailedito lnxesthe rarest There is a proposal on foot to in-| ‘The change of dietary that comes Enormous Task of of Re-valuing Eng- suithtn a stnath at Edin-| with spring aaa summer has the ef- z arises from the headdress they wear, a piece of book muslin stif- feved 9 eee ove around. the low | Mme; ‘bushy and curled and dyed | would seem from this that they ae Tand’s Real Estate. burgh University. Soheuane fect in weak stomachs of setting up brow, flowing free at the sides and , Kept tossing it) very partes) to young birds. Per-| Putting a new valuation on the|the founding of the institution. | inflammation, Ceult ing in dysen- 'S behind. Their brilliantly colored} bP cscs this too may be found an|land of Great Britain—part of tabs and cholera earns The ab- DRESSED IN MEN’S TROUSERS explanation of the scarcity of birds Boyd Gcorseis propiousie tv gest naan Peery normal condition will ‘ontime || Ar Old dresses become ¢ Remedy: Relieves Sore. white; the hair is cut short and| with a pleated cloth s above the|in districts where they were once] ing to be a big jo! Strengtl v es. Doesn't smart, net attended to an uit eguse an much curled on the psenes with|knee, a girdle of silver with a jer-| plentiful and from which they have ‘the latest oficial figures ae Soothes Tye Pain, and Sells, tor te. Tr | exhaustive drain on tem. Saw Says on Savy of matrimony, while the | kinlike coat, they were strange fig-| dis Fapearie owing to no apparent an there afe in London alone| Byes for Scaly Hyelids and. Granulation, : ie best ese eae ine a 3 sentery Cordial cal 60,000 separately rated Holdings: «'Procrastination isthe thief r it uncut; both have a fades little braids down their “they Coes tiny cymbals while Every poultry keeper Rooms whet wear rly nine million altogether in| The meets the Sti a Ty. mach and bowela of sore i thay adinnead :every ‘how and then |» Iniinanee the: wily rat is: in England and Wales, and a million| pographical Association teas Fay counteacts the inflamma- of time.” In the case of life Let me here make the pus rising|two would rus and pets \neighborhood of his hen runs and | and a quarter in Scotland, and this| tioning for an increase in seapee and restores the organs to insurance it is the thief of statement tha the Persi ied] dressed: in European men *s un ae icken Saeae and the increase of | computation doesn’t include waste| anda reduction in working hours. healthy action family protection. How the pest is becoming a serious me-| and vacant lands. Satya . ws _ Bronghty Ferry the price of about YOUR family? ian women haye always worn “hangs 5 forms,, meaningless and ill fittin e| and dance an inane dance. Now |nace to game preservers. Qn one| The preliminary work in connec: West came from the East; so does'and then a couple would come back | large game farm in England from) tion with the valuation will in- s has been reduced a pe If you have not yet pro- one live and learn! juster- ste are in shapeless low necked|which I have got eggs for several |volve a return from local assessors Site ntrose Suspension Bridge is Wdaditor whawniatlen tae nk satin gowns, corsetless, with | years past I am told that the rats} jof taxes containing particulars ex- said to be i in an unsafe condition. edad the innovation of the ay in the ed on the floor and on cha high terrace supported by Mricce lsadeiug skirts, and then a couple | by reason of their increased pga | tracted from the rate books, and ak oe Boece Svan’: have gone DO IT NOW. enlubsne, ‘and the house opened on|in the old costumes of Persia| bers now much’ more to be|the distribution of forms to. the tity that .| wie record of Perry Davie Paituiters Get :pariicuiaretaeine I have used M Cate tat| this. About fourteen feet below} would come, dignified and grace- dre pce. than foxes and wea: ers of every one of these separ. ; | sure cure for diarrhoea, dy: nd es Sea the terrace on the courtyard path|fal, end the spirit of the music| Many gamekecpers are enffering| ate plots. When these returns are aud, consider it the best Tiniment on the ahies vel complaints, vod Tenbeiputen NATIONAL-EIER, planst was a huge bonfire here the same would seem satisfied by the change. |from the same experience and one received it will, of course, be nec- ee hake jeatien! Davis'—25c, and 600, A ge. | i you could sell effect of the clumsy flowers bs te-|Some old woman would croon the| tells me that the rats not only robjessary for each of these separate Sienea) NEO : e. If you think peated where the servants si love song which the dance express- the nests but destroy the ere plots to be independently valued ;| “Woodlands,” Middleton, Bal Bebe Last year 92 boys left the Mars ie We nus and the nae aled and harmony was the result. | birds without fear. The fecundity | where buildings are erected, it will : training ei at Dundee for ser- want go nent at all rais en platform covered | Suddenly there was a commotion, | of t the: rat Sieg ah ane kind e be further necessary to separate vice. unrepresented points. with rugs held a,c mpany of danc-|a moment of expectancy, as a still) united war being wage against it, | the value of the site frem the struc- Sis ane and mus Re tsle® ou aiore Fontanini ts ore ancient | but it Ta teeded Send ii the|ture. In the case of agricultural ae erety housekeeper would use|] The NATIONAL LIFE less farmer who allows it @|land, it will be necessary to Fly Padsfreely during the Assurance Company ni the roofs of the high mud walls on} lady pe than sep Wi either side a crowd of women,| man.’ wassdreied inv Beige Satsttehle and unmolested home| arate the value of agricul ideal jm-| By the death of Mr. Robert Har-| summer ‘atthe the house fly peril Kies Office of Canada, Toronto years of age, clothier, Sel- ; again like clusters of flowers, gazed | clcth With 20 enlog about her; her {in hie stackyards and outbuildings. | provements of all descriptions from| fie, vers seul podn 4A eonatiy al down from their housetops ret white coif surrounded the face of| In the past yuna eet have| the site value. The Bee nated cost seus the cone i a ot ae: fee door onto the festivities below. It} some old abbess. Such a calm, in-|done more damage than eld mice | of the prelnainary return from as- | SP ost prominent inha- ‘i a e | was a beautiful sight as Stole telligent old face I have never seen. in. many gardens, eating roots and |sessors of taxes is put at $1,119,180 pe os ee Chae seR ed Flies on Your jvivid of She might have sat for the portrait | bulbs in a w holesale manner. Only} ia the present year. TRADING on pene es Se enna! Gia Hospital hit ont court, escorted with|of St, Elizabeth, She beamed on| the other evening I saw a rat. nib-| ——— ee oergRine © grams cas al as spital. Stock great sorcmony by the oldest nurse| all ax she was escorted and passed) bling the bark of » newly planted) py oar¢ ¢xperiment with unsatistac-| tie d8it Donte be fooled, insist on tae | Holloway's Corn Cure is the me- he son, a iis de toy of 6.|up She was seated on the terrace | shrub with evident, enjoyment. : with unsatistae- | Gubutne, the D. he dine to emove al riser tes i bapien oth polar way I was met by and a special table brought to her. Bee = tory substitutes. Wilson’s Fly Pads earth. and onij dostacsie eat THE BRIDE'S MOTHER, A gold chair was set opposite to are the best fly killers made and| The War Office has supplied the]... of twenty-five cents. who with grave courtesy led me up pet ape She wines Seok rope CULTURE OF ENGLISH COURT. | will kill many times more flies than history of oe ee sannon in “Now she is here the bride may ence: he various parks of Glasgow. The| ainburgh is thinking of goin among the: sweet ce Pere perhaps MN rey ae sh aliens ni NewSovereibaa kxpecd tp ed willbe. printed aed RMxed Tie pe ee ee ore ape lady ast lay poet a Patrons of the Arts. Bowling ds growing: in: popular-| ‘© ©#°"-8- tram routes on the overhead wire : very great la e le ng the th ater Literate andi canos bo-eid | 2ma"E ibs im Glare]: A ine ee ; A stillness fel on all and from a time ‘or Dr. Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. < i wake ay down the courtyard the pad * ne Corporation greens at} i. when croupy symptoms appear in e ‘wilt keep cows free from files a) @ cost of which windows| doorway Gown ate “The dancing {certainly not be the fault of the| */exaner® ©" tho children? when theumatic pains| Leith Dock Commissioners are less than one cent @ day. girls walked backward in front of ae dad-ot Qicen Mary, eave the — beset the olds when lumbago, asth-| proposing to build a breakwater be- Ate “+ eith|Euand. the family and friends|Lady’s. Pictorial of Landon, if|there is, gener ral depression, try|ma, coughs, colds, catarrh or ear-|tween Newhaven and Leith West $1.75 GALLON othr covered wit vend |learning is not regarded as better|Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They|ache attack either young or old; Pir é di Wiet | seattered sweets to the c G 6 a : : Such a quiet, well behaved crowd!|than lands and art does not reach| will regulate the action of a de-|when burns, scalds, abrasions, poke The largest salmon of the season, AE VENT: HARE MALS: DORIDTY: 9F. eho ‘aati i ed stomach and a disordered| tus : : They did not fight or scramble, but|a higher level. The Queen is an| fare ORES usions or sprains come to an ie weighed 32 pounds, was tak: R | Rati omnivorous reader ; it is understood yer ped make you eat like a|member of the family. In any a Sn from the Tweed at Berwick, re- WM. SOOPER, & RERHEWS gold encrusted ow No one need suffer a day | these ailments it will lief and thi ld h, while the throw-|that she will have no ladies in her| new one ni y | these ailments it will give relief an ion De et wrapped sit cc they coulshat all were satisfied. |entourage who are not what may be | from "debilitated digestion when 60] work a eure. ue 3 WORLD’ % -<Hencbands er0ss- rene Larner BRIDE described as intellectual women, | simple and effeatixe a pill oan be S GREATEST and she is deeply interested in all\got at any drug Soe SEPARATOR came toward me; she was a pretty, aoe matters. = : 3 t bie ys e tiple, sweet faced girl of 16 when} ‘The library. at Windsor. has vi Dundes's income next year jg{ SHOOTING A BUTTERFLY. a engage attention, an imated at £53,851. ‘ tie’ shock which went through*me| jf in future honors’, lists the names Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Ete. at the change they, had made in| of those ita’ n 3 m a quite filled/her Her head was held high and| them by their pen appea and the four walls lined with the) draped with golden Christmas tree more "pequntl aire has hitherto | He ke figures the oldest woman|hair, her eyes were cast down, her] pee ariety the Largest in the World. i The largest. butterfly known “is found only in British New Guinea and specimens are worth anything from $100 upward. The male mea- keeper of aie She was dressed] face colored scarlet and white, Ki son ee by the rope of the ee ae Gene: unlike his royal sures eight inches across the wings | | f thé past, a sort of| while a pair of beetle eyebrows met predecessor, who did not care for bell in the tower of the clock. | 314° the female not less than elven | eeding jacket, with a] in a point over her nose an inch|+‘poatry and painting,” is extreme- and on her upper lip was|}y fond of pictures, and there is no ferossed. in fro é ae mustache. Ts this exhibition of paintings in which the erald, h Rae a ‘ string of crookedly| no: crude-—the sign of a man? 1| Queen does not take some interest. this gigantic butterfly is a curious pierced pearl held her coil in place] shuddered at the thought that pass- one, The Wide World. A under ; bright eyes une efined une understood SS eet ‘saw a specimen perched rough my mind oa 2 z Thay anated her speechless in the THOUGHTS. Seite it by ane ‘ther means || pared Wack great gold chair; then Pade raised| No man ever rises above that at ally shot “i jon n e fore he t lady’s face,| which he aims. 4 From the Shemente Ee decided “She is a very, very old woman,” nee - cachouse whose kitchen| fm ,,Coanes, tet limping, meeless toe that the speci as ntirely une aaa one neve: and eager to do a good day's work. nown to science an rt! t] 4 te: . e often search for happiness as Don't let a Spavin, Curb, Splint, fied sane A ne ad he at a cost no better. Pate raitieed ae food, got quite en the aie! ‘drops dh wo Dice for our spectacles—when| Sprain, Ringbone o any over Mitte. fg | of many thousands of dollars to go| |thin and wom, atd was duced tom very} | 4 gy a werent 8 expr By 2 i S| they ae oem! the nose: Cure it with in search of the insects. rrisistha i at r os ey 6s STAN DARD” she see toward her and continu-} Tin pee o make men wise—it Two members of the 7 Zam-Buls, so, It was wonder party fell i ed _gazi i Pane et ces Kendall's victima to the Papuan cannibals| {herang gainhl Bak from the WELCOME For halt an sie we sat ae] pe ara erty is a ae eran eo 5 and another was rescued only in the To Our Exhibit 5 he glove is the han: avin Cure nick of time. Spite of this inauspic- Life is a dial on which the after- ee fous commencement to: his enter-| [ist TORONTO, LONDON, a eT ee ay quickly than prise, however, the naturalist per- aagietely i OTTAWA Fairs eo m iI severed and ultimately. succeeded in| }rash, or mane) nigel Look for This Name “She is all at: = Whab feult-ca SEs btaitt fect specim: re, jars Rosine Hie Cant cengonaible ter Pat A i ai at Sbtniblngenerledl, specupenn iy, mentin ski are tetas topered tats 6G , 3 There is nothing sate to Mother 1 ap healt Then the crowd of flowers] q, Wo: n Ex tae gears and fat all that you represent, —* Meterat a came a little forward and pour as kee Ste alert °°] Have not been wi ge for ene betes mia all aes ord Zaen Dat Oe z , etek ear. stroying w No “article of its GRORGE GORDON. THE OUNCE OF PREVENTION. Fa it Tne bos or 2m ‘Acertain care EVERYBODY INVITED kind has igen atoll satisfaction. $1. a bottle—6 for $6, Maclient t6¢ e forall skin diaassis, cst, burasy te, abd for es na Seat enncepia ti: aiden: Birmingham, England, with a If you ane come, write for | J ‘fell the foreigners she is Do your duty to-day and don’t Ask for free ree ak oy Teale On The population of rhe ae eal bi mh Catalogue worry about to-morrow. forse " or w copy. |_| fire engines, am ie fire loss ere . e 1. good; they may give her their _ iaeasesiy elie are last year he, 222,00 they do not 7 The Rentrew M chint Je ext | build fire-traps i ingham. o., Ltd., « R Paid ce praise,’ and I leaned to-|minard’s Liniment Cures Distemper.