Milverton Sun, 15 Sep 1910, p. 5

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THE MILVERTON SUN Big Giving Up Business #' Sale Now Going On We want the general public to This Sale is Genuine. understand that we mean business when we say “Big Reductions’’, as we are giving up business in Milverton. We guarantee to save you from 20 to 50 per cent. on = Our stock is of the highest the lowest regular prices. grade and good clean goods. THE FOLLOWING ARE ONLY A FEW ITEMS OF THE REDUCED GOODS S.W. Paint, per quart................45¢ Window Glass, 8x1o, per doz....... 24c Ideal Woven Wire Fence, 8 wires, Window Glass. 10x12, per doz..... .50c per rod. «+. 30¢ Window Glass — double diamond, 14x28, eac 15c Cast Iron Ranges, regular $40.00 Window Glass — double diamond, 24x28, each..... OT coc ccawencecceeseneeerens seueneees Knives and Forks, regular $3 per dozen, for 2.10 BEST AMERICAN COAL OIL ONLY 20c PER GALLON | EVERYBODY WELComE! (1 FINKBEIN FR’S Haroware Other sizes of Glass in proportion. ONT. GENERAL , Zoretet 4 SOTOLO ale Renfrew Journal says; “While east their Lae ay alippery, places when eikely: fo fall sacred precints at me, with Tales for their compaiions are of this Leas ey will fill our regation- men and measures While the boys who rum the streets will fill our peniten- iaries. almshouses and lunatic asy- jums. Bwrents who are responsible for these ‘broken laws of decency will have ibroken hearts and bowe ads in the awakening years that will inevitably fol'ow. ag ing forth. his full stroke till the muscles stand out Tike knotted whipoords on his arms, _In- MILLBANK. Mr, L, E. Doherty. spent Wediesdey in the aoe age. . Justison, of Palmerston. MILVERTON, - Parlor Suites at Reduced Prices 3 si ie tention Spent last week with her sister Mis: E. McClo: ah In order to make room for our fall consignment of new Mr. is visiting. ‘his aire Mrs. J. Rutherford Mr. 6 siverton R. Ranney manager of the Bank of Hamilton Milverton and Mr. © stead of dreaming abou things we should do if wa only had k peer gchaapet Wet us begin to then Towa vi ne to wear fauszles for some tim nd cannot be trans ported in « ese Ontario befor December at the earliest. The wo in spite of the strin- men tinue to be reported the peninsula. T partment not to relax the w bidding the Higermise.? of-a anywhere in em ym. bee Se ve 7 3 larke, Inspector spent a-day last | secuting all infractions. |The order goods, we will offer to the public week in the village, requiring dogs to be muzzled is still Mr. D. E. Milne. manager of the}in foree. It thas pros tern: aud Wall he . Parmer: ent Saturday after-|eantinued until the epidemic is wiped noon in Milverto be a Motes hie purchased For the Next Ten Days 5-Piece Rug Parlor Suite, regular $65, for .. $50 wd Jot on the 5-Piece Rug Parlor Suite, regular $50, for .. $35 re 5-Piece Mahogany Parlor Suite, regular $48, for $38 $-Piece Imitation Mahogany Parlor Suite, Uphol- stered in Silk, regular $24, for. . . . De. “Tennant, of Sela was er. half of Au Torrance @ McMane Furniture Dealers and Undertakers CARTHAGE. ’s Hair Nya Restorer wishe and Mrs. R. If ‘every woman who has been benefited by Nyal’s 4 Nia Hair Restorer would tell her friends what it has Beret ok done for her, ald be even in greater demand oo Atey. beat owe, woman is perfectly right not to >: Urgunart ‘end ev. all her little beauty secrets. ite a mumbe: PUBLIC DRUG STORE The Greatest Variety of Furniture for September Brides. is shown in Stratford- at WHITE’S sbeinet ‘ism. BIRT! RTHS the | §. . Johnson on Princess and Mr. 8. Wank the house corner of Maine and va ot Springfield ‘brother Mr. rp W. B, Freeborn returned Sat- urday after a few weeks visit with! \, re 3 her son Elmer at Hobon. Aa See our new lize of Cheap Sideboards. tie lf’ Cheese & Buttes oa ped to the Ingersoll Packing on Wednesday a carload of aia te mary ust’ make at | distr Ib. realizing nearly 3 , Among those who | took in. the Tor- Mas ev. D. Jamil: ere took in the Wellesley Fair on ou Wednesday. a Aeond: Mes |e Heigl Elma. on one Aug. bounds a ‘he in ussia whic among wolves. I Bre: at “trouble é fome.” is the Girls tide ob « practical article in an ex. change ne picture is drawn of amy Seer ‘our country home: ny ‘houses jare built with very little the s to how a woman ay-save:steps. The husband builds 3 a ‘is barns and stables. with the idea of ving time in the discharge of his atl duties pertaining ‘ko outdoor life and the welfa: and sto i. Th e hard water has: tobe carried long tan.—Mrs. tampa of Strat+ However, if you will accept our recommendation ford. alied. iy a few of her frie Re rR Jou, will hot be less ye Nyal’s Hair Restorer im our village last week.—Mrs. J. and a foresight would save el stren- es hair solt and glossy, stimulates growth of Hamitton spent: a day last week at Gth of ithe woman, of the eKits ae hai are id sakes: 61d. hair healthy, stops falling her mother ye éhena and pantries are suall'and ins 4 hair and removes dandruff. sa convenient; bedrooms are small with ‘ - HAMPSTEAD. closet accomodations for the cloth- There isn’t a toilet requisite you want ithat you = and numerous other things we can’t find in our strictly up-to-date stock. Miss Ella Chalmers. of Kingwood. is coud casily enumerate. Make the pases with frien ae in this vi vioi sanvenient, to work in and com- fortable to liv: ree sav. Minny es for wasbiog. ‘bakin ter am ; in short ‘as $n add eee saving ig Hevioes for outside work, equal amount f e Con~ e of your ee and a leasant! to live pu venience will 0 0 ave the farm home with all the aeelietine influences that it ee where es FE im the truest ee) sense of the ~BRUNNER. Mr. Andrew | Fieming. fs ‘Poole wpent Sunday wit denson.—Mi ‘m. Peters.—Miss Amy Lewis spent the week-end with her sister ly Lewis, of Stratford.—Mrs. SERENE eles ee ‘The aoe ene nies schoo! in Western Ontario. All ates from a stock that has unlimited variety to show. Stratford is the place to give you this advantage and good furniture at the right price—that means White's. Our graduates are doing and you will varia three. depart- Deinterested. We R. WHITE & CO. Iegnuntige et Utoters STRATFORD § [f Sei a “ig - DAL WeUROHLAN; Write for free eat- = Principal as New| of Milverton. it at present visit- a “ 1, Mrs, . . ie a aa hter. HEN it comes, to selecting a houseful of fine new Gerth—At” Silverton, on ” Tuesday ron Mr. 8 is. Me Sanday. ’ furniture, a bride likes to see row after row of Ot A ee Valen- Belle Struthers and Mi: Sideboards, Dressers, Tables, Chairs and Beds, She Seas rte “penton likes to know that she is getting the newest and best Piokar arya, 1s at present P holidaying eat ine! home of Mr. sd Peters—Mr. and Mrs. 8, Steinm spent the areok-< end ad with friends, i 2 fle mi : 3 Hiruthero—Mr. and” M orp visited Friday at the home of Mr. : Wi m. Thompson. Nithbu' DEATHS. Baulkner—In Mar Eegbacougn. on Gun: ae Crate aa . 4th, Jessie Wood, elov- "ot Thos. Faulkner. aged 6 months and 21 days. cae ,{{ Among hood who attended the Exhibition at nd | g out abies has not prov- of Goderin, (04 wammaind ont sober ee se ere | is having |. y | st. ere, Pa and § OPERATION EDITORIAL Crerer HER ONLY SNe ve| WasCured by LydiaE.Pink: |i sie Compound Lindsay, more than Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege ble Com- pan b ine done ae would have Sai nati | 0 go through an operation but this I ad Pills and think they are fine.”—Mrs, FRANK EMsLey, ney Ontario, stand why women 2 s gee 5 See 5 5 3 $ & 48 8 ei ee rths of the joy of nae without Bret trying Lydia B. etable Co un have been troubled with such dates as displacements, inflammation, ation, fibroid tumors, irregu ae periodic pains, backache, indigestion, and nervous prostration. GHAYELHPRR. those from our neighbor- ae eyes Kerr. of Ell wd ae ‘es ue aunt Mrs, Will and Mr. t- die and Ri eek. their studies a Listowel Hieh HESSON. Hilda Baley. of D. and Mrs. ©. Coa ie ote returned oa “Li ne a oh fonday wae he intends spending a te weel a alse toooke ICE: on Wednes- awit ohm i dut. elo eer Mr, and a 0. Coote ape nt Sunday in Glenalla Miss Byron. of Hamilton, few oe sthe guest of M ‘oot Miss Biesek. at vd Ge spent a Miss Elsie ssrs. Perce Lae John Helm, of Agatha. spent Sunday at the home ‘ot their brother Mr. Ee Helm. Joe Helm who has been . on tho sick list for some time is mow re- se who Panay. were oe visitors at ‘it Knoblauch were: Bohneider, ¢ Chmipbell. Rev, Stock + Mr. Tony Cook returned from the rday of last. week. Misses Anile and Nora Brenner re: turned to their home in Bt, Clements mn Thu wauy of last we "Miss Rehel Strangway spent Mon- day in Listow Mre. Lamen and ghitdren are spend pa. 8 few -s with friends eRe fr. Charles Coomer. of Blora spent Honey a ‘Mr; Kennedy's. —_ Dail Badley spent Sunday in art! Rare Milverton Sun will be sent to ress in Canada from now un- tit. San 1911 for 25 cents. About Patent Leather ‘Invictus’ Shoes uestion is sometimes ask- ree whether the patent leather in INVICTUS Shoes will crack. In reply to this we say that it’s ipa ssible le to guarantee any patent ather from cracking. Some patent leathers crack pa readily than others — depends u on the q The Patent Leether used in IN- iC Shoes is manufactured from selected ijnported Russian olt hides. 3 The It is a patent leather that is motets finer, more teghle and one that will wear longer with- out SeathiDs than payattier patent leath W. Zimmerman orking. spent i ‘To. most Canadiang the aw nounee eed. by athe Court of ee Arbitration at The Hague will be itoot importance, s A. B, Aricav ot e tn ee anyone else is due t! eed t of ithe suocess aby Canad a The Hague. While the Toron| . Globe aw ithe nees.. presby- gotiations. Mr. Ayle: ow eos wi ne "too well Bs the “Our Small Profit System is a Great Success.” very lowest price. Here Are Three Opportunities --You can either get your eae here and get it made elsewhere, 2.—Get them elsewhere and we will make them up, or 3.—We will fur you with Goods, Trimming and a Our ie are Low Style, Fit an and Workm: ship can’t be beat, 3: J. Fleischhauer Lady’s and Gent’s Tailor. BusinessCards Dentistry. R. LEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic- Surgery and Member Medical. ®. PARKER, M.D, L. TYE, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE ; PUBLIC DRUO STORE, MILYERTON Hours—J0'to 42 o'clock a; m.,and 2. to 4 orelock p. nd 7 to 8 o'clock’ p, m, Canada’s case. vt at Mir. Ayleaworth ve his country by ntering Scene he served it well, tt is Ea ee that owing to physical 7 | disability he intends retiring from the government to private life. = If albuee proves to be the case Sir Wilfrid Laurier will be shorn of his ablest colleague, GAMBLE—ANDERSON very at ae hom nderson. prety, wedding took place wiece of the er girl, The coun were joined ‘together ea tees pf Listowel. Kix church The bride was weirs? ina bse Gown ‘of cream marquiste ov. immed swith pointe kee. and beorl ‘ironing and carried a boquet jal roses. banat May! “ase fac pastor of the ceremony all repaired - the auitig jmoom where a sumpt wi teste inner was served. The e were numerous and cos esteem in which une ue are hel The: ‘ide the groom’s farm, near Carthage. owi the wil osToCK. Harvest is over + andl most farmers are waiting for the threshers. It has been ‘a bountiful year indeed and the ealth of ithe country pahioald take mate rial probe, upwar nstedt and Mr. Mogk ensaed in the ne! wae r threshing outfits r, and Mrs. Fred, Yungblut, of Vallace, are spending afew days ass with friends and relatives in Rostdake, ie number af our inhabitants be: Mrs. Henry Diel few days in John Gaul. of St ratford. was in Minis Matta Wingefelder has return. val to Stratford again to taka up her TORRANCE-BBATHE Avery oretty “event took placo on August 22nd, «Ande w 's church. ‘Vamoouver. thigh noon, when Ada May. ane hter of the late ev. D, Ms nd Mrs, Beatti The bride was beautifully gowned 4 white aati was given away ber brother » Norman, Beattie. of Wancouver, Lula Galgary. a friend vof the as bridesmaid while Mr. Hilton of ‘ancouver, assist Mr. and Mrs, Tor- ramioe will reside in Vancouver where ‘oom is a successful druggist, #8 ert in vege last_w * Hannitord wate: in Sty visting £ friends there, sister of the post~ funeral left 01 m for Listo’ place, C. .) No. S | every peel and saat Tue: er, | Bei Legal (ORPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Solicitors for the Bank Milver: ton, Ont. | arranged fo moiber of the fia will iiverton every Thursday, H. B, MORPHY, . M, CARTHEW, J, ©, MAKINS W, J, HANLEY MAKINS & HANLEY Barristers & Solicitors Stratford, - - - Ontario o phone or otherwise promptly attenied to. Societies. cee y RON No, 478, ., Milverton, oe ae e all ix Ranney's Block, ren always prolecme. Shas: HUreuts0N, thonth, at 8 edlock, in. thelr Rothasrmel Son’s hardware Visiting brethren always welcome, Geo, Roe, C. R., 8. H. Pugh, Rec-Secy. K, is Mit Star :, ilverton, ery Friday night at i theit hall over Pablio Drug Notary Public. W. D, WEIR, Notary Public, Aucy tioneer for the County of Perth and veyancery Deeds, Mortgages drawn and over the Bank of Hamilton, Hotels. OTEL, Branner, Ont. heen eet Proprietor. Best liquors and cigars at the bar, xia class, ac: commodation and large stablia GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil ton accommod for sraracalaC nape lbw tel OM “uree large somple rooms. G: ing. Baas brasty bende ct gale ena} ae Chas. Ritter, Proprietor, Wwerton, Ont, for commercial ge Nfl sample of Wines, La Hy travellers and others, room| for ny the eh digars at the Me errs F. Pauli, Dromeiote . quoi rm. pa THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford. Ont.—A well Sepaiated and ca Baely, “sple sual tabling Rates $1.00 per day. & SON. Proprietors. HOUSE, Berliny to Commercial wines and liquors serve’ Rates $1.50 per day, Wa. Wirn, ‘Pe Divisi jon Court ~ Milverton Division Court. Meets at-11 o'clock a.m. on eb, 10 April 7% June 9 Aug. 26, Oot. 27, 0, THOMAS TROW. Cle: F. W. GUENTHER, Deilit CF Free to Ladies ro thoroughly hy advertite Saiders! Drews ttlng Course I will teach this $15, Course es OF Sun CeS. By sunt or tgonal i cannot make a perfect fit after Course teathes hovw to out, At, and jcle in dress and mantlen Ing by system, and cae8 ou days to te: whe en ke ant ip Bnaiiah oc Otramens peaitee! DRAIN TILE! When buying Drain ‘Tile, the bestis al: ways the cheapest, Write for prices f o.b, your station to W. W. SMIT + = SHALLOW LAKE, ‘ont: ai4-6m wel. where inter-

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