Milverton Sun, 22 Sep 1910, p. 7

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patistn a trial of Pa: hie Pills is recommended. DANCE the Tonic Treatment, Vitus dance is the commone: of uetyous trouble which s ficte children, pre of the great demands — 1 by is. ie. The emaeiaule eee of Dr. i Pink Pills-in euring St, Vitus pee should lead parents to ive their ch ees s6 and irritabili re symptoms which car! sf hte that the ‘blood and nerves are failing to me cet A. Wi inden, Man., eae: “When my little girl was six years old she was attacked with searla- ‘tina, pes td followed 8t. Vi da r limbs would jerk and bitch: ‘Her affect t last she became so bad that she fou scarcely nel hardly in the sours ol “ 3 more her y of 4 returned, and ate: retin Reate ae Oo. about as wi eh W hen illness comes to our family now, we a doctor, but. simply Williams’ Pais Pills, and never disappoint u Sold by all ene. aener or . by mai} at 50. pair: a box or six loxes for from The Dr. Wil- lms’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OT ADS oa a band, eat n the Aoeali as ea f: oee3 3 My cou- ary man in feet, x Ba the teas Seite he wanted everybody ry the lee * to be surry that he died.” In 6 thove who apenas dyspepsia, inden | aa aN or any ent | rangement of tthe | a re Mocca ete gee with them, ‘The teial will | e inexpensive and the result will | customer for this exeel- | Se effective is their \ se where other pills Wee Bioved inchective: [3 When ve heat i man howling for ie justice we ey what jail he would land in ot he got: it. { Minard’s tLiniment Refieves Nouraigia. | AN UNUSUAL OCCURRENCE. fae ect--"'T had ‘an awful time thinkiug up an exeuse to give my | when TL got ot home. from the ht. Did she demand ee eonree 5 at hex masa hese Pils Cure Rheumatism.— rmelee’s Vege- ave prorouneed ae the | sian kidneys and. by regulating | ) the Pe ‘of these 01 rRaNS ace as =n alternative in amixture of « uses this loo | fu at one must be n according to-direc- | tions ate “used steadily ae they [he willl v give evidence of the: Totiencial ratte, Bove oaiiotiaises “he put down among the popular airs of the day? Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruf, ees WORK. Scene, village Sunday school, ole} an atoning a Be of small boy vs in a farm: JUST THINK OF IT 1 Bulk of Mixed Faueergty _ A Striking Example of Its Cure by s geoniea upon is TG)LLEGE FoR MONKEYS SOME PARN MORE THAN CAB- INET MINISTERS, English Woman Who Civilizes ‘Them and Makes Money Gut of Them. n these days af overcrowded oc cupations it take ius to de- i an entirely Rew teats chains The jesratine ‘Profession she ha: of being chict métructar to a ie established oe lege. for momnkeys. ere the ee creatures from Arie Tican jungles are train civi beings ladies and gentleme THE PRIDE OF THE SCHOOL. cAs. the Bits man stepped warily into this quaint* univer: the President, Mrs. Hamlyn, deren him to Miss 6 Marjorie, the of the school. — While Maree made eyes at the ea yn said ate heen ight y duly animal peohane from the docks a fortni hefore, in almost a dying condition. Under inne, treatmen eX it had already ania Nunta) intelligence a life of sole see rge as that of inter ot claim to be an animal trainer,”’ aud rs. Hamlyn; I sa oe to ie them. ice a @ monkey ‘which ane ee tract tricks, but to make the motibay behave like a well-broyght- the Bsa 4 Edo up. child.” "This i is her plan of cam- paign At haif-past eight they are taker m their cots and, seated in chairs, have breakfast with all Abe pecnaliore of the household. pak. bbobutecotiseees cand WNeon: ade “and butter, and cups of tea followed “by a soil of bananas, Breakfast over, they. are carefully |washed, brushed and combed, af. ter which they are dressed. ae he males are dressed in male at- ire, while the ladies haye 2 ward- Pine consistin ext, corsets | knickers, ed and brown socks and shoes, At first, of , they do not 6. cen but once they get nsed to ie Clothes, you pa only to pro- ne a ae co nanos rgoleved WwW “3 and: eg are 2 just Tike aiNiptiat bein: KISSING GOOD NIGHT. the toilet is pales ergata play till pear at ‘the table Ae at ad La some fish, a cut-from the joint and vegerahlaes followed by milk pudding. roe the afternoon they hay ‘forty haa or play, just as they. are disposi ‘ea is served about five, Ronen of bread and butter with meat paste, tea, and two more bananas. At half-past six they are | undressed, washed and bathed, jand put to bed. The jnightgowns, and, es ae lately ng fi Hamlyn good! ight. require no more attention till mornin; t the end of three to five months of this treatment the animals come ne ace and act like child: The rade ta? Of conrse! Most f Gr animals are picked up at the | s for a meve song, but aoe al ee at Mrs. Hamlyn’s school the aye almost srt their ight gold, At any rate, ue aes whe has en has been $500, while aby eases they have fetehed 4760 es rd just | o| doc OPTIONAL, Juvenile Jack had been anes ‘0 Say a prayer each evening) be- fore retiring. n this prayer he asked a blessing for members of ihe family. impudent and spend at Afte: d by hue ase reference members of the fami wants i pst mine, He wo the) is a fen of ies 2 quickly ‘stops coughs, fe throat wud fu rvecceas, eat DOGS FIGHT WITH A LION, How a Stray Fox Perrier Won an African Lion's § Simba, the pluckiest es terrier inthe world et the its breed whic full grown ton “singled handed,” as returned 0 a representa- tive of this journal by Cherry Kear- ton, tl log’s master, Africa number Ue at ee pictures of wild+ AXLE GREASE|": turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try. a box, Every dealer everywhere. The tmperial Oil Co.,Ltd. garden “patty aay have scen 2 Ont Hy nee) ©. a asic seconds we hearba Gus yoae which ene the ¢ again, and in the brief inter. as we heard the weak but very dog. The ling, furious yapping of th Masti. stood, enery nerve tin with spears poised, “Suddenly ihe lion dashed through a Htile clearing, and were amazed to see Simba fang ing on with her teeth embedded in its tail, Three spears were hurled at the escaping beast with such ac- curacy eshat they all Mage the heart and the lion fell dead 2: belongs, according to local custom, i to the warrior wh spear in- flicts the ee young but to ie r teeth, sea deter- mined a sopntee an, ey tile claim. The spearmen, ¢ lost in ad- Bs dnitiey handed it over later to my wi Epis caidas the dog.” co DEATH APTER A SCRATCH. Morris Quatzam, an eleven-year- oki Windsor boy, fell off his eves and scratched his wrist. Bea lee pobnne of the injury, but blood poison set in and he is dead seh: aries as lees ty no means -infrequent--ought make people yealize the danger that may in the smallest, flesh Take a simple illustration. ee a knife, a rusty need splint of dirty wood, a barbed wire fer eS seratches the hand, ‘hie er is inoculated with germs, of which the air one us is full. . Di- ese ‘e introduced through the preath in the skin. battle royal ensues between them, and certain organisms in our blood. The way to avoid serious results is to cleanse the ‘ound and apply ite uk. Zam-Buk isa powerful, yet painléss germ: killer, and when applied to the broken skin is ab- forked into the tissue, instantly de- roying the cena that spread dis- oe and inflammation. am--Buk must ao be wi a ordinary ointme isa manic Dreoseenen! Sah ing septic, soothing and healing ailalities that are not to be found! ces in any other preparation. t is not ne @ unigue healing | h balm ei sO as food. For all kin Sees anne in, cuts, bruises, burns. eae, juleers, ringworm, e on is without equal. It ‘is also eae widely for piles, for which it may be regarded | & specifie. © All dr 8 and stores 50 cents a box, or Zam: ‘Buk price, sonised n~Bul harmful imit; a PROFESSOR STUDIES APP. Lives in iy eto G Get on Speaking eens with Gorillas, of view. — Bimba’s fight with | MARRIAGES IN GERMANY. the Gas took place when Mr. On Was trying to en pitires Betrothal and € Ceremony —Ave, In- of the Ue ae nae ne natiy. spiring Wedding P spearmen. ‘Two lions had been To. cated in some scrubs, and twenty Tee EY, Beet tings in Massi warriors, with spears, were | Miss Wv ‘o's volume oe ¢ ;ready to attack. The lioness, how- mere optimistic ae ‘eh te Alsee & jee escaped, an mi noes “Marriage—Before an Ae Taal as she does not want any thing BAe ee o ive.” In her cle ite has only to chides and her mother With the “ightest encouragement on the girl’s part matters march | pidly forward. ‘Twenty years ago a young couple were never leit an instan’ the task of marrying thereby simplified. Ax long ag she holds a tennis rac- ket the damse wander with her willing swain wherever Ag likes and a ski four on the snow covered i io be an even more successful meek makey than a game of tennis, It goes le eharm- ing and so Ce tier oF of doors, where is pestetence airs A, a ', he puts on his top hint 3 net teatle He and calls on her father, ex- plaining his Prospects, recely ving an eee as of hers, f both Ve ‘satisfaction ‘the Bice eva of fie betrothal comes off. aetetS are delightful details con- ing the prescribed behavior of BEES cae rg couple, the rman bridal oe and he ci and religious marriage . When the latter is qonclided nee bar re- tarns to the bride’s home, and then | opium begins a festive meal which puts the German’s power of stoic, sheer: ful endurance to the test. It is a e inspiring mea as . The ele the bride man sits and t ther hon The father o} the Beige sore om ee, a speech in | ¢ honor vhe bride's tamiuy, i j the ete of the bride makes a | speech in honor of the br idegroom’s ‘amily, and en comes the guetta, | | the adie jody en fin, till there is Rolling Tete totoask exo opt the wine itself, i ours, usually, from three e | he “Stimmung’’ n cee degree, especially after | A ‘pointedly ignored departure os the bride a bridegroon evening is concluded with a Banks and if many guests are staying in \the house, and the Uride's caulees has enou, ft there } wh ¢ a eecond festivity, the day afte vany indeed a mighty affair; might even say ae from the m one ere. Prof, R. L. Garner, the man who went ae the African jungle sev- eral years ago with the avowed in- tention of studying at close rang the language and habits of the an- thropoid apes, has j) lew ee accompanies Susie.’ e.’” ‘The professor says he edoteaste e © creature, which is able distinguish colors and to whieh en laugh Jike a child when amused. Garner pursued his studies un dev the protecting wing of a Jess ally constructed bamboo cage g) which he placed in the Freneh Con- The go near Lake Fernan Vaz. he A Medicine for the Miner’ 's Pack. | complaints, who el cage which he took with him —Prospectors and saved if pr remedies had been © Afviea was lo&t when his canoe | to the mining regions whe: used. If at eked do not delay in upset Protected from the dan, tors are few an getting a bottle of D: . D. Kel- Be by ts cage and Srecom- all, should provide them logz’s Dysentery Cordial; the medi- y a native cook and ho a eupply of Dr. Tho: cine that never fails to effect a oy. Ga ae gradually got on inti: Oil. It will offset the effects of ex- | cure, ae who have used it s mate terms with twenty-two ebim-| pos ie reduce sprains, and it acts promptly, and Shoroughly panzees and nine gorillas. He sys | taken internally will prevent and | subdues the pain and dise; he has tabulated twelve or fourteen | cure colds and sore t, and used by the anthropoids, and believes he ean understand nine of netie was taken by the professor the University of Pennsylvania to be studied by the Herthologieal « lexperts there. e Relieved t ‘By Murine eye trouble Bens Wo sie has the Eee yee of a ee preparation so. ere health to gfe little:fols. Rather Conserys London, espe cover the feats regarding an evil of eee and EU ae a get in} men and other sc the fi no room for doubt that the use tims to the prisons and inebriates’ homes, All this takes some | um with full know ledge of the use cases, they fit are eae Natee she has M as an ickod last Noy) a ‘aftor uring bral Bre your MINAKD' LUN from 52, save in that the former has - slightly me socae eral tint in ee! vivaci matron you a nok “Mm Pattie Ae ts are two. of the ates — young, always ed e said a clea ugh in the v ee ot Father GOOD NEWS F Tor THE DEAF, e coleheated New Yor! k Aurist, has bee. a 2 easily cured in broposea: ee ie, fact by sending. to having trouble ears a trial treatment of his new method ab- malufelt free, - -We-advi; mete te, who have trouble hth to. satel Selon Tein Gardener, Sui 49 turn mail, steel ately “Trial Treatment,” nd we once heard of a man who wrote a book on ‘How to Get will make, They relieve the w and Che: eS , Tem ernal ter siete be he ome treaiment, ite = comtrabl for you APLEINE S32 : Ta Bsa Lop withoae Wales us before too x at your druggist’s, in ein 0 mutes. or or loes. ‘De Wontay Alar and reproseruative. ‘mlattoes Hanpalun Nome dour ‘yranee ite. «Dr. eS Medical Co., Limited, Going wood, Ves UU cH A ERIN AY A Tghest pigs pa DYEING! CLEANING | pion, ts Ms, Hturtive vere hesh, seid yout work to Sree nn ee “BRITA AMERISAH DYEING “Co.” Bone travels aonk Fa agents for Téok for agent wh, or send direct, established houso. Ktate a co and preva norm ot bee * ei lovment. Permanent. It. McGarvey, Mgr., Asntreal. Toronto, Ota RiP Dees. PET Gn Lereae esi eres PAPER STOCK E. POLLAN, sm en The Heart ofa Fianolsthe ion, Insist on the “OTTO HIGEL” Piano Action A GREAT DEMAND FOR aMASTH PAPER OF ALL GRADES, so Rags, Iron, Metals, Rubbers, Eto, nto, sah Phone for particnlara. Main id Maud Sta, mits will tnd our Pi jown’s Music — nowa- want a men tance. Ou) are the most Rich” who had actually done it himself, oWE GIVE YOU A TIPS Duy tho gonuina & Be Menthol Blasters. a UD a” wubsttt Hie ome ie se Pee oS piltloted manufacturers are. tryin EXIT — ENTER Exit, the bo: Of Benda ae Enter the oyster, Fried, scalloped or raw. sai ‘You don't seem to print the ie- sults of the races.”* “Yes id the one ot BO Phinkvile we do,” Palladium. bi FFho SBaipialt th ite ‘enk, Weary, Watery Kyen. ay it Soot ‘At . Write, er Bye, Books, Murine Bye Heme ly Co., Toren Sometimes the. on only compliment- ary thing you can truthfully say © an . accTpaintance is le isn’t any rse than other men other Gra: Ue lca always gives satisfaction by re- DO WOMEN Siow OPIUM? ve English Jour- nal Declares it to he Se, According to a London paper not iven to sensation mongeri the m habit is spreading rapidly in ally among the smart. aS been difficult to dis- this kind, but the evidence. appears 0 have been gpiained from medical rees which leaves he insidious drug is working. w pread havoc and sending many \ It is even” ouraged b end Neged the habit is en- a small eroup of west- ners, who supply opi- fo which i¢ 1s being pu n most however, it 1s obtained by cunning ae tisrepresentation, a geen. shees are too small Ira ae of a@ woman, but if they ankruptey con Ae CERTAINAMETHOD NO enring cramps, ven and. dysentery is the Mighect erepen git for ove void: substit at one * or erry “Davila and 8c. years. Glass eyes are wean It testimonials ti is only necessary to read the be convinced that Holloway’s on Cure is unequal- py for the removal of corns, warts, tic lt “Art ‘alled in the east. plain “‘bughouse.”” t is a complete extinguisher. Why wouldn't watered silk make satisfactory bathing suits? Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. istic Jemperar ment,’? it? Out west it’s by using is medicine has Spy “Pain: now made with geek perfection that even the wear- rs are ue to see through the GOOD MEN WANTED Our policies are easy ing business and also make good money, write to-day for parti- culars. The NATIONAL LIFE ame tae Company roronto Cures Sprung Tendon, Collar and Saddle Galis 214 Manitoba Ave,, Winnipeg, ‘Sotober ith, 190%, “Thave used your Epavin Ov orden wits pad resign T ean for Coliar and Eaddle Kendall Ss 5 pavin Cure Saab) caren. Tn the past 40 ve = Kev ‘ae ie heraty Seved dollars for horse ownern, Tle esr ean always by depended beootely cute ects Ringbane, Curb, ings and Lamers ial ae 4 for 95. When you sat yr dar ey ot gor tok "A Tre tr, a wa ScUSNRALL CO., Enosbarg Falls, ue MEGA, res the OMEGA cotta We h ve pleasure in announcing the names of those fortunate jn winning the Omega Watches given &s prizesin our recent Dot Contest. Ist Prize— Mi ied Pring 4th Pale t me Nee, Robt. Hazleton. Tod- 5th Beenie "Chas Ryall, Chauvin, (east eae Winners ard Prise Fly Kirkendall, Cypress, 4th (Prine willle Young, Campbells, Sth Prise cdnck lever wood, Nanaimo, B.C., Box 68; é ELLIS BROS. - Toronto St. Soreph, Levis, July 14th, 1903, Nt [tes Oexri Dadly kicked by my borne non-German of view it is ra- yh Aug woul do. Lee ial ther too much of @ good thin; Jot. Taha up-tn bod fore fortnigne and apes Bs Sl aumid vanes ak ‘Aer ing three. bottles” ‘! A ws ued, 40 that I could start on the oa Jos, pu Commercial Traveler, purfectl; THE OLD, OLD CURE. A Hee fond father discov- ered his ng hopeful reading a dime nov “Unband me, villain,”” the de- tected boy ihndered, “or there will be. bloodshed oN father grimly, "| tightening ae hold on his son’s col- lar. “Not bloodshed—w: oodshed, ss a Tabrlegnt will keep the muscles in good condition. ti RI OLD AGI £ TAKDS BACK SEA Pifty is Puller a and Paler Than hirty—No Other Difference, re is no fact, more strikin, ee es way m "back +! than a seeAviES ou have Oat = thee up at 40. eile Clara, t am delighted, dear. Tett you his mone; into its mouth.” Minard’s Liniment tor sale everywhere. se! our steak, my boy, and you Ga bee,” CONFIRMED. (confidentially)—“"Do that. I had two een f marriage last week Solas (with euthnsia)—Oh, 1 Then the r port is really true ee your nice ey? Ethel Very many persons die annually rom cholera and “A turtle is an animal that has iles on its back, and puts its head LIVE AND LEARN. Son (first ip in railroad diner) aa s that ax in the end f the ear ve thane “Wa ‘ait until th Jane Austen 8 novels to fais ed the age ard under sus chin, bought himself a drab gaiters h aeons e sing gererauon, were so different he ae es aS G is an ordinary fox térrier, estat of no mesa value from a Biseten 8 Regularity————__. ‘ung mai A is Eaateedlye ‘aistingushable Indian Root Pills of the bowels is an absolu wle aeces-— sity for good hea! be ening, sickening or gi Dr. Morse’s C ‘Extraordinary For Small Power Users © purchase a High-Grade Gas TS Me wholesale prices. Eubeitee de Engines to be THE REASON W075, eee ind 1co— s Horse 1sO— peat oy 50-12 hi Owing to the drought there wil carry them over anol m year we they last ae we Tver’ he Poon patsy there on reque: pee ce ae nes banks-Mor the world ental and dev ie & Co. on experi type ef Cas Bagingg The many thousand in u: correctness of selection of ma Montreal, finished machine, ord like this is based solely upon recognized inerit, YOUR OPPORTU wae fhe ly Fairbanks Co. r your S ed), plete information ffaicbecks's Mages Gasoline Raglices | The Canadian Fai had. gb e 90] Probie to-day stand as a guarantee of t the principles involved, aterials, and the raliabie and efficient service rendered by the “Fairbanks Co., Limited Opportunity 400 sold ai suosnctared and have ready for anticipation of this year's Grain Klevator the Power Engines je little elevator building, and rather than ell them a ection ay long: a " paces and Boll TaNrsnntiony ee oc oat Engine, ull 0 the world, EIGHTY pte Tie engines are ine nected with Gas E Zines Pri Nou a Someetian with ev 0 ainnaue wade the absolute ¢ high class of workmanship, careful NITY. TEAR HERE. and price “(Stale size ke Address..... W.P. Co. pecial Offer of goo Fairbanks acronis: st denne we aults, Wwinstee Dagah Wanootente

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