Milverton Sun, 29 Sep 1910, p. 8

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THE MILVERTON SUN COMING J.S, SMITH Rupture Specialist Oe STRATFORD will be at The Grand Central Hotel MILVERTON ‘Wednesday, Oct. 5 Until 4 p.m, I cure Rupture without operation of loss of time from your work. Free Consultation ! What I have done for others I can do for you, Come and see me, yy and i be Bivatord pal a few. days Mist ir Muleah; ts. P. Muleahy. ae we Winker spent part of Jast week in’ Ay! N foes will Go held in Kno church next ‘Sunday owing. to Seah versary services at ©: ere Reve Gampbell, of "Moorefield. epee E. A Faoksom will preach 6 ¢ Methodist will Geek be nae Sabbath, Mr. O, Mueller amd Mr, Fuller, of Ce on fri fends in the village on ung and ‘bride gale roy lend in sand around Millban! Mr. W. D. Wi eka a visitor in ae aie ons ‘fond Pinder and Mrs baee, ar stratford. spent Sunday at has. Pinder's, ie . W. Thompson is visiting her mother Mrs. iHugh (Ross nd other e leaving for the West, The Theukotforing meeting iB Knox church on Friday was well attended Dr. Reais ‘atl fe vel ing address on her ni offering amow unted ce over $50 dollars. Some the Mornington council. at the request of a number of oun bi peace called the attention of the railway commission | iy LOST. old’ fashioned red plaid shawl, betean 8rd. ee corner and Sohac- ‘inder please re at Sun ott thee 1t-pd. HOUSE any RO LOT FOR SALE, ser a cepeihee particulars BPmy ra Mrs. on premises. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned desires to off ris e offer Known ou application to wil FARM FOR SALE. Being North half Le Lot 4, Con. 9. con- eds 80. good bush, from chureh, Por further particulars apply to INO, PREEMAN,. Freeborn. P.O s29-4in, FARM FOR SALE. 78 Acnes. N.E..comner of Lot 3, Con. 1 Momington. eH , bank barn 58x66, cement stables, hard and ov ain vel’ crossing on the 7th line near the Presbyterian mamse, A subway was aske at this CHEE is ‘ee satisfactor: T station baeat thas had some impro jandseape. WELLESLEY. ms. J. Messinger rer and several other last with and Gq Katie Huehn left last Wednes- ee on an extended trip to Dover MILLBANK. SESS EE beard CO. Legatt. re Bieta: - ay a3 Messrs, Roy of): ing friends in and and Mi dita acide Netniey See the par: A little. a Veta a ue. ¢ | ental me of Mr. F. Thomas last week. || Mist ee asic Baokner, of St, Jacobs Misa Meee 2 Me Dee ene spear es Sendee Bh her home, He aunt Mrs, Mel and len Els- Cane week at the ane nat Di Dr. site ley, stig tne’ “Gollegiate ee at Sen. e,ing her nunt Mrs. Jacob the af angst: sono! Mr. mas. our enterprising next me over Messrs. Hardy ae ee, Bulmer of Guelph. junday their rm ‘Miss Vera Ottman and Mr. Weiler. of Waterloo. visited at the former's who was Visit- Messinger. here returned to her home last Friday r, James 1 pson was at Listo- wel last Thursday and Friday attend: entinger: were “visita tant Sas ane hill Gies. of Berlin, towether’ athe thelr Harey_on nd Mr, and Mrs. John Waller, of Tocom: Hiose Sal SAE gn friends in the village ust ind her mother Mrs. versary wid leria. of Waterloo, wer daughter Val Weidenhammer’s ast visiting at Dr. uesdary. Last tory: belonging to is place. was ‘iday mornin Mr. James Thomp- totally destroy- is very heavy the may webuild to Jose this industry in our commun: ity. yet the Methodist church here on Sunday hima,” The Hawkesville cn ‘will furnish the music sic for this HESSON. Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Seilhoff, of Bl- ma and daughter Millie spent-Sunday af Mr. and Mrs. E, C, Knoblauch’s, Deleware, Mr. tion a Brueckner, of Baden, SNe a busine: i r ‘is wee! ig Miss ‘Eimina Schopp is on the sic | Huebnergard, of Nie. Le spent Sunday there and was e | Saad of Mr. ind Mrs. J. W. Fle eae hanes Berlin. ne Mr bee Graham is building if itchen to his house and is makir rapid brogras ovith it. Mr. Huras who has been on! the sick list for some time is on tho way to recovery. essr Edward Dietz is spending a} tew ways with relatives in and around| Ve Tavistock. koft water. 10 acres in {fall wheat. Diss Emma Neeb is at present il 1 oh Beh r of | d roads,| from a severe attack of typhoid but) 3'miles fnom Milverton. Price one hopes. on entertained for a speedy| ion on ist Dei . Apply | Pecove: ‘i W. D. Wein of the ‘Proprietor on| Mr. Allan Bechtel, of Baden: i the premises, “Rare chance for 2-week | bere Monday looking after sale. 829-2t.| ply, Anyone in need mil Newoupplied! ¢ A Snap in Farm, for Quick Sale the undersigned off offers for sale ae valusble 100 acres being No of Lot 18, Con 10; Mornington & by ordering «ton a Mes HW Sheppard, inspector —of| public spent leat week in this vicinity feaaitiee ‘at the various schools DIRECTORS’ MEETING, ‘fhe directors of the Elma Farmers Fire Insurance Company, a John Yent and Ivan Sehope | Rey of Berlin. spent Bunday at 2 io yee Voll and Miss anes orga homes ond with rion is | Voll, of Po iD iment Sunday at the Miss Barbara Vollme: Milverton, spent Gunday at the for. mer’s home. Mr, George Het returned to Strate ‘ord on Mond: Quite & mumber trom’ around her ook inthe’ Listowel tate on Weduees ene s, E. Knoblauch. br., spent Wed- wed a5 pte in Listowel. Miss Tens "Waterloo, is {evening me teeition under: the par- ae ly un. David Voll is at present on oe We hope for a spee latter's hom, oe lite ‘an en} eo evening ‘by ee young peo» their aunual I. eaty attended, on Sun ekmam prea pares sermon to the Mr. Walter Goll hes. SAC Res T Detnoit’ where he couple of weeks with friend: Misses Annie an Brent Te+ jtumed to St. Clements on Saturday of te week after spending a st i from hi to jlose one of jhis working 1g the cheese fac-| 'P6 versary, services will be held in bet m. | diptheriaa. 7| "Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Golightly and Geo. ke “iwith her daughters while Mr. *S:) will continue ito reside - we! able time was spent had been sponding 3 d silver was relieved of its santents ew ee Tb if re: known at. present who com- the wabbery but it will likely On Sunday « next nunleereges servic- cy wa ‘be he! po night at Ahad th the Knox ohurel reine Miss Violet Bouya furnish the musical prograi pean Simpson, violinist will sino Wi hes Fergusson on Monday re- ‘nox church plate ee windows in in. this respect or they mre have a pi presented to them Messer: ank \Terry and | Kenneth McKenzie on Priday evening last were at a part: ven in Ers- a very pleasant evening |p by all. ‘he friends of Mr. and Mrs. Her a= 2 te. oe e 8 = 2 in Monkton es spring. Howard aD of Sis cbet ave ie acing a week at his home in Mit- chell having sustained an injury from the kick fnom a hi Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott and daugh- ter Aileen. .of Seafor bine ne fev days recently at the home of Mr. Wm Pusch Miss TE. Maggie Bettger leaves on _| Mondey’ a Woronto where she in-}? On Tuesday might of last w couizresation, . pa ‘Mrs. Ed- ee lad to hear fee th tie ute daushier tary who tae dee past seven weeks from ty ott is mow so far re tl “e week So! eir of en Mr. an exoeller Toronto. ‘he ast kk the shipped from Sy 0 head. fart? Ky aS of a siting her brother will be “ch missed ay on jightly ay give fn die | Miss ill, <nox| (1 anniversary services held — in en, “bretbyterian ichurch on Sunday Were very largely attended espec- jally in te evening the village for a few lays overhauling the focas office and mak- ing improvements on ie ontside equipment. Mr. R. B, Wish is ab present visit ing her ae Mis V. M, Berlett. of Berlin, A number from herd took im the Listowel ang enetn Fairs last meek mn. t the much talked ween eo a x ne village tee y while for the varie Tair, Tt = ates ‘that he patarned from the iten wei ie dently agreed with them ae difficulty in eens into their Mi sHeimler eee Sunday with friends in Elmira. did him honor ‘by tendering him a: sotisisting of songs and speeches was en. Amniversary services will ‘be “held in the Lutheran church on Sunday m 9b: When Reverends Al. HB. and F. Veit, of 7 | Mavistock, wi officiate. The - vice will commence at 10 o'clock a.m. ae Bay Heinbuch returned home spending a few ie Ans avi on Monday a Hae im the a: ae in ehureh deliver an address on his work in that fiel ‘The sympathy of this Epaem iar goes out ito Mr. and Mrsi Jacob Yamtzi who on ends ay night oes pon to mourn the loss of tends training for a Deaconess. eile one had ; é ie e ad always Bisare vi Cr eaidey auike te heen delicate but a day or two before sepivernry ere Res epee : convulsions. ‘The system be Be thovist ehurch and St, eit ie ee strong enough to resist the ogee We tegret to report the illness of ‘ooks who has ‘been seriously Notwithstanding her at age she is progressing towards recov- ery. Mr, G. G. Manser. 'V.8.. reports that infantile pa: is prevalent among fie: horse in: this districh He has upto ie = contact iy four cases, Mr. Henry Duench, Ir. Geo. nantes at present ‘suffering from an attack of appendicitis, . number of Linwoodites have found employmen: or atime in n| ballding fences on the O.P.R. near Pe haa) of Berlin, spent Bane at the idence of Mr. B. B. Ve erma Parsill left on sib ad elph and Drayton. D John Kocher “spent ul eanae® with Mr. and Mrs. Henry : Edwin Koehler Spent Sunday et ek of Mrs. Robt. ASett will Las suf- x enced well watered and ii i. Atwood. i high the Agricultural. Ha’ WOO! on Wednesday of last week. ate a slight stroke of y ie die oultiy: es ee arge |Tuesday. the 20th, day ir seni . Chas. Gohl has par rohieed Mr. sa Edith pels Tete "Mlonday Nd: Bost office ne hand Pi | zie bowed being in attendances, “The /cateke's hand: : bo fond a couple of weeks visiting at Wood, St a De ima 5 wecting Me, WkeGlog: Coote returned 9 Lin- hott homie in’ Sh Clements andi also in i“ ees ig railway | iad. confirmed and signed. Claims! wood’ on Whursday to resume his posi- q | CuelDh, Tete al Within four miles, For|tor property destroyed or damaged | icp, Panmers are bu usy_ threshing an¢ De arcenlir aback Gt eee ee and terms apply | wene presented from ‘the following | Mics’ Maggie Weidhammer is mg their eorn these days, Wm neg at St, Clements on Tuesday. Ont, E mk. | and ordered to be paid; Thos. Had-| yrosent at the home of Mr. and Mrs,|Bunek and Clarence Otto are BUSY)“ ‘The cider and apple LRtoEy contin: Pe serk -4t-pd | don, of Hima. for $1604.80 for _ his} McDonald where she has accepted| siloing corn with their new ‘ilzaar “| ues to tun on Tuesday and Friday of =jharn and its contents destroyed by) positi ey intend ito talke all the jobs they) ich week, The apple <ubuhoweveat FARM FOR SALE. fire on Sept. ~oause supposed| Mr, and aEr8. MeDonald ‘are wear-| re and anybody wanting! js not so plentiful tis yea as last. spark from house chimney; Jas. Barr.|ing a broad em days over the oe silos filled auld do Wal to eivele a hemi aoe eae ae Lot 6 on the ‘eu con. of the Town-| of Elma. for #14.00 for damage to his ete of twin ee ie am a ea they have a up-te-| frosson ball on aay evening and re- khip: of Momnington, containing 94 | Barn by lightning on Aug, 22nd* Geo. eNO Aan RSE eaarenTesoapete dete outfit: port having mae time, ee s Sima. 60,00 for a| W. D. WEIR'S SALE REGISTER. Mr. Hd. Weis had a bee om Satur) ‘ytr, Gao, : res. about 110 cleared. the balance ; Ruler was sussesafal ot fs is a comfortable house | COW Killed by lightning ve Se oe eae day cementing bis horse stable and) Listowel in feeuring third prize for Taine ae be s¢) Adam Sukke. of Gray, $12.95 for Solin) Batduiay Gskoner. Cbs Will « sell |ole wen: his parslsae on next lot railroad stations 1-2 und |e to his bam by Tights on Aug.| horse, buggy. cutter. harness and "he ane Corn Co. haveer| ow, o, B ae millinery paeatiies 21-2 fatm is well -| 22nd: Wm. ma. for | household furniture at Poole for A paced old,-of ‘Sebringville. with} wi, fare place on Friday Batis rained. has a never failing spring | $410.01 iE Ewo! nares illed by light- | Lainge.. his engine to fill ie silos, They in| gay. Sept. 30th and Oot fa t. breek and is one of the best’ dairy|ming on "ANG. and Mms Bliaz-|< Wednesday. Oot, 12th—Will sell| tend starting this wee y the: ‘Listowel Pale leat eee haw amd truck farms available. of easy both seegohean, ‘of Mornington. for| Farm, Stock, Implements, Grain and| Mr. Henry Harloff had the —mis-1g,3. Miller was su al ‘in eacssi et best markets, The farm $4.90 or damage to h by| Hay for John A. Lot 1. con-| fortune to loose: one of his prone aff the i py pring til Cie edit ying be on very easy terms to|lishtiming in June 1900. Applications | 6. ‘Wellesley. Werte Bection. Evers- Horses last Satirday While om the|iinstion race while Mr. Mitice carried suitable party. For further informa-|for insurance were ted. amount- way to the city with a load of erais off second in the gentleman’ ‘om oe. BY oe W, MeGor- | ing ae aa es mest ie ee “ tt er it dropped dead. : ts 2 ae Tae, man. Port Arthur, Canada. med till Tuesday the HL. Gustin. mercha : Every timber of our eltizens-at-| “Mir. Robt. Gatheart OF; Qutober 1040. t6, mest ot the usual| thing goes. Quitting business, ended the Mitchell fair last NE eSee, Pavone el 2 oat Woot te : time end lace. bergen” Ce eee day and report a good show of hor-| trict of the Met ‘ Free to o Ladies 7, Hammond See. TRALEE. Sete sees eve ules Well amiest |e toe Soe oe Rtn st Her fed. : MORNINGTON COUNCIL. soe Lae h visited friends in| "Spr, anda rhe aaa event ast wats 8 SR on Wednesday paaiey nator Kc ae frien he indie of heavy h ‘To thoroughly Seat aediar oi Dh I. Askin has recovered from the | ho rl eo a eg el ni 5 we council met es Newton on ts o | They he Listowel fair whi f M 4 Steorcharge, by mail or ‘Pesaonal trate: Saturday. Bent. 7th, at 2 pan. with effects of the accident in) Listowel on Uigerspttads and repuit « vood| owes ahd were wr eee tions to all Hipirhasing the & eS Pailor ssetem.| the members all Ea The. min-| last week, V. visit ‘ofa toréaight among frends id Ups anh wae vecntanestes cece aGOk te] utes oF the wrevious meeting were |) Mr W.. Waddell: shipped “two! sar OMe Sui vere ae een 28 this vicinity on Monday ee urned +H pils in Canad given to anyone who} Tead-and signe 9 of. live. stock Be friends in ein home in Rochester. gannot male a te fit after learning.| The t fenders for the purchase of the) Week amd delivered two loads = Wm. al ane ie Ree Saater le orate Mathes | Skeskley. dealin debentures yore open-| Ne fag rt urday iat with ofend fiebe s seem, and cates four days to tench. [ed The debs outages go to the Met CROSSHILL. in: Berlin, Pao jit may learn ail in your spare time, Sa ank at Owing t x or take personal x ‘0 anniversary Services being or take hersonal oe th places advertised 4 Rustin’s jenger. ‘of $750.00 for Mr. Noah Shantz has returned af] aq at Haywkesvile un ee si All wishing to lea: tral Hotel, Listowel ce, Syaeuae eo) BP. M., or Oct 15th, from ‘na, heii 1 will show how nd a wv e wishing to i cate ad saauen Te Gmail or Genesee MISS RATZ, S-ly the Paanetaaelon eokley drain repairs was a0cee ed The following orders were issued: gravel sons 00 Sete aH north; Pe' Lang COMMERCIAL, ‘all Wheat... ran anit fou, per ews. re 22. 1c drain 301088 tthe GR: Mareay Bros. 6.00. putting in cgnorete sewers. con. Phe council adjourned to meet again on the finst Monday 4 in October. Waddell. Clerk. About 120,000 meople visited . the ‘Western Fair held at London last: week, shorts bat ‘allo °0/ Clerk's Advertisement of Court | 1910: in Newspaper Notice is hereby given Bs a Court @_ Ontar- e es Township of Morni ingt on, for Dated the Qist day se Rapternbar. WM, WADDELL, of ington the court “Our Small Profit System is a Great Success.” are now prepared to Pree the ladies with the Idtest Dtess’ Goods at the |, Yery lowest pti¢e.”* Here Are Three Opportunities 1,--You can either.get your goods hts ine get it made clsewher 2.~Get es pedis and we will make them up. 3.—We will ota you with Goods, Trimming and Making. er mS ot are: Lowest. phd ity the Best. Style, itand Workman= ship Gan’t be beat, $8 J. Fleischhauer ter spending about two months the West Mrs. ‘Thos Sn and Arthur spent ae de Ber Miss Pee of Baden. spent Brnday. ‘he Guest of. her friend Miss Addie Coote. trip to Scotland and reports having @ gran Shee time Mr. B erg has ‘been busy in this fey tion eens, the past week with bh corn ing outtle and the Ee eae i the sos ae all filled once Anniversary. services i me held ar Heth will in re fae tlt at amd in the evening a Mrs, Cook iss. M. ot|a Amutree. visited “ “the eee Me Mr. last w ote g a ween dee oe vet Jes sie spent Paice < the hom: Mr. jones: Mrs. Wm. aes retunned home Saturday night after holidaying in Nafziger. of Hamp- nipad visited Sunday with her sister Miss Mary Nafziger. TS. Alexander spent a few ye Jast week with her sister Mrs, aes ie. Jantzi attended the Lady’s and Gent’s Tailor. wadalan of the ee sister at uae = areas on Bunda: Mr. Barbour has returned from his Beni el the ee will be held in the Metho- Mr. ‘Goudie iand Mr. 0. Keefer. of Berlin on tuesday evening addressed mbers of the Epworth League. chnurr spent Tuesday in rtthe | recent rains hav. S etared Histeey 'e somewhat im: pet he si. Nixon will — take charge Services on the Glenal- lan Sane: fort Sund: Mhe ree of pe Mamser ws when eveatear ue Jet ee tittle cist Seraae gathered to 1p her celebrate her fifth birthday. y i is. the eat h of the host and hostess, * There are. two ways of spent Aneel ee van dey it at “home y conscience. make anoth- ar then and hae get the “dolla: back send it aw MONKTON. ee Speed _ : + . - : x Gonnish and Grace]? MISS ADA GREY Taderise ree Mire, Best Award) are] 4 oa ing the the with Mr, and Mrs. i TEACHER OF PIANO |. W. Hamill ee Fi old ‘resident of Logon suddenly © Bent Prepared far coaeery rg > oa agp this tp on eae z examinatio: a rv. Hug! rom heart failure. He wot up in the mor- i Mi te “tie Miscraelt: Spry” Th ff Ith and shorly|-e Afternoon at V. Ry Berlet’s heey : after “eel somewhat Weak and faint| * sig ‘ and returned to e ho was!” found ly after quite te de af we 7 See BUTTER 23c remains were interred ¢ Mitel i cahent: LINWOOD. EGGS 24c TTT OurGreat Lease Expiring Sale Will Begin Oct. 13th If you want bargains that are bargains, wait for this sale. Look for prices about Oct. Specials for This Week 500 Ibs, pote Coffee aty, 5.5552 per Ib. extra for grinding). Tyke Ln 200 Ibs, first coals Icing Sugar... Look out for our new Hats and Cones for Saturday selling. i: :: BRING US YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS W. K. LOTH Marriage Licenses Issued, - Milverton Robert Lincoln O'Brien, editor of ciated by ithe travelling public is is a great ad-| about mat to itroduce: or Sacsted da a ane na to the injur- ing to qualification. new feature that will be appre- | of ato at parts Grand Millinery Opening eompany’s lines, Friday and Saturday Sept. 50th and Oct. 1st A Superb Showing of Fall Millinery MRS. B.-RING is again in charge of this department —_ and will be pleased to serve you to the best of her ability 3 For up-to-date Millinery we are not sur- passed by anyone. Our stock is replete with the latest: goods on the market. Call in and inspect the display. . "THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 20th, 1910 ed and will be given standing, accord-

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