Milverton Sun, 29 Sep 1910, p. 1

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MARRIAGE “Licenses ¥ STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL “Ht Shines Bar All.” paver Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, September 29, 1910. Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ©, mer doz, Engeland & Son.| Eggs 240. per doz. peeticlen a Bes Baws 25 cents at Gustin’s, Newton {* i Ea a lokets for §I cash at Geo. | Butter 25efor 1 Ib. prints. Enge-| Apples wanted, Engeland’ & Son, ARNT teases z rt Roe’: Ty, .d & Son, Batten Sa 231 ‘olls 2: $ LOCAL NEWS "Dare ablios (Arpcka the. oush: Satl Gaiam jars ‘half ‘gallons 85¢ ‘ ewan ee ‘ Zz Ee Gu: atin Newton. cash at Gustine, “New! eee W. H. Sant O.P.. e iVietropoiitan 4 = r p See seein 810.00 Overcoats with) saat moked J. Hens] weio is at Godsrion ot attendi ing canon ry plucked 10c, jucks. dry pluck-| assizes is being ‘relieved by Mr. Geo John“ Parker. of Stratford. ‘Mr, ©, Boeckner, of the Kolonist of-|ed 1 Engeland & Son, Budiey fi ri t i B 3 se ather, of Dr, aia at present Head Office: .TORONTO raseattber, 286, fon telbs priate. RABE: | 90. Giiatford.‘mpeat Cunday af Li isch, ox: # froight service has been| seriously il and 2 covery is des= Misy Emily Leege spent fhe wee bane in ities ee TE et tome i We eects na ate the oe evaslnted rough the double barr-| yaired of. of ole rel 4 Capital Paid up... . . . $1,000,000.00 end with ‘her friend Miss Baar gt, Oy PecBemna tars and otra. 8. on Deteolt and. Windswer amis gtenpmpenine ee Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits 1,307,809,25 eave: your orders, for bulk salt. | junday of last week. ently ‘to be present at aa Kilgour he fri of Mr. M. H. Rothaer-/a hundred thousand victims and is wit hye f car mext week, Efge-| The best milk. : paaine at Winnipeg on Wedne: ial who recently underwent an ae stil spreading. Scr aa napa se. 0 fam of top ‘ you will ene C ina oni the ae for. fanpendllis out ae Selva " South Mee lie ta ‘Conservatives 3 : 2 sal t al a . Sam Taggart icago. spent able to be about the si Peete have chosen Mr, R. Howett. a young A general banking business. transacted Pi Hogar. = ionle: a Henry WB. Grasch left last Sai-|a few days this week visiting his| apiain, ee |fiawyex of Guelph ‘to succeed “Mr. Je Savings Department at every branch. . urday pe Toronto where he enters] sisters and AS and aged father} Rev. Dr. Ross, B.D, ‘of Oharoiteton P,. eee, in ‘the Legistature. t mse in law at Osgoode Hall.|Mr. Noble ed bare hais, been given a call to Kno: ‘wo GTR, section Ben § were killed ST earn o Sant eng yet ps3 ‘been in “Milive rtom Bi and the Family| church Goderich. where lhe is offered co the flyer in a urer LINWOOD BRANCH: MILVERTON BRANCH : ; hey fhe enic ae 1 ae here Herald. fd Weekly ‘Siar as seco. ee tree "manse and four) Brockville Ale pe Hl Esldee. morning, of last 4 . thes home on (Thursday evening of ada for the re-| wee! f les. G. L. ZIEGLER C. G. WALKER of Mr. Wm. : ott I. Se tram Ovens |eanindes, of the: present year, for 35 wiv are spoving the mon of Milvers| tty Bane ol ‘ est sretumed from Oven: ubscribe mow. and vioinity 15 0 t and dis Manager Manager O Boerr Bi rth tPWOIG | Gate, "Moh ou Melday last where ane| Miss Wedall. of Wredriskton, NB. took ae yt of ult Gnas aa satis had Loe attending the wedding of an fonsists wa va eles i: at sale all aes Engeland & ae ia cal dihelm returme ‘on | tor mh eave tl 0 frogs with Pciation of Saeed ie spending i ak ‘a iat Week ws the guests of Mrs. ©.G./in stagnant (pools. fe 5 ts ras ith pa union i . months with her sister Mrs. H. Schade age thor i Over $500 was taken in at the of Bi ter, The pl of the. Eee Night concert eos y. Ro satd a EBay s etic eyo 0 Chee 'S. Smith, Rupture Speclalist wi ta bond th ate charge’ of Mise Tada Hartmior 4 gress at, which ve men exe. advan eee churehes and t it J. 1 be x Cugnn Aenean will rem Pp TRY WANTED [| ® * tte Grend contrat Hotel, “Mil- S ane the post wofties where it will remain] ging state sharobek ROH Hi a ghar ae 9 deena to| until ere o'olook p.m. on ay ev? Chesley is over-churched.— E Povey bn Wednesday. Ootnbee ni te is rende bli ‘a| The total Government ann ri taking Cham- si c be fed” Sanne the coming winter. | ite a Taree number of t If you are ruptured It/.""s5 ditrorent styles im Dreas Goods to ‘ im, ai ‘on’ exe rece Tlain's Stoma and Liver On Thursdays Before 3 p. m. : in y-Of Mr. P. Hl io ot iness Goods ie the larsect to: 2! Tablets you ean improve both. Sold os nm. fil din vith by all dealers, last Fro sinks of the at she “Morni alr: with Mr. Bd, Hottie sion ‘baker r sentry, or jibe Rea sige tS inception CHICKENS 10c PER LB. FOWL 6c PER LB. Walter iets tana fumed to bis hia daria oe el complaints, Tt ls pleasant to! take | ot ehe sink here the Alllverton, bays . hursi equally valuable for children and | won’ out, ‘The margin, of course, was CROPS MUST BE EMPTY ee eee Test wade visit s spent Not ininute should be lost when |adults. Sold by all dealers. it was a win, communi ceed Re h child shows symptoms of croup. ta of the bela features of yore ‘Her i ing that is worth|made his money by his super! és i in’s ch Remedy gi aan owes Eh: y dollars t fi kr ness abilit Ti that 1d have 7 st hav Riise * ing ip \ ns to every farmer to know ability. nnd that he woul H. GUSTIN, - Newton, Ont. [mcf Soe 2 na (im Gul sromes ears, op C, Kongers seit lt | Sola Jine tn Your tog tn an denn ta elas enw” that oe lous sections a: arian wrth Br ns. will prevent the attack, Sold /son. 1 and George Ha psnautiale = (eli Peahigae ys pandas araly 5 epee mont show promises to be b a H. Nurse last week disposed| lap in turn while ‘Tom kept straight hisey Ee ee js I ft her residence on Main street to Mr |an. ‘The local runners made a send os son teats two weeks a0 On| Tohm Engeland for the sum of $1800,|showing being only about 1-5 of hea pot. only baa but ‘whole between Presbyterian | p,. vautdeen is one of the best sit-|mile behind {fom at the finish in 26 fits tee a 9 eae eat aera uated ‘in the village, ‘The departure} min., 23 sec. time.—Listowel Standard) S74 Wives sat, s of Mrs, Nurse from our midst will be} A strange re it of the terrific hail Ray . ; a ars resgretted, storm which visited some sections o ne cee oroule "youn isl The Farmers Bank of Canada pple Soe aie AE Bra on Tews money, busing | Huron sounty few wok cha i | om the fn "nered te tafe ome stp, hough : bs) cate ers When C eg L1 * ; the Goderi ; restr ath ane dit pwretive cees eee strinped ture of leaf an Year at the Ontario, Agricultural Ool- paren eee “to seen dollar of | his Pa et gr aimee oe in the ease me the mail order Head Office: - = TORONTO Bandencon. 88 By midt, Robi Bierce ‘and D. Milian out i . and no abt auch anol sheng: (eany : ite, and scdonald’ Hall, (the. girls 0 g rR Sold by all Pe alers. pi ith blossom. The prospects of ‘all, (the gir! mavings Veparimient eee. t crt ere fe Bc Banners mi vel a t week Mr. John} a yield are good if the summer holds ieee tn ee aa ance sue : 2 i i t Jong enough. at highest current rates. Joint accounts ee be opened, the money length he TT sales svtcemed 7 Ade ‘thelr bailding: olla started payable to either or the survivor of ei cher ere ‘3 in-| of Brussels. John: Hill. deadsat ‘the! , 7! LA and advances made to 4 jesides ty-four Years, was hand. i ii in 4 ul 1826 Farmers’ Sale Notes fesmowe and and cattlemen at lowest Poe eee Ware : Rated: snshire.ingland, in 1826) 28 ‘a yery painful one and will Hi time making Haha in the station here. Pipes were | yy rE ee BbIG. to bs be re cere i) shi 1854. a ji ere, Mr. t a 2D Money Orders listed myable spat any oes in 1d poenag with fie dao main og|ferigr2?? Hl Se tee fo be aout ied fn Grey toveenin tn tet, and 5 oney CTS ada of a chartered bank (Yukon exceya) i eiee a Thor are nome Sie and ienortan ae Hog Oca he Lemorcd to Bruce] {22 men Nill Be Taid off one day each and at the principal banking points in the United States. They has also ‘been placed midway between n the Roman Catholic Harok: F bs meee ne days a iat ‘vi an excellent method of remitting smallsums of money with eee oe the si i 7 of On: | his Rete: He da-duRvived by be ae Ne as fon men in the shops wil at small cost, nicer power i “pUbLE. | tania. and ‘of the i gowns family of dex apes to Sieben aay aca é u ence Que o} r ing. | twelve ight rons and four! con tappens. in fact all: who are not|built, 7 not Millbank Branch; D. E. MILNE, Manager § | 3 ethod Rohit Bt eterb < re ten nainmen. churches, charitable dnstitutions, nor ohne uh “ounty's Tem. | Ona A ier and Mo-| There died peslon or aGes ees farmers in the Easterly poor. last Blisaboth Gress. a venerable lads peotian of this Province were fined| Few people wtop to think iams of ie ‘0 be under the Sanday 4 ‘Behoo} Balk ‘aking Gilson “anew eo} is “one of the ablest | will ‘be ted to be called the speakers in the Province. Dio 4 "Halls 18: hamberlain’s Coli i } . Wm. Giles. of Blora road morth. pura teme' today ‘the. best leat 'n velanibe imported Clydesdale ‘ ore icine vin use eg mare this week. amd another is| up to the year 19 900. Her records jief and cure of ee fone jain ee cause, an | Which are in very beautiful handwrit-| any ilk but the trick is eTocs: Ayssutery: A seed drill had roa ater et she attended the birth |. oid amd shabby no lenienca should whe ° Beamer ST a >: tomney “General Foy promised a y “I 7 en deputation of the Associated Chari ne you save? fp :. ‘Analove a ing repairs the dril 5 ide | ties that he would introduce a mea PSUR ati aoe: Wee aus): findine mG One of the attractions of the, 3 : i in be ad of the wie bao see resources will be strained to meet , | Pverton Fair sw making the © ne i il-| Bae J ‘be the dancing! iS ar tt. ¢ horses, {/roke dowm the bars. nosed i ander. ‘The deputation Cites, Bc faces iy end Use! seaitcand eee qescdily of itamlth dita lie Ontario Government provide funds Wale, { eomsequences. yori On Friday last as Mr. Charles Kerr your bank aécount for aid? f word damoo. jas Rar reson Gia toes ead Ne Deposit your savings in the Bank of Seer et ling, Shaun. {frew foi Peace | oud hei the for nenyen but iltone ; ri ed highland and ‘ho: : 3 ue Onlers Hi here were @nly. two] earth pilne enough for Hel yen ‘ui Fantilton. now and when the day of Ae at 2 temas alheae zs fe) Pal a ieee By fe etions. white and colored. won! mother’s love. : emergency comes you will be PE Noe Tl é thotougks trail oe way letti ba forst for golored: At t pared. ' | jwill be Mr. Gordon P, ing o fork: w he ‘secon! ! é ; i Se MILVERTON BRANCH s nipe-major of the ‘Torants Highland | | anov ilies: fr 4 la tie harge, any. peer tecond for collection and Olansman. The dancing will bo” on) Mics “One of tee nee wee Ohers t sgl ey ae i ae neh es : be Sune and Jay calred. 18 JG. HAMILTON ep RANNEY, es Manager Head Office the i in front of the grand) ¢ contact with th ‘one she) erase of 4! a se se y co) .G. A HAMILTON be anotheat oi was Heinz vs. ee at stand Mins Si | nigh saints at we ee AS ate i rveyor sg, rebarnacintn omisne tore: li 2 mario Lend Surges: hoes fares ae Bisa GPa, Agent for n made in the press and | injured man nw Sree uber icee eal ie 2 Jawyer. Grant, the lawyers aman- DL. & W. SCRANTON i in faye taliidtan (OE Muteny mea use ak Cae : was hurriedly sent for | the dentist Grant, the station elerk.|@ STANDARD ANTHRACITE ‘inet long before and en oh BI ™ 0 ve . Som ay a He Ae ed the attack | them 's. some of them ‘bi eee die. 60 onek failtre. of lone etandiog:| Gi rants, but they're a grants, STO °| he oeourrence ereated a commotion 1 murders that|in the wourt Which was adjourned till| are well re ted. Grn barred AND es : js stirred the indienatlon of the peo-|a later date. The late Mr. McKenna rohamt, ha that! vovinee for some time|is survived ty bls daughter a teacher | w im by the ST. MARYS LIME says that he : . Feaching of Brench t her | & lace vat Goderich last week on! in the Dublin, school and his'son Dz | for services ton i nte 2 ates in accordal : ne aye |faie, Day robeik Migs Lizzic Andlezeo | McKenna. of Sarnia, this i became the grantes|® | pave a ‘quantity of Harésrood : jong of th fi ; here | at Coase eiiild depart he oe young girl of tei To an myersaat re. near here pal secre os ae the (Beech-and Tlapleyi6 In, long, t vas outrage t 01 i S nt became ‘ani N Soc ce ¢ gst brut phoule} tenn obciiee at|Gnant granted ‘a grant» to. anoth Split if desired. La ——___——— Wm. Jordan, of Kinkora, ¥ ile fiers Ube ae eeariehare anes vents. Being en-| Gran ra ho Henle at the eee of Mr. om the Pair grounds: on ‘Tuesday and} d y lately ee out wi e n Wednesday. offi ming that | manure with @ manure spreader, and while the 0 grante Sheds at C.P.R. STATION 4 ae-|p seanching party found her remsine| havind ooeasi ie Z b-| grant would oe a prantor: Next vident. He has . ‘ | lia oad he field. Durham Chron’ Sept. Sept. iting wood f : t tam hody|in an vauto caught up. Having three ik fe 28th « 29th col with <@ a! . bed AE hoe aised. The ody w ses attached to the spreader which : ea d_oecasion Ba elo’ wer ing somewhat unmanage-| ¢ NINA GINA SLA GLAS PALA SLAIN GA engine to wHghien a Bolt and t A eh 7 quickly not “thine ing: of the danger above Ww head came in contact’with the Beye MRS. SPROULE CORDIALLY INVITES EVERYONE TO VISIT HER MILLINERY Ws ee ; i ee PARLOR AND SEE i i end tia recovery is carn- eee estly rene for, picnio t ae bs Ghe New Millinery hes Binsoe Retainer bas the Torldoe Maelo eee ts : MISS I, McDERMOTT lowi $ Fat! had been extended to the mi i lesson, on his tamches at List ‘Mamy of the ‘bulletins issued by 1] a g “ine that is attracting great attention. Each style has a perticular merit of BS cyt yee Bersoll :“Rev, Fr. ead and Linwood and a rep-| Ontari ent while oo cordially invites you to be present at her itsown. One particular shape is called Dewan Fall Millinesy Opening 2: ites presi ge , 5 he is “admimist Paae of ines pragent eae bac Ee ere than) Fall Millinery Opening on ° “THE CHARLOTTE CORDAY” the six mi lon} program. of readings was/ distribution should be a the: progress 0) given which nvas followed by the! that now in vogue. A recent onot is- : thot foll the prize sted from the Women's Institute WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY ‘irl i Although a . ‘ ish. it is doubtful if 1 60] winery: in the v event ranch of the Ontario Denartment of. AO Senate ala iee A Eoaa i i race, Miss Omand. Miss Welderhotds| Aevioultuce, “Balletin 161" relates to] Miss hol a é i tied Women’s race, Mrs. W.Sharp, “The Teeth pe: ir Care,” being September 28th, 29th and 30th a i . G h Ist, rs ‘W. Connell Ee nd; Potato oh spared. Ey the Educational ‘eo ly won e i iH * it. Mis ‘Ma | mibtee so s 2 E PRICES | a | is devote - and many are) Gropp. 2nd: 2 4 {a eee : runt of matter when all the lastest Patisian and New woul of £ i G expressed _ aij . ia ‘Tanner ist, Miss Ella, Mill- ‘aw rons ve done more r 2nd. Prizes were also gi ape. ‘thet people than We enam -anh few the best salad prepared by tahist 38 aims impor- York styles of Fal! Millinery en tal i will be on display. came t es F x tnt b of} interesting way and shot : : his people that he will be Subgoeded ee day totalled a very) ly crotiateds A line to the ey most capable and zealous si ratifying to Mrs, R. Tanner, «| ment of Agriculture ‘ae ‘Toronto no ee oF ot the ae of Bather Bri men, oe resident and ane othe: Sempblets to. pis 3 one of sacs usefull

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