Milverton Sun, 29 Sep 1910, p. 2

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D4 t CBE RE Ess er tani smalls was a gre: <n Predicted His Own Death; , by Drowning. “i Many a curious tale has beah to told | Sout én in neg adventurous travelers” w! pro-settlement days«they penetrat- rush in the newly dis- covered gold mines of Cariboo. A party of over . hundred gold-seek- ers from Ontario and Quebec nee the ji eee overland via St. Pan Fort rairies, a across the Rockies by the Leather- head Pass. Dees nd on rafts and in canoes mas waters, more of a Torontonian named Carpenter were singular. His party consigted of three other men from i Hradeock ae portage the out- enter and’ Alexander ids in the canoe, In ie in ran ie Carpenter ap- peared stunned, an SANK IMMEDIATELY. While exploring the His companions had noticed Carpenter making some Uh ja in his note:| eee Dae he replaced in an inner of his rath lane left on the bank bere entering the canoe. His sorrowing found the entry Grand Canon, | ran the canon, and was drowned,” The phenomena of Nature some- times took a tragical, sométimes a suddenly descended upon a camp of | but ©ree Indians and burned everything, around them, “Thirty-two Crees perished in the flames. The ground + was burned deeply for a consider- able distance, and only one or two of the party who stood near a deep | c ne were .able to save them- selves by jumping into the water, Tt was not a flash of lightning but a rain of fire that lasted for some moments. ‘There once lay on the lonely sum- mit-of a hill far out on the eeoe between the North and South Sas- lock of metal. the vicinity wi to this great medicine stoné to lay Ser offerings upon it to propitiate powers dwelling stories were told in the lodges concerning this stone. Old men remembered having hear. men. say that they were only able to lift it, but yearly it had grown i weight so that no single man vould carry it. It is little eONHBE that She superstition red by this stone. Tt was not of this veal nit had fallen from hea- ven, It was, in fact, A METRORITE, Jn the year e missionary of Victoria, a at settlement eae ~ wast 0 fy monton, opined the sto Yo be brought ‘9 the mission. When the Indians heart ‘of the dese- eration they were loud in expres- sion of their regret, while the ol medicine men declared its removal would ae Sess red by war, disease sappearance of the buf ii is Paanons as a coincidence the ovowmaa. year small x BWept over the ewan Heseuie with fearful of oe to rot ae plague was acteeeb le afflictions of t war, parried on in spite of the eodueaes with Sanpete -alleled ferocity ; while-a Yew short years sufliced for the ex- Srininition of the’ countless buf- fal The wards shipped to Toronto, the curious can now see i musenm of Victoria ee is also of interest to that Iron ta, Revived its name he this histori¢ stone, for it was near its banks that it ip to the foot-hills of the moun- tans about 40 miles distant, for the purpose of fishing and deer-hunt- in; e was accompanied by an Tndian guide. = =i ing a Seas back to ‘the fort with the h s loaded with the venison le he, inflate A eae BOAT brought for the purpose, in which he purposed PG Rhepe to the fort, fishing se the way. — During. the morning he made ‘good headway down. the river, only “once having © | sound: ne life be-4 Dr. Morse’s Indian Rodot Pills are just the, right imediciae for the children, When they are constipated out of order = *g° your chi fen's i ive ae Keay i ® bo af Dr. ae Indian Reet tin the house... They Keep the “ghildren. Well its fury he aay heard the deka beating Pp made his way towards tbe “The came worse than ever, and the jighta- ing was blinding as he made his way through the timber. In an open glade the Indian, camp of about 20. lodges lay before ‘him plainly side, the gleam of fires through the o) ‘ae entrances of the lodges. This was surprising, asthe Indians do not moye about in the perstitious fear of the thunder. enny stood fora few sec- onds watching the scene, consider- ing which lodge to make for. lea step or two towatds that nearest him, meee he seemed to be eran dw A BLAZE OF LIGHTNING, ont the ate Ae shines stunned him and caused him to fall from the shock, A large irae was struck not far off; he could hear the rending | aj of Ww was wee minutes Beltre he was able to look around. oO his. rarutbetotno astonish- eee and terror, the camp had dis- appeared. Where a large: Indian camp had voices of its inhabitants audible, nothi mained in sight w*) o ran, un in his than approach the spot again. fifteen miles made a’ hard journey, he arrived about aoe bag draggled and worn out. The told to his brother officers Meet morning at_ the breakfast table caused only laughter and chaff as a freak of the imagination. But the captain was firmly epuvineet of ike reality. of the jee oe ce. He determined to to the at again and bring back hie boat and 3 an Indian and Black- foot Fa Nae he returned that day, finding no difficulty in locating the place ; i it was vacan’ out sign of any recent camp. A few rings of Bynes GB arnioel with ip of Cre ipot,. two bleached skulls found among the grass were evident proof‘of the story. A FRIEN ngs ¥ DRAGON. Natives we Manchuria Were Afraid 6 Automobi! In icraoats a& motor-car is y- | naturally a fantastic if se a dan- gerous invention in the eyes of the i Signor Beurtoalig habitants fled in terror, and watch- ed the strangers from half-closed aay WS. vance to parley, waving a ratios over my head, he writes in “Round the World in a Motor Car,” and at last one man ven- tures to approach. He takes two three steps toward me with his eyes fixed on the ruble b means of a hundred complicated gestures, he is made to uu Teee that the money is not merely a re- ward, for his arrival, but tate we require some water, uns to the silent erowa, and The men over of at esi The chief; for he gertain- ly is a chief, regards me with a smile full of eattegann and points to my Face: as the pyle ues disappeared, which it ota: ‘ind a eral eae ing-place. When Haaga takés from one of the pails the small quantity of water that-he requires, the people hecome mote courageous, and ap- proach the car, with their little eyes wide open with a stonishinent. They are led by a appears to enjoy much guitionty ss thie lend: The crowd listens with patient at- tention to his vivacious discourse, which is punctuated by eloquent and convincing arm-play: He evi- Se explains the mysterious dva- Getunile the young Manchuri- crowd with admiration, step and ‘fing es the radiator; for him it was. still but patra, and eeneienal: scientist burned ae “The crowd flees like a herd of ood antelopes. Soon, how- er, they ieee under the per- ayanioue ofthe ‘e CONTAgeOUsS ex- perimenter, an ue a ae 3) a a ga ae +B or ee one “one, ee Bards their fingers on the radiato: stood in full view, the | temp’ etly | a. European grandeur. No great ®/ organization of their army, id themsalves touch |} a foREAT Wal NUST COME Wad 7B Nos ap ae | STRIFE ABEWEEN. BRITAIN go GERMANY, = , Britain,Like Rome. ..- Professor Emil ‘Reich writes to the New Yo rk American ‘in part as follows :-— tween Germany — and ea! o parety there ig-an pa gee ee b; n be gotten over on! There was yy means ae armed. coiflict. the | same ‘entagonism beaees Athens and Sparta; betws Rome end Carthage ; idtmaces Neelinds ant France in the Middle Ages, and u) nhinor set of nations “1 aSVITABLE, Tt has nothing to do with peobl likes or dislikes; with ‘the say ences, or with ‘‘racial” view is in the nature oF things. It a like the conflict between day and night, or between op at and.old age. “It can be stayed off for a time ! a can never be averted alt ‘toget Tn Gone eyery single person has long since been sufficiently con- yinced,. and every ablebodied man is a soldier. Together with his edu- cation as an efficient unit for mili- tary purposes, he is taught. a little history, and the great sprit of an aggressive and growing: nation is aetaed into him, y people imagine that Soci- pliseioh Geman disruptive | ree, or one that will sapere incapacitate Germai any. fe at making political meyan B eee ean possibly be ‘aialaed “SOCIALISM IN GERMANY, theoretic force. first. gaslaught of any one of the Ke) old historteal’ and’ veal forces’ on le | the Continent. ncient Carthage, which could not pee inte. the interior of uninhabitable Africa, Germany, too, cannot hope to possess muc! more territory on the fully eur pied Continent, and is forced it and strongly or- ganized on land, afd very: capable on sea. The end was the downfall 3.4 ° 4 a8 lof Carthage. lad Rome possessed only sea ower Carthage might very well But Rome had ower Rome would not be worsted in the long run. he Germans, if victorious over the British fleet, can very well in- | vade England, and held-it for some, ii The British, with the present could never think of invading one town of Getnany. -— kt SBEEP FOR OILERS, iod for Factory Women. n bee duropesn countries no woman will be allowed to work in any industrial “indertang after ten o'clock at night. Such is the main the Berne Intern n provision of ational Conven- jtion respecting. the prohibition of nightwork for women in industrial ene which, by consent of the signatories, is to come ‘into op- eration on January 14th, 1912. dustrial protection of or Perec hy she adeg ion agar mon provisions The twelve senate which have adopted this ching reform are Great ieee’ ava: and Hungary, Belgium, France, Ger- rae Luxemburg, ther- lands, Portugal, Switzerland, Italy and Sweden he convention Jays down that thé night rest provided shall be a Bene of eleven consecutive hours at ee Mare peuplatiany ae not ‘af- fect domestic retaries, ghoahand: writers, typists governesses, doctors, nurses or an, woman employed in a professional or business SOR: 2 Let in factories, in dress- making ishments, and box- makers, past ers, and those engaged xtile industries w a benefit. certain ae ii et fuels factories, in fauadinae, in match factories, in biscuit bakeries, will also come under the new law. fe ‘steel: ‘Gen vindteny, th metal working, in screw making, in the jewelery trade, and as leather workers, there are more women than men. employe: But those whee do their work at home, and who, as-a rule, work the longest hours’ of all for ne least money, remain untouched pl me | ihe ae Think Et Unavoidable They Seck Sea Power— 3] 2D lar to Waterloo, and” hetweent many 2 - | colonist P elite Cowntrics Provide Rest clerks, sec=| ea; Home DYEING Te the way to Save Money id Drese Well ‘Try it! J Simple a aang ar. nac well ee Kept in order there is_ little oer m these troubles, Baby’s “Tablets is the best. medicin in the sels, for preventing andy curing stomach and bowel troubles. 4 | They can be given’ with perfect safety to the rm baby or the well Grown ‘An “occasional dose of te Tablets .will regulate the ‘stomach and pave is summer complaints. ue keeps ‘seks: Tablets on hand ay es assured her little ones fe. lf you: have not got a bos of thefablets get one without io not’ wait until trouble Stoo lat ld 25, cents a box from The Dr, Wil- iu ‘ine 2Cox, “Brockville, Ont. {SELES 7 EN @ERMAN AFRICA. Colonists Talk of Uniting With ritish South Africa. Herr Maximillian Harden, Dr. Carl and stating publicly” that the inhabi- of German South-west Africa & they. contemplate aban- she German flag and joining “These colonists wit! gout ae is exercised over them by tl German col- ony ene more Government of- ficials than ae inhabitants and of common know- ledge that Gertie: when they emi- are dissatisfied, grate, go preferably to any Eltes but to one ee their own = sions. Dr. South-west Africa. I had plenty of opportunities to come in contact with all classes of the population, can assert that there exists @ strong feeling i in favor of seces- sion from art from Deal: Gaus omel sek Sanne induce the colonists of German Sonth-west Africa to emigrate, the bureauctatic policy pursued by the d the colonists is the peael BS of the discontent of the i ar as After citing various cases of bure- aucratic blunders which excited the adds: Sary on part policy more adapted to the colon- ists’ interesis will be neeessaty to assure our nent supremacy over German Bouth-w west Africa.’ MUST © i REN E VOL VER} is is the Law in. in the Kingdom of Monten ae While in most civilized countries pithe wend Wecaraapeet ea: f Montenegro it is obligatory. is a legal requirement, that every chamber of the revolver should be led’ save one, empty chamber being for the pur- pose of enabling its bearer to have just a second or two of reflection before proceeding to slaughter. strict is this nile ie King Nie! las, when ing or riding, will often stop Ae of his subjects whom he may encounter, an e- mand to examine his revolver; and woe betide the man if it is not found loaded, as ee ie by statute and custom, and ready for instant use. The King is on such occa- sions quite as li e ly as flict personal cast: his ae of FOReanTREA are eé: tremely. chal; and when on a on Gee ion he found one of his lieges promenading about the streets of Cettinje holding an um- brella sate ae head to ucla as self from the glare-of the st he pr eae niece to seize ae ‘and break it over the man’s manding, in tones of rnieenbable scorn, “how he, a hero, dared arr’ woman’s sunshade.” For Ty a theoreticall, all Montenegrins are be, and good many of them are, entitled to the popular Hees ‘ion, LIVING I iN HOP HOPES, aaa you heard my last e Gruft F Oritio— hope so! The superiority of | Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminator is shown by its good. effects’ on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. Wien s will tllv'aman she never intends to ay he is supposed to find out why. Minard’s: Lintment jes Neuralgia. THE PRICE OF INFLUENCE. The auctioneer held up a battered fiddle. “What am. I offered for this an- tique violin?) he- ey ine @ time. Note the stains of the hurry- ing years. To the merry notes o this fine old- instrument the bro- c dames of fair France may. rhythms in the feasts of Luper- calia. Ha! It bears an al LL perhaps a touch of fire: this may have been the very hile on: ehet “ee played’ when Rome el ‘a red-nosed fads “the auction; GOOD-HEALTH FOR BABY _ | Jj} AT YERY LITTLE COST abe aigtnOa ge y ipcleees that, though jiu-; jitew A e | Street fail Wie Saree fell appar- rm the. Ditish South African Federa- B G oS BREER 4 Semmes as ty by a Very Simple oe Operation. raordinary story of the -orntenene of @ man apparently lead by means of jiu-jitsu is prin ed by the Japan Advertiser, which uw hias attracted: much attention through- out the as & marvellous art at » |OL. self-defence, it has not yet re- ceived the attention it deserves as ameans of restoring to life persons who are Victims of shock, concuss sion, e the brain, apoplexy, or drowning.” * t eet long been asserted that. this curious "science “has secrets. which are imparted only to those ae have. picid a very. high de- réo of pro: nd they are pledged hot ei reel their kn. ledge. It is believed shat peel experts know how to la: a hum es by little more than a Buch. at as it may following fe is well vouc ee E XHIBID TON. ently lifeless on the his car suffering How ay Every possible means of resuscita- tion wa: ail. Tura Hidikichi, expert, happened to pass by, ands lifting he Tifeles: SS body up, tried upon it the jujitew anethod Sot Tresuscitatio: The effect was as instantaneous as it was marvellous. immediately regained who a a jiu-jitsu ogkers who had crowded arpund, HOW THEY DO IT. Broadly speaking the method em- ws: The operator (the operator’s) knee b: slightly below the patient's shoul- der blades in the cardia¢ region, then brings his apd MoE Wand ‘over the patient’s chest, gives them. a powerful jae heokwerd If any life remains: the effect is in- stantaneous, not . only. respitation and pulsation, but full conscious- however, treatment which Senn be leased? TIT FO ae TAT, Irishman and a pai getting angry at ‘Pat's: ‘ob- 0 capeans monday a long time in Ireland be- fore yd finite tha hondeeh wave ling first-class car with @ judge "that would be s0,” agreed Put 'd long time in Ire- lana before thevidemake /iudee THEIR ORIGIN. “How do you suppose the fires of romance are kindled?’ 1 should’ judge’ by see etal Corns cause intolerable pain. Holloway’s Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, a what amount of pain is saved. ADVICE. Doctor,” ponies little Bingle over his telephone, ‘‘my wife ues voice. What the dickens shall 0?” osyhy? ’ said the ee gravely, ‘Gf I were you Id mber the fact when Gey rcs aay comes und, and act accordingly.” Whereupon the doctor chuckled as he anaeged avis Bingle $2 for professienal-serv: - s Attaeks of onalers and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit, Hamedial action must be taken just as quick- ly if the patient is to be spare jury. to the ECE The readiest prepara- tion for the purpose is Dr. Kellogg's Dueetery Cordial. It ee be got at small cost at any rug store or general dealer's, and. an afford relief before a’ doctor can be called A RURAL IMPROVEMENT, ne Dannitt (of Lonleyville)— We'r do’ you people in some ethin s. We've sprinkled our streets with petroleum. Uncle Welby Gosh--Mighty glad to hear it, Your town’s been need- in’ a change in: its smells. for a long time. ISSUE NO. 4 sauvautovs EXMIBITION BY | rResuseltates a Vielim of Apoplexy ousness, to the great amazement of | ‘‘ AXLE GREASE - a8 turning-point to coonomy and tear of wagons, pe ry deale: everywhere: ‘The imperial Jiedpaie Neat ° Ontarte Agents: The LASH For RAPACHES. ee Strang ba Grong Demand for ‘Phis in Bar iy. Po Protect Bis, rane, from the growing Apache evil is the subject ‘oecupying the minds of neayly all Jeading citizens. Statistics’ of rth atiemp- ted murders by the® type he ee, vidual know! show ‘that’ they Sate te ne creased of I of this a Sad eae were near! t, Moré numerous thore in July . Lepine, ae Prefeotyof Police, fae that, the law, ns.dt exists, would suffice for the sc eohernee © ry 18 evil if it, were fully en reed, blames {the leniency ie the Pipes Suabiraieeeatiat lighter fines are the usual punish- ments for many dreadful crimes, Strong and growing opinion de- muftdae that? whi} for ‘the Apache type of china be'applied in ees ce = itis in Eng- lish ones. x and, a deputy one Charénte, pi btyes ‘hat he wil the initiative in fayer of the lash as a legal means of pun- ighment. ies were eave ati CAUSE OF APPENDICITIS. Writing .in the eurteab issue of The London Lancet, Dr. Don Hood advances the thory. pendicitis is infectious, We says.— the disease is due,as I believe, to the effect of microbe influence, icro-organism may under cer- tain conditions be ‘conv individual to Hood dwells at length on the great increase in the number of aan and points out that within recen' years the type of the disease a nged, being now).much. more Sas than formerly. ‘colds, heals 26 cents. clean, How ever did you get ribly dirty. them like “hat?” ““Washin’ me face, 4 miss. That’s what HORE it.’ LY FALL as in Midsummer Painkiller finds a nse in every home. Ex. fernally, for ents, burns, sprains oF pentery, 0 gee pSinxtlter 'tBereg Di ‘Davis—26e. an FAULT OF THE FASHION. Mistress—What does this mean, Jane? You know you should be back at 10 o’clock. ane—Very sorry, mum. It’s the Hea of. these new skirts. I had fe such short steps that. it tok donger than I expected to get om leasant, acess: —Parme- ieee Vegetable Pills are so com- Bo ounged as to operate on el. ths and the dowels, so ie S Sack ie the whole afd tary and excretory passage. ‘they are not drastic in their work, wt the gratifying sltees they produce. Compounded only of vegetable alae the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they af- ford teat without chance of in- jury. Mother (at. Iunch)—‘'Yes, dar- ling, these little sardines are some- times eaten by the larger fish.’ Mabel (aged: five)—'‘But, mamma, how do they geif the cans open 1”’ Murine) ware ber hen ns Se thes, Bye tg Murine in Your Byes. and Byes for Sealy Hyelids and Grafulation. search isn’t too exhausting. Minard’s Liniment Cures Dandruff. “So you resigne: ed” ives, couldn’ t stand the w firm treated me.” “"Whal é aid iter ar “Pook my name off the payroll.”” BE SURE YOU GET THE KIND You HAVE ALWAYS BAB-Oning 2p the rant Popularity “The Menthol taster uhsthupulats Balers are puting ORLA Se SB I rem “You look see stetloWalk to kiss,”” says the eae man, an; gentlemen tell m ‘s the atl should make you happy. they-merely say that,’? she repli “They merely tell me the facts in ever. prove: their statments. As the Oil Hanes in, the Pain Rubs ie Eelectric Oil have surprised oats who were unacquainted with i -qualities, and once known it alt not be rejected, Try it Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhore. Few men are apt to boast of their poverty—except in the past ‘tense, A man. never realizes ‘how unim- portant he really"is until he has & son’ old ‘ekonale to cast his first vote, Find what you can do well—if thes ‘ «DAY, BENT - Ss” Sportal for Sepulaee ee Te for samples ay farms. Alfred ‘tyler, London, 0) ANTED--8O AW AFRICAN yea 8, aes Toronto, WEUK AND EXPENSES FOR M4) z B* er wee travel and appoint agente fa ge upd previous es out ht tn toCiarve} Me Women, Herout West, Toronto. FR, Tumors, Lumps, vo, toternab C Ate ecorae, Feared ithou % treatm befor ; fie De. Bellman atsdloul Coy “Lauter Collingwood, Ont, y TY SBLIING SAN Granite, otnent, Monde ida of Pots and ap jranitoware, ar nda in, aye a tek Beut aoller, Myary housek Nagler Westmount, tain tava ‘ sieatoo. dotlars weoke jor Barber College, oot Organ Mu gate anil ae Batic invited. Toronto. THER DYEING Cloanthy ake Curling aud Kid Gloves sleaier BRITISH. AMERI MONTREAL, Musto, Ashdown's er iore, Bopb SHIP ME YOUR RAW FURS T pay tho prices you are looking for. W. C. GOFFATT ORILLIA, - ONTARIO and Station Agents’ ite dotalte, are: tach course of Central ‘hel 91 “etter tel 'P. J. Johnston, ia, President, HIS BEST ORDER. It had’ been a dull season, and the two young fraveline, icin were comparing n k t five © good orders i a the month oe aly id one fe at Ine, anyway,”” said his friend, ‘I got onlysthree orders, and the third one was from the firm “a telling me to come home. pee ee Co., Limi jents,—A feek at wero red 8 very fan saw or Sistemper in, oval atuabla horse by the useof MINARD'S LINIMGN'T, Youte «uly, VILANDIB PRERBS, “But, Bertha, how did you make 7 second Qe. 328° our se) igi A- Thorough Pill.—To clear tha 4 stomach and bowels of impuritiet) and irritants is Sapeig ee when 24 their action is irregular. e pills, that will do this work ‘dicate are Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills, which are mi action but. — -mighty in results. ‘They purge pain- lessly and effectively, ood wor! permanent cure. They sed without fear by the se de cael constituted, as there are fects preceding thei be parade ion. Plans of the. “ianghty should al- ways come to ni NADY: Minard's Liniment: nt Cures Burns, Ett. AN ANTES: sph MINE, Old Workings Din avaced in South ae Alriea. ne Brownvisuged; with keen, obser- active form, Mr, is now ii Daily Chron ie, “Thad a good deal te do with the pease Banner says “especially Hogs from Lake Mii sani and Nyassalan: me of # peop tie who Were Uhereenay the days of their forefathers, with whom, as their legends — declare, they fought a great war, say they were et white people, an from their general deseription ne They told — : ae have been thousands of years — { masses of m foundries, aun crucibles sea Jhad. been used for separating gold from Apparently they had work- ~ 3 precipitation. ro improvement on vio there, which, were prac’ destructible. iy cused colds ix ks the thoes ee fen Sarna

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