Milverton Sun, 29 Sep 1910, p. 4

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MP Pio Es Tod canny. ey eae tell— ye, Settles tin, Rog dhaneh fd. _ >a ‘no Aina Marais hersel®” T said: “yi ae sweetheart ainen ral’s: in Wy ‘. i ad tar Ag re a‘ Ee pean what hs ; ‘ 2 0 J ‘ae ey Re e : fe them. Wedie-vounith) i emai < } ‘ 2 z 5 + wild sat wpequireme: ig pagesty tight not to der. for Arey! é a c +. Lys iret ie a ids ittle i seore rh wotle, wigs in the en Court of : : you! if f 5 “as eeneesilt tevolypy! cla Dra ¢ \. Satachen: iirondtinsined woe 4 plcines Draness Att les eign eels : a wi not nee ai bt nile Ryall PHalk Nel tones K Oy ea oe in chambers, ‘ teh ghe — ir ni Obra mulates: growth of es a She said; “I coul . aiPHearthy, stops fall Between fa corvonatiant ines Sara i yar rita” HN and peiaae vgandruth, of the Gawesuie ae Elli lice... plaintiff. : “You're verra fre She 1 asians soilet a and eT corporation of the “Then Pa me may I buy. the in os a 2? bie Ly ety i tee | 4 oe deter 5 eina—<stowa Ps ease samires s:ehe, eo : ; ry me ‘ % bs fant. ipon reat e601 was 0 b 3 ore 1 Roc UG 4 P Ps engin | peer mW “ dovto Gilad. a in e BLIC DRU STORE : Of counse dela ae see ay it T would: aN ms % : wis, \ kifoe. fhe eec¥e irs my < 5 y |The ‘engineer. John Wager, cat pre never felt so well] ‘The x 33 ite BOWE tn Stratford-- oe mia ha ecto antuetepeven | fh all my life. L recommend Lydia i. | wird tenement ae Be ee , Se 4G. P.R. Time Table " . is oti Ng pT ok gist | Baha fon etable Compou ss sean lens easept ae at WHITE’S : ‘GUELPH Ltaathty alts goo ~| resent ol tbeis 1Gehse aca “Ba tee avin © io ft " ittine altseceh at ach THEN it cdmes'to “Selecting a houseful of fine new esi eames et ‘Monkton S pms} 8 A S088. OF sf wai ou, that =¥ niture, a br: — Hie Se eee ee ee eee eee si tea cas a Eradtertatics Chass so) Bete Sie pele nk witbellebicto ney et) 50 per year, Stenndssaces 6 Fc ‘ ane the -Provincial-Govern« * 4 ae Biwood sot’. Specie a as ee mean ag shat, the aw Be af the trouble, “Nothing we tment, Moreover. whatever’ may” te “likes to tow that she is*getting the newest and best ai ie Ce Rea a ot .. 1910,.0n as Lydi inkcham’ ri thou of fis policy of the he from a stock that has unlimited variety to show. § 2 : f ol & 3 ss $ cee a: esterm «drain .townshi of De oe tho, ea. af pee ais ininiatrationsyonty. ae ihe se ta Stratford is the place toygive you this advanta: eyvand ¢ oe Ant: 08 Base tee a Thereby Fendopted, goth hat Toove foecome well dnd strong. partisan will deny. that Sir Wiktsta ‘gad inaitingsat os right: bd Sesdinncaisnel nahi bY i INWOOD A D AND Li TOWIL - ea * tao instra tthe: towns y-satiettnrs ties great volume of. wnbolicited den laren attract ‘ q i vat, > Bientrents, Reptige {orirst tasertion and. ee in proves : oi, tur cents beg line for excl eubieeq teat inser- t conclusive ‘Binehanes . publi c er ae 5 " ms 7 ile id tion a will De ch: Seok for all transient adve tan Tovenehie pais ba ors ea feat AA ee Di ie Feat ee 3, ade from roots 1 in jol ds = pe ds F agi hoe 4 “i - s r i " te er] to ma Ly r 8, “t 2 ee teetenatty aitiont apecific Atrgettons ips seh eh Sei sands 0} stored health to thon byintete was ‘by Sit John Maction- |’ @\ . Ri WH iq 7 E- 1& CGO. m Pi a pros sted until forbid’ and charged oped ; uate 2 pau Fink, m, of Lynn, Mass,, | 4. fous. too, th ; a 5 Bene . | ites: ick women to write | Vea"s Pp i ery ‘of | “8 Fr, Deal Rtiete 1 Sa r Rena z | aSithets Oe contract agverinmenta mun | inn with are oe She he rls and adopts. very many of| & s0Guisrieginer ne Uaderikers « ETRATFORD q "| bein the ofice by noon Mond eget oe rheninck Black the health free £ ree. - oe PO MALCOLM MACBETH, — ‘i = a - ened g ae Publisher apd Propitetor |! 4¥¢ mat: bee one T0Q. MUCH ‘BOR FLANAGAN Sore ‘he Sun f ; r) hospitablees this ea bi SS | rel andes anaved EIR a + . a a e Sun from,now ‘until il ie TERE Bteve O'Bricnijthat!| 19 the Bet’ St ta cae pete Bi 3 war "81 t + rs ‘Beer, Os, si mail ee RLt'the ise, says the New Yor sore] Mtulsifriinos he came into offi : es it ppb as ay 2 yes » Ol * rope is hereby, appointed township ~ GENERAL ¢ spate to make an examination, of} of £, 4,32 hee Jn qnestion ‘and to report| °, 15: - b4 opant it ee estimation of the lige 5 Hast ‘Blasie§ 2 oF DOE) % Mr. "Gladstone was once amdking Cerried. ee arose, q one of shis specetos in t when ‘Krout ep 6 Lond Beaconsfield (then Mr. Disralei) foie 3 rat obs ‘hat was lug on | cannot ext think that the eee, 6 (Meda o6t tile Onposition, “Glad | >! f S| ind “AVetise: «"Patbrick Blauagan| Canadians ot every party woul 5 Gg Be wonks himoelt up in) af. tire. 2 3 on newer, [Bae it oblerwise. As hae wa Tea, “state, rred to — “th vd ie Supports rg ‘the 5 BusinessCards {lent Renockbid gentleman end his of Pathrick Plan- in Beth a 4 4 featelites, heed gece Was. your mother's name will. mever forget iss San ota 2 ducsliaat eh ae wiiat were yi names of |theirJeader and es Gliooncerted the: HeuE aventar ‘are en Re R. SEDERMAN, Dentist, Lic: Hebb iene that bor net the om aii ted : a answered correct i @ Janet Ohalmers and Ay : ; : ‘en late of Dei tal ‘amber honor “of hi is ‘discburse, Ha th mie np.) said Mr, ‘O'Brien anse of . 4 ip r ire aaton. Pat Sarnia, spent a few “days you ie darned ihas:just died and | tical judgment and ine trasath teh 304 1 320,000,” seas : é Wits 9. commotion in the diteh is pageten he nes? 49 OBriep. leaned over again and athrick Flana- “3 Of Tuesday to nae pees ae Auxiliary sheld-their A ta tha ‘Dy i ” wa, willont in By Avan cee Tip coming sor.” paid Planagan, Ne ney ar Bh Treauently| Ns uM ae of Raya Collgt of. tbeata Bee eon ciPbdas BG: Wadd waoh isos Cok eee, ‘Onfatio, of Poronto 2 Uni: mbeiwherd he left off, when Mx. Somhity: aecqnre rou ire res raeli leaned across the table and ialty Hout oem paid seated BR iat sydd ova 6 Bank of yea Histon] ‘Stet « ~ Medical, in FP. PARKER; M.D. Prk. TERIA D. the ih a PAAR Presbyteriait Reco) Among the many pie 5 | held HE BEST Man thabe ever fiaeCanada during the past few mon- oY | the, has ena ormen somanan lived on earth had his = aS DRS. PARKER &T iE ‘On Monday nigh' q a9 's Deiat cottage held ee: of Bouts for the pro- |" GFE 30 UG TORE, ML ERTON wat Keeps meat inced of Alberta and Saskatchewaii. : i 2 mas eons meat and 13 ‘Thee Ghisgs may bo ‘noved bout enemies. We also have B oe to’ rtoin2 enclose apy td 2 0-4 ee he) a4 apimals keen ans soon ri : 4 pas w, ie ¥e0u $3 fe 2 Se iol a They, ane oh poly- 35 poe cn E My m. brought it ¢ spot, in the morn-| week amd mostly all’ the -silos /aro th bis A “<' | @amous. is. their declared’ belief, . 4 ‘ tena! keeling at a ee ee enemies same -nanbicalgely' at 5 (ORPHY & CARTHEW, Bavristere| the verandah, where its eyes shon : TATED practised toa Sensideabt extent. es- is ti § Solicitors, Eto, Solloitors fort the Bank | Tike, balls of fre. The’ slayer of the cxuainy Aci - ma : ae among the leaders in Utah. this time when our successful of Hamilton, Money. to. loan, Milver | wildoats will -have: the Blessing of di ath . . . 4 : ‘ The French-Cana: ians are greatly 66 ” 4 : ton, Ont, Wenanen ofiee have boea| ighieacd) women, At-orescnt™ the|eplisd vcr as dey esestly 0d Selling Out Sale” is going on , srgineue EC ord. PONE he spead time i} known. from, Bishoo Fallon. whersBr| tho a pan : HN # '. . \ he. will try to stop the French lan- iganees said. hi Y > RPBY ye ARTHEW, there will be loeal option con guage ‘being taught in the Roman eine mui t ey are knockers and are try- : one ene in dully 100 munioinalities ia | Catholic schools at Windsor. that otlier mone . ; . 4 ic fee, HOD rnumlotuaitiss 19] %A nesting of all French goeleties| live troo spindingg twinty thougead ing at every opportunity, when Bs “MAKINS HIANLEY | goutive of the Ontarié branch of the | i BSex ae eee, Eel eee Wore. h d is Batristets & Solicitors Dominion Alliance, Already the allf.|Cumseh. @ad a formal tirotest a RGN ye TORE as Z t F H 4 is i 5 ¥ fhe allt’) the bishop's action will be made, aes HAS ne MADE “TO ; EASY e i 4 Stratford, © "+ (4) Ontario) ts, di crzorondence mth about |Meat ath BEEN HAD a y. get a hearing, to knock B87) Ga dt awa . q cores where contests will be held. cArrange | momen Canadians yas held 'b Ota ee us and thereby trying to get my ve been made with Mr. °G. eof French in the schools of |.) F BARR, Mae Surgeon,| W, Morrow. of Detroit. supérinten- ae Province peneb a ber of delegates! A-‘Youth « ab twenity- tw but old in Mitre ce, Graduate of. ‘eterin-| dent of ithe Anti-Saloon league of| wont from this district. the sympathy of you who will ary Slee te ts lt dite ases| Michigan: Mr, B..8, Shoemaker. of erly. stat- ‘of domesticated animals, Calls:by tele | Indianapolia. a dent of the| janet par eadate i in i iphone or othenieiae ee ttemted ts, | Anti Cd and Se any listen. Don’t be deceived and ———eee rm J. rts, Montreal. ; i pattaced ett Ta AD apes, fontreal. seore 1 . He was later chos-| 7 Ne . branch of the Dom-| gu ito ‘ueceed Bishoo MeBvay Morel misled. Come right in—look MA eA. 7 ae pone ee to sive ‘esistence with tter’ the} yaay do bim ‘good iphysicaliy. if not i eee ae barrier aomnited . 8 tony mpaiba. | nop Thonelly, He squandered the. money nship. Exclusives are not’ good around—enquire and see for ey ni The” amended ard aists try ct. which TESTERS AN Exp [fivenbimjnnd' took to fambling to|lcitizens in any country. ore full, mo tr paamegtine te safe at the iat BXODUS NOT VET AT AN END [ata 'g'preparious living, When he Deere eens lf. “Wh: ee pee ie, ated ce tae) Ys tee god da ou defn tse sd was cuiyon:| NOY OHROEANG OFT PUSTSSS youfstly (what we say we do. sola 2. y ~optistration. of,-instraments relating | OC Mmigration which has ret in from lvioted of the orime, oe eee BY Sn ta the Canadian West.|) ‘phone i to Jands.” There aye been a great | sro ae ue hy ‘ est. 7 ‘There ig alwars an explanation of | A. oommisciou: house in Lima recei- ; - is diade Seth] We do aot heat so much shout he |mnoh q eareer. but it is seldom 40 ¢as-| advan inauiry for 2 cipshine ttre ; : exodus from Oasiada. This exodus 18.| ty" feaahed es it aves ta this ace, He [Caan NTU 1 8 mac z coh 1 Nov deat ccond th, abi8eo" over | nie almost every seotion!:having been | ¢X00' ithstsads Rother reel Geeta idavare:atore:| he rane: Weyancers and. all “par-| POWare™y still Boing on ro mahal Pelgnged fo a respeotable ald WEE | Pro forma orders’ were sent to, New : siting. praises elways welsovar. Geo.) ties interested in Jand sales or trans-| OV.d by the movement the other o family but docs mot appear toy ‘York. London and Hamburg... In Roe€, R.,.Sp He zt Ree-Secy,,, © | fers. would’ do -w oe top gobeerve the | \7oe, ore fen eye nage ea to | from four to six months a short ans- 0, <AgHVer Stat eat eee Hepitestions ‘Américan returns show that during | WOO for Bi living. In The ¢spres.| wert arrived trom New York quoting \) i UNS . ilver Star sud Uiftioulties that ght firise later sive junguage applied: to hh aprice in United” States gold at ‘Tied e,”” No, 2, Milverton; the twelve months ending with March | GrowitProsedutod: ‘Life has been i ge,” Nox then act going into effect is:that| Wri 19978 Americana left the Un- equtor: ‘Li : whieh the manufacturer would de- Fespecting“short foment convey: | } mtn y | made. tioo-easxt for-“him. Fhe ts tOe He ¢ ‘machine at some interior REGULAR $10.00 need”. In this measure. however. |§ : often the. mistake of the: in jae oint iit Michigan; nother iforma- kage vers si qmeterial alteration / has) the Ne eae oe te devby the legislation, of . last most. of. th freated eatly inliteseldom escapes the |" “Tix fram three’ to: five igionths th bad consequences of such parental fols| ewer trom ‘London waa. reocived. 5 Wy. He ‘is not so much to Mblame a5 /They quoted a price imisterling< . at 1 others are for his miserable Which they would deliver in London. @ e ios necery Public, ROSTOCK. Ne yt 3 WEIR, Notaty. Public, Aue. No matter what his expectations may lant 9 photograph oft the mi Sionees foxatiig, Comte. giiPacgh sand |, Mee Danatedt. is _afslbybuagity * at : ins the matter of an inheritance: land expressed a polite wish to, have Lam pus terloo, Conveyancer; Deeds, Wills and work with his utfit in our ee arotings man. Shot pet rae me tae, eigler. tgagés drawn’ and Affidavits made, eigtiborhoo Saierent theavian the Hpac Ee no ee oor Wey. ae matings |The answer from Tainburg onmé by Wills a Close “Oltice in the Wole. bk and.iMrs, Henry Yundt spot AS iving:: master some useful ealling. otirn mails oablated of @pro oF theta of Hamilton Sunda ay in Wellesley With, Mb . anid sepend. only the money he earns.| ftUEY math Tt Rone OT eavian : : eS ellesley with, Mire, Yundts) <-> .| Hf this-regimen were always presorib- | (°° ‘showing all the-expenses that E Hotels. Goadat at < Gada on} ed aad entoreed there would Ss fe¥-} wonid be: ineurred and giving . the just ane ee wee e Oc : “ame V,| er criminals and more repul - : " e ‘ SS EX GANGE, HOTEL, ea Oni ait “cea ues ae ot Huss igense~-Physical toil. is"not tmeraly_ x | Cost delivered a Ca oniae aud REGULAR 55c } mS ei igen atte han kneidlaes ae? fon x eas ria: oS friend Mrs Will pee ine 3 jnstruction in Spanish bow fo sett it : baedatlod an lasge ausvliay ag ae gan ye th p. Decenexptor ‘and yet people wonder iy the ~~ ‘ , GRAND. CENTRAL HOTEL,” Mio i to enable soa Is "at uopter orning my Briday TO RAISE HH MAINE, See ee ee : vt First-class accommodation. for rs attend Milverton by . er s x ercial travellers.and others, Three| “Mr Mrs. Will. Bunck. of W, Kuepfer. a ati BRL Br O'Rourice Pa a eniba a und). porreD _PHILQSOPEY, i Cans. 5 Jarge sdmple “rooms, Good tabling. ay, wi ae ary ere yates a ae “ ye Spr feet rear ee e Best brands brands of Hquors and cigars, | Mrs. DADE cing ter date Mawes woe tl Pleasure. is valmost anything: we REGULAR $2.00... . iebl. re le “Dan Cupid has ‘been quite oq] can't afford, tely. . On If Chas. Ritter, Propricto: vara a EN’S ee Saletan, Cre Wodnceda. are 21, two weddings one ‘d, ai and Pao ue Zulaut. be a hay a ¢ PASS accommodation for commerc) brat Mr. Ni 2 x ie hh an TE iso large eample [at : Sf easto Meet mited ana mate e AL Neviang nf Got widay E oa head that has no tw the choicest of Wines, Li-| riage to Miss uae Ree rt ‘MM Sept. 24th to Mr. ani es * . Sriora pied Cigareat the bax, Gaedavacns Gebringwil ied] MoConaghy. "a. daughter, sinsles, pind till Ibe on aad eee else in the Seri 2 Btables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. Madd it ee ee soaeel i ee ibe ae enough Geet : LO» d d di | ae pt, ith. to Mr. a: TS. ferb, e uld pave enough tox THE ONTARIO HOUSI, Stratford. hace a daughter. mel ugeereale nave enoue ha ee if _ fe uce accor ing y- Ont.—A wi Maree Ee and ORS Syst isos Wostwescease these times that it oe n sordctad arr a Pe petite ee 3 Bee home Lee te if thing e yo lent Pernt ‘Mrs. asin of Gal iho! 4 3 . : ~A. girk is ver be- | 8 x in connection. ‘ecuh 8 $1.00 per day.) visiting her a Mrs) J. Chi #4 1 andor ia sin ‘heb eos 2 ie charricd el han she ino the mans SS! “a . 21 KICKMEIER & SON. Proprietors. |inars and other relatives for! CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE ee Be Se aa 3 - ismorried (7 7 ea wben (2 | f : THE “AMERICAN HOUSE, Borlin, |foy weeks Retvened: ‘oho to at Pees Stratford, Ont, WHY GERMANY WOULD. WIN. |4.¢7Sdorm ‘comes on, you dont stop | ¥ a na 4 ‘ pried rete Soh - = . pire: Sa matin _cupmernal sits, Adal Sak wane ihc rane nhitiows $| Official ptatistios show that the eiaeeoneti the handle is pretty \\ fi ‘ : eae $1 Osan dae ae We sh nas tnd Mrs Andrew Chaat of] ¢ mentor ‘ “i at | 64-750. one The rene resale as : “a a i on ee ee xt ates $1.50 per day. ‘M. WITT, Prop S ee ee ‘our graduates are doing and you will Parone puguld be seas ttots about be 1B ag pea irene rehand time p: ast has aoe approximately one giving their-ohildren permission 3 it of Ty Division Court iss Jame elmer: niece Miss millen, eam S| Helen Donaldson who andr diepe Fiwngiiea is in the hi an % This. val ie Now eannot 0 vat We 5 hy Rs ae oan ae Hon the ect ind qiieandts fie teases “THOMAS TROW. Clerk child had ‘been yy one W ahore| ¢D-AeMcLAGHLAN, - tolitical and sire situations in| Pay she is partial. ete. when all thé ev! | ite the parent is to blame, W. GUENTHER, So ia ‘vith Pues Hurope is

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