Milverton Sun, 29 Sep 1910, p. 5

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i ‘ Lot of Lace and Insertion. regular THE MILVERTON SUN S, Consider this your i COME THURSDAY AND FRIDAY—MILVERTON FAIR DAY nvitation—COME—View the in this Our Great Giving Up Business Sale. THE STOCK MUST great reductions of prices on all goods BE SOLD. Staple Department 100 pieces of Pere Prints, ah nis ice te ae 12 500 ydis, alin, regula: colors, regul: price per 0, Sale meee per sate, 400 yds. Factory Soria pete 124 -20, Sale price per y: ds, Factory Cotton, re Ate} 80 Sale Gis pastory Cotton, rewulans we | wlan $1.50, Gale price per intnig regular 180, sale price 15e, Shirting regular 160, Sale price 13¢. Shirting regular Lite, Sale price 100 (van 6 pen Wovens regular price 85 pieces Wrapperette. regular ide, Sale price: 8 1-20 20 pieces MUpEsEIA RK emule 24 1 oe Sale price--. 100. Dept. Mamnelette, regular ate, all styles. Sale pr pieces ale price--.: A Gut That Will Sell Them ‘be. Sale 1 Sale pric 0 yds, Ribbon in -Sild and aa ele 100. Bale price per yd--. \ 600-"yds, Flomnelette sce assorted colors. regular 8¢, fale alg gaps to ko at’ cost ver yd-- thig loi 25 per cent, to you. Bee Boe Sue aes 3 yds. for: ‘ds, Tweeds and Worsteds, reg nae an ito 1 25 a yd, Sela price per +o 40e, pair Mlannelette Blanketls. Men’s Puiuianiae A tot of bla Pri ud ee . One lot et Reston regular up ages Be. anes pot of! Bioakttes. regular te dozen Men's Negligee Shirts, oe Ce Hel $1,00 to $1.50. Sale price- *15¢ All our mew istock of ae season's a toa ‘ 800 yds, iMannelette Bntroidey bake 15e, Sale price per es} Suits and ee cee at ates P low. piloge. e-bave ma ace and. Insertion, cee prices, Bonne ond Bee the: z oS Sale 0c. FURS! have [ Note Some of the Reductions in Prices: reg- $1.25 $2.00, Ene 335. vance, therefo We have not Have advanced from 25 to. 75%. We bought ours before. the ad- able to sell you Furs in quote the prices. lot. This will mean e saving ot a P Come in and See Them 10 price: re, we will now be got the space to Sale $01 buy a mew dress Ladies’ Coats, regular $8.00 pale le 10 Ladies’ Coats. regular $12.00. Sale price 85.00 Children’s Coats from $1.49 up. 5 vi pen qualities and r 20 pieces Heavy Tweed. ho oak ree ulam $1.25, Sale price par 10 pieces Dress Goods in ‘Ladies’ and Children’s Dept. We will save you enough money on me. coaits. itihat you' will ‘ba able, to Stripes and ere Zamulen up fo) re sabe price per 02 with the balance you Jett. Don’t buy before you “see t other ee Goods reduced in aioe propor! Great ‘Reduction: on ‘mings, hein Ha Lace Curtain Dept. ee pair Lace Curtains, beautiful pat emns. e Dress ie Tour of ithem selling at 1 Z 18 Ladies’ flop Skints: up to 85.00 Subegunhidet cus a Sale pri 0. : f r Lace Curtains, beautiful pats At Less soe ali Moy sn regular $5.00 tems "rele $2.00; Bale ee Pat Than Half Those are the very latest styles both] 95 at. pace Curt a me in cloth and im: Bale prige per padreserms ert Dbe; eguliap s Dress Goods Dept. |Art Sateen & cued A Prices. 200 yds, Tepular 400. Sale price per yard... 250. ieces regular 20 to 30c, Sale price| ¥: ‘da 150, 150 yds. regular 850. Sale Goods in various] Yard---rern- priea per va Pome + Ce hatte ee ieces Dress patt 200 yds. regular 1¢., Sale pries per prtee vard ae selene OO Crockery Dept. Plaids. White Cups, Aida bes a dozen Sale price mer doz: “400; jap to 100, yd. Salle ‘priea per yd.---5o, : Prices That Will Sell Hosiery fetal pair Ladies’ and Children’s Hose begular 150. Sale price per pair--L00, + 200 pair Wool and Worst ted Hose regular 800, Sale Hee per pair «-220. 7 Do’ T FORGET that this is a genuine Giving Up Business Sale. Everything goes. No Re- serve. Stock must be sold. We will save you all the way to 25c on this includes all our New Fall Goods. We have engaged extra clerks for SEE WHAT WE WILL DO FOR YOU IN ALL LINES. a show. da every dollar’s worth you buy |siv price ite ie! pod Saucers. regular 75¢ ale y rea -600, 97-piece Dinner Bet, regular en ys. CALL AND ce Dinner Set, regular Ay On gale yabes B11, The Lowest Yet Quoted TERMS OF SALE: CASH OR PRODUCE © Ourtain at, Beagnlan 25c. price per y Curtain Muslin per yard 0 yds, Psi ate per »y: Muslin, seen ir bore 20. eres 600 yds, Price per yd. H. MW. SCHAEFER “The Satistactory Store’’ MILVERTON, ONT. Hee Dinner Get. regular $12.50 Sale prick $9.75 -piece Dinner regular $11.75 Sale price 9.60 97. Rhee Dinner Set, regular $12.00 Sale pri 195, 1 Chamber Set regular rice . regular $4.50. Sale $3.60 2% Chamber Set. price -- @ Chamber Bet price~. regular $5.50. ren regular $2.00, as f é ~~ us McQuarrie, ages lege the’ GT-R, station yesterday morning OLD COUNTRY NOTES | wet illustrated im her great railway SEPTEMBER WEDDINGS a sixyear-old grade mille cow from) Mr, R. T, Kemp had one of his fect mship and stationary engines. And) rew. Dunn, of Snill last iy crushed by a large piece of |‘, Wi Base in Mitchell papers, | these but illustrate ae adva ppring, He decided to make a test) granite falling upon it. He was tak-| phis e first day of September. | other industrial lines, The next point of the milk recently and found that /en home and the injury dressed, The | and 1 ight paytwith orath that it is] of absorbing inte ew thirteen days the cow produced | foot is badly crushed, bub we have |ths first dey op summon evs-| Brazalien “ballding: and: other Sp 00 Tbs. of milk. Wrom ‘his herd of no\ 1d if, any bones were broken, | pape. ament: upon this neon 48 | American eotions. a tive cows Mr. McQuarrie sells on an|The accident may confine him to his | summer Seavert sunshine y had natural wealth. Brazil is. An avernue 60 Ibs. of butter per week. {house for wome time—Listowel Stan-|Guly 82 hoare of cerckine ands habe same may be said in a lesser sense ile unloading a car of granite at! dard, drliliaot. total fare! maliah wae Just! all the south American republi this mopning I got a letter from a cluding Argentina, Chili, Bolivi foignd in Aberdeen. and in it’ the|And ye id Ca OHO: writer says a is mow gone | im the masses gen te 4 ‘and in this’ distries there ig not aja meh a the other lands i 4 Jd of com ready Our elim |pressing Me. “he Uaada bailding ts) Sonnestion were pr > ate’ seems ito be getting ose and | thro door to all he Svarse.” And yet they dey tock gid every day, Sunday more| i e ar Huet oaramer ta onuiad the Year| than any other. It-was interesting, a listen the e ‘ks amor the orowd of vb richness and pro- ress of Canada, And it was only in But we are tee eat lateral! Sade Into Fall frade the Duteh snd German languages that Re T could understand | expressions OU R British’ Suitings and Overcoat- ings are all here for fall, and it looks like a big season with us. No fuss or noise at E. Knechtel's with eee business, : . We are Sole agents for’The House of Hobberlin, Toronto—the house, of guar- anteed clothing. Suits to your measure from $15.00 up. Call and see samples, KNECHTE Milverton's Old Reliable Tailor E HAVE on extra large stock of Rockers’ of all descriptions. If you'need anything in this particular line of Furniture, we can savé money by buy- ing here. Call in and see theni@nyway whether you want to buy.or not... at Ben British ‘building: filed the languages mostly spoken are -| Breneh and Flemish. follows ; thing exclaiming as the did was to show storm evident): “ee Pataca 13th LINE WELLESLEY 00 tate | for last week FAIRDAY Pitre Will, Lambert spent Sunday at the latter's William Oalder’s. Milner-is @t present : svending & few days at home before J goin. the ‘Veterinary College Larter Mr. W. Johnston and son Rob, spent BARGAIN s! Sunday at Mr. James Ogra _ Sunday Sept! 18th anniversary se vieoa were "held in.’ |the” Methodist meas chtreh’ here. the sermons ‘being de- We will place on our e" irlis me) bargain table a large number of MEN’S HEAVY. SHOES, also CHILDREN’S SCHOOL SHOES which we have mark- fseep able friends neere pleased to hear — itn again and also glad to sea. him look- ing so wel Miss E} ha: ‘Crawford spent a day or anecilace of ametbysts and pearls | two with wher friend Miss Bertha ed: at @ bieeducnion: the gift of the groom. Her bridés Wray of If h Gaprioiam or LIGHTNING Rops,|meld. Miss Mina Braton. was attived | Mn and Mn (Wm, Frankdlin,. you want.a cheap : iu fale tue ill, het gift from Teieniclinan ‘pent day et Ming Ways pair’6f Bdod: services ‘ht : the gtoom, whis a looket and ebain, mvs. i dea CEE LN Rae AOTC Mie! Mesa Gealih wlee PiceumiGnanee tone eae mT a prosreasing able shoes, call in and not, swithout iesitation, that he. vas} After the ceremony ithe wedding | aa quickly as was expected by come, see these OW fieee: curious to Know what the experionee| DANY ‘were mod y and| Mr. James Ogram ci of folks in the country has been. in| bospitalily entertained, and the many |‘ser of his fine horses at the Wellesley rega. ard to lightning roas. One dis-| bandso: ifts were greatly admired | show ant was tthe in carrying : Both the young people have live fa good whe of the prizes Bary ea rare oar nea Ls La arésand owe are more | Mr ‘ich, ‘Miner is sen) Wiarton Hoho is less backwatd. Me ES bods wa gyenchits = tew days in uisieer eva of {WPjalma the |" Mr, will "Milner having disposed of W. Zimmerman : H the river ime ago haa again ats On uote me Zid cas paineant good teabee purchased something pretty swell. : to Edward Walker and George Craig|_ The -haneymoon will pent at James Ogram is dt present on there was a complete set of lightning | Banff. the bride's travelling dress ee the sick list and we hope for a speedy d é ne | in atural pon Bill t] a. sbserek aor yee Gnd that de all there ie) 9 matoh, and (Mir. and Smith Mr, and Mrs. Will Axt spent Sun- about it. After this it ia mot likely] Wil be At Home ot Bvarts after Octo- | day he latter's parents that many farmefs will invest in| bei Ist.—Red. Deer Advocate. and ass Haltesehab in.” . Milner and Miss Daisy Pod tos witve. cheat ce London] DOC. HAWKE IN TROUBLE Ee ey few mecks visiting i | fries t Hamilto: h industrial and art ex- | rei 88 correspondent at Cargi off tends ai tver HLS eS vo HELA Brave Gounty, avsites! "The Hehtning Wihile, the grand Gary stag een ns oa tT eyes =a Evessboas fie and emphasize one consolidated Brit: companies are doing a great | ™¢ upon one charge enw Pave be ote ilverton on the big show day ish Empire, (Royalty and the nobil; husiness here at’ the present time.| 0 which he Me ol Welleaioo eta Ge ity are behind the thing. and it isto | people in wll directions are giving} Pe Peta tee Benen wemmnty eal f thing of splendor unsurpassi rders to the companies. de- PT aa aeelne te iste atl THE SHARP CONTRAST is gratifying to a Canadian to know | structive storm of August Pa weil mot er Lire! at = ieee | naka a Best hat fo much hung upon Canada’s ae- | gqqn be forgotten.” cuieniaegiel: tokor ateaer ta, rake are : being Slisate-ay deminer tion, “What will Canada do?” every- —_—_—— jooenital.” waa ecae weston thse stowyd HH moti puriadce AL oti Hake ome cody asked, und as soon as Canads | RURAL DEANERY OF paren | tne alleged offen wore and more unto the perfect day." eieenteo: aoe eae me went. F Ee aerats n e awlke rested at 10.30 last} do we sce the difference in farms and ‘ ie am 01 tathcona ‘became ‘The on ties ing of the Rural leas are nd | farmers. third heaviest guarantor and Canad | wey wit be, held in Chis tei ie fe ind yer | "he ston, ery gig, oon-vena- Stallions and. Fillies Wes Biven her chol itions.on | ghuveh, isto thursday, Oct out a watrant before Magistrate King| ing farmer who has low ideals about ; the Snound. According to the plan | sth. Following. is ithe prograin = fata elves qutevriewiag tHe ticl BC thel Blok Bact dhag about teat) handling, FOR SALE! now néarly ready, for publication, ning. 10 o'elock—Celebration of] Keonit e afternoon, Hes story | about, stable sinitation.” indeed abo the whole figure, embrae ig the mag- | the Holy Communion after which the! itt eho operation was performed | everything connested. wi ‘m mai NES ee a uifjeont grounds end buildings. will | Chapter af ithe: Deanery consisting of| 1p (het Che operations was performed eres ae vepiatnie tte one to eight years ald. make one of the mae imposing pic-| the Clergy. Church Wardens and Lay fed him’ é phe was in trouble as | Ratirm as the work of his hands i fea by ex oe Sallgea to be the bes: funes ever looked ty Delegates will asse pusiness-| the xesult of an intimacy forced upon Pctitrasted with that of the progres | silce ne that. ever ‘Lett the ah ean ee on trom hon iby the ootar himself when she sive farmer. ‘The work of the “Cow | Glyde b belong to man. Come Spent \the ‘greater part. of the | the ey will be soe prick to the sad res us” shows up these sontrasts in| and se afd want your inlcd et ioe aoe at erases Olen eres ya renin Agnes dairy farming. Note how. you willl money. all we ask tor As your Bote.or where Canada i: ae nae ae the A reeadias 3 to 5.80—Papers wvill be tech i tion, where he was admitt-| always hear the poo! r prate goad connie y. They 0 sol mont eneaotive ahi she r put | read on the follow’ ing subjects: “The| mec ail fa the nes of BI 000; ye about his ideag being more practical. he prices are mee Inspection up aind one that is ethene? ia ‘Basis of Religions Authority” by 2 ei Jix.Cava ‘Attorney Hart-| 43 if ignorance and shiftl 88 Were soraisus invited, specstest rosie interest, jYat| Dr. Sage. of London. Diesvasion ede x ver) Note wi re imme: tees iy after ie great fire | by Rey. W. T. Wee ye, ts a % Which fortunately did not Gail atts; Uae af Genenal Liteostaxe,' iy pee et st the grand poy tol JNO. SEMPLE, ada and was audied shiefly to the | Rev. ‘Runal Have. fC way. ah a eens Milverton, Ont: British, Belguim amd French sections. | Woodstock, Discussion led by . against Dr: (atone hen ae tte, | anee of what one’s eows are doing i The fire was a calamity: but it left |Punton. All are asked to participate] Siderable evidence. wi en the matter! more “practical.” How this idea Phone connection, enough to keep one busy for days see- | jn Di selon, wows adjourned {1 Monday: morning. }i.daing phosp eter eens ing what was untouched. The gsec- eae Yclock—Shortened form soils “ain't practical”. Indeed in his. tion that ia me most was tho |of Evening Prayer. willbe held. Rev, estimiation nothin g but his ows iguor- German. ‘That ection of itself is a | Lr. Bice ill preach. ™ poverty stricken ideas ant revelation and a wonder; especially FALL iene OW. OPEN § | inct! are “practical.” DRAIN TILE! machinery hall, ermany | Of the 100 passenger conductors on} suites ‘ Th ernst bites his Piles re! ae : E - « yn ‘ar . his rofits, wit! When buying Drain Tile, the tis al wants, with en such “Break, railway ¢n- nely went cut on] I The Listowel Bisieese College thetlive @ rand ea you wa Wave tic cieapesty ‘write for prices f with all her Caealinieat tagenulty ced _below bash cee ‘what is practical. It is the and enterprise is not in it’ vith this |imen who took thelr vositions during See ee Hecht vaat that ‘ells the story, and Ww. SMITH ee i¢ commerciat and indus' pea real is) Whi esident we éduca' ALLOW LAKE, ONT. of the Anglo-Ainerican wou ‘3 as carrying out fi aDWIts o.maTrHaws, Peinalpay knowledge of the 0 osetia truths, Germany is capable of in mechanics iM agreement with the me: +Hord’s Dairym

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