MONKTON. MILLBANK. ; ae and Mrs. Andrew Terry.. Mr. ais Geo. Griffith has returned | Mr. Tevi/ Hemry. Babring rile and Mrs. ° Boe Knox. of Atv after spending a few days with heat Sunday with his wife and fam- anant Bandas ara ith Mins. A. ieee ns: | her AauEhte Miss Maude who was| ily at the Gesidence of Mr. John Bis- 1 in ‘Boaines hall on Tues- | operated in the Hamilton hospi- 4 Spey was a most successful ate ree, , ape endicitis. Mintend “Mises Nathan eeocormtels Between 40 and 50 gpuples were ‘Agnes MoGillivray. of Lis of Acthur, spent cee at Mr, Jno. J] present an ae most meres even= malt area ‘a few fam last week wis B ale inst was spe her otek er Mrs, D: A i ang of men at sete of Berlin, spent he OER. yard putting in| the week-end with friends here. @he Creseent Club intend holding ee iy Bball: a Bitter’ 's Hall on. Halloween. Tvean cure the worst case of hold a lai ‘of pre 7 ight Oct. \ Rupture without operation farmers to m: iver- ares ae here attended the a wi ‘es ‘or Joss of aes from intan~ || iow C irs or not. awl supper at Atwood Monlay im which is one e te : aren . try to Mr. and Mrs. W Brow 14 in this jon. Wi it : ¢ leer Cem ne al tin mt Sil ore fan Specials Added to OF 5. still in fall toa Sane ae boundary were wat Tome on Thurs-| We are sorry to hear that Mr. W _ Gillespie: is mot improving very Act at Once oe inde Att ae Hint Anes a were Eup ont Monda, to Li é was spent. a Mt and Mrs. B R. Brust, of Milton. spent |The, ovrpenicr so : Our Big List for our competitors by: raising the price, ¥ 19 oe CS ae ee Tony how to act the part Pat host ond sides itn friends see ¢ ste: oe Rm eagelsesle ca ng took plai . Marys . 3 everesaautations: ‘alin go B eth Saturday . st i ri : ene SS ta ent be ERE Seo, Battin on Saturday, difomia. Se siting’ ot hee tomate ch, Hlesom.“on Wednewday morn Friday and of produce, are trying to- ‘stop. the heact. of any Ricavo: A Geo. Smith oe Rd Ella Me- J. S SMITH ee ee eee gu a satadsd the Deoehecs Sontens |e ie, Rak Rossi at ot _ Saturday progress of this sale, but thanks to. th Stratford last atnassday and of Ohio. who for 88 Caledonia St. of) eats. Wan. Bini v aetten in. ly bonds of matrimony _ to the past week a been. visiting, his . W. Gi . of Mich.. is. visit-| Miss Ag pi 3 5 J Stratiord = Ont. asia ort Ny eas aus tt oer oe Naud REG ieee at Dales, nly the people:of Milverton and vicin- * ’ a aspera ast we a Mr. an = Mrs. ee pune ; a aS Koehler left on onda ; h i d is de joie afew days before return pues. Sunday a r. Geo. Smith’s. ‘or Berlin where he has secure: it t 7 ill hol : 1 ey have made this a recor Waa: Institute wl sa with J, (M. Schneider as but: 17 Ibs. Redpath Granulated y y Mrs, D. R, Pollock and: daughter Pi fcta. of Drayton. epent a fow. days Sugar for. $1.00 breaker. ravers ewe. s and schoo} | last week at Mr, ton oy will ee tive ae ie iC Although if ehange in ‘the C. en a adaress by De, Pratt, A conta boid 7 ay time table is for mo, ‘word Reiteeion: is ex! en led al adies’ aug! ter ol and Mrs. Tr) keen given out definitely, The lsfe/to attend. ‘ever, 48 at present confined to her |” 3 plugs McDonald Tobacco é oat ot the train tro fro oer p ponte fore et t the concert sa Beiday bed with the disease. 2 PP di woult pleasing to general | ovening 21st inst. jn Ritter’s Hall un-) (Miss ‘Brownlee spent a few days Ww = public. den the auibes ‘of the Women’s In: | last week with friends in “Millbank. e o as we | ; Lost. Mr Win. aferrytisnd singe bis ap-|stitate, “Admission 2c. resebved, | "Mire. W. Tie E neaeine Hale: 4 area polhtisent 04 onenk of the 1.0.|senty S50, Plan of the hall at Ritter's| j q : (Ming, H..Newton Advertise. . ‘A gold open face gentleman's watob|: has met with a ve ory wide meastire store. Call and secure ‘your seat ear-| near allan $ ths. Sulphur for.. : . a black guard and gold locket of ie eget hale initiate from | jy, ree Mr and Mire gohn, Sehmurr attend mn the back of ie watch is en ed | 40 to 5 R, R. Mil .0., who has been on) ed the ‘Moo ‘air last wee! iinet tagnpepiineienciacen satel word “Mather” 3 ne *plbase (Ou, Wellnesday Inst death entered |. iasiness inp by Bormadan wil we Meare wied aelling . of Hesson, visit pals at Sun att foe “and receive the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samacl|tunn Oct. to take up his prac-|ed sher parents: ate and M z i Smith and took away Roy thcin ais: | tee at: Atiifeaake and. surrounding | Klookman last meek Have you tried Post Toasties ? To : j r-old son. He “| (Mir. am Boriet spent Sun rH cf h Fri ‘ . . Hie HOUSE AND LOT FOR Beet an cen ba ay aay at" Beste’ Commer, introduce them, Friday an Bargains in all departments. FOR SALE. senwood cemeter Mrs Fy ii, Bobuimmer spent : REAUGRMEKIGAY. ELLERRDOIC nnd WAM AE: MAR OARER Sunday with Mr, J. Runstadler. Saturday ......8¢ package eS . ; ice home in mH Gely_ attended. igea at wa. | N= Dichl=At dahil, on Wednes: Miss Ena Nixon spent Sunday in Come in and see. hone ta caine condita Gael oe sles om sary, serviges Wil-| "ky Oot. 19th, by Rey. A. Blunek, |Bimina where @he senda the aos % ‘of Milve to | Versary services. moons (Monday. ‘were: the. rio: eaonng rear of Aves ot M|. Mr. and (Mrs. Saunders, of Welles- Se Pe ie outage Sutdesefull get held. The provecds of) “and Mrs. Verner Diehl. ‘ey, spent Sunday at Mr, J. Ducnoh’s: Li ee ee Mrs, Neilson on premises. the Eater cass amoumted to $237.4 ‘i he Mr. R. BV, of Milvert Mrs. G, 7, (Pauli and Mrs ‘Win, ilvert Tuesi sie Sunday iwwith, friends in eRaiainnnty st Matgettons wom on mek, Mi : Sr | Zh 5 ipy Rev. A./Blunck, Mis = HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. : aad Jast the guests of Mi: Sieg AO wae aM r 4 vs Ida Kocbiel, ot Listow: a stirtety obmston. Wig of MiGs ieee wean he undersigned desires to offer for| 188, Mary Dobbs. of Gorrie. TS at). i Se TaD ee eatinter oak |e Ma. i ane ‘Mrs. Secord i d lot eet, | Present. visiting friends - ton. teattord, 5 ay Fut (the! home ick house ‘with kitchen. of Milverton. as td Bes “Rennie, of Listowel. who 5 a | : hai di ait bree ; Dailift Guenther. be = in the village the of e Be s ont PENEOR the Teapanidt Kchool was closed ‘on ee s a taebler In Mavistock, on Wednesday | Monday owing fo the illness of Miss The Right House’ -i= MILVERTON, ONT. t. Ath. John George Stachler oe é 2 m “here attended the Golig L eerny apply to BISON RUPERT acncaeeeen enlarging peave. of Tavistoak, aged 60. years 12 eee ine teres ‘Sunda y night and the Tov Supper of _ Single or Doubl z= Satistaction Guaranteed. 7 ana 7b Mily: phi Hen bce Mr. M.-B. Bettger was in Milver- toa ont he fe Jast on ‘business. Mr. holson on ‘Tuesday | HOUSE apt ms FOR SALE. Irida stoendy 150 tle ir. MeMas- | W; wer! as 2: {Monday ‘evening. = 5 ew ter. of wictsvile, Sho is an exten-| Oste 14th. Arthur a. ithe | Rev. O. Stockman conducted service | ~ 77 Le padsraigned “desires to citer sive ‘buyer and feeder. 1 fs Se eee aemeneese Ale: Spelcia Sa uigay. WELLESLEY COUNCIL. moneys of this municipality ont on CARTHAGE. 7 : im G d_ cemetery. Sin : {Mr Norman Ament notes, ‘both principal and interest. through our streets mece/ petal place "in Teen Oot. lithe wer n af Council met at Crosshill, October | sind also all out in mortgaged before} The mamy frien 1da of ‘Mr, and Mrs one of one of the big Western ronnd-|. Yerten. on Monday. Oot illage last ‘week 8rd, Members all resent. Jai vee Ist, 1911. 0. Gales cote family: are sor ps. = Mz. Per f Bridge t| A large mumber of accounts were aneil then adjourned. to meet on | learn. ir departure from | Sunday swith tasends at an ee ‘ parce Sis SCH GE of Has' stings ans the” "tinst Monday in November. salted oie Wish them every si Master Oscar Lan’ ‘allenstein, | Reidel most of which were for-supply- Sa eir new. Se oH He a oe 4 |roest Peay oi tte teeters. ing, and drawing gravel | The Cull BIRTHS. Ser end ro lacanal Sokinat Finkbelner, ‘| Miss Martha Kirkland ee Mon- md iMrs. John De chert. spent | particulars will appear ~ ae printed peers Ellice. ape Monday. Oct itummed to their hor eer: with her friend Mrs, D. MeLel- Peay e with friends at Heide Were financial ates at N Years. ith, to Mr. and ‘Andrew Craw- | #londay ¥ an of ee ars } Several months ago owe ed in Herio the newly “appointed ford. 2 daughter, relatives cere frien’ FARM FOR SALE. Mis ie Yost has returned home this columa € hat thore was eve 4 Roe ‘his bond. which Kuopfor—in Bilics. on Mondey. Oct, gece fhability that Lin ees would in the nd to be satisfactory. 8rd, toMy, anid Mis. Solomon Kuep- Being North half Lot 4, conces Miss Belle Rac spent Sunday with | ¢ 0 x 2 noir faite have R,_ connection Ireport of the tato|- ter. ‘H. Gusti City o! counts was reecived and|Poley—In Hilice, on Saturday, Oct, Ist ist Ei an. ae asthe oe me ord acy ssday nnd Eriday of T. Hu Sp i @ nasertion Was tai pl ite to Mr. and Mrs. “Peter Fole a pe Wee as Wath Mires Ru of M iit SPECIALIST ie i stor dad'a secret md ‘Moved ‘by Dammeier seconded daughter, * Ney week, ag auite a muny our bE hegeare rehase of properties ix | Lintiok ee the mover be given per-| Buch—In Rostock. on Thursday, Bert. Gamble was in Stratford W. . Pratt on Wednesday. EAA ED Biratford for the purpose. ‘The pre: | mission counei 20th to Mr, and Mine. Wms Bak lie “ec on he the 8. ‘ and spent ay | diction has been varitied a J i a D e Mr, of Britton, ae “ with her friend Miss Elsie Coulter | sohem: tlined in the ‘Toronto | phuoi bstructions on the | Ax xa Binwoad, on Wednesday. Oct, dayed Biss Gane onother Mr.‘R. John- wee : c 2 x, Reha | y last. “The char- | high f this i a ity Be r. and Mxs. Wm. iste For further pxriioulass : hile going to M intbani on Bfonday Le 0 dau} w of the men en fom our vicinity SHMAN, bartioular geply te INO. | morning Mr, W. Mitchell and his airio Hall ; : y thereon, Seok — =n Binneog on Wednesdlar. Oct. ee ‘resent, at Mr, T. Haddle's barn q * | mothe: th rather a bad acci- ® ® \ taken ove he OP R., Phe ‘Dam me: Reidel—that trea ai amd Mrs. J, A. raising on sda. : urer is hereby instructed to Paiee a loa gee went fine, ‘ : | pate oes > FARM FOR SALE. ed at. Wvagon threw the occu- y : : rE ah Bs Mine ‘Mitebell Sr Hogans ORs ar belie) mie intended to be well be rushed ie h ‘ ~ Lot 6 on the ‘ii con, of the Town-| rj reyes PANES Mi of Bfomington, containing 124 | STE Moke Pee ne gh of Toronto, will visit PR. gores. about ao sleaze, sts balance |) . ee, * land will run inca sou hve : eotion i St. M anys. whi fi e Lys. Ae ebiiitanle oP bars, | Botol |* seeeay Zemore ty MILLBANK road ee : vk r r = abun of bas : rts of jor ce ean within abot H Dext lot railroad stations 1-2 and sanding to tale in the cone re on ; trom cater small places to the lake, > We Found it elt Pin Ritter’s Hall, Millbank, pe ea tL ae ee # fst i ae s never. {aling opting | ev, 3. McLeod will conduct divine ther line Js x Strato re, to * a i lewton. on Oct. he e111 a.m. and 7 p.m, vera, ot] ¢ Thursday, Oct. 27 eat ajonetion, pti 0 on the stpond our ara Sb move. the Canadian Auction Sale of Hardware until SATURDAY ‘AFTERNOON OCTOBER 22nd, 1910, at 1.30 o’clock. to oe Kehoe Sept choo) toaneer|¢ Lhursday, Nov. 10 $ |, sat it Gen arane Ral fog onc eee ees iranian the cence“ Onayertins which peer eae in ie aks on Thurs- NOTICE TO EDITORS. day and Friday of last a ons Miss vy Relay Blatehfor: d. Saale ae in’: cs. tz returned home on 2 Frank Martin s Ra bet (scare Ry wo it weeks with ber daughter al Vallen- -Residence steko «| feacher. ae SO of the. i aeanne arena ast wi ends : Elma. “Ab, Sohnare was a business ¥4 yis- a = : fh Peotaey of Perth, Le Sues elder. Mr. | ® The most modern electrical exam- @| itor at Emi day 8 and Mrs. J, be see TERE CRA: bel suffered Nee a ‘G Sanrio Oh Catnsins euiner: 26 acest Sunday ut the home of Mr, and) $ ing instruments will be used for Me eee of Gilead Mrs. Mr, and. Mr ‘Bob: HG, Knoblauch ;|$ extmining, including the shadow Fuad diese eenrp tnloy hey mu 2 “omptes git es aren Lah he eh ar spent Sunday with frionds in| ¢ ‘eS ne es Roa ws i ttended the Moore- here se ivid Heke Monday Glasses Fitted oe Se Ruler attended ford recei Hnoeto tat Ne Hetate of damon night Oot. 17th. of pte cent at ae to any Sight kshanks and, Mra, J. : VE Strong. late of the Village nei gee towel after Ritter. Bi icin. were visitors in as fe Wheat ae At | eh te es hE ner emeato yur tame toym on Fass ony Kosbel ond _ Our Sale of General Hardware is booming. hae andeen tthe 8th day of ae Crosebill on Monday of. this 4 t Brenner ae ne ees * Signe AD. TBD AP “ihe Gils ot [SRN fansnal’ of Mr. Albert Ament Kocbal sro attended the : The public look at our sale as a perfect suc- all Fate tees: Thunsday mérning Seti ia ata rs Park : A : ot fe Milvertan were the uc cess. They realize that the reductions are as Rowenbets, ygnd Mr. and. Mis Mewsahren on ‘ne Herrick, of 6t. ‘Clements it~ i von Tuesdays barra of BF Clements. were 2" |$ Milverton, - Nov. 12 to 19°) w, 6 weins SALE REGISTER. — genuine and are buying for future use ponies : d 5 A-Aerrible durrieane swent over Linwood, - ~ Nov. 21 to 26 datutday, October! Both—Wil sell o Goes est India. Islands on Real Estate and Effe ea in. Milverton Masy, a won a, ns ot F New49Be = PES ee leo aisles tae lal We still have a few Stoves on hand, an articular st (.) ‘< dollars damage, besides wiv wiping ow i ; aS rene See {512 for $1.00. » any pi ic ove you want i e- | hundreds of ti The are: strewn with wreekage and the City ‘ : that we have not in stock, we will be pleased to order only to te of Havana is aay oded out, Many a a: sof which they. shall then bi wessels are in distress-off the coasts. 3 ¢ same for you at the REDUCED PRICES. et q 'e rece: OT leg Allain Beet orice To CREDITORS, : 7, 2 es i th mats of ty Poa ot Guards SPECIAL PRICE SALE Coal and Wood Range, reg. $45, so $56 00 : COMMERCIAL, tzer. late of the Township of : Bal Wha m) § 8a| toe Pravin of Orla chao! : : ee es A apt 49.90 Bark : ate : kes ; 4 es Poe a ‘AT BUNDY'S, Ul NWOOD : 66 teers () 30, “ 24. 15 BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, regular 65c. All silk, reversible Cool seater: regular me $554 00, for ue ae wear, very soft, rich glossy finish. A silk that never | HQ cuts. Special for Friday and Saturday .... ° BLACK TAFFETA, regular 85c.. Thisis a very fine’ Swiss : free - make, untearable, rich grain weave, name woven on sal- 50 iptions 1 statemen’ * tt : patient a8 ioe vt thr ca and vage, guaranteed quality. Special...... mature unity any) BLACK CHIFFON TAFFETA. 36 inches wide, pure silk, Ce y recited ae ae : very rich softtinish. This width is of advantage for the 4, ors will i new over dresses. Write or send in for samples....... ° ey es dozen pure Worsted Stockings 25 sal e “ALL WOOL BLANKETS—3 only left, pure white All Wool 9. 75 : _ Blankets, regular $4, oa