H.M.SCHAEFER ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL « MILVERTON, - ONTARIO “3 ‘Shines Far All.” WILLIAM K, LOTH VER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL MILVERTON, -/ ONTARIO. ; Vol. XVIII—No. 15 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Tharsiay, October 20, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Eggs 280, at Gustin’s, Ni The Metropolitan Bank Head Office: TORONTO Capital Paidup . :.). +» $1,000,000.00 Reserve Fiind and Undivided Profits 1;307,809.25 ‘A general banking business transacted. Savings Department at every branch. LINWOOD BRANCH : G. L. ZIEGLER Manager “ALVERTON BRANCH : Cc. G. WALKER Manager < t Hallowe'en and Thanksgiving fal : ‘on the same day. Oot. Sist. $ LOCAL NEWS = $\ 5 toom brick house to let, Apply to +3 i OAR, Honderich, Milver ‘The sania ty in ete will meet on ates nole: ee a ‘per square yard t Gust on. New! Smart Boy .Wamted to learn groc- ery business. Apply to E. ’ Fink- iner, Sie spent Sunday at Mr. J. Elliott’ Mess: feat ‘Guenther and A, L. Hartmier ended the cane at. mn ‘Tuesday ni eee uctis Bale d= ware postponed ate ‘Saturday after: noon, Oot, 22nd. ‘at’ 1.30 o'clock. Miss’ Sanders CUT RATE PATENT MEDICINES Look over our list and you can readily see what a saving it means to you to buy your Patent Medicines from us. :: 3: ss | ot eh hae Burdock Blood Bitters:is-cc Golden Medical Discovery ... _ Favorite Prescription. > ’Sarsaparilla......:.... : Dr. Schoop’s Remedy.........60.. ) Regular $1, 90c British Army Liniment.................. Pain Killer,. Nertviline......... * Wild Strawberry. - Radway’s Ready Relief. b Electric Oil... 20¢:: Highest Market Price for Farm Produce E. F. Finkbeéiner?: Dp 5 nes < Liss ate McEwen, of x 4 ‘ Stratford. “The first lesson will” be ae AA given 0 ‘on Wednesaay. evening of next ‘our T’s ‘| Resul week {n Cook’ egular 25¢ $ |" ormbenains iRaety as Norway Pine 3 % | become famous for its cures of coughs eolds, croup wand influenza, Try ate and tier at ithe home of M MS your Fowl: alive or firemea ie Thursday and ae riday mornings. apples. prices paid. Bngaland & Sor ndrew ake who was ‘oper- sta on for appendicitis last week by rs. Parker iand Tye is now! able ‘to be around again, Mr. John A. Westman, formerly of Afilverton, has b ted president e Conservative eociatles of Re- Basleatehe wan, urgmann. @.T.R. agent is at rood spending his holidays at Niagara aa Eatnets, He relieved by ™ win Butane “ot Milverton, Wweast and trimmed jhats in all sho he will be under the dirs when in meed, contains no ree a Substance and always gives prompt, ief. Sold by all dealers. ere will be a meeting of the lad- he reorganize and “prepare = ma wears work. e time and were neat Mr. Grosch’ Farmers havin LIVE POULTRY WANTED ON THURSDAYS CHICKENS 11%%¢ PER LB. FOWL 8c PER LB. > = CROPS MUST BE EMPTY ‘H. GUSTIN, - Newton, Ont. horses to sell would do well to ee see n time of sudden mishap fiostdea that Chamberlain's Liniment a e' welied w to take pli of the family doctor, who cannot al ‘was found at mo! it, Then it is that ‘Chamberlain's Liniment is never found (wanting. bert ‘outs, {wounds and away the pie nd Mrs, Jai Kay. Stratford. ¢ with their son, Rev. John ag ‘ara. shave retumed_ in excellent health after an extended trip to friends and. relatives in Scot- faind.’ ‘hey also visited England aml + t The Leading Millinery Parlor E ARE SHOWING an extensive selection of Millinery Fabrics, Feather Noveltles, Orna- ments, Etc., as wel] as a carefully selected stock of Fabric Covered Pressed Shapes... Beavers, Felts and ‘Satins are in high favor, both in black and black-white S effects, and’have been’ distinctly good sellers at this millinery opening. .Willowed plumes are used on dress “models only, in fancy black and white effects. Large wings in shaded and two toned combination effects are. leaders, Among the lists of Feather Novelties must, be in- _ cluded Owl and Coque Heads, Coque Mounts, Military Plumes, Quills and Wings in Persian colorings are a “novelty. Advance styles in gowns and millinery alike call for an extensive use of ribbon. This season, more than ever before, we are mak- ing efforts to produce stylish hats at popular prices. le would ine you to judge in how far we have beeh successful, what is know: Which made the voyage far from pleasant, EN question pf an soon ite eo, él is 3 £ ran opinion upon the proposed electric line.—Listowel Stan» di Mrs, R, J. Heuston. of . J. % iss Miss Gertie Weir. of ape me th is being | (4 +2 | the Bi Ma ons pareaee: piste sd atsok of ready-to,| the Women's “Tastituta will be held is tt organist was It &\aocording to '¥ | mi play they were finally res- ea el which was ab- ing |r. Wesley Cosens, agent for th Hlelivered gm inble aad a - | Robt. Schre: Mrs, Coates, jof “Prowbridge. is is at resent visiting her siSter. Mrs. Jas. been exceptionally fine and warm minding one of ‘thi June, Mrs, Martin Grimm left on Wed- nesday for Preston where she wil) spend some time visiting her sin Mr. im. 1. W. B. Hearns aeehing from reemore says: “Enclosed please ane $2.00 to renew The Su: We cannot do without it.” Mr, ‘Wm. Elliott..of the Bank’ Hamilton Gorrie, is at present spend holidays with his parents Mr. and ui J. °s. Elliott. On urday. Oct. 29th. Mr. W. D. Weir Aull offer for sale the chattels of the Inte Jas. Stron: ‘Mr. Earsum and Mrs. Knox. of At- at the home of wr. Bert Horning. of the summe? in yang} has meturned home pnd spent a couple of 3 this veel ‘at, the residence of Chief Hartmier: Mr, Forest Griffin left on. meet McKelvey. ‘ct “Trowbridge conducted the service in the Metho- dist sturgh on Sunday morning last. ‘Rey, per took charge — 0! ‘The regular meeting inst, A musioal progra has been, atrahgedi@nd Miss’ Bright will address the: meeting. The pleasant oe erect = perienced by all wi Jain’s Btonidel and iver Tablets, and the healthy. condition of the body and mind whie # meses one feel joyful, to Bulleein | issued ‘by eri municipal statistics is 4330. area acres, total se open es ies BSD. exempt 106.070. 47’ 3 Si 098 del eae Board of B. pe on Mond: the pees of Miss, ite ecepte: Miss Edna Be ckett was pnointed to the posi- ne Mer. 0, 6. Wa manager o} Metropolitan Bank Kindly con- been ‘able to Soe a high @ in ue a Ue ia es $ Hh ve estan ae ‘Mr. Sohn ia Engel. “Wat- ‘enloo. oS ~~ satisfied after using irections two-thirds o} 4 bottle of ‘Chamber lain’s ‘Stomach and | fa . you can have our . The tablets cleanse and imvigorate the pianianb: pees ie eS caeh well, “sold by A load ot \Milvertous bowlers drove to Wellesley on ‘Tuesday afternoon of this week and enjoyed a friendly read with the ee The ilverton oiled out victorious. rae being wp 14 shots while other rink skipped by Charlie Five: mn ‘thre ‘balloon pual mecting of the Upper in the oue tadoned. iety in’ this district oes Ma pe and Fallowing are offic ig year.’ President. Mr: C. G, Wice-President Rey, A dow: "Depasito mann follo: effer; John Glee ties Glens. H, Schieuken ind Mr. J. P. Griffin who i9 at present weeve of Ne ownship. county of Halton. is a former resident and eoumne} of Mornington. In is ao township he is now. taking very active part in the oads movement, A recent issue of the ee ington Ga: an auto tou: in in. good iroads,. Wentworth pounty wisited in course of the tour ‘anced y as J.G.HAMILTON Agent for D, L. & W, SCRANTON STANDARD ANTHRACITE FURNACE STOVE CO AL AND NUT ™ eon ater and a Ss enjoyable and prottabie day was spent. which promises to ex- ort aletge influence on the finds of the County Council and other: muni- ST. MARYS LIME I have & quantity of Hardwood (Beech and [laple) 16 in, long. Split if. desired. Sheds at C.P.R. STAY ON- 820, g @ Torrance: WiukBeiners Auction Bale-ot Hard: Miss nex Hoffman. of Stratford, is|ware postponed until Saturday after. at Present visiting friends in the |moon. Oct, 22nd, at 1.30-o'clock. The best milk ia always dipped out Spuambcliettd AUsbioil Gale ef Herd: lot the tence the can, This ware postroned wntil Saturday after-|always obtain at Geo, Roe's dairy. moon. Oot. 22nd. at 1.30 o'clock, Glad; eas eas on Tues: Mrs, iertthaelder Miss .| day evening entertain: he =mem- Lohr. of Charleston. spert Sunday on bere of the Tut nony choir at her the 16th of Elma with friends, and property beloni ging 0 the estate| wood. and: Mrs. Nobbereal of Wiar- |i 65.-| fe Managing en | tack. tains 10 all dealers, y ¢) erator of arri 1 Wellman -lwillage is a SS pee paralysis. LG arrived | te G@rabbed the titoher aa Beenie ihe cere ae the path) Butter prints 24¢, at Gustini’s. New- & 25 aie tickets for $1 cash at Geo, mary It re Sune that the tofal mum- ‘of pigs in the wor! a is 150, 010,000" 004 re Isaac Sanderson and Mrs. K. Tremble. of Glenboro. ‘Man... spent few days last ee at the residence Mr, J. J. Elliot ae Jame: summer aaa mith Mr, Feturmed rho spent — the Geo. Roe last to his W: ving. library ponReaue over time "icindly return them ona man; re new 01 _ and others are anxious to read them. -Mr. Neil Yellowlees. iPian ‘uner will be ii ilverton cite vicinity ies to be permitted enjoy the benefits eae : from the entry PAR, into ther its in spite a Do you experience difficulty in handling your own power fae Sy * Do you sometimes uu had a few dollars in the Bank _ fall I back ‘upon? Deposit one dollar in the Bank of pare ‘to-day—a small sum, but ugh to ah interest; and it will, speedily HebTen more, once you have commenced t MILVERTON BRANCH R. J. RANNEY, Head Office Manager HAMILTON Wesbhians: Testitnte ale at Stratford Jast meek Miss 6: E..Marty. of Stratford, vas appointed president Ha Mr, W: H. Sharp. B.A. of Milverton: vice-president, Mr. Chris, Gatoke left on Wednes- day. for Stratford where me will re side in the immediate fut fe has taken, jon as travelling sales- man Bs ‘the Mooney Biscui town of Walkerton has been hard hit by the disappearance of Shel- solo} 5 Ey S who desired to get rie quic! h Remedy. Sold ‘by all ecent Sunday in Scotland. { The Farmers Bank of Canada Head Office: - - TORONTO Deposta of $1.00 and upward re- Savings Department ved and interest paid or added at ee current ri ace ana may .be opened, the money payable to either or nie anions of either party. iscounted and advances made to Farmers’ Sale Notes tumers and cattlemen at lowest current rate. Money Orders abe Payable at par at any office in Can- and at the principal yore patted in the United States. chartered bank (Yukon a3 ercalleng method of remitting smallsams of money with safety ca smal 1 Millbank Branch: D. E. MILNE, Manager re a Asquith and Mr. Ba. a four— both aving attended church in the morn- ing pla ed golf on adjolnine links he afternoon, In ntario this vould be the end of these political 1 “LAXACOLD” Gure‘forse La Crippe, Coughs, Golds, Headache and Neuralgia ach ler and Miss ‘Gertrate Bpracis Ae 50. Tecetve: 30, Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure in aippeared,. it will prevent the | at poison. Sold by The other day the. family of Mr. George Gropp were for a short time Cure your cold in a day and a night by using NYAL’S LAXA- COLD. It isa pleasant and safe tablet treatment that does not upset the stomach. There is no quinine in Nyal’s Laxacold. Quinine is a val- uable drug but many people do not bear it well. Laxacold is agree- * able to everybody. It acts on a new principle. It stimulates the secretions, acts directly on the mucots membranes to control the catarrh, then plays its part as a mild but effective tonic laxative. Try a box (25c) and you will never willingly be without it afterwards, Get it here--we keep the best of everything in drugs in- cluding a full line of Nyal’s Family Remedies. Z ma PUBLIC DRUG STORE A a eee er state of alarm re eir Httle 2! months old ohild.. A diligent search found ther on. the tow rung of 16-foot, ladder sthat led ap into a grape vine. She svas Koon rescued from her ‘perilous. position. Rev. D. W. Urquhart, interim mod- Burns chareh during the vee jast ponte « Jy Rol saat Mr. Benen will irs in sates hat the | young: fected. Hopes are entertained for aut: ne wever, the doctor has or- other members of the. fam- school. ‘J Irish- Matresses! We have just received another large ship- ment of Mattresses, which we would like you fo call in and inspect, The prices are very —., moderatepsicmareesicts, ce. Me heey Torrance @ McMane Furniture Dealers and Pacer iaiete caging thins Pit rang ‘t] ll for ice water. hen toot ig Graft. “Moike.” said he ike the man that invinted ice’ wather was no fool | Moulay evening’. the | weekly k will be in Hous sominittee Pye eh ‘igoonvenor. [A Little Early | But we are Right Into Fall frade—__4 = 5 UR British Suitings and Ove reoat= ings are all here for fall, and it looks a. like a big season with us. o fuss or noise at E. Knechtel’s with See DUSINESSA ieee ae A her Weare sele’ agents for The House of Hobberlin, Toronto—the house of guar- anteed clothing, Suits to your measvire from $15.00 up, Call and see samples.