MEATS. slices of one tablespoon ed enion,] teaspoon. of chopped’ pars- of salt, and one agg.'The meat shold Be, nion » pars! the baie mt should bo melted. INTESTINAL PARALYSIS “Fyult-a-tives’ The Only Medicine That pales Really Cure stipation, iver both causes and cu opstinato, OPM Daron or paralysis | of pper, 1-8:|\the Bi When sey Liver becomes torpid or iss shea it cannot give up enough Bile move u wels. ro it-a-tives"” acts directly on the va aoe makes the liver strong and cae curing tho liver, “Fruit-a-tives” enables this Loportane off sufficient Bile to move the bowels regularly and aera and thus cure “Intestinal Paralysis. “Prultea-tives’ is made of fruit juices and tonics and is undoubtedly the only medicine ever, discovered that will positively cure Constipation jn any form, a “Fruit-a-tives” js sold by all dealers at 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 250, or may be obtained froni Fruit-a- tives, Limited, Ottawa, Fashion Hints SEEN IN UARIS SHOPS. cate Cuban heel is higher than “everything is to be furred on | this season. Satins of the glace class have an enormous popularity. For street pes = the regpla- pes coat sleeve leads in fav rr. Voile and marquisette are fayor- ites for frocks and blouses. For dressy costumes the ibe aierige length sleeve is f Organ to give | al The short skirt dominates even the most elaborate evening eit The speckled plumes ar They fesehable great, Aufty aioerel Z “sille and net ruffles, cut cireular, are nsed as finish to thé mohai skirt! Siripal suitings are the rage, is rough, Wings are decidedly the trim- prepare it in nm young, chickens, stir in one tablespoonful flour | and when smooth half a pint a cream, Stir until blended. Sea- xon witn pepper, salt, a little over three: quarters, then the seca co! it in double ais and FOC twen- ty minutes, You get the fine fla- vor of the corn cooked wivhout wa- ter. erfect Muffins.—One egg, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, three- Che iy cupful of milk, one cupful f flour, ae Mareoeana of eg y butter size of an eg, f 8B, add ay Spare Rib ‘Take two pounds |} of spareribs, se them cut small, wash and placo them over the fire utes, then add al nice firm cookin les; pl 2 g apples ; place him to attempt to i 5 f need : t i; pt is saucepan with nae eno one : } o AR fet pe thicken erin abbage and sprinkle | leather belt of the same Mae, "| wardere, to" whom he Giiered. $000 for THE ESKIMO DOG. saver and ia geuUly simmered: until, | Sei mull 798 ich they were slightly with sugar if desired. No : . 1 |the latest newspapers. ass ta Wnlishl Wl | also fed a mixture of maize, oate, little fl Place in a pan and The use of three or se road Then just as one idea leads on sis mush ‘n how | ittle flour. ce Pp place in a bag ‘and boil in water ra 5 enever an officer or a warder fi e too long for the secret. of | | bran, and oil meal, of which they “eover. with ain pie crust, Bake Avoke at the lower patt.of a-n6r;OW lcccyec pin the exsdultmnitrien (011. next, so here, by-and-b h until cabbage is tender, Drain and . ‘ pe in the ex-Sultan tries to DY, | pone eoene Lest juice ‘being in hay- | were given as much as they would : skirt breaking up the ae deep | st they found that two dogs, pulling ay |W in quick o 1 t eT P start a conversation, orders aro ing all the strength extracted with- | cl hay b ilable all Pork Ch Roll the iershope ee ee lettuce leaves 'hem effect, is quite prominent. stringent, Only the most indefinite of |twice as much as one, would h A i Pela ie bel Nagserry ald Bap wa Bhs vardee rk Cl nope pl the: por COOP" td spread rich Tisgonusite dress- : ent i allowing the liquid to boil away. | the ti + of thirty in flour and fry to @ nice brown, Long coats Mee er and caracul answers must be given to any ques \tremendously. But through the | When old it is squeezed. throug! L ing over same, Can be served ei- Sakae iltion which “Abdul Hamid ‘ n ae ldays the calves were Place them in a steamer and steam | icy p, ia Alho adel nd handsome and |) vhich: il Hamid may put.'| Arctic snows there are no traus muslin and then run through a ane | vithout. ski ille at, ny aad Ghia Ree ane witha Halle Thay. are (oe cette tat so adds as ®) smart. Mai tions f these furs in [ls fret question is “invariably: /dog must pick his ways and the tan- strainer. rough * ade | Without skim mille at, all, decoration to the table. Seal he rade up in thé same |. What 6° people think and say pbout:| dein of dome that one meets with 1p | Ay See served hot with mashed pota Charlotie ay he third box |{i h ip ’ 3” He has also inquired: repeated ° oe hat one Fin m . : Seen, dissolved in a teacup of are PE LELo lend. instoudeO8t eer eee ote ale mine SHEAR DE toe eee wa é . ° 3 earl buttons r av s|have efpressed opinions about him,’| Ver ‘0 in the wor! nste: PICKLING POINTERS. be and kept hots one) trimmings and for peateaben use 1 0 ‘what they: wer clam. {of the seal hide they fashion a har- . 3 i je ee ce Re Ss a slthe fall styles, ‘They are in wes ors for details of the revolution which |ness, to abuse the term, and the) oj ae eats eae eans.—Take any amount |three eggs; one eup Br: black, mother-of-pearl, and dyed | em! is Tel dogs were left to pull. | A das helps and S D of n beans; string and cut fine, }gar- Beat the e yolks of the eggs: | shades. Sometime: he sits hour after hour | eq wonderfully in urging them on, | essence, | when, the milk is ap ATP GPE it forms Then sprinkle them with salt, Jot, | Dann me diadolved with the gelatin |” Glass and enamel buttons show deep in melancholy meditations, He | and it has been by the lash that the | eastile soap, revced to powder and. % er econ oh ee i » over Y i ost Be inene eS tee i RTE bouPat hie chee Mieieklg atari it. Add ena Denies: Lets Fee | gratalived tims on. bis pisthday: Abdul thas dave has been kept since | one 5 a Grant OA pte ip BES dogs, ete., mounted in silver. ‘amid wep! aid: s once a | those ing for ‘the above time |sueer, Bracua ty: ‘Then eens ecially designed for fu great Sultan, and therefore you ee ntle, as the Eskimo may be, SEs OR A Sapna. stiould be AS st s dinary dairy Ae ior =] squeeze out the water thet ie ineipredually into tHe “cream, aeeiay oer telds of gold tis- |only mock me when you congratulate | the ‘dogs’ they are savage Nace bop abbot Gh aioe deere hac pom type), it in anserte them and pack in a stone crock in/out any more cooxing add whites y a chiito' 5 r light |me in my humiliation. The E: y md Bt anor ; t skim milk, hi ; f eggs beaten stiff, flavor with va- sue or gold beaded chiffon fo ‘Abdul. Hamid yi onan eon Soeur teed hairdo least, During the time it (thonld, according to the beet in: the following way : First, puto lay-|o ipaes Pesta ith va; |yowns are lovely, and set off the ‘Abdul “Hamid is Intensely lonely. /ting and the first word given | should by shaken more ot less. con: abopld. _gosraine seal er of beans, then a very thin one |nitia, oF wine eon A pane ot Mie qoarenito: cha bemtaad~|icoug: lary eacremntulin hae at stranger on arrival at some port) stantly. ‘The eucumber, juice in add, | Pesbeations: yet made, resch.& Ive of salt, just enough to salt them put it in, When cold remove to a lowed him into ‘captivity, has deserted | yo th, be is to keep hands|ed when the soap is dissolved, and weight of 500 Ibs. at five months, A ! ; meager aH BE declaring that his tather was so | Where they may be is P | ae : . Hotld“ne midarad well. ‘Then upon this place another | serving dishes ane serve with lady |’) chlo breasted coats are alrays lant and nervoi off, even ag for petting. the liquid is then turned into a ani gain should be made er of ms an! fingers. This makes spoilt for popular with girle Shephie ize could endure life in his Never, under any circumstances Into this first. almond oil and |the rate of from 4c to Se a day @ontinue this until the crock is }fifteen people en is fine. Thocks, plaids, tweeds, homespu edn ede Din, hie! ta fe natives advise, slip, or the dogs then the benvoin are gradually add- |The nearest substitute to this Sapa filled, ‘Then put a white cloth on — velvet 1 Pemorduroy make up effec. | Whom he desired to leave his crown, + will be upon Woucandst ere have ed, whipping all the time with e sil: in point of cost per daily gain, pro- p of the crock and set it in a cool USEFUL HINTS. 1. hos repudiated Deen grim fatalities, indeed. x fork. 1 com |duice @ yain of 11-4 Ibs. per day at wks eats astone Sy. it merely dot). Sey cilee ave rea |p, cn a Hall yy nr do hot HS eta onan el al |, nt pode, el ab followed the beans will last for an et a. frequently of nown missionary doctor of Labra- i eing tight- 1 7 ton can be cleaned in cornmeal. oun re frequently of] to summon a compet a anata area es | TanTS napkin and. tablecloths bd Gmbroidured batiste or of ma {to attend. her in her ila dor, has taken up the matter of sub- It should be stake be ies ee ee ee eee use, put them in a colander and)o cid never be starche vine in two different shades, finish. | ,C uriously stituting the dog with reindeer. ae a ree dea woutae ok SHOES: rinse thoroughly. Then parboil and prepare in any way desir The beans are delicious and taste the though they had been same as freshly picke Oncumber Catsup.—Select large ovin: then, Drain the pulp Bee and a half cupfuls allow halt a of ng Before chopping parsley wash it well, and lien equetie diy ins oth. ‘A very few drops of ammonia in water applied to ao bates sauce, salt and pep- per make delicious vegetable course. When making soup, allow one quart of cold water to every pound sctape with| and moisten. Put ae for the less ornamental type hat "Table sets in black glass with silyer sae are among the lat- est _noyeltie: Tailored nicks are of foulard, figured, with pbs linen or lace turnover colla: mong saveliise atx bustoney pen: from dants in imitation mast black and of jewels and red buttons are fered. BAG and seal and imitation seal liable furs worn ag ever, in spite 0: that the new gousitee Eres do not} ¢. tolerate the pompade Brocaded silks cee aan of all kinds are much admired; so are the printed chiffons and the bor- dered ninons and marquisettes, The newest fad in iaateead this ‘ach autumn and winter will be fur trim- med garments. ‘irl is made of gray gout L095 laited and finished with a. mn with a metal cord ornamen’ Some of the new Vora re finished with rosettes ; the marabout and in either sh of the 1 aby ioe: £ ape at either while the surface of most fabrics ana k A charming ‘all coat for a little ‘4 a2 me cos 4 é the long Set ENLIGHTENMENT. “Father,” remarked Johiny, af- ter deep thought, ‘suppose COWARDLY EX-SULTAN HIS DAYS AND NIGHTS ARE HOR- ROR HAUNTED. He Never Shows Himself at the Wins dows of His Villa For Fear Ho WIll Bo Shot—Bullt a Wardrobe Which He Is Anxious to Sell, But Author!- ties Will Not Let Him—Salonicans Think He Has Made His Escape. © a German publication there is prob- al @ miserable a inder the sun than Abdul. Hamid, the de- sultan of Turkey, who is now ‘@ prisoner in Solonica — 0 prisoner whose one dread, ‘day and night, is at he will be assassina' {Turkey in the garden. Not only does he r ain stubbornly indoors but nothin, will make hum feave the first floor of the villa. He fears to trust: himself on the ground floor lest bombs should ni ous cellar beneath fi to the second floor, for he thinks tt the Fila might be set on fire and he would perish before he { insomnia, he never un- message to his friends. Abdul Hamid knows nothing of the nor Laue flowers /Tonica is convinced that A en longer @ prisoner at Salor e town—says that everyone no longer i ody could garding his my until the Buglish woman. chance: on a Macedon i ed to know the true fac “Do you no’ Sra each of ri pper fee BEiNeat auld knock this jug off the mae paprika, a teaspoonful of salt, half} When i bite Hen {2nd catch it, then I woulda't catch | about to be married? You know of a nful of celery salt and five eH preseng «thick: “woolen ae ould T rse that there was no wedding. tablespoonfuls of horseradish. Mix, tr ts He tar ete ye pecauie we) Ne no, I suppose not," hiv father | They went away by nig! well, pour into jars and geal ies Se eee eee Ed paid Well, ied vere monies end ety ce ” were 13 of the: miy came in an eae Ponte Chotnepe Chat. eee clothes in warm water i But, urea a eet 1s went away, and one of them Ht sas neon night previous to washing, for it ve yng AL ASeeat h d_very much id had a very fi ney of green tomatoes is a most de- | (37 hi + ak knock it off and not catch it, then | ing step. It was Abbey this was the Tey et ecaaaeve, One that is by no |citates the operation, and lessens /7 ould catch it, wouldo ¢ 117 ta cM aAReale tO SAKE: SeoF cack | TR TREE TEMES. cioalty {em 8 wuld? his fathes| "Do you think I have. no relations ck of green tomatoes allow eight | .Wue thending the difhen'ty | grimly returned, this ma with with the shopkeepers pinta? J sage no $3 at fa Meee ome Meeeiy “wath nal, [Heedles lay 0 place of white paper ne cea Zourse T have, 1 know no provi Mee erthen ctand fom twenty sour seme’ tee eve and it will “b ae sre. delivered at the. Villa Anat Sauce Next day onttat Mf che hin Lisi. 965 PROOF. since that night depariare, and 4 : She tearetablea imta"eh ee an ohoweear bad, ig cured | cay: Hanks Wibe: Uaatal UluaTe, pucraas «he Gone ue quor, put the vegetables into a}. an inion Pe csaraiiie an Boil? ens ees ot gf tere tater to the Yous Tank party large saucepan, sprinkling in with |; A noes of thie. also | ueraget at large sum of ene it had. in i e and a wingers Add enough vinegar to “over and beat gradually, almost to tho boiling point, till’ the vege- tables are tender. It is now ready "Huntloy’s Pickles, —Three quarts {°° peeled and sliced cucumbers (the eucumbers. musi not jarger round than a 50 cent mere) one quart peeled and sliced onions, two sweet peppers, using the seeds of Soak the vegetables in parate dishes of weas brine fk appote three hours, mda 0) tummeric, eieard seed. When cool add half cup grated horseradish. Pour over the pickles, mix well; put in jars and seal. You will never re- gret jee this Resi: Z TASTY RECIPES. Breakfast Dish—When the cream of wheat is ready to serve chop quickly five Huan sweeten with | a little confectioner’s sugar and aft teaspoon of lemon juice, and pass through a sieve. Servo this with the wheat, with or without cream. Cora.—With a sharp knifo cut the cora. from the cob. Don’t cut tt to the eb, Lut about one flower left over, boil tw: vy | large in wide-mouthed bottles or sp ing water, and paiiven flatulence and the giddi- ness of indigestion, “If you have a Enncek of ¢auli- or viree onions, cw and onions together, with a cream and serv to put all scraps, bits if cotton and other odds and ends. In this way sau sean NS nice Plas in a steamer and steam Tor @ hows and a hall, ‘Thes are ting ncevee BE with mashéd potatoes, the machin machine work two threads are used instead of oné, and the cotton used ee So a3 Es g 3 3 ES S g S = z ed butter sprinkle Tightly with 4 Adapt bake ona retina that in boiling and ting meat loses a great deal of eight. Beef will lose nearly a pond jp every fonr, Vor this rea- n pics and stews are more ¢ caren than joints, and the entire nourishment of the meat ia preserv- od. & up canhnower aelf? pas fifteen minutes; serve very |) me hear: ‘Well, replied the oratoress ‘doosn’t he always on He of t DIDN’T PROPOSE TO HURRY. please you oe! the docti OBSERVATION OF PA. Little Willie—‘Say, pa, what’ the difference between a pe ser: vant and ae other kind Ng that the public ¢ his job longer ind” fae the at Seott, artha—‘‘Gre: Jolin. what are you for?’ John—‘‘Well, the forgetfu little scamp took doctor told him ovis 80 a demanded one of her grab the cream the wale hottle for him- —"T just can’t bear to going to take quick Roiecy just to he eee Hi son, 39 rvant tries to hold part of | other ) shaking that boy his medicine, and forgot to shake tee bottle like the “You'll be the ha happiest man on, tan’s eae “He had taid ho lind rather die than t he gave. it. to be removed trem ntinople or wherever he’ wanted 40 In aie of this, rather staring gee you smoking, John. ‘The doc. te these is. but tor says it is slow w poison,” e an avaieeth a Her Hi Husband—'‘Well; I’m not ane ‘the Tonsatlonalista that the ex- Bullen is spending his fearful days and still more featfal nights in the echoing v jonica Brads is an alloy of tin and copper, - land afilysis of the reek existing specimens demonstrates: that it was formerly mantfactured in the propor. tions of one part of tin to nine: of copper. A notics he discovery and use of both wrding to the’ Bible, 1 4,004 and Ohi aay Ord. 1 One Type of Woman. fhe thzoat and tod 3| women if thoy would like the right of ;? suggested the kindly tle. | suffrage, and ney har the mal A I know,”’ an. Reais not, ny it Eee ete ap jicat “strong mind:” Br inl sw peseetst the convict. “I’m in here Meet eanily-such a woman could vote, Sere even though the polls were crowded. She would seize.a ballot, brush aside ~ ; the mere men who, were in her w: % and, hing into the booth, deposit PEGIRS her vole— is inevitable as the sum avicklv stops coughs. cure, colds, beale oe natare sonies ‘or any of the phenomena se dering thi the night | b. m to room until finally Ab- dul Hamid falls ewhausted and elum- bers fitfully on a couch... He works ai 1,635 years before tha | ons NV Ost # @ Hes been Canada’s favorite 9 Yezst over a quarter of a century. Enough for 5 cts fo produce 50 large loaves _ of fine, wholesome, nour- ishing, home-made bread. Bo net experiment—there is nothing “just as good.” E. W. GILLETT CO.LTD. Winnipes “OPONFOs OMT* stontrent PE ‘ E. Awarded highest honors at @ all Eapoiitions, "THE - GENTLE REINDEER | LABRADOR HOPES IT WILL BE OF GREAT SERVICE. —-~— Dr, Grenfell is in Fayor of It as a Substitute for Dog. No little child on a carpenter durin; contly he finished making a. lar Mien with the coming of the aint PREVENTION OF WRINKLES, wardrobe. Strangely eno? his one |deer there follows the passing of 2 desire is to find purchaser for it that necessary pest of the South, | Mow to Refine Skin and Build Up y is at he needs the y. |the i ‘ ii Pia eel nae te eee ia lie oud gs kes ees nthe Farm the work of his hands is of monetary ss ‘3 ‘hed that it t is easier to prevent erin Nigragierbige: his, wardovs torslente Getto TAPPSY remarked that if! than to get rid of them, and if wo- He eee tin away from the |men ever got to the North Pole, it) men would remember this there dis to be sold, but his request is re- | Would be by the aid of these dogs. | would be fewer lined faces and much ou fused invariably. The Turkish Goy-| Long, long ago, out of the wild ot the effect of uld be kept | CALF FOOD SUBSTIYUTES. emment fears ihat within the wood- | somewhere, an Eskimo aot a wolf| away. Cucumbers inexpensive 5 there were others wi example, and s0 each had a wolf—| to h log,’’ to use the North—to draw is a gentle beast; food iarough the rds garments: “To most folk,’ of reindeer to the castle. fact, “The skin, they ans their tents. sort. butter made from (Of [bits indeed in the ast of burden, the deer is the| a bei best friend of the gives you, as state -NOT TO PET The next a to gna among. ther n the ane which aie in close ere largely. tled slightly, with ee cooked for the snow trails fields, it is only fe: Tadh ‘he: enti" pack, that keeps shoots to kill, -e the men: in IN EF Lady EE under you You've got a fine wage. ived had a w ed him. THE REINDEER gives milk and fest and its hide af- the Labrador ts: Nhe iapartio. ninsula of Labrador seem: proverbial carrying of Soalete New most folk, to con- fess the truth, have a preconceived he bone are worked into utensils The milk and t qaog, and not our American nerth at Tie Aa) ees of adviee a native | ja for themselves, feasting on, the fish he offal of the fishing settlements jful creatures, snowy white or mot ter, however, their tites know no latitudes. At th They are great beau-| “simplicity and ie ity, that 18 Keeping the stable clean and whole- whit 1 attributes my ¢ good hea alth to,” brown. Lord Stratheona sai cently, on his voracious appe- | nineticth birthday Two meals’ 's POTASH CREE” UP LIME. is al che be A to i , and Ae caale aa ven on his birthday he nee Me a ex: hen potash galts are applic “aa nerve hot eeption a he rule ons eid a soil the potash’ enters into com- o'clock, breakfusted at mine, aud | bination with the soil lime, and is ea As Guay tile never, MiGs Harnessed up and driven alon; nah with his thirty-foot sealekin e dog turn phe ther of the Northland who have been devoured by. their dogs. of the norte o'clock found him Conadian ar of the driver's | offices discharging his duties:as High {also a form in which a He & whip and knowledge of bis skill, by | Commissioner, andyfie aid not leave {both that until eight i nee - ay aed st dss Biers : a {tie 5 -dinner. jas been said that potash uses al any dog int the Otten. his. lordsh ned to na sie, and limo uses up potash, his office after dinner and. worked till | Teds for this reason thot farmers pe and te past. midnight. Because. light wha ape. in’ the Labits of applying eee tie Sean Danie ee AM a potash salts in Laaed quantities to by the. nickname of ‘The Light- their wile ie ag ropules grow- % use,” rs au and mangolds a eh be oaealil ever hes years meh a give a dressing of Ti » other- ‘DEN. the crop may suffer ‘from a. Z n had a good t (to Het gepceben = Jal; fale eer eth serpent i addition to being a necessary 5 ‘experienced: boatman. plant, t food, e_also. sao anne an }1 you need is a eee the ee ao see that ever parted in Su TEA & COFFEE FAVORITES “MELAGAMA™ THEIR POPULARITY IS BASED. ON @2P imPoRTANT POINTS Gag HIGHEST PLEASING. Quality & Fiavor the Eskimo Christmas Eve The Eski- ond one of the vent things that can |, bulletin issued by the Corie) La “the method, ot extracting the liquid sb etter The report, states the cant name of his sleigh. peel A “all. it and ther and loss in calf-rearing, and Le finds its own} @ Ae a i these experiments they we 2 ahr est snow; it : rely prevented by giving ee ae Beacons ec sare tuoooful of soluble blood ines pith heen to. two. oundes of tha’ juice, | Caen feed This, we are told, is they relate o} bbing this in after applying old really blood from a slaughter- cream, This is to be® regard house, dried and ground to @ pow der. inexpensive, wider use of it might be profitable. bleach and, astringent and not ear reat fr 74T pe- & “fice the | tissue build is like the FACING COW OWS IN OR OUT. The pro and con of this question Bu Fe pert of the British mu- seum in a lecture the other day warn- ed Jay buyers of precious stones in. sapphires aud now be days, rubies, will last for a long time. uses made of See be condition remember, fur-| the produ "The ho: ie and rity faboratory was all but impercept- stabled and fed 200 days in a year, = |the paramount question is, which “i is the most sanitary, which is the |hest: for the purposes of yentila- 5 |tion. On this point we have no 5 the Tatest synthelie. stones indeed o perfect that even under a mi- onoo pe heir genuineness or not it are rare tid- | North, while as i natural product cannot be peniive | | hesitation to declare our preference > d ly quarantes: -|for the facing out system. Under % : habitant of Lap- |. European rokers are very. | the King ste: of yentilation Be chary of lendin, alee ‘on rubies es- | whic! most perfect the fres : euuy, aud consequently’there is'n:| lie comes direct’ to the cow's nos- 4 si ane aor pocket The, | {rte and the maniire ip most reed- d-above, is wen rns Ie Witede colled removed daily, as it should be. The barn or stable should be 36° ¢ feet in width. This gives the most economic use 2 ieipbes and ar- @ alley, stall» aieeae gE is well to be governed this perioulie by the paramount e) tions of rubi orld. The St. Set are court jewelers estimate tho! we in val ait "s rubies at Ivo age Sanit time 0 he triel | fe out a policy.of ipeurniite 60 then, Ah no company would aecept THE DOGS. rd against falling the dogs forage > to shore, oF on iia “The Ligh then eae to, deal with His eR 6 | gonverted into a forin in whieh A is available for the crop, stanch peehecd and an enthusi- deficiency of this constituent. house and a good wife. You Shiloh such a run of ill lu 63 Cun yA Weel.” sald, the ‘man, “be had of een substances, Li quislly, stops, souls, cures coldas nae whuskie, Cae 3 ee: him where | ously employed, is one thcoet aud Tung. tie duit ime te soils, 9. i ee soak tends dear tarnibe oe S cents. there was nac