THE MILVERTON SUN Ww" Sideboards; Dressers, Tables, Chairs and Beds. likes to know that she is getting the newest and best from a stock that has unlimited variety to show. Stratford is the place to give you this. advantage and good furniture at the right price—that means White's. The Greatest Variety of Furniture for September Brides | is shown in Stratford-- at WHITE’S EN it comes to selecting a houseful of fine new furniture, a bride likes to see row after row of She Furniture Dealers and Undortakers 80 Ontario Street R. WHITE & CO. STRATFORD mw OS Suggests an extravagant use But, as ge mire pure ney: ‘constantly on the rise, - Genuine Jewelry cape pesearent than money hay The Flash of a da lead P. H. JEWELER and OPTICIAN Eyes tested Free. - An experienced Sonos says 4 to mewspapers of mone’ enuine Jewelry and Stones that er wear out, and now-a-days We have been seling aN ad (Spos S 1 < ZG We have just receiv- ed our fall shipment of the famous Invic- tus Shoes, and invite " BASTENDORFF Milverton, Ont. you to call nc Hees FALL TERM NOW OPEN t, The Listowel Business College Studends may enter any time, EDWIN G, MATTHEWS, Principal them, For particulars, address WELLESLEY. Mr, and hare A. Kress. of Galt. spent a woek here among friends and ‘rolatives and ware the “guests.of Mr. and Mns, 0. D, Mis Adeline Bosker’ of Stratford. ving .a few. Hollde ays poten she is Peace nt her hose mie attended the mberg, wast Ane guest - Mr. Hy. ‘Slrebel ie a few days last wee Mrs. Froehlich has “disposed of her is offering sale on Saturday ee will be sold W ithpat reservi Mr. and Mrs. Je ehaeter, of Poole. spent Mon! in}town, Mr. and Mrs, Philip pleasu (Mr. of Galt. after having sufficiently recovered from an attack’ of typhoid is svending a week here ue ray parent vid Walton who has been tilling a & very creditable’ ‘position on the C.P.R. is spending his holidays at his home here, On pha and. Friday of last week 01 her attended the meet- ings oft Tebe. Teachers’ Institute at = | Stratford. of ithe potatoes have stored away—the- farmers taking a very, fine weather . Cooker, af Cifuton; epefit Suns aay ja Hacer meht is tightly beeter al- mn.dit: still. quite sii he ae S001 Sees and be abou! his work \wia. Joe ‘Wingefetde r. of Stratford. ith his mother Mrs. in a very from some attendéd by midt is dis fe, Smith. ‘of Mitchell. 4 pease dor Wingefelder. of St with her aunt ford. spent Sunday Mrs. Wingefeld iss _Aumle Tipping spent Satur- day and Sunday at her home — in Listowel. (Mr, Geo. Diehl has his cider mill in| *¥ ree shape now and is ready to apples into older and elder tnto Se ies pope butter, CROSSHILL. Dootot Glaister has a gang of men| 11 busy mak Laie extending his tele- phone Mr. as Mrs. Wm. Hastings spent Sunday at Baden. rs, Anticknap and on Maggle spent Sunday with friends in Atw ood, Mr, and Ben Plas ord, (Waterloo. visited at The Haste is M Mrs, Shantz. of Minnesota. ment etew days at the home of Mr, Noah Shant Mis wad Mr of Inner- kip, called om friends in Crosshill. d John | Schwei moved" hi family and ‘household ehtebia ta Hers lin on Monday MORE eee CURES i | Added to the Long List due to This Famous ad G Glanfo: nad Station, er “T have take: dial, Pinkham 3 table wo’ have recommended it, ‘8. HENRY Crark, Glanford Salton, Ontario. VILLIAMS, i B.D. No, Box 30, Gardiner, Maine. ‘ause your case is a difficult. one, one: you ap without bglving dia E. Pinkham’ = vege! It si do aeork pan not continy Lyd pound a. trial. fi regula pains, Yaakache, was ie feeling, i ‘ous sh eR Bat the result Se: wo lio ¥ suffer ring wo! If you w: Se special areca write forittoMrs.Pinkham, Lyi nn,Mass, It is free and always he) Wks but a trifle orth mil- n. LUTHERAN ee AT EL- he weetern coiifer: ion in St. James ehureh. Wednesday an ek, interesting of|a of Mr. [ore a hel vise ad bie decode Supper in amnesia n ee mis- Race, Canadi ne po: “retam ast nach on his home $h Mitchel » Luth- eran Canada Synod she ay its Fa Sess- | : ELMA COUNCIL. ‘the mustiefpal « ‘oul of the town- of Elma mi aes in fe Sere Ball, Atwood, Members p and “allznest by the Reeve and Clerk, nications were filed, A petition alge presented to the eee il for the improvement of a part o} the Maltland sven. y som, eeonded by Scott. that (he ‘Geanices forward fo the treasurer of Moni on the amt due. said township of Momington ace oor report and assessment on the Lang font ved ‘by Dickson. Seconded Coates that crmwiey & McDonnell te engineer's certifies 8mj pean by ian to Listowel Agri joultur- y Mr. Scott Divtesn that and Beopused Conn & paid the sum ‘of ‘$850. 00 tas per en- by Mr. Smith and. seconded by. - Dison son can ae. i¢hol- BOL ce. the sum of $150.00 ae es val ithe cx ibre co Buri ai Spain as per engineer's ce ~ tifieate. A-large mumber of accounts were ei paid, to Boa eon eccinso8 were struck a ithe Topeal to have a . Foster and G Struck off the list were dis- SINGLE FARE -|FOR HUNTERS att stations on Chalk Rivet to Port fo enae ineiubive and to beat. hunting points in Quebee aid New Brunswick, Oct. 20 to Nov. 12 dibwry ta the S00, Have. all stations to Sharbot ‘and on the m. his home here, Mr. d Mi Fer- | i HAWKESVILLE, Mrs. Hawley spent several days in Berlin last week ir.) Weidenhammer spent a tow. apg. val iting friends in Water- foa last. week. Mr one Hilker spent Sunday at ts. Addison Beisel and tamil, iting friends in and heat, daw kesville-wn Banday. Mr tin, Klemmot, of Gdlgary. Weldenhammer's end Hew keoville friends a peer Tuesday with apt new, Me E net Berlin’ ‘Mis oudlove, of Toro Al ne at Ucerent visiting tri fends in Bae was visiting at Dr, m paid t al last oe home Sun ay. Mrs. eek ener. we visiting trey friends last day Misa re aG ren one. trons Watt Tast Sunday, Mr. Tom Walker who spetit some sek “in eo returned to his hotne Jast Satur Miss Louisa Huefner is spending the aeakoont 3 ae friends at Berlin. ermons Were much Perfection in Tailoring Is Our Aim PRE In the garment we make you you are’sure of absolute satisfaction in material, fit, style, workmanship. ‘We don’t fail to. please in a single particular, The choice of mater- ial rests with you, but the execu- tion of your order rests with us, Let us prove to you how well we can do our patt. J. FLEISCHHAUER id Gent's “Mm ilverton eons OCTOBER, ROD JAND GUN Big game hunting is to the fore in he So and. Gin Ww. anes. Moose and both bound and r inclination in ma ae he variety of ground 1 probably ie a for ihe é continued a wide imterest. aroused by the sporting ae eantages ain pos! 3 of Cana Ee EVEN A CLERGYMAN MUS? LIVE. cago Tribu At the ater Tow Methodit con ference this week fronted with mo less ane itty: them trom few resignations, most of nt id mot live upon the + 0 ts 9 81.200, ‘at ten from four ht years it anseeecs and study okey found he sed cost of living z a sin ion ~impera will eitoanhers. others wilt "0 | is piste yh my i rh A Ee Stallions and Fillies FOR SALE! rom one to cight years ald, Be- Hevea by oper sade to be the best all-round shipm ieee ever left the Cly. belonging 4 one man. ie and see them we don't want your mol il we ask for is your note or gopd arse Dl are to be sold an al the nrioes are right. Inspestion cordially invit JNO. SEMPLE, Milverton, Ont. Phone connection, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLECE Stratford, Ont Our courses are practical, teachers are Experienced and our graduates stc- d. he demand upon ns for help upply. Write for our atologse. D. A, McLACHLAN, snvegeorevosoooooeee’ $ = Principa, BUTTER (1-LB. PRINTS) 27c Per Lb. Must be Full Weight EGGS 28c Per Doz. = We guarantee to pay as much for _ produce as any store and in most cases higher. Better Than Ever WALL PAPER, Housecleaning time is now on, if you are CARPETS in need of any LACE CURTAINS WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY In fact, we guarantee to save you money on all purchases TRY US! We Give You 15 Per Cent. Off For Cash Give us a trial and see what we can do for you Ghe Satisfactory Store SCHAEFER’ ‘MILVERTON Fowl Ducks Chickens 12c th. Geese .. 9ic Ib. Bring your Fowl in Thursday and Friday morning. 9c Ib. 9;C Ib.