Milverton Sun, 20 Oct 1910, p. 7

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ws DRU-CO[HEADACHE|WAFERS | 25c, a Box at your druggist's, Gu: antec tee “aie y Ppa arene. a Ceate ‘or other poltenous, arogs, es ie ee » Limited, es No THAT AY KIND. atives Were Prightenca at the 4 Name of Glycerine, Life in Ireland is never devoid of _ xtationed at Queenstown, in ae ~ he had his full share, He narrates > in ‘Two Admirals” that it Tecana Ay phorhion of the cargo to be 1. stored, and thought no more it, * i ea that every life was in, from the de: compound stored under one of the principal offices of e town council assembled, and re; fed th gathered at, the in agitated crowds joom in foratortable hip. vainly contended that it could é nothing but pure glycerin, — > in, is it?’ said the Well, there’s mighty little difference pelea pure gly- | cerin and impure glycerin, and the #hip must be off before we have the lace Jf pions coe ears.’ Well, gen- “tlemen, y ie intsoglyoerin, Lar will explo ta oak jag i put in a field and I fire a shot at it, Will this satisiy yOu After much deliberation, this handso' SS the lie stages of disease. and Ji Dempsey had Ogreat, nee a ie was the ~ comment of the wd, as they fol- lowed at mate ‘they believed to be a safe dista pended: our way into the ee ae by the prayers igs of all the old women of aeboth s lets phere met en-route, © , in lifting the des into tho field, far from all hum: ‘habitation, one of the bearers sad “bled and 2lmo: T can still recall the town gota crouching » among the brambles of a distant hedge, and watching oats expect- ant hee xe manifest intention of ant tig! The Hee hit the cask fair and square, and amidst an awful silence few slow tears of glycerine ooze “out and trckled down its side, That % SUG ga LAND CF BUSY WOMEN. nts of Plenty for Them to Do tn the Sean- a jan North, Fair pais Ea eyes and a brilli. : e characteristic of men, says a Chris- tian Hvala seatel. “She is ae and’ s in her manner, and h 2 Aelia Raboit mak that iiekes _ one feel that she will be able at all e homes in farm- ing Gets as ah as in villages and tow The Panini woman was ev where ometimes she was to be the women were to the Rowena ot Ttamust not, however, be undez- ‘ood from this that. the wore of ceed: “Norway are mere household coe are not given to making a am told they Hee 80 their homes that they ate not time for such things, et read about important matter: {thought you must belong to a Wire forest in that district. itives looked upon the animal as ; and it they met one they W. themselve: natives, attacking before, but avoiding the men. white eee TAs men who bx poet satisfied % with Whitevié ie a treal AN UPRIGHT JUDGE. George TIL, Tried to Influence Mini, But Failed. Without’ disparagement popleeise ade it ma; rmed that the proudest name in the ju- aici caaale of the eighteenth cen- n Great deicein was that of recent ‘Glimpses ‘of the Twenties,’’ William To: ynbee relates the dlsamatic: incident by which his lord- ship ea: 1 distinction, to his fob, a ace as upright as he was able, h: selected re- side. Ff a trial in naa the panies, - of the day were only less eager to obtain a verdict than the king him- self, whose conduct, in the cause of “personal ipovesatianh, st was far from irreproachable, morning of the trial, nat as the judgo had taken his seat, messenger in the royal liver: ater he court, and being ushered up to the pence presented to his lord- ship a leti Before Pieeise it the judge exam- med the cover which was sealed e royal sign mi With every eye ei court upon him, and in the midst of a profound hush, Mr. Justice Yates turned to the messenger, and handing back tho unopened letter, said: “You will take that back to whence it came,’’ George III. was wise enough to profit by the lesson. le never again attempted to tamper with the fountain of justice. :|WAS UP AGAINST HARD COMBINATION BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS VANQUISHE» THEM ALL. Sundridge man suffering from’ @ra- yel, Diabetes and Dropsy finds an Easy and complete Cure. Sundridge, Ont., Oct. 1 i Diabetes and Tie tice ates, externally a ‘with the royal pont: of arms and bore THE PRINCE OF WALES. His Father Wishes Him t Good Shot, Rider and Cricketer, The young Prince of Wales is na- turally a sportsman, but his father crickter, knowing well eeeeoelehuaadis: appeal erowd in this country. made aa excellent impression lately a eription to the club, who, ee years, was enjoying a and he followed this up well ii Castle between the Royal House- hold and a local te: For the first time the young Prince has this season been out in regard to fishing he is not so een or so expert as his brother, Prince Albert, who can already “east a fly’ as well ad many of his xt sport to which the Tee ae Wales will he initi- trained at Sandringham. to Windsor, go through a course of riding and jumping at the Cavalry Barracks under the tuition of a » King George does not, ailewsthie Heit Becane to a of port and nothing else, is stil! eas his old aor Mr, Hansell, a giant of six feet four inches, who exacts ing vacations, a Balmoral are’ spent. in study and e ealled “lessons in he boy devours Fe pistons » but His manner is extremely serious see and he has the ‘‘shy frown’ ‘ich he has Snherited a his mo- th een Mary, who, by the way, a aaily serie i her reputation for thing more than a peculiar forma- tion of the eyebrows inherited from Duke of father, who was in reality one © the jolliest of mankind, as are his sons, Prince Alexander Sa ante Francis of Teck. that his life is in the gravest ape ger, unless like George Vanhooser, a well-known foncong of this place, he finds the simple and natural cure. hooser tells, ae eu his know every w it is true had pains in my back across the loins. My stomach ean swell, I was oointipntad and T had sharp outting pains in m ler, which made me suse gee I was suf- fering from rible Gravel. The doctor etendea A me, but I kept getting worse ever, “Others had told i Pot the great good Dodd’s Kidney Pills had done them and I determined to try them. Bix boxes made a new man me. Gravel, Dropsy and Diabetes are is to use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. They never fail to eure any form of Kid- ney Disease FACING STARVA A Fish Famine Threatens the Peo- ple of Kamchatka. Complaints have. reached St. Petersburg from Kamchatka that. the population of that peninsula is threatened with famine this win- ter ‘owing t ey = the abetige eat, The report has caused always bee! idered one of the richest uniter in the world as re- gards 5 Since 1906, however,. Japanese 6 feletaca) by blocking the estuar- have caught or destroyed mil- Tidna of fab at spawning time, when they travel in immense shoals from the sea up the rivers. The native imitated this ‘pro- the result that the reams are now prac- tically intided of fis, and the poor people ave facing starvation. Sexe alee nae 5 | Minard’s Liniment Cures Burns, Ete. MODERN MYTHS. Painless dentistry. Unshrinkable underwear, Tasteless Castor oil. Quick dei isabablert tives. Dustless dusters. Little Margie—Do you belong to a brass band, Mrs. Braggs? The a What put that Little Margie ; mamma Said You were see your own horn, so I band. a surprise; pecaiey Kamchatka has SAVED THE DAY. debusch, in the grand duchy of Mecncaiires Schwerin, Germany, in celebration of the birth of the grand ducal heir decided to fire the regulation salute of 101 guns. ancient cannon was hauled out for the purpos the firing began, Unfortunately the powder ran short the nety-third shot, and there were no means of obtaining any more in the town, The burgo- master was in despair, te te as nil the grand ducal b: this moment. the ramet band- master came forward with a lumin- us proposal, which was eagerly ac- ted; spatched his big aru major to ae market p! where he struck. eight Benen strokes on his instrument to make up the 101 shots, and thus the situ- ation was saved. SS GIVE BABY A CHANCE. Don’t dose the baby with sooth- i narcotics—they elp any You might just as well dose the grown up man or woman with opium or cocaine—the result would be the same—a permanent injury to mind and body. When abe is ill give him a medicine that will cure— free from injurious . Such a medicine is Baby's Tablets, baby do them ass gan Tablets ahaa’ aN where there aye small children. We gave them to our eae ae en he was teething and the natured and healthy,” are sol edic mail at a box Bow mn uate Metin Co., Brockville, ae We can’t help liking the man who doesn’t say thinks when Mhis hat blows off and rolls in the mud. KILLER is ane figlach the ete and ifn surest vem diarrhoea. As a there 55) but one “Paink' —S6e. and Sc. ‘tier’ “Perry Dav Only ‘a woman who has been @ spinstet for a number of years can fully appreciate a husba Minard's Lintment Relieves Neuralgia. RATAER-IN-LAW'S CHANCR, Said Mr. Bullion to nis intensled son-in-l. ‘Haye you fixed ap the dale for the wedding yet, young m “That,” replied young man, “q shall eave canoe to Mary. “And ae kind of an affair is it going to be? Do you want it done in eifle, or would ycugpreter it jo be a quiet show?” he young eee tenticeres for a moment. “T think, a I Hons leave that Sue to Mxs, Bullion.’ And what is the amount of pour income “Oh, at, sit’? answered tle pleasant, young fellow, “I—T leave that entirely to you, Afr. Bullion!” Minard’s Liniment for sale everywhere, popular ground aiiperintandent of a} 5 next month, when the Court returne ibe ek, Queen Mary’s |} WHEN HEALTH IS RUN DOWN o | 4 Tonic Such as Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills is Promptly Needed. When the health is run down from any. seuss whatever, a tonic is needed: leeling of weakness, poor ps ee of breath after overwork or worry, or again the may be due to the after effects -of fever or some wasting illness. what ever the cause the trouble lood, which tones and sect every nerve and Syeey ad a severe: arate of When I recovered medicines, but without avail, For months 1 oul hardly go up stairs, a walk I was always obliged to ‘ake a ae with me to help me home A docto: ie hea again been eailea 4 in, but he said I would grow out of it in time and gave me more medicine, but instead of gaining I kept getting worse, and was at last obliged to take to my One day while ying reading I chanced to co! ‘oss a cure made by Walliams’ “pink cule hat this de- to try them. Before I had eokea the pills ints I began to feel i improvement and my friends also said I was beginning to k like my old self again. From ne on the improvement was steady, continued to take the Pills that the cure was complete. Several years have pasted since then and s I have remained in the best. of ones warranted in saying that the cure is permanent, and f bri Williams’ Pink Pills are a ie faVsmericine declare otal Wa ad by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Williams’ ville, Ont. JUST MISSED FORTUNE. Burglars Laid Approaches Well | 9) But Flinciled at the Pinch. Wright & Hodgins, of Vyse street, Birmingham, England, left $200,000 worth of gold and platinum in a safe in their strong room over Auiay, three enterprising burglars came within half an inch of getting it. Duncan, Vokes and Davis, are es names ot the burg- lars who ar aiting trial, and Hhouet in nite life they were only respectively, rubber merchant, flag fades audsencueh driven thee to have understood all the ategy and tactics of the burg- all except driving the moved in some stuff to make it look as if occupied. . Beginning on a Saturday afternoon when every- inches thick. put them in Wright and Hodgins SURMG Sais ta Cees eae Now they with its pens Sick steel de asbestos. A hole was to ous through that with an oxy-hy: blow-pipe, and only el remained between them the $200,000, But something aie turbed them, and they left srittolié y mu $1,000 Pha Soeting ree La FORTY. TWO Y TARS SIN PRISON. ‘A woman, aged seventy-four, who was sentenced to twelve months’ imprisonment at the London Ses- sions recently for stealing two skirts from a shop in Edgware road, was stated to have spent forty-two years in prison It’s mighty hard being: patient patience: half an ineh “of pile: cores colds, heats ickly stops coud! ae ne 2 throat and lunge HE WASN’T 'TO BLAME. “Toromy,”” the teacher, “sou know very well you have no for staying away from seligol day. replied teacher,”” eeaen © oe T kno the jittle “elo. “But ib my sores you sure it wasn’t?” queri- ed the teacher “Yes, ma'am,” answered Tom- ms, e tried my best to aaa up od excuse, but Y. just saute ite —'Yes'm; he didn't a Bese lone ak he got her, MARVELLOUS DRINK CURE, French Physician Treats Dipsoma- nia With New Drug. new and remarkably success- ful treatment of dipsomania is an- nounced by a medical paper. The patient who has been cured was an apparently hopeless case, His ee tor prescribed a drug to be t in minute doses to begin ait = Bt ! “It is a violent poison and can be absorbed nly” gradually. In time the system becomes inured to must be mixed with sat the rate of one drop the first 2 two the sec- ond, and 80 on, ee your system is gle to assimilate gl e drug all aisea\oe your _ ihe salience dutifully: did as dvinking less and less wine as he increased the proportion. of the | drug. At last he drank with plea- sure a glass full of the tia eeu He went to thank the doctor, and said: ‘‘Now, doctor, tell me what that, marvellous drug. was which lias made another man of mé!’” “Water,’’ said the doctor. She i alee) TWELVE. GOLD. WEDDINGS, Remarkable Festival at Little Vil- Jage in Belgium. A remarkable festival took place THE Famous Hd meat ae if a ier Rayo Lamp 2 Sut ie ic ap a boy. Aches ‘There ai , value ef the rai vamp sents re bile 3 If not at yours, write f The National Lifel | Wants Wien NOW ‘The National Life has open- money, Our Policies have every mod- to explain them to a prospect is to surely ‘write him Write for information to-day. at the little town of Morbecque, Belgium, recently. ,when a dozen married’ couples celebrated their golden wedding: For & fortnight the sae ala The National Life Assurance Company tus unparalleled event. the morning the twelve families were serenaded in turn by a band ae ke en ererae to, their years 0 d The ‘oldest ease are M. and Mme. Dehouilt, who have been mar- ried fifty-six years, and they headed the procession of venerable, happy lovers to the church. Never tater had a such a stirring service been held in the little par- ish church, mich was fae deck- rie sermon on conjugal devotion the remony feraaee to the sound ot a wedding m quperaae! bane was given to the twelve families by the muni- cipal councillors. In the afternoon prseen were brought to them by man, woman and child Bris Gag: SEW WHY SUFFER FROM PILES? Zam-Buk Gives Certain Ease. Friction on veins (the hemorrhoid veins) that are swollen, inflamed and gorged with blood, is what causes the terrible pain and sting- ing and smarting of piles. Zam- As applied at night will be found 0 give ease before morning. ag Pearson, of Prince Albert, Sask., writes: ‘‘Last'summer I suf- ie greatly from piles. I started 6 Zam-Buk and found it gave me Beier so I continued it and af- ter using hee or four boxes | was completely ¢ gist tints Baafords Ring's s Co., N.8., says: long from itching piles, uk has now cured me. ane William Kenty, of Mile River, Ha: ae Co. “T suffered of Weston, “T suffered but Zam- Uae ee ies, the pain at time: being almost unbearable. I was t trying various remedies, len I mesin of Zam-Buk, and thought as a last re- Zam-Buk effected other ointments and medicines had failed to do-—a complete cure.” m-Buk is also a sure cure for aiiuijurienfand diseases, oven, ulcers, varicose veins, ‘cuts, burns; bruises, chaps, cold sores, ete. imitations. boys to come |’? Head Office Toronto IODINOL cers most highly efficient app’i he reduction of Swell; live quie uy. mon Sense” tor Piles will do it. Sia vox, £5 re Kes, Mailed receipt of pri MEDICINE LYLE COMPANY, TORONTO WHERE IT WENT. Blobbs—‘So he broke off the engagement, cht Did she take it 0 heart?” Slobbs—“‘No, to court.’? Minard’s Liniment Cures Dendrumt, Wifie—“D’ye know you handsome, Hubbie ”” Yes; it’s a way I have when it gets anywhere near your birthday.’ u're grow- Red, Went. Weary, Water: ry live Relleved By Murine bye, Remedy. Murine For Your Hye ‘Troubles. Will Like Murine, it Soothes, At Your Druggists. Ror five Books: Free, “Murine ety aneay Co., Toronta hey Fat If a young man doesn’ t get wise when he is courting, a girl with a small brother, it isn’t the small brother’s fault, AN U sels fll THING to find a plaster equal to; mM my mamma’s ate rthday,’" I've inyjted amen ‘What. ma you must have,’? bor. ‘Oh, hit about ity i's g going to be my surprise to her! A Well. Known Man, Minard’s Liniment o., Limited, Dear fire,-T_ can recommend your ARDS LINIMENT, for. Rheumatiem ond Bpraing, as 1 havo used it for both with excellent results, Yours $aly UAV ERS THINK OF IT t bed Sik of Mixed Goods Per let. fon Zerertoee na wine yl pean oor aie Whoteate Distrioating Co, Orillia, joe PANO ENGLISH ING: Ee eens oa Ror ANTHD--80U1 ICAN WARRANTS, Highest price Write us 254 pater mutlon. Fox & ma Brokers 8 ; VOL PEER Granite Cement. | Mende aes tn al Kind of Tron, ‘Tuware, wre houtokesper bn U, Nagle, West GENTS, KITHYR SEX. AR YOU ing saa 1 not write fiomedintely or Sar YRE 8 OUFETY of Ho aia he Nichols ASN CAN MAKE $6 DAILY SELLING ranitew are, ide in. two. minutes, Host sale. Over 100%, rm ala at ‘tent. KR ‘compiote. w ates 2 carn twelve to eighioon dallars foler Barber Colle TRADE — Ni, YANCER, tah ‘Lumps, eto, luterni and external, cured without pain ty ir home treatment. Write ug Beton fate. Te. Bellman Medical ‘Oo. ‘Limited, Collinewood. Ont ‘Your Overcoats sal indea Sle wold eos bth pet Uk ngage British American Dyeing Oo. When buying your Piano insist on having an ‘OTTO HIGEL.” Piano Action ASK ME WHAT RAW FURS ARE WORTH Ww. Cc. GOFFATT ORILLIA, - - ONTARIO B i AN Stove Polish is not abe the biggest can fo ir S a messy liquid or powder, which must be re a large can of one Sad If your dealer doesn ate Kenge! Stove Poliat f 4 tock, send us his name and roc, nd we will send a full size tin m Unele Jerry Peebles was return- m the funer: ac- “Well, Ill say one id Josh pratt he it an fort be ptlige way hig ont Oe his sasecr! Sick Headaches ‘are not caused by anything wros ills do cure sick he adhie inctha nenilble way by renisving the constipation or sick stomach which ‘caused them headactie comiag lake -Dr. Morse’s indian Root Pills fend for tree sample to Dept. W. L Na ‘tional Drug & Chemical Co., Toronta ° SOLVED. The teacher had been giving his if anyone could give him a descrip- tion of the insect. For a few minutes there was si- now, boys,’ “said the “Think, when you are all ed-anid asleep, what is the black comes in the , e¥awling along the passage and creeping gradually up utes p21 know, sit,’? said a little boy. Verh at s my. father. the PRESENCE OF MIND. Diner—‘‘Waiter, this knife is ee and the steak is like lea- aiter—'Yessir; do nicely for stropping the knife on, sir.” Not “Yeou city chaps think yeu are pretty smart, don’ + yeou?” drawled the m to one of onr “Never had the pleasure,” reeHeneet the elty boarder, “Waal, by heck, yeou've missed a lot. Now our favorite catchword ia ice.” “Why, that only has three letters, pees should the cic ice be Bo popu- "B e it ts easy to slip on, Hay ba, al —chieng 0 Ne 3 Natut “y noticed me The store We whilst tn day everybody was crowded arome the perfumery cota “That's ou surprising.” “why no’ rad perfume naturally to be 4 scenter of attraction?”—Baltimore American, ‘The most completely lost of all days Is the one on which we have not laughed.—Chamfort. Change that iimping, weclees horse ie es wounds Beall willog cand c1 Keep your horse in the Care it wit Kendall’s Spavin Cure cures without leaving a scar, ‘eminh or white halra-beenuse it Bose orot bist Hav rou Huon stor gears » 4 2 $6, Tixcellent for Te cut use. Sold by all dealer. Ask for free ook “A Treatise Horse” or write us Sa Be RE RS jome men make a specialty of bee ing ponent: Boel, they are watched y_the poli MICA {s the turning-point to economy in weer on tear of wagons. Try a box. ty dealer everywikere. . The Tadehaets Co.,, Outarlo Agents: The Queen €ity OU E>, Lak

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