H.M.SCHAEFER WILLIAM K. LOTH asuee or - MARRIAGE: LICENSES STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL “MARRIAGE: LICENSES ‘ STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 5 ha A MILVERTON, >. ONTARIO = a = pe R ray - a i “ont ‘ ] “Ht Shines Bur, AIL MILVERTON, - ONTARIO ~ Vol. XVILI—No. 19 3 noe aiahiehnmrmieaares ; No, Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, November 17, 1910 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher Sneeev NIRA ASPNSLADINPNSPNSENILNG Begs 290. at: Gustin’s, Newton, quntter prints 240. at Gustin’s, New- NKT The Py > Read Bastendorft's advt. in this eee a bette ne MONE Phil Metropolitan Bank 4 LOCAL. NEWS: Sow & sais oul ois no cusrt tHokets for $1 eash at Geo,| | Mrs Nurse. or any Years a,reai-| | Miss Eveline Holman’ retimned to ‘ § ¢ itor to Toronto thamnee Grain bags at cost for cash at Gus-|day aft a seca ee a ihe Tek) coe ee Pays Special Attention to the Requirements of ¢ Misses Ida MeDermott . Santa tin’s, Neyrton ri rep din epee om erac coat 3 been visiting her : at Sunday wi A F. e : fetents i ‘Strattord * Dressed. hogs A ltr a gn a Annie “Behm of; Milverton. f armers < x. Joh engelaid spent a day in} Keep Friday might clear for the! ret on Tuesday i Toronto this Week, lente age ee fy 7 ned coats thes families Wore: present to:see her eg ig peg ae Graziers and $ |. Miss Ella Miller spent task work ouees tN ot a dull number ees ee nd & Son. of Mrs. rfield. 3 with trent in, Wateroo ONE slg ie Saar rs SO eRe pn ae he sleighs and ox ©" Much: regret was felt ia the village |. Mat. Leonard Gebade will dispose of : Stock Breeders Misc Ohviat. Becker otastrattord ba, ermakers! Attention ~ Spleh | complete $12.00 cash at Gustin’s. New |at the death of Mrs. A. Boomer. which | his Farmstock, Implements and house- B: was « visitor ores "AM at his home| each at Gu tin’s, Newton. And Solicits Their Accounts her see Fae AR HE Othe AY.P.A. will most 94 usual on 4 : ““Handkerchiets for Ohristmas, bus | alter eerste aoe: Hamdcbens 9 | Mlchiday evening. Dix. Sid. Spencer gl afb ceataa aes Bente: bo: ter shOe Gea eT ne splendid Ohriatmas gift, reg. $2.00 7 ALE NOTES Sipptieg Free of Charge, and Collected or Dis: ¢ {Som $1.29, aaa & Son. ‘ (Mra i Preaters of Lidtowol. ie at Counted at Reasonable Rates. Mrs ©. P. Kertoher. of Berlin, was a. a ae initia Peon Gace CLR Lene rat, $ ; 4 visitor for m few day with rlatie food. spent Sunday with bis | parenta ae nd Ure, B. Daskiow. | bo gealelity eenn can amecth iat i and friends in Pd ¥ és ann. SY, fon" we e date of the illus-}came. Mrs, Boomer survived her hus- = ADVANGES Made to. Responsible Farmers. 3 | Drese Goods, desta hee at 50 ts r, Goo. El om Tuosdas rated Jeoturg ia tHe Syangelient | band, tho Tate Alfred Boome ut} guest of her eousin Mrs. J. H, Mar- Awd inest value ever sliown. ii e t ‘ine hanneb | cure! ed. ei ‘ ~ piers fe fecha leaisd 3 regtda. “Egeland: son ot a the gift af Mr. Henry |. he -hest pir is avers ‘Aipped ont Inwood having resided ‘The special mectinga whieh | her jake ani i Ue number of eae people from this |” as ie tov all he: es ive|been arried 01 aN a ‘Motnodise 1 lager ALKER, Manager vielatty spent a pleasant evening late-| ; induction of Rev. I. J. Rob-| always obtain at Geo. Fl Raapbtate Sy leroMee me .|shureh for the RANE PNP ETE Pane tise vA ly at the ho: i Mads Debger: n, into the pastorate of Burns || Bastendorff's advt. this we ton: Mrs. Musselman, Manitoba: |being continued rleetee ten Tanger , Ww ae ane ay. of Duriington, was shurok. Milverton. wil Mkely :take-|talns.aomething of special Interest to ronto: Mi Gatherings and etter access: i Visitor for a few days of th lace early In Dece read i : re the Bpense fe. GUll assisting: Mee Week with her friend Miss Dot Spen- | ),21% prac ead § wie TAnGHa cha Miva: SchieeaReeeoe ae is x Bright to attend the foneral| Mrs C. G, Walker anid Mise Barbara oon. avaning are much, appreciated ‘by e Mira oS Winteiburnc.- ot Norwions (ot the late Philip Zinkan who resided | Grosch lett on ‘Cucsday for ‘Toronto Frank Roe. of Mount Forest. | all present. ig at Present visiting with Mrs. R. F: in the township of Blen nheim to attend the annual convention of the| s VF isit-| The Monkton cheese. : Taatbry, finish- hams frtenides ins othe will m Tae a cee t if you fail, ‘Women’s Institute there. ing hi ry ther s ~ its operations on day with one Th F B k f ick attend the School Concert on Friday} Why leave your Christmas shov- ¢ most Stooeastal seasons ever € rarmers bank O anada tA, L. Hartmier, Tnsurauco-agent| evening.” im Cook's Hall. Admission; | ving: undil the Mrs ‘ foes m in ithe Cook block | **S eats 800. ras 8 your i é : J oa Jorr ey chain b ete. . ir 1 iatniasar kee he was ont} Orders will bi m at the posi The social aa oe cede ’s hall o: e Head Office: = = TORONTO Hane eBseiiey yi Sue e star performers for Petrolea in| office for the Dally Globe or the Dally Tuesday evenin, bv anepited ast Veer OF 60 it Nest Hamburg [2 Tueby game agginat Giondon ont Bats) Mal ¢ to the Ist of May |pt the Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist aa a isiti the homeo Ha AY 8 5 ice be for $1.00, 2 ae ur order early an church tunned ee a 8 ow Ly Deposits of $1.00 and upward re- arents Mr. and ; John Beck~ Meagis: Davis Avho ‘ibang r h. Messrs G. p au CKay]on them. We ithink the stuthorties : Savings Department Pear aut strost tala re odaed W|Pex *k-| residing with her sisters B.| Mr. Henry a a sed the | are: @paod ag other nse. tie qaew aetna Pian s DOME raaturatan So ieike eretctl’® tay: be. cpened,: the. monby. : cl Eeroea to nee Ae NG Gall. Mt cpnfeclionery Se ied Greer oe iors Lip eslie Macaroon Atwood on - Paacetiets either or the survivor of either party G daumte mir {furned, fo hor home in North Augus |of Mr. Bara Minkbeiner. Mr. Mohr| “Mz. Henry Schmetzer, of Emira.| Monday on business, . Cares edt : a some years SORsTal A au ncaeiect lepenieaiiwiey aur bia eociiieopar 7 ak Bauer and family . ae oh S 1 N cai nd advances made to 4 ulations are due Dr. 0. § Business in the same stand. The trustees of the Methodist church | spent Sunday - ‘the former's home vies armers Sale Notes Meret cad satiioinon oh wie n Nov. 2ird, : Labs celid basmtvuupionmtaiin pas’ | tes ud Mas oan Te Panilien Wate Ghee ne making an improvement |in Brodhagen * Raeeont thee. D ,|ing the British {Columbia Medica! | nesday attended the funeral at Wart-|4 ir lighting service by instaling| Mr, J. A. Berger, of Milverton, was x Mone Ord rs oe payable at par at any office in Can- »| Couneil at recent examination rg of the Jatter’s cousin Mr. Al- fixtur tn town on Moni y ers fa chartered bank (Yukon excepted) y will spe av weeks, Pho | Held. in ; ber . late of Detroit. and| Mrs Joseph Greyerbiehl and Sonalmers comdusted & Very Usd et the principal banking meee in the United States. They form Dooter bat heen fi et poor health.| ,, 2t is ¢: spect at tat er eee ba ueuee Heumbactsok Wan cies. Wnty ender eet bubeesstal sale for Mr. Blair recently. z. and felt th pay lia lections ke urg. q y for Ber r w Sas Nae ea method of remitting asailaaiak of money with safety and travelling woul ae = yg Pio: vb during the first y in Desomber The hunte arned from Muskoka y im future. On M e mILLBANK. sion of the the eonierens e i parlia-| Wednesday night. Their luck was not ane, 3 met wil t Gita menitary leaders havin fs previous years, owing to|ber of the friemls of Miss mh eeborn, of Elmira,spent Millbank Branch; D. E. MILNE, Manager § {aay ¢(rhursany). Some t Egil tame bac era aacdetle an anlilty tortac ene iiooes a0t : ‘ Sak orate yah Blakes Tow is slated, ‘The Banke Act is estremely paiatul: It is caused ‘by pier siereBedk bo: BEIMIeiurien seven i 8 Mr ra. A. Johnson, of Hrmosa mick xe [oes SE amaS nee with, spent a few days last week at © Dr. Chamber- “We hear that potatoes sr a poor nd} sa : == = = g eT a Sold ie ‘al dealers. rop i parts wae pact an}? Mr. Gil bert ‘Sraith attended, the eng eone Wink returned last week j ‘i i § settled in the|..D® George Roulston writing from eld of ; convention held at Berlin on} ¢, hee na oa pend nga Ld few: it will te . 3) | Exete: bserip ee three huni ‘toe | Priday RY ak with, friend eatment fo eure ik x ys: We would pee r rton | Mr. Molntosh, of Hlora, occupied M Ritter ene Miss Tessie Har- LIVE POULTRY WANTED harnberlain'’s Coun | £9 thout your paper. a& The Sun | Ech © pulpit of the Presbyterian ehureb | oh Sy ctoe tates be edy, It will cure snipe allysour only regular Oiive ron in- jon Sunda Eee temd the Oyomercs Institute chant y r. and also leaves the ays-| °° ne _ lished their prospecting” on the "pe Mr. John (Ritter. of Millbank. was to fem in a natural and healthy condi- he TEs bbe auspices | insula on Saturday and found i at | a. business visitor in ¢he village om) "St. ¢ oruteahy and 8. Milne spent ion. Sold by all dealers, of the Lad ry Savon ditterent-Vietes, Sons 2 these | Monday eetAy eb Btratfors. ON THURSDAYS str Joh ‘Becioy tae: SoIentoe: for chureh on. @hursday ee _potwith- They have been| Mra 70. Schnurr nnd Mra) 0, Wray arene eer Bise ME: Gillespie Mornington: w standing the Very unfavorable con: a “this work for three years-—Wiar- | left on Weaesday for Porenito) ae . he former's 0 the Beathie eae out to} ton. | Gelegates fro the Linwood W.L. at]: mbueg: st sth, trom 9 a.m. to 4 be a m ful affair T The, aes friends of Mrs. Jno. Ham-| the Women’s Tnstitute Convention be-|"" sry. and Mrs, F. W. Thomas ©. Ritter’s hotel. Milvertgn, on | thing was disnese ‘ot and. the pro a couple of weeks pine [ing held at soronto this wv CHICKENS 10c PER LB. FOWL 8c PER LB. Suturany, NOP OLE Ea Shek oes ceeds pee {He ion ae Grace Hos-|-"Stdag Melo nnd Mt. yeh er | es! Mrs. Muto: am, roup is most prevalent during the 0. for an affection of the | to edinesday to «pend. a few q CROPS MUST BE EMPTY Re 25th. from 9 to iry cold wea of the early winter| throat which seriously im stored days rhc v4 ae f M | imduthsl, Parents of swoune ebildren | with her ower of specch will be| ber of our young people at- br conatipation which often tt catise | ® prepared for’ i! bed a at she ha Ming fens ire Wee iball held at Wellesley on H. GUST IN, - Newton Ont. of seeming. stupidity at Lessons, Charn-| 8 needed is-a bottle of Chamberlain's} tast' week much improved in health. | Tuesday. evening. pals Biratford Py Lass , . ee Renta SS Eee sides eure Rect Menu Pic tne ence oe Mr, Pernfuss. of Berlin. event Bun-) wire, W. Patterson lel Monday for f- ott | never apithout 1b iu thelr ‘womes gt specs h Tov! |aey swith friends Jn the village: Bap rtetllart after spending & for they are wale i has Mees: disappointed them. Sold Yr, y a 1-} nd, of Sebrit By. weeks with friends in and aPonnR HE i care even he onic con- ~ aa ealer #8 iene met rey township. died | w A ae Ete, ie aie village ayee ghey wie jan. Bol all dedler: 2 a s injuri i t mber the Ladies’ Aid Social at Grosch El. 2 Shure Y oh ecday.|being caught i e| A’ Jond of hunters from Bridgeport \ Reem eh Eclday evening: A th een successful : i ss at 8 vem. by Rev. G.| Pry Is. on Sat passed through the village on Bunday good programme: is. being Va epared examinations in -the Provi of ERG Phrough Five Re- i@ay last. 7 rent ral took place of ney g on their way to’ the Blma| Seq yotreshments will be gerved. Ad Saxkeatchewan standing first in publics on Horcebac bac day. The deceaxed man swamps where they Scanded indills maa 166, Slane of from points {counts of life and adventures among | brother-in-law of M ting ina rabbit hunt Don't. Forests the wokool eonuent €b f He is now a Riga ta tee fs0% rica 3 ¢| Miss Peppler left fer her home in|. hel cntitied to practise his profession be-| trated Leetur ‘ome and see the | pooh There emt i) . + /\Sleidelberg om ‘Mon where. Sb¢| which will be the, fore the Bar of Saskatchewan. jews as you ha n|Ourts of Mornington. peed CES r. Johineon a yery aucoessful F ett is with. ree Sates e ission 1 Oc. duces an annual or0p |” 8 w days Hien A definite sten to Rear | something over 000,000,000 Bustle of _ hin Bah, Fasep pet 8 Tey oh, sale on ereastaye Lae nd M Lichty © in Perth co pk is tak-| corn and it i believed that ful y bolt) Aaucbter Mrs. Geo ee be ort thursday aoe I Tast. week when the P this shipped out of the sta 3 fri Mr. John ‘Dohler i ere’ ance Alliance was organized to ment has been on foot sor tone ios ai formulate plans for active i fim which has for its | infantile paraly nterment was e ie eka ray were; ing the fasnners of the aden to 1 lo in the Amish cemeter: sh wood; ist yaCeREL ve rs orn at home. is be: what hard | i 1h Th ay “amie Listowel: 2nd — Vie ved thi annual er ie ‘Miss Joss ie Kieffer, eph's. Veant. ‘sympathy of the con ity. r Lr, i sed i uelph. seat sare: roel Helio! Mary. What i ; “Mr. Tsane i fete in the wileg colds as quickly as Chamber! i ‘i ca tetante Manens ‘ Mr.) Mr. F, enon was at Guelph |Cough, Remedy. Sold by, all dealers. THRIFT js rightly described as “Boonomical Management.” A shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty because he saves, ai erhaps heed Ma dollar at a time— the real seorét of his success Ties o the vrinciple of sav- i ra felfer. | Richard Leshic piano on on; ner. of Fula ae oa ip | tom. ‘ Ee eesti Nt! fe he i hedral ‘Eveland.| mye cs of Berlin. and a Bis, Soslie Waterloo are deeply in earnest in ¥, Patis. jee to the proposed extension of the cnner | , Speee erenee rearcee scret | 4G, AML L nectal: be rth. ‘This was Sacer One dollar will start an account with the Bank of Hamilton. MUEVERTON BRANCH w John yo cht. ees Day saw. fhe. ee > ad Offi Mr. M Ch y Sa tell | the fis! bint Season for anol fine R. J. RANNEY, - Manager ey Pa mavamnee ee Brobuer | Bac qeburher ta tt o0 tenebo. gives tial evidenced says the Ne ord. at Appar tor |} piano to us. Alright Mary I will go f nee a a tte Saas than the year * Now John tell Moody to bring Haown pr ar has pro’ ¢ house right. away, Ainight | ed no ¢ nto the rule! ern poeta po merieags 4 met toge! emer D, L. & W. SCRANTON Var rit “trom the f. we ¢ “busi nad >7-300 volte’. Mf: the papel hee sit: ost nipee passed a STANDARD ANTHRACITE ting of the Water ieee ch when the exnens ee cree 2 a eel iom favoring the extension ot en’s Aid Society was | a%' is me Write for terms ani the & H. aod da "FURNACE. i last: The "3: work? an smtet ypointing Aa aoone sets red ex ber engaged in the bu ens | A Saree pee of farmers at the tities. pdnsieie i STOVE - ad Beer! accomplished in sale peays Ouohe rami st | gall of ‘A. Dompsey. of the | Waterloo. six from Berlin, t AND. NUT q 4 eglected ilar ut t me! ssem)I\ in |from the county. ‘ | 4 VER’ ARL (0. Ru Miller trepor' i | Lakes ystems aid if the governments | Cook's “Hall om afternoon.|} A quiet weddi : | q fe MIL ‘TON MILLINERY P. OR | cr 3 os kn dE Oatada: Gud Vue: Walter Sines el sat cial fo two a ‘ \the © B checoh he Westen ze ST. MARYS LIME 4 5 ive stan tor re- hive addresses by Mr, y . aerie Lizzie Gerth and a teres s to Frank Herns. don. y of | Mr. J: La both of the village, l have a quantity of Hardwood s la tag Western Ontario Dairymen’s, Associa- | were united’ in the holy bonds of (Beech and Maple) 16 in, long, a s s ze matter of a is C | tion. Tho meet ing c rimony. Mr. and Mrs. H oS Split it desired. : ‘ E | coi ER eee and wis [ealmon € white alor Jassisted the principals and Rev. : j Cf ost mpor an rtiicie feti oe daniged ‘The |a luxury s uaieneuten Besser: | cheese ings "The far (an A POE EST, ev. W. ©, Boese and the Rev. W. A. ive 3 ived much i The best wi OKA aoe a 10N adley. both of Berlin, pate 3 Hon ver oe e Sounding thr| prosperous wedded fife. are extended Sheds. at C.P.R. STATIO! eas-|Monday. November 18th and tath:| Praise 0 J let ana in: | to the: tyoung ¢out ue of Dress we rer, respectively. Mr. J. J+ Kelso| Notwi tag the bad “ent toa {terest taken in this important im-| 3 present i 58 | oongregations greeted. Rev. D. yeaa | on the work of the society in the pro- Martins of: Drinity, Methodist hur ch he case (Boyle vs. Stewart which | i Sunday- and. the sermons were ex; has z 3 In speaking of the fashions, a writer on these subjects has recently |f Wallowiuelis thecuroramme tothe calent Ae hes oe ihe gospel and | came uv ear vs $ 3} said: “Why do you notice a woman’s hat first of all?” School Congert ito be eld in Cooks the reverend /gentleman. will be wel time before His Honour Judge Barron | EVERY PRINT OF BUTTER MUST WEIGH 16 02Z. Part . gi thejand ai jury at * 7 it because it is nearest the face, or is it because the hat above all Chor oc Canaan Pi . ight Mey ak Ae ehe op 9 janada: Piano Duet. ro io was excellent at both services. (dng of the case Mrv Harding. counsel | WE WILL NOT ACCEPT SHORT WEIGHT BUTTER cre ples chs alten oh RP US STIS ‘a woman’s costume, shows her taste, her idea of a kind of woman: 7 \ i parts o! oa} she ‘ite to look like ? ul es 3 You need not answer the question. Shoemake it Bolo, ‘ites 5 Ghar re : ‘0 en, i htel 10) A Tamme was ns ut have already, in your own mind, settled the main matter and Rath eke ae gentars wi wile wiven in the auditorium | of the | 6ase and ha es to W. e Pa For p ros 4 that is ede hat is the most important article of a woman’s wear. Mina tmier; Solo. ‘So me ehureh. esses were pelo ee Sy ber of them. Mr. Blewett. coun- . y VJ . ann ;Ma' aaiers Haig. c a is why a yeti who thinks of herself, absolutely will not wear aes P.| = tT wo va eh a ‘hat like any oer woman? 3 det’ ant calculated rake aryman bef BUTTER. 3 The writer has hit the aa exactly. the Jeaders. An-|@d to state if they had been approach- fe . 3 The hat is, from the style standpoint, the most important part of a |t us re iv : 4 EGGS, new laid ie hat is, from the style standpoint, most important part ol _ ck Woon Doct, tie: bers of r| J woman’s dress. We doubt very much, however, if all women appreciate “Ge 5 e See at jotta, Whi i had| asked them if they wer he jury: HENS., the fact, or if they have really given it much thought. i ‘Bundscho her Ripe a trai ist. | His Hi 0 Cc i i rill. 16|Misd Ada Long. deserves credit sev~ e ‘When once a woman has become convinced that her hat has more to i Duet. Lonesome. :{mustering so many good voices. Mr. 2 ation hago oo do with her spoetance than any of the other articles of her apparel, is it enther, B % De. irs. Wee . Miss Minnie e of e not certain thats! be ready to spend’more money. in endeavoring to = ie Rosamond and Messrs. | hand the names of the sever get good looking hte The result Would not only be a tendency to buy bet- ter hats, but to buy a larger variety of hats. Pin With an ugly hat, a good looking costume is quite forgotten; with a ea, Gross vibe stunning hat, a very common place or even poor looking suit is quite fF fuser. Basse ible an ‘Pauli; Chor among they ir We Te Dumb Bell Re ©. Reid. of At i Drill, 12° aie + Bae, 5 Beleete. Laurene himself se | th Barr RES . Rainbo: girls Vo- | w ened. with coal duet. . Gertie zimmerma. Wich Zitamermann: Chorus. Twenty ered ‘to all who Ce ack Page See ape, OS