Milverton Sun, 24 Nov 1910, p. 4

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THE MILVERTOV SUN | The Milverton Sun © WwerunreneD! pa bs cighoroeen MORNING The Sun! Printing Office ‘Main Street, = Mily iverton, Ont. = *\ SUBSCRIPTION RATES onths, BO cents; three in advance,” Subscribers ‘ble to pay $1,50 per year, One year, $1 Sa aoatie 38 ee inarreave willbe GONTRAGT ACVERTISING RATES eS ae a a 79. 40 1a s dros luseztion: oat line ent inser- cents se forcach sabec Tie it gure sri be charged for all transient adver- ‘Advertisements eo mnout specific directions owill be inserted until forbid and charged acy cordingly. Changes for contract advertisements must ‘bein the office by noon Monday. Mattox telehianeprdere will fecelve prompt attention. MALCOLM Macniy ‘Coghlin. — Mrs. Pc Fahiher and repetetor person of Mr. .I', MoLean, Stratford. enor: W. B. Dodge. second. tenor: Sirs D. 1B, Grieve. is spending a HESSON. Charles Gunn. first bass; and F. A. B i Cc od wack with her mleoe ats has. Bas Me tens Rie teaad ws Mon Wpsneste ; weoone ti They will rett at Breeborn.—) va Strach- e ed | ging at ithe services this morning. usiness Cards an. of Newton. spent Sunday with y. sume: her “Another. Six Day's is Done.” isa Olive Grieve.—Mr. L, Coghlin. of or pits “hospital «Guelph, after'epend-| Hatem and “Father Divine, Fiotou. are Listowel. spent a few days Inst, week Aloha toga, oounle of se ee of at th f Mr. i,—-Miss fs Mr. a rs. east BE Den Dent eee Re é alg i Ape uple of m; to. take | Miss Johanna Schicbel aud sister The Sun till January. 1912 for $1.00. of Royal Goll te Dental Surgeons of| weeks with friends in Toronto.—Miss our medicine for |Shredwitz spent ithe — SAS eel Ontario, Honor graduat te of Toronto Uni-| Maggie Kincade. of Moorefield. is ess, | last week with their parents ats abd | ore WE versity. afd Bi Pere! work as eo-| Visiting her aunt Mrs. R, O, Clarke. | and Lamexceedingly grateful toyoufor | Mra. “August ‘Schicbel.—Mr. George |4 are Hi v: 99a, 1 Mr. D, M. Muleahy spent Sunday with | Your kind letters, as I certainly profited | Heimler and sister of Linwood. spenby 3 CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLECE © above the Bank of Hamilton, Milverton, frlends in Elmira.—birs. W. Strachan. by, them. give you pers a lon, to |Sunday. afternoon with Miss Jessie) 9 of. Ethel. is visiting her mother Mrs. . ‘ieffer.—Mr. and Mrs, Louis Voll, of | 4 it ont. Medical. E — Me! mo’ 18. ALB ‘oKET?, Belleville, | Linwood. spent. ares, with Mrs |, our teach- FOPARERE, Mo. P. L, FvH, AUD, | Inte her new residence which she re- Ontario, Canada. Vollmer.—Mrs, z Vollmer had a|4 tors. Three de- & : ecg + Me BYB: MED") oontly purchased from Dx. Johnson.— Fy successful rood. Boe. onn Saturday 3 <ER & TYE |The regular mont! ting of the|that there is no other remedy known |*-Butchering is "the ordér of the ou 4 me DRS. PARKE ‘omen’ Pastitute mei a be hel Mi at sae to medicine that w: will cure danisle west: os 0S pane Sapuned in price—more Telegraph and f Mrs. D, B, Grieve on ‘uesday| nes 80 succes ly carry women | tausage cam be cate: ‘eledraphy. OFFIOE : PUBLIC-DRUG STORE, MILVERTON areal . y men a lovember 29th, at 2 o'clock rs.| through the Change of Life as Lydia B. Ev gaara? # Calls offering Hourb-10 to 12 o'clock a, m,, and 2 to 4|Shoarer. of Poole, will give a paper |Pinkham’s Vi getable Compound, made} Orders will be tnken at the post) J ponth aie re o'clock p, m., and 7 to 8 o'clock p.m. os “The ev: : fi [oh asada mara native roots an offic for the Daily. Globe ar the Daily |q ee, catalonu he: report cei ‘pe ae has been curing | Mail and Empire fo the 1st of May |3 ws aoa RIE Oran by ie “tests womentrom the worst forms of female |for $1.00. Leave your order early arn | BOs Be MOLAQHEAN. << Bpincipal RPHY & CARTHEW, Barristers, | es. ee ilk get your full dollar's worth. CERT EEE EETE FETE TEE TTT TE Bolloitors, Ete. Solator for the eek tS of Hamilton, Money to loan, Milver ; Ga ION maa ton, nent offices bees corset eer to Fi nervous prostratios arran, member of the firm will, ladies.—Mr. It. call- uu Want spe ela eivico write be in Hieron ery eyo (eae Rete of Pee Gel Rabat pees ee Pe iikiies Uyea, Mas ‘ : H, B, Mi . _ ‘ tis free and always helpful day.—Don't forget the school conce J, C, MAKINS W. J, HANLEY | on es Liss aes 8 A i = SS OW S ée me il act as pianist throughou z 3 a MAKINS & HANLEY |the evening.—owing to a rush of ad day ao, the Yarled experiences through PO EE ES Barristers & Solicitors rtising matter we ar i ced 38 | Associated of the older days have re Stratford, = - - Ontario} old over until pert veer Jalnson by |Femoved. some to continue . thei : Millbank Gadtellows and ‘and the members| Wore in other places a ave Veterinary. nos o) he Beased from their labors and - have BR etaary Baron |" AE abe netelar mestiog of tne 10, [tome to thelr foward awatting thre pipes a Milverton, Graduate at Ontario Veterin:|0..F. last Wednesday evening the Seek eee ee To secure earlychoice'o these SuperbS ollexe, Toronto. ‘Treatsall diseases | mdmbers ‘presented ‘Dr. J. Fobnson yoveq yi : s ‘ ert cated animale, Calls by tele- | with a beautiful club bag. it efng 90: ite Ra els ings and Overcoatings for Fall and Winter Dhono or othervisepromzly and. | pineal ty Tho, stars removal 05 |Seara'and whose engrisre caused 9/2 |G cca with all the comtdence i Societies. Ws Gear auutth caont the, presenta aan Bs lanai Loy you. We wear. Comie here with all the confidence in tion made by Mr. Thos, Armstrong, d : MILVERTON LOnGE, ENOWAIEH| writing ie the eckiress 2 Mhiterest ofthe Master's cause here the world, that you are going to see the larg- oe: F.& AM C., Milverton, ollowing assure you that you will long be meets every inte eyening on or! ‘7 Bro. Dr. Johnson, Past Grand and | remembered by what you have done. est range in town, the best qualities, the before full moon every ne Treasurer, Millbank Lodge No,!, We? ask wou to please accept this Es 1 S, hall is Ranney’s Blook,, Visiting breth- : a Gane as a slight token of the esteem fectly fitti se s Bs on i aieeye weleome, THos, HUTCHISON. 209, in y Bol wou axe he ug all and most perfectly fitting garments, You will ; Wi J, ZOEGER, Secy. —We the, men a4 you handle it and uso it in after : 2 Petco bce dos he acts bg, a 7 Seas Ln MEET | eet ‘aie ks Xo. 209, 2 reiphbae dase iat var fhonghts will have your clothes designed, cut und made by 0 the eve of your departure from amon pee month, at 8 and iat Teetday ot pet desire to give expression to our | Foenas um youee berind you i Mile the most skilful tailor at moderate cost. Rothacrmel & Son's hardware store, |appreciation of your personal ausli-| panic, While we address ourselves to Visiting rbeetaren ie ha ey Goo, | ties. amd aleo a 4 brother of No; 200, You we eannof but think ented Roe, ©. R,, 8. H. 4 (sister Miss Jolmson who has done her ; , “Silver Star pacurrer the "pe ition Seni ea Berta ear oly sh Bours Beni and i 5 Iso. intereste self : ‘ Fowahto holds in the rank of trates! pas nite, satcrssi eel herseld jaa cally E KNECHTE Milverton’s Old the purity. of its. fundamental] be? to accept’ this umbrella as a tok rae Reliable Tailor truth. the forse of its simple lessons. /§”, °F Femard from us’ a the social as well as financial bene. Notary Public. EIR, Notary Publié, Auc- fe County of Perth and & EXC. John Gropp, “Broptster. q jhe bar, a Sees eRe and large stal erton, First-class accommodation: for iommeisial Spiavetea and others, Three ~~ large a ms. Good stabling, Beeb brandy brinds of Nquors and cigars, has. Ritter, Proprietor, QUEEN'S ‘The hest facommodation for, commercial travellers and 0 ‘Two large sample room! ine aes of Wines, a woes inches ‘tables, Gates Fe Pan THE ONTARIO HOUSE, Stratford. Gana well appointed and. capably usted. etter hotel. Byers thing of the . Splendid stabling in connection, Rates sgt per day, eS & IN. wrietors. THE ERICAN me Berlin, liquors - served a Rater tes $1.50 per day. ae Wirt, T, Prop ion SQaucks POU A prsoripr vcs Bh ee emcee SA ope eat am. vente EA June 9, Aug, %. Ost 2. WES, THOMAS TROW. Voice Culture MR. RICHARD LESLIE England Tate Solo Bass, VENTHER, Bellitt x MILLBANK. Mr. D. B, ayers thas aes a tte “‘eparator fro: . Meets -—=Mr. BR. B. Taaiion oe Es ce ° wa Mr. R. By ton spent 4 couple of di li To: 0. Dr. J, Johnson left Saturday to spend afew days with frien ood stock and from there he goes to span the wititer ta Oalifornia: The. wishes of any friends go with him.—Mrs, Reid. of Wiarton. is spend ing a few Sank with her cousin Gen, Powers. 0! peed Bide. is A ah ts ep gister Miss Ji son.—-Mr, Cook as relieving ie Thomas, .0.P.Ry Peak: was called to nto on, ‘Wednesday. Ms, Ham- pel. relieving agent on ithis division. ie now here.—Owing rush of work Mr. John Ritter fie Spehged another paanatehy in. the fits and the | faithful acre of that Agnes the ae ciples of a ; the lives. ee the members that it ju r it is worthy was in safe hands found in you a Bro. that. was capable ot. fsatiing all tho offices of . our ae your zeal im our welfare. pune~ ‘gations. you ae admiration of your brothet WS. we recall with pleasure your kind nd obliging nature and se! lated lant a citizen. nition of st valuable service i e t this trav- elling bag as a slight m relations existing ber pred you aud your brethren of Millbank Lodge aud ma ¢ a pleasant reminder of the fmawy ceenings spent among the mem be: . 209. Signed th bia of the egies Bro. a therford G. ere y ier Bro. Geo. A. ‘gmith Ree.-Secy. A very (pleasant evening was spent at the Ladies’ Aid Social ai Knox _ Friday evening. The base~ ment .was well filled «and a. splendid Programme of singing, recita! ay and | Wi adings was rendered. A special fea- of the programme was the pres> Brincipal Bass Knox Church, Stratford, Voice Specialist. Professor of voice-pro- duction, sing, sight-reading, ete, Male Students On! Studio: 182 Cobourg St., Stratford CANADIAN ‘ PACIFIC SINGLE FARE}|* FOR HUNTERS 10 to Nov. 12 Oct. fey all stations on Chalk River to Port nur, Inclusive and to, best nating pointe # in Quebec and New Brunswick. Oct. 20 to Nov. 12 stations Sudbury to the | 0, Have: haha ates 6 oo 2 0 ail st eee exe sn ‘ean nee Ast, 3 TD, Liberal | Stopwover pri q oy fre otal ae ae 1 8 ee Game and Fish.’ a, W. H. Sanderson, bear eae th ovo nk, on the eve of your departure from among Jet you rN, es row you and na the joss which shall be ours when your place is vaca’ * Daring the fifty-two years you have lived at Millbank you have ate ed yourself @ warm frie nd ene ‘supndtter of this church and haye es or et - sues ue Al quiet. wedding) educate ae ‘aidan he, welfare of: a Millbank. on, ve iat CONSULTATION RICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY. work. We have moted wi eat, 16th, when JW: Soott."06 Dork: | ME woos ‘anale “Yanico: i PEAS Jeasire your faithful attendance at fon marriage hiss | MBS grees ani for eee eae the vi ti -in. connection’ Lizzie ‘Sohuters the ne lace. the HOME 7! ith the church, especially at the | yaremony ing: wetformed by Rev. Babbath services, even in days when'| W. M. Haig. After Be pret ie g lyour extensive crane demanded: ¢0 | happy Las arom ve to the home of RS. ee of ye sane eke nS tates you ag eres me ae Hig’ aid le and time to al e house | Milivertan «Station: where a aump and gt worst men time bad fen | uous fenast Was fexved for the bridal Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St-, Denol Mich, wers vigorous be add: a oles have souent exouses for re- peer Horic age Ais ce oe ener ing a’ ¢ House of ra ii “|| Tord stint the Sabbath aren Tound ee ee ans Die ee bi sore ‘pliers “gur. Windsor of sete are for ot Gaeapontonce a ane Perisiontmasigeasouys< Adacess gt" Fy 8. KENNEDY & and worn out fr that T concluded | BEST REMEDY ForWomen-Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound Belleville, Sue oty was * DIRECTORS’ Fe MES UNG: ector’s of the Elma FF iri 80 weak m a female yet suri ts Ate meet atthe usual time and place. J. R, Hammond. Seo’y, Pursuant ito adioarament the dir. 3? Mutual Oripple Creek, Gob. Caine Nov. sie in aoe Whe en Rev. s-| Cripple Oreck. the peewee @regation whic i) cate din REY, oun PLB Of GOOD ROR ALORE IN Special opening eld to-day: at 1 ie Presby- me of he organjzation is “he ger go Male Quartette.” and consi following: vocalists; J, D. Bisrel, tinal and every-| amon thing Scns to its interest would a GRAND GHNTRAL HOTEL, Mill Pe M. of e eoneretation ‘ather’s Eterna’ Rey. rary seVeral rar which are 175 . the father You have church. + | Signed: on behalf of the congrega- tion of Knox chure! Duc tulnssonts onilestion oo r. MacBeth. of Milver- tba. secured from Dr. Joh Lu autograph copies of W. W. Bald+ ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION To Mrs. A. D."Alexander.— It affords us much you a yours a pleasant and AY aged ANAT oi) utur re ever been ready and faith- ful in the disc} half of the Ladies’ Aid of Burns ch. Mrs. ote Livingston. Miss Glen Milverton. pS NOe: i scott -scnAraR together in our 1 Home. W. M. Haig, Pastor. ce ne ee es edi warhieriness ting glasses.” When getting y re books Bev of rs old. Two others of Robt. Baldwin, who pper ecru in’ 185: to thousands of customers, EYESIGHT YOUR EYES will appreciate the ease and comfort derived from wearing “propor ft ‘our eyes suited demand ability, reliabil- disradd whoveralls Aetnand experion 2 in optical work. : S. L. TAUBE, TORONTO Manufacturing Optician and Eyesight Specialist Who has had 38 years Practical Experience in Optical Work willbe at Ghe PUBLIC. DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Taube is rig ari optician in Canada, having been established since 1872, and during the past 38 years has given ue W, Baldwin was one of the early reformers who tool part | a framing the famigun report om wrievauces MONDAY, DEC. Sth, 1910 1886. Mr, MacBeth prizes very high- BED TRE DAY-AND DAT ly these rare vortimes 1 E have boon A 1, nt of print for many yea: Staal His wo! mended by all who have had Sienaibw to consult him professionally, TE you have ‘'cye trouble” don’t fail to take advantage of'this op- ae vo have your eyes properly attended to. LL WORK IS ABSOLUTELY ee uce.— for experience is the chief line to put in that sack of will mean a Merry Christmas and a message ‘of good will, you will find it ‘here. quality and at reasonable prices. find what you want with great variety to choose Peete abounding good will and good cheer OF al Eyes Tested Free HE’S COMING WILL SOON BE HPRE Perhaps you want something in the Jewelry is — something that First class in Here you will Come and See the Latest Brooches, Tie Pins, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Jewel Boxes, Cuff Links, Silverware, Pipes Manicure Sets, Perfumes, Gold Headed Umbrellas, Etc. It is a pleasure toshow our holiday goods and you will oblige us by considering this a per- sonal invitation to call and inspect our extensive new line of Christmas novelties. The finest sight in towm is our stock of Hand Painted China, We have a complete line of Diamond Rings ranging in price from $8 to $20 We are showing excellent values in Pearl Rings and other precious stones. Our Watches will please you and our prices are the lowest in Waltham, Elgin, Hampden and Illinois movements fitted in a gold or nickle case. Our guarantee goes with*each watch. Dojnot forget fo come and see our line of Ladies’ ad Gents’ Fobs, they are beauties, See our assortment of Solid Gold Brooches 14k set with real pearls, prices from $2.50 to $30. Tie Pins in solid pole 1ok and 14k:set with real pearls from $1.50 to See our Real Leather Hand Bags and Ger- man Silver Mesh Bags, Pure Linen Christmas Stationery put up in fancy Christmas boxes. P. H. Bastendorff JEWELER and OPTICIAN Milverton, Ont. Sees has-been very highly. recom- ESTABLISHED 1872 S. L. UBE TORONTO OFFICE: e Phones Manufacturing Op tician veigat Specialist 126 HURON STREET The Time for Winter Suits and Overcoats is Here d. M: lPiciscnianee 1 stock is new and-up-to-date, ‘so that you are Sure of getting tne latest, the most excellent material and workmanship as well Our prices are very as exclusive and fashionable designs. reasonable. MILVERTON ONTARIO ‘ The evening was thon spent in a social way;— pleasure to have Drs.KENNEDY & KENNEDY URE DISEASES OF MEN PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS e, harge ofyour duties respect and with it may remind of fy 2nd. ‘{9t0, ns, K, & Ky ® Dr, edie: Meptcat Director o) ane favorably known through: ave done busl- Dra, K, & K, out, Ganda ae ther rue aise paatsane! ‘as they their own office 6 butting is sapping your life. b ct suffering Fito ‘rom the ite a tions; if your blood has been ts any pri dis yu di if youare married and live in dread of ‘toms breaking out and 2 if you are suffering as. spent lif &,K. are your pS aero them confidentially and ‘will tell you honestly if you arecurable. a Ww The Greatest Variety of Furniture for ‘September Brides is shown in Stratford-- at WHITE’S EN it.comes to selecting a houseful et fine new furniture, a bride likes to'see row after row of Sideboards, Dressers, Tables, Chairs and Beds. likes to know that she is gettin, from a stock that has unlimited variety to show. Stratford is the place to give you this advanta: good furniture at the right Gem! means he the newest and. best e and hite’s, ee Oe ey

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