Hess or fe guarantee A-DRU-CO Headache Waters | stop the tea pastes most parnisten headaches fn half an less. that of they, contain no opium, morphine her or by mail from ruggists’, THE REASON, and useless questions es xnsperate to the point, of rudene: “Hello, Tones! You wearing glasses! “What’s tans for???” Jones, annoyed at the foolishness cae Hes fhe. pueatiot, ed irritably, A Pleasant sptee ct te = Par- melee’s Vegetable Pills are so com- oth the owels, so that they act along He whole Dinantagy and excretory passage. not drastic in ant work, but mildly purgative, and the pleasure of oe is’ only eq gratifying effect pounded only of vegetable substanc- es the curative qualities of oped were fully tested, they afford relief -- without chance of injury. OPTIMISTIC. Better make the best of it; Have faith instead of doubt. If everything went your way, What would you growl about? 1 & Ee Minard’s Linimont Cures Distemper. . PROSPERITY. Prosperity is getting money other than pestle folded in a pay enye- Pes Month Arter (att, an Peet aa ratand lous eee Tat teeured with ites Lnng Balsam ? NO OTHER WAY. » Oldun—T uu and Bisband tie: puted to- Bel ths *Stronsnind- “T should say T’d just like to seo him live Bitte ay ae me a Internally andi ternally it is <The crowning property of Oil ts-that it can whe internally for many complaints as as xieenelly For so ug ene whooping Conk. ie in the chest, colic, rane many kindred ailments it has cura- tive qualities that are wnsurpassed: “A bottle of it costs little and thera is no loss in always having it a FRUITLESS STRUGGLING. iF Reser tiand that after waiting sh ried a struggling oan ds "Yes, poor chap, the best he, knew laned him.” He a bas how, but ‘shi ed, Weak, Weary, Watery Hy ied Ey. Mirrine, Eve. Remedy. For Your a roubles. Pe swrite I ‘pai u y man ako yi owns an automobile wit ‘lell you that a punctured tire BEAR CHARMED LIVES. Reason. Why Doctors Do Not Catch Disease. The reason ¢doctors do not atch ligease is because they never ‘think about very seldom take ne precautions to secure this amaz- ing immunity, beyond, perhaps, a cold sponge bath Pyaralasln smok- ing, a pinch of snuff, gargling the throat with Lite Bae known dlisin- g their hands in ana after attending to a patient. tor may carry disease house. to Baer! without contract- ing it himse’ rmy, es had to cope singl@Mmided witha deeribte wue: absolutely exhausted, bed w a short Hat RH had yeh peiipied by a bad chol- era case, and slept for forty-three hours. Yet he did not contract the complaint, although he had taken no preventive measures. He simply didn’t.think about it, And that is the whole seeret ! ns IN WINTER. About BABIES’ SORES Mothers Boe Know Buk. Every mater should realize that |} the skin of h is so tender that the secretions AE the ibdy-ol| n lead to rashes, eruptions, ete., Ml oh which may be removed by | Zam-Buk. Scores of restless, ery- ing babies, upon examination are found to bo gullering from some rm. 0) ation or ‘heat. Beate tet baby baitiec when vam Buk will eur Oied tas, sin. winter, the. little ones sulfer from chaps on the chin, intervals cette the day, will prevent all troub! Mrs. L. Wood, of ok Alexander Avenue, Winnipeg, says: nasty sores broke out etctid my baby’s mouth, and despite all the preparations used, they refused to al. ,I took him to, St. Boniface as him y Zam- rs uana appl! Bone was very gratifyi and a little sheanenranee resulted in a complet Zam-Buk wil also be found a sure eure for cold 5 pode frost. bites, ere eczema, bloo poison, varicose sores, piles, ale sores, ringworm, inflamed patches, euts, “burns bruises, - and ~s! injuries generally. © All Nauk ists and stores sell a 60c. a box, oF post free from’ Zam=Buk’ Co., Toronto, upon Pee or) price. is anything but - blow-out. Mother Graves? Wonti Exterpin: ttor will drive wor as from the sy tomy without injury to thie chives he- “vause its action, while fully “effec: tive, iy mild, When a man bumps into a brand es ing about he su il of trouble worth has bit little to's “Minard’s Liniment Cures Garget In Cows. if a. y 'T WORK—WON’?T LEAVE. ome Variation of the Ser- vant Gil Puzzle. in unusual phase of the servant arl problem was préséented by a n who apy! plic ett remain e. She @ema ney, but he had offered’ her what. Phe hovsht sys a reaxonal ou y, T use a eareay ‘anoint of asked applicant. * wetea (the ee ei am afraid you must manage your own een and get rid of her ase best ys ce oe The, grant (smiling): “Can I get nae f aia and turn her out?” My. i use any ahi necessary. iNe ow must do the ree, Mr. ext you ean,’ es im the world. ats Salone te as succeeds Sih in making us sad. When the preacher! is trying to lake a hit he often comes: te. with bruise. When a man makes his faith into fort he quaratitines himself from not in. great 8, bavi tu bane: all things inja ay sprit. at pate edges are worn {oo smooth to “epg ee _ SP dificult to believe. that “prac: : ete kes perfect” after listening chap who practices on a edr- qntickest way to convince a you have good taste is to}, she, i is Koo looking. e we drinking. 16 ~The more a fore’ ne chureh'is the akes tudes are * popular because {know 4 to the-seaside, and in the wint PRINCE WOULDN'T DRINK. Protested Against Drinking Laws of Students, The German Crown Prince gave tho first, proof of individual, devel- when, as @ stu to submit. vo. the rebellion was colisidered: by his fel- low-students asa breach of ‘sacre tradition, ona a meport was drawn up and. pre: the Emperor, stating. the. CA aicdies behavior ‘of his. son; rat Emperor is not a very lenient fathe ty but.on this oc- as.on he took ths side of the Crown ince, and. only the other day he lectured to the students, on the effects of this. custom-of excessive @ Crown Prince-has not made a stir in the world, although once he elivered <a: public speech-in: which hee called the~social~ ‘Democraties “miserables.”’ This, of course, was: a blunder, “for the German Social D ie y is made up of sev~ eral millions of members, and the [titire Emiperor must not offend a Rare Party, except in a cfse o! urgent. The newspapers were aOR \manimous in is de- nunciation 6! ch, and the prince was ee for years © ly that he i i San ex- leellent: sports, and t) e sumes NO He’ treats the pomp: sutet kigitten Uh the course bu: * andhe charms. the peo sigaes im “by. the macaral He n bis movements, and a rei hate seman. He if interested i theatre, and he went seven act si see one comic opera. politi- cal education of the prince was con- fided to thé secret counsellor, Von Valkenhayn, 3 THE, TIME {S COMING When alt people will” Stand by écca’” Ointment. ‘as the ies: wonderful relief von ta many as se Stee its healing. virtues ed the lives of thousands of Seon Once ap try ‘Mecen’’ you will be glad 0 always have it in the house. All utes Qe. » She-—Father believes in the plea- sures Of anticipation. He—Do you ihe ye hith ? She—Oh, yes, in- Seed the suinimer he promises kin coat Fae fo]- tae Wiles if Dl give up: Eots. er he bpromises to send me to the seaside the.'following summer if - give up ae ‘soalskin eo So, you see, T alw: f a] ‘|PAPER OF MANY KINDS ITS USE MAY BE INDEFINITE- LY EXTENDED, Paper Thread and Bricks are Found in Industry — Imitation is Porcelain, While there is nothing dike linen for .paper kis “ma othe things will serve as Sateneteye For instance, patents have been issued in and this country for the potatoes, and other equally strange things. In most cases the price oe ae facture is excessive when 0) sider the quality of the rent The great bulk paper—not the best, but that most commonly used ‘of certain thing can be made from paper. With compressed paper are made wheels, rails, cannons, horseshoes, polish- ‘ers for gems, bicye.es and asphalted tubes for gas or electric wires, BRICKS FROM PAPER. Berlin has’ made an attempt to make artificial bricks - with wood pulp and zine sulphate. After sub- fect! ng them to an shormously high pressure they are baked for forty- REN hours, These have ee i In‘similar fash- ater pipes are being made. Telephone poles of rolled sheets of paper are hollow, \lighter than wood, and resist the | weather we. ‘of pape $ window. frames, lan- terns, uinbrelas, handkerchiefs, ar- tificial leathers, ete. In the United States and G many are made paper barrels, vases and milk bottles. Straw hats may now be bought into which enters not | an atom of straw. ‘They are made of narrow paper strips, dyed yellow, ARTIFICIAL SPONGES. Artificial sponges cellulose, or paper pu re are..made of Ip. Clavez, a French inventor, has eg out a patent for paper thread | waste and a to be used in sew \for sta e: }liard table clothe aye for boats, es: for building, impermeable s for cement and powdered sub- Eraunenhogtes Sc |?here has even been made a pape |-/ stove, which is said to have nosy the test well. Celluiose may be i prepare a waterproof ganting| may be applied aint. | Whole houses in Norway have tek | built of paper as well as in other) countries, in setae too, is a chureh holding 1 ersons, buil: entirely of Peels eeredite theste fry. TELLS THE PUBLIC THE REASON WHY QUEBEC. MAN CURED BY DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS Of Rheumatism, Gravel ‘and Dia- hetes—Says he wants other suf- ferers to have .he benefit of his experience, Rousseau aiille Portnenft Co., jue., Nov. 21 (Special.)—'Tell the public Dodd's Kidney Pills. cured fhelohiGrarel: Rhcumetiam and Die- These are the words of Seraphin Carpentier, of this’ place, years 1 uf red,’ Mn Baimenece continues. ‘The: heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills and decided to ‘try them. Almost. from the first they relieved me and now all my Gravel, Diabetes and Rheu- muatism have entirely left “T want others. to know what Iied att petahent de top want them to suffer as I have suffer “here are thousands of just such 5 that Dodd’s Kidney Pills, alwi Dinease. If you take the disease carly they will cure it easily. and quickly and you wi ved much suffering. { you have neglected it and Jett teach ite more dangerous tages, such as Gravel, 8 oF ate se, Bale Kidney will lite it. They never fail. Oo ee FORESTS OF CANADA. Only One Acre 4n irony Covered With Tree An English paper gives 100,000,- 000 acres as the forest area of Ca ada. mall estimate. It. is only about a q Quarter ee aréa of Ontatio, or ae filth, Quebec, But sg G15 a on, the. iret of merican expert, who allows the United States seven times as muel The same papers gives the standing ST of New Zealand with forests, and eon a twen' ieth iclely af ae throat pe fama 5 sea, ir maine that oben make you think you oats, rice, Indian ¢orn,, peas, i op pleats ee C beans,- sugar cane refuse, jute, | other, snore usually find mot eed, , lichens, | relief’ ie a is taken i ou In Japan the followipg are made ey : ix iF ke for $2.60 from.The Dr. Wil- seeing a ridiculously | not p = tctehuiee you know yo® never can haye Y? i Vou sa yt © | it’s’ a sate bet that his wo ‘Hout little weitht. HOW T0 CURE STOMACH TROUBLE A Great Sufferer cree Tndigestion Tolls How She Was Oured. Stomach “trouble is a general} > ame for all forms of indigestion, whether great p! in’ “after. eating, peeing ict winds ee: Avelini, ut the or the shay haye heart trouble. There are two things noticeable in indigestion. One is that doctors always find in- digestion a, bromneny symptom i: ina restores the general health. With: out a doubt stomach trouble is sim- oy, stomachs Moslnesii and the oe mak mach stron; a Saal to aieeet ea Sviiuant tao ble. Any other treatment is pute tch- work Jigs cannot cure cesses of ection a Sonttollpat by. the blood and ni the stomach that is too weak es rein food needs @ tonic to give it ee ‘Andin all the sa there is better tonic than Dr. Williams? Pink Pills. They sectually ee re new, rich bI rves -and so rece EN ant and all-the bodily functions. submit the aeiae as proof that Dr. Willi- ams’ Pink Pills will cure een. the most obstinate cases. of stomach trouble: ~Mrs. John Graf, “Hort Saskatchewan, © Alta., says vears I suffered great torts from indigestion. I took many different medicines, but instead of pbtehttings rowing..worse all the time, till my stomach got so bad I could neit ther eat nor drink with- “vor empty, as horrid burning pain, consulted one Best: doctarh thar out Kerala nie that he could do nothing for me, that all I could do was to diet. For some time I tock only hot water - TO THE SCKAP HEAP. The British Admiralty has order- ed that six battleships of the Royal Sovereign class, the first batch of armored ships laid down under’ th pare) defence act of 1889, are to e partly dismantled and removed $5. ie known a9 Hote Sui Hes Ber wise Th all at ee in the Fan Division ah the Home Fleet at one- fifth of their fal Lonlanienty. Thats names and cost as originally given are: Launched. Cost. oi Revel ere teleass + 1891: £ 839,136 Royal + eee 1892 1,014,934 e] 2 907,843 952.550 cy 902,788 Resolution .. .. %.. 1892 929,267 Total cost 546,532 They have a digsiasainante rok 14" . | 150 tons, their se nS consists of four 13.5-in. and ten 6-in. guns, but from the main Shere the sides for- ward and aft are not armored. ASS nib pee LONDON HAS 7,537,195 SOULS, New a Seite Give Good Idea “of ity’s Vastness, A ean glimpse of th vastness of London is to be obtain- ed in the twentieth anmial el) of ‘London: Statistics,” just Spey by the London Connty eoune ci In 1902 the population of greater London was 6,705,770. In 1909 the figures. were 7, ee 740. ‘This year the estimate is The -an- nual income of Tandon! 8 charitable 3,000 additional tene- ments have been pire for the wo! during -the laet Tak Sek 32,000 |London children a.e How tanight to swim, while more than 7,000,000 free meals are provided for ea lit- tle one oo A MOTHER’S PRAISE. and a small piece of brown bread for my meals, but even that did n: months, but it was simply, money ed. Then one day a fri asked me why T did not try Dr. Wil be liams’ Pink Pills. I did not know they were intended to cure indiges- that they tion, but Hee assured ~|were, decided t them. I soon found the Pills ely ar END n ea onditioi when I began asthe hea ‘that I pain aad taking the Pills for about five months be- was. completely Then I could eat any kind ‘of food, and aes more than two years passed since my cure, Tiiave chicas had the least. sign St the trouble. most heart- ily recommend os SWilliams* Pink Pills to.anyone suffering from this va oe troul i by: Bul cdipiagcdaalara a Final at 50 cents a x or Bi Medicine jams” Co., Ont Brockville, See Coenen Lady Customer—I’d like to get a air of pinchers, Floorwalker — Shoe department, two aisles to the right, madam. Wt bande are frlonda of Pal ty to: she ‘feck Picisal for fraid Substituten, riers is but one ery Davis'-—260 an rie—When you spoke to aiayou al bin.fou hag $500 in the Tom—I' did. arie — And vat bid he say? Tom—He borrow- dit. Edson, Alta., the new Gri ‘Trunk Pacific town has organized an | Alpine Club. “Ah, sir, we do enjoy your ser- mons,” remarked aw old lady to a new curate: “They are so instruc- ve Knew what sin was until you game to the patish.’ A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmonary-afflictions, yet there is a simple’ cure within the reach of all in Bickle’s Contumptive by.ove: rouble; sees: the sys- any. serious consequences. Price 25.cents, at all eal lers. “Ruggles, you ought to go into the business of raising “ehickens a good Baiatuine Te got one, ‘old cuey Pil sell you for a third of what cost me. CURED HIS BLADDER TROUBLE Mr. Herbert Bauer of initia says mie a debt o! repay fo shape with, Blddbe feouble ane ante pass urine excep ich straining, Which caused great pain . Bauer sent ie Pil ‘ hak be orders USELESS. ) ‘Did you ever pause to consider the. mischief su uate get into if You aie a t busy working fora living?” ENO, What's the use dreaming of ee a medicine ij is Baby’s Ow nd HBe rings in his-eye—thinks it's ude | cen! ed six boxes and began to them regular month’s treat- ci eocopletely cured Fi You. Gin before you buy lent Wea tion: aD ig and Chemical |. Go., (Dept. Toronto, for free abe Mothers are always willing to oe a medicine eir that not only help me and T gotso weak and run 5 } down that I despaired of ever be-/ous Ii! little ones bere pin but re-| ing well again, I bought a so-called |tmoves the cause and keeps ther] electric belt and wore it for six|well, bright, ~ acuive’ and seb iF il | her pede. for ones has received such SER PReRTCgn STU EI These Tablets never fail to reliev the little ills that afflict them. Mrs son, Riviere du Loup lways in. the house and have given them to mny'| ittle ones with the best resu. cents a box ee ‘The Dr. be | Medicine Ke MODERN METAPHOR. “Old ‘Kermudgeon’s heart is as hag as catia a worse than that. re-enforced He has ceuarme sabulan heart. A Thorough Pill—To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is rout as oo action is irregular. at will a6 we work Gori are Parm able Pills, which are melt in action Bit mighty ih results. They purge painlessly and effectively, and wor! ent cure. They can b fear by the most delicately consti- here are no painful effects preceding their gentle operation. “Does the De Paysters’ new baby | Sey es aristocratic origin?’ ‘He ire does. He tries to put his teeth- a monocle.” sve violont patm ne ther. Our ad pe i De wontiol Pinster See eet ihe pain: it mill’ de wore to foe: oousfort shas Saytetag. Women tite whi fa fs to Hf an as made ‘Maybe not, wife replied. money tee ma Many a m neighbors forget ae he wasn’t great.’ “Money. never Minard’s Liniment Cures Colds, ete. soon, as a_ girl gets married ae tau busy and — tries to help some other girl get. into the same ind of trouble. The Dominion Government has tet the telegraph line from Prince pert to Stewart, the new mining camp. ‘Do you’ think, sir,’’Tasked “the waiter, helping the ee on, pa “that light you th y be that he a ‘come vack Lg morro: doubt Good-ni British Admiralty Has Condemned Six Battleships, r always recommend them to my |of the eae lea. frien ya grand rem- m| — ed The Tablets are sold by meé-| Of course, there is no such thing dicine dealers o1 by mail at 25/as the bigger half, yet most people 1 ture jout smoke o1 and ye back so the a damper t of oil ue the font. like a ue in a bottle, If not at Dealers pea voll ) ~ People ‘Who Work — = Indoors With Their Hands hour or two on co ings results fear th of furnace or stove. afew minutes gives the tempera- hands and pliable muscles. The ‘Absolutely smokeless and odorless series gives Bett and with one filling 8 mie font burns steadil; sme! ‘o eaeeate the wisk from being turned high enoul to smoke, and wick can be suey cleaned, ie nearést agency of the The Queen City Oil Company, Limited. h sags. iat lost id winter morn- ie delayed heat he Perfection Oil Heater in that assures the worker warm RFECTIO for nine hours, der which y to remove pale Insiceipr omnis Sees the amount \e wed, ed, echuse of a new device oe in an Be yours, Moe for deseriptive circular GR Ships ‘“ Infuenza, pik Pir alstemper and all n cured, and all others, no'matter how vexpo any. of these diseasen with SPOHN'S i bot Th fen eure ease “One OO don. Sheet shiny Yor brood ma oiiie, "80 and 41 0, dosen bottle. Bissibatont! AL WHOLESALE DEUGGIY 'OHN MEDICAL CO., Chemist pin | Fever — ha ee ie fer ieee Sonttle, Wa, wend $e fee Mfe. Co,, THE INK PLANT. the ink of day lite may be perhaps described as of mixed ani- fiakle poseable Muneieeal Geran Sometimes, however, the juice of a plant can be used directly for writ- ing. This is the ease with the in! plant, which o¢e a and New Zealate lily tion. paper and out further preparation. early ee nts in Spanish Am evei{teen wane jui n be used as ink Hee All the South want it. Warts are unsightly “blemishes, land corns are painful growths. Hol- |loway's «Corn Cure will. remove There is no help for the woman get a servant to do her work, Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtherla, NOT THE BILLS. Flipp—I hear that they use all sorts of materials in the manufac: ture of illuminating gas now-a-d Aone KE complaints. , light of the consumers Mr. B. B. Kelliher, Chief Engin- | eer of the Grand Trunk Pacific, is now in Montreal enptoren with President Hays, General cists d Asst. Chief Engin- © Woods: WOULD DO. HIS BEST. “I believe I am to be placed in juxtaposition with the ¢: ri the influential « the banquet. “Why—er—I can’t quite do that, you know,” said the head’ waiter, with a vague smile “but Tl seat you right next to the ory of torvured eel ee ee aus on ‘mercy in the form ot lees ar m, whicl as Ae with anch in sonsum) early stages. aaah fever neste NICE PIE. here,- ete bg found a: ¢ollar button in this pie!’ a pay t see nothin’ Pot an umbrel- yo’, boss? Dah was one ee ere Jas’ night.’ MINARHIs LinrENr Co., 1-11 es nl vo was throw frm back yds beg Cniltey hi MATPHRW STAINES, mark CON parce DNE th, Hk RNEUMATEC UK eared as ib i) Pre “You really that tenner you owe “You shall have it this week, cor- tain, dear boy “You cart fiat, the last time m: not the. sort. of chap who says one Sane one day, ae Hmethien. else the next, you A SUGGESTION. “Oh, my!” exclaimed the excited woman who had thislaid re hus- and. — ‘“’m looking for a small man with one eye. “Welly inaiam,’? seeliod the. yu te: shop walker, ‘if he's aever small nian, ere wet MAPLEINE = rae Norman Feel, Lo HRISTMAS ANTHEMS, CAROLS, SONG! Cr an ¢ | our home’ trea: RIVATE XMAS CARDS, TWELVE BRAUIT rig alate eri ait -bows, With mimes erik ofigras for one dollar. "cis tot AGENTS annie NVASSERS RO CALL ON Alfred ‘Tyler, London, bie maront val iF los Gor WARN Tar ANGER, Tumors, Lumps, eto, ternal id prise ter ie re by us. Def man Medica) Co. Limited Crs Limited. fate Dre. ‘Betty Collingwood, Ont. CHENILLE CURTAINS bangings, nd all hinds of ¥ LACE cuRTAINS a BRITISH AI ite MIDAW DYEING G0., Box 88, Montreal ASK ME WHAT RAW FURS anmiwanrd W. C. GOFFATT ORILLIA, ONTARIO Turkey Feathars Wante We will pay eash tor. ine and tail Write for portation Hi. W. NELSON & CO., TORONTO OTHER POWER. The little man in the straw hat came mages on to the-platform in a great hur “Hi, por his train in ae a” he eried, thinking ‘can I tal take this sir,’ replied the “That is the Bristol ngine over there hoes thices: NEW ONE 01 ON HIM. Visitor (at public library)—I sup- pose tl belt en sensational -novel, hi it you have call for Atten fer fro ‘A tela will convince any, hotse ower Hot thie reunvdy lslotely sures detects o€ the nos fire mpective of tho Longtiy me te aplanal vend Hicced. No ‘Sid ac ssa doen