Milverton Sun, 4 Dec 1913, p. 2

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OUTLOOK 1S ENCOURAGIN Pause In the Flow of Money to Canada Is Only Temporary, Says Sir Thomas Shaughnessy ‘A despatch froin Montreal says: Sir Thomas Shaughnessy, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, in| + an interview on the financial situa- tion, said: : “The pause in the flow of money into Canada has been caer in that it has enforced on Canadians that careful and ape ha ne ling of money in business and i private affairs which has been the rity. “The flow of immigration, into this immigration, is now in rather to restrict than encourage influx. The rest ew country, , is the incarnation |, for he brings with him vealth. ada, therefore, must wel- immigrant for many years Deceiver: onaenis Gone secret of Canada’s past pros- tos :}vide increased facilities ote ae portation colonization ide such ration he Biropean capitalist- and the inves- my opinion, continue te ment of rege ehiedy to the war, ich has caused any abbas slackening of such inve: ga neni erops in the West constructive 0 s progress, are, 1 looking Bee to next year with brig es. Manufacturing con- Haaea iar easidin ‘Canmia ate ls satisfactory, and considerable number of J rican manufacturers rere it pays them to employ Canadian labor. This is a movement which we heartily wel- come, and which I am sure will prove a a good investment for the Americans concerned.”’ es London Letter King, George ‘Likes Mie, Father's Friends. prophes when King Ergo cduse to, the: siicone’aseny lesdiny Henwe would sink Deck into, insig- e resumi set, the reae- | on being plain. King Edward always chose the most interesting, and as King eorge’s tastes are much the same the and Croydon, contain more than a . Essex claims h of the popu- {n England and Wales, and a lar eee ber than at any previous census Persone born at sen, the report states, | interesting persons in society were ‘bound | sho: emarkable and inexplicable Md DOeAay Ton caeale : |Tise from 3,946 to 6,805. Of the total popu- ‘On the other hand, Queen Mary un. latte England and Wales %,070.492, doubtedly ‘hae made ‘changes in. regard | nearly 9612 per cont., were born in this to the ladies at court, tavoting the ntry and a further 3 1-2 pee cent. ii randes dames of the old school, Lady | other parte of Greater Brit ‘antage in particular enjoying her con- . fidence, Queen, Mary. has no liking for the nouveau riche and never mix their society {f she can possibly hel Bometimes this tg unavoldable, as a¢ Rak ity. netions, tor Princo Matereteteris vine “youngest girl of her age in socie The Queer opting. digni- ing sliglitly to her-age by. a fled garments than otherwise, The young Princess. i her atudies. “Special a her music, and sho play duets with takes a deep interest In her Buckingham Patace ae It fa felt by those chiefly concerned thet, a new and charming era ae pegan by the transformation Palace. free nue beessthe fine ud, Rone tiealar wish that Princess ‘out should be: Seto etaniane ent home: @ diaappearance of certain dreary and! Inconventent old latamarks and of the at rm waiting presentation. "seemed rather like an Mrualene coy ie 2 a con- cort where the mi ad fi Men vee to the einai. i indignati bee) ane in ghar ee allegations tha oid an maaan it iumaten astor: witch " overlooks ive Teneterd Workouss sroun ne oR living within twenty yarde of tne field, said: “I aw one day last week giz’ men palling a plough by meane | of All ti the men were very ol omy px he subject was dincnesed at Notting. _Saunetl, - ands. > Midi ix Sia wait pe as é platessa they pass ed on the train, while a man with a big mastift 9 vy. Plan New Paris-London Club. club is being formed in london and Parle and to provide the ous facilities for travelling be- cee zi ties. The ion elubhouee is to be in Pall ail ha ‘tha Pecia guetta the Champa Elysees and arrangements are to be made whereby a Pullmgn car for the exclusive use of club members nnd their geste in of the elub's own servants and a large nomb ly a'thy and in- fluential peopl are eupporting it. The memberehip: id, to andthe sub- seription, $25. 6,805 Born at Sea in Year 1911. Volume IX, of the report on the ceveus of 19it contdine some remarkable ggree GIDE: how English people migrate from re they were born. Wane die mieteapehoa’ Uocatien, “Bavt Herts, Kent, Middlesex and. Surrey, to: ntly: ‘Queen valecanda,” who | g its| Work Will one Pile, one tract awardedcet Tisirwlay’¢°Cabiz London, Nov. %, 1913. GUILTY OF STEAL Stole Goods Bay Company. lespatch from Meee on Hons Watson, O. J. WwW. Rasiey and ee oa shee em ' ployes of the Hudson’s Bay Com- pany, e been arrested, charged with the “theft of $1,525 worth of goods, Three of the men pleade guilty to stealing $1,025 worth e ni The rth man was re- satded wilhiodt: ao eee More arrests are expected thortly. on * charges of, receiving. stolen goods. NEW HALIFAX HARBOR. Be ~ Pushed— Contract onta 8S A despatch ‘ork design ne of the from Ottawa says: to make “Halita ax best equi 3 a ipped ports in .| America and more fully to ee |the magnificent spausihilitbe oe a, led for harbor are provi con- net Council for the ocean section of ‘hiejooabesee figure is $5,208,743. MAKING A WILL. ey we you made. your will? lo it: now. to secure a copy at once. A gentleman was about t in Was one of faced mortals, alipeeiiice unsuited for festive occasion. He announc- will wait till 8] lac then,” he said, ‘to. speak a fe vords to our dear young friend on he solemn occasion which _ will soon oyertake him. Now we will hear with pleasure a recitation by}? r. Br Tt_is entitled ‘Doom- to profit by it gether with the county boroughs of West tion will be n FEEDING THE balding ce andes ‘These men Eve the l Tabak cane of the pa ae UNEMPLOYED Seventeen Thousand T ree Hund Hundred Men Are Out]! of Employment at Winnipeg @ gone from them From the Hudson’s us' A | officer, was sentenced to Ban the presenta- : THE NEWS IN A PARAGRAPiI WAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World in General Before Your byes. $ Canada. Orillia post office is to be en- larged, at a cost of $31,000. London will vote on the ane of having Sunday street ca: Gold sist: leo Neg Sa anada in the Jast fortnight se aggregated $18,000,000. A foreigner was sentenced Winnipeg to five years and 30 aioe for assault on a young girl. imported ee in Canada last year bagi e _|had pai ic’ alderman $5,000 each op their as- si stance. Christopher Sawyer, of Dorset ‘lake shore, having been missing two ays. ‘askatchewan Federal estimates for count, nearly the practice which hitherto has pre- vailed, the Government wou! borrowing; but the greater portion will be paid off out ‘of the current revenue, Great Britain. The Chief W! hip of te Liberal y 0 British in; was = divi- sion of opinion in the British Cabi- net on the home rule question, Smoking is not only forbidden among the Harrow boys, but by an edict just promulgated it is also skh eee Aas bet to the famous ese ee Wateniis: huge battleships almost impotent. United States, Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst is tak- ing home $20,000 profits from her saat ow 15,000 employes = my al ke e wel =: prior to his Bnepe arture for ieglond from New Yé Three ee are dead, and sev- * Teral are ill, due to eating squirrels which had fed upon chestnuts from a blighted tree near Glastonbury, Conn. General. Lieut. Tieges, a German artillery ten years for the wanton murder of a junior flicer. i BURNED TO DEATH. French Military Aviators Meet With rrible Acci tors were burned to death near this place on, Wednesday, when the aeroplane in which they were flying dashed into a tree and burst into james. were nee be- ond recognitio: eroplane met with the ana Res the avia- tors tried t ke a ene an © nine miles Lio this the few persons ae one: ‘ae oe lion dollars at wholesalers’ import- | oo = Purchasing | You Co., Limited, the only attempt ever | nice :|made in that Province to establish acknowledgments. e umfort Overshoes Rubbers and Over-Sto s in *‘Salada”’ Tea is 4é Hill-Grown’? as ” tea has the small, tender leaves— th fall, ¥ rich, delicious fragrance, redolent < a. spicy tropics. lon—with its native d packages. 08 Tea is grown ee delicacy and fragrance held captive in the sealed lea: "BLACK, GREEN or MIXED Comment on Events NEW AUTOMATIC GUN. + | Capable of Firing Eight Hundred Rounds a Minute. A despatch from London Canadian vs. American age During the last fléoal year Cana 7m rted from the United States i! 067 Li tO | dozen of eggs, for which her people paid}'The new automatic machine gun for 67. the enormous sum of $1,621,: Over Are You a Talosopher? _Mihavs: that “youl don't “know “anything Linen} taloeop sy te LAUNCHED AT it Pe sa vented ome Ut| Chilean Warship Being Built in ppreciation. Wor when you ot with n Shop, factory England. store oF ‘street car, you express Your Riagte chi repouigieamater to. te mel oe nd rigatt ieee Newcastle, Eng- perior officer or employer of the courte-| land, says pee n battleship ous person ust ag you have been accus:| Almirante rae oR lwanohedson oller”’ about discourtesies. ou go about looking for nice things to| Thursday at the Blewick cee eport and you find them—and the more | Her displacement is 28,000 tons and aie Siokent Wile beet en. vombard her engines are expected to develop pusy employers. with wae carde and in | over 2 000 indicated horsepower. that way contribute to thelr felicity an the revenues of the postal department. alls for a ert - You may, of course, find places where you spate ete: sr cea tote but ht “weeds | armament of the, new vowel ‘con 6 ain’t, | ‘discourage ‘you from making’ personal | sists of ia 4inch guns. placed pairs in turrets on ge cartier tint and she cai an auxiliary bat- toy of teranty-toracr-anth peti: oes ‘The Colicless Cucumber. sad shake hands ‘to ee SIX KILLED, THIRTY INJURED a colicleas ouct Dor that affects you? That. ahoe seat Hen — mind ag Oca “| Desperate Fight Between Police | § stand ‘that the advent ot ‘the colleless ew and Indians in South Africa. esa pr the eaten a pai wus hamatare tae ich from Durban says: peach when coneu’ ‘will carry with it| Later details of the affray on the 0 moral Pp i» Hay show that in store for Immense ‘Commerce. fis Saule Bie, Marie acta days are The known as “Soo"—will_ carry re fralene: sis season than Sues, Manches the famous canals of Ger- age eta peeing has tanspartes a mrorag GE more than 10, 000,000, tons per month: sinee “navigation | men wer opened, and ite total record for the year will ndt be Teds than 75,000,000 tone, Figs rafii¢ on other ar- ee ious by the Indians. der the 2 2 Britain, but ‘india haa a population of experts said to hunded and ninety-four millions of srition against diseased potatoe opie, who will speak for themsolvi Fee ea fare ee ae A Cure For Mosquitoes. ae ruining future American © The people of London brave es ee Aa of an agreeable way eep ‘3 WIFE WON. heir houses free from flies ae aa i fa Husband Finally Convinced. Some le are wise enough e try new STpde and beverages an then generous enough to give ira ers the benefit of their Sapuhietion: A wife writes: “No slave in ore it seemed t focation, at times diz: meee attacks of palpitation of the Ss 8} so distrranged that my physician red ‘no more coffee.” I capi- ined e Postum a fair ‘eal t Sune it socording o directions on the pkg., obtaining wn liquid with imi oof. that I propose to give Countryman: You sold me two | fine, color bottles xe ake sredit iS credit is due.’ And Pe ea art done it eee @ coffee-slaves no eee ee given by Ganadian Egan Read ‘‘Th gd Windsor, ell ook ee Rowd to, Wellville,” in hss ae now comes in two forms: de, but this must be ithe last. fag Boerial -onet i Shed: ee Tene Postum is a soluble pow der. A teaspoonful dissolves aie ly in a son of hot water and, with No longer a fanatical. sect, but earnest colonists, the whole body of cream and sugar, makes a delicious beverage instantly. Grocers “There’s a Reason’’ for Postum. both kinds. Cahadian citizens. 0 ees Police Will Attend Them in Future PRIGES OF FARM PR ers peron ts FROM THE LEADING TRADI ENTRES OF AMERICA. Fetces te seeeias rain cusna Bas. omer jome and Al Breadstutts, Toronto, Sots KWo fears wheat 45, seaboard, and rio, 1 Ontari in jute do., seconds, $4.80; strong bakers’, age. Tantepat whaat ae) oa ees on track, Bay porte, and No. 2a Ontario wheat~No. 2 wheat at 3 10 Be, outside. Oats No. 2 Ontario oats, 35 side, and at 36 to 370, on trac Western i Canada 01d. ost 39 ite, for No. 3, Bay Boag #t, outins, Toronto. for No. Barley ood malting barley, 58 to 600, outside. Corn—New American, 7%, ajl rail, To- ronto BR: to 700, uteide. Se kane ok fer Bran—Manitoba bran, $21 to $21.50 a ton, ‘ii bags, "toronto freight. Shorts, $2 to $2.50, Toronto. 68 ick vheate1po: ontalaes Country Produce. qqhiiter Choice dairy, 22 to Ao: = ee any and Straw, ing prices. nee gE oe sore i} inferior, - iati eggs each. Furthermo: 2 Creamery ‘prints, 30 to Sic} board of conciliation has | have ‘been the cause of giving wor! id, 28° to Be sto age, prints, 27 to 280; awarded a big increase in pay to } least 300,000 peat bee wher, do, solide, = 20. 1 ion | average er Begs—Csse lots of newdaid G se “telegraphers and station | Wheres is the patriotic Canadian j Br: per dozens, “tres, 38 0 Ste, nad etre, emplo; hy does she not perform her athe ey eign military attach 3 to er doze! _|perly? Does ehe not exist? Are there Choese-14 120 for large, and 1434 J P. “Mller, the Government ex- | Tt" 400,000 heng in all this vast land 150 for twins. Hastie pert, suggests reductions in West-|ours which will wipe this stain from. on pearance, u rT Beans~Hand: picked, $2.10 to $2.20 per ern freight rates for hauls exceed-| poultry. Bias orp, Consens jacket covering the barrel bus! times, $1.75 to. $2. : s jme jecorate their irene ds. | Homey Bxtracted, tn tine, 1 ing 60 miles. act, tabled” erat they not rather refuse| weighs only twenty-seven pounds. | yy, fo; $3 to ae ak Ps ee The body of Rey. Frank Butler, re thor one doi ose. ORF ie h “nation Ui a © action is totally automatic and for Xo. ne end” ‘825 = for No. 2 of Thessalon, was found in the lake, Snerioan hen gna Buel he a 6 Sete Miho’ gun. jacespable. of firing. eight heaey arb tem deupera with the throat cut. oroner’s| It is said that farmers can not live by pedis rounds a mi With | 12 to 150; turk fresh, No. 1) 25 chicke t there is ne objection | Potatocs-Ontarlos, 960 "bag ‘i iokene alone, Bu . . |. Potatoes—Ontarlos, er jury rendere; dict of murder. |{>"them ‘keeping other things besides the gun mounted /on ae track, and Delawares nt theveame price: The bodies of nine sailors drown- gure, What we 2 ae patriotic, eltzems White Sen rn tel- ; , mand is a good hones Sica ee ieemtatan” Geek ood Wa tnd tah nteaz t Grealan | stSon ‘hte im fouticen ‘sola, [tor |, Bacon tang are eter hy in i rie We appeal to the women fanaa: 5 per, 1b; in. caso i es ‘ is they who are primarily re neible. et | lots. Pork—Short. cut, $28.50; e868, Sarnia, Two mote bédies from We}, ‘Neh "iuutatey aie mal tar | altitude of 600 feet, on a target | lit, Hark -Short. ont, 91.80, do. mess, udrus have been identified much of their time, but if the women! of white sheets twenty feet Ree 20; heavy, 190; rolls, 151-2 to i6c; break- H. Callum testified in the | of Canada were determined ‘that the eae | Thos resent were grea im- | faet bacon, 1 20e; backs, 22 to Po. American egg should dominate Lard—Tierces, 14140; tubs, 14 1-20; Montreal inquiry into the purchas- | AMC" SF SMCM ihe Canadian nen Pressed with the ED salar otiide. y the sy that he | would almost crow over ite rival. PRES era ici ex- Baled 1 at $14.50 to $15.50 a ton, on ae avi No. se at $13 to $15.50, and pre ioe $12 to $12. Baled straw—Car lots, $8, on track, To ronto. Winnipeg Crain, innipeg, Deo. 2.—Cael Wheat, 1 xirtiaens 85 3-80; s h— No. rae ow By 3:20; Teec fe Br ‘aos i Ne. 2 iraleoted “seeds, 7 730. Oa M4 1fo, Barley. No. 8, $1.16 14; cone Win: $1 ott ors Winter igh’ ght rollera, fot Rolled ‘oates barrels, 6440 age, 90 Ibe. $210 to, $2.12 ia, ran, $21. Bhort ‘Middl! 10 $260 Mouilite. 27 to S31. er ton, car lots, Hinest westerns, 1 13 to ‘to 20. Hh 50; $20 to i No. No. 2 stoo istbes, per bag! oar’ lots; 78.40, 300. United States Markets. Minneapolis. Deo. 2.—Wheat—December, ; May, 87 58 to 87 3-40; No. December, 83 340; Lingeed $1.39: December, as Stock Markets, pe ee phe Sper onan 20 an id POTATOES FROM CANADA. ee stream of trade on the la: eae Montreal, 2.—Best, cable eee ela has to pass through the “S00” Ca: z #5 4 ¢ Will Be Excluded From the United an Lah taeda ea Progress in Far East. 3 ates Market. ners, 3 to 3 1-20: Japan has shown how fi sah an Oriental for (sins; cal ja 10 eheep, 55 nation ¢: pick up and pul abreast of V 1 lambs, ORS, the Traders. Piittle more iy yeare| A despatch from Washington | er ronto, Bait hey » ago Japan was the home of an nneilisht. |S87S, otatoes from Canada ard | chers, $8 edium, 86,50 to ened people. To-day. be, is neck and neck 25, $5 to 85.50; fos one, AS ers ot an hae fon, and al: i 25; common cows, ya wi Th ade LGiuicd sen Was "k tine will ho excluded from the | est tli 88 fo" 4s autor, AL cnt Beets ;and Japan has at ma Calves—Good “veal, $8.75 to. $10 a population of onl; rty-eeven millions China is following in Japan's footsteps and what will happen when China, with her four hw ed il} ulls to the front? India ig wy hil eve im ht 0 $3.80 Soa to Boo but ted for all the 10 $8.60 fed and $4,000,000 SUBSCRIBED. For the New York Y.M.C.A. and AW.C:As A despatch from New York says for 4,000, 0 000 fai been in progres for einige cloned succesfully on Wed nesday ni vhe; n- nounced ee a total t ir 081,500 had been reached. ST. LAWREN eo NAVIGATIO Karly Opening wit Be Facilitated y New Ice-Breaker. says: =) wil be the Iragest of its particular kind in the world, and in conjune- tion with those already in. opera- tion is designed to pi oe facilitate the gary Gabmiheot gation in the ee Pasrente ca tsels z GALICIAN WEDDINGS. to Prevent Rows. A despatch from pier says: Murders and stabbings have be- “|eome so frequent at Galician wed- dings lately “that the city has been oblige a each ceremony hereafte: a which a permit will have to be sued. ‘Cuirustmas APPEAL The Hospital for Sick — outpatients; 1876, 1. nurse;, 4918, nurse: Sinee 1875, thirty-elght years. 3 the Hospital has admitted within ie Bs walls 21,018 children as in-patients, and 159,231 as out-patients, a total of 37 Pott’s disease, 2 mick ro 3 19 bow-legs, 62 club feet, 8 hae! curva: ere of ae spine, 44 infantile 8, 5 tabercuine disease e fair olaim for ‘nelp:tram: the poopie: o€ this Pro WIN you, the reader of this letter, help to’ give rippled children a falr start In itty Malate. ave better! thaslalp ars. ‘The sympathy that helps od bulla Hospital has to have t sympathy that wor! While Christmas Bells are ringing een i Will you please send a dollar, or more, if you can spare it, to Douglas Davidson, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Hospital, or . ROSS ROBERTSON, Chairman of the Trustees, Toronto, Asphyxiating Bullets. Monsieur Kling,’ director of the aris municipal laboratory, has in- vented a pistol that fires a cartr’ jdge mall bom! Z detectives in the capture of desp: er- ate criminals, yhy: chief at one of the largest hospitals in Pari tol*will be of great value in ‘subdu- ing lunatios, aicoholiels and other § dan} ‘persons ; indeed, the pinot ger already been tried in the ‘ase of such persons with re- aaa The fumes that it discharges 4 are entirely harmless, but extreme- : ly painful, or. they blind the victim, nearly suffoe: pe and make him thiok that age is about to strangle. Oey eRe oats i Ss “Well, Henry, how do you ee your neighbors!’? “Not at ana Ts 80 pani that. I etn, t ma can't hear what is they’ re suey ne Gift Is More Universally Acceptable Than Perrin’s Gloves See that the celebrated trademark, as shown in illustration, ison every pair of gloves BRI 4 oe Auilly may. “Thta trade mark assures perfect Style, Fit and Finish. sua J 7Y INVESTMENT High Cless 5-Yea on 00 Rye el. acinees Bend for “NATIONAL "SECURITIES jonds that are Profit-Sharing. Series—$100, $500, $1000 INVESTMENT may be withdrawn faa ONFEDERATION LIFE BUILDING any time after one af then oe te rticn’ars, CORPORATION LIMITED ‘0. CARADA

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