SPARKLING EYES AND RUBY LIPS st Tho Bit of Brey i With : The sad eye that goes with blood- lessness is a sure sign of misery and Anaemio—that is blood- havoc all through the system; girls grow palnliey weak and irritable ; they t us of nek eaters il men who are tea comp! lain of being Berke really well. There is only one way to brighter, BaGe Health tov pale, pining girls and women M es that imparts strength, cleanses the fee of all impurities, and restores the bright eyes and red lips of perfect health. Thou: of girls women ie that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People make this new, rich, red , and so restore health and strength more surely than any other medicine known There would not be emit Ww or girl in the land if those suffering from this condition would give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a fair trial That is why iy B. rte stir Ganahier complain of con- stant headaches, and did not have her usual g ead appetite. I went to a docto’ Roo continually complain of being tired. The doctor gave her another bottle of medicine, but with no better results. was not a bit of color in her face or lips, and I was afraid she was going into a decline A friend who was in to 00 her said ‘if she hild T would yc try Dr. Williams’ Bink Pills,” and I decided I weed take the advice. na couple aides as her eyes brighter, and she would a little. When she began the pill she could not dress herself alone, but little by little her strength came ack until she could go for a walk. She continued the use of the Pills several months with the result that eo Was ‘amily medicine.’’ Dr. Williams’ 1 Pink Pills are ha by all medicine dealers, or will sent by mail at cH cents a box or six boxer for $2.50 by writing The ‘lle, On Wil sie Medicine Co., Brock vi LIFE OF Pa ‘REVEALS SOME SECRETS OF | 5 HIS PROFESSION, Keepers of Confidences Which Would Make the World Gasp < With Astonishment. Fe Busy? I should say so, Always|f The profession of the private de- tective is one of the most interest- ing in the world. ‘They are the pin i tectors of the wavering weak the ita of | portant, ures : rivets detective in London Ans: a traveller shadowed, a it End shoopkeeper wants “assistants and le] customers watched, @ young society hei @ victim to craze Beta bridge, and her mn requests ere y lady detectives shal! and spot the 0 Rigs ahs are cheating his ward. Watching the Bagman. A much-watched man nowadays is |, the commercial traveller. Business princes believe in shadowing em. loyees thoroughly They’ say i say it m to weed out the drones from the workers, and fraud from So, whenever pe in reality frictions ‘i ib: wi ly 08 not easy to aaa isually I enact the role of traveller myself, “Our trayeller,” I explain, as I present the firm’s card to the shop- keope to ic} most anything and go anywhere at ny | round education. an nae ote quotation-list by istake. Would you mind aie the particulars of prices he ed yout”? The shopkeeper hae t look out; if not, te firm will DROnaLy atone for thei misplaced suspicions a with at eneee bonus later aes an Injury. Then there is the railway claim- ant, the man who says he has been hurt, and who is suspected of hav- ing “arranged” the injury. There are men and women who will go to a lot of trouble to get a finger caught in a co. ‘tment doorway, ed the “accidents.’”? The same ap- plies to fire claims. Great interest, I find, is always taken in the way the ladies # our profession go to Bere People are always asking me what the Tady de- tective earns, what are her qualifi- cations, and if she comes from the poor or the middle class. The lady | § detective comes from all classes, and is paid according to her abil- ity. She must be r Ey & a moment’s notice. She must speak at least one language in addition to her own, and have a good, all- Her income may be anything from two pounds to eight pounds per week, quite apart, of course, from s presen given her by grateful Seite aad: Perhaps the lady satective | hardest task is to detect the hab’ tual thief or kleptomaniac who he Y lexpert enough to employ strategem | t hooks round the inside of which to hang the Sob pdb She knocks done some’ it safely out of sight on one of the hidden hooks. [hen there is the azsistant who is suspected of selling patterns of the latest modes to rival firms. It one who has sewn a eet Ae ¢: g from al 7, a eanrent qSroushout ie ae length, be on a .93 per cent. aaelie pete west, Nand will a single one, carrying a double track 30 feet wide by 20 feet high. A Bey method of construction has been adopted for boring the tunnel. Instead of fonng simply from the two ends, it has been decided to ioneer tunnel, 7 feet by 8 feet, parallel with the main tunnel FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE —_ NEWS BY MAIL FROM IRE- LAND’S SHORES, _ Happenings in the Emerald Isle 0) Interest to Irish- men, The furrier establishment of Mr. McKeon, Victoria Lane; Sligo, has been destroyed by The death is eh ae of Mr. Patrick Gurney, M.P. f ork County, North. He was an 0’ Bren worked simultaneously. In the case ot this particular tunnel the height f the mountains through which it ring of| Thomas Emery of Cortley, recent- el has beet started | ly sustained very serious eee in and the first cross-onts will be made | a cycling coumicnae Aghal when these have The newly-established ae mar- 2,000 feet. About the end of De-| ket in Monaghan has now been cember of this year this part of the | opened, and is in every way a suc- work will have been completed. The plant for boring the tunnels alone|~ a re cae Before | named ed Mary ee ot a 5 ert it will cost Street, Corybrennan, . was ‘atally . in the ie pelannarions St burned ae the Hpntees of a paraffin oil 1 A large ua of modern ma- will cost a cool half million, the work is complete, the C.P.R AND SKIN BEAUTY [ | PRESERVED elsewhere at low cost and in almost unlimited quantities! On April 9th, 190 in our House of Commons, Goy:! ‘sment and ses position competec each in nag static proofs thats —The production of maple sug- syrup was an important ag- Se industry —The farmers “making paoaicts: needed _ protect he universal sale of Hauliroee goods and imitations; @ consumers uch pro- ducts need that pean just: as badly ; and HAIR marie le Yes! should be provi oe aie away and right up to the lim That was Sane seven veare, seven months and seven days aj Ready to serve after heat pesated tor aaity ‘and Avan ‘waste your time in preparation, ay ft and still the fends. aa on just the same, only much m Instead of a little ae ‘82, 000, 060 we should produce $8,000,000 so. to say. Socameat silence | of si the Delvin district where the house of a man was fired into, one window being shattered. ee ‘or three years cut from the he stall or counter to the floor, stands| world. woAne Ion acs day and iy coined te Eee er nig |Alatient, cApeording. Wo: the “Loa: lined aug soit lento their once over it, lowers a book by means of | night, the mountain will be piere- RGR ahs raabag tae it the Gaslio}1on Times, ductile molybdenum| accounts ! el concealed in her dress, winds! ed bit by bit until, after 1,095. day sh Te hea oe sag le vaaic me Bae may supply the want. lybdenu. Little wonder sugar Durhee haye site and the seine and hangs|and nights, daylight will creep | to pela sens ey I seems to be the most promising of|been out down in hun Less through ae blackness of the passage and the tunnel will be com- This is the biggest single | * feature.the C.P.R. has undertaken, cceepitatien ing one of his fields at Killaley recent- ly. range and is on a parity with the| 4 persons or concerns were proven b: boring of the Alps many years ag Sa aerate jeer the Inland Revenue Department to (a feat which held the world breath. +4 have sold as maple—some on less). The erection of model vil- large scale—adulterated gooda, and lages at the two portals of the tun-|, A shark, eee aces eae imitations that apparently bad no- nel at a cost of $50,000 is an inter. //Rehes, has been SS ue aaa. thing of F maple about them but the eithe feature of this work. ‘The oy ea in the harbor of Queens- name on tl ag floors of the houses at Glacier are| re ek grocers to be sight feet from the ground,| Omagh Urban Council has ap- ee SEs USE || fran Bomah ¢o. comnk: SBUViNE GAs with bridges to connest the houses Plied for a loan ‘of $20,000 to en-| Of Cuticura Ointm sugar at five cents the pound and with the work undertaking large and equip the present Coun: | ,,Cutleurasoap and otatment a Phas nek selling it, in syrup form, at around is full of picturesque possibilities, | cil Chamber as a town hall. Buin Book. tent posttes. Adaress ten cents, on a factory basis of The men will be poised in mid air, | ae pore few days 34 panes date aig ds twelve months’ operation, they e wire filaments of tungsten instead | » of ca al aes fee zaek bettie. axe of the stone | suitable for use in electric lamps, m discovered by | Molybdenum has rarely if ever been melted; consequently, filaments of the pure or the alloyed metal could Molybdenum Lights. are ulteration Act” as it stands. If prosecuted, they can pay rbon, electrical experts eking even more efficient metallic wonder that old Pneee: Hie lost their taste for maple syrup, and others are not cultivating a taste at all.—Canadian Countryman. 2 1 the so-called rare metals at all raat Fae lf. Pene Cave oe THE CHOICEST SUGAR No choicer or purer sugar can be praduced than St. Lawrence ial lated White St. Laectse Suga 100th 28 1 reiting Bay i it poy the bag. It shows that in realizing thorough E i A or Everybody knows that pela as taken TE ede time ese efficiency the company stops at no 0 Mies MeMondia, MCP, who ie used at a. higher benpne Too Much Political Graft. | jan Was the oldest nfah,: bib-€ cost & botof money to procure these | outlay of either: money or ener eon ae nea winestene: Diats would m6 6p. [tse oe ee prevented, netther the Bible is reticent abou eke ode latest modes before other houses, | aj concerned with it will be aees,|been Lord Mayor of Belfast re Mate lights, for the efficiency of | Many say it can't be t ‘ade bt eotiane 3 a @ manager is well-nigh dis-| ciated with an enterprise which will |{0Ur, years, has consented to be| an electric lamp largely dependson) corea by Putnam's Gorn Extractor; {t tracted when he sees them shown | ave historic value and signific- pomesed for the office for the com- the temperature to which the fila-| cures <orne and warts without pain EDUCATION, elsewhere. Lady detectives have} poe ing ye: 3 ments can be raised. Molybdenum| twenty-four hours. Use only Putnam's, AULIOTI'F BUSINESS COLLEGE, To. en very successful in exposing Mrs. Sree Gries of Elm Street, {is a white metal almost as malle-| 250. at all dealers. 4 ronto, Canada'’e Popular, Commer cial School. Magnificent Ontatonu ue free, this kind of fraud. remember the case of a lady d ve. | clerk at a millinery house, who use to take private notes of prices quoted in letters to prospective customers, and then give these Pate man in a small of business, who would at once write to the People, stating riess lower than those quoted by the be eanplopee Tact and Diplomacy. es 5 On another occasion the lady de-| far known as a regular picker-up of things. feat ae ually get away with somo- thi, ng of value, the woman-shadow- er ai eall round Bao Sees a word to the maid, a1 Posabiy il find. gs way back eae WHEN BABY CRIES. not get out ae, patience or pad or shake your baby for cry- i not\do that to ugly—that is not a baby’s nature— he wants h and be happy, r that his new teeth hurt of bei give a dose of Baby's Owe Tablets tod you will soon seo him laughing happy again. The Tablets eeten the stomac nS painless ; break’ up stingy mi won’t ho Sen: tive you a a pleasant look. Minard’s Liniment Cures colds, 2a. CANADA’S LARGEST TUNNEL. The C.P.R. Has Let the Contract For it at Rogers’ Pass, B.C. The building of the O.P.R. tun- nel, & ed Bone, to the boring of the tun- nel, the sahara calls for the con- struction ‘o! work of the tun- Belfast, who has reached her 102nd Wil Quickly Cure = aa pativ of the “Brough Any Sour Stomach |j22z¢ Ustad is ott Relieves Fullness Atter Meals. A ee for dents at Dublin University has been opened at Trinity College. It i is the I was working around the firet one of its kind in the Uni ingdom. ‘When farm last winter, I oe an attack of in- Should the | 7° the valuables | ™Y able as iron. Stops a Cough It can be forged while Fair, yer siyerence-—'cept the pig. jg | a eaenitioont “Satatoleae tree, hot, and worked up into thin rods, eye to ielay uel who ne FARMS FOR SAL® n ean be drawn into| standing at doorway)—And is which ee ea trying to| family well, Mulligan? Matligan. Mo wW. DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street find ‘out whether the wire can be SEARO Tre cuca ec LL A drawn fine enough to have the ne-| He’s taken a bad t I rut, Gosh, Grain. on Dairy Farm, wri cessary electrical canehnes. Golborne St. Toronto, ead “a How. DAWSON, Colborne t.. Toronto, flammation,” writes Mr. H. P. Dawkins, t Fort Richmond it was Weak for a) Olaremorris Rural Council has Twas cured of terrible lumbago by MEWEEAPSN FOR BALE, long time, but wel mough to work | q, to il new wells and MINARD'S EN’ EWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE IN until spring. But, something. we soe te oe eeaeas IN ONE NIGHT nev. wat, prown. | N’Gravonune! Proprietor Being n, _ rage! is unable to give tl rint. nalts’ or physio. al” tho. eee ‘My |OUut by direot labor under the direc- soe be Ties cured of a itt ot earache oftice sis teice . i aners tomach kept sour, and always after | tion of the surveyor A Remedy that Never Fails KAULBAOK. [Ono of “the” beat “new paper openings in cating there was pain and fulness, and| Tt is stated that fully one-third of OPE i ae lungs by MIN-| {he Province for a practical mann Apphe all the symptoms of intestinal indi-| the population of Dublin are now ARDS Linton Wileon "J Publishing “Compety reste gestion. Nothing hel, me until I involved in the labor gin ute, 100,- simply wonderful to think how MRS. 8, MASTERS. WISCELLANFON ed Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Instead of (pao fale a ba or catarrh can hurting, like other pills, they acted |900 men, women iren ‘Heing|o ‘oured ‘with Catershotohe ie an Speier eee | e Idly, and seemed. to heal the|in actual want, Isamic vapor {s carried along with ot tine for breeding punponen, (Graken bowels. I did not require large doses| ‘The Congested aq istriots Board |the breath into the innermost recesses R._No. 1, Strathroy, Ont, to get results with Dr. Hanititon’s PINs, |hewd imade en oer for the of the lungs, bronchial tubes) ai esr ; NoER, “TUMORS, LUMPS, En and feel so glad that I have found a| Ove ‘of th n of th Gibbons ng|Chest, making {t impossible for the| Fat! You must know, sir, ternal and external, cured wi mild yet certain remedy. To-day I am | hase M cain e 2 Ons !germ of any disease to live, Thus| that fae daughter will get no- ent Bag tees home treatment, Wel I— no pain, no s ach, a| Estate of rooke,, Taioneye-| soreness in the chest 1s at once alle. thing from me until my death,” | ue before too late, Ballpen wediont good appetite, able to digest anything. |mon, Cogonia, and Paliraasirnae viated—phlegm is loosened and efect-| Suitor—'‘Oh, that’s mA right, | potted Vallaeo i. fedicne" ¢ doy and°t ‘an. cay ‘pe The tenants of Lord Avdilaun in|ed om ‘che "enont, olfatandng that's all rghtl have encueh| C]4GE Saag out ] coughs are remov yi Ue , Hamilton's Pills are the best pills, and Seb e : Pad remsbe ao a Fea -troeiansleitable eae to live on for two or three years. urea nd kindred a I etter sure, proves it.” throat for-thres yesrer< I had-a'anters = ranghcr lee Al" Another new Temedy efusé a substitute for Dr. | he eetateniers, sold ter the Congest: 1 otch. pain over the eyes, constant} 1ry Murine Eye Remedy | !0" ait we 2 pelos sui8 fom ton’s Pills of Mandrake and Butternut, | ed Districts Board. bad taste In my moutl 8 In| If you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyes ripe divvct. The Sanot Manntan. sold in yellow boxes, 25¢. All dealers,| At Boyle Quarter Session, Dis-|my ears. 1t was chronic catarrh. No-| or Granulated Byala oesn’t Smart toring Meomnany fobs rGaneass Limited, Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, trict Inspector Beirne in booting thing gave permanent relief sin 1 used | —Soothes he ain. Druggists Sell | ri the granting of an 1 Ostarrlipestie In one hour it reliev-| Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250, 50c, | RS Sy Ee ® ‘4 eae aniin a fous weeks drove all trace ee ine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, | After the 8 branch of Eplin, said it was the | Se’ catarth from my system. ic, 50c. Ic by Mail. | ¢ Sermon. most drunken hole in Roscom- ‘TIMOTHEUS A. SALMON. ty Font ena mee tele Chines : After preaching a sermon on the | mon ‘No. 6 Lopez street, Kingston, Ja.” sichaatalas tee ean at seeec om i Do ‘ate of the wicked an English The Lord Mayor of . Dublin ar ee size ranteed, costs $1. » ied and lasts two months; smaller sizes,|_ Time may be money, but it’s a Saver fer Bk puseeien seer ee ena Oe ereongl 2 And 60,_"Beware of imlation [poor substitute for a bank account, a a eRe and insist on “CATARRHOZONR” Just 25 CENTS brings you a “Jim SE g : s 5 2 Ei You heard 5 housing of workers in Irish cities about the Place where I said there towns, and -_——_tr___ “Gt Tas anything F to aay, it be this: Let them gnash Woman In Pain tecth'an-has ’em—1 For Three Years} sritty-ve thousand tor SES Canada have been aan LIQUID § SULPHUR Taso Her omarabe Cure, [ay od rah *nevna-| WHY KEEP ON COUGHING ? $10,000.00 household tional production of su, ‘as 212,- thee ho o ave used at negulasly fo toe 8 “Very few people could so patently | 000,01 00 Ibs. in 1011, only: 185,000, = : ddarmetiler oe IN CASH PRIZES fen us voluntarily, giving. us permiacion guffer for three Years as 1 did,” writes | 000 Ibs. ‘The average quality of the seed agin: ee to uso their names if necessary. Cases | Mri D. Durand, from her home in| product has meanwhile improve: ‘Then why don’t you get rid of it? of ECZEMA of years’ standing cured; etre “Sometimes I did feel very ] f ies ih he itef, th RHEUMATISM completely goney Go teak discouraged, but knew that a remedy | more. general use of better| _ Yes, you can shake it off, even though relieved: would not, 5 thot Ib 6s om me day turn up with the pow-| Methods of making, but the price| it has Brack 0 pan for a long time, eDUle, isto: Obs. Mey Hit poumenih een |[ePH0 rellavartay euttorings. - "Néevtiiva | has: uot dndteabed: Geet ee much as |] CREATEST BONA-FIDE OFFER Ht Conte Btottle, “all aruggiste, or|was the one thing that ever did m Maple sugar and syrup making is You can, build up your strength with ARES daquip HUR, 158 Bay Street,| real goo = it had Py ie Sink | properly the farmers’ industry. Yet ESE of peice food, and take Ay Pe gana 2nd Prize $2000 Polekeat ne my sti Pemba he. a ore they have cut down production in-| Na-Dru-Co Syrup of Linseed, Licorice 00 4th Prize $600 The best man sometimes wins hy |such distress as few people know. My | Sead of increasing it, have) and Chi rodney een petra tr th Prize $280 5 Prizes $100 ea. losing at a wedding. ion was ly Rheumatic, and| cut down their maple trees in wide broken tip thousands’ of hacking, tere cia tae + Prizes $26 ea, eS on this account I do urge every person | sections, counting the t PIO=| “sistent: cotighs, -which. were iat as 100 Prize with Rheumatic tendencies to use| duet: not worth the while—at, the| troublesomens’ ours, and what it has | H This sj - rere a for Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria, | Nerviline—rub an tly and} prices, It i is the price on the mar-| done forsomany others itwilldo for gels ie hat a hot flannel c. the ach-| P y' you. is open to every parts, This 1s very seothing saa {Ket which is responsible. With| Na- ee eee tas inseed, Licorice in no catch orfake The Office Holder. oF Prarely. cure.” vastly increased demand and sue Chlorod, , oy oe “You say Jenks has great execu-| No home complete without Nervi-| Sreat decreased peeueoton, tately to Peay eye as rahe wane iy lie acd ps ee pee line. Family size bottles, 50c.;\ t ices have not gon YOu] you: fis ry siclan or druggist cs ean con na 5 size, 26c,, at all storekeepers and drug-| would expect. There’ * fu trouble!} this statement, for we a Ainronen cae makes you think so?” gists or The Catarrhozone Co. Buf-| Why not? Bless your heart sim-| them on request a complete tte list of of a Cc KE & GOULDIN “Because he manages to hold a|falo, N. Y. ly because the Dominion Govern-| the ings ciente se) S ING 5 ——*- BBE pedi sa oy Saas tints RAL LIFE BUILDING Speaks. ment for all that twenty years has Dry and Soc. bottles by the Johnny Speaks. Nati ional On and Chemical Co, ae "HAMILTON, ONT. done ide oe effectual to prevent Ganda, Limited, Was puttin, me qdues-| the sale of and imita- into thelonly, By~ malt from the ‘oauitstoins Plea For Legislation Protecting have??? some other little boys, what would Jimmie—'I’d have | Montre you ‘roducers and Consumers, me head examined.’’ Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows, Dandy” MOUTH ORGAN, 16 reeds, Co,, Buffalo, ines ‘ i = wa Teacher" Jimmie, suppose you Fee ee trate eat eran aay 4 : 5 en. apples en, oranges, actual slze, Be ure your kiddies get BASSE Sep UP AD ULTERATION gave nine-tenths of them Now. GNERIAN. SUPPLY co, an W., 729 Dorner, rs We tions of maple sugar and. maple nel The tunnel, which will be on/ ED. syrup, which were turned out of! eee NEW COAL OIL LIGH re \' Y Y rai i Bad Blood “Are there many?’ queried the youngster. ‘‘Yes, lots,’ was the eee ee and Inevitable result sae! reply; ‘far more than in this| Mregular or boy ane you may recent ae world.” “Why, then,”? said, the and ‘waste mat- much light as the ordinary ol youth, “‘aren’t sey ee a good} ter which is allowed to emulate role ahs tout : towel My deal at half-moon ee Sa ae aie ran mea ate Forfethought. Bb Fegules — Boarder—Why did the landlady| érccandaurutkeerepety <a S 27000.00 Re Reward send me two eggs. I asked for only id on the skin, oj gla Baten one, the pores, For pure falls of 9 Maid—She probably thought one | health take peste of them might be bad, : Dr. Morse’s “ eae Pes Teal di Root Pills Boe ae Cha Pate ee ee 4, ISSUE 495-'13.| minara’s Liniment cures Distemper. |iMdian s kan 10 Days FREE—Send No. Money. BEATS ELECTRIC OR: GASOLINE pay us a cent until you have used We don't ask you ‘ frvenrerei a own home : for oureel ee