prorat Test You Forget” femramar The Time for Christmas Shopping at Hand Just a gentle hint to our many customers and friends that we are ready for early buyers ‘and an early your household expenses. Fresh Fruits and Nuts for Christmas Baking . 3 lbs. for 25¢ 3 Ibs for 25¢ Ibs. 25¢ Finest Selected Valencia Raisins . New Dry Cleaned Currants Thompson's Blue California Seeded Raisins 2 Red & Gold Seeded eee Ib. ae Choice New Dates .. Se New Cooking Figs New Empire Mixed Pea: New Shelled Walnuts ..... New Shelled Almond (choice) . Best Icing Sugar F Redpath’s Granulated Sugar.. 3 Maple Leaf Brand Canned Corn ..... Maple Leaf Brand Canned Peas...:... Maple Leaf Brand Canned Tomatoes .5 Ibs. for 25¢ .20¢ Ib. ..4 Ibs. for 25¢ 19 Ibs. for $1 00 ..3 cans 25¢ 3 cams 25¢ .2 vans 25¢ A fresh stock of Christmas Candies and Nuts just arrived. Our dur stock 1 i ck is always the largest quality. the best and prices the lowest. Choice Light Mixed Candy . Choice Brown Mixed Candy. Mixed Nuts, all new......... Our Crockery Dept. Awaits you with the best and grandest assortment of Crockery and Chinaware eyer shown in Monkton. All lines of Crockery and Chinaware have advanced 25 to 35 per cent, in the wholesale markets, We give our customers the advantage of goods bought ahead and at import prices. | acquaintance with our grocery department will greatly lessen Prices the Lowest. Quality the Highest. Our Toyland “Santa Claus Headquarters” Here you will find a magnificent array of all kinds of Toys for'girls and boys. Big toys, little toys, lively toys of every description, mingled in with dolls of all ages and sizes. Santa Claus will arrive on noon tre day, Dec. 13th, “and will be in Toy yland fi from in Satur- 2 p.m, to 5 p.m. and f from 7 p.m, to 10 p.m We invite all the boys and girls to come out and see Santa, Let the little folks come we will take good care of them. Gifts for Ladies We cordially invite all the ladies to see our well assor- ted stock of Fancy Goods suitable for Christmas gifts such as Stamped Linens, Cushion Tops, Towels. Lace Collars, Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, Collar Frill- ings, Ties, Scarfs, Hair Bands, Back Combs, Barretts. Gifts for Gentlemen For the gentlemen we have equally as_ well provided with a large assortment of the very latest styles in Ties, Scarfs, Braces, Gloves, Shirts and Collars. Call and see our New Ties, brocade velvet effect; New Collars, pique stripe effect, newest creations. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eggs, Dressed Poultry and Other Farm Produce ALL ROADS LEAD TO’ MONKTON’S. POPULAR STORE WEBER & BETTGER (O29 IOI lay: 1a Gerth. of New Hamburg arrived in Monkton a few days ago and uy nd the winter with his son MM John Gerth. . J. H. Edmison J. Clin Golightly lt Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have this done at HERE has just been plac- the minimum ed on the shelves a'splen- cost at This did line of Scotch Tweeds of Shop . a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. Our stock is brimming over with “BEAUTIFUL” MONKION. 1 Mrs. Joseph McLennan. of ton. t Milver- is at present visiting her daugh- eClory who is ser- smokers’ ideal * and Tucket's “ Wont sretuste last week to her C, Ronnenberg. ot "Mitchell High school spe re ‘Bunday’| REPRE GOOD SALESMAN WANTED For every town and district where we are not re- rescnted, Fruits are bringing bight prices, and nursery stock is in demand, big money this falland winter ake py taking an agetey Experience not necessary Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest commissions paid Write for full particulars STONE & WELLINGTON HAMPSTEAD n Wer casing of last week e| jatersetingrevank trae uit tr Woo a wn of sill poplin with sl iagow Jace. and carry~ ing chr: paacuetn nen T young ey oy Mr. and Mrs. heppr wedded life. lace suddenly at the Stratford tote number — pital on Sunday, z ttter: an dlinena ot uaart oe all. H. Wren. I—C, Merry- Mr. field J, ‘Gotiy “a atruthers, addell.. ©. Netterfield. 1. RTS oy “Marshall E. Shine, I. Hammond. I, Near R. Leppard M Near. E. McDonald. L. r. First~ E. Wéber. M. Rennii Gerth. E Schneider. M, MacDonald. M, Golight-| Suu, — Aten pes Gill, T.. Penning . M. Montgomery. inl at| nt batter ‘Mr oe Pannen ah Tr son. sa G. Seer Piotk ¥ e ae ee the escapes nets mM 5 Gill. B. Keillor as Graham. rison, M. Murra’ » Schade. mond me Martin, n— MM. Benne Near. M. Stewart. a ‘smn Donald, G. oe ae ates ws ae gor, Teacher, nior Ptispariant viens a us Weber. M. Lepvard. of Revision be now in respect to the get of Messrs. Dalling and Mue' resol vole ene t eae Roereree Atwe 8. LOGAN. COUNCIL, spent Sunday in Guelph.—Mrs. “oh g Council met Noy. 24th, en He a presiding. The minutes of las sinith |img were read. confirmed and ‘sae = | ¢ au e escaed. | poned unti eke ont in Toronto early on Friday | t . Carried, Moved by F. J. d by Z. B. Gill seconded resumed and t sessment ho 801 16. be reduced $4.00. the a Ani to as- t on account versed rae! aso. oS ie ‘aaseusraent ust be Teacher, and J. Wood. seconded by Mork. that the reeve and clerk is- by ey that the postponed Court ports of the proceedings there. A fea- an address okshanks. of Mill Bh ee respectively were also present. the occasion being the annual visit in their official-cap- city. ; Miss Pearl is Rov for a @ the former: being «distor and Hier ceria af Mr, Norman Ross. of Monkton. oc-|engineer’s fees on the Dungey award. WEDDING SANNIVERSSRZ, ‘he front room of the ground | Carried i nable to get throuzh the} Moved by J. Mogk. seconded The home of Mr. and Mrs. David outside and were finally res-| A. Wood. that owhereas a antae wo young men who broke |having been laid before this. coundll in the window casement and vided | by Wm. Connolly to e a portion of it for the girls who escaped in|the Connolly Municipal Drain revi their night clothes, Mr, Norman Ro s|resolyed that the Reeve and Counc’ on receiving word of the affair on|{lor Gill inspect said portion and have Monday immediately left for Toronto, |it repaired as soon as possible. Mr. August Hauer, of Mitchell was deemed necessary the costs to in Monkton on Tuesda charged against the area of Report of Monkton public school for |drain. Carr the m ‘ovember, Names in| Moved by Moat seconded by. P. men expressed im fe be ne : good wishes. describing the — brigi uporision foe: Holding) Che) ree ye so clona opr Str en Mabe anit Selig tpaseed ound, Te eee and their happy- todustrlons tauily of y i 4 4 boys and gir! any years 0! in and aqal the “aatah: Cal bard work. aitrieulttes. joys and sor- eant chair. as bient in pleasant ab | conversa- _ SCHOOL EPORT. Report of 8.8. No. 12- Mornington. for the month of November. 400. aretha aaa "I for one or more examination font af faa erry! Ellavott. perc a 1 fon we it p, Havarstt orn volayion eutiete B Stewart. Struthers 4 Kerr $06. R. artung Moved by P. Gaffney seconded by 3. Henry M. White 8. Stewart. I [2G sha he Court ee marital ath aes fe B, Jagobs 201 x : “ a Bin et) "by. iw No, 492. he now cl Pei z 3 Gag arb Ts Perey atone ae tema, a by B. Gatiney seconded iby TH osetia es 819, T, Reib GH chneider. L. Henry seconded eRe Ur catia igh ae as now Veal read te Spencer ie iy passed and the Reeve an On or about January Ist, 1914 Teer sea and “sel the seer Ho "ie er a8 THE London Advertiser will bid you a very cheery Good Morning With the Best Morning ember next at the rie Ac manne Fae 3 to $657.36 were when it was ey Be us on AY ve Newspaper in Western. —_| table Godsend to them, The latter ; oct of the fall was so dry that Mave Eon Ontario. Bs ctast land impossible | toh your choice will be WATCHES, CHAINS, LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF LINKS, JEWEL CASES, and. BROOCHES at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES We carry a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. ASPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario 0. DUFFIEL J. A. HANSON, monkton, = ont. Rubbers! Rubbers! We have just received the largest ship- ment of Rubbers that ever arrived in Monkton for one merchant and are en- abled to furnish any style or last. Our rubber boots for men, women and child- ren are all made by the Consolidated Rubber Company and are guaranteed. Do not delay in getting a good. comfor- table rubber, as nothing isso disastrous to oo as oe cold feet. sc spit OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT N. ROSS «22. Monkton CHRISTMAS TRADE — WE ARE ALREADY PREPERED FOR IT the wife a fine “Pandora” or “ Happy Thought” Range for a civetear Box and she will say it was the best imiae Box she We also have a fine lime of Steighs, Wheelbarrows, and Skates for © the little ones. carry. a fine stock of Lamps of all kinds. These are always useful and aye much appreciated for Christmas. We also handle all kinds of Heating ree from the famous Base- burner i the little Air-tight. Be sure your home is well supplied with Heaters as a cold Christmas is worse than oF having a fine turkey. Have a look through our Cutlery. We have a line assortment. Give us a call an ask for one of our beautiful calenders which are yours for the askin “ME. BETTCER & 60., Monkton S meibine ress aittaey ouvert a ees oe F Westtoana t this council adjou aes _ yi ‘ nee oe bis eeday the 13th day. of Dee- wae tyior viola {faliog 2 Tay e usual ‘time. and CL.W, MoKwe Teneher, SLENALLAN. Wedding bells will ring in the near Miss Lulu arte of thee e. f rc spent inst week with Mrs. ; of a has SPECIAL AT GILL'S GROCERY UNTIL END OF YEAR 2 lbs. of Best Laundry Starch for 10 cakes Sailor Milverton Fiour, “ae pended: per ew Milverton Flour, Jewel blended in 500 ‘Lemons per Oranges. per Wa handle Haye's Bread SPECIAL PRICES 0 Milverton tee 5 Jewel, the best Manitoba ane lour, cw, it’s the best—per loaf Also Cookies, Pies, Buns, Cakes, Jelly os —all the best. Malaga Seer fancy winter stock, per 20 N_ FURNITURE Allwool Maieresse. £8. $7, for atti Plain Kitchen Chairs, r Tron Bedsteads, brass knobs af ES ey $9, for 6, for Parlor Tables, eek a nish, reg. $4, for Extension Tables, oak finish, reg. $1 for. Call in and get a bargain while they are going. ‘i These prices are for CASH ONLY — No Credit. ee ee J. T. GILL ‘Monkton CHRISTMAS Gif | S | WATCH FOR IT, FOR IT able to finish. the present mild E | WILL BE A “HUMMER” |sv:ll ee Ge zee solution of the ae difficulty Bary oi ere 53 = a = _ of Tralee. visited a with Mp a y : aiekfa The sooner you buy the better : i | One ae He tiraiae tage oat Mrs, Hammond, of “welt _ Mr, Smith: of Draston, d the eas sermon in the Wethodist cbureh. m Bunday nonin “INGWOOD. Sib bells A wilt: soon. be ringing, Mayberry and son y «eld in Zion church on Hoe eh. Rev ‘MteKinnon. of eae will ree ‘poth services peanisert Es igh Commissioner amb, of | th Scivation Army. London. England. eet countri nana: Sexo ort et 0 be a large aul ot furs mae ovint ‘seal jises rry man. re at one seized and removed. ‘The hearing will held before R.Graham. J.P. on dav next at Lucknow. passing along ® piece of country near where ‘-partri ee: . Mir, Elliott saw aman slipping through the bush.