Milverton Sun, 18 Dec 1913, p. 3

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Aer ‘ot Dranae and soda. boa") a ef Ee 3 # 23 Her Great Love; you won't believe them, Deane had» lking for you, my dear wi eho i ie said Bob- w: but. Thorpe @ ee Or, A Struggle For a Heart “Th ning that will keep me ie To. think that Laura's dead, Bacay nd by that beast Gaunt. I A etuck-up, Sneerivg ae him, and eo did is Ye Bobby shook his head. Hé was.confused| «4ng He Aes Stee Ge CHAPTER XXX.—(Continued). “Me, Deane, I, arrest ¥o charge of Mia they were married?” said Bobby, ws be a sharp pang of remoree for his pe her annt, Lady Paul: ae tata ine agate gone back | ‘Thorne. nodded, eee orere poeceyes oven him, tod nome, T can mot sinderegand, T will go| “Yes; don't bear any malice because I nd to Lady Pa ept it from you, dear boy. Tt wae her The shames saa ne of my men will go round with|My poor Le ~on," he said, gravely. pas started. “Yor “Fi don’t think—you don’t dare aie Regan andl She ecret, not mine, end che was sensitive 1 But he shall tney. He gentlemen ale to shay ms mained the sister?” di $f times, io. lan't capable = just that, Such things ere "tmporsible to some is impossible to 4 She wae found | thé * demanded Thor hi ore ihat Jon’ the Seifetes against tin ts scone en it ca one tn Tnatensed ibe’ Tae ost. ley ‘Baunre, siiiner Nol” said Bobby B ve sieeve and Lady S oteatt a niLine eam m to t awing-room Aas cia re looked round sharply at eo dow @ drawing-room | Der shook his head. The eviderce “Whose coat is thie?” he asked, sternly. trible thing has happened, might be as eiroug 2s tt sone bei and yet Jane oaped Yor breathe raid Bobby, whose. white face |i did not convince him. he had “My master's—Lord—Lord Gaunt’s,” she | 9% ing lips had etartled her. ‘A |¢een Thorpe Td away. 10, bed he eft. the said ‘at Inet. =a}: ‘ag been found de rderod— |houge.” The subtle, “amitiae perfume in 7 ‘ he room seemed ow him, and the The det 6 ma frowned. dead woman's face voice haunted Whe: you see Lord Gaunt last?” he | cim: F asked, quick | she is here,” eaid Lady Pauline, “Loat aire 1 EON passed me in gravely. “She ig very ill with brain “On his way to Lady Pa’ anes phe roe nite the corridor “He was here, then?” Bobby uttered an exclamat ‘ she. ipoditea spasmodic: ally. “I must ney, nee ae Pauline; Im edition—and, while he waited in the draw. t hi They say—it pia t she was at Maty | ing-Toom read the coun! onte” rooms lost n: nd— |gedy at Prince's Maneiore!” it wae head- 1 to sobbin: ady Paulie atrength of mind came there were “ecare-lines” at inter- te deft ‘without it a, jer ad oe ot the, Feport. t his lords ship tn ‘come where this poor lady hag! His k ae he read the smooth ron trong. peat found?” she sid. ee Tknow that and yee re ph statement. 8 went to rene and the woran in ‘The murder The detective turned swift'y upon Mor- muses f the hor arg She forth, AG jon Tite ee upp! h (Fank, end had very. sron. after the. core which had taken place in Bwitarr. nm é Morgan Thorpe got up and steadied him- POL br the back of the alates oO use ke n Ghia ba it te binseelt at poor eister wae—wag Ford Gaunte wifel’ S cs “His wife? You described her ag Mrs. about it. Ob, let m Dalton!” ‘You may her,’ ashe, wan hla arifo!” eaid Morean Thor it you ean not learn an Kind of do: Mises vere separated, mret have met by 2 wake heard his step coming down the out his overcoat he murd. night ire, and called him in ‘an had been found lying on the couch of the Scotland Yard officials lesen i is ill, very i,’ said, covered by this same overcoat. The an. tne vdetective aside. @ may remain unconseious tique dagcer with which the eed had “You ade 9 ‘migiake this time,” y onsibly, for dave, You been committed hed been found yi paid 4 na To) man you want may. ‘You can do no harm,” the body. Lord Gaunt tad diveoe falbuncsd’ croae <# ay up! You've by went up, and gazed at thew Reheat of doe ca let face mia ‘the staring eyes, then he came in brief—the accoun full ‘ain and looked help-ecely round page of the ‘Baper, for it Sar ine dul: bon? — son, and « murder such a murder care XxXxI. as well go, sir.” said the de an. editorial godsend 6 eub- stance of the aoc Well ‘might Bobby's heart sing a6 he [read ks His, own name, and alan ‘and eturned ‘¢ Mansions, and | #lae!—Decima’s occur: es. ie debestive wnane ily: comet to the in-| He stifled a groan and crammed the p: a nodded gravely, and drew Tore ae his pocket as Lady Pauline en dy Paul-ne will let us know | ‘The ive was staggered, and look- e ig well enough to be| ed oan I rather eulleniy. ile’ profeseton- fl reputation wae s high one, and he fe.t ute] " he spector. He | Bobby aside. igs Deane will be an important wit- woes to Morlet’s, when eoima fs. still, unconseious’ she eald. 1 "De | Shes wi. calm an sessed, with t) a rooms are being done up oF he can't ae ess.” he aid. T_may ae well tell you, self-n: for any reagon,’ said Jane, weeping. Mr. Deane—mind; I don't speak official me\tgomene'on St Chriati: 8 Mt isn't his Papa we do phe suspect eta 's6 Deane.” ¥ fo fortitude. "The doo she may pect ares cae ee it i be Teate time giiite dateotive: Jett. theroom and got in- exclaimed Bobby, daa junt int” he inquired careless: “the inspector Falced his « ly of Wilkin ‘His, “lordship Jott us early this mora- ne ih ie ee the re} | might ai under iscpicon but it seers detective Bad quite: expected inet Lord Gaunt this, tom mow where { can find hime”! “1 Be aro as careles — Wilkin looked sui rprised. ip sailed, eieial © vess indig- able to sell us anything: Is peckiner tg oenicor Lord Gaunt!” said Bobby, chokingly. ‘of itt” getter hee ‘unfortunate | wo. e Bobby hung his head. “T will not renrorch ross but if I may © body, say a word i LUngetea, the, foe “Theres Nersey Castle had The apts: Pecate aoa bit ie lip. iene “athorpe hed al Then he stood for a moment pondering. —ard brandy ymed—had | Punished bad ppourh ne tt in *hh my Burely Lord Gaunt would ob ave beea aes Piensa Hcniarert specta thoughts are of ‘Pes ima, ‘To think that such a fool as to shut himself up in a’ “Come—come home with ame! ‘Don’ t lenve she ie mixed w th: ii veerel which could be stopped by cable at me alohe, Deane, for coodness 6oke!" es zoe Pi nolined her head grave'y. Mader! lat . 1 ek ek told, clutching. at Bobby's arm, a es . Mershon?” she asked. Vent in a a o Sidi! 10?” 18 6a anite forgetting his recent! lobby, oe cart Miigviardahin ovis Siete tplet t9 Fob ‘Mr. Mershon? He ia the man Decima nid Bobby, pa. ig engaged to,” he eald. or Pill see you home, Dia you happen to hear whet in~ a brow. "Td directions “he gave the cabman? I've got tice auee neh I t bneiness with bis lordship and t oe wine Sie ooo: home and salt tay tater ot all he Sah eat te would: be ofa wan fo cutan cal "res, 1 my .tiée—bu: I will go home “a auite "Gobby. went. up 20 Doo 1 fet serene rat gezed at her piteously as ie nad done be nd | eks ho lett. the house, the special eaitione of the evening papers were being howled ama | through the street, and the riuccue voloss vornibl rder! a ‘len a letter on the mantel Salt, “°Orrible murder and jumped into his an. ae ‘organ Thorpe took it up and ope All Eng'and was “eo {Charing Gre. the envelope with chaking fingers ‘net | of the murder, and the 00 1d Srauietely dreeeed figure w the viano, cab and waa driven There he wired a dercription of Lord wea incepsh's of reading it, and he | excitement in Loamehire, and ae ind about Gaunt to the police at oathampion and held it ont 10 Bobby. eatmore — eapecially, intense Dover, and instructed ther ind tt, Denne,” he eridi and ho made | Crowds gathered round ibe gates of Leat- continental train happened to ede for, the tiguor shad ‘on the elde-board. avenue—Henven and the detective, pretty | well "Tt said Bobby; and sone nome why—te- it they ‘expected to draw something of the grim tragedy from a_vlimpse of the hone “Bobby had ited to ‘Brieht, pede Bad io ate, tug: Ne la post the ie > aloud: mpton telegram arrived ex:| “Dear Thorpe—I feel very seedy, and tl jevensey Oa: shall run the Continent for 9 tle’ had) sa! Ange: may etay eomo time. Twas every Meanwhile, be poten et pt the Mansions bs jDuaae that: Mes. Dalton had x bed herd. wore ranierine | inj eor- ache when Tca'led to yanta an a waar eee Harting {0 pits an pone, 2.0 Wait on the ‘previous, mornin evening come ou' igon' if Bemtanes tne to Deane and. all a “Yours, Ralph Trevor.” reHOR, to “Alwaya thought there was Lord Gaunt,” ne said. “Yes; ia wife if hi 3 a Bhe could. not meet Lord! ‘Thorpe monned in a mavdlt Bite tas lhe sloepecter had ventured | “Poct okt Trevor He welt (be mete nocent?” ‘gest, thie. ou heara of of lle | Sotow sould T think otherwise?” | se nou we bo like'y to find Misa err, ap ae at herpes aie "warmly, significantly. farew ihe hand ‘which ‘held ‘the ‘tam. | 8uilty “All right,” anid Merchon, as and with n shrug of hie rom ders *iro tall you the trath, T don’t very mm re whether he og qiether he fen ie or cou ¥ sald not wont to ‘The moment you see it, you will want it] sn poltie round 40 2 Deane to tell ead Bright, Wall you come with Borde ae chore to London, he courte Nporl amt will want me: and if he “I'll go with vaar cata i fe accompanied Bright, oa wonder, the carriage to follow them to The Wo ‘They found Mr Deane in the isbiratory and broke the news. He was 4 startled, —just once! you love violets — % you love to have their prio fragrance cl caer your hair hands and face—go our druggist and ask him for Jergens Violet sGlyedtine Soap. ershow ud RATING 8 i eat pealee a ie: = 5 i BI 5 ae we 28, 28 ees “s 3 fe doesn’ ‘of ecandal upon m: ly niece is-yery ill, Mr. Mershon,” ebe King ae ehe motioned him to. ae Jergens i Vv ee = a} Very il) Indeed. But you have no a l : been informed?” “ia ahe 00 M11 Yo see mez” he broke tn. “afach too, IL” replied, Lady Pauls cerine SO Hane otk ried cote Me Mergnon=sren it’ oe : sale by Canadion drageiste ise Cae or: seat ie deaent woul lesirable. from coat to coed, lnchading Necfoundlend, ter"t worth, * Not) déstrable at her. “Why—why,, “She wae, 60 she has informed me,” eaid echoed Mershon. “What do you be continued.) —______—. Write for sample. cake today if your druggist hasn't it, seed a zc stamp i CEuerepooke Ste th, Ontario, No Extra Charge. the House—Half the more pieces, for them as one piece, mum, l hang for that claringer abeak atk ‘other | s aed illicit sports, Whot Tm thinking about | WINDS AND PLANT GROWTH. periments of Prof. Bernbeck Show Le per Facts. by the experiment ir . Bernbeck, German professor of agriculture. Severe gales te: produce deformity, giving twisted and knotty shape to twigs, and ordinary winds diminished the rgy of h of sproute through the increase of transpira- conditions, and ha + in some cases see ie ey 2 ees soil Ge plant Un Aural feet er Gant the ae ae three or four times as much water as on pro ted }, On ground sufficiently sprouts were but moist, strong wind three wi times a as with a wind of thirty-three feet per second. + was evident that the usual ind o: rmany—te: moderate win feet per second—may feyisld: ofveaposed iar more than half. Protection is to be sought by vari- ous kinds of wind shields, such as walls and hedges, and especially by planting forest on ills, Dr. Maria Montessori. She is now on this side of the Atlantic laos on her famo method of school teaching. EARLIER DAYS AT OXFORD. Student Life of Fifteenth Centurr ad Many Odd Sides. The undergraduate at ao Univeral e 1413 in order to tain his B.A. degree ane the and Boeth- tle and years ually apent in study: astronomy and as- trology. He lived in college. ae ee ior of his fellows, oe then receiv: ‘‘eompetent cartigation.” The rules of he coon pro- If. hauien visits to taverns or specta- oe 3 e > the keeping of 8, nests ows or other "aia ing, est on utions and ments.”” “singing or the x|and chronicles af the realm and of the worders of tl jing in bad Latin and “Tempus est vocadi a r, seizneurs!’? The ‘“‘seigneurs’’ were ‘sei obliged to eat in absolute silence. WASPS ARE THRIFTY. poner of Labor or Clearly Seen In Their ee It is declared by those who have made a careful andy of the habits of wasps that these insects are ful- industrious as ants ©: r bees. _ Division of labor i Smell it—just once! Get on a ‘ Si wid Phe ‘The following. oma gil, Bright others appear to be ld off as 0) jone a i stal Resaitd "yard, trying to master the de | nurses and ians, while . yet clear soap gives to the toilet and bath a des rene iets pment se ae are engaged as paperhang-| ;,, light no other soap. Her first thought, a abe Jooked st him, and masons. 1 “There are imitations, but you won' sind the real: wae ice does ie jen thst Decks nt Sy ae s are at all times particu jar- pettumsa of violets unless you get Jergens. Z for. Mr. Tala one og Palla itt tee toe of honey. says he end anxiety and resentment at BD atate, of. ape Dit as all cee Yaiuge, wae not proposes nd Lndy at Se 1S wey ay Beane She cari y for much as they can aie of their |? comm ity. They clean the streets of thsi wn with exemplary diligence, act- v for, unlil they live their allotted life in Deane ard quietness until winter involves both them and th i rt in one common cataclysm of death aad destruction. Do not spend half your time in the making of promises unless you other half to little affected, but on come soils the cho} n a8 en neighboring wi HOME Favorite Recipes. Muffins.—Sift together + A of flour, four ie teaspo a mae one Ase en ogg, and lastly two ta- bles) of melted butier. Bake in, BES ae gem pans twenty-five es. Ean Mock Baked Chicken,—Take and or -half pounds of smal. chops. Then ma. Sake at bread crum egg, one-half cup of milk, one tablespocn of onion chopped fine, sage, salt DE IMITATIONS THAT BEST YEAST IN THE WORLD. CLINE THE NUMEROUS INFERIOR ARE BEING OFFERED \ with a little water, cover | one and one-half hours, basting fr e- guentl nib ray} made | “Date Pudding. One pound sced-| d dates, one cup Euglish walnuts, | ie tablespoons flour, one tea-' spoon baking powder, one cup light egs, well beat- sat brown 8 stirring well an egg with hast 78 sae until the mix- tes is a Ne white of the Bs ie en are Custard Corn Nanaeone quart boiling milk, one scant pint corn eal. Stir meal int ilk for mush, add one teasnoonful of but- lard, one tablespoonful of sugar. When cool add tw: wae boned nist and three teesyoonf ls of beki wder, one teaspoonf] of Pe “Fake in the dish in which it is six uniform potatoes. Brke in. the : m the. Sone lenin - firm shell, are Viehtly fill patataes, moke. cavity in each notata and, dro in nora. Dust with nalband paves replage the round eut from potato, set the potatoes in a bakiny pan e oven a few minutes e Muffins,—One-third cu bit ter, one-fourth cup sv@ar, one ext, three-fourths cup m'lk. 3 exe. paeee Parke in hot, well-buttered muffin vans. Baked Creamed = Chirken. — Rouee for fifteen people: 8 chicke: weighing four and one-half ante weight: three a nounds each; tae Gath veal} one sattce oe put in bekine dich with erum! ine n top and bake minut Pickle Salad.—(One-onarter _re- One" brown sugar, one cup vinegar. five cents’ worth of sett (whole), Roi] water, sugar. yinecar and cloves towather until evry baa Bie eon add to ae with o1 cold water. When rartieally ain pickles a 4 Pour in Deli- LS Enelish walnuts. mold to rool. ea in cubes, sous with chic gel Parfait. Pits over the half evn ae of water an sv d hy salt for about four hours, (Half rea ample. Useful Hints. If convenient, the waffle batter | 7 aay be made the evening before it used. The w rae at bey lighter Ag more eae die eae sone 64 nevralgia | ™, rheumati as will find relief by ating a little oil Koh turpentine tS ‘ont of kerosene and hanging it out-| © lake is cut up by ety of a zepal low hicken To -|eorners, ard ii |line, a series of ver; twenty |." on | storehouse by ay mere act of push- an of the back, and the skirt rt will x is @ a good idea to wipe carpet all over with a ae ntl ook 08 water to which am added. (Two pac ro Ae lon of water. ae Ayes should have one in the week for which nothing is elaiveds That day can be de- we to sped spn 8 nds of things) ich have no. apne on cena “and eunag wit + broom. The paper will gather | te lust close to the edge of the may AX, SO Ss Fae ‘fabgs ee ly mo the surface over with a thin init, the ‘surrounding w work some into ae “boenwas. This gives a finish to rood, and when it is varnished 4s ob etes will have disappeared. ~*~ NORWAY ICE CROP. Primitive Methods of Cutting and Storing the Frozen Harvest. The methods used ce secure the ice harvest primitive. To begin with, the ice drawn by a po! cuts, with a space of Oe innkaw tee lake, and thes huge saws oe the strip of ice wu separated into blocks, each 26 in. es square, ache the ' Wide ar Magazine, The next step is to take the blocks of ice to the storehouses, at which cal. oe the ice ships can fire! stage of the journey simple en \s © ice harvi Hae have already cut a channel in the lake ‘d an: sier than point the; Anal acutney. overland. eres remind one ae he ae switchbacl ey e blocks are “ i aN a set of very ew ae ne ready poate. iy hem csi of ti ze Some of these aiewaye Hae to fe carried round n minimize the risk of blocks running off the! primitive t rough and rea made of a trunk of a tree, at the The ice blocks guides the ice blocks to a place of safety, from which they are passe: to the ing them tl — Met at a Fair, WANTED TO LEARN. An Awkward Boy y of 100 Years Ago Who Became a Great Inventor. More than 100 years ago a stout, free! Je fant, Arcee ey of 18 years, i iste coat a sates Senta without stockings oe pahases rapped one jevening at r of a humble tiage in Norahery Sabla and ASESE to see the village schoolmas- ter. When that person aoe the oy said, very modes ae sheen the The geoolmaste r glanced at: the y's atrial face “aiid ough clothes seornfully, said: “Very well, you may a Rikend: but an awkward, Pare-logged Iaddie’ like pou would better be doing something else ean learning. his letters.’ hen closed ee sed in the lad’s Falta This 8 the son of the fire- mal wore mA mping engine in a Nocthngiberliene coal i ia 182 years ago— Mein 3 by 1, to be exact. His bi for bis living by herding cows in figs eee the engine until a complete knowledge of the unite: He was able to take it senety steam engine. time, but at tl ihe 88 a 40 he ade sever: po Si known as a aes 1 a Fens 5 engineer, and was called upon t» build long and difficult lines of ailro: But his locomotives were 1 h| slow: he wanted them to run, fant: x He proposed buil t ace run at the rate of 12 jae an 1 uw Some thought h 8 gentleman, who considered yee a very wise, said to him Ww Will net that circumstance ’’ aS should sets Me ey ey ery awkward—for the swere: Well, he waco a making his locomotive, and ai e trial which mie Maughed. no longer, but rere ited: He was invited as a consultin engineer to foreign countries an pe flowed im. Philoso- pie re sought his area and ing he preferred to George Stephenson. name of this awkward became the inventor of the locomo- tive. ge eee fee Always In It. cae Fuss Gusioualiets mighty. ge you can Sea . ite better! eg shaye, pnd there isn’t a aap ot hot. ‘Fuse Geily}—It is se Why, that is one of the things I’ve never been out of since I erty youl — Laid or Lied, Two Irish farmers who hen sat seen. oa other for a long tim at a fair. They had a lot of thinrs to. Ra each Se “Shure, it’s said Murphy. “e aioe tell mo a ” said ue picture of mi ‘a moment F43 Stu phy, who wai ‘0 say the least. remarkable 78 a ae aoe and then’ sa’ all, phawi?s the hatrum 20 Burs a the choild’s healthy ?”” Tust One Point. ’ dears: til verfertly any: en can ™: ma . tarts should be. wee with. stra berry jam an ba In making Tikitecs tle girls. eats ths ae vage er oe the bias skirt please. the child- | se | “Nora, me darlin’, will yez marry fre ie T come back from Ixe- eee “es meself that’s not prgpated to give me answer now, bub Vl have aa Renee when you're iat bee 1, ee § ot auite so. bad, but ght fell me th’ one thing now, darlin’—will it be yis or Snot i - Son—Dad, bes" eee eke a hen on eggs to hatel lo you 8a) she is vahtiog” a ac ‘setting aey: ‘hen can’t really sit, © he | Dad—Don't bother ‘about little things like that. Wha‘ neerns’ me most is to know aie ihe eack- jes whether she has laid or lied! Lies travel fast and so ae from getting nailed: os << For nursing mothers Na-Dru-Co oo offer the important advant age that they do not eee the rest of the system or affect the child. s 25¢..a box at ts oo SIR anttal . National Dreg and <a Co. of Canada, Limited. 175 \ ee ee ee 4 ROE OL = |

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