Oe Rae Oe ee ee: ee ee ot The Milverton Sun a Manion Times UBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING thes Sun Printing Office Mai: Milverton, Ont One year. $1; atx months, OU cente: three months, 25 cents, in ice, Subscribers fn arrears will bellable to GERMAN CHRISTMAS CAKES To the uninitiated the baking of genuine German Christmas cakes and iota seems to require ore than ordinary skill, 60 won- any one GBieht cents perline for first nsertion and | four cents per lin foreach wabeequent Inser- welll be charged for ail transient adver- ol RES specific directions | ait pe inserted until forbid and charged ac ecieepe for contract advertisements must bein the office by noon Monda attention. MALCOLM MacBETH. Publisher and Proprietor BusinessGards DR.M.C al INDALE, TD. 5. sor to Dr Lederm: Nason Guctuiiira Touoiere Usvesttry Crown and Bridge Work a specialty, Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton Office : -P. PARKER, M.D, P. L. TYB, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE OFFICE: PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Froure—10 to 12.0 "clock a, m.,and.2 to 4 ‘lock p, m, x 0 8 o'clock’ p. DR.A.F. McKENZIE, M_D. Physician and Surgeon MONKT N, ONTARIO posible from 1 to Office hours: 3 p.m, and in evening D FORSTER, Eye, Ear, Nose ay at only. Honse Surgeon New York Opthalmie and Aural. ieeti tute. Clin. Assistant, Ear, n hroa!, Hospital. Golden ‘Square and Mooretield’s Hospital," London, Eng. Office 0 St., opposite Knox Church, Btretiicd: Pho Lega H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, - Notary ieltor for Bank of Ham! ui Sees MILVERTON, cea: Listowel, Milverton an F. R. BLEWETT, K. ae Solleitor for the Bank of Toronto : Gordon Block Office TRATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. W. BARR, Veterinary Surg: atlivrton Graduate of Ontario Vet , a of eh aguisehcuct animals. Calla by tele phone or otherwite promptly attended to BSociation. MILVERTON LODGE, No, 478, R.C., Milverton, eae ore Higiass evening on of before full. in month in their ball ix J, lock, Visiting breth- . J... Hamilton, W coy. er, N. . Pape a eae eee Notary Public. over the Metropolit ef A. SH ADHERS Mon! Hotels. GRAND eS te HOTEL, Mil- verton, First-class toe doors ge for repre iret hes pas ap ree Best beapde tiene of ignore iad eee Chas. Ritter, Proprieto: QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. The best accommodat tion for commercial ge oust e. eee quo! are at the bar. Good w: Tables.” Bony F. Paul Proptitor, g THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin pers Shih Attentoa to Commarcia de, 2) lendid Bes wine liquors Raton $1. 50 per day. Wa. Wrrr, greta ar lh Sen . Prop sub Selina Re a eet Ont eranatut ot qrunued wate iodo cad: tan gals zs eiges Proprietor. pests liquors at the bar. First: addon any and large as gees, {into rings’ by Public, - Erseeeinee! Cre ice oop} add th sn ee a slow oven. . | a8 soon as vork is most interesting and can be ‘shared by the en; who soo) n | become pucbslens in cutting and de- coratin The main requisites for making! small cal ¢ of colored jal large flat tins to bake on, an some paraflin for waxing the same, as mieasiag scorches the de-icate texture and causes the light cakes to run. | General rules for baking are: Use moderate heat and watch cakes carefully, as rapid baking makes them hard and unsightly; never bake more than one variety at the same time, and as soon as done re- wove cakes carefully from tin and p them separate | keeps them solt and palatable for an indefinit Dimond Weesthe’ Pour EES; two-thirds granulated sugar, two ounces of grated choco-| late (sweet and bitter equal parts), | w. three-quarters of a pound of ground almonds, run through food hop-| ream eggs and sugar Efteen minutes, a then nuts ig | running through pastry bag and tube, with an open- ing the size of a small finger ; if you have no tube make a cone of heavy writing ue waxed with arate Ch $$ Pretzels.— Two-thirds ae a Saou of butter, one-half cup- of granulated sugar, two eggs, Altos cupfuls stry flour, ream butter, sugar, and eggs un- all is light and creamy, then ad 1 flour and knead until mooth; cover over and let stand wo hours in-a cool place. ‘To fo: pretzels up a small piece ot dough, roll as thick as a pencil and the rounding part, thus forming two rings. These pretzels can be made up in different ways, as follow: Almond Bratieigs altar. jorming (eee we pretzels brush with beaten yolk zels.—After form- ing brush with fatn Gina and cinnamon. Anise Pretzels.—Add one tea- lo rolled dough with kes are a good variety of ta cones of paper may phe used), sever- irl ‘orjed at the scene of the granulated w sugar, Anise Drop Cakes.—Four eggs, three-quarters of a pound of pastry flour, three-quarters ‘of a pound of °© sugar weighed accurately, lour three times, sift s then add to unbeaten eggs, and ; i| beat steadily for one-half hour (this is important, as the success de-! 119 .|pends on the thorough beating). | Now add the flour and blend well; have ready a waxed sheet on which sugar once, No-| tho anise seed has been sprinkled onto the tin about two inches apart, making the rounds as even as pos- sible. (about twelve hours), then bake in While baking these cakes raise much, having the ap- be baked a light yellow ; if the edges too uneven at tom you can trith them with a pair of shears ou take ri syrup, one-] halt cupful of good mo- er one-half cupful of lard, one- hal pful of sour milk, one tea-) secant of soda, one-] half teaspoon- ful each of ground cinnamon, all- ice, and cloves, one-half tea- PUBLIC NOTICE! pu RORGRL, LINWOOD Keeps M ea hiand Coat ‘ime, Cement and altkinds of Butiding jal, ouch ae Laer, Lath, Gat ng Cider ie Butter of the best quality Sale V. Meyer, Manager milk, sift soda and spices into flour, | © stir ‘this in, then let stand in cool : Are You Insured ‘HE CANADIAN ORDER.OP 8. Spencer, CR. :: N.Zimmermena,R.S. 4 4 ENTER LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLPECE improves from ripening. When ready to bake roll one-half inch thick, then cut with sm; brush each cake with a little white of egg, and press a halved blanched almond in centre. Bake they get hard. | mented with colored sugar, icing, or chopped nuts. One cupful of Bie | ter, one cupful of sugar, two eggs, : one teaspoonful of any desired flav. oving, Creain butter, sugar | and eggs until light, then add » using flour, flour Any time and grow with us, tor pesticulars address EDWING. MATTHEWS, Principal | one-half of an inch thick with cutters well dipped Yolk Rings. — use et three hard boi aw yolk, one-half cupiul 5 Thiters ‘one- t ist ro then sift | pie Let. them stand over night ¢o pearance of being frosted, and must’ w: slowly ory, Rich White Cookies.—These can i half cupf sful of sugar, two Powntule of sifted pastry flour, spoonful of Jemon extract, a dash of nutmeg or mace. Cream butter, until a light ld other. ingre: s, knead well, roll. one-~ e-quarter a thick, and cut wi nut eutter to form rings. are cut brush with well beaten egg, sprinkle with sugar, and bake in moderate oven until a golden pees eI FIRST CHRISTMAS TOWN. © | Bethlehem Pad No te Longer a Typical n Village. With te “Coueht of the whole | civilized Ww turning toward th town cf Nativity, and most ae msi mas event, it is “rather dis- the other pilgrimage sites, the place is a great disappointment. ‘Tho very fact of its celebrity has made | Bethlehem over. One looks in Only the hills remain as they were when the surprised shepherds heard the first Christmas ir, and even these have been matked by a new order of life; writes a visitor to Bethlehem. The first impression of Bethlehem is that it is larger, more imposing, and more Drosperous than the other towns of Syria. Ut has a smaller percentage of mud h Daal asad ohigdhee nck aes which religious devotion has plant- et i in |the history of Chiristendon carving The people of Bethlehem are Christians, mostly of the Greek church, a casual observer a ress points and the coins which farmers occasionally dig up in the field. ently a suryival o! cepsen Uestion of the Middle strew chopped almonds | Ages, Tust as there has never been any doubt about the site of Bethlehem, so there is also a _ Beneral agree- me} Holiday Hints, ton wool, from its ehty oe ure, shoul used at all by — cl fae or He grown-ups at te parties, When Beets 3 the the cook sho: Childe en get so,tired with Christ. mas festivities that it is well to get them to take a mid-day rest. The as of ‘nena up later will often induce ae ildren to lie down in the xuterto Smart Tailoring at td lattes bee you can well feel 0 nexpensive, Fetldecidetly dressy. Clothes that give wearer a neat, nattv appearancs inthe single-breasted styles after the Engli eriean models cleverly ma ets Fabries are guaranteed all I, pure dye and thoroughly shrudkebelare being mace N. SMITH “The Tailor’ MILVERTON, - ONT. t 386 1215 730 | CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLECE Stratford, Ont ‘Those who enter now will have a advantage over those who caunot enter until the New Yeas Cou: Sereneseslal: sherdies and We offer ae not offered else- where, Get our free catalogue. D.A. MCLACHLAN, = Principal i i nt as to tl of the ve which y the Church of the: Nativity. In_ th oer e te py ISG eC, pointed to this site as that of the onder jet Then, of course, | $ LINWOOD ‘ethlehem was different, more like ie hillside Fallaces which one may are wee Dealer in se in northern Syria, off the tour The funy. be “he bored nced to sojourn village on the side of a hill half os between the Mediterranean and the Tigris ne where the con- ditions and the dress were just as primitive as can be found anywhere in the world. ‘The houses w ne storey high, and usually ‘ie. fear Toom was in the nature of a cave “ dug in the earth or the lime: Bethlehem was a, hillside village of this Vee of Joseph and Mary, should go not: to Bethlehem, but off the beaten track where au, Oriental persis- lees May foun The lim eaiane cave itself overlaid with hangin; tious reverence, that its character can scarcely be seen. In the floor is laid a large cilver star. There is a lack of dignity and simplicity and un-Christmasy of all spots earth ; for peace and good-will have no abode here. To the traveller from the western g western world, has returned to ie place of its origin, ‘there to hreak the ages-old chains of | ignorance oppression. Bethlehem has eatin the lact few years been thal | reat: economic ha a lector, what. “Rheumatori- ctor, owerare yery a make it pomeetiine neater i Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture ee a Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand Rallway ° Time Tables Canadian Pacifio Guelph and Goderich sincpouione Listowel Going south pn Grand Trunk Southbound Stations s 8 eat 12.01 7.97 Brunner 33 Milverton 0:2 Newton” 9:20 Peffers 9.14 Northbound 7 5 a.m. 701 12.20 7:57 GOOD SALESMAN WANTED For every town and district re we are not re Fruits are bringing bigh prices, and nursery stock f and, ake big money ue falland winter mee taking an agency, Experience not necessary Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest commissions paid Write for full particulars STONE & WELLINGTON W. D. WEIR’ S List of Properties for Sale sores of land consisting of 3-4 id stabling. all Raat ed throughout, drilled well and windmill. driving $7.00 wilt a Por 23. con. ma. 00 acres. comfortable frame hou<e. 20x30 with kitchen 6. bank barn 40x70, straw shed new driving house 24x: 10 s 16x 50 flowing well af house with pip- es under; nl to stable. 7 of orchard. well drained. and in 48. range 12 west of the Srd mer- idan Saskatchewan. at 820 per acre snap. 97,000 will buy Went X Lot 1, Con, 5. Mornington, 100 acres, dwelling house. barn, with other outbuildings, Sekbet on cor= ner of the farm, easy. S00 will buy a pola ‘aveelling house in Newtor heap for quick die~ e. and telephone, 1-3 down balance ber cent. Have 6 homes for sale in Milverton. Your New Harness with us. Leave your next order for a Set of Harness e have employed an experienced man who has worked in the best shops in the country and understands the business thor- oughly. In prices you will find us right. Repairing Promptly Attended to Geo. J. Coxon SPECIAL AT GILL’S: GROCERY UNTIL END OF YEAR 10 cakes Sailor Boy The b Fresh Rai Oranges. per 2 Ibs. of Best See paaceh for., Sugar per cwt....... Redpath Granuluted Sogar, 16 Ibs, for.. 3 Ib: We handle Tesee 's ree Also Cookies, Pies, Buns, cakes, Jeily Rolls — a Malaga Grapes, fancy winter stock, per 1b... SPECIAL PRICES ON FURNITURE the best—per loat Part wool Mat Extension Tables, Allwool Mattresses, reg 87. for... ie disks reg. $4, oak Buishy reg: $16, Call in and get a bargain while they are going. These prices are for CASH ONLY — No Gredit. J.T. GILL Monkton It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop . "THERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. 0. DUFFIEL Monkton, « The Up-to-date eae Ontar' CHRISTMAS TRADE WE ARE ALREADY PREPARED FOR IT Christmas Box an ever bois the ie ones. Give yours for the asking. Buy the wife a fine “ fe carry a fine stock of Lamps of all kinds, ate and are muc! ndora’” or “Happy Thought”? she will say it wa also have a fine lime of Sleighs, Wheelbarrows, and Skates for hb appreciated for Christmas. We also handle all kinds of Bening Stoves, from the famous Bast burner to the little Air-tight. Be si Heaters as a cold Christmas is worse t Haye a look through our Cutlery. We have a line assortment, e us a call ae ask for one of our beautiful calenders which are emacs M. E. BETTGER & 60., Monkton Range for x the best Christmas Box she These are always. home is well supplied with bthan nov having aifine tariey: Rubbers! Rubbers We have just received the largest ship- ment of Rubbers that ever arrived in Monkton for one merchant and are en- abled to'furnish any style or last. rubber boots for men, women and child- ren are all made by the Consolidated | Rubber Company and are guaranteed. Do not delay in getting a good. comfor- s table rubber, as nothing is so pea to health as damp, cold feet. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT N. ROSS shomen Monkton Our” ‘Our stock is brimming over with “BEAUTIFUL” | CHRISTMAS GIFTS : WATCHES, CHAINS, LINKS, JEWEL CASES, at REMARKABLY LOW PRICES The sooner you buy the better your choice will be and BROOCHES We carry'a complete line of PARISIAN EBONY GOODS, FANCY — WRITING PAPERS and PERFUMES. : A SPLENDID LINE OF SILVER POLISH ON HAND LOCKETS, RINGS, TIE PINS, CUFF } “The Jeweler” 4 a Ac HANSON, sonkton. - Ont.