THE WESTERN GRAIN CROP, Movement of Grain to Lakes In Three [Months 115,=! 570,590 Bushels, Against 67,367,592 in 1912 despatch from Ottawa says: worlties over seventy per cent. more! receiv gee dui anak fhe: Seats wheat crop for |grai ring : be alae ‘ 75 pe Cal mt vat The See for * . . . aa er a an that for last year, an is season. were or ae ushels,/ 3 means everything that is choicest in fine tea. ansty & previous one, is: indicated | as compared wi with 60,0 go oe “SALADA” means the world’s best tea— “hill |B. .timcne at trate, et ba te Oe ee ear ee merce on Wednesday for the first the Ses showing was made dur- grown Ceylon”-- with all the exquisite freshness | {iy fs na keer Ne and flavor retained by the sealed lead packages. |ir™ents of grain from Nort Wil: | vember ese vie md oeipmena tes ¥ ré A i i as for the same oe eS season, at BLAGK, GREEN or MIXED figures whieh have been given out|conrse, to the fact that the trop ‘ort William have indicated that| was moved earlier this Our Bongo Bere THE REWS Ih A PARAGRAPH Ty total would be a large one, but |ing November of this year the total the final figures show that it sur-|receipts of grain were 45,128,381, i ‘ sie ) Tar emphasized the necessity of @ more extensive haxbor of refuge on Lake Huron. Primes ary Ear ha = gence expecistiot arain ac atl eee ices acai ore bmg. carne ‘le alt HAPP UNINGS FROM ALL OVER | cluding wheat, oats, barley, and|wheat alone during the three ship- PRICE 8 rs FAR PRODUCTS i oe caus rane ee ae THE GLOBE IN A ees at Fort qe ay Port ee ping months were 83,541,742 bush- ? are benefiting |b ase ur during September, October |els, as compared with 49,715,737; WINNERS INNERS AT GUI GUELPH FAIR iE ae eee EE EL and November, the three months of bushels last year. ‘The total ship- on bva, hundred, pairs of boots, whis 5 the shipping season, were 115,570,-|ments of wheat were 70,190,910 ScroRTs Rom THE LEADING THAD® she sel wee el Oinet eerie 600 bushels, as compared with 07,~ bushels, as compared with 45,258,- dd Sweepstakes for Bee cas Carried Off by Red CENTRES OF AME (bat, Princess Meaty. Who Bae ee Canada, the Empire and the World 367,592 bushels in 1912. In other/283 bushels last year. Gra: _ 8 charity within the last half in General Before Your SSS yeal make a yel 01 r' Paul, Exhibited by Adam Armstrong, Fergus Feces at catite, cram, cheene ane, ome eure 3 oe he oe Comment on Events | VHRISTMAS IN MANY LANDS. Pri HEARST) Breadstuffs, = She 6 Canada, FlourOntarlo wheat = glass Great Railway Bullding. ana Supplant Stockings in Hol« ‘m despatch from Guelph says: all first prizes. In TamWorths, beth | ‘toronto, Deo. 36 eed : : MEP arosyeatos fr ete at chai me pe wont to D, Doveles SP ia a en eee ais wit end ins Fe octane (> cba ilk Ge Laney eet 1st Cn ey the Wistar Pair wan won by Rad Tio oi, chro | Seika Roa cuts fom to universitigs, | |b at Sane ata In Germany, festivities begin the Bro trongeor sare elena as shor Daw Del nigh etal BA ie. aH. | ce fon Botlin walerworks sxloanions 905/81 Os et eee exhibited by Adam Armstrong, Fer- Courey, Bernhoki an qQutazio wheat-No, 2 wheat at 84 to Bo, | oe a rie 10 ma) ke A reieie teandpines eure: Sone shows the fat oie meade ae alee many a cifer, although much pion sow by W. E. Wright of Glas 3 but on an ce of i hon atong ad henty nerd Christmas customs oseinat: Dusine.» | Was these people who first decorat~ easy te fe ail the ‘financing Gan 80 nif gus. This amailer mud Ante Ty beet out Roan , worth. rtralization. of ches ororiaals ed. triad ido 5 . the b Oe 8 @hampion, the animal which’ car-|~ The poultry show has never bra nats. Teesigent a = FN cy in sree sai D “ 5, ed evergreen trees with tinsel, or- ons) been ualle in Ontario for) P os aid, in w ueen > ult Ht * oI % el, | RG spertaaeth hip at the Pa a i me Miley, 38 to Sfo,|an stores, and ghe_ also [structors ata meeting. in Mornin Dut, ‘ctretul prenaratioy, “abovs, ail Naments and presente for children. ) Sa Fat Stock Show. The quality. _ Baldwin wes can OF Joutsiae. ty ds imagination sufficient to Sook cat Te is Restores + a German fam~ ) xine department never was bigger , best ag “ the show Jo- | ,Gorn--New So.,3 Amer‘oan is quoted at Both the. Gueon and her a = Toronto pilite sot will seek sheed and allow for future development, ily t Christmas Eyo, an better tha this year. All the|chin, owned b Holihrtest Poultry yo-No. 2 at 6 to. ie, outside. og of Bee ete art ber ine or legislation to ewapapers | aus iit cone ceuremions ier r dmport:| ae a vewndle lt sebeiat sina! s were well filled with the Nee Whit 2 z ee se v i nates, Bie 2 ubLanoas racing ey ae some! way Or other, if dag Jeo came mixed | hymns, after which a certain kind . “ . | é 2 me. The imaginative n ‘ est) that could be bred in the prow sell silver cup for best male in st Manitoba bran, $21.4, ton, In aes point, of work: | total cash value of the sal- | Pcalied unpractical and « dreamer, Thon lof © 6 is hor Then Santo Pl h Rock cock- | Toronto freien! ta | yince, The championship for show Barred EUatl ce = e ee at fee fhoud mot [cn caught in British lumii yen i is eon ES ae trained {appears end gives each person the: es hiul wicepresident. too, n'a practical acheol evolves eomething | i Best pair of bacon hogs at the oe ae owned by John Pring country Produce. i ters this year was 97,61 f Peal Value 0 Sronders “why intended gift. Ate this a. supper’ ‘went to J. . Brethour and nephew |don . bind gutter Choice, dairy, 2 to, Ua, inferior, a 2 re ‘the: ‘cut ea J. of Ha giiee ein: ‘st arene 3% en, “oh belore the. tues served urse the next e i 2 @ic: farmera’ eepara nts, a cover, make a at tl of Burford, the noted breeders: ot sp Zenotoum raphy for best | igae tet oe ae SBT to’ bor do.. wolids, 7 ae wae women wh e Toat eee picture |B Ee og a pe vid y everyone goes es ean one nephew | show— ochin 0 skm- } 26 3 0 f crpcedd also the silver cup for the | hur m, Whith Eee Cane Totgof ney laid 7,4, DSS ; cs their childten. inching cra ee hice Feat cee, We'teet *eats Glaus origioated: in’ Holy annexed also the silver cup ahs ie jo. and ato More agene dees into play tvo or three years ago. in fu. Santa Claus originated in Hol, Test pen of three bacon hogs, and ie Ly 5 a = pees Wil,| chess BONO se ac gta 8 ho tor morality and the abolition of race-| roads ere almost obiged to be ‘oking |laind, ‘but very soon made his way} m-}key owned by a ~|large, and iSe for twins. Tor track gambling were Urged at Ot-| nd living months ahead of anyone elt ‘around the world, though in that ad Tse engage: : Pavertisement tor Canada. Te proves, that however, severely, Canada. is critiolsed a in October it was] times those who ‘know her Dotvans than anyone else are quite ready to back her | 0 8 On th bilit e} is ‘Beans—liand-picked, $2.20 to $2.25 per s ie) n their ability to foresee depend their Oo eerie i tie dios shits poanels or 2 Pe a by a strong deputation. Le one Tad SeeNiake drieee meee i | Orpingto ee gdnad by belrie <6 | eat 0 2 : Tek ong for the benefit of and Christmas is obeérved a8 in| ~ = to_i40; turkeys, 18 spend money a tthe | very ancient days on December ae monies, Jet ph Feather- | Ohri Mount Hamilion. atatoee ‘Gatiios, 5046 B5e ver bag, on Sanived: tear linge tae pend, ma ates | nslean Sree aoe ‘Son, Street: vie stepped Gr: a Bae waa taken. in the | track aud Delawares “at 900. ag but Se wants dine la in ° seatine 26. chil] See ea ea ay been folie et tig, whe eee Emee the Canadiai Pa. |dren put out their wooden shoes on) nd it } to the top in the cla r York- | see at show, an was an index at Ottawa sho MHle goes right on with lie workas a fins | the evening before, filled with dof living for Noveiaber ; reat yrs ss that the farm-! pacon—tong clear r sow nine months and under 15. jers au ear the various seeds Sito,“ aa when # ere offered for sale by | 200; reg ey. patty officers have been others have en ctarn from the polar expedit exchange, a good’ chil rets fine ecome ens wl fe the naughiy ones are rods in th ney. hampion auction. Seed grain brave’ eved pee om, 19. to, Biss paar ae nos Post Office Depariment okay Eepunanion with all the resources at their Ra ati e eer { 4 s) 4 2. ” Lil praet snes varning 8 Feat te putes sua aie ee of the Sea Nrae : pen gsc seems to be a growing i Nei heb ane ie ae Acts of the Playful Savage. 2) At te ‘sunset ot bri istmas Pion Yorkshire sow. The erk-| selling for as high as § Baled Hay and, Straw, habit in London, for he report of 1312 als, miee Dobe be attad ed to the | mn American Indian, in| Eve, in Russia, the peasants for shire barrow was shown ie Pp. a a Ne: were] Baled pay Now $14.50 to ee atone : face side of letters. wildest state, appeara to be a “eultty nt | processions gre the head of. which Ewen, Wyomii and the best y George ‘oster, Honcy- jon! 2h Ro, 2's to $15.5 ES an set ei nan apared with those who are} bal iy s Thon 16, am incr x ar in Mexico. pole, is borne the Stay sow es ‘Adam ‘Thompson, Shakes-|wood. Corn went up to $3.75 for a "ise arty eer tote, $8.50 to $8.75, on et 86, erewious: Great Britain. Toa. we lea that ghaposemicndan ok al Bet thlehem.” ‘They march to the bushel and a half. track, Toronto, Bags, 10, military train who was captured by the ye peare, and these breeders divided pee feng The postal employees in Great rebels Led hisveaxecauy om his “tongue fate of the nobles or high o! ae e Winnineg Grain, 48 be fn Britain. have deferred the cailing of torn out and hie eyes gouged from their |of the neighborhood and sing carols Winnipes Cash: —W sesh N 65. hese - 36,865. ae icles, u a ni | SRE EAS 7 7 3S Gg oN oF 6. a Bens: : “Ti 2 pen HCP les WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILL. AUSTRALIA’S GOLDEN MILE. { Northern, ry Es No. 2 Northern, h er ge ; Then the Todaraile Aa pny: captured _|® ler the .mansion windows un! eae — ‘or ig 14 Bas ae eects eae British eee , C14, sank } ma an engaged jn he te n, |money is tossed to them, Later at fi Premicr McBride of British Colum-|Employs 5,000 Men and Produces mie it ofthe Ards pace Pr ten minutes collision eon ees Bight. San Taare when bia Opposed to It Beene a Year, dinand and his ¢0' the Duchess ot wich a toe near Devonport but oi kant eats ane rrymakers sp eae in eet & ber; rere city ‘one talking he crew ¢ were how o. plagt repens ng ‘A dospaich from-Victoria,B.C.,|..Kalgoorlie and Boulder, con inating eubjeet of morganats es Fe Uae eto t at esmne hes | MEMOER OF carat huable:birehe ws 8: ea McBride Sta on Sern attics which adjoin ee | ‘feed, te are not United* Sie a gtep from the drawing room to, the | Sine 6. Supper is served on tablea the request of the her at Hannan setts ed 0 .20 12; No, 2 6 ate ers nglich law, Loudon h. A big demonstration was made at ania ee pee with angie the Christmas Unt ted Suifrage Sociction of Bri- e oy. traal: Market idence in this country of the Grand the Capitol in Was! sitet by the os are lighted and presents ex- stasis eeiehag eS\ichacl “and ihe, Countess Torby.' Anti-Salcon Leagu ed. toe tish Columbia for the SS ale of a woman suffrage Government. He suggested that the question would have to be i ‘The euperstitionsly ineliaed, ‘sad those abana he to ise i yi use, ge Btop in. Bed a6 Cnt ana their shadows before,” | : to thiemeelven in Mie | Cteck saying which Pasir rat Mother, ahinton of the Greek manner in celebrating ne eo the Sones rm im Duke Mi prominent, in, London fashionable ¢! Co ereelf is the oon a bo brought up by a private m member. Ore 7 p The late Duke of Teck, Que a who eaye that there will be-no, “disaster” | Cyr {The Provincial “Txecutive is. not in 15. 10 He “34.50 | th se fe ‘oi x gon of Duke ice fe Amorion ih 1slte. Berbape aie aMInkL | Oo eee more of a entire agreement on thi 8. auestion straight rollers, $2 i 3 8 io |of Wurtemberg tnd hie mo) o ms wife, ‘General, bushes with E aitanio, disasters, the Tent carnival on the latter event, Tht 1. bi 1». $4. the G t 4) le: ein | is a I» i i (S of oe vote for. women,” snnoun Bhis to $2124 2. ian, a to A ne cat iife was. abort, for the Ded Rebel bands swept down upon the | mine Sorrors,, she ‘a “na enough dein: | olian om end ak 3s ees aA *) Premier McBride to a See A 0 885. Midd 0 $26 Jat the end of, tive years; metres Tampies, in Mexico, but | longer tian to the end of next year, Bur country, whi es their Ohrist- which waited on him, “If you get|they provide themselves with com ote. bd 2 Wt No. 2 er ton Loved in Wartemberg to have boon 1068 | sone rep) wo imaging that there will be no Zales x | a January 7, and me it 1. * + ‘tile vote, then you mould mation! tal forts; they amuse themselves; they |erns, 1554 to Mie, Mee oe eream: | Nile Duke Mota lived a widower fF) An inkerhational fleet is guarding | tons on the ear of ‘ninere ‘or. slupm Sere Se, until Epi Pipl eon lament, avd it would be reasonablo| are adorned; they regard their jory 2 2 to. Be; seconds, 28, to Mito, | MOONY fatty . ig/the neutral zone at Tampico, suite ters or rail eers or weather ob-| weather in that part of the world ia ; 4m suppose that some time you}duty to the state an xt the Bats, : teoahy $066 $e ected Bibs ‘No. 1|-- The ‘present. ‘elgning Pritice of Lipye ts is the Hexien Aer Thee city’s are ore or caggeing the mfsertanes fe that naialig’ bleak ‘and the superstitions would form a woman’s party and'future of their children’s children. |$@e¥ oar iota: 75 to Ste. Much common eehee as superstition ar the | ones believe that hobgobling ara probably run the entire affairs e jolden Mile lies within Heh Sete ae i 1 anxbod th = pRmatnat abe MEDIAN cage se out in the bad weather, which some, ; very exa nag, ismasted and deserted, the Bri alktigh teens ikon the country. That + would be a logi-}of Hannan’s old claim—the smo United States fates Marko a allowed fo eusceed the throne of the lich ship Dalogonar, from Callao hace boa jampens the joyousness of the cal aoe aaid the Premier. and dust and black superstavobres gs rier Maye og mart, : Speolute, bar io |for Taltal, Chile, wae sighted Ooto- | ceeded by. the witcleas, pore ete “aN j Sey ae a thin line of deep and vastly | No. 3 Northern. guceession among German royalty. ber 28 about 1,200 miles west of the | Mme, disconnected sounds the. At: Freche saver es, erie ets ‘eral i it be Aa, st 8 83 Ifo, to Honor Byron. iy ADE DPOX to ? it Dd POURED © D COAL 0 OIL IN STOVE. Heb mines. One of the nae not | See ss She Comm, ‘Aberdeen to By! . coast of Chile by the French barque] though pronabl the pride of them all—must produce | 6 120. . Oats, deen is to do honor to Byron by |Marie, of hig experiménthig mountains about Yuletide ond chet #000 Gay to keep the stockholders | Butush” Dee. io ohbardoen. ie tee to hie memory, Though Sxooeded 800 milea es among the poor people in p cing « statue vtho} sees Lie “Meets a Terrible nas Arata a 5c; No, eaten me ile 4a, to Dis enon Buco cognizes no limit ae au TWHAAO DA te ath Near Cornwall good humor with its behavior, Northern, 94 68 te Gav Baunre-the poet's early days and. freely. predicte that New. York will ‘ . a e affection of the cee 86 1 ont in Aberdeen; and he was al- THE RIGHT VOTE. yet be able to. talk with, London without well received he leaves. ha) rey pei creda hy fe sets a were pent fon with th S ‘wires, When that ‘think hy pts Py tle & cat from Cornwall, Ont., | would be largely increased—it was| Per. sits; May, S148 34. 5 | wave proud of hile connection ‘with the | > son i islnibetialtete ac aie hink how | membrances of hig visit, The littl says: While in paar of pees eee if a responsive good i London, Dec. 15. 1913. British-Born Number Nearly One ofofa You tne language. ie bi Blane their shoes where he ¢ jing a fire with which to get dinner, | conduc! should eee even this ive Sits, gout and a Half Millions. Pee ly Sad yourself wl rop things in, As in other coun: s “ i ei ae . many dial : Miss Amy Kirk of Gallingertown contitving yield to £1,000 a day. | .afontres! Deo. 6; tho sve “ers offer ; EM aoe ujere Eee ining inlets dnd anklet lies, the. bad boys and girls find received burns which resulted in| Roughly speaking, the Golden Mile | was done in cattle ranging from 86 to 8%.| SIR LIONEL PHILIPS SHOT. | 4. * a psc ti < ‘led by | Corio Shar aaitLiaTien pal tostar.eehe W whips in their shoes instead of good! her death. The unfortunate woman | and its lesser neighbors of Kalgoor- stock, af ESCs ieee Lemire hooting ¢ Eran rt oy Gierent countries, but. also. tn nt seinen ine is, if there are any bad bP iu parts of the same coun’ _ ured coal oil in the stove and the | }ie—the big shows, as distinguished | cows ‘from $4.60 ‘to $6.50, and bulls 85, to | The Langit Gold-Mi ing Magnate se 5 y try, wi % rags irs A $6.50, wnile canning stock brought $3.50 e 346,593 foreign-born males of voting | city to city, and from ward to ward. But dames ontered the can, causing @/from the individual enterprises) to #4 BE ee poet Mees end oe ms Bier late there hi ome peasants of Italy usually, i ‘ "gs To a5.0' yer cw. ‘Sefected: lots f South Africa. age in Canada, oor or 39.92} Geney, which is. “again bringing ‘ne speech {play sweet melodies before ri mn, ie girl’s. 5 sheep ar 9 ol ies lool banat fire and cho was Sonarserounn Avner on ca me trom, $9 40 89.05 war cwh weMeled A. rae from Mebane ars, per cent. had at the time of the|of the people, to a comm n denominstor. Ui ghe. Virsa and ee ee Badly burned about the body. The employ So men and produce £3,- ert Dec. 16.Cattle—Choice sf but pan ae eee mp taking of the last census become | thiegraph “and the vgarent en ine, th though they never beg, passersby, “paly person in the house at the time | 900,000 tid’ the: whole Sel te Ee good adie at come ath | ursday assassi-| British subjects within ree 7a Interests steadily converging, with | who. are well-to-do aT give: was Miss Kirk’s younger sister, | in Jeane ihe = Gplden: Mile is situated 50 tO Pate air Tone Pile, the leading }and thus acquired the right. “ote. uae eat eo Hh sii mite: wings | then food and : who rascoadled in smothering he hag from tho first days of the Kal- m1 gold-mining -m te of South Af-|The British-born male es ation weaving all mankind into the| On erhombaetrn f enodiinsnt es. A doctor was summoned, | goorlie rush, twenty years ago, Pro- rica. Three sho ate were fired ‘at him. }of_vobinig ae including native] Te" yepine onve. an brotherhoods exer. |places in England are closed and as jut tho injuries were Bouse ced almest £56,000,000, ‘which, The attempt was made’ while ho was Canadians, totalled — 1,442,618, of yrhleh all can comprehend. Jt’ may De left |no Pie demonstrations of any, ¢ death resulted i in a short tim stated more impressively in dollars, walking on Commissioner Street. | whom sae ar born in a oaks ane ieee whieh ki are 4 ra tt ob 84.50 the permitted P i ere * a tar The ainda ‘of Sir Lionel Philips | United Kingdom and 26,472 in. ere Ae ete tcrar For it curly is |being done at the family hearth,” Face, €S' to 85.60: spring ambe, | Was identified as a Dutch store-|tish possessions. Thus the total cure to hear your brother epeak and net) But on the following day, known aq = | fee ‘of the name of Nissun, and | voting. strength in the election of “Ac Bounty orion “Boxing ae ”” theatres te-opens ae THEY WANT AN INCREASE. painted out by & = the crime was supposed to have | 1911 was 1,987,129. The total num- “Machinists on “Pwo Big Railways eee. ee ate ea pe oy heon actuated by revenge for the |ber, of votes polled was. 1,307,528.| caulon seems to, be, cxparietita a ot | child ‘stories te Dick Whitington og May Strike in Spring. whiet nen nego public AGATA loss of a rec a. ae 5 ane ig fe cet Frees Deh es Sere For, the gegond time with: a His Cat,’ Cinderella,” and . ‘A di aay oa Montreal says: 4 ¥ mining group with which Bir Lionel) aen birth in Canada at the date ‘ TE ieee Head “Bluebeard.”’ It is called boxi cmp y rauaed nearly £000 per capita of] yereR AND HOME URLE. |is connected. One bullet pierced of the census was 762,732, and of migveteres iat - 8 fay because of the cu a - OP. achinists, al E th ; ‘The nists, nob alone | the maximum Sopulston of f the dis- the lung and liver, but the attend- |thero ae or 46.98 per fae | But iniered and merely orice ot Montréal, but of all Canada, will | tri saa : g ea demand in the spring for an tic Leader, of Opposition iia Seri |ing physicians are hopeful of Sir|cluding both sexes, had ae equired | such better: tee ot hip time. He fie e King Quee nd, consequently — is Tienes i Beene safiered | the righis of Canadian citizenship, | four of his ruarde merely bectuge he fear] to Sandringham on thie day to 6b, n ; increase of wages, and should wh all?? dead s Are Ahead. Lionel’s recovery. oe chet the sholoye decling to, agreo, to fe Meee bisaai eae ee Se aie mich fom Sh ait and no ; rovernor, of Bi, pint mach ‘ore 8 serve the tzndivions of ot old tasblens demand there may be a big} 1 could not ten Wales, suys:. Andrew Bonar. Law, {attempt hag been made to Fomor! Lares aaa upy, the comparatively humble posi i Te Gre This Moe: | Tee Teh ee tito” hs [leader of the Opponition| inthe | the bullets ‘The wound in the neck| MURDERER ARRESTED. tate att eats Ay emer sone banquet consisting lee boat “ment: to increase the wages. Will snapped, ‘‘who never saw the gold-|House of Commons, speaking here is \ : % DEES loughty, Oriental. To exape agsaesination |head, beef, and a gigantic, plum also be extended to tho Grand|felds’” fay the Bo | on Thursday night, repeated his f. Boller Ours + the queer ° Of oh ‘and pereonally execute four xt “1ieh | pudding. "The boar’s head is usual: ‘ pee ees shops, where the — Beadietion that che imposition o! ey <! BUSY. Ker: ~ | ante neede a kind of barserk rage, If the |ly a present from the German Kai- wages paid is said by the What's in a Name. home rule on nie would result ia MEXICAN REBELS BUSY. A cares from Winnipeg says:| furely they: would Irave aoe Tie: oopor te and when presented before ae Autor ‘tiers ie be lower than that aA ‘ : civil war. ‘If the Government,” 3 —— | John’ Krafchenko, charged with timity of ridding, themeetves of (itm King on ‘a,- All’ prese ‘paid by the © told "oe fas ob ie meee e Was he continued, ‘tbs any proposal to | Blew. Up a Se Conveying Fed-| robbing the Bank of Montreal at | ve and'will repent general aeted in| sing a carol about the Kine’? boars 3 aa ee, P-\ ‘make which holds out even a pros- “Soldiers. Phim Coulee, Man,, and tiurder- | ance will not restore his guards to jife head and praying hat all be merry. ; ply for the job, After he had an- rie thereto oad : pate TE hitelde: tie hie it may do eomeihing for their ancestors, swered a number of questions the pect of avoiding the evils we dread, |" A ae from Mexico ee ig Hy M._Arnold; anager, | Four guardé ae ngainst 0 ee joes um orl: euiplover! sacked, <CWunt'a~ eyour| wns euell conser 4 Siig ‘any | says: A troop train is report was captured on Wednesday morn: | likely to leave the general to ai sponse ciate good ad- namet?” regard’ to party advantage or dis-|have been dynamited north of Be ing at a house in College a buties Ene at she wrong aid ride. Pau sie shah fails to coincide with our + Over rshoe 55 “MfacConigal, ee oe Gee iad rpg fo for | hits, ee wo amesday. by rebels, and |St. John's; Man., where he. was | ready_seckonen own “Spell it.’ *| the welfare of the nation. Id-| the loss of life is said to be heavy known as-a‘student by the name of == SE = “Mo—no . Mo—ag. +. Mike. atlick, ed that the” Government ae ie train was on its way to Nuevo Andrews. <A cordon of twenty po- pe Mea capa. Maes content to let “matters dhe, and Laredo t6_ rel eres! the gartison | Heo: were on ha and to make the ar- 0 i N Vv E T Ni E : ; ‘Ach, to blazes wid ye. Ye can 5 ae that meanwhile. the likelihood lee a which was effected without a) 0 f : : ie yer vould job.” Hreaching” a Soent by. poe tee ae gel the’ wanted man. saying: = f : ———$ Z - anne { Sees [was growing smaller ; fe up, T guess. Til ome | engine-room — workers esitt foe Salen nose re High Class 5-Year Bonds that are Profit-: -Shafing. "Series-$100, $500, $1000 % ? shoo - fi 1: On searching the apart- Two women 4 vespectable Ham-|fonso XIL., mutinied on'the. A aa ments an automatic revolver was i it as Sanders, a Bilored pri- 4 . WO WO i 8} E nt | ilton families who) were caught | from Corunna to Cadiz, and attack-|found lying on the bureau beside | RATIONAL S| CURITI 2 ent were sentenced to jailjed the officers, . pul ‘were over-|the bed, while under the cigs was'| #FEDERATION LIFE HES “CORPORATION, LIMITED. *lfor three weeks, powered alter : desperate fight. ‘another ay loaded revolver | - eet t Rt