The Store With the Stock “A Merry Christmas and a ENGELAND & SONS, Sry WE WISH OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS 3 “THE PEOPLE'S STORE” - and Prosperous New Year’ We also desire to thank you for the business you have given us during the past ~~ year and hope for a continuance of your patronage during the coming year. Milverton, Ont. APP’ gee er natant Narlnrtos Ne DPA ALR ALD Nant ntl Nn. WORLD WIDE NEW CHOCOLATES Review. and | Canada’s L erary Ohi Plorida. S01 ville, is peagheasnscout Waritar aten ibe ela WwW choice weekly ellent ae for ction of artiles. and cartoons re- We have just put into stock one of the finest assortments. of Chocolates ever displayed in Milverton Bu. ain Journals Nastia to Oh rect, connection is made to |. New Orleans’ keep in oats fre fe World's ee cond morning after leay-|events “World ee is invalnable. d ainsi es selec! i made via all prices WEIR’ Ss RESTAURANT k roma ost | Direct Sense is also made x points in California. Tex wish to keer eeping | send etroit| “World Wide” «started twelve r- A quantity of building timber +4 fire’ A House on Your es ~ Hands =—_ G Bot the thet Rind thet have waste in goin, =e Py side. look in our Apyo cauvites to leave their ‘PETER STECKLY. Milverton. dit-4i|° “Te 7es have hese, on, your ou ever figure out how peeeee eectee”, a4. orders Also| © Con, 6. Elma yoneS "FOR RENT OR SALE Half pies ‘edjoining Denzil village Sn land. | 1_ necessary -—-~ 0 Nnas found its place on 2 ticular. Connecting ts hers. t ‘ODDER PLANTS throng Bleeping and Din | } pe AND PASTURE t | | While wheat is mind at ea @ DMUSny Diatsoe Puaseuger: Anant, the price. no equals amonm the jour- ‘onto. nals of the day. ‘As someone has said. “World Wide is a feast of reason—an intellectual treat. agricultural country can long succeed and the better the range more prosperous APDhESS AND PRESENTATION industry become. Even Principal Peterson. L. ~ McGill sections that are famous for wheat) A ssful school-closing en- | University oneest: says: ling the need of site stock and | tert schoo am:sure “World Wide’ ought to inment was held in the oe No. o make | aie a highly se aratetoue career be- President ‘Trotter. D.D.. of Acadia Universi ee = Tecom- your “World ase: is a delight to me. Read every 8, E. Dawion. Lite. ‘D,. Ottawa, says* “J take a good many papers but |d Wide’ is oe only one which I read without skipping.” “Wo Wide’ is wonderfully well ran- the address wad feet Dobson while Mis: made the sicesentalied e Honourable Martin s r= rel. ‘Minister of Agriculture. has, with the assistance of Dr. scar irate Dominion Agrostologist . prepared Miss Irene Id edited.”=Foseoh Ryan. Notary exemplary character but our appreci- almost »|ation of the excellent work don ciation from’ the F: we wie: a . ae of porowaa is h e Notolls. Balls vega! 4 Grenfell. Bask. On trial to New Sul Veedlaetd ous mnths ie only 25 cent: 5. matte for only $1.00. Regular wate i} “World Wide” is published by JNO. ‘DOUGALL. & SON “witness” Block Mon‘rer]. Can. for a year. ‘Try it phere is apparently Genre ghee: |-| al listlessness sweepin, ds of these various cron be of great value ‘ru: astecs. tl * See.-Treas Mornington. Dec. 18th. 1913. e| 85 WINTER ‘TOURS TO THE, LAND oF i sa nen ‘their inter. ae the on been placed upon. it, Tes, elisteitation bi is of the King’s Printer ‘honour all” ete, a eee remitta1 SUNSHINE AND SUMMER DAYS this season of the y visit an isa z ic very even climat iat pened c the fl ie mar pete este ‘esorts.. Years six times : a s six pe ‘bank - ee ay fro bie vote 1om | seer Speees a vi church or othe: THE PONY EXPRESS. Fearless Riders and the Dangers and Hardships They Faced. Perhaps the most picturesque figure | , the old ox team to twenty-five days, and still there was a clamor that the east and west be brought closer to- gether, and it was done. The pony final achievement—the safe Artie! of his charge. fearless horse! riding west re riding east —and this novel but Raetal enterprise was in motion. For two years the pony express carri of busi- pee and love across 2,000 miles of destitute of cultivation or develoy ment, irks a region wild, desolate and little ee in saddle} 1, TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUE IZED, On Monday evening a meeting w ‘ey ey fans wil e some ing con- tests Jack been. rather tardy of late but seems at to have got down to business and there ev Hayes bat of teams and players;— an, Canadiens—N. MoGuire. R. Wanless. H. Hoffman. G. . fye C. Riley . L. ngeland. A. Riley Nationals—Geo. Smith. Manager. 8. Spencer.. W. Whitney §. Smith, C. W. seheter D. ¢, Brown, W. Honderich, s..W. K, Graham, N. Zimmi os—0. Finkbeiner. | Manager. » Hasenpflug. Ww. th W. Grosch. W. Ey rite “N. Bi Boyoe. Lew Gamble. Appel. EXCELLENT ‘SERVICE 10 81. JOHN N.B.. AND HALIFAX. N.S. Following fast’ time and moder “it waa mn “1850 that the pony express| Co ORGAN- | Visit the upstair de; tt bait The Waterloo County Co: ) yaa its sessions at” ee ge year. in presenting him with a hand some, gold-headed ‘ Yard. Woolnei Weaver at Hosp ‘eats he sentatia — probably be skating in the course |” ~~ Doss Ir Srey to *| men, wi year in Cassin aoa une a | Consu 2 bale Mirena ‘that coe per ined hen is and wil cen ul eye tr Ave BUY housan' oes i ‘ones and can ‘save tl a little more re bee! a ile m Perhaps it does neal woe but o ae alittle bit sabes: conta thence to ane Floy sta Station), a am. daily-arzive Muaired leave Montreal 7,25 ‘p.m. tl ve Bt, ,,| Job .00 a. fot and Halifax 10, 4 pm, the Hum) nant and sat ee to aia cisco by bo: Sthe intention of the y express was to*carry letters only aang not more | p.m. ar Mont tandard sleep- cars fntvenl, to Bt. John and Hauifexs car wianiesely a (dinner served fro: moe cts to | sufferor— 00 form was de- mode fallows: eee Halifas 800 acm. al p.m. ay Hontreal (ote Baually rvice ina, asl | 5 horse _ together—W, ©. enki ve swam| National cata Tickets. Balers eto. from any ©.P.R, ai agen! Buy your Sa 5 from Ww. eK ta 108, doz, up to 500, - : ing a tera Tae & able building public wie 2 Numerous peopl 9 V wcnntscioads eel t rd ac idea that not so. te ilities. an pee sti id io itt at ab ita fe rates