Milverton Sun, 7 Jan 1915, p. 4

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> j 3 > 3 ‘ : 2 ; : > § exes $3.00 for $5.00 for Boy’s Suits and Overcoats Boy’s Suits, Straight 1 Trousers 50c. for $90.00 IN GOLD CONTEST Will, put on an extra spurt during January. =+$2.99 $8.00 tor me 00 for 5 Men’s Overcoats Persian Lamb Caps 37.50 for 2 - Votes for Every Cent Spent - 2 During the sale and until the end of the contest. 49 $13.99 ; Fur Collared $28.00 plush lined for ties oe Sipe lined. poe: in- 9 Coats Four yotes for every cent on all Remnants until end of contest Three votes for every cent on Whitewear during this sale only Three lucky people will receive $50, $25 and $15. Are you going to be one of the lucky three 2 Are your votes placed on the winner ? If you don’t wish to.enter the contest, help your friend. beaver Fur Lined Coats Reg sae maskrat lining ell . black $30.99 $4.50 for Everyone has a chance, e Now is the time to gather in the big volume of votes. Men’s Shirts Get busy and get all the votes you can. All the latest patterns If your friends don’t get the Milverton Sun makeit a point to let them know of this Great January Clearing Sale and se- cure their votes for the trouble of informing them Smocks and Overalls $1.00 for $1.25 for 50c. for .. 150. for. Working Mitts and Gloves Gloves Lined and Unlined | Clearing S 5 J Complete Assortments? D iti p ng Demanded by Critical Men Men of particular ideas in matter of style. Men who demansvat every yard of fabric must be trustworthy, th 3 2 , that e titch , peat every fold and line of the garment must fairly breathe ‘‘q —just._such men are they who have bec Buvine caer Souuiag hae a bee nicest pe nerichee : as taught them that here the quality is right, the assortments omprelfsive that every individual need can be met, and that values are Seasutpacced. This Sale Starts on Thursday, Jan. 7th, and Ends Saturday, Jan. 23rd--For Fifteen Days Only.. Read This List: Men’s Suits Men’s Hats : a Soft Felt and Derbies Tepe Shc 2 .00 for 4 Rhee for Contest Ends Feb. Ist, 1915 : $18.00 for $20.00 for .. Neckwear Mufflers .50 for . $2.00 for . Suspenders 250. for... 50c. for g g 4 s $2.25 for . Black Dog Coats $20.00 for e $22.50 for $25.00 for = 1 V n 8 | $28.00 for Wall Paper at Half Price [a] | = negra esOlss — sheath on on enon | [] baptized The Congregational charch |SOUTHERN: ALBERTA IN WHICH |‘ PEACH MAKING “CANADA'S RALLY TO THE EM- ig 1700 members and 4.500 versons| PUGH & LIVINGSTON ARE | PIRE' aeoeP ment ere are 30.310 1 Witni i Hebrew citizens but it coula not. be LARGELY INTERESTED We anime nue greatiy; otegn Gee BASSWOOD SS ae week hat the learned how manv were members of SHOWING ACTIVITY, ind ond detached souls, remote tro ee ra giao ee at the |th —— : : tory—the Talk of the Whole isa a Compan The Orillis Peoket ipllcat a ratte Calgary —— the strife wha are mad th a Vora eee . a follca a on would start 120 and!farmer named George Hendry. who} Vice-President J.D. Pugh. of ea in \] S that the Oliver Chilled Plow Teaiipany died at Au¥ora some weeks ae and|Southern Alberta. is confident that Ge the great Arms da of thirty- would put 100 men at work. who heateathed $59 to the Methedis sredesadcwell wil be tngoatl ii @ big ships. carrying thirty-two At the Wellesley nomination meet-|charch at Aurora “in consideration of | his property early in the new yea ind of Canada’s sons. and es- ing at Or I Jast- week a motion| te use I have made of its aheds dur =e gave oat an authorized statement by stage Bites British. batt- if Wee cnaasinotaly carried. that the in| yy may lifetime. Th ald his effect to The Mormng Albert- . weighed a Weare in the market to buy any quantity coming council make a grant of © a p Spree varrying our Miesdaodaice dolt d G1 least. $1500 toaste. the Belgian. Res aid in (fighting the Empire's Onn CAC IBS m4 e wee at G.T.R, ship- het on . few people realized all it ing point. jolts to 6i h d : 5 * ti ping p e 6 inches and over Nearly all of the trains daring the rh Gonthiepy ther tasting uitacieal ease ies ¢ his breath, meant to Canada, It has been the eet rok abut oi [Rs Nie sal cin then coe, Page ves. os [a nate orn tobe tu of Gn Wala gn in diameter and cut 20 or 40 inches long. A Gaels fee ie Seedale owing o liv livi shared by Hugh Walsh. treasurer 0f| gate the humam, race—a purpose meter ns: oe zeae eon Extra paid for 20 inch bolts. No bolts to eavv fall! of snow and increase a any who b the S nenead-on 1 cried “Bravo Can- traffic. Snowplows were oat nearly jie dirs, of entury ago there Lea hy aeu ele te ee oh ERE See ee Stiton uaa The Slicstea ted" naan eNews be split unless 16 inches in diameter, Bolts aa Gas ee teers lines ‘open. p_| is @ vast standing army the Govern to the city yesterday sanguine as to | Paradise Los e achiev: sina arri ‘nan Fibres oe over 16 inches to be halved, not quartered. E i 2 eRne. pyb- 5 the well’ ts. t sinee Willi e Conqueror. ther The trutord Beacon ‘ni |MCM, Ae, Government of th Me I sat titiot in ax follown: [Tales = Ste aan had vested se wos teal a mace! amet pce uesday evening ast week and|by Cromwell's Ironsides have vee epson at the-Goathern Alberta woe mane, Le 1 great fleet settings ily Mecsented him witha pares of $5 Seniesa a eee citasted ome mile Doth (Oe ee en ae atten oii bialaliant uever before seen on Canedian P. AMENT & SONS, B 1 an address of appreciation. the | peace establishment. ‘They had only | west of the Dingman Discovery are | ficu dismembered before the Ark s. News of the departure was . , Drusseis > eee Setleth anniver~ troops when the present war{very bright. Hugh Walsh. treasurer | jy, mt—the ‘new covenant of| censored and kept so secret that few or to WILLIAM HENRY, Blacksmith, Newton Sary of | the ~ first issue of Mr.| started. Thev meditated no attack on|of the Soathern Al company | {he Kingdom of Heaven on Warth. th he z ore Rela qT ne ie Mr.|Germanv or any other nati came up from the well yesterday. He| jo /onant of peace which in parable ji noe weigh anchor on the Gaspe Hee ee ee ee thas cing | No vhosphorus matches will be man-| has spent several weeks at the vrep-|ne tore to shreds. — — i ¥ |iafactured in Canada begin- erty. 2 is very sangaine ai e nets - whose interests he always espouses. | ning of the present year. On January | Sho PEACE sinking of the British battle-|/" the white Phosphorus Act. design- “President William Livingston hai ship \ish Channel on Pri ibi re eeded in surmounting the numer- o Weekly the seriee cae because of th ‘itself which of 8 reache 46 i of perfection. that it is igen to | market. “Black oil showings are in contin: ben x so many people sa’ als 31/18 now greatly reduced because of war | nous evidence and have feentienahe arent! ‘We always look’ thr er- | Sond Ontario growers — should st. This en has had an +o uation her military power. A subsoribef tisements itis in them one Bie seer note that the present stability in pric-| cellent showing of oil ever since the 'samer demand begins is aceon rear the ne ings. the ideas ; h smaller pro¢| first encounter of the fluid at ores ev Webb. an English economist o°| be sent: free. to anya eae to that thev zt fou bp’ to the times “in duction in the province this season. A|of 1.700 feet. [repute. has _ been lecturing « He er eead ee wav just as the mews = e crop next year with continued war| “The directors of the company not-/ terms of peace and counselling mod- TS does in its way.” om- | conditions might cause a heavy drop| withstandi manv’ ol 8. have | eration. England ought ot che says. wil fort in life has been obtained pers fs the market, Ontario alsike grow-|been hoping that the well would be to look for indemni ty. Bete ae Ke Ts would be es advised to save seed| brought in bv ib sianes saat this course. must pe een oe ightors Te cathaped Asiosing ths ees and runs out of a peninsula. ‘e farmer's crops re- aed bat the old muisance. ‘ahere ae wail Jarge Mooi bers of deer in the park, and the herd is said to be much eet through the weeding out process. nglicam church leads in population in Toronto. the nu oi gat aes en so > great | eet. not the sale is mot effective till January 1 1916. The ee was passed at the last o |Session of ominion parliament. | Ofigere of the Labor coeoa will sold ae from especially clean fields. writes the Seed (Beach Department 0’ ;| Agriculture Otta ROME'S 1) LEGACY ©. RL, Phetch Rome conquered the yard. and with impossible _to| was ‘y that i by |i ieee. that world-conquest at first for selfish aims. the sword: and it is e 30) z But wherever she went her irm- lw rooted a the older civilizations of. China and Ii dsobenent ‘oaver labelled “Dai ry Batter” for sale at The Sun office in 25 cent packag Rom: tholic church comes t > 2 fore in actual membership. The total) New Telephone Directory ghurch population of Toronto accor: ing to the assessment commissioner is ‘new igsue-of our. official. -Tele-|i 470,000. ‘The ac’ Cathil'e| oiycia Dieedtar 16 a0 ket uncoated list of communicant members. is tha “Sope wall olnae Swithite. eh 56.000. In membership the Anglicans | next few days. with $5,000. ‘The Presby-| Orders. for cia ae terians-have 34,000 members the Met! ts have 27.486. not inelud| ie hildren ee fourteen years 0} its are said to nom- The Mewes of Thom £500 have ges of mame es arene should be re- ported to us at one suc ‘ous Popeimslcs encountered during the past two mont atarday n'g! found the casing’ neues placed and past the i i bit is-new working in s and all re ances of further delay eliminates “The tes now feel onlv a matter of careful drilling un- til the well is brought in. Black Oil in eae d_ the real il sarneen cat's of the Sot uthern Al- the well. givi haye to stay camp all winte! Te NO CAUSE FOR" “COMPLAINT From La Pati eats has not ahgatt the right it it is a matter of fact oe by statistics recently present- ed_to the British Parliament. that the which wil! profit m« a: THE BELL ‘on Ce ae that it “is | comes had been. attained 2 disastrous cave | Li 5 aoe denvea by “ssi and “Ay: listen efforts are probably makin: lagain to bring aEoKe pence. he con- NEW BOOKS AT AT LIBRARY | The following new books h | by the Milverton Pul | t are now ready fo: tae e | derer’s Necklace. Haggard; ride of | ing: Shameful tonevienae: | eee ine lord "Little Journeys to Ialy ron’ en iow sUnspeakable Pruss: au Jones What of the, Nays, Barge at ile Henge Of tha. West. o “Sisters Mithree Vaizey Mal Vaizey* Also Twelve of the a “lis books for r boys. A news. item iste that ons if plying from the should find this. sufficient cod “ oes respec the history a panoramic view showing mil ‘great war. It will jotic imsp_r: les a cnet should ae The amily Hee ald and Weekly Star at once pre itNe nS ave ee (OUR NEIGHBORS TO THE SOUTIL Let us | nandre eatin At iweieeat military Journeys to Switzerland | enguage and dailv a ae perial Germany Bue- |worn down ‘olation and of 1 Mother acciie Hering finally chosen es worth’ Mrs.. Pe Eo Cue eee a and "| Niece ‘Robson ; Town and Oth 00 t iba can ene Fe Bean shows: ay well how the naval end iallv at Ottawa last week woe Parlia: wartare is teeta Britain; ment would open wi ely. \fionoved: drewinig- room and ‘State ball,| Ww elie ere Canadian the picture wwill point the have a paces value, Lv. Peeen ee ull of .am American journal says. 1 ait Gilt Frames for Enlarged the ee of the r Established 1878. The British Mortgage Loan Co. of Ontario Office : 27 Downie St., Stratford inches deep Money deposited with the Compan: daily balances, compounded half-year! INVESTORS, 4% and 5% 1 Company teaucs Debenteres; and pays 4 per cent, half-yearly for terms of ee i to 4 years and pays 5 per cent. Ralf-yearly for 5 years. "Company. afe_inves meney to loan on mortgages anc J, A. DAVIDSON, Mi DEPOSITORS, 334 javest Trust Funds! in these Debentures, "The Soscptial sis safety, and this Company gives sted in land ‘secu nd real estate at current rates, iv will yield you 3% per cent, interest on ly, ‘ow absolute secs, as ities. The Company ‘has JOHN Brown, President ring e dwelt on this defence conversation have ev- iF ere devoted f of ou without the time~ Furniture Dealer We wish to advise the people of Milverton-and surrounding community that we can supply Photographs 14 x 20 inches—the correct size—with convex glass From $2.00 to $2.50 Each. Brass Beds at $11.50, Genuine Felt Mattresses at.$7.50, all the new ideas in springs. We sell Gerhard Heintzman Pianos, also Rugs and Linoleum \ Robert McMane _ Milverton Funeral Director and Embalmer We have a choice stock of Kitchen Cabinets, look them over before buying elsewhere.

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