Milverton Sun, 28 Jan 1915, p. 2

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HEALTH WRECKED THROUGH LA GRIPPE Tt Generally Leaves the Patient Debilitated and an Easy Victim to Other Diseases One of foremost medicine writers’says: ‘‘It is peetomainng th: number of people have been fag ee health aan eis an attack of@la grippe or influenza.’ ‘The real danger from this disease, ps oyer Canada every is dhuring convalescence, ms, 8] the fever, the AE the ache and the depression of se pass away. Grip leaves behind it weakened vital powers, 4S blood, impaired digestion ox over-sen- sitive nerves — that wants others who suffer as he did makes the system an. pon pre: aring of wood ‘lots and | to nov, Ms cure. pneumonia, bronchitis, Es in thecburning of debris after tak-| ‘Fo: “ oe from nervous prostration’ am ing out fuel - supply, idney, Tage says, | semp! 8 a condition that amounts of ashes are produ “Tt sta a=} all go 5 tonic | These, as a rule, are Jeft where the | ally -g kia rad a Dr. W. Sik aan ig done, and are conse- barely taclieee, are appetite was | wes ate tonic ciianratls adn bid quently wasted. fitful-and: sepeeenined ‘freely with + his need as they purify} Wo. as eee 5° carefully | slightest’exertion had ort of ere blood. They tone up! stored in fire-proof- receptacles if ight aor my sand Twas al- the nerves and give vigor, strength }possible; in any event away from | way: and nervous. and health to the psiitated any sens ger of fire, and sho cu be |< “Fi ally rheumati re added system. Mrs. Howard D: Cha , to avoid leaching the |to. my troubles, ttacks of a sland, N.B. pees be paul he §) ce en sciatica na neuralgia fellow. ane ai used’! the W st ben oficial en the trouble wai ook with escaped the Dy Sebo a aoa with it, I ae the best of health al re this me edicine FWARVESTING THE ICH CROP. €o-operation Among. Farmers an tage in the Work. Theré are few localiti b. dye from .which a sup- may be: obtained for use ring the summer ‘months. with which the ice be secured a probably it-is not taken cdvartane of 40 ater Eten: than at present. economical harvesting opera- tions it-is advisable that a number of the farmers of a community co- operate, sharing the expense, an making the labor proportionately lighter. * few tools are necessary to hhar- vest the ice supply efficiently. A steel scraper to remove the snow covering is desirable; some. styles of road scrapers ‘may used, or a e-made scone mney. le strip of steel. An ice. ca tacitic tates the work of scoring into bloc! oath Sais tine tot can. im) vised by ae are hangiet © erosseut saw. r of pike les, ice tongs and Tet down into’ the “the water and loading on the pout The ice should be packed & iroduciion 6 in head- | cen; re ee Lp of eer and the Potter latform, one end of which may be| o POTASH AND WOOD ASHE Some valuable: Produets for Land Dee vement, With the "hathly of eae the Germ: off by war a ie 0 go to waste Weeaah want 0 and conservation of the ee ashes Throughout a large p: Can- ada the chief fuel at all seasons, but more especially in winter, is wo In the eastern provinces, fare cods are chiefly used. These ls, es- pecially beech and maple, are rich potash, varying from 5 to 13 oe care Other vahiable ingredients small propor- about the land, ly vaiu- able as a ferti dee rariaperes gen- contained therein. dy soil, wood ashes supply the’ phos- {| phoric acid and lime in eine are deficient, ‘on ely lands, the lime arene “of the ashe! a dance. Potash as supplied to nd through: the on ee s has-a-di the ree sh seals mapa tetsrons Ger- solu- is a once + srallanbe tor aden he importan wood ashes, as shown above; . can hardly he over-estimated, It is consequently of first interest to the pore dingte cand Jumper Siverests f to conserve the supply wherever and-by what process pro- ced. During the undertakings ee ight-of-way clearing lines will be in progress from the burning of the debris of which large present winter large es will accumulate. en to pro- securing potash supplies, the mar- | ket value of ashes at present is from $8.00 to $12.000 per ton, depending upon quality. A MOTHER'S S ANXIETY Most fOtliene ere are anxious’ when their little ones are-tee mother. keeps. a, supply-of aloe fo) use ives sweeten the nee: ee healthful sleep and ms painless. ‘rom The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. y Saas. ATREDAEE wise BEST DOG. For aL 5, Pause the Airedale ly ‘as possible rhe finest Tattaty tog the Aire- care taken t dale, in the opinion, of Major E. ing material ar: Richardsoi £ war dogs, on top. If mor sive sti it charge of ‘a.pack . of can. be accommedated - i boards on the grou covering them wit a las®r of caw- dust or stray y the insulating “otiedinthis-wey the ise will keep till well into the summer. ero oa THREE REASONS. With Two Legs and Ten Each An Eastern woman who is a fond mother writes an- amusing article Wen cenetaree feeding her. :.. Am jong other thinge she says? “Three chubby, these youngsters have ts. since in- and often between meals ren would have’ 4 ean as candy. Tgave a-package He Grape. Hi “old child remarkable, even Grape-Nut: “Both husband and T use Grape: Nuts every. day and keep strong and ~ well’ and ‘have ke of the finest, healthiest *s you ina hers instead of destroy- | ee ae candy an e give the youn; = a handful of Graj pe ni tien oe ig for something nS bes See of Cesariee resull , in great sbre: mental activity. Name’ siren bx Canadian“ Postum Co.. Wi etic E the fai ute Bock “The Roa to Well: Ever read the above 1 Anew ons aabeed trom time to tists, rien a8 Genuine, true, and ¢ull of human interest any "clmate, ie | powers | bloodhownds with the Belgian army until they were lost in the disaster at_ Mons. He says the Airedale cam stand is second _to none. in He Wants All The Vorld to Know It DODD’S. KIDNEY PILLS CURED JEAN BAPTISTE TAPP. Quebec Man Who Suffered from Kidney Disease for Years is again a Robust, Healthy man. for & the henefita he has xeteived from s Kidney Pills. he Oe world. to know” it. that he wants He doctor who attended me and id’s Kidney and Pills. zi ree ee ae in al trou came ys That's why Dodd’ s Ki ‘ney. "Pills cured them Tape’ § SENSATION UNDER FIRE. No Two Men Feel Quife the Same Sensations, Says a Doctor. The man who has not been under fire-always desires eagerly to know what were the feélings of the man who has-been during be Bese it is probable that the no! quently find the aWlaesanicy 4 given by veterans either satisfymg or en- re~ een my good fortune, says the medical correspondent of the London Times, ‘to enjoy many op- portunities of talking nibactol diews who have been ‘wounded in action. Thave visited Belgian, French and British hospitals at various peri- ods, and as a medical man been ‘afforded epucid facilities for study. These opportunities have convinced me that no two men feel quite the same sensations whilst un- rio e ston is ecaaatesed have not chan For *sarbpla: from thé statement ot a man who experienced shell fire for the first time in his life in. the neighborhood of Arras, E gathered that his first feeling had been one of great interest and curiosity. A “Black Mar! of ya Jong. distance. e home to him the’ realization that these shells.were intended to work havoc, and that, in fact, the position occupied was full of dan- ge any- he discovered that he was in a field with an angry bull. Eyery instinet ot mind and body prompted flight.’ tr i—he experienced the most lively terror: ‘‘But the feeling pass- ed-away after.a while, leaving me pothes tired and only-a little a 8. declared that hi anticipations of it to sna: He had regarded himself as dead and woke up, under re tothe real- dation that his chanées of coming saee safely were very goo of “‘second cour has of hearing cata ne markably acute, andeis the right size, whether used on sentry duty, scouting, searching for the wounded @ messenger or ammunition can hear 200 yards farther than a man and knows friend from foe their ancl says Major Richardson.. A man’s smell eo ends on put isiate pas Osa I the difference between English; French and is even when dressed in the same. kind of ee n flicer ile to the major in regard. eee EN ie a ui Giada a bursting shell, Siar ra hit, . He declined to face the music any more, patil lot of coaxing, when he went back on night duty, Se ee and listen- ing 3 in. the trenches with the intent-) jows. He spoke to them for a sho) rity ‘ ea ieee ee: ee set time and steadied them, a = Arner at mas Sue ol ae éinted ‘out tl fe ste way of dut; end ee lay backwards towards the position sane et thay had lets “ll walk beck eee GERMANY BEST IN LONG ‘wank. [of the way with you.” Hevdid Count Reventlow gata Teutons Can Beat Allies is London Daily ‘Chronicle prints an article one Count Reventy low, in which he a know in Geraany that not. only can sve last out a long war, but o that we can last out a long war better than our enemies—political- iy. militarily an ly. 5 e longer the war. lasts, teh better’ will be our ea standing. i i ~ Because of that the entire Ger- fut likewise they all know the Ger- man people ultimately will win. Do- mestic controversies have disap- peared and si Seovins stand . to- gether as one mi aed rss Bibi twee recognized Stage in the seasoning process. 0 war. I heard a little story from the lips of & British officer. which. seems certain period of the ‘present war some néw troops were oe to hold a particular trenc suffered z really terrible SecA e with shells and shrapnel, and at last 7 hau a, hundred them and inquired what had hap- pened. On being. informed the’ officer looked graye and, told the men that he would tbe very: sorry to. ee 2 use coercive measui men whom ~he knew"to be inrave tel. The men returned to their post. ad gave a good account of themselves. In the words of my informant they “were all right after that.” tried, failed to fale ihe (2 to-day I = @ robust man in excel- | of ia’ fell some hundreds | #e no But valent ieee set of them evacuated | gg SIR CLIVE PHILLIPS-WOOLEY. Honored by sa noe fer His Imperialism. ‘ Se Sole best upon ve Phillips: Wooley. of Vievo os e artic- ulate and active Sir Glive was born in England in 1854. For some years he was ar sone ol at eee sie raoe mo ie from prac. tic Vides See teers tice. He belongs ,to L’ Anse-a-Valleat Gaspe Co., | Shropshire family, ‘the Wooleys Mar Que., Jan. 2th (Special)—-“I-am | Wocdhall, whose same and arms hy happy tell you Dodd’s Kidney assumed on succeeding to their Pills made me well.”’ says Jean | estates thirty gente aes his own Baptiste Tapp, a well Known and | name being Phillip W: : highly respected resident of this | one time a Lae inthe 4th battal- pla othankful is Mr. Tapp | lion 8. e married ii 1879 a danse: Fenwick. anyone a oe bia. known as a big- and ‘he -has been very aclive in public affairs in the oast Province. For example, he was appointed in 1896 to enforee the in the gaining districts Solur succeeded usly in this arduous ng. Sir Clive Phillips-Wooley. ranks high among Canadian authors. He Sir Clive Phillips-Wooley. « has written a ‘great cea = oatae patriotic poetry, and his ballad o England’s Queen,”’ is. o! fine expression in verse of ghadeei: istic sentiment. In his three nov- els, “Snap,” “‘Gold, ‘Gold: in: Cari- and “The Remittance Man,’ given us excellent pine of the making of the far Canadiai West. He has been a very noe anadtian support for ie: bers navy, and hi. 8S eS ‘anadian N Naval Question”’ at his own-expense. is: arguments were summed up-as follows in’ on of tt ‘addresses: -‘“The suprem- acy ie seas is vital to Britain ; 4 the continued existence of Britain is vital to her. da er nations ;, therefore. Britain’s .supremacy at sea is vital to Canada.” Sir Clive Phillips. Wooley: has also een very active in the affairs = gus Canadi: ‘avy Leagues. recently appointed by the ones ment @ censor iand special Government officer ast. His son gd. ef a the Hogue, one of the British cruisers tor] in the North Sea last September by a German sub- marine. Fen ee SS Ss Death Neatly aimed New Brunswiek Lady was Restored to Her Anxious Family When ae Had Gon St. John, N.B.; 15. time it was-feared tase Mrs: J J. Grant, of 3 White St., would succumb to the most © everything, relief that cai Pil day strong, enjoy: splendid appetite, sleep. soundly. “Lost proper- ties"have been instilled into: my blood | thank: that day grand a met Pills.” * = ‘Every woman should-use these pills regula health and it’s good, * comes to. al se Dr, Hamilton's ionivake- ete Bucce tat Pills. “e Youthful Cretiatniees: He was a good little boy and very thoughtful. It was during a long spel weather, and he had wa hand iio "he said, ‘is it that in eae lo! the ‘little and girls hi hate not enough water drink?” “That is, what the papers say, my dear.’ ese to 2 he Eaesens said, omething for Ee he said in an earnest ce water is so think I ought “Mamma, wav, “as*long as very, very scarce, ‘| to give-up bein’ washed }” ae r| suffering from congestion in the chest ; ve of Rear-Admiral | 52Y° were published | in book:formein 1911}, diciné as Dr. Hamilton’s eee finned, Co., Limited ave sae your MINARD'S LINK years and’ whilst 1) Dangerous Throat Troubles Prevented by Nerviline} - IT ENDS MISERY OF COLDS ~ QUICKLY. Don’t wait till night. Get after your oe tainute, before it gro’ ahaule apply old- tine: “Nervilin ‘ your, chest and throat, a them thoronehiy ee Nerviline. Relief will be imme: erviline Snes you from lying awake to-night, coughing, choking and iow,—this very that dull neuralgic headache—will kill the cold and chill at its very beginning—will save you from perhaps a serious ill- the. shelf Fy, ottle ; any dealer anywhere. size g the Beard. To-day is the day of ite oo ta: rs flour shpven € ae = ti be |t of tthe ty }rages thi hhion has aff ene men Te al a E beans race cause the. Ta foe aie treat, ordered be. i fires’? th aN CER, TUM eeanbe for enemies. With the | whole towns and vil s. internal ad adyent of V Conqueror, | ing is permitted white the C before poe a res beards disappeared from England lowing, and mot even a pipe or a| Co. Timited. Collin: eat and the mode didnot return until the thirteenth century,’ and di i 1 al e The year 1851, « however, other revival, and the fact that King ATMO SEREREE CURIOSITIES... Beautiful Phenomera> tii ne merit, o can you by Keeping a Pea ee ¥ | coating on tal, | and hence is called the “painters a Another Peace fos he Peruvian kno he north - | chi Hae of the West is painter in Le eter and Are Some- imes Observed. By Oanecrous you} Ta on pa Child's: delight. ‘Thé picnicker’s choice. = Everybody’s “favorite. "POTTED MEATS—_ Full flavored and } perfectly cooked OR SALE N, Ninety ‘Colborna St OS untae Wa Pe peck scare BUY or Saireon, Brampton. a Col OR Si Dairy L eon s unk ent moistire Rea nd & ae suppo. ion. frequentl tween the 8 AWSON RED m_-Calyes ‘coyborne FOR SALE. sHOnTHO St, - Toronto. or is owin ‘ind brings fe ‘om the by : a yery warm n assthe & of ne wind in swinte R logue treo, On: BERRLIOS, reo MISCELLANEOUS. rette may be lighted. Man: r with ae a ee win: he origin to the fob: ete | Machinery For Sale — Engine, shafting, belting, pulleys, from as large George alwavs adopted the | style| (086 the ‘waters of the Pay of Wheelock engine: 1 has done mtich-to bring the beard oh eur, in Canada, a mysterious} with cylind by a phenomenon known the -\fire lings: ete.. nip’ metimes seen by night. | Shafting from one in = ghly hemispherical mass| inches, pull The Mysterious Thyroid, oi Femina with ite. flab side. t ; ; Ropia . tHte Rien it aises in | twelve, inches abe thuvoid elpnslgwbieh is 5) slender moving columns that reseins| in pi ated about the lower part of ee. Sain: ee a throat, is stillva medical mystery. Practically nothing is known as to its uses, and very little about the causes of disease in it. Goitre is a non-malignant enlargement of the| given to a discharge of eleetrsedty seen the crest of the Andes, in Chile, in fy the roid gland. The swelling may be jo more than a mere thickening, or it may grow into a mass. weighing several pounds. It is in mountainous districts there is magnesia limestone in the ant and drinking water, Operation may Ibe necessary, but goitre. will usually: yield to~treatment, and is rarely fatal: Malignany disease of the thyroid gland is often associat- ed with overstrain or sudden shock. Moval of the thyroid land: affects the pene bowers, and- the “unfor-, | the mn who has r iohate 7 ved <is in, great.danger, ing he ate, more particularly his Bhi 9, i 7 li Lord’s Day Al Alliance Active | ‘busy with the good work, but —n more sone eta the old reliable Put- tr, Which’ cures corns | j aaa eas in one day. Fifty ‘years use es ithe merit of Putnam's. other, 2c. at all deaiors. Et Sones somes charity bears other ds. se To-morrow rhymes with. borrow. and sorrow Minard’s Liniment, “Cures Distemper. “Bridget, is Sohn from <schoot ze he vis aw No satisfactory explanation of this phenomenon has ever been given, “Andes Hghining is the striking luminous ear tie lightning rods, between | which andthe clouds: silent These displays. have = thet three hundred miles from oe mountain summits rosy-glow, and this ma; much as an hour after ice This is called the “ precalorstion. of the Alps,”” or f the ‘tiant | of the group. the "reearrection 01 0% lane.) The s of | preomete is called ike “Alpen=| baby.cry so awfully loud?” of hearing, you §. Frank Wilson & Sons, - 73 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. ABLE OFFER REFUSED. for Will sell entire or over ‘egion where ordinary thunder- e act as gigan- Ae ‘of a great. searc ight been. seen nd sy, illumination of passes rays m below upward, as the peaks, with their rocks and snows, have a ivid appearance; then gradually hey are lighted up with a ‘second y last for as Pirate: Vserag: Megaphone Youngster. “What do you suppose makes that’! 4 “Why, both its nDDECTS are hard, h ‘Cause the cat's hidin’ under the ee sorr.’ YOUR OWN DRUGGIST WiLL TREE YOU ‘Pry Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Watery. Byes and Granulated Byelids; No Smart tings | ust Eye fort, Write for Book of the Kye ymiailMree. Murine Eye Remedy Co,, Chicago, , Conscience. Maid (knocking in the morning) —Madame, I’ve forgotten whether an wanted to be waked at seven or eat time is it now?” Shy “Bigh =| soap, please, ooley- Mr. Dooley—Give me a 1 Shopkeeper—Do you ‘want it scented -or unscented? Mn. niver moin: just take it with me. —Aw, Minard’s Lintment Cures Diphtheria. ‘Mrs. at—Bridget, where did you get that See eee Bripes by [Me brother gave e, and what? lL the pieitaen pL Me with an eye like that and no “hus: bar of * Ovli v0 For severe wounds, cuts, skin diseases, eczema and all skig troubles—for adults d for children, there is nothing to equal the great herbal healer A] me ME ae ee saris rel know asthe raurent HEN YOU ANSWER Tills ADEN aS Sea gen JED Sours i equal to yours. : If rubbed between the Dartmouth, ‘a Her Riyal. ee you So only of me? mur- rid ed ‘the bi “Tel ell me~ that you hee only of me.” {Ti’s this. way,” eipined the gxoom, sone “oN d then I har ate t6.thi ink _ of. i e, my. dea Z tow. "a5 maamitee ese tee your trip and furnish fold- omg ‘and fui: particulars, PPIs 2Thig na, S108 for and ten 10 try suggestion. Sonalel ON er ‘sel Pe: Pree sind Jo7 10 sents. Panline Donalda, aS Se00 FOR A WARE is perfume, SS Arce tore coaatee exclusively oy, ide. ous the. famo: eke Want a suitable maine for it, and so will $500 IN CASH PRIZES “100.08 Tor the best nam the best escrittion: “of the “perfus « second: best 1 rizes tor 25.00 for the 10:00 for the second best, dese 5:00 for the third best Wiatios: 1.00 the next’ best arserp the new perfume ke efore ae subm Canadian’ made in hablo every Sontead sf itt ak cents size: _and. One. ‘Prouts mh necessary to he dim ne of oar Special Souter Botties ot th alar Contest. Sip, Tt is ter: ad dH, enmott, Gen. Agt., 46 Boge) St, Tnoponto, », Ont. Minard’s Linlment Cures Colds, Eta.

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