Milverton Sun, 28 Jan 1915, p. 7

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DRIVEN | BROM POSITIONS PRICES GF FARM PRODUCTS |BEBLIN oLoATS Germans Were Defeated in Cou Rheim, of manns Weiler, 154% miles from th acon ch ROM THE LEADING rave | in Counter Assau.ts East s been rather heavy | to ete Oats—Ontario, e reports Se, that the Germans were is to Ste. a4 irdek 1 jToront Rhitie ae town, which comma ods driven two. woodes oxitions ot fe Malton two high roads, is north-west of north of the farm of Beane oer and Wes ® Geiapeni. In site of. winter's, were defeats in counter-assaults. ®, severities, is being] A very important ee was gain- sit a pressed detetuanedlye and the/|ed by French aviators, who located © Comm a French are slowly but surely dig-! yesterday the position of a German |” Buckwhea: ging their way to Muelhausen and |a Sania depot in the region of Br an and Sb e Altkireh. roznes and destroyed it with Rolle erations in Alsace are the hembs, spimuligties usly the Ger: $3 t most interesting feature of the offi- i ts, although heavy fight- ther principal districts was ‘unusually violent. and .notably.a vantageous to the allied arms. Flanders the deadlock ~ continues, and there have been little more-than The desultory artillery exchanges: North-west of Airas, at Dame de Lorette, the apes Ly. Notte ne ha ‘rom some field dy forts ii cee the Asgonne 1 the Germans at tacked near St. bert, their =| toe fantry charging after their areiany) hi ete unable to withstand 1 Around St “Mihiel the French} 1 maintained themsé a. position | bh retaken from the reste On the made considerable progress in the) ,, night of January h iness of tightening the stormed the plateau and turned oe -| loop designed to cut off the German eat-into victory | position on the Meuse Bi eh ing | German officia? Bk ad- s which-had “been captured at ape Dame de| | ground were mits the’ loss of tren Lorette Tuesday 150 yards in the forest of enrem Twenty yards - of _newly-oe however, mosth=| t of Pont-a Mousson. pied | [et STIR SBOITION - IN GUAR t the sug; toria, the which Forged Proclamations Being Spread} jen active cae Austrians Among Their battle fronts, is preparing te e eae. 4 Troops. its work, ie is “ap A despatch from Petrograd say The general staff of the cor in-chief has issued . the adversaries have of late fighting and make peace. 3 Austrians in_this exceeded: the limits. of mperor, i his signature, every, ducesan: fromthe is obedient, 0 of our nly. to and to stop. w: “Our rea rei on a strength of their arms success Seceemutted a vile forgery and an in- famous crime. You. must .-know: brave soldiers, that only. complete ‘demoralization and. full. eri a that. with God’s help our victorio’ army will give, in the coming bat- tles, the proj y to our un- y adversaries. Consequenty, every person cap- ig with the: (fect amyl in ssession as ‘thwith-~ be beans before a military tribunal ete joa: igned as guilty” of a fel- nthe general staff reports, on its part, that an Austrian soldier, en- rusted with the distribution “of hese proclamations, declare: aust te abet ime.are Cap- Sunther, the general. staff, od. Cavalry cine Pollak. BAND icews FRONT. eid ts will Serve as Stretcher- bearers in War Zone. Pr despatch from Moniveal says: he 24th , ‘*Victo: Rifles,” of hehe ‘is Sjactiosa a brass and to go. with the second sent: Bpthe: front: tha: jnemberd band are to serve as eivetohor! bear ers instead of musicians. has been oe ‘by. the Mien Department, at the expense of the] regiment, oe eut,-Col. | is stated | that this vil be Uo ante regimen ————_t___ Their Glee. “He hopes that he came fine: pee fam: Yes; ae how they. must have laughed when le. left’’ . § NAME mmander- following to cease Fespect, * invoking the ty loyal subject nove: i that -chief to. the private. er ite -d will highly venerated. Emperor; who alone has “Sa power to.declare lying no longer and on the battlefield, have of a feld hospital, sent over in Free Lunch Counters or the British Lines] A despatch fom London 5 tion of Princess - Vi fC Sha holies ena cottes andiaatia f soup will be dealt out efforts trenches, and special be made to furnish the soldiers who have been slightly wounded, but get to the wago: Favor Prohibition Of Sale of Absinthe|® iB of en has decid the sale of absinthe. The Commerce the rehabilitation of in ruined by the war, manufacturing products w. hostile industries = of in ae market for the cata Jk INA DEPLORABLE STATE. Caucasia. A. despatch from Boston. The éagition of 100,000, Armenians, ‘©. migrated’ from Turkish ussian Transcaucasia, hel cal mittee. for carpets. Relief. at Tiflis, received. on Wednesday by Miram Sevasly, Chairman of the Armenian ae ag | Solids. 29 to | lot-d | aboan heat: “Bagitona Oe 4 a lea » $1. 8, 3 new American, Ste. =$ OF AMERICA. _ Breadstufts, f $1.48, and No.3 53 to S40, sgutgide, ana ng erades at 68 to Te. out $1.10; outaide, loted at $1.75 to $1.85, out- nde. porleBean sts 826 a ton, 27 to $28, oats—Car lots, per bag. of 90 Ibs., | y by ccomnty Proauce af ves ae sho. ote. 28 10 ete. stor Bourton 82. 4 t ‘creamery Beit, °w te farmer e dairy, 2 to 2c; 3 3 separator, or Str 2.78 per dozon; N gultry- “Chickens, decaed, 50 14 t le turk . y 7t0 i? (de Tor Se = Beane Prin $2.50 to $2.70; nd-picke 85. att te. 60 10° per b: Dealers are eliveries ri 50. to a 315.50 to 8: acon—Long- ¢ case No. =lanitobs beanie mea 8h Maa mas $50 a report favoring the eae ‘of | No. 1 wee a u Minneapolis, 1-40 54° No. i 3 yellow, ite, §1 to of Norther a a, 7s-May, a common, Thousands of ‘Seilcnns Perishing Ibe Proneht 96.50. to, in tate aieaiy at w brought $9.30, medinm weight Id steai 87,05, for lote off eats sate Baled. Hay and exe “Ynew Nay nd Ni to $3. ilo Jan. 5 to 70e per bi out ar lots. Now Brui he oti On sek Provisions. 1 t 4 to 11 12 us, 9 34 . of open towns, such as Frei! alam and Swakopmund. craft are acknowledged tb be] nicl a ley. — : ‘maitige 78 to FIo% 81 1-2 to %e natant Bee fraight roll: "bags, $3. 10,10 83.4 $0.40 to $6.50; bags oie Abe. d Staies Markets, ‘Wheat, No. 1 hard, fs 34 3.5 2 Norters, © t0 ne , 1%. Flour and Nor nee 18: on Stook Mark ine feeders, 800 +. $4.75 to $5. 7. Calve: be sey fro $7.90 to $8, and aula, 5-60.40 8% to. Swine light, Sheep ‘ze. gE, 81-4 to 81-20, FISIIS G IS GOOD FOOD. Northern, $1.51 “ tufted saf tons, ie to 35e; Se- 2e, £5. pest t ae o Sat is ite ast 6 eve Linseed | ¢. $6.75; medium, o75 OVER AIR GRIALE gale ae Press Says Zeppelin Raid ill Be Followed By Others. lespatch from Berl i ‘| t] A des] in says: The 3135 a page of all the ee ean sa lish din Berlin contained news of ee attack made by Zeppelins on the English coast, and scanty re- port from the eatern and wetern r theatres occupied inconspicu- ous places on inside pages. With remarkable neat the German press appears ect that this raid will be tallowed rate othe: While the amount of Hae ae by the Bees dropped tne the stn s not nown - satisfaction is expressed in net that “al the Zeppelins re- ly and in the Pehst: that "the moral fleet of the bombar. ment_cannot fail tp be very sod ay as it follows so closely the | recent bombardment of the Hartle- | pools and pone oe on the east- ngland’ by German German official ve | airship raid. on the ast is as follows ion of the English east in 2 order to pease x ool ed to er towns, they ot) stated, no. right to be lying machines a ps in broad di: let I have gitte = ee weapons in the carrying} f. Soa warfare as on; conducted in e rules of inter- ‘This his been done eek The German na- on s ea cannot, be pile to forego the employment of ence, aed wil not Pet ee ante od right.’ of ood rig t is notable that the German statement ignores the fact that the rmouth be- , flying over any positions, such as-an aviation han- gar and a railroad station = | Prussia branamiars to Garner Great Harvest | {i The Amsterdam Telegraaf pub- lishes a despatch from Berlin say- g the Prussian Government has dal beminisuahae of for- sts to. turn over. free of: cost, | such. lands ata their jurisdiction that-are suitable for the. growing. 3 Governm he Hipulaen that the first crop ands must be harvest- ed this vere Germans Impose Tax On Belgian Refugees] A despatch from London says: Brussels despatches by. way of Am- sterdam say that some of the Bel- 8 if tremely celomtla ioe our le from ruin tae assistance is ees Inthe name of these martyrs, ow organize for collecti Address contributions to. Thowrin: off, ppecier of Bank of eins Tiflis ti EIGHTY ee NURSES. — Doctors ee eat Equip- | Will Go ef A ea from been says: Eighty additional Canadian nurses d for service with the Canadian and. (British troops will leave Canada for ee he Pa ar- Se have been. nearly com- jleted for er aig over. the need Beit cor} By jahere eiHaloe bs eetturbon oe aie and. equipment for-another advance: of the. second Canadian pee aty: force, in accordatice with t) request of the War Office. @ representative of Pa Pour Tous’? with Gener- Bale Foch and Durbal. ‘The former, who commands the French army in northern France, shows the great~)™ > est pie “The ‘situation is "wholly satisfactory,” he says. ‘The | a, Germans can‘do nothing against us. My “Generals, «Durbal and Maud- huy, are heroes. manding the Ypres army, and 4s in vulnerable, though he exposes him- recklessly, You may expect great events soon, Woe ave deter- an interview EXPECT ane EVENTS Sook you Grossetti is eom- |" heater: be ever we General Durbal is ne éonfi- dent. “Whi rst arrived at the Genmans daily, owing t abe necessity of making them think force strong. ow that paso reamenite have arrived, I tell mans will never pass. do not believe the abs about their éndertul want, y are. ae 3 peace pegotintions chou the Bel- in King. How ! They are tell He castor wher- as an ion of ithe The “Isn't it a au work the help in this si aa a day and the ne 3 “@hy they cheaper.” Scenes at es should ‘ste opportunity . ta‘ repeat such dots a fone Br by. the’ G Article gi Diet. id has dees em tte first saoe in Biker Side. é tthe vy... they. tore? Fifteen u-trade here ?”” = things so much Hartlepool at th ig the pe where edo | wages “almost |.re gian. ave ode dat to impose a’ special: tax on well-to: do Belgians who refuse to return to | their country. aS thinking favorably of the idea, ose to make the tax ef- fective. for all of Belgium. A fugi- + |+tive who fails fo return to Belgium March ist will be obliged to pay a ten-fold personal tax, poor revenues will be “Abeigedsaiinlly tweets dues and the Belgian municipali- ——— tr Thousand Newspapers Closed in Germany atch from Berlin says that director of W, A Dr. Dietz, Agency, the Germ PB Oe ye were political, have been obliged to cease publication owing to the] eo Burial of Vietims of the. cone Noval Raid on Englaid. 0 impotence. “Our ctlalacg re was ruthlessly ‘killed, circle of his pe ry Chapped Hands Quickly Healed Chapped hands and lipsalways come with cold weather, but Vaseline | ‘Trademark CAMPHOR ICE Made in Canada brings sure and speedy relief. Children especial} Vaseline Camphor Ice for their rough and smarting har On ter isa booklet de- NG CO, , Consolidated. at all Chemists 3 nd Genera as Stores. CHESEBROUGH MPF Co, (Consolidated) 1880 CHABOT AVE., MONTREAL FURIOUS AEROPLANE. BATTLE Five Machines Took Park tn th in the Most Remarkable Encounter Since Outbreak of the War y Geran uns, had ‘sor shelter i in a hay-field Dondekingr the | ing to outsoar the Germans and to} Meuse, when the telephone brought them vord that two German aeroplanes, | Sud didenly. a report, ae distant, a Taube and an Albatross, appar-| was hea: and imme- ap-| diately ae roles ep aplit Proaching the camps at an altitude shapeless The three mach p disappeared heavy BES, Reto again. d he remains of one wing, be- BES: and black. streaks| neath which the great cross of Ger- n beneath them. Five}many was painted hen the camp bombs ane rthin fifty yards.|saw, five hundr metres up, tho 1One tore to shreds o: paulins’ that cownred fhe thre: ee ma. expre; chines. W as Pettis eyes, just as ee had done scores of hem aor ab paneued the camp. times before cheering crowds, loop- twe s ti five ma-\ ed loop. ~ He ypped the ed hide-and-seek in the! Taube at two thousand metres, far soaned: , the above A rain clouds. “His observer he incessant | heat. ; sf eae punctured, fainter and taintetsuntle abe toe ploded.. A derman’s petrol tank, eet cought fire and ex- rter of an hour later still. After s several minutes a Far-; the other acre urned, a man came down in-spirals, It land-| dozen holes in her wings. The Al- ed hard, breaking wheels and rud- batross had escaped northwards. | Cane Witte Working For Peace . Se Petrograd rsaeneanre | ganda in Bssian eae -Fooms | The co padent - says. that al igual ate Berlin Press eae much of Witte the p express fear that Count Witte’s German proclivities, they say. are well known, and de See The Short Days. The teacher was trying to explain to her class the effects of heat: and cold. She told her little | charges that an iron bridge amount in cold weather, She then asked a little girl for an- other instance of the expansion and. parrenipon caused eat and ld didattantod: for a her the days are long; in *eold, weather they are much short: See ie ee How He Got It. ee pop, may I have another ves, Bobby, if you won't tell our mother. “an interval of mastication.) ‘Op, smay have another piece cake No. 1» “Then Vl tell mamma." Worse and ee “What on earth shall 1 do with all this money, Y've inherited from a au! ieee te cial but bes eee still more of i Tt Puzzled Him. Silas—I hear your son;left that small town and went to the city-to ave a larger field for his effonts. Yes 3) an sin 8s what gets me.” When Hank was home, a wo-acre patch was too thie a field for him. A neppleted. Hebrew, who had ad b fora vouthy found himself eels pos the surplus fullness which aphidived owhen supe es iteon the young eandi- date, declared. yociferously : + is Bo ae It. ish pe zee of de Such ‘to fight until, the German ws the funeral of Margaret litieal. stage® the Bebra mak pape Te. | cesses-in BRITISH GUNS CAUSE HAVOC ntiment aa Hi ntl After a Few Minutes of Shelling Not a German : The of the mps reports that. Count Witte is Was Left in Frelinghien A despatch from Lozdon. says: {erable force in Frelinghien with the he Daily Chronicle's correspon-| object of dent in northern France telegraphs : seers Br “In the last week sporadarabls success has been scored b: following up tepeate he neighborhood of sual The British have in the last few da; taken from the Germans he little town of Frelinghien, om the Franco: aeRe aise ries yee Sud halt Sie upon the German trenches m Armentieres.” and the en i “The British had set up an obser-| ly ev: yation post about three- -quarters of} not soldier remained “in a mile from Frelinghien when the|Frelinghien, and the ‘little town Germans started to mass a consid-| could no longer be said to exist: DOWN BY THE SOUNDIN3 SEA THE man troops, who beat a hasty re- treat, itish turned a perfect rain er, and: was:sentenced to aa er eRe UaEy 1 for age pei At GITS OF NEWS FROM MARITIME PROVINCES. authorities: ipoke fer rs uae air ‘the could give an account of him- lems ef Interest From Places lh ate lotte County, N-Bs has” two, Lapped by Waves: of tho families w which we each give Atlantic. boys, to the setvice of the Empire. i tantie Senator Gillmor, of St. George, bag Nearly 300 people are now being} three 8 ready, for. t Be ape ta the St. John N.B., a Geo. Biden of St. Stephen. wb like num co Another wing is tol dated to} 4 the 1.0. een fie bslOatig i Paincecal wakes Gone Monetoy : In .S8t.; John, N.B.,. during 1914, Incognito in Alsace ere were 771 feath sy compare with in 1y13. A despatch from Belfort, France, The 132nd anniversary says: The Prince of Wales, travel: jing jinooanita, as aie made a a ¢ front in of St Paul’s sandey school was recently ice cat ene! 6 the id was so intense at Bh aie 8, Nid that'tihe police | 1 had to be relieved “every jour. Ernest Clow, of Somerside, P.E.T. was, thrown from a sleigh and badly hurt while returning from his wife’s funeral. William A. Hawkes, of Curryville, N.B., was badly injured through be- ing ee 01 ead and shoul- ler by a A ad publican at St. John’s, was 10 and costs for to'man on eredit, the W. impression among the population, ed were es- pecially impressed because he i I room 0} a hotel, instead of the pone suite which wae reserved for him. _ Sr BOOTS OF HEAVIER MAKE. | Purchasing Sub-Cox Committee to Hy 150,000 Pairs at About A despatch from Sip koe SAYS? et Die sete, WAKE hein ee anil arene of | Digby lighthouse. Some - supplies naa were lost. Rey. J. Spencer, rector’ of Bt. the question ‘of # George’, corse, NBG ote POEM rote seis Bppal era ia toe nats forest, has edi db “Salisbury /-Pllsing five| ders for a suppl: of 100 anew standard pattern, The . ‘ o! pat nephews also in active service. cone Wan be abanG MM ner Belt, oe As the result ef the stranding of the British “steamen Navara, 9 [Rea mer a a ett ok ‘tti i yr ep opera vine gare ae a eo captain, first and sec- a iis phaepeles type than the first 5 ited to winter campaigning Stee and ey eee the Canadian | Meni en an d. he be aistribitedh ees find ‘their dry| stant, exposure to aio Bina ee of eer ‘firms | at the setpndlere “pride: fixed sy: the Gov y duties. favoring _ TiAlired Hanwent 6 Jadot 86. John; N.B., was sentenced to: the Boys’ flat- has physcian’ sometimes r yea escaped rsa SEAS by eee him, ae burglarized a residence in Landers brain fag | DRY IRRITATING HACK OF BRONCHITIS. St INSTANTLY RELIBVED ‘BY “ONTARBHOZONE” zone; if does the rest HAG and NoFailure. Chitin very Case” ei i Treated oy ee Catarrhozone aan three years <I was seriously hered by a bronchial cough: At rhozone can’t f fail to cure Bron- aiekes I woul hi @ trouble | one with a weak throat to-use tt regu- larly, e (Signed) J. B. BHAMER, Reading. © Catarrhozone will disappoint throat : trouble, we not Get the complete $1.00 guarantee Catarrhozone in eve you. atfit; case. You don’t take’medicine — you it’s guaranteed. “Small size, 50c; trial ize deale: don’t take drowsy drugs—just breathe Nor sample 2Be, the balsamic essences of Catarrho-| byery where: at

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