Milverton Sun, 11 Feb 1915, p. 8

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FOR SALE ee Barred Rock Racktpe Extra, a “birds at Chg 00 each. C. 8, eRoscd ont ver | Breezy Paragraphs From Saskatchewan Tartleford, Sask, Bditor peer tin: San ;— —I always welcome your paper here. aving enjoyed ead- arr occasional letters from su T thought @ deseription of the coun: ae here m'ght be of interest to rea® FOR SALE | OR RENT = Soe Grouse f for sale or to rent at once at a bargain. Apply to se AP DENSTEDT, Brunner Station. “Tartleford is situated on ee eae river and at the eae a bra zcb ‘Lost. . phinh sume arate rail thw from Aare Z A dark driving geuntlet between G,| To John Bloom a native of Swede .R. station and Main street Milver-; who runs 1 re e- ton. Finder please leave at San of- | the distinctio: | tows The Tar min the: spring of 1913 a lary: 'S wagon vena th th: FOUND. Thi line Pe miarineion a lady’s ‘hiack muff, vy ha Ak thi goods. ie whee: He fia olay f chi load carri On t Same ‘by paying: Sxponses, ‘Konig nly sean ng by dé- J. Ritter’s store. Millbanl im, o.8 lively scrambling act towarde The laying of the steel to Turtle Seed Barley For Sale T have on hand a ee af , = we No. 21 barley and wild go r forty parties engase in wheat. Apply D. M. DAVIDSON, oe business. The town coarse. is sup- R. 1. Newton Ont. 4-3{ | ported by an extensive country to the Nor re settlers in some cases + e handred miles. stant: ‘om WANTED We want a live wire zepresentative well acquainted in tow: rs for are : oe Zz Daisies a come is mot an wacom Nenites BECK lion sight in-town. The mame "Park Lands) often given toa country of this kind is a yer: ropriate one. the bu Weir’ s List Farms ‘toe Sale| Mth hat have dug perpendicularlly o a depth — of seven feet that have remained for years without a wall or support 9 anv kind be sold owang to|I aw oats. thresbed tha: aged i health, JOHN KOCHER. Syne bimielh te eneretaad heat =v that xa at the rate of 32 bushels to the ac WANTED Ale Wee here leech with pike and Srcded fish, ese are advertised in a seule man ell HARDY @AN-| the Stin at 15 cents as uke and ADIA OWN STOOK in atlverton | 2 plentiful here at four cents a and Perth Co, ound, Start the best goine season Pabaat forty. miles fri list. of Spri ings |north there is a Offerings and terms i es Commissions. free oatfit. STONE & WELLINGTON Fonthill Nursuries. one 1837 TORONTO. 2 ON’ anne panier ‘of sa | different points FARM FOR SALE 2. Cae ‘. Welle: eres. @ qvoods are large bee moose. which provides Tofitable sley west- unter reported faving killed ‘his fall allowaney mills,wat- | game. any one wishing to invest’ in mixed farming country where cam still be had at ve aa I other We -|San reatlers. I remain. Yours very truly J. G. ROBINSON ein Andrew TiD- ie Executor. Crosshil For School Caretaker pape W. M. Appl Applications will be received by the ‘eb, 20t) sign ioe the teiokie ee, iets akotahes ab the Oxtora. court i pas tv councillors. the Woodstock Sentinel sth bedi “of Milverton, six weeks, nd.” ventilating | |W. Mt building remaining in building cla 9 o'clock a.m.. cleaning closets month. i ly keeping all walks shovelled ‘and | den’s also walk on € in front of school | Wide experien keeping lawns mot and in shape | both in hoisting flag on holidays and other| Born in German: occasions when feauivedl ona looking | Of age after and attending small re- | wi corel and changing of rs id seats. Keep- | Perth county was selected by t ‘ng of coal bins in shape and Dutting |v a6 a likely place in which to mati in coal. etc, Duties commence ace March | At e age of sixteen Mr. Appel left ist, MALCOLM MacBETH jhome to learn the harness and sad- ldlery business. starting in business for himself at Milverton following bie COMMERCIAL \upprenticestip, ‘This he “Garry 7 or fifteen years. Selling out his bus- »|imess in Milverton he moved to ae k where for some years he w: Jan, 274 ee Thave scen|sel Township aid County Couns cil Grants for Associa~ tion Libraries. At the last TaeeLne of the Libr: Institute recently held at Walkerton Mr. McNaught. of McNaught read pape: many problems the following ost cases Wi will eens oe e some better an the one now vogue is devise The wav we asually os ard I sup- r a. fa: ea tas apeoie: eolleatel nual meeting to canvass the triet for teens our ‘mem 1.00 als a aa from this year we raised th at ot a Bay is ur we have the same trouble over again r r ib-| f eee we think it is for asons of wh’ be ; sonilt site tat that 5 Hee are not able to |wently on ¢ ce ame wie think it high time ¢ m the one mee our rural an alas Ubrary we ome betfer ¥ eat i would be Tittle short of a calami if anv more o} small ae hey were compelled to close their doors ver financial oe fore suggest that wi aiatter a ce that will yeneoy this state of affai Tale of the. Dollar Bill “A fanmer went to town to spend hha: ae ough. And in a merry jest. and just To sh his ine? skill. He printed hi a bran Be spent that dole that same day Wown in the village store, e ae *twas cone foreyer then, te ‘A meighbor’s order W! here it would aa Baawele and friend ‘he most amount of goo Bour ee in two years it came. back. As so es oe will; Ana ea out and spend This mated one -doiiar BOE Had he been wise that dollar might Be in his But just two years age He sent it far a THE SPRING SEWING Is now in full swing with thrifty housewives who intend to spend their spare time out in the “open sunshine when the weather is favorable for health and happiness. Have You Started? NEW CREPES NEW DRESS GOODS NEW EMBROIDERIES We are prepared to supply your every need. for sewing in abundance of seasonable goods to select from. In fact, all the new materials for spring are now on display—awaiting your inspection—come and see them. NEW PRINTS toc, 13¢ NEW MUSLINS NEW SHIRTINGS — PATRIOTIC NE CKWEAR — ALL THE COLORS OF THE ALLIES — 50 CENTS EACH Fao Raincoats for Women and Men We are prepared, as never before, to supply your needs in raincoats. A large stock of those $3.09 Raincoats $3.00 have just arrived. See our splendid range of $5 Raincoats $6.00 Raincoat in mercerized fawn material thoroughly rubberized Other prices $7, $7.50, $8, $9 and $10 and a dozen styles to select from. Our Raincoats for men have just arrived. Tweed effects are most popular for this season. We have them in the square shoulder style, rag- lan and Balmaacan styles at prices from” $8.00 to $18.00 Other Raincoats at prices at prices ranging from $5.00 to $15.00 The largest assortment of Raincoats ever on display in Milverton, ALL OVERCOATS REDUCED TO PLEASE ALL PURSES. . DO ’T MISS THIS CHANCE UP-STAIRS DEPARTMENT 8 qt. Granite Dish Pans..... vi cust oc-each Large Granite Wash Basins ....... ......15¢ each Granite Dippers . en .-15¢ each Granite Pails with tin lids..................15¢ each Granite Preserving Kettles 10, 15, 20,25 and 35c Padlocks. <i30o5. OC EROH Granite Pie Plates Ree ke ki ee REN se (dy Granite Mixing Bowls. Stas tes RRO Long handled Ash Shovels ..................5¢ each Initialed Writing Paper (all initials) ......15¢ box “We Pay for CHOICE DAIRY ORANGES I5C, 20C, 25c, 30c and 4oc doz. LEMONS 18c dozen Go | flax imiller, Later on fhe opened an] phe people who received it then BUTTER, 1 Ib. prints, 27c¢ Ib. GQ | msurance office ani at the present | © [ i; ave got it still, 20 | time jhe is the ee of e Tav-| Por ‘twas to a Mail ciee House 20 listock Gazette. it Milverton| He se hig dollar bill 30/ Mr. Appel spent some time as assesso! 0 more vill _that feareea dollar 50| following .this up later by entering} Come into the farmer’s hands. % the imanicipal coi chool | And nevermore will help to pay (0 00 80 00|tboarld. At the time of leaving Mil- axes on his lands verton ‘he occupied — the of | He it where it never can : 5 | reve. as seeretary-treasurer of] ts work of life fulfill: 60 | the Tavistock Agricultural ‘ociety |He brought about the aietaie death 5 on township eo for}. Of that one dollar 5 Ws. was chairman of a com- A PY 2 | mittee to incorporate the village of soe vaaey see se 15 mittee to incorporate the village 0 : The Store With the Stock 3 MILVERTON, ONT. 12) for a number of terms and has held How It Hits 12 the reeveship for several years since, Eri 9|He has been chairman of several com- r ‘Local Option” in Ontario. z 13 |tmittees of the county council and al-/ anyone who sells. Darters or keeps for 6 | though chairman of none this-year he} gale any intoxicating liquor is liable QF ian Mg imhemb a oa for a first offence to a ane of irom z 30 organizations, He has ed to five Rantred dollars 7 ted against peace. ‘These inclade all cress such a train of unforscen been ves ‘of the Young Liberal | with costs ri " for | (hese seerets of diplomatic bh Roosevelt’ s 's Argument be ole = antrym et ots atiee pone meumstan _— = ; ; ue combination of foreign matters, that dian newspapers have reprint- Sut Sxpligitly wane Giowtly abt me Si . 4 iy aoe 20 wisdom can caleulat Notice to 0 Creditors ced Min, Roosevelt's argument in” the| Shae he “tieat gedtetand.. Te bas bat one thine i ts toe sear toad is the righting of “Bereta that is to increase taxes. I deft an neutrality is ienoble in face ot ration ‘to her: and guar. | omage ein eine othe matter i the f the Estate of James bie id.) Germany's treatment of Belg st ieseeee sun ‘the sible re bl ep an eae incade, late of the Village of Mil ae : als | gtatus of the Overiens Voitie Wve ioe for January, | Oe, Hu -tetitlom |e “ot ‘the tradesman, of the farmer: ie County of Perth. Farmer. De-| 5000 ‘Faas About Canada |** Pog ene tates ions fi relations to the eSh- h oe cae pon the same |! Such ory na of al] those on whom the real ed to enforce its ee isions. . Any tfol of the Empire's foreign and im-| 2° ‘ wellbehaved small eivilined Dower ardext of, ess! ; ~|s6n found. drunk’ in a “Local Option” | OLof the Empire's foreign. an most text. “4 eR end Py jormer president | PUGH OF faxes fall—bat above ai i Da ee Canada ne spite eas AMOR ire y conventi ? St ee eee a Se co pages kas ite Smee ses eames Wr Br are "Boren, |S pl tgs tala | eae a by Smeets ces |e gat Amending’ Acts. that as egiltake ile Ws and on refusing may be imprisoned| "tt is within the boands of proba: | DS—the a thet clade thine fied United States became a guarantor of —_—_— 1 for three Beh es antll he gives the bility that four fi ti ft the | onlet offender—have met. yet reached) patguim's integrity and he argues {information. is also liable to rat ree mations of the | he gkandard of soternationsl morality | ‘et the snational honor will not be| Mir. David Ropley thought to be the fine’ of from twenty to filty. dollars, | QVeMess dominions will have put into| ana of willingness to fight for right-| ‘eat, Che Mational, honor will not be | | Mt survivor of the Rebellion of 183 nd for a-second offence:of drunken-| (ho serait” cottiae for author ton eon eee nt ad onal wel dom is freed of the oppressor. The | died at his home in Strathroy. Te was ine, of mot e : e is weigh : ee cn foro fin fen yf le, gen nl mle trad vcd satan’ at |S Glee hE TUe Eo fu Corte orw “ [worth its weight in Yokon Fees ees at epoch in the history of inter-|°“the former: President, of the United a a | Cobalt oe ee Finer el ations. Bae are. those | Biates does mot, spare he “preachers Sess e | maki bey le oie: wi ie at smush-of m: -believe co Germany Itched for War | will see the Overseas ‘inions suT-/ morality.” He says: “The ultra-pac- z | co yeTechs : in wes ae “the paces Se cace-at-any-pri we | Thomas Paine on War 3 aco i vA are children play-| ‘have appeared sporadical ery- “Qn hres resogaized occasions dur-| SME HY GO™ reels who may see Os Trt her hive of teentUesEs| ST Gacuer suneh ot Scat en 5 ~| ada al attain: emine) a as. imerou! noxious in 7 * = Stee | mesa past! ton. years Germany as fe is impossible to believe hat the ated States. ‘Te peat were there seated in silence wrote these Improved Service is 3 s it concerns : jaal war. On two other occasions she the sontrol ot orci polis and ex- pe ee fi we consider for the oe TORONTO Cop-| imposed. ill upon Europe but on ‘ra fmperial relations can remain as! , it. Roosevelt accases ultra-pacific-| o¢ nature ee be dismissed, the news the third Great Britain “stood firmly | ; ists of callous indifferene: the} Salamities of and the miseries it aealets, or by sending 2 the Can | resolat and Germany receded. The | Me oo, of the complex-| tights of weaker nations, He charges| inflicts upon : see Oop ae hat | ediai able Co...588 Haron | events of 1911 have never been’ for-| iy of ge sa pea ania trees Laat , Bryan.with feebly serving nds and tens of thousands, of Street. FTorodto. Can: than Sana hare ae hédeon, fo balieve eee Aigle behets ted i yusness ing rd} eye; and se: le fol + ason to lieve | no need despair of a satisfactory 7 evi age ndered | that bat for the comm: ai | Gobiflon end M8 one eh adhe the ee arbitration treaties. ae wretched by the event. surely therc * 3 fluence ant of Sir | Setoand influence which the trem,|delivering “loquacious epeeches" iS some iin the he; ant of man tha Via “Lake ot a Shue tile eI sot NEVE peor eee FOR SALE Haward Grey the war which | one Sv . fete cone | EOTe Peace Societies on the abolition of cepoer thin to’ Gia Failte é ceived by them at the time of such joat in 1914 would have been foreed uP| the and of tl jm the immediate | W@!- 2nd by neglecting es ere Sette age is Bie ‘inked chor’ Bows witle, 2. Ble ys shawa, distribution. Seven steers rising two years old.| on Bu aring the previous years.| satare must ex soon anit cor the eeuinst the hideous wrongs don etn| tarned by f the Creatos'® houre, Bellovilie ty oP ree Dated at Stratford this 28rd day-of five steers and heifers rising 1 year) T T have epoken Be three years. bat as ‘interesting and far — reaching | Belium i twentieth] that still Reales emit’ in® + Se ee es January "19 fd. all in fair said estione ever presented for the ning | century culture. ring of the soal a nos of} Particulars. from CPR. fe ess St. Stratford wie freanira Parr aa sideration of statesmen In Mr, Roosevelt's view. “the low- Say tee mae leas ot Torte ee rt ratfor: ra ui nm - mai learn to -fee! to oS ‘oronto, — seinlisitor for Donald Jack ‘har- joun ‘¢ ling although 7 > true greatness of a te ion ii foiled i ews, Exeeutors of the said ees TOE Br goa 2 Monsidptag che gooble eapw ass of it-undl;) “Haveryea #ottled yoar eee : on principles of hamanity. ond not on £1155! the ateam be ecins fo escape.) en us, Engeland & Sons, oo, conquest. War involves ini = Newton.

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