The Milverton Sun And Menkton Times EVERY THURSDAY MORNING The Sun Printing Office Main Street, - Milverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES Are You Insure dj CANADIAN ORD! s. arte Es gary One year. $7 hs; 50: month, 26 cents, in adv fn arrears willbe ht cents per ine for, get insertion and sour vents perline for cach sabecquent Inver Hon will be charged for-all transtent adver- Hees eeriiecracnehcntthors specific directions ahve inserted wn‘ilforbid and charged ac- ae rdinsly. hanges for contract advertisements must bela eome by acon Mosday. attention. MALCOLM MACBETH. Publisher and Propricto, BusinessCards DE-MeGPINDALE: LDS. C:own and Bridge W a spedalty. Over Meteopolltan a Bank, Milverton Butter makers! HEE DAIRY COMMISSIONER OF ie Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, shggests the following forme for the printing of Butter Wrappers. CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER Made by DOEVILLE, ONTARIO oF, CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER Made from Separator Cream MRS. JOHN DOE “Rose Bank Farm’? DOEVILLE, = = ONTARIO F. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYE, M.D, DRS. PARKER & TYE CFFIGE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours-—40 to 12 orclock a. o.,and 2. 0 4 o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. m. 3 Wi Knox Kneis Chnreh, Btrattena: “phon ne: R.Y. FISH&CO. LINWOOD a. Dealer in .... Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture ATWOOD ities : pues: Barety elicitor ior the Bank of Toronto Mee : Gordon Block STRATFORD, ONTARIO Veterinary. ARR, Veterinary Surgeon Milverton, Graduate of Ontario Veterin yy tele plone or otherwise Brainptles attended to MILVERTON LODGE, No. G.R.C., Milverton, Oi Saibayary riendiy é¥ening on or before full moon | lock, Visiting breth- Betelenperecone: R. Miller, W M.; W, J. Zoeger, Secy. come;“S, Spen 4 ¥, Beoy,, Nea. SMtamaritaan Sec. Ww. WEIR, Notary Pu tioneer tbe the Count; Mortga; wales Clerk. Office in the Weir block x the oe sais Bank, Hotels. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil- ailing « Best brands brauta GF lijuors aut cigs Chas, Ritter, Proprietor, oes QUEEN’S HOTEL, Milverton, Ont. e bes! st accommodatie ms for teavelien an thi ehesgaat cc ‘Wines quors nt lear ae the Lar tables. George J". Ranli, aoe (2 LE ee ea a ne ae THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin attentor ors day. Rates $1, 50. ea Wa Wirr, Prope ‘Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand NOTES AND COMMENTS ASSES Se Re Europe is as Nineveh and is put- ting away its sins. War is a Jonah with a compelling warning. Where thusian; London dark and si- lent as Thebes ; Petrograd, the glum reminder of St. Petersburg—there’s a sullen sound to Petrograd—i dry as Zion City. Sumptuar freedom and license. The needs of the state and the sorrows of the citi- zens have ironed rebdeltious human nature-out. With war demanding the highest efficiency the nations can produce for their self-protection, there has been a concerted attack upon aleo- hol. Russia first abandoned vodka as-a source of revenue, then closed the vodka shops, and then prohibit- ed the sale of even light wines and malt liquors. France ordered the prohibition of absinthe as a mili- tary measure, bué the cabinet has | # decided to recommend to parlia- ment that the interdict be made ab- solute. bréws have not been prohibited; Europe is in the direction of curb- ing indulgence. _In- Great Britain there have been no completely pro- hibitory* orders, but~police-regula- ened the military authorities are- preaching against liquor. as against a thing destructive of quali- and a ties needed by a good soldier. Observers have commented upon the fact that the whole French na- tion seems to have changed character, or what, mdre ‘properly, was the superficial aspect of its character, and that now it is self- contained, collected, as ES, PUBLIC NOTICE! Material, such as ‘VES.¢. BOGE, rinwoon keeps ‘ ad nd Goal, Eimme, Cement ahd ‘all kinds 0 ae Lomber, oath, ake fe Cider bestqui SManager eae s SHADOW TEST & “Hie Looks Into the Eye” I wish the people of Milverton and vicinity to know have adopt- Sheers een jerful “Shad- By this On es it is almost inapusiote to make an error as all work is done by looking into the eye, thereby locating the defect right at its source, —_ eta ta headaches any €28e8 sttaigh- tened, tee. yatee ae fitted b vanced system. ren’s poe ‘can be accurately examined without asking anv Satisfaction guaranteed. P. H. BASTENDORFF ‘Eyesight Specialist ~~ i esi devoted, and devout. iadistore heroes and hard liquor have been halla. The heroes exalted their be- }jings before battle, engaged with alcoholic fury, and, if felled by -wounds and finally transported by valkyries to their lasting home, found hard liquor waiting them as of Europe, it certainly is changing thé habits of Europe. —--* VISION. 4 Dr. James L. Hughes, Toronto. To see is greater than to know, io I shall pray - That I may see a clearer glow Of truth each day. Though + ate all that man has known Blind ry be; ae ‘i <cnie glory 1 T alone Ji ae cee British Chief of Imperial Staff. e photo shows Lieut-Gen. Sir Wolfe Murray, K.C.B. To uproot an evil it is clear, of course, that we must know what its roots of war. One leader of public opinion is sure that: out of the artificial, manufactured war scares and onde quent arousing of public Hoi, by mal ers of munitions 0} ‘That there is a measure-of truth in this no ee ae of the signs of the times we can hardly oueve that ate pow- der and gun makers are the’ chief forces back of a war that ranges ap- over an ths world. We 1 war: has come | th TESS has taken the place of individual | French wines and German | homes tion of public houses has been tight-}# regarded as concomitants in Val-|{* pointed chief of the Imperial Gen- eral Staff in succession, to the late General Sir C. W. H. Douglas, G. mn. in.1853, the new chief of the Imperial General Staff was edu- , Harrow,. and Ashanti War of 1875, being in com- man f lines omanunatOn. munication South African campaign Master-General 904-7, and, in 1 (Secunderabad) THE SUNDAY HY SCHOOLLESON INTERNATIONAL LESSON FEBRUARY 7. the command of the 9th Division, India, Lesson VI., Ruth Chooses the True God—Ruth 1., Golden Text, Ruth 1-16. Ve That she might ro ae the Sane of Moab.—Naot out Bethlehem-. Tadab her husband and two sons. They were called Ephrathi is another word fo found in Judg. 12, 5; 1 Sam Bethlehem i is spoken s too but it wag ES a Jud: ith). _ Bethlehem. v mown 8 made up of two words, ‘he th,” ouse,”” and “Lehem i name that fertile. Jehovah be visited his people.— mon expression in the old eames to denote the bene- ficence of God (see Gen Wee 24, Exod. 4, 31; 1 Sam. sa. 80. 14). ie mto the land of Judah.—It_ w: aes ee for the host to ot pany the guest a certain distance along his way. Doubtless Naomi thought that her two daughters-in- law would go with her for a distance and then would return to their own nese -verse Sup ye: the country was exceedingly but the disposition of authority in| said + ices them to return. kissed them.—The kiss was ie usual greeting at m eeting and “Ttis still the salutation friendlitiess. waiahe where it was used for foul Under the ee him (2 Sam. 20.9): stance is the well-known one its | Judas r mother- uth (verse ~14) friendliness of Ruth wad goné, go! every opportunity. to go: back, not only to her people, but to her as it was believed among the ite: to no other question in 2. 21; of Went. on the a a a but we al return. with | @ »—Both of th ah.|nor was there ever a ge + take a similar position toward Hehe claim ‘that wars are out- growth of huge ‘armaments. The possession of a deadly lea wner to shoot. when ean herdly he armies; we have armies because we have wars, hepenee we have tendencies toward see other man is very sure that war comes out ‘of an ungodly Just of peo- ‘| ples for dgatinisiy, and nie TUeh Tse | mous . | dominion is b: branded as wholly evil. But suppose the desire for dominion we go forth and die that oe idea ke root in new We seth pass this con aaeutatisl mn of lust for land’ in wholesale fashion upon entire peoples. War Has Popular Support. No ter what may-happen in the later stages of the conflict, the present indication are that this war has on all-sides popM ar a yond anythin kno: neler; and in these opening pie the em- phasis laid on ideas is very marked. We hear about the Pan-Slayic idea and the Germanic idea su the Eng- lish*idea. We he. es f the pos- sible perils of ‘the lent as over against the Bees tee if is im- possible to freat all this as if were just diabolical craze for do- minion. Men are going forth to shoot one eect ‘or the pos- session of acres of gro: But some eer that pattie! in- weapon may |* es|is not Christian, CHRISTIANITY CURB POR WAR Settling Disputes and Advancing Ideas By Brute Force Must Be Done Away With fluences are the driving forces, New territories are: desired not because faker, mically duerfighting -£ can: be utilized to make a sure re-/| turn to capital. | ve no desire to minimize + | the force ‘of the truth in this. claim. Wars waged ‘in the name ideas have had back ~ of them cone es of money eke infam: been baptized | mh the holiest cates all this, sibeing increasingly seen through: | i Buy a Victrola for Christmas The easiest way to make things pleasant for all the folks and to furnish entertainment they will thoroughly enjoy. Come in and'we will’play your favorite music for you and explain our easy terms. J. E. WEIR MILVERTON Victrolas from $20 to $100 a ~ Your New Suit— Before bene your order, come in let us show you our new. lines of suitings. We guarantee to please you in both fit and price. _S- N. SMITH, < Up-to-date Tailor MILVERTON, ONT. J ty is that men do not yet take Chris- tianity seriously. It is true that the pressure for profits causes war, this is because ee who seek he profit-are not Christians. They May Attend Church and sing hymns and make loud prayers and even preach | long ser- -uppermost. which ries not make for human ty Not only does war come because: men do not give sufficient stress to the human impuls: t comes also because men do not take seri- ously the thought of settling dis- are bound to be differences of opin- i a word, the only real cure jor s the all-round introduction of co) heistiautt ty of individuals in wh ve cone of as his indiv ome “elaonshipe i is not enough. A m: truth, and love iis aati y. his bills, an $ ons go forth mete the utmost a y to shoot him whom Christ cal This brother Christianity has to come to the place where, it looks upon a man as aman. Not all men are equal, but all men are men. It will one day be uttetly abhorrent to treat a mets as anything but Hes man.~-Bishop Frane: » MeConnel n Naomi’s ae as to fae s ies ination and ~ steadfastn: he beauty of the language ae aes two ses is captivating and shows s| that “out of the fullness at heart the mouth > th beauty of form is: associated with beauty, of thought and. conviction (See 2 Kings 2 a similar epi- sode between Ehjah and Elisha). Jehovah do: so to me, and This is a common form Israelites and eople who came in 51 Rinks. 2. ae 18. She ee off Scale unto her. vis an easy play for the imagin- ation to see the: due ne iberroed Aabeihok. when the matter is settled, their way with gladness. going on THE DUKE one CONNAUGHT. His Presence i Canada a Distinct Loss to Britis One wonders exac oe views the Duke of pices Tiolds about the sirateny of the war. ‘The fact that ada and that his felis eae and advice are illed | not available’ is a distinct loss to the British army, says. the Army English Royal Family since the days ft take ena of an army in the “eld. e Duke is a small man, but in his nvr was sO perfectly proportioned that it was almo possible to realize his lack of inches. There never was a man who spired shis soldiers with i a meral ‘Ww had so quick and keen an appreci: tion of all that field of mimic us time when he w: only general we er pin of a a cae eat one of his sayings ess |commanding the Rifle I ing command of an army enga European .warfare.. OF cov day is now past. Both Sin French and the generals associat with him have proved under extraordinary diff tio: When the Duke of Connaught commanded the troops at Aldershot he was known as “Arthur,” and b; that name, and no other, was he in artack-Foom and sig viousspde tof deualnae e was a Vi Continental was the worth wepeating. the British arm; when the cap was first introduced: it is said that h the officers. o . Sem ing unexpectedly into * ante- room. he discovered a young oe tern Hes jeneages in trying new cap, ‘as the Duke’s ete upon his Bre efore a. glass. Though discovered in the act the youngster was not abashed. “A nice cap ?’’ said the Duke ironically. “Yee, sir,”” sonhied the young su altern, .with the oa 2 Sandhurst Ln pon if a pity the paren Army eden of it first.”” os Always Forgetting. They ‘had just been married, and were about’to start on their wed- ding trip. Ae is cs custom with to the point of erpedalneee but he met the situation like expert. arry, you bought ne one Tea quickly, “always forgetting i mysel{.”” Even the thirsty chap tries to dodgethe bar of: justice To join The Siege Of hard Can be our ds Mobilized! The finest collection of Rubber Footwear ever assembled men’s, women’s and children’s. Recruits Wanted the army who wear our Rubbers that stand wear and tear. A Long March Y made in comfort with our rubbers. ily march, omcduon tiastily Retreats Before our prices. N. ROSS, s..cma. Monkton FLOUR Whole: BREA A. H and Retail on Wedding Cakes a specialty WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Fhree Stars” and “Purity” Two of the best on the market Cash.or Trade for sale ket AYES, Baker it Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to he Well Attired” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop... *HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit O. DUF FIEL Monkton, Cream Wanted! Yours ora Sauare Business We. will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream delivered at the factory. CANS SUPPLIED FREE Pearl Creamery, The Gold Weather will scon be with us Milverton Ontario fe power. to st My Fiainby I eet surely see; Or fail te My work to oo ee ue e future be More grandly, true Faith should be ever turned to sight, So I shall try To’ find new stars: to give fresh light On life’s wide sky, ea ey fre" you anyway,’ contemptudusly inquired Mrs. Beer supe fe aware ‘a man or jouse 1 an,”” » answered Honky Peck Hn Gre it sere a ouse I’d have * you “up on that table right now oling for help.” Churns, Washing Machines, Roofing, Glass, X-Cut Saws, Axes HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF Stoves, Ranges and Heaters J. G. SEIP, YS Bs Media oe Be d ~ ‘Linwood. Shelf Cutlery, Aluminumware and Royal Purple Stock Food Kindly give us a call thi COME IN AND WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF Ranges and Heaters OF ALL KINDS IN STOCK before buying elsewhere. We are satisfied that ‘we can save you some money. We are having a sale of Graniteware s week at Greatly Reduced Prices SECURE ‘A BARGAIN WHILE THEY LAST E. Bettger @ Co. | Hardware BL lat el MONKTON ‘ Try them on EGGS MONKTON, ONT The “Up-to-date nailer,