4 mate Sixteen Cee len industries of Can resent war to the Wecite and wool- ar. | ufactured in C: ‘How much more will come in the fu- To ae it is estimated that there placed, ue to Wits 3 of Canada in War ‘Orders. “Approxi= Million Dollars while certain ue of $1,250,000, eras el from German and Austria, fae are 2 be man- rane the eee te Bie lines, to the mae blanket manufacturers | have benefited to the tune of some- thing like $1,500,000 from the war. e | Recently an order was offered Can- adian mills for $1,650,000 worth of |* blankets for the French “Govern- have ow running at the remainder had placed in 24 capaci ites ce Z ited ates. Twenty-eight anlls hate bean engaged on the big, foe extent of $1,250,000, with a: oO order placed by aoe and clothing Act by the Canadian Militia Department ap- proximating $250,000. These order: ee khaki goods alone total $6, 7500, - oowar orders for knitted goods a the value of about six millions have eeanecenenpieten vat fied at four millions, a ‘million-dol- War Office | 0: ‘have bee: on reset it of | order. the Brit lone} Shirt-makers have been busily en- through its Canadian Jour gaged on good-sized contracts for ' agents, orders for khaki. clothing fe the British an: vern- ments, ae orders oy the British ‘| of bi a heayy. periee for cotton and ue ing an increased out- put of these sie ing to 25 per cent. in the past three months. SHIP PURCHASE IS CONDEMNED The U. S. Chamber of Commere Denounces the Bill as Un- Youths Make Escape; Mothers Arrested ae despatch from Rotterdam says: rom the frontier it is learned that el continuous passage of young Bel- is join the army in France, have been ae searching for and arresting the pmrleny fathers of absent youths. In some despatch from Washington! cases they were successful in getting 39 annual convention of the| the father; but, hearing what w: Cham of proceeding, the others slipped Waited” ‘States overwhelmingly op-| across the fri r. In many cases, posed President Wilson’s Ship Pur-| purely out of revenge for having chase Bill. ‘This vote is Tegarded he fathers, the ns here as the most Ampit evi-| promptly arrested the amétherss tell- alence that has yet appe erat as to] ing them that they had better bring ntry. toy Govermiment-ownership Tegislation. @ on a repor that “Government op: American, is likely ration is un terfere with individual Ritiatce a sed a Bene fee ‘or the development o the United States merchant magne, ‘The vote on adopting~the report was 163 for-and 90 against. —_kr____ Serious ak he About to R sie Buatady of ope ner men of roposed special Sorinititee on the upbuilding of the merchant marine. The ma- jority of this committee, headed by William Harris Douglas, gee e more ex- plenty of clothes with them, as they were camp in Germany. er, General Bissing that this transportation of women has to be delayed. oe -|German Auxiliary regards the enterprise of our citi-| Says: The B sone ae phadtnes abt eeriarl auxiliary | is: of course; ambhinted to. a|crpiser, formerly of the Woermann spacer st the President’s| Line, was sunk on January 7 off the Bee, faitice tae. prose ats ae seams oy the British f| cruiser Austral wer taken to the Falkland Thangs. Pe ee ee ASTURIAS REACHES PORT. ae de: -spatch from Petrograd says: A writer in the Inv: in Russia 2 000, 22,000, 000. “Given the Iron “Cross “best rine’s. crew. -21 is undergoing repairs at Wil: canine UES | her recent ex- va in the Irish Sea. 0 good source , th. a 8 ny. ba tg forbidden’ the exportation of to- vate Hamburg Fremdenblatt says e been ‘lude | -eoneers ck va "read for all Ger- alide Russe, a ‘For — Steamets ed, her car “A despatch from Southampton : The British hospital she As- ji Bo z BRITAIN’S RETALIATION. May Take More Stringent Measures Against German Trade, A despatch from London’ says: aN Britain has decided that e American steamer Wilhelmina, a on a cargo of ~| foodstuffs for Germany, is <Eb soe o-will be sub: mitted to = eae ze a : « BREAD RIOTS. IN ITALY. ’ Crowds Went About the. Streets Looting the Stores. : A despatch from Baeatt wen says: Ri tation over t of troops Bes been called shee to main ntain elderly — bline Jast August and march them. . Geneva lave 2) to ere. while the. siather n killed, - ‘ilar and four widows. ing alarmed, he applied for assis: tance to. a bureau here’ for the ex- hepard, of the |change < of information regarding ffout, near the Swiss| prisoners of war. One one let- frontier, were called to’ pa Bee fri |, leaving fourteen eal set ie: by German shells = + amount they were | q;, e value of $60,000. ers . . Rol Cruiser is Sunk % No 2} 4 degpatch from Buenos Ayres | ¢ enos Ayres newspapers | Captain’s Prompt Action Averted| $1. ion of Vessel. PRICES of FARH PRODUCTS RenOntS: from THE Leapinc ‘TRADE NTRES OF AMERICA. ian 9— Flo ur——Manitoba arse ae ace $7.80 & 090; tu: jute bages nd, patents, $7.3 $7.50; stroni Sater, $7 to $7. 20; “Ontario “wheat flour, er, ‘cent patents, $6.65 to $6.85, 5 1 Northern, 0, and 6, 3 at $1.57; faa tb 0 $1.60, at ag fos Wheat, No. mito. atta No.2, at T4do and No, sc. arley—Good malting grades, 809, outside, Rye—$1.17 to $1.20, outside. peas No. 2 at $1.85 to $1.90, out- 2 American, 854c, all rail, open Trelght. Wheat—-No. 2 at 85 to 88, out~ ‘Western 3 15 to ae Bran and shorts—Bran, $26 to $27 a. h, and shorts at $23 to $29: ‘Rolled Sie ee ge enor Ibs, $3.45 to $3.50. paste St Country Product utter—Choice dairy, ae “to. 250 tetion 20 to 2ic; creamery prints, “$1 to do., solids, 39 to 80c; farmers’ sep- ae os "26: to Bges—New-latd, in cartons, to 85c; Selects, 28 to 80c; storage, % 88 Honey—12 to 13¢ a, Porzib._ cor strained ‘0. 1 honeycomb, $2.75 per dozen; Ni 3 ee ry—Chickens, dressed, 13 t ducee, “atest Lf te, 182i fowl, tote Tle; Bea ibe; turkeys, dressed, 194 oe-178 to 18¢ for large and at 18 i ast | for twins. sate 8 te, $2.15 to $2.85; atoes—-Ontaros, 65 to 75¢ per bag out of store, BG to sic in car loth, New Brunswieks, car lots, 60 to 65¢ per bi s- hand-picked Beeieiae Bacon—Long clear, 124 t in ease lots, do. Boj, backs, 20 ict! pure. tap, 418 to 1201 compound of to ie in: tube. ang 10 the | to i04e in pails, Baled Hay and Straw. Dealers are paying as follows for car lot deliveries on track here:— si to $8.50 a ton, in car lots ow Tiny, $17.60, to: $18; No. to $16, and Winnipeg, ther. Si 509: No. 2 Cat rthern, $1.45) W A parleganicred. Montreal ae Feb, Corn—Ameriean , 86 to Oats—Canadian Mtontreal, Shorts ae ‘Mia- 5 Mouitlie, $34 to est Neo $ 4. May bla. Corn, No. 3 yele Tike. Oats Nord white, 653 Biour and bran uneha: uth, Feb. yheat hari 1-b24-to $1.58, Nont Northern, staid 0 $1 2. a 62; May, cash, 884 to $1,903; May, sis hive Stock Markets. to, Feb. 9—Good butchers’ sold ‘s military organ publisher here, ro: |turias, which narrowly escaped be-| 12 is _|ing torpe sub- | ro} tI a fain timo when the “averstaries| marine of Havze, arrived here this] 8:00. Sbgen Mare stead “Caves aa ae spent their maximum force, a|#ternoon. It had some wounded | to § logs, fed and. wi AES period of calm follows. This phe-| ®eldiers aboard to ser medium: @ to vic; common 4f fo men: being repeated in| Members of the crew say that cows, $40' to $80 each; calves, 5 to the present war, when these adver- catastrophe was prevented ep, 42 to 54c; lambs, 74 to 80; thee ; momence | Promptitude of the captain, | % : ‘ter {observing the white track made by Lpager st oroaaty ued Set uicl thoniis WE tp | © lo, altered the course of Italian Peasants uml f trained soldiers in| his bringing it sharply Going to to Germany|]; France’ is 4,000, in Germany around in a half-circle. The pro- 4,500,000, in Austro-Hungary ,- jectile passed harmlessly astern. A sapaten ain Venice, “‘THaly; 250,000, and-in Russia 6,860,000 men. The light was good at the time. | On an peasants, both tn France. 10,000,000, Cer. ees ee ae , r any to engage in farm and factor; ant 000,000,.in, Astro ‘Hungary work, in response to of w- usually high wages. For the men 6% marks ($1.62) a day is promised, for the women three Commuted to 20 Years oe despatch. from ‘Ber lin says : The on William Lonsdale, a British sol- dier, for an attack on a German non-commissioned officer at the military prison at Doeberitz. The Hage uae Can: urned to the ground. The Ger. sare said to havo prohibited to. bey "| on Wednesday, July 21 NEWS OF eM MIDDLE WEST | BETWEEN ONTARIO -AND- BRI TISH COLUMB: Ay an From Provinees Where iy Ontario Boys and Girls Are a Living. Alberta will vote pe acpaphibition 0: aby Gieaaives wells made 1720. - Di. Mack “6 Gilbert Plains, Man., sold his section and a quarter for $28,000. In a suburb of Winnipeg 69 homes were built last season at-a cost of 8750,000 The Olympia Hotel has just been finished at Winnipeg at a cost of 8 400,000. Edmonton district exported near- ly. $2,000,000 worth of goods to the U.S. last year. Most of the creeks. are ay ee Spruce’ Creek, many farmers are eae ene + Sifton, Man., afraid to hangout pee eee for fear the cattle will eat ‘ore cordwood is aoe shod out of the bush in Manitoba zation officials predict that Alberta land will sell for big prices inside of the next 12 months. ‘0 date farmers in the vicinity ot -|has: driven the Germans ties pone bank of the Vistula to the OW TUSSIANS CROSS _ RIVER ANGERAPE Prussia Broken Down ue Inyader. | n A despatche from London says: Russian army. invading East | c Prussia from the west. has forced its way across the River Angerapp an from the f Gross Medunishken on the west bank. The announcement by the general staff of the passage of the Angerapp and the occupation of toss Me: SUE is the most im- portant. news that has been received from East. Pages since the sexe y Q ‘ailing Ulett wasciewne stgand aoe ——- was a strong na- teal detente of which the Germans made use in blocking the Russian’ march toward Insterl river defeated every effort bythe Russians to force a crossing. Now| that it is officially announced that the Germans have been driven from the west bank a rapid advance by he Russian forces may be expected. They have oc forty miles of i ory Seratire e region north of the Mazurian Lakes. Simultaneously the Ru vance West. Prussia has gained momentum, with the capture ot Skempe, a town near the border, and about 82 miles south-east of Thorn. The Russian line runs from ssian of Mlawa and is within 20 iiss or the West Prussian frontier, resistance in this region is rapidly weakening, orden Man., hay 770 sacks of flour to Belgian valet H. lera has on ined. At Portage la Prairie, Man., sixty “The Tigh Gane Geach as been in Raymon id, Al- e its plant to Lay- ton, Utah, unless it is purchased by Alberta parties. Alberta farmers are being urged years after the At Winnipeg, the jing improvements to its iesminals war is over. O-P.R. and the Royal Alexandra Hotel which will cost a million and a half. When projected improvements to ‘|svinnipes schools are completed, they will total, between buildings 1] and sites, a value of $6,000,000. At West. Kildonan, Man., bur- glars broke into the house of A. W. Collinson while the family were at church, and ‘ransacked the whole lace. a At Russell, Man., the C.N.R. has purchased a large tract, of land and True Heroism. had been courting the girl { or tae once you would be willing to do any act of heroism for my sake?” “Yes, (Mary, and I would gladly re iterate thai statement now,” he replied. fo Roman cf old, how- ve, was ‘ever fired with loftier ambition, a braver resolu- tion than I?’ ‘Well, Tom, I want you to do something real heroie for and Hast kee C75 rie? “Ss ak, darling, what is it?” cents) Italian “newspapers are} “Ask me to be your wife. We’ve warning the peasants against ac- ae it|cepting this employment, in view |e fooling long enough.” of the uncertainty in regard to a m : Italy’s foreign policy, but appar- 1,279 German Jurists Killed in War. ently many unemployed persons are] A despatch from Berne says: willing to oe the risk anvolv ed. | According official statements given out in pe 1,279 German of jurists have been killed in ee pre- Lonsdale. misanteace® agit ees Se total di up af six professors, 275 eee 340 law- yers, 324 assessors and 424 barris- ters. _ nah, bie ee a the fish be- tore GOR baked it?” “Law, ma’am; what’s de use ol washin’ er fish rats Hie all his life in de water Ps tZeppelin Victims Cos $500,000. Per Head A despatch from Paris says: Ex- perts in aeronautics here insist that the Zeppelins have been ‘a bad in- yestment for Germany. The Zeppe- war fleet cost $32,000, to 000 r they have ony killed about 60 persons in the tries of Germany’s enemies, a pate of about $500,000 per A huge new biplane catabie ‘of re- maining in the air for ten hours and ing a ton of explosives, besides our passengers, is being used by the Germans, The engines acer 225 horsepower. . The ma- dine hee aliéady. niteimpteds cay eral raids. Another Boer Rebel Gives Up the Fight A.despatch from Pretoria says: ‘The rebel leader Bezuidenhout and the so-called “Prophet’” Vankens- burg have surrendered to the Bri tish forces with Lieut.-Col,. Kemy nouncement states Bish adeitonab euegiercdie ce pected and that Lieut.-Col. 8. Maritz and his men probably will give “hemseives up before the end of the ee | Shoot All French: Order to Brigade |;, A despatch ge London says: The Times publishes extracts from the diary of a German soldier, hard Brenneissem, of the 4th com- pany of the 112th Regiment, which describes his eligi saey first in the neighborhoo d eterna in Flanders. On Passage, which Times repro- duces in the in fae simile, reads: ‘There also came a brigade |, order thi nch, whether wounded or not, who fell into our hi No prison- ers were to meh Trawler Hits Mine, Goes Down With Crew A despatch from Grimsby, Eng- land, says: The British trawler THE CANAD A, BRITAIN’S NEWEST pe a plboadt ti ada has just beei commission a | os process of construction at lowit for ‘the Chilean Governm: ie y Britain. She been Lee loned.— pence Bee engines. ae an adieatsd ors se pone mplement, will | tubes. Thi | tally iil, called to him his three best In this fi very easily drift int “| The. A aa coast fom London a : “Exchan, th fl rrespondent —_ “Emperor William's Visib om Wil helmshaven is to cgnnection with the pected off the north and w Bes seeull Gf Gerken Aye ts to’ troops and munitions. is interpreted here as a stop England’s Pein ‘of |light ¢ prologue to important events at sea. | So ae Tiatsers Visit to ‘Wilhelm aver Important Heenan Defence in East \ission t] litz was “squarely the North ‘one shell’” Ee hi i oar the | wee organi: tl f the newly at full armies still eacnaned cs ie oe with the object e covering = e many.” The Turks made a definite attack on the Suez Canal, but after a shorp fight they were driven off a heavy After Sioa attempt made to bridge the canal near Toussoum they returned to the attack with a force estimated at 12,000 strong and} m six eye tigd of artillery and essay- ed to gi the waterway on rafts. othe British force, however, was waiting and the invaders were TURKS EI EFFORT TO CROSS CANAL Invaders of Egypt Left Many Dead and. anonk: 350. Prisoners After Skirmishes North of Stez oe A despatch from London says: | fo! aed % reed back, jeeees about 300 pri- soners in the hands of the defend- ers. A Seeaa ee number ph the WoL Turks w. an The British lost 15 killed ei ee led. woun: e attack was also renewed by prieren 8, Seats upwards of a ‘hundred. THE UBIQUITOUS FLY. Single Fly May Harbor Six Million Bacteria. Seven different varieties oF flies are found in our houses; 98 pi which are represented housefly. Flies lay their eggs only in fermenting or decayin, Sunstaneet by preference in m Hence every si Gentes oF sitotion n single fy. removed the liquid being thrown aw: a irman Found in Thames. German Ai fi Thames estuary the b a is ‘opped an lane’ which was driven "oft by British gun- fire on Christma: No Musie Here. An old lady was compelled to carry an ear trumpet with her wherever she went.. Upon visiting a smal] church in ae not long , she was watch ery susp the sexton Tage reached her seat. Then, as if ae could stand the suspicion no longer, e went over to her, and, eo e | ordered er- | 02 with a Snernuel ‘bullet supposed that SINK ALL SHIPS IN. CHANNEL Germany Announces Reckless War On Passenger and Freight Traffic, A despatch from Berlin says: The German Admiralty. issued the fol: Sub) communication : “Dh ers around Great Bri- and Ireland, including the whole English Channel, are declar- _ © ‘ar zone fro after Feb. 18, 1915. Every rehant. destroyed, even if‘ it is impossible to avert dangers which threaten the crew and her passenger so, neutral ships ae the war are in dan er, quence of os misuse of neutral lags the British Government Shipping northward, around the Shetland Islands, in the eastern — sin of the North, Sea and in a strip of at least 30 anutiealn miles in breadth along t is endangered in the same way.’” —_—_— th. A Russian Girl Pought — In Nineteen Battles — A despatch from M Moscow, Russia, says: Among the wounded who have. 4°? arrived in Moscow from the front is a warning finger said: “‘Madame--one'toot and you're t.?? ’ POST ce A tight fiated old-n old man, Ae mor- ‘viends, who were an Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotchman. He | reminded them that they each owed him $500 and express ying wish that before he was buried they would discharge their bligation by depositing the money they owed be- side him in his coffin, They reed, and when their friend died she Englishman solemnly placed od in gold in his late friend’s ae laid $500 Scotch: | “he never done nuthin’ t ga 1 of 19 years. the set part in 19 bat-. Hes in’ Polk she was wounded in th enlisted under a ~ he er St. George, Sear degree, has been awarded to ‘ —— The teacher had worked that morning explaining the — injustices done by Nero, and believed he had made an impression on the boys. ° Then'he asked questions boys, what do you think of Neto} Do you think he was a good ma Noone Saar ba the week er singled ow what do you think? ‘Do he was: straight ?’” turned the bon heats a Tong » vail tom German ports, thus cutting off all foodstuffs, the British Foreign ib is ed th: cota et fete: shippin; at thou eee fae to} Office repeatedly has ‘made it see, el oo SPIT, oa Throat and all gery dr jckle ofinad Tepeated colds e natural eo ee to fee? system in every igh the 5; or dampness in eeu to cold. ible and inten: se Gives Testant Reliefs; Clonee ees }