The Milverton Sun And Monkton Times The Sun Printing Office Main Street, iverton, Ont SUBSCRIPTION RATES onths, three “Subserit 8 willbe liable to pay $1.50 per oe 3 1 ut cents per line for firat insertion and souttenta per line for cach subsequent in Gonselli be charged for all transient adver sements, Advertisements without specific directions: Will be inserted an‘M forbid and charged ac- 01 cree for contract advertisements must bein the office by noon Monday. SEtanAEN ADVERTISING RATES ty pur Soe . B. Grieve.| A presenta “ae ae see or vio ae Mos|The latter has moved to the senieiiee of Mr. and Mrs. poet eeuring on Fri- 22 §|zxecently purchased from Mrs. day night. Feb, 25. The presents’ 12 4 8 re to Mr. Seuring a sil aving 2 attention. aga a sie Genre pes Oe wrie of Toronto spent| and meighbors so true. so genial and ‘the past week with his family here. kind, We r nize the fact that B = { MMlessrs. Geo. ‘and Menaith Love |daring your residence of about seve eae the past week al 'ralee load-| years here your sympat! were al- usinessCards ing oats for shipme: wits the unfortunate and needy Mr, W. '. Reid: has purchased from fe ever ready hold out DR.M.C.TINDALE, L.D.S. |Mr. D. B. Grieve the property the Iat-| ‘helpful han hose in want or Meieiceusrtesius Lpderorany ter, recently purchased from ™ | distress. amd your estim- Hoxor Grapuats Toroxto University | Young. able wife have acted as good citizens cc and Bridge Work Mhe Sewing Circle will meet at the| and ‘have ny friends in our specialty. home of Miss Annie ee | on ‘Frid. midst. We recognize the Omice: Over Metropolitan Bank, Milverton |. Rev. Dr. J. Ro: Toronto |that as a farmer and stock raiser penne Ny Be preached in Knox church on Sunday have set a good example and Medical. morning in the interests 0! ie Do: ea mig as \ ny more —————| inion Alliance. Mt mi vaye assemb- ¥. PARKER, M.D. P.L. TYB, MUD. | trod, poke. int | ure you bo DRS. PARKER & TYE MILLBANK ; Robt. Leighton. of Guelph, was ia inter: Neko Miss Flossie Goulter is visiting. with friends in Tocoate, visited over Sun- ay ee Stratford witht his grandpar- Mr. ai familtor P perce ‘Br. Daveriangers of Mil- text of Sie nest wesk Ben decorating the new home of B. Grie Se. M. vader of Newton. has tak- em possession of the property recent- fi Mr. Mr. F. McKay of the Rerialtenk’ ‘rookshanks. of London. UFPLCE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE. MILVERTON o4 ‘Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m., and 2 ‘o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p. in. DR. F. J. R. ORO TER, | Nose and Throat only. tute, Clin, Assistant, Ear, Nose and oat Hospital, Gclden ‘Square and | BEY: ? fons aficiated a8 Mooretei’s Hye Hospital, "London vie fy eg 3 Waterloo Reed Ohucoh, Stratford. Phone Lega St., papostee din the Mi thodist charch in| he afternoon. ge very ,heloful and, inspiring addresses | showing the great progres Serance forces have made durin the e ‘mis cor ae | to sprain La es unable ae ves ie hoe ane rch Monday cee Moffat occupied the chair. A Inicrestine program was aiven of ery speeches by Rev H. B. MORPHY, K.C Barrister, - Notary Publi Solicitor for Bank of Hamilto L, - MILVER’ le, = Soares Siler. “atewart anid Little. seleetions fi wv the co! hoir recitation by Mrs. Mi solos by the Little LisTOWE: TON, ATWOOD Ofices: Listowel, Milverton be soe ph ‘oney to Loan iter Wee ona POOR SBE WE LT,oK. Coy wine re Solicitor for the Bank of funeral, of the the Bank of Toronto he AY EA Office : Gordon Block their 5 $ STRATFORD, ONTARIO y evening Subject: Veterinary. out J. W. BARR, Veterimary Sur; Milverton, Graduate f of Ontario Veterin je | Sunday. phone or otherwise promptly attended to md “Lent—its historv and meani by Gee Tessie Harron. Services as usual in Grace church on zeae subjects. chain of habi of God.” service. Lent munion at elas Last Tuesday's rain caused consider- last Wedmesday. embroke. Mr. Stratford. spent Sunday at their parental home here week-end with sea ds a Gue! Bi was renewing old acquaint-| and forks. ‘Mr. amces there last weel ‘inn’s many) chairman and thi dress as Eiicorie were glad fe “welcome him! was read by Mr. Andrew Wickie.; k for a se Mr. and Mrs. Seuring Ellice. and Sharp spent| Dear Friends.—We have not come Saturday = Mra, Jane Sharp arid here to go through a formal ceremony led. in the morn-)| | your ee is deeply regretted your friends and neighl trends “and nei; You ea sectgartion ha’ en| wishes accompany Tuesday at |mav go. WARTBURG het new home in the eee city ‘Mr. Wm. rice Richardson spent the who from v ou adieu we wish you to ac mee of silverware as a more tang- ibl the rs. W. J. enry w red al present tea her swith w BEAGe: faithful neighbor and Societies. ‘ain fnereession service . Fae : ® BS MILVERTON LODGE No aja {130 P ic] ly as a slight token o! MILVERTON LODGH No. 47, hi aan aes ana esteem in which you are held and AL > ., Milverton, trust you may live lon: mneeis every Monday evening on 0 GRAVELRIDGE ee my nen etd oF tefore full moon every month. in the \behalf of your friends. | allix J, E, Weir’s Block, renalwayswelcome, W. J Sait We Buying and selling farms is the Georee | Meserschm’ ‘dt penihege eh n, onderof the day in this vicinity: Nice 12 md Mrs. Jas. Annstrong, of aie ee F., “Silver Star ord, attended the Grovp sale : NGS TA 9 0G). oliver tou. Friday eee Se number of speeches were deliver- ne eel ee ed after the address was re npn mie. Rothwell, vee Edith Daly of| Very enjoyable time was apent until come. N. MeGuire, N. ok Loth, | Trowbridee. risited 0 oxer Sunday with|#R early our in euchre and dancin bie i, Rees a Re eaee io Sao eines he guests departed wishing “Mrs. Er = Miss Bea rice Gibson of Listowel| Henry tong life and ‘happiness in her ental aes returned on Tuesday ring ilies W.D. EIR, Notary Public, Auc-| eventing “dott le of Nel vith tioneer for the County of Perth and fiers ‘around here. She v MACTON Waterloo, Conveyancer, Deeds, Wills and | pani hens ite Plaea nde =a rtgages drawn an avite, made, | Gropp. . L, McDonald. publie school a wo ma Vilage Clerk. Office in the Weir block over the Metropolitan Bank, TM, ami Mrs, Geo. Gropp entertain- A. CHALMERS, Monkton, Ont,, No- ‘number of their neighbors to a tary Public, Conve; he NC Mar-| euchre party oni aioney night. All ‘Mr, W. D. Langfond spent Friday and Saturday on the Rid; | report a good tim: Hay pressers are - busy in’ this: see~ Hotels. ion. a Edward ep Eee a busy moving oe eae near Mi GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Mil- verton, First-class accommodation for leg’ pate Tastitoest ee inder the parental. r . and Mt . | Blorence Si the former's sister. Mrs. All m Gronp, of “Birattord ¢ ale ae teacher is on the sick list at present. wn Scott held a very sucei ful auction sale of farm stock ai vlements. ‘chert that oe intends removing to Elmi Wm. ae i ne pa he 5th | line or Wellesley for a staat sum. . Richard Johnson intends moy- on F LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S Ready-to-wear Store We are making a special showing this spring in this department. Our stock is composed of all the latest and most up-to-date styles. “‘Rodger’s Garments” are in the fore front as usual. 4] See them. Ladies’ Suits and Coats Try us this spring for vour new suit—we can please 'you. Our prices are moderate, ranging from $12.50 to $22.00 Our Spring coats are all new—NO LEFT-OVERS. Come always pleased to display the goods. in and see them: New Spring Hats for Men Our new King hats for men are here—the very latest We also handle the Van Gal hats which are very nifty. Boys, have a look at them. Price $2.50. Wall Paper R@ 10 books to choose 1000 Patterns. from, Try this store for Toilet & Dinner Sets A big assortment. Rio Coffee’ per Specials Friday and Saturday ae ee ee 25c 20c 20¢ Ld] Lt] 6 cakes ‘Toilet Soap : Perrin’ s Biscuits Jet box Krumbles' per hae ee 3 Wheat Flakes per pkg. The Square Deal Store. “Give This Store a Trial Order” LOTH MILVERTON Special Herring Sale on Saturday Ist keg sold $3.95, 2nd keg 4.15 3rd keg 4.25, 4th keg 4.39," sth $4. This is ih time, So GET IN EARLY Saget acd son Edward. of e at ca visiting with friends aie ind her: Mii e and. DMaster Albert Whit- ith Mr and Mrs. Mrs, Fr a spent the week-end ¥ ter. Mrs. J. Reis. eee ilimess of Bronk Seon view Farm Nisited at end Mrs. week. ee Roy is home in mat wate ‘friends Mn Seats. Berm (Monkton on tenhausen and Jim edad sorry to eG the John Gropp one iy ster iii is ae order of the day ood, Geo. Gropp of ee the home rogden meds Sunday at Sear Frieda Smith C at 1 agar Ho md mot! in Moserville. ee Aes spent Sunday at Schneider an Chas. Klenck Bate a business trip to (Messrs. Wwitlie Court, Louis Huch- VA bag of Strat- the home ey stars again HOTEL, Milverto: man. 2 : OTE, ne pinto aN is Jobn MoCloy spent a few days) ne an afternoon see wes aie ge ata Sauda eb travellers and others, minercitl| ah her daughter. Mrs W. Carter.| their friend, Wibie Newton r Foon. Only the choicest of Winery Lr of Stratford es and Cigars at the bar. <peeSeee tables, George F. Pauli, Beton HAWKESVILLE THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Berlin eT pays. special attenton to Goraizerciat| Mr. Abert Lebmen was a visitor to} ¢ny vst sensed at trade, Splendid sample rooms, Best |'Weisenbure on &t We regret the continued illness of | 55] Wines and, liquore served at the ber | Mr. Peter Rel of, erlim|ats. James Barts, G Rates $1.50 per day. Wat. Wir, Prop, | was a week-end Vitor at the home ereonls ok thie whighibers ee ee ss George For Saget «. verr pleserne Gate-<un Sian Bre Bawin "Tia and “Albert it Mr. Gall POOE BOSS SEOOREDSOIOO: EUREIC NOTICE! ORGEL, LINWOOD keeps ‘oal, Lime, Cement and jacob V. Meyer, Manager startin spent Friday at B Mr. Carl Matthews. of *Glenallan. vent ‘Sunday in our burg. » Char! ars Bulmer is visiting rel- iiives: at Berl the condition of the roads last week prayer-meeting was post- poned until Wednesday March 8rd (Miss Louise "Hacfner attended — the funeral of her uncle ae eorge Hess at Stratiord on Tues: Mr. nd Mrs. es es spent sunioy La Berlin. Are You Insured miialiuGrednes taveauina te it G, Spencer, CR, b Bricker moved his heuse- hon Pine to Elmira on Tuesday. Mir, Hort Petoh. BR ‘Limwool. Spe nt | Monday in Dir, Garry ‘Huber left on Monday for Weisenbere Hi het oman eed a job for the sw se Renters ENROL NOW — at the — LISTOWEL BUSINESS COLLECE Thorough Courses tanght by Com- tent Teachers. For particulazs address EDWIN G.MATTHEWS, Principal Mr. John Hammond is at Atwood dattending Bo ae side of his father who is ver: large mui se frcen hare Stlegaee: the funeral of the late Robt. Martin. of certian last afternoon, 's. W. Karges spent Saturday th her parents Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Be Carthage. Quite Sead attended the sale of Mr. Steartiot Miss Lizzie Patterson. of Logan. is ‘obt. Ballantyne last Friday weeks with her sis- R.Y. FISH &CO. LINWOOD : ww Dealer in Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Etc. Grain, Flour and Feed _ and Furniture _ Above Goods Constantly Kept on. Hand 4 | ¢ The assessor is king his rouhds. * _ Mrs. Wm. Galbraith is on the sick ; eee 3 "School Report. Report of U.S.S. No. 9. Elma. and @ornington for the month of Febru- ry. The mes are in order-of merit Sr. IV—. Brydone. John Roe. Jr. nee Edwards. Irene ft Lena Albrecht Samuel r stecky. "Sare Brrdone. Joseph Brydone. Agnes Bry- aaa ‘trite Guenther. Katie Roth. Helen Jr. Ti—James’ Gallop Mary Long. Wilfrid Hoffman. Bella Hottmen. I—Viola Ritt Brydone. Jack ir ‘hock gal tant victors of the game of the season ton rink on Saturda: ing 3-2 in Paul Pugh refereed t! OLD BACKS NEED HELP When people get to be 50 and 60 and 70, they need alittle help some- une to ce fate Zz pe the day’s 't stand the esa resent ly strai Insty youth. They Gin pitts Sis Raphael Ont Jo. 5h “Four years ago, I had such, p back that T could ot fended to my arms, sir. we of which did me ve = th good. Tread (Gin Pille ead et fora sample and ne were Leaving feelin better, So T boug! bel used them al fhe an were almost mee ‘dione fe ptioe bens ‘cored and | feel aa stron een ea toe FRANK LEALAND ‘Made in for over a year, the see cof “otNo" ‘Pills. ‘Trial treatment if you write National Drug & Ghemical Go. of Caneda, Limited, Toronto. 264 a — Goal. Yost; defenc play om pats game Friday e Messrs. Dan Satu Wellesley Bio it Sunday. Mr. ae vans ter Fanmi Their manv and happy pedal Watson. willie We West. ‘ry. Alvin Erler. Elm CROSSHILL ley. The ryote couple residenc: groom’ oid roll 15. ue ge 12. Mary M. Little. Teacher. mo: olay in TV when they the score the of Milverton polls line- UD Was as. fa att om ee ter] J. K the 16th “of Bima will. at Milverton on and ©. At! d of his stock } q ‘Mon- Mr. and e ol * cob Boshart was the scene of ore ia ee will Baise” Report. Report for February 8.5. No. Sr. Mis Warcen Reid. Emma Er- Cecil Watson. ‘\ Sr. 3rd—Nellie Dowd. Hazel Wad- bom Sr. 2nd—Evelyn Bed sguelion Hen- the 2nd—Melvin Wade. eS of Rostock with ‘their daogh- ver! Ma: Clarence and hope = a speedy recovery. ae Dect oss Gro: . W.| the wee bulk Ger! kin- son ware “business Naatcacd at Berlin on Mr. re ts attended the \funeral of. the fate Mr. Neeb. of oc- imports Years 1910-1913 . 28,439,609 "26,609,766 Ibs. "491,112,916 doz. nd 65,233 Ibs. are ihethonel insta of son ‘of staple ‘foods are Forde so ine auats Greax balsie is jpokied to a large share of the shortage. Every aici farmer has a duty . Canadian Department of en a Mrs. nel Mr. r Miss Marg: of Wellesl Seen eth Mtr. ain . Harron was a busi rs. B un and ohn Red, ol Newton were visitors in town last we imon Fewings and Clar- of Millbank. attended cowel hockey coe. 10-5 on rites od, ye i 6.) Mr. and Mrs. Milverton on Monday. IMrs. Klein Sunday at at home of 7 rs. J. Knob- auch on Sunday last. Mr. Leo Helm of Wateroo fume home on Tuesda: Listowel fair will be Sao Ih le Canada to supply ya7° For information ‘and bulletins write to team rebels! Her Jos. a Rodiee ath se E | ‘Mrs. Michael Kocher spent Mi on rd. Helm made a business trip to ‘and daughter Rosetta. | the | 2 PATRIOTISM2"¢ PRODUCTION “J would urge the farmers of Canada to do their share in preventing the people of Great Britain from suffering want or privation.” HON. MARTIN BURRELL, Minister of Agriculture. The Empire Needs Many Foods In the past Great Britain has imported immense quantities of these staple foods from Russia, France, Belgium, Germany and Austria-Hungary as shown by the following:— Mill bushels rather By “possible” is meant the te renee of acres should be actual results which have been ‘That there is abundant reason obtained by our Experimental to expect larger is Farms and by many farmers. e same area “a ‘caelukivety These “possibles’ have been showa hes ee Snare obtained under intensive culti- Meet dine witly the ponalbla vation methods and conditions not altogether possible on the creased production. care in the selection a service to the Empire, and this is the year in which to do it. Increase Your Live Stock Breeding stock are to-day out diag fe feature eof the world’s sacrifice ie nl a bale tor es fea siacalecas Canada’s most valuable asset. | The one s that there will soon be eae elt breeding st Sars e-and the United States, as well as 1 vores etry not specu- a © We will pay the Highest Matket Price for Cream delivered at the factory, Milverton Ontario Creamery, _ of Ontario ortgage Loan Co. Office: 27 Downie St., Stratford 1o/ Interest paid on Deposits on 32% Gaity baiances. 4% 5% Inteteet paid on Debentures rum: ning from 1 to 4 years. ning for 8 years. J. A. DAVIDSON, Manager Interest p aid on Debentures: ae