—_ you enioy its deli with Bread, mical, dependable, g: any WHITE” is © that is equally fe, HOME Dainty Dishes. ci Gems.—Take one cupful a tartar), and just enough flour hold the mixture together. the dough in hot gem pans qnick oven. Savory Pancakes.—Add a dust of cayenne pepper and a pinch of salt to a cup of flour and sift. Beat two eggs well, mix wt them a cup of this mixture in a 2 Pe in in oF Tair tesepoontule be seciedstieres of a teaspoon of bak- Cook in the ordinary ae is petty brown and turn Thes often eerved rolled. Fillet of wi hice ae in the fis 8 ur hans with a little soft butter, salt, per, onion juice, lemon juice or with amed ‘butter flavored suit your taste. Adda few slices of olive, chives, some capers and a Jit- mixed with a small amount of egg, and crum. Remove the skewers and serve on @ hot platter. serving add a few ANE that have ge en sae ting for a few minutes, Wainer "Pudding.—One-halt pound of brown-bread crumbs, two ounces of preserved ginger chopped fin: one-half teaspoonful of powderes brown sugar, som ted lemon peel, and two eggs, which must well beaten. Soak the bread cruml it the ginger made hot over ii Spi inach Sou Riemneble wash lenty of and as eerdeny put it on ib ‘hirty minutes before the sas is Wanted, wash it again, let the water drain off for two or three h loses its color if it After twenty-five minutes of cooking, strain the water from the of red Uses Of course, ‘Crown Brand”’ is your favorité Table ae But what about “Crown Brand” in the kitchen ? Do you use EDWARDSBURG for Gingerbread, Cookies, Cakes, Pies and Sweet good for the table and for candy-making. ASK YOUR GROCER-—IN 2, 5, 10 AND 20 POUND TINS, aati The Canada Starch Co. Listtes, French dressing and hard-boiled or course, ious, appetizing Pancakes and Or, Felicity’s L VALLEY FARM; —_—_—_———_ Inheritance, ase CHAPTER VI.—(Continued). faint sweet smell ass: fea her. ‘oetrlle made her open her ey! = Z mind." Just round the corner, | oad . ithat some of the p wae A white rosebush. Dashed a4 ey were by the étorm, wi ‘als tered, and some of th Se for all kinds of Puddings? the earth, Joyce would have known those < i Toses anywhere, for the one that 2 always use it for Candy-making? Rtcone had given her was just like them. Try it in all these ways. You'll find ‘Crown She hid her faco i hands, and oy, to knew wi Brand’’ Corn Syrup handy, convenient, econo- st apnened Fin Eons. fhe, had di, come to the cottage where he Jodgea for aeanattt to gt ee? what its eae implies—a clear covered her! bie felt thet, it oho: met him ‘syrup—more delicate in flavor than ‘Crown Brand”, oe ie ts she, Pe pen vrindow round the oo re felte ‘slefas hateh, Montreal, e stopped earl er ina usual. her digtinetiy, eno more nonsense, you hou! hard re- fuls. of olive oil for each soups. stir it noe and serve the soup sounded it moment ehe eto2d tranefix e ced, oe aid a thing for which she could never t once. pack ae piace é he aid 9 THiS for wg a Feces e ableeh onful of whipped | thing that any other time, wou! ave iH aed ote ee ach itself, site been impocsible to erou ached | pe spin 4 don, ehind fine rose hush, aud peered 0 the 801 m: oe. ay Ibe chopped at comer, of the cette! Tene hs BS ‘i gcen and reheated with. butter, to = Te wrag,a strange aeons feiss i “Ba served as a vegetable, or, cold, may | ert Stone had hie, bac sk to her. He ee al n ag h be ser ees Ie as @ sal: with either SRS ea Bake eee remy self, while a slim, Dackeroud ‘erying and wringing with mayonnaise. Sour Milk Flapjacks.—To two| tn face. She could never after: it ef ire de tecall it without @ ghudder. it cups of flour add one-half teaspoon | jooked horrible, ite pallor, being ace of salt and one teaspo: te: soda. usted bY Jet Black Hate. The Tipe rere 2 Tage, the he and mix Shorousnhy m add | Dore’ arted out of his Peet tee B scant cups — fiat part | face of » madman. He had the build of » ae cream the e fner--ond beat ell. Some PES allow this mix- ture, minus the soda, as ae over hie hands and feet “f eee ling in erery. ine ‘Toye ve turned me instinct eee ther to the h and once two separately. just ee it is used, add t en yolks just after the sigh. follows the addition of milk. any case, fold in the whites beaten stiff. Slowly heat the frying pan until just short of a heat that will’ bum the cakes, grease well, tuin on os, when the cake is full of bubbles and before they break shake se from the pan, toss and b other.side. This toma? eee not of sa} ike her own. tle heap on more. ing to her Then she dropped in & {he mat and remembered n ue e ind on Seine the pan under the | who brought. her Necks of consciousness, ‘ 0 it ked garments, cake as it comes down. - Half corn-| Selped her of With her coty. Later she meal or half pint of berries rolled in Theioted on her taking te baein of sme she brought for her, and sat with her flour used-to be cooked in this bat-| tye fell acicep, Joyce felt that after that ter and dates cut in small pieces | night it would al to forget the wor { n’s_grunal and Foss ‘words, an nd well floured may be used to- Fem omer only ne: otherly kind- lay to make this cake more whole- Felicity, ‘he ‘aid (noe eee at alk: she was exha d suet: some. The batter, w: felt Letless ame. in tiie ‘and e iv. ‘ont e the addition of a little melted but- ash unrefreshed whan, dhe moni 6 Her hea 4 ie aches in every ter, makes @ good little muffin. | fer Mona when Eliza brought-her break When sour milk is used | the eggs | tact uretaire and told her to tay in bed. 1 quiesced erate! ‘ully. e gloomy are sometimes omitted entirely from | she acaulcsced gratefully: | The gems these cakes cr now ag a very haven of retuge, She rank fre oe ees She hk ag she liv Sofie sted worried when ehe brought Household Hints. "2 you onyee wag only old. - too to do She was iat faling into s dose ing the door up ad _ ixoelent bibs for. babies are , oot of smal ]] Turkish towels cut in ise The new-laid egg is one ture’s greatest gifts. to he. atk room, he To wash colored silks, use cold water and a moderate amount of soap. The more fresh foods there are ona tabs: the better for the fam- ily’s hea At a pin ole, ‘common white blank- aecanpeent up and used for baby blankets Put a thimble on the curtain rod when Scape it through. the hem of the’ ourtain. The tops of pale-colored: evening gloves make very dainty shoes tor tiny eae mittens, worn while do- ing bougnan are a great saving adeno ond of mischief. It wae a mis: take. bringing, you—Eliza eaid so at th time.” Hoke Pieaer, Twigs 20H Thad liste Her 8 me. I wo gould hear ful: girl you're been. bina, Joves am unday ands. Little bags filled with shot make good little sewing room weights for keeping a pattern iu place. Wand warging me, against and fi FREE!! $200.00 in casu] | AND: 100 VALUABLE PREMIUMS GIVEN AWAY! ‘rd PRIZE g with him behind my back all co rush’ to Joyce's White cheeks, but she sat up and locked steadily the angry gir sare, done nothing. of the, kind, Fe And Tam” nov wilt | tare a Kee it | Tm Bere to death of it all! If you ot i move “ail the "Sanidy Return the} to cme me again "i, tie you down a ‘ij ae like I dis efore. 0 you ar liquid to the double boiler, add wa- | bed like 1 did Mared. bu 23 there oe a 5g, deep, pant | for gon Beg che wave af appéenstilo co, many years—I can't bear to part like thie I don't know what I've done, but if Ihave hurt you I am sorry.’ eens eorertront give me my lover acs deren taken him from ft you “um ig nothing to forgive!” coat Joyce something to say thie, but felt it was worth a little sacrifice of still for sve, wondering what it Bee ation had not tended wae. re and sympa “It ee rately there mas spent of time one came near her ler thoughts 01 ye unkindness had e all desire for 6! ld have at least | es She writhed a foolishness ; it” combined to d“the: outlook for the -fu- nt reme, Suppose | it was come weeks before she found @ post, \ gud Gite had 0 edd to her's bur’ he: ‘eried, herself to gleep at Jength, and in consternation to find he Bowe hve Slaptesrosal Wourk, forthe pbs yellow light outside the winds 6 not Bethops she had ‘looked 0 dict her. "There was no bell in the-teom, and id Fing it i ther ‘stopped, 50 not eo lalte a little Ionger, come, e told herself perhaps it wad ieee thought, and she lay ‘hoping: thet Eliza. would Not a sound The house was very otill. gould she hear, though che let wit g SP tke bed botaes ronaieg Vt that aiga nent over Ber made hes feel ii, and ‘wag a short note—a ghort, pencilled sorawl from: Eliza, “Dear Miss Joyce,” it ran. “We ‘hi Gone. Migsie won't let, me come. and - ex: plain nor nothing. Of have to go “with her, Dut ~ feel, bad “about leaving She says to your ma tn the mor: ne, v0 you *vill be-all right. Bat I hope on’t come to no harm be- It had evidently. been great hugrg, ‘Yor Elisa okpreeed Seveelt a6 a rule, and Joyce ue Barely make out. the writing. di ‘he lieity ‘and Bliza were ther herself a ot Tih she a yery_ thought of the coming -night wi ite “myete noises, its silences and shadows. Yew spent in poring over books, - in preparing for cxaminations, had not fit- ipa Nek 29, sone ee eompenionee tae timidly, 3 good sandwich is-bread and but-| ber up eome dimer—dinner ‘which Jovye | dikes must: haye-gone early in, the.atte Wee Mir akotped date tried in vain to Mies Yoyce,” | 220%: for: the: fite: wae almont out, Joyce er with choppe CBs ‘Don't, you get ‘tp, today, lovee,” | Coaxed it’ into a blaze with eomé sticks, A flannel dipped in turpentine | she suviseds, “There's dings going on in| Svat Snade heres 6 ted, after whicli wil leat sc poreeiain bib cameleon (enna hes Ls gon't understand st all, and|ghe felt Tetle more courageous, She Rolla “Gutistay noe ne cneught” suitable for the former and. her many belongings. cack eaten. £0 foe tes or trace™ wae’ left of elther of them! Either se. had slew) tery te eavily, or they away With as*little noise as ime the answer to her vain hed note, scrawl though, it_ wae. was not She had Joyce ~ by 28 ah Johet shores seme art. ‘There trate of feeling. in. Felicity’s. noi ot even._tnoubled: 10 address cs you are the only one thai ae fain, Tam leaving you in F you ithe! at a, michael alm woing ay vmarry Mr. at Jor armed sunday. night. ath was: only shine a few minutes, and r dreamed of seei: Mr. iGo That need. ‘Tok trouble we We hav ave quarelled.”” ie ‘And aren’ He “you 0 see him and} 7 ake it up?” It that more lay behind the situa Joyce shrank visibly, but whether trom | Se felt. tial eid. percefve.-, Sie “could the cther’s tones or the bare idea she | Sn, conelide t ‘bot when Robent Stove had eould not have to faken Felicity ‘sk bout Mr. Car- Oh, no, Felicity! I-don't want to ece | ES"! Che had retatiated by taunting him, ever ‘again, him’ about her—Joyee, She felt sure ‘he ian sure tice eee you to. The had proved no match for Felieity in aw a_train’ to London about ten to-morrow: | of words, they had ended. by Yuarreling you. be acy for that? ‘bout. her—how. her cheeks burned at the es; but how ean I get to the station?) tho jught!—and Felicity by had venged her- It's five ite "to. Boney reLOSS, 18n’ 1 Gel on by her elderly ¢ think could walle.” Sa we carrier. will call for you and your /*“she roused herself presently, and resolv. fe goes early to-mortow—it is mar-| oq to spend the few remaining hours, of ket” day I'll arrange it. laylight in packing her box. and. getting Feliely was leaving the toon a4 aieren | rene far her early, in the morning. monjously as she entered i ato hav thin Theabore dict aaa Boat Desioyer gag $7 Aronlent, The Acroplens belongs I | Sayes alied her back. At tha’ moment Bie was tnauktel Gough, and he is Tea kee ake See maine be et the crew # | she looked much the younger of the tw ed over the task til] he was obliged to es renine cae oat ones aaeaer a cadena es pe eee Seog, sid Est, Oak fase Tight’ a candle, revealed me will found, others are harder to discern, but by sap lone over. liek mmoird shadows that che banished. in, frantic you rot ost Of inom You ‘a cash prize by doing 30! haste and to bees Shee 5 ‘don es mark cm ro With an X; Cut out the picture and send it ‘Sat een tend me eome money?” she| Liss sand uuninviting a6 itl eho to vith a slip.of paper on which you ha words, "T have found all the color once more dyeing her | naif resolved to spend the night. Stree, but faces and marked th ie these nine words \edtly as in cases of ties both I'v send. tf back ae soon reflection, ghe felt it doit. onsidered factors in this cos ei ly a reas sain eee A light in the lower ee ria aronse His may take op time but as there fe 9 in cash and One Hundred half a. ie A ent mn ine y one came about tne farm. remiums give: le to tal ee oe overt matter, ie Wilmineten, a ity ae jor must she burn one in her be iri you t Je Cont 0 oer order thie Contest, § | said Should insist on had geen the other gas anger at once: eee Greene eens wosanre tance Cone ways, but © pable—they would conclude not an cl youa complete puzeliattogeter wih the names and addressegot the persons p | forgotten all about it. 2 sori too; and she felt sho was who have ia recently rec eceived 2,000; 60 in cash orice from us, and will alto rend full | a. sovereign from a silk pu fo one know of erp oe dition in order that you may du rew it, on Eonteae (This condition does not inyolve the spending of any o} our money, eas ae Ba arg apatiye “4 eS a one egret oan eees Ae fetacomectitions wine) be alloc wed to enter thisione, # | don't euppose ‘E aluall eco you again before) ibe ude ien of undonbted integrity § | you Sond youcrenly gg ection mpany, Their decisions must be accepted as final There was positive distike in, the look ous! HOUSEHOLD SPECIALTY CO'Y. per: _W, MONTREAL. tehe heat. ee * sate memes hose "Oh, Felicity, why are you so angry with X me? tre have been suclt friende-and for S hough the window—a casement wide ‘lasting peace. to. Europe. one—was, le open as it would go. The moon was it the full eo every abject atood out clear! Se Mewere daxit je Was sure it must be near morning, though, in reality X ‘yas not much pad 1m: “ies all at once che eat up, stantled, ter- siolL Widb sve. alters u dn it che could i murned to stcne, and ghe could only gaze | at the ne Wie inp Tt was the madman a a A mi mo. tood in the room, hesttatmg ae if undecided What to ae ie. Spree dha if it had been an ordinary burglar, gould have “fallen knees ‘this he lurched tow, ‘than doves, haf cra sh fear, saw gomething ay eave. gleam of Ih eyes had the. fied “clare et Seepmalker. Tels 8 renee onized prayer for lp, she slid off the baland crinied we soll apatant the wall, He went the other side and he saw his face distinctly. There was no inistaking ita “expression: ed flendigh in.tte ate and feroci ity. saw him strike once, twice, shri Ry ‘The pillows with his nite before ae found sdirength: 20. titiee to the win she would prover an ut as ehe reached it, e was with her | whe “hese she gave a wild oot een es re and reiiat; fore coming up the ladder wae Rober He eprang through the window with horrified exclamation at the sight of her, c: , he reach: ma. blot. out their seretlegi ‘wri thing fgures, thick darkness desc og a and ‘n. ip. cbeage ‘where Robert. Stone faa thrust he Jay very wns and. as (To be continued.) pacer est CONDITIONS. OF PEACE. Germany and Austria. The peace treaty which will ae the Seton war will be i e. and Austria =e ie te allied "powers Great Brit Rus- —who wil Pe actu the war. ritorial acquisitions, the allies will es disinterestedness. Thi AT other considerations v mil dinated to this one: the ination of the causes = ‘future war fore. Fourth—This will'be the sole ae in view in the r task, an $0 that i one of the conquered-powers should try escape the conse ences of its defeat it will imme- diately find itself in such a position ‘that a single injunction: will suffice n| to obtain. strict observance of the Suicil are: stie outlines. of ie. ar- rangements which may guarantee a ote buffer states will bogy, for the latter will have shown that they are, not bent on seizing territory. The gag es and economic wni- fication of Germany has ‘been «| ergy to productive operations, then every German citizen will see that he has profited by the defeat of Prussian militarism and imperi pian Manihot “Pest Your Cows. A few of a Many reasons for cow-testing It aries oe farmer to eliminate acres that do not pay for their Te takes many a.good cow from the shamble: Tt is an engouikees? of good feed- ing and good <: gives: the ee opportun- ity to. build. up a good producing. erd. Tt jiriereases one’s. interest in dairying as a business rather than as a means of labor merely. In short, it is plain common sense. Stupid Still. Jackson and Johnson*are not now rm: ackson, you are altogether wrong-in your con¢lusionis.”. “Pardon ity ‘but I am not,’? plied Johns “Didnt kg go nae stupid?” almost ‘roared 1 onenb, “Yes,' was the tle reply, “and you came omc th ‘Airy Ahou Ahout It. Shed a fine air castle you've How 3 Son propose to ast into a5 by airship} : yee ae m—No ; He halves, eG His | land. What the Allies Will Exact From pi :lelse’s, the our pig-headed and far more incon- y|denies that his country is behind -the BUSSIA wares BRITAIN IS ANXIOUS REGARDING CON- PLE. Mr. Hamilton Fyfe on the Great Powers of the Twentieth Century. woe Te ae the powers in the world, writes : ible Eee oking ee surface of s | chings, I see this war as gele hetWodn! dns. Beitiah = Pipine cand jenmany for the Twentieth Cen- ury. ach century in tae has hea dominated by one wer. The mans th. belons Semtecnit cite. Basle tre—not of course, not of physical or material domination, influence _ by but. cates nied pase from the Mo- ther to the childre Cause of “the War. Germ: der of succession. any alone disputed. this: or- That. is wy i the mst a rock. Hipire will “elong the Tyan Century, and uussia, when sh has awakened the. intelligence of he: peasant millions and, developed As cel resources, will surely Honea the: twenty-first. Let oth recognize this and live at have, in trut! com: with ‘Russians hank with eal . We for instanice, thirteen, A venient ae of peculiar mea- sures of m and weight and length in eine ‘of the decimal y every one else. we Ccamplin that their alphabet h aS t ix letters in it their a ie. Diets Bae spell as. whereas your yates are not related Fei; is: ees pro. fagliikrioa who ras! ssians because th al freedom’’ are reminded tl is no Grundy in aie to check Dersanal freedom with a far more gallin; nd. Russia Has Advantages. | No Russian who knows the world other great powers both in the Som: mon level of intelligence and in m chanical conveniences. as He vantages, however. it is annoying that. Petrograd sl so badly paved, that waiadeles should make sh. ing’ of one, tiabahors should be no regularity in gr ri pe ae the balance will unetch: ly go against e, whether we con- suet csaeeal apnea arco or take into account the health of genera- tions to come. They hav “their effect well upon aha peat Ss of national ae ent. ussian wants to free Constantinople from the ‘Turk. Some want Russia needs an sae aa the Mediter- ranea: ny longer sub- mit to the Tames Shamng wxeuted, As yen Property. Some see that the chief develop- ussia’s “natural wealth that destiny is foreing her towards the Golden Horn. Most want it be- cause they have been eters that Christ is dishonored by the worship of tsetse Catheapal oe Be Sophia. Well, what are we going to d tit? Keep up our old policy. of ow ary Attempt to deny eRe tly ia? Or, with frank and friendly agreement tell our ally “We shall not sta yt Tf we do ot there is eiiquble aaa for every- Bou not be doing my ant “if I did not say that Russians are, watching very closely for signs 0 4 abonmp: om LO PERFUMED of England’s temper in this matter t | of Conntentinople and the 8. nelle; ——_h—_—__—_. Home Helps. Cookies should be put cloth-lined stone jar when you sould keep them bis cte aa crum| Buttonholes on heavy linen can be done very satintartorily with a fine crochet hook andl # Add the grated rind orange and two, tablespoontals of ine ine ay a glass. of Tot water with lemoa an is excellent-for the Canteen if taken just before going to be Woollen materials canbe cleaned with a dry rubber sponge, care be-. ing ety to rub the wrong side of the Nothing makes better wash than white stockings cut ope, The edges may be finished with piok.or blue crochet. % For salad arensig, three table- spoonsful of oil, 144 of vinegar, quarter. of a uot of salt, one-eighth of pepper. If you keep a canary, see ths cage is kept spotlessly clea better for his health as well as ton the cheerful aspect of the room loths t he triink, tie in«the corks. aud wrap, them. in soft towels, garments, et¢., and place in the middle “ot the trun It is'a good plan to tell the ook to save every bit of lelt-over food. Have her put it in the refrigena and each morning devote a tow minutes to the g ‘over of foods, and throw away ea w vt you think cannot. be used mighty little that cannot peg is some 7 who forupalous: in debts of honar; most but men are everything else “He's & great pallse. of bright things.”” ; Trem e saying of his “that pleased me greatly. What was “Good-ni ight ! aE Mrs. Rasdall ba eae cjust finished ine np! assistant yeti: ‘unle just happens to need me.” ey watch my herse till | come alled.a man ei a buy Jann ing aa the station, as he has: pe to bid farewell to a depatting Fri ak- motive whistled and the hors ing sce started: at {ull speed up t ad, The boy. started atser the feng animal.a ape owas r . Nee Sunes now,, sir, for I colds’ have watched him much ‘longer.’ BARNS THAT reliable Barn Roofing We'll against wi chance—write a TORONTO SCATTER LIGHTNING ‘Yes, we mean just that. If you want to know about a that is fire, lightning, rust and storm proof—write you. some har us. facts that ought to turn you and conyert you to metal. Give us THE METALLIC ROOFING CO, LIMITED ee WINNIPEG = Chemists an: PA |THOGENIC GERMS i} DIOAL 00., jacterlologiets; Gostien, {Md U.8.Ac