Milverton Sun, 25 Mar 1915, p. 8

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Stratford Beacon In the (Matter of the Estate of Thom-| She (Germany) feels the grip of cea- as Atkin, late of the Village of Mil-| power. For six months not a single| he Beacon isjindebted to Mr. H. ° German merchant vessel has cleared! p, Morphy. MP. for : I ‘H PEOPI E Ss STORE from any port the peli i i _ lendi o in North Pe: 0 e New Suits and Coats Combine Elegant Styles, Practical Fabrics and Moderate Prices N EVER before have we had such an attractive assemblage of spring suits and coats Notice to Creditors IN BRITAIN'S GRIP | CHANGES IN N. P. POSTAL SYs- As * ee ee | ML F simmer tagscecenaeciancaneren, “oe rura¥ mail routes in North Perth; | she DN REEEOr Post Offices Closea s do's not ex.| Newry. Donegal, Fernbank. s hausted. or are likely td be in the! Dorking. Tralee. Carthage. Hesson | near future, But it does mean that Hampstead, Gadshill. Kubryv le, Wa Particulars of their-olaims agaist his} Germany feels the coils t’ghtening, |lace. Molesworth. Topping _ Lamber estate, after which date the assets of kn ag al} |Carmunnock, Amulree, Freeborn, Kin- wood No. ve. his notice is given pursuant to| even if England remains supreme at| “d Ty {At cold comfort for the Germans| Atwood No, 2... . ald re | Atw 3 - 0) Thi Section 56 o: ie Trustee Act.” si ated at Milverton th’s 13th dayof| It is March. 1915. to be told that all this: sho Martin Taylor. been foreseenat the time when thei: Milverton, P.O.| rulers were ing Albert Graul. my and a w R.R. 2,Gadshill.| & was certain Executors it ‘ood No, 3. No. with price tickets marked at such moderate figures as we have this season. And these moderate prices are being appreciated, for already many of these fine gar- ments have departed, with their new owners delighted and pleased. Tn the end, she knows. : 8 estate will be distributed /the world, what the result must — be | Kora. ies entitled thereto.| unless the English command of the] List of Rural Ma‘l Routes in North or-unless tre ous | Perth, manoenyring the G hance PUBLIC NOTICE! hte’ ¢ false. joa pe waste ou i oe abe 8 hig : Even at the higher prices you would like the charming new styles for they are em- bat the Bnalish Fors'gn See-\(Milverton 3 a yd 2 + inently attractive and practical. The little short suit coats possess a jaunty style and the ad prexionely made propedal Mitchel No.8, bt part. 48" CG \ wide flaring skirts are both smart and sensible. The materials are the most serviceable ean Maken See te eet ; be to be found. Serge, gabardine and covert cloth are the most favored, Trimmings 3 are almost invariably of a military character. onkton No. 3. in part No. 1 . Bin pt y|Palmerston No. a5 2 7a | reas it Kaise: emne: on~ ombata: 74 i : ship and _m’se 3 in part . 4 RAILWA hey now. see loomi be-|Sebringville No. 1... .. 25 87 } RAN ne SP fore t All that is|Stratford No. 26 ‘ s The Top Coat E. STER say is that a G . which, .in| Stratford No. 5. = 20 7 3 PARA eae POMS Sxabg A a ve of July. efused the -- are means of peace. ought not, in the | Total cise ¢-nssaunie 9 P / Apidae cornet oe cy ee ; rst week of February. to whine over | Milcag =e tees : Heschel Seo tyles there is a splendid range of choice. Nearly all are of knee length with flaring lower su BXCUR SIONS fees ie ieee | {Persons serve Eeverirs eat | edge. But fancy backs in belt and pleat arrangements add closed in North Perth 19] variety to the styles. Everywhere are military touches, pro- ol m Canada i..1700 | ema duced by trimming of buttons epaulets, belts and pockets, all very suggestive of the Tommy Atkins uniform. ily re | Pos: offi Times are not too bad. f ble last m: " Post offices SINGLE FARE Good going’ anid etarning April on | a | thew | work will be completed in the spring <i = Mt TOG j The by-products should net us a hand Spite i o> 2s pape aek \ | 2 profit. ad Uber Aloe , seerciary of the Brit’sh Admir “ . atty ‘ommoohocs that there ia<every (i form ee i \ rhe Low Prices | reason to believe erman yp, B & : of Edue: : ; Ri k ill be i: ‘a jeruiser Karlsruhe w: kk the |. Beton tickets will be issued between | nuighbosiood of th ‘ nd he sed a ni ‘ dust to give you an idea of the attractive values, > i cate eg etter See, 8 of the province 2 fs 4 “ BeBe Nimo ge | cnoee. Of Ber crew: w cued | 6, pibile | tipses thie: . we quote a few prices on suits. N.Y. Fare and One-Third Good going April 1st Return limit Apri id, 3rd and 4th 6th, 1915. 12 00 A select models in nav $18.00, $20.00, $21.00—Very . and black serge, pleated skirt, stylish “models in navy blue, moun* a 3 ‘ tain blue and black serge, grey wor- 12 715 Splendid serge’models in navy. sted and sand covert cloth, in a big ‘ e blue, black, and black and white variety of correct styles t ock skirt: Ir: ry x * : man soldiers on the battlefield. check, gored skirt ; unparalelled values, Are You Insured [said bo Ae eatee n Quebe | Was written by August Heenrick Hoff 8 2 E $22.50 and $25.00 — Adorable ccteatith ake, she Fieee to pat the -heactiy, Boonie (am pomtaltsleRena thee ee $16 50 Belgian and navy blue also blk. suits of black and fancy navy serge SPEER | ermany as w 5 ees Z é 4 a i i French they spcak, into th’s Provine», fms i Germany as a result of his . serge suits with braid and but- gabardine, ete. with military ‘trim- fection for wife and family: eS y, brother ae High schoo ? ton trimmings fancy collars, mings of braid and buttons. wrath and indignat and protest| Re so la"Germany: Over All." | ich. te: ae he word “alles” has. nothi i \ uae erin ogi oF ' Spring Dress Goods New Wash Goods be id orig’ ‘ 5 . 3 : i tee composed of Messrs. A, Pequegnat | S* So great is the variety of beautiful weaves and 4 i The War Tax will not]: srs’ fer. GER ee Lively; wri canishieis Die as Out showing of new spring and summer wash D : bus, recommended the elimination ee ein eee lovely colors in fashinable and serviceable fabrics for goods cannot be surpassed. Never before have we affect the price on AOE se language | ine states whi penton Ge spring that the telling would- be too long for your had a more complete range of elegant spring fabrics rt ad thi < oe elma paeee me e bein; = IL Bee mek perusal. Here we can mention only a few lines and and dainty summer tissue materials, Expressions of our trade this poi “ineaeti ee ae i aids te ovat wil obhey invite you to see the whole assortment for yourself. admiration-we hear every day, Women delight to see spring— PA i fons ‘I j- | States. RO ei We assure you it will be a yreat delight to show them. them and contemplate their spring and summer sew- ades better equipment fo: tid WORee ad Ae dane nent re i i Z ing here in their midst. May we not have the pleasure : Paks s iminati Ne Be ree Sore For Spring Suits, Serges, Gabardines, Covert : 7 hth ‘ ple: Having purchased.a big | es, Classes. and. elimination of Gi he department” was Clocheaewblack se che Literot tie wat esine a of showing them to you some time this week. ? assortment of SPRING |ioual subject for many years, trom the | bout to ban the Is 2 i Med. ‘ 3 GOODS before the ad-| curriculum. which. it was maintained /™®” language In Ontal ‘ complete range bought before the advance ‘in cost, Just to mention a few lines : vance in price, Iam now| ¥#S already overcrowded. 5 geet ranging in price from, per yard, 60:cents tu $2.00. Ebi tovsell Saeed Peneis Soe sas Fas! z ‘eae CREPES and VOILES are as popular as Births, Marriages and Deaths. The Official Eye Witness with the : Serges are particularly strong on account of ever, Both printed and embroidered lines are de- At Former es British Anmv hes isqued a wennbig their serviceability -and smart, practical appearance, lightful. Some are in sweet little Dolly Varden pat- Pri DEATHS. against the suggestion that the Ger- =, aaa 3 6a Q " y rice. Lebold—On 5th line Wellesley, on Sun-|\mans ai n nation, Hé We specialize in-a line at per yard 75 cents, terns, checks and stripes are very frequent. Some are cy day March 14th, John Lebold, aged t ati cri i 3 5 i Our ‘successful tailoring) 63 years. setter are fed up For. dresses, there is one line, a diagonal wale in fancy weaves. The polka dot has returned to favor. i nfiden' i (Paes pet, i < —--—— Mites INO: tatiniation serge,.52 inches*wide, in tan, rose, navy and midship- PRINTS--Crum’s, Standard and others ; Shirt- LOST ieee dof the c rt man blue, golden brown which is a very special at per tings, Ginghams, all are included in comprehensiye ‘Hovis peter det Walon eee is plies it,” yard 85 cents. range and at very attractive prices, i » | addition there is also vivid — esl ySENOre ie rep leaad cleave.) -S et aye ‘red of the. war: will sprond ur stock at The Sun office. Milverton, . vited before buying. ‘ pen eae oun ine sa ercing aneeer tantlel? \ Men’s and Boy’s New Spring Suits tries now 4 attitude of neutral'ty will break in on J.M. FLEISCHHAUER FOR SALE one side or the other. This, of course. x 2 rs ns further wil irawls ym agr:. % . hes) . Ladies! and Men's Talor,- MILVERTON, ONT | ,,4, sRoTthorn registered bull aged 16 out al and i ivity. : _ Men who are looking for really distinctive cloth- Be sed 887 . ouertt all ke ip Pe we ‘ ing will find their highest expectations realized at “The | vegetables and live stock. an : People’s Store”—no better clothing than Engelands. 8-3! ces. This’ depleti ——_—__— made up from i : l joying the blessi : f f ‘ Seed Barley For Sale than in Canada ce teis uaa bah 4 1d See the nobby Scotch. Tweed and Worsted Suits Bits T have on hand a quantity of choice fer an ree fe suffer from a lack Za" Lb) $10, 12.50, $15, 16.50 to $20.00 Improved Service 0.4.0. seed barley No, 21 also one shorthorn bull ten months old for TORONTO cours Ticketsand further particulars — |? : éride! at Grand Trunk ticket: offices, RR OE oe ally names the poem Sp ogee i h pup'ls must ‘try their matricu-| a Orange Lodge at Ottawa tation, has not fed the examiners to| xclude the selection, a z : 3 At the present time “Deutschland + monstrat-) her Alles” is song of the Ger- ee, It} 1 visiting m 4, C CUNNINGHAM, (Phone No, 1), Local Agent c ne nd C.Spencer,C.R. : Ne Zimmermann, RS, 3 oe a eet ee pet dose f ; Special line of navy blue Worsted Suits, well tailored at MONTREAL Weir’s List Farms for Sale i ny. defic enoy. 6 eseedlly | $12.50, $15.00, $18 and $20.00 Bk me' g ] : t. OTTAWA Spe Roe ae oe . Se Via “Lake Ontario Shore Line” BEBE RAT ea eo at ovr of tas call gud te e Splendid range of Boy's New Spring Suits at, rekon st time to Whitby, Osha: i id ‘ Hee phen ‘ Bowmanville, Port ape: Co- large bank straw _ shed. | {he ding . * $8.50, $38.95, $4.50, 5.00 to $10 bourg, Belleville, Trenton, Etc. wal owards this a < Particulars from C.P.R. Agts. or write M. G. Murphy, D.P.A., Toronto. F, L. CRAWFORD, Phone 13, Local Agent ter int hone © am ‘ ne es wood bash, 2] 5; x H 4 a ” Geakiod. Boleodia tenes Coty TC tiotism and Producti if ! Bull Dog” Overalls and Pants at ......00...ce0004.681.00 fall wheat. o WN 1” Tas ill health, JOHN KOCHER. — n the Paplvctincc Bnks “Walker's” Union-made Overalls and Pants at...$1.25 epartmen Agriculture, Ottawa a D / WANTED will greatly help. S : : : sas le pee ens > : pAteable man toatl nanDYean-| DAMES FOR EXAMINATIONS See our big range of Latest New Spring and Perth Co, ise ed CR cr tables for the annual ex- IN Hats, Caps, Shirts, Gloves, Socks, Ties now a ami ha / \ : rg re ys aminations for middle sch c . && We ask your inspection of the above lines — you are under no obligations to buy. 801 te Liberal Commissions. free oatfit. STONE & WELLINGTON oul Fonthill Nursuries. Established 1837 -3m ONT. F | ft to 30 inclusive; for upp . A | education froin June 9th to 20th; - : z TORONTO, — 21. N' June 291 rs on ad ie 0 : aot bviet, =". | ENGELAND & SONS SHADOW TEST ital Wheat oe as 5 ‘Stoo ent i a cn : ‘ ; eet gei i! Bp St Mite Jane 31: senior Pubia scheol! HM “The Store With the Stock” MILVERTON, ONT Peas} Flour, Jewel per ewt, “ Banne Public school graduation from oy ce 16th to Jume 23rd. ‘ a z ‘i er ton. The. supplemental examinations for By this method it is ‘almost impossible | Bra” abe Tessas ors sediation wil be WEI in}half produced $14.12 more per acre th, than the undrained half. and that in to make an error as all work is done by o from September 7th to 17 ne : j _ to prove this in a mos esi rd. I a way. Since 1912 the rage season th se due re am a m @ i cainal n-| to dr $20 per acre. é rts of the et season even-more. ae looking into the eye, thereby locating the e = defect right at its source. * ogs liveweig| a 00 Ses =a ns a Seen B : = tot TEST YEAR Tesiuap es ‘ 50. 60| - BUT DRAINAGE Gives Bic | Riv uon pen a RESULTS cana We will pay the Highest Market Price for Cream © delivered at the factory, ‘ en. ec. e plan The Ontario Agricultural College of a field, leaving the other S re- ports that the Crop year of 1914 was’ ines 5 s driest on record in Ontario i ii ve gain renewed. Farm: CANS SUPPL FREE i ir hax Y diffi ti 5 Peari ©»eamery, Mier Yours for a Satisfaction guaranteed, Ee tation trot bo top from s r - ing up|ed 86] ine were - re: as P. H. BASTENDORFF |" : ee sce eee aie mec : . i f at threshing tige the drained | oslo RE cr : Eyesight Specialist - - MILVERTON, ONT | Keys if 38 3 x -

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