KAISER 10 DIVIDE AUSTRIA Punishment for Biperor Joseph Not ee Kept His End Up In the Conflict, _A despatch from London says: ‘The Press Bureau’s official eye-wit- ness at the British front sends a 2 ie ‘ _must pay for the failu ‘arms. It is sai by pcthetahaanstias Gorneng ill ties of Belgium to Germanic apeunles and the Hie) anew erp, accord- ele ae nee abe ae pro-|h 7 nounced with great assurance, is to i about through the offices of tl cers and the lucated pri- ners s é considerable light on the views of the general the German situation now held by ‘ army, Germany started the war, but opin- ion seems to be divided regarding her intention to occupy Belgium Br pee he ne captured offi-| some of bette: “Te is freely acknowledged that] tw is that portianently. ‘ie belief Sie anil d_the she would not have that Germany’s in-the Vosges must be anaes ‘The mo: in the tie eet nett will cease to exist. s will give away its territory to Italy, an will include the German-speaking Empire, and also “The Germans wi welcome te Duchy of Poland as a para e- ween themselves and a, and will insist on Belgium cemrite the German zollverein, Antwerp be- coming an international port.” SHEK 10 HROK RUSSIAN MARCH ustrians Are Sending Many roops Northward in Hungary. ‘The A. despatch from Petrograd says gary along the Ondava River cap pte thee full regiments and a field bi rians are now fuyat large reinforcements from the south. ‘The first stages of the battle, which is engaging great numbers, are now developing. The Germans in the north are f covering the period until a fresh F orps arrives from the west by restless and futile raids, The enemy’s exasperation at the ateady crushing of his Niemen campai been evacuating its he north-west of Osso- Once twenty batteries were shelling the outer sit of the fortress, but now only fou ven they are fiescent. MeaRUPeh wthelnawyn-alewte alongs the Lyck Road. The field troops re- main in a corner of East Prussia. The Austrian caval moderate numbers, crossed from, Ozetngvetee fits estarebien a Russian proviade which formerly belonge ut n thé direction of Khotin where did not ees Apart from the obvious political purposes of im- yumania, the Austrians smelt in fluence the movement of * Russian troops be —_— WORST GRO ists Never Dreamed of Care| oe as Battlefield. h from London says: The battle 2 the Carpathians con- menting their forces ad the bat line ‘has been prolonged until i retches over 200 les ot in _ Europe, and along this line actions are being fought daily, where nei ther general staff nor military stra- rie “dreamed a battle would be fough ‘The TOcristhine batile nizne now extends from the valley of the O: the ‘triangle, the a cl to be see ee the plains of Hun- ‘gary. Some people worry almost as much over their money as other WAR TAX ON LETTERS. Will Go Into Emect On and Atter il 15. A war tax of one cent has been imposed on each letter and post- ie mailed in Canada, ee delivers y in Canada, the United § S or Mexico, and on each ae “nailed ea t i he Doli effective’op and. trom’ ‘the. 1th April, 1915. Nhis war tax is to be prepaid ih the senders by means stamp, for sale by iecieee Ay other prorme stamp ven Wh possible, ace iiahe ‘the words ‘War Tax" chavs should ordinary postage stamps be used for-this purpose they will be stamp or additional stamp for war purposes should be affixed to the upper righ e or post card, poke to t regular postage so that feaduy: cancelled ab-iie: aume time as tage. the erect of failure on the part of the sender through over- sight or Saat to ie ay the war tax on each letter or postcard above §] pens such “s letter” or paneesd will be sent immediately otk nearest branch dead letter =F Tt i is essential that postage on all elasses of mail matter Gicula be prepaid by means of ordinary post- age stamps. The war t: will not be accepted in any-ease for the prepayment of postage. Pow ER. Doubtful 1 It “Can Be Generated As Cheaply As Water Power. The inventor of a sun-power en- gine now. working in Egypt claims that. 20,000 square miles of the hara Desert can be made to deliver a- we tartling al first. Population has followed me- chanical power for many years, and doubtless will continue to do so. Tf the sun engine be made truly practical, visions arise of the . That neyer will take place. so ordered it that lan ual sunshine produce that nine needs. has a as atively little loss. If the sun-power engine does as uh as this invent- or hopes, the world’s deserts may become great senersting stations, a hii is about all. Even this is problematical. It is doubtful if sun power ever can be _| generated as cheaply as water pow- er, in certain favored regions, and it will be’ many a long year elite a fae me peteapient cut down A despatch ik London ays: 'wo German submarines, the U-28 | ind another, the number of whi teen rating off the west Tngland ee ere the past| ti more es the Flan nian occa Ope Castile, to their list. 10 latter vessel, eS he jatiog fired. betore, the “crew lef oe aie ah rews of Each Were Given Barely Time to Get Into Boats ie pee ‘not been ascertained, which ge days previous to the se1 loss of | cluding orateaitiee thought ea first,” one of the Ger. quot said, ‘“‘that-we would sink you with all ulti ieee that we oe give you a on Mile has Hie Ges tat of being the only with the military Order of Leopold, and the medal has bert b Wee seldom been equalled even by ms Jeanne the trenches fel there by Gonvieteaae first-aid to the, wounded than by simply doing her regular duties 0 sp she was permitted to go with the aueReon fo “ehe baile lied in America as the secretary of femptinne Po her in her appeal to Americans for help in rebuilding Belgium. Mademoiselle Jean Perichon, Belgian Heroine. Perichon, who is only 23, Belgian woman corates m. was pinned there for conspicuous bravery. is se os ly ont. 1t she could accomplish in some field hospital, and by spe the Countess L. de is a Belgian Red Cross nur whom King aL embers of the stronger sex. one work in h more good permission She is to 35.95 Jocal ‘Toro! “$6 to 8 $4.b5 0 $1 Sec, ench destroyer rammed and, it is » sank a eCeraat. submarine boasted that during the four ing of the e to. oe bottom A oted as havi nds ; but it was ee ‘the boats sae: er the Castile the paprabers of ingly ve: on As an offset to a a] cal ihe or umer and _snee ja rules the. ? 5 £ yellow, or tas: = RIES OF FARM PRODUCT Aeros Pais THE ee TRADE 16. id pat w quoted ot $5.90 t to $6, 155. whet cx M0 to Sia at outside points. ete Ontario quoted at nd ‘© 63e on mi aa ontside. RyeSi16 to Sti do., eolids, 5: to, 28 nett e—18 for t Pons atoos Ontario, & to 600 Sten Brunswicks, veel essed hog: Abattore Sint aE eS a 803 7 county, Live Stock Markets. nto, ence, $1.40 to $1605 mon, $4, 1 fo $6.15; Ste hers’ 96.1 do., ae Sie te Wrde be ee $11.50; caly 50 te ae. ball wall pa 2,460 paagon, papas ol Soppeysn Sarr Snot Serinat prices ‘will be higher next oe faced woman who had just efessd amp no, y! tramp, Saeeen he’ ‘ain {How aes e Beene: ”* answered the man as he, ae toward the gate, “a man hy Dar ayes uns st THE NOBLE Doing a “Small the Doer. a of Mrs. n -oné best’ sho: RES OF, AMER! Oba, fret 7-10, in jute bi rents, $1205 attong. bakers Di on his $0 fa be ah tapcuhiees of tions of life. sethourd, Toronto tcl itoba Not Notthern qnot- t st 681.2 ant No.3 at No. 2 nominal, at jouse 60c, outside, track, ‘Torento, Went: 2, quoted at 69 1-20, and 3 another soe malting grades, 80 to Bo,| her endless round of 7, outside. and i atment Ys 28; ink ry 36 2 to 3c; farmere’ separator, ine “belongings. of per , out 00 per bag. less dinner, an April. 6. ee acute, $6.50 "A om 0d bulla, $5.30 Yo. 85° 183 34 0 £0, etre: ‘butchers’ i jum, bs $55, ee ea a0, eat “balls kers, 700 to 1,000 Ibe, $6 to Hers dat vouch 389 t0 $3.75 to $4.40; ml PIRIT. Thing”? Wilkins- Pies n’s rt stories, oe a husband who is a hard- working D guia ie nee sere the higher For forty years he has ng to sep the tum- one ; but he bes built fan instea "| and now he is breaking groun he patient wife turns to smarting under the sense of neglect Peas—No. 1 quoted at $1.85 to $1.90, out- aide, She is baking pies, and she hur- corn—No, 3 ne ican quoted at er ta ome g ar oronta. pens ies vet her. task, for morning < Bisckvheat~ No. 2-quoted at 8 to aie, | is sli away, and a e of pie LS ee ree ee aie ae husband’b darling a ton, and. shorts ar #8.) ree mt SF indulgence. enters her soled oate—Car lots, per bag of 90 Ibs., mind that she might arte te by ® = the petty revenge of a pieless eat GeO Peake and if she had, she would have dis- Butter—Choice 4: missed th thought as altogether 21 to 23; creamer unwor' Freeaan adds the’sage re- doen, ‘in case lote. Ketitaoete bility to $3.80 for prime, and sts. itse! fon haviaeniek od: manifests its ‘le at ‘loopholes, sat jeKens, “dressed, "14 to provided 15, £0 aes fowl, 11 to 18s f res: tc, 2 Sie for ianet wat Bae te aarge doors’ are not the ordi- hole glimpses of the interior, but Business in sett hid these, after all,-are more significant Montrea rae te ae ze than we axe -willing to believe. O- es ee. On! ing a “small thing’ belittles the SE looal sg 66 doer. It is a copie le disclosure és Barley See tes Figo nite, of a ‘narrow mind and a mean spi- 90 Buckwheat—No, ze. | rit. We often think that ‘holding Hisue-araniona, Spring is only the firmness that selfrespect demands when we kni roves only narrow fae selfish to for- | The ones eden of the ae | to see the slender loophole of a pe Belittles s for ‘obliga- ith a new for housework, character lives. ‘onfidence and Seah, Whe 35 to ae eee, Gnas, short | respect of forty scare sof wedded life | Jaw on rele » you will feel the shortcut ‘bask, bole, oe ai pieoes,| would have suffered a loss by what piles of ay ies. On the forehead iB {hatd~Compoutd, oe echt 08 saw. ties of such loophol m each an in the neck, in the tierces, 37 ii 120; pure, wood pails,| disclosures might account for a ankles, in the elbows, its, be. net, fousarnd loveless shot and a| thighs and crotch of the knee the Savlar wee ania. thousand broken friendships. ae beat ‘ the heart are to be iano Aprit6-Wheat-o, 1 and But a noble spirit, estat heart, | felt as a pulse. x aiipneanole, “April ¢ -WheatNo. 1 hard | 4 character moulde road lines,|. The veins, unlike the arteries, $1.50 7-8; No. * Northern, to| cainot be hidden, others It comes have no beat: ‘or pulse i in ete ty He me Kies we = 44 iit uty # Ubroad to sweeten and uplift the | 27e, eS heed easily be RTA oe 04 34, Flour, world Sirona ae as well ie en ihe ae ih “e te skin by a rough rs. ife that shines| virtue of their bluish hue. The segonds eleany, $4.70, Bran ‘wu are ever thile-as been glthough we bled -sreen color of the veins shows May, $1.93 3-4; ay, $1.96. Wheat, Xo, i] may be Saree itself concealed under | them up to the most whobservant hard, $1.52 $4. the “bushel secure ejrown- aie Ro, ne stances.—Youth’s Companion Physical Culture SLEEP LONGER, LIVE LongeR WHAT AN EMINENT SCIENTIST » SAYS ABOU People Need Ten or Twelye Hours’ Slumber Out of ake ‘Twenty- Four ‘hat sleep is thé key to the t piece of life, indeed the most ‘ital factor in the foremost causes of senility. Eig! ferably twelve hours deep ant tonsioieehautenere He advises ‘gymnastics of ls.’ ig the daylight hours of ac- ‘nuseular movements and all the non-sleeping tissues, ocesses take place which tae an intimate association witl hardening and toughening of in- elastic arteries an Other Blood Tubes. One of these is the precipitation and depo: streaming heavy minerals, ashes and waste particles present in the scarlet The upshot of this living walls and livi ing tis line the: blood pipes try to cleanse themselves. They liter- aly lift ae stuff from the es and carry it further inside, deep into the middle and outer ae ers of the arterial walls. To the touch they el hard—selerotic. scles are excessive- glands— little bunches of tissue over the attpys which look like horse chest- pour out an extra auentity of juice. made by them. the pressure of the b adds S the heat and rush of that fluid, and causes the little muscular rings in the blood pipes to work | beyond their normal. The vem Gone in earigte is softer, the bloo é falls to its low- est yee compatible ae health, the adrenal gl is-cease their man- winctiare “Ce caumle ania ing sub- stances, minerals are no longer de- posited’ on and in the walls of the arteries and y the muscle rings in the blood aqueg are allowed to rest instead of being overworke: and all the functions of the blood channels are free to begin cleaning away the debris and refuse . whic! have colle: et during the ee hours! they ise have time enough to ne it. n hours is the least they can fg in. Varicose Vine. asties of the arteries and veins me only aid sleep to ward off arterio-scler but they gate you from the most annoying to’ sions and bends veins known as nl way to carry out these vascular ex- ercises is.simple enoug tience and persistency necessary, you Gym: il yun the forefinger and thumb of your right hand along the lines of your sea straight up from the front of your for uu will feel the eles in peries 8 In like. ere half way your chin we he me of the of the’arteries and veins is earvied out in this fashion. The a are more circular and less flat thas the veins, so they are seized as ag pebble withthe thumb sod forefinger and rolled back and forth. ¢ i the arteries are stroked an soothed as tite ways rd record of experiments just complet- rd: Govelmisat ndwi : : ich. Professor Schleich is one 6 rer ea eS of this the most enuinehe Sure 'd| city, formerly textile expert of the medical authorities in the world. | heioral Marit Boards be Memes Ise aaumouthiehas which eaten: Hooper, wf Victoria, B.C. a Cana. | Sengers ered 2S y eons and | dion, and by me Davis and W. | Statements before ‘the: time of the Pea dee operations in every | cohr, both Americans, of this! accident. civilize city, all’ of whom said they were bod athe eee eee See the | 2880ciated wit a the | arrested by wa ted to Paris and pamair ol ton af Spent purchase of supplies. official, and it is said that letters in ys tem—a 3 All four men were unanimous in} German found in his room at a Police Think He Caused an Expisston in Bi on: Steamer from anew’. “Acionting 16h Bede despatch-* Ray eras sted boda, one there in Shek charged ee se fire | °° be ine been esiee ie steams asserting that a grave error had te een made in arresting him, de} cial circles, where = foreign representative for = mission at Paris was solely for the| broker named M. . He purpose of aii a samples of| supposed to be a Russian, and oe American goods to the French} ten spoke in Paris of farail - syndicate. TRcHion i Petrograd and Moscow. VIEWED GRAVELY — BY WASHINGTON British Indian Force Rout 10,000 Tribesmen SS despatch from Simla, India, Ten thou ead tribesmen,, raped mainly. 6 HSS) with a view to attacl ‘ochi, urder of an American Citizen by ; uear the Miranshah Pos Government: troops, under Briga- Herman Pirates Stirs Uncle Pee ier eral Vane, engaged the . natives, repulsing them completely, Sam. eae 0 and wounding A Sie spatch from. Sen . _ a eu reconnaissance Tora says: Dhe reported death °) 0 trace of the al C, Thrasher, an Ame: fag = fi 2 SS as-the result of the destruction of ‘ JAPAY BAuT DIGGERS. | the British ship Falaba b, er. 5 man torpedo, are viewed gravely in -official quarters here because of the’ serious possibilities involv. dor attention to the ward all the facts, gravity of the issue raised by this rst American death resulting from the German submarine programme, One of the Most Miserable Ways of king a Living. mln extraordinary occupation that he very poor follow sabes is that of the esato: bait catcher, who spends h gathering angleworms. his,”’ continues the account in the once Magazine, but the bait dis-| Giicials refuced apts ta fie decane often women 9s men ent on’ the ae for publication, -~ apanese Se is mot ab iuat been eouliceie aa taken from the soil, he cas the despatch of the communication to the rman ronment ais ° it ‘that the United States wi se from rivers and in Occidental pip black mud of the the we for this ‘ numerous of its naval authorities that thie -Govarninent was practi- pay committed’ to. serious, saction women swith Aheix baskata and, their «ond orks climbing down the stone fac- It vee made plain, oeaved that the State Department. will move with extreme a beration and care in the Thrasher effort will be spared to obtain every fact up the wrigging red angleworms th at they dig out of the mud, These wornis are a somewhat dif- ferent species from the earthworm. They are slightly stouter, with] } 5 having a bearing .on the case, p Ba eda ah cea es tor tioularly “with teteraboe to the fchedamouths. “The receptacles for | cumstances under which the Falaba 4 pil worms are at contain ne square onetiogd iienbigl which the women s they pick them up. soon as the bait baskets or tubs are full the women take them to sel m and more red pr inchud- g hoasher, on t e first question about which it Bice preiray there the shop and cell! Deon ‘answered, Tuvestigaticn a” te ete ‘these. establish the State Department showed that ments the fishermen buy vorms for] 1 "Noni" giving iis" nestdence ae their hook : 5 he amourit) that the angleworm Hardwick, bier a. catchere can make daily is very | tecmiec Gaal armen ethene ; sma. ae ete than forty sen for Hardwick, ‘endorsed hiv ppplicas er; but it helps out. in vt 1 « WE the household expenses, In the | “08: This. pas ee ae + summer weather the work is not| }°™ a tard, lthough it 4 cerlainly hot Shs ie oe witl e sun beating down on the stooping ee ‘tnd “roleted from the wet m In the however i the bait. pibietiee has to stand for hours in the freez~ ing mu Diseases that are, the result of their calling are frequent among the bait women, especially beriberi regarded as tremely probable that the case will. eventually have to ake the German Governmen' ety are of oe rong case e presented, Pe fr as the rea in the matter is cone cern and o Japenese regard See ee bait digging as the most miserable| The fellow ba puts up a blue ~ way of getting a living ki ern to| with a girl e: year her for throwing im 6 ov a TWOPENCE PER. DAY IN CASH mortal: man. A spatch from cone says:] the people ‘are ttesay starving. 2 y| Reports received from Trieste ‘say Palatable wheat bread is funobtain« that able at any eae and the supply - of war ae bakers’ Saee rly in the morning, but only Ve ator and aggressive, the lette: uite. inadequate, enniless, hungry and ill- are _besie; ‘Their pay has been cut from seus be per day to twopence, and their rations from five loaves of .fedand wat eked. 85 an Meith seicaat choice steers $8 to $8.25; good steers ‘at | pint & 0 ply of Spring lambs offered the smallest for many eX ae Lore. ab? ss “Get away from erate be the enemy pee my husband | De threatened the hard- | sone a won't, a "replied the Fortune Teller— your hand, mad: lo you know . asked the second tim Woman wee D ae see ie “The lines on am, indicate your} ba dae clearly, You Ge marty a ‘That cess you @ ver marry again it will jourth time.” freel fi z em - old at Bo A Freak of the .! 9 and sh t $5.25 to $6 per A stran ttl in ident the’ pan eee es vor, ay ow a raat Ee See. eae little ine of tie» 6 eee “athe pro: | While in a af ju : ; m srante,, According to iePinte tho inruching bleed fs the| €auiRped and ‘their uniforms old| the letter the prices of woes very direction in which the heart is| @Md torn, after only oa Soe eietalas crn maers aah sending it. owl the blood| Practice drilling. The condition or ota e misery hid heeniads and takes up the| the civil Be neti: poorer classes is said to pitt 3 erumpling particles of gravel and! equally w: ee _, Private jettans cribable. Boke oe 5 bz sand ma. ‘Trieste m of test are ar and oe tad that. mueh less fo) dis! dic electricity. eeepc te Sympathetic. “Tt’s pretty hard to ie ‘on an empty stomach,” said 1] tramp movements, massage and Be : [ we the pein “iarmer's Any en ply Eee in the healing vapor of | | Catarrhs thereby. offectually rid the systen Cer real ci anes of nite ible. Se. ‘You can end a cold mighty quick—|'s sive, oohele ip Casirc, rare ee oe tle Xf a bad cold atarrh, » | ing, if you have dull al “earn e bronchial tui 8, can be rir. ihe eee reat get the forever out of the system by sfm-| Pos: Ye a ws See wt oe and America hav “It’s in the nostrils and air past es a, bre rs me ne eerie —tan S| dy, process is” started 5 membranes,