which tok place ta Bettgen ana|on Tuesday w: veer eee stead peavéd. fabaily. hw (Mr. dnd Mrs. Geo. daughter payee ape Good Friday|ed. The be: with friends in Berlin.—Mr. and Mrs. ee sof the people of this Sante , of Ber-| communi Yoon A. Beiter aud hilar, Oa [Pa ane deel Gdk press an The 17EH of Mr. G r, Selby ayenue.—Mi i aon _ Wednesday iole ler. of New Hamb y r. J. Hai i ithy her | m EE MONKTON Y., Mirs. A. Dawson, panes Honea) Your Pocket or the Middlemen’s? arbtcts ,, Between what you pay the dealer and what you get in fence, there’s at Teast 50% “selling-expense.”” cea aid one cent to value—but does add several cents per rod to cost. You put that” ‘several cents PER R PO Oe Oa Pe morning when M 3 al : indcadtence Har om. pneu |ff the “middleman’s” pocket, when you buy fence through the dealer. You pat that saving in YOUR OWN POCKET “W\MONKTON’S: POPULAR: STORE) aad minal meningitis "ib od: | When you Duy z : e Beverly is also in pre-| ;| carious state of health from the sume PAGE FENCE--DIREC T --Freight Paid ailment. a also on is dau; ters. x, Hammond was a comparat ‘ase you buy direct from factory to farm. You pay us only a si nae small profit over and above the actual ively young man being, about, fori Goat: Yoursave the 60 per cont sellin ing expense,” in the shape of HIGHEST QUALITY FENCE. ars of age and was i ‘other’? igh estan’ Hs lenyea ta moun bi So tat pytcet au ep otioeett a ‘other fence at PAGE prices—bear this fact in a You must pay the “SELLING-EXPENSE,” untimely aking oft a 4 e and fam- » 80! rough the ust be of to make up ee eg ily of five children who have the sym- sells at the pathy of the se plage tothe. Elan PRICE LIST lowest price or whip high- funcral will take place to the Elma HEAVY FENCE SPECIAL FENCE nce:can be sold; It xen: commer ta Bea attemen a toes ieee ed quai omer anette, Mees Se “MACTON Se BS 9 tee $0.21 fon AGE fence When you buy through ee ee ee S| 3 the de ler-—you'do one of two (Mr. Harold Nurse spent Sunday at Z 7 fee bed 8 things. pe you give more 2 > his home here.—Messrs. Armsirong See eS Tar te Ses EH Priestleys as Usual y¥|and Norman Allingham spent the ; 4 Fe ee hee 30 i You must make money We 48 22 6, , 6, 34 5 Saat Si self! Mail your next fence or- In Spite of the War. 3 8 REE SS : 25 Ibe. Stape. dertoihencarest Pagebranch : “a ‘emit in cash, check, money or ne ne fie sid a 2 ee 33 FREIGHT PAID ON ORDERS | } express order, or bank daft, spite of the war, whi as wroug! voc in 3 OF $10.00 OR OVER Get immediate shipment of es textile industry, we are able to offer our [New oo face mn Requi Lifetime Fence. <preleht paid on $10.00 and over. . ‘customers a full line of the famous RESS GOODS Our orders were placed months ago, and, thanks to the British Navy, our shipments from the great Priestley mills at Bradioré Bee came through without interruption. mills are now working night and day on cloth for ‘he Allied Armies. Our Spring, 1915, line of Priestleys’ goods includes all the staple fabrics that have :been so deservedly popular for years, and also a most attractive assort- ment of this season’s latest novelties in a bewildering array of new weaves and colours, MONKTON’S: POPULAR: STORE |30th, a aan? marriage olen |when Mr. H, Har Thos, Elma. ha | hom, r. in Toronto.—M's of Mornington, spent a few Mr. and Mrs, R. Burnet Mr, almost $: Sur. Burnett spent part of their olan WEBER & BETTGER : FLOUR! | WHOLESALE and RETAIL WE HANDLE: “Three Stars’ and “Purity” Two of the best on the market; Wholes: and Retail Gash or BREAD $rade tor EGGS A. HAYES, Baker Wedding Cakes a specialty + + MONKTON, ONT WE HAVE JUST PUT INTO STOCK A FULL LINE OF THE BEST “s Grass Seeds x: ', We are sure we can save you money by EARLY buying. Come in and nae our stock over, STOCK FOODS A full line of all kinds. We sell all these goods ON TRIAL. will sell you eneugh stock food to do your stock for three months, ana it ou are not satisfied with the results ae At. of that time, we will UND your money. FROST WIRE FENCING Don’t forget that we are agents for this famous wire fencing. The best in the lan ‘ome in and place your: order with us, Our prices are ight. Come in and be convinced yoursel M. E. BETTGER & CO. Come in try a pact Hardware Merchants Monkton, Ont. It Pays to Dress Well “Nothing gives a man more prestige than to be Well Attired” _ You can have this done at ‘the minimum cost at-This Shop. + HERE ‘has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of anew pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and wear well. Call and see our stock, We guarantee youa fit. . The Up-to-date Tailor, Monkton, - Ontario 0. DUFFIEL with friends we ‘Mornington and Elm: Mr. egor, of ratfor pent a day or two in the MULE last old. Hammond, son | fr mer, separate schoo! 1 a few Res cl hee 1S a Schiebel. ane i euatee vacation arou) ‘The Maple Leaf Club Miotenk haldiazs >| bail in the town hall here eo wit Doskstadaer. 9 PAGE WIRE FENCE ©, Lid.) 1. eeeeeteees e 4 2 g 8. = 2 mE Ee Elsie Ham- [PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST at | h the former's be Bho 2 G. Forman. of ob gt See Churns, Washing Machines, Roofing, Glass, X-Cut Saws, Axes HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF Stoves, Ranges and Heaters 1 Pay AN diet Oo 188 sat te ok 2 J. G. SEIP, - Linwood Shelf Cutlery, Aluminumware and Royal Purple Stock Food on Thurs- day. April 15th. ‘he annual creetio of the Bark Board was hel . evening when the following office Ross ; ake plant a few more trees and build club house.—Lorne. the young sono: Mr. George A. Golightly. we regret to eport is at presen attaok of pne.monia—M'ss Pe for March, Total mark “ gece ss 85! ber Shine pes Iv R. ‘Gill "504. J. BR oe L. Schade 475. T. Nich 450. J. Rennick rie hs ee onrs: 206, ‘0. M. Murray 457 mond 354 G. M. Leppard 418. J. Struthers 404. M. mmond M. White 3 . Sch- ae 70. Walker 343, ie ‘Golight- Bt Bagler : yranes nt 46, fois ou Junior D‘visi . —Names _ ae & merit M. a FL@i. L, Henry. S. Stew ‘Echne eider and R. Shine east es Mart'n, Ay Marshill.| ». Wiek'e, McDonald 3 Wren 3: ra Marshall 23. M, "oh Hvala absent, = ean tor Pett required. 1. Ger oe aC G Hi. Hotines cy p.c. —H. Weber. H. Peppler. at the comparatively early age of six- was a grown up faimily. result of pneumonia foll-wing an at- BPE ss (Mrs. rotlet of the tats John atti whee in Loga nday last. ‘Was one of the eitly settlers pt Lana. ond. Waa) ta mai Id im the its kindly regard and highest esteem by a v w-de circle of friends. A family f ree sons. and four daughters mourn her loss. They are as follows; George. James and Dray irs. Geo, Golightly M s, A. Chalmers. Mrs, Geo. Ada‘r and M s ickard. (deceased) eke Wn. avid Lind- F.. Rickat ‘Wells. sySasee Mrs. say. Ww. aiken K. Waddell. ©, Gill, H.|~ Gerth L. Hanson. D. Martin, N. Mar- shall. Enroll! é On Sunday last Philp, Osvorne. a SS]... SS. SS See CHEAP FOOTWEAR! FOR THREE DAYS ONLY: THURSDAY : FRIDAY : SATURDAY APRIL 8th, 9th and 10th, 1915. We are overstocked and must make room for summer goods therefore, one thousand pair of shoes must be sacrificed at prices far below cost. Here are some of the many bargains: 50 pair Ladies’ Tan Shoes, finest quality, right UE, repulas Baye $4.00, sale price’. 100 pair of Men’s Fine Shoes, Goodyear welt, vee price $4.50, sale price. 25 pair of Men’s Kid Bluchers, worth $3.75 and $4.00, sale price 25 pair of Ladies’ Dongola Bluchers, Goodyear welt, doe uality, reg. price $3.75, sale pric t Dee 2.50 35 pair of Men’s Box Calf Bluchers, worth 3,75 and 4.00, going at . 20 pair of Men’s Dongola Bals., aes price $3 SAE PIICe, ciscrenstees 35 pair of Ladies’ Kid Bluchers, Goodyear welt Geo. A. Slater make) mostly small 9 715 et 25 pair of Men’s Slater Shoes, kid and gunmetal regular price $5.00, sale price..... sizes 3 to 4%, reg. $4 sale price. 25 pair Ladies’ Patent Leather Shoes, all makes, all sizes and all styles, regular $4 to $5, your choice for. .......0 1... 15 pair of Men’s Slater Patent Leather Shoes, re- gular price $5.00, sale price 4 00 5 50 pair Ladies’ Fine Shoes, all makes, all styles and all Sey ey se. 50 to ihe 00 1. sale price A choice lot of Men’s patent ge tans, gun- metal, right up-to-date. pointed toe 1. 98 00 pair Ladies’ Low Shoes, sizes 2% to 8. the regular price of these shoes was $2 1 00 ° all makes and styles, reg. $4 to $5 at 12 pair Men’s Policeman’s (Bell) Shoes sale price 3. 60 in all kinds of Children’s Fine H Aaa Ladies’ Fancy Bedroom Slippers going a at Perspalls ss owt cee $2.50 and $3, your. choice forts ex: ious Ladies’ and Men’s Everyday. Shoes, © _ Everyday Shoes. No Exchanging of Shoes at Sale Prices. A LARGE NUMBER oF SHOES AND RUBBERS WILL BE a SALE ar PRICES NOT MENTIONED HERE These Prices are for Cash or Eggs Engeland’s Coin Taken DON'T MISS THESE BARGAINS R. MILLER, Merchant, Shoe Milverton ce =) I oc I I I aed