Milverton Sun, 15 Apr 1915, p. 3

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ZIZEE “LILY WHI: Vl SF Edwardsburg ‘Crown Brand’ Corn Syrup is so economical and so good, that it is little wonder that millions of pounds are eaten every year in ayd,'—the children’s favorite—ig for all cooking purposes and TE yids pure white Corn Syrup, ok so pronounced in flavor as “ may prefer ASK YOUR GROCER—IN 2,6, 10 AND 20 LB. TINS The Canada Starch Co. Limited, Montreal that go to ee up sturdy, healthy childre: in the hom HOME White evan ne is a good dress- n, usset or patent leather; polish vith absorbent cotton after applying it with the finger tips. ooking process of anything cooked in a double boiler can hurried if pale is added to the wa- Sardine Mixture.—(Sery make a smooth not let outside get crisp. Esealloped Oyster: liquor from a p ones wil butter, Between top is light gx as directed for used, while ae rest may be for soup sto a revolving e; id 5 lated By u Beealloped Minions. —P Crackers in sieges pa Spread on crisp saltines and se two on a plate ihe " slice of lemon and two stuffed o) pod Bul under a ie ina a et Mock iters.—F. ain, then pressed smooth wi a Oran Porm freak can warm iron, will seareely be visible. Sage. Meat into oval cakes Pdents TE figaavin placedsta the*ovan uh Hol ibgeaty ab-gihare 204] ti is is thoroughly Heated it will soda crackers and saute in a pan, not be so apt to lump in making too dark int oh ova os Bias a tayela tins , small pudding dish, seasoning each layer with salt, pepper and dots of | mushy. moderate oven until well heated thsdae and roceed f many cracker are used Metadae. Beck the whites with nm and my in centre with a short crisp top. Jracker Torte. — Ingredients: Four eggs, one cupful of fine granu- si one pint of an this will be me ficient a eight people. Cinnamon craters with Take Blain coda soft butter, along top of salt sd aie or you can use plain soda Cracker Sandwiches. luncheon, Helps Along the Way. Ore. or _with pimentos, of cream A small piece of gum camphor in @ vase of water will eee cut ers fresh a loi weak vive after a Seen sweeping, the colors of a faded carp flow- tim solution of alum. will re- et rve a ter in the outer boiler. Rhubarb can be ae with other fruits and made a pe Us pie. For ins ange eihaber and apples together are aetna Fine lin: and pieces of lingerie will last much longer if they are wrung out by hang and not put , | through the wringer. A piece of lace or “net starched thickening MEPL vee: secen oat Pratsisee will casts “aft a mealy Dh peek ieainaa a diate is sprinkled oyer arrels or bins; the lime absorbs the moisture. When co crushes it look spoon the grains and makes A lemon that is heated will yield e than one that is cold. in is warm nm your sewing machine fre- quently if f you would have 8 mir the Purpose; follow wih a good lubri- sa vast difference between ing on market stall for a eae sk 1 ie martes man to cut a tur- min- Continue ae night until a cure is complet: Not Quite ie in business epiian that he has an greedily ‘ight office boy, and noi piseess him better than to te Se Be acquire. urtee it age, with little that fas arenbaree? ing in his appearance, came i the office, and stated that he I can prom: keep it for the fall fourteen sere Real Business. “You ki know, Miss Blank,” said the proprietor of a aa station restau urant, “‘there al If woman had —her way man wouldn’t have his. Two little girls wiio | played to go with toouortow F gether a great deal had an alterca-| “No, I think not. 1am afraid. after all tion one morning. Beth hi Ne ee eee oe, ere ee 7 ly are. in_your mind’ ai Blanche what she called ‘‘a little | thought of taking Ido not believe I The Lady of Lancaster ; Or, Leonora West’s Love. wet, cyes in her thr am ath i ar age. pleasantly : “I am vei «omen {z a eine flu “Tt Rs thin qEz {dea sented other. chide to Sake ot eten be angry with m peak, is the same thing as a ove readineag”™ she oop of etl | story,” explained Blanche, “and a| Sta sim ra that story is the same thing as a lie.” seemed to be one of 1 re Mee chiaractoristica, « ie » nd yo “No,” argued Beth, ‘it’s not.’ | gasedal hor geo: ‘Yes, it is,” insisted che, ‘‘be~ E would rather noted . cau ther said so, and rit te aa Wary deselay im, Would father is professor at the college, gio realy garry out her threat of staying anid s everything,’ ‘J | behind? He did not ‘know. much. about B- American girls, but he had _ he that don’t cai & professor,” | they managed, jhelr a aitairs. other: “« more than their English sisters, Thia ono id Beth. ‘My father is a, -real| Mr exceedingly like the herone "of nd he knows a lot Hite ePouy lying than your fa- Catalogue FREE Sold by best dealers, é uf 5 : Wm. RENNIE Co. LIMITED Sate ADELAIDE and JARVIS TORONTO, ONT. * Iso at Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver: ‘ FED SE RENNIE’S ALWAYS GROW. THE BEST IN THE LAND. hii “When she will, she will, depend on’t, And pe she mone rahe, ‘won't, ere’s an end a th She glanced up and saw hffn pulling at the ends of hie moustache with am injur- ed air, and a dark frown on his brow. think you mould op 3 am on. si land ie at ne youn fin! Rees when she ee wal aut me of disobeve And just then “ree “Richard” Tho Judie ene Wat Wane vane po swhy—beea * cNot that cither- tgee pnaees of yours.” aused a moment, then added, with “ae CHAPT! Re now + at fire » ,baneaster lorously, his wool ‘gathering wits. Whi asi ue te do do esha go to England, nolens ¥o- lv. egart 8 crous side made a tremendone faux And rafter: Bi rem geaber: nen and ly De Ver he throu her wet lashes, and im es meonidingly, seth. me both did "that. is, She did not answer, and he continued Ty or a ish: ae for those other words 1 YO what?” she inquire “hat you were the baby I had to carry T should have ‘been only too rvice Ma be dietracted with. deqa, There, to you. will Yes, Twill forgive you, but not deserve it,” to ail of babi have Hroreation ail “te expeatenees of my babyhe itched of Daeg & Convey one of troublesome little problems troublesome—babies, I called them problems. for one does n them, nor what they” "will a next, nor what they will become in ou can not And you will be ready und Duptain Tananoert Me tcpe there will Osan eit it in _Eancsster rot Perk, when thet teal ae yom, on Be ling eoause 1 ‘hav rders and disap] onthe Bluegray ores ‘opened “to. their ide Not eho “She is,” ho id, “Yee, Slee tied. ‘hen rust bo aay very hard woman,” Paid Mies West, in a. sesided tone, replied, for the mistake on my part that ‘caused You 6o much annoyance: denire to, offer you every possible apol- for it.” talk about 16, 40), ¢ eisge ‘ave known quite a e, Amerion a rhetorical ER VII. wach?” she girl, ani scarcely Luge whom 10. be hough 1 Keep me in-boots sad: hats most an; ‘with—himself or Leonora| he answered, with an ike We “And this hady Lancastor—your Sy He ‘stole a furtive glance at her does she-give you the rest?” poresvaredl in his hes Or’ crlmacon flush that potas on tue fas | Un want to be rade, tut, EY Leonora. West lifted he= to hiis face, and said, with: a sob that I didn’t tell yo pH bade 1 mientn’ one cares to have people know one's real opinion of them. .ciAnd—and”—she went om, | resentfully, | a netted ellle puree, through whose meshes tzu Pay, be quite, auite sure, after this'| he caught the glitter of gold pieces. She Te Et nee qian me hee on m ight Sonn ec SB aemumter ot SUR e aie ave uo trouble « i i and wi ines! have me. aiter"ne Schell? (hinge | she Hie Hand with quite & buns Yaa afraid, when T got her lotter eaying of my ticket. Will hat you would come for me, that somo- ae aa he erect ay aay hare ing would go wrong. Lugow, “| my Merzage cent down all ight eho said think “that "rou should call me a| ME JWeeARe sent down all rie ay! a Bint Se ye ete While she poured forth her griezanees| something that had. deen on his mind all ao r had been collecting | ihe time rose. to r’s fury. is quite li answer such a contretemps, she eet friend, Lightenant off with a. ebling, De Vere, on board the steamer, He is for her to stay in thi 0 be “himeelf again.” of the case dawned pas, certatuiy, “and now JT must get out of it the best iway I can,” he thought, grimly. up at him with the dimples ora's sharp little tongue had grown | coming into roguish play around her till ow, and her face was again hidden in her hands. “He went cup and nd Zou ish to, warn me not to fall a touched her black, sleeve Mghtly. fo his manifold perfections?” sh “Oh, come now,” he said; “if von id. 1 on like this hal ihiak Tmade’e vere | “Oh, dear, n0, ob at all, 1 never apposite mistake. Who but a Daby would | thought of sucha thing. You see, Miss ake such: a. declaration As(yours in the | West, my friend inten isely enjoys a joke. ¢ eee? Of “Yes?” she gazed at him with an air of ing to horeugh mpetiioation. as Lam not,” she cried, with a mutinous| “He sntencel joy. " rich, red libs, Lancaster. “I want you to promise mo You] now, upon, your on wit tell “him, how uunmer Deion ile ago. He je Vere's mistake, inquire glanced up “to tell ickly. “Oh, I ‘ou thought Leonora ea 6 I thought you were I wag only amused at anid. known, envi aoe you not forgive me you do ered Leonora, “It nt ious mie think mi & bachelor-| at. the aeross m have ‘been e meet think you You. wore~ right not kno: hat blame me, can not mad?" I should iad I’m not. going. lerstand. Old Eng- exed, then, nT go there, he Alles ive mo all her niet Lancaster, Syne Weel” ed Leonora, at him o certain that she so not answered. 30 none of zon own?” in the army,” he admit- ted ‘ahehing trithin Dinodll at her uaivo ae went on, gravely. ‘I dare cay you think me curious and abreds ” she saic ho, no, not at all. I am intensely Aattered by the interest ‘you take in my armchair, and it flashed over him that e Vere would never be done laughing if a is only (bee Shiae Ueestaaee oe e knew that he, Lord Laneaster, a cav- | {Bo means of cad pe alry officer, and'a “swell party” alto. you want I do, Anybody would glad gethor, had been made a target for the| 19 have twenty thousand a year,” he re- Amusement of thie loviy hora girl, How Died red she do it? and could he keoy ‘ ; Yere trom finding out? he aeked ‘himself TOPE We cave of seus Malan ties reath the cause of your losing it,” euevely. ill go with me?” he cried, ed from his mind by shail have to ¢0.” thanks. t not be oad Leonora, i jousand male relent,” he sai I thought you ‘And ‘will you bo to sail with me tomorrow AGI year gute reay eighty res hae ee oma quly, waiting. for: Fou: Vo-ptm6,! answered, wth ‘And then eho slipped her email hand into the folds of her dress and drew out “T mant 10 ask Wcitnt:tator of ‘you, 4 him with a clight air of ie | very mice youth indeed: He will be eae eed: = said Leonora, in a low, in- that implied @ distinct bject. You need not look so. in- “You will be eure to dike him, chaifing me ifhe knew, the whole regiment once we England.” much?” inquir- |, sooth: ingly, a oun: he caught her hand and pressed ita moment in. his ged to gee, shadah © blush- ed. ds eho drew it re til; ie wouk away, andowben he looKed at his watch outside the door he was hon- imeelf, epi ‘a vou and the b replied, carelesely, pe Pleas ‘ow 7” pursued “Was ure of its company to-morrow 1, well? ‘Shall we have ut it is a shall f of trouble us,” onde Eancaster, contling to hiineel a ey the sur- prise and delight in store for De Vere to- Borrow, wnenvhe should And thet it was @ beautiful aes ne Sgirl instead of a cross baby who was to be their compagnon du yoyage to England, \ CHAPTER IX. easter clectri friend next self, as he would not have time to attend to his own affairs, having some commis. sions to, execute f iss ursing bottles and the gone ot hats” he eaids mses, aro forgetful, and I wigh Story ing to be-all right, you know,” replied ie elena so I shall cee to everything myself. “Well, you will have ‘plenty of time dogo. We do not gail until four o'clock.” [io Enel Rave, plenty. te do. ta as. oa hae inal oe sound at ak ae ‘you like. I shall’ take ah ourringe and call for the baby.on my may d are getting very kind all at onee, Docvore wald,-ontalandy Having undert it, T mean to see the poor little thing wate. ly, through.” ‘Well, I wish you success,” De Vere re- e lighted a fresh cigar and pate tickets, and state-rooms ‘had already a and Lancaster hurri dewn-ow nt on securing forts SS Seiele. “for hie fair charge, had euddenly grown very interesting in =“ ree: bought ae fens chair, warm cae Es sad s lored Or- feta’ weak that was otf ret aun com. ‘Theft he provided himeelt with i? oF and ae and boo! 5 When. gf had provided everything he could think ok ee ane conducive lady’s comfort, ired to as Hatiste May elooted. an elegent end costiy bow, quet. “T have noticed that ladies always like a a. bunch of flower when they are travel. breakage 3 hae “ruined ite acti, ne Ing,” he eaid to Rimeelt. an what ‘will sa Hain ie facta ate ‘Vere say to-such reckless extravagance on my ar Te a ie foe Unne haan nee tintaay ie ened thinking how the| breakages.—John Morley. ioutenant would = Perna, 1 ehall have got the start ot| Lool tt mor tally. into the Baa ARM tion with: Leonora Waste | Past. Ib will not come back again irtation. w: ra ; 7 en ihe Jooked at his watch and found Wisely improve ae present. It in| thin forth to meet the sl purchases th Ries had Time on taken a@ carriage ree ca for hie oe laving pene By ne purchases to "steamer, and being encumbered with hething but the flowers ho made ail hacte to execute hig last and pleasantest, taal accompanying the steamer Sn winon Uiay were 15 Ocibark, yoprive fast,” he ee ag the man on the pox; when miced aor gent sone e made Miss West’s Seaaimpies the day Delire, he Jen out with alacrity and spar mp. ses e door say he ete lag maid. of the day b Betore who had @ igelod at Ins ridiculous @. couldn help coloring at the’ roneutienee ak te t her, recognizing smiles, a little tine- tar med with suri He assumed an air of coldness, and SES ety to freeze her into rie PET have called for Mise West to take her to the steamer. Will you please eee gh ie ne sir!” titiered ‘the maid. “f have called for’ Migs West,” he. re- Deated, more sternly. "Can you inform ig it che ts ready hau pro- Mhe maid bridled resentfully ot his tm- patient Mer Tawa a ihercy, she wag ready ager aoe mister!” ‘she. said, tartly. iihen “ask her, to. come out it yo lease. We iy halt an-how a on board.” he eald, glancl foal is ol can sisi her. Sho ts not here,” wae the _anewer. “Not here? then where—” he } beean e. had- owy future without fear and with Alwi the! ing,” said the nd tion answer definitely in the affirm- swer repron finitely. that your one or looking for yout? As It Is New Recruit : ia ne Bill! siphoned, to do Second Ditto Leete in Loader Sketch. —‘‘I dunno, Let’s cut him dead !’’—Drawn by Alfred Too Often, Here’s an officer! What are we “Lor’ steamer two hours aro ‘An andible titter accompanied the formation. (To be continued.) —1__ A CURIOUS THING. Why Explosives Draw Out Distant a lows. pro whieh the pees is vrioke nee na ni erful. The explosion acts in all diesetione ah saice seis equal nd the air on all'sides is and surrounding air rusher in to fill the eS eoe a um. Whenever th wave! eat up suddenly ae wale de: molition not. sufficient al- ow points | ™! he air fuction iment ee “puildings at e destructive “poe of ex- patos ¢ is enad ed with as a most n war- shown through the medium es sunken mines, torpedoes mn om he grr jeslilee siccaey from bi guns do more damage y reach their destination that is expected to f the ruction, protes mae Sine are Hg taken ly by battering their SFRSEION y dropping into the projectiles that cause explosive’ hay —s 4 THOUGHTS For THE DAY, He who gains a a votory over ther men is strong, but he who gai viii <vershinaeiiie aipewee ful —Lao Thze No human actions were’ even in- tended by the Maker of men to be guided by balances of expediency, but by balances of justice.—Rus- kin Be ‘not uneasy, discouraged or ‘out of humor because practice falls short of precep Jars reat to the charge.—Mareus Au- reliu; - destiny is. really more than our charactef ; our char- acter but the résult of our palais and passive being, sum combination of ail our eee and gifts.—Rah awe aM ae ‘o give up wert ir, Mies West went down to the ins nothing | © ro Pe pa EEE Wa ILLETT COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO ONT. hem. .I know that she loved one a them, e nee: and so she simply put away the idea of marrying. “Her eae matinee and sympathy mad xr the comforter Mary's Recompense Lancaster bounded down the steps with- one * ied ne ae his Parclagl re, sjammed the door wit rive dor fee steamer or Joab, as fan oy '>EDDPDD>DD>DDDDDD>DDD’ ou eal r a sree a ee oe I sometimes get blue and 80. discouraged that I am almost ready to belie the human race is a fail- tl 2p 6 saying, Jim Dignan folded up a let- r he had been reading. His eyes . jets esate) although a tear or two sho: etter,”’ he contined, scattered clouds t “You can’t Sek unless I begin when I was a boy in a small wi The thir rd floor of our house wae always given over to visitors. e had no servants; my mother ne the work of the house with the help of the children who were old ‘ ‘his ‘is what my other Was at the ‘prison rele mech bie Bhe would — rin, ab wi pin eae back, day or pricy abe cou "Everyone else gave Lizzie] , up as a bad jol ut ans never] doubted that eventually her good resolutions would hold, ica an battle be won. It was my mother’ death that brought it about. “Mother fell ill with pneumonia, and died within a few days, The ‘ iz- h ry, t care of the ate and met the soiken at the jail, just as sete ee lone. I can’t geet much siasm for storybook eroes that ate eee for some one act of n ly clan that Mary took upon bate t self for many weary years. How ans she kept us and e: the depravity very big packas to whom ere oh weak for help Bod ae en and I am sure that was all she -ever desired for re ad 7 that wasn’t all a brothers sci itary plenned for h and ay Sette tunes, Mary was to fine home, and “beautiful plotbenc fal some one to do all the work of the use. mor course it didn’t turn out that way. One by one we went out into the world, married an homes for *oursely es, We ave prospered moderately, but the needs of our own families have left © no surplus for the, ae things wo groaned: of for Mar nths 7 “0 “uncle pane gieae and eft a part. of his enough. here were four girls|ecutors for $ my share. It was and three boys, I was the young-|Omly natural to think of some’ of comforts we might have with marae somes angstars| tBi8 unexpected mo a were made‘ to realise thay Oey pies 4 fie Me aye itors wore not to-be discussed, and! Syueeven the tuauny ow that we must not ask questions, but] ; * that when we megs olf enough to| iad often dreamed of ding. My understand we Id mow. all] taores that ade : a AON thes uduetamack inate sae lorse that draft Aig Pe it to Ty. man sec this morning's mail brought the let x I was reading. ona rn toned ent to her friends suggested the idea to another. st t was just a spontaneous act T wish you souls a ae love and gratitude—an I know ia ‘ othe! Nori ose that Mary found more perineps in he EE was “0 name, that fact than in the money in particular. She was a frequen offender, and her slips were al- REI Te eye owing to d: . Her remorse Fever and Ague. Fee ittae, wae, sinpors, “but | <q) grcssemms?-gnid he er. Sometimes: Old’ Lizgie woul ing the ohne with scientitio disappear, and mother would hunt | mterest, “that the attacks of fever n over for her. If the search| 2% chills appear SE Serna es unsuccessful our aio cupald days, Do you think—is it: your © left unlocked, so ver | OPinion—that, they have, so to ague days I shake hold so T can’t an opinion.” ‘der to form give up trash a bad abit, an this is ns, nite to me of um rane requ feeling of plea- ae ineiple, without cost.—John B. Gou The Lesser Evil, “T can. sive you a cold bite, the womai «Naw ie warm it up?’ asked he trai “Mhere ain't any wood sawed.” “Sot Well, give it to me cold. ” said \ Great Re seldom come a manly heart.—Longfell. No B ANS. ways be defini te, Edla, Beautiful Walls For Your Home ‘ond Rear hae ative or negative an- litely. and always list ened attentively fe her .d determined Hee eee at. zie ‘Edla, sine will you have ae more beans ?’ “No,” replied Edla. ©No' what?” enquired grandma, vingly “No fears: ” answered Edla de- oe vec Parson—Rober you know ically, the pert a jee eos him Gas b. Be Sea bet! That's why she find | Sanitary, Fire-Proof, ‘ _Thexpensive Make home ee atirdcte a and protect it from fire with these eau, tiful, sanitary hey will out-lant the building and are very yp vear to year with a litle paint a designs suitable tovall st Rew buildings, Write for : WW sinsndai rooms. Can be for catalogue. triding cost i i be brit ed capers, Theycan tg tists erected over old plaster as well as in King nd Dufferin Ste., TORONTO THE METALLIC ROOFING CO., LIMITED 797 Notre Damo\Ave., WINNIPEG |

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