| eS Raciivace in Britain a by ern hension of New York Woollen pai es ocew eee of Kue] icepiesien s penis ae depar- ture for the pene but the fact | j various hear- erpoo! almost Sale ‘apaliea to Treland, yet with- me avee had accumulated pufictent ccaatcn that he con- nd} his n respoi ly| chiefs of the German intelligence i inane Ger- ein Britain which Ku age 8 portent disclosed. It is no exaggeration to say that the authorises ig arrest the most Seportade ot its bint since the outbre: war, enabling the authori ans most elaborate peaks of obtainin, let aluable informa- tion of militar It happened, puorusey Le him, that the night leave uepterle was arrested ex- tremely bet information was found in his possession. 8 equip- wiih: al) ihe fueraphernalia | which modern spydom sas essential, such as representatives, iny le les, addresses, ie structions, thereby laying befor = Suton the most Pomplete German Aiea which Fetalbetd has yet discovere patching spies to pacend. are lo- cated in the United The revelations by ‘Stealer who ITALY WILL NOT ENTER THE WAR Has Reached An Aust WOLVES ON BATTLE FIELD. The Terrible Experience of a Rus- filcer, e of wolves has added Agreement with from Petrograd gives the Eeeaae experience of a Russian officer, newspaper. wounded, and when he himself he was apparently the only living soul left on the field. Pull- elf together and leaning on i ay Oh he daauéred ae ihert he could to the shelter of the adjacent According to Paris Advices. Ny despatch from Paris says: P vate advices have been. received to the effect that Italy and ee have reached an agreement which will satisfy the aspirations of the Italian people for an enla: Ment o! national Reyne ies and preclude all possibility o| ed intervention by Italy on then si of the allies. hile despatches from Tecently said that Pepnares cis Joseph was absolute the cession of any the price of continued neut ian eh oo state that the Dual Monarchy has consented 8 Trentino. It i necessary tia have been drawn up and wy is on I ie ached woods,’” Bacal s n ee Sdigtaias: I Haatd the howling of a wolf. It s utterably melancholy autumn night. swered in ithe T sho a ae ods: of ibe = alted in ter- ly and grow- aaa eUger atid ayaa ae oe every moment. “T am no coward. I am a sports- and have killed many wolves, is news yas et the reports from Geney ntly that the Tre eating, qucrasiiatte and his- torically a went ae I managed it I do not ds some Dishes a hun- sa ached. them aiid dropped to the ground. °1 re- solved to fight as long as I could. I had my loaded revolver and my Austria has. inter- his stipulation so as to certain aah Italy will maintain her neutrality no matter what future events may change the present situation: It tae ‘long been recognized her at hwnd much the enter Thee mi to “The wolves came nearer and nearer, and their how ite filled te night. Now they were at the In the guage Boe moving As they s from differ. rew together and ste Dod thus another im slowly between the came out of the on eae directions, chs nto one great: p: nebo saliaries wolf howled from somewhere out on ii Wee elds and all at once the pack “Without haste, in a deliberate rot, they passed the clump bushes where I was sitting drawn revolver, “secret that Ttaly ea be wil to gi pecting that would spring at me. I do not Se how many there were, eae apes were 80 quietly to “the field wl ee ay ‘Seat were “T fell into ed onl soon r. At sunrise I was picked up, Thinks Cool Galdanitings English May Be Blessing to Manki =A. despateh from London says: A protest aasinit German self- pte inst the prevailing spirit ef hatred ee Englan made “Stimmen Der Zeit, the organ of the rman Jesuits, whieh asserts that “each nation has a French Women cane To Drive Ambulances ~_A despatch from Paris says; The French women’s automobile club | has eee the recruiting of 8, aviators and hal- lonists 48 fi a pe lances for the Fyench army. plications are-coming in at the oe f nization sivilization ee ener Japanese Cruiser a Total-Loss, A despatch from:San Francisco. # 0 capable women lace all the men at lances eee are ecapable of rendering ieticn ser- viees “ont. iy Sims to find enou Sea to try it. ihe ver xbenmmed! here Thursday. Rover, wkiaie es are en pannoad sled from:the bonds of love. t was sent to jail in fee York os 0. raneaes Ontario wheat, No. | at 81.40 to $1.42, at outside pointe, Dete Ontario quoted ail ‘unconscious, by a Cossack pa- |, PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS aeronrs FROM THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES OF AMERICA, cent. ‘iputents, ed at $5.65 16 $5.9, seaboard; and at ‘Toronto freight, Cina Btanitoba, No. 4 it $1.60; Ne 1.56 1.2. Northern quot. 2 at $1.68 12, and No. 3 nominal 60, oun and at @-to G50 on track, ‘Foron nada, Nor 2 quoted. at 60, and Nord at Bariey—Good malting grades, 60 to 8c, outside, ve—$1.15 to $1.17, outside. fo. 2 quoted at $1.85 to $1.90, out- ide. ican ste alt al, Pronto. Tolan “ommekimhe . 2 quoted at 8 to B5c, Bran and shorts—Bran is quoted av $26 to $21a ton, and shorte. at 98 to Pe Rolled oate—Car lote, per bag of $3 tbs., quoted at Country Produce. The market 1s firm with offer. ings ingufficiont to fo around. _ Choice dairy, 27 to Bie 21-to ey cream- e | SEY prints, 36 t 7 do.,-golids, 33 10 Egge—Receipts are large and price un- fare at 20 to 2ic per dozen, in caso lots, né—The market is steady at $3.25 to 83 0 for prime, and 88°28 to $9.40 fer hana picked, Poultry—Chickens, dressed, 16 to Te; ducks, dreoaeds GS fo toes fowl, 11 to 80: turkeys, dressed, 20 to Bho. Siarket continues firm at large aed seas tots i4e for Poca Ontario, 55 to 60c per bag out of store and 45 to 50c in car lois. Now Brunswicks, car lots, 55 to 60¢ per ba led Hay and Straw. Ba Straw is quoted at $8 to $.50 a. ton oar Tote, on in ne cee quoted at $17 5.60 to $16; and No, 3 at Sino to $15.50 Business in Montreal. Bra Shorts, to $34.” Monltie lots, $18 71-8 Live Stock JL: Toronto. April ghojee,, 81.30 to. $7.15: : medium, $5. 2) do... cor $6.80 rough bulls, $5.25 pe et to 1000 tog, Be Re $6. eneh; light and. pealereds any ata 8 quality. $9.60 per cwt., Germany ms eit r the Wm. P..Frye ae See from Washington ment the keto William P. Frye, assuming wa not only for destruction of the ves- cargo, under the Germany requires, e d cargo. as athe State ies faa will as- Pa LIEUT.-GENERAL RAWLINSON. Has Been On Personal Staff of Both es ae Roberts. The nam ieut.-General Sir Henry Seymour Hodiossts Bart., t| C-B., C. » has figured in the de-| f, Eee ae relating to the fighting of ins at the front. Gen- ee Date is in command of our boys, but Bent -Gen, Ra ee 2 in charge the division po the Canaians are ati rst service was in Sai ue ihe 60th Rifles, where two in at is more, exceedingly a ous and capable. Thus it was soaks in’ 1898, he became Lord Kitchener, and’ w re ioag capacity at the battles of At and Khartoum. of ag Lord Roberts’ opinion of his brains by mentioning him twice in despatches and in taking this comparatively young officer very much into his confidence, indeed, ee aint as one of his right- hand m A Detendes of Ladysmith, n- the Coldstream Guards, and on war breaking out in South Africa, Sir George at who was very much one of ‘ men and an admirer of “Bob Seor ens aske in Natal. was that, as A.A with Sir George a ie the-detense ot Ladysmith. .| Though nowada: rivations Sane showed the nna skill and gallantry in de- fending Ladysmith until its re’ well with xt went to head- Afr H o command a mobile » get mentioned three fees in despatches, and get both eee Goeben Still Faster ~ > Than Russ e movements” of WOULD BE CERTAIN DESTRUCTION, es : : Dir endee of German Cruiser Quits Bluffing and All Ithough concrete sod is slower’ by formerly, | © ne fume ie she, oe “still able oe outdistance hing, brought no her nat: i easy except the tor edo boat: ——. Interns the Prinz Eitel despatch from’ ashington ‘the fir eater eet of the 2 sury ani “that a jer cruiser Bitel Friedrich would intern ‘ae Newport inia. The ship wil 1e that +. had ‘expec toistance rox the other arcs ernment in order it pombe" for re to dash rors the tte sea with so ie hope of sue- is. In his costhienitdon cs gave no pe atalls as to the basis of his ex- im, but it was inferred 2 sore | He aa e Spee oe i h rom ir As a inia Capes: 50 as te vera to aieam avay oa wang Ee cineca oe | Brit German Mail Seized. A despatch froin ean says: ‘ish and French ¢, | cording to” advice: essed id. containing letters, ee cards, mote aie ae Lt.-Gen. Sir poe SD S. Rawlinson, | King’s and 1 Queee medals with -| eight clasps. By this time he had d everyone that he had 0 his Fee eee as com- Hae of the command of a Prieaie at shot, and later of a di Salisbury ete e is ially ier the modern sc! hot of 5 a believes » initiation pipecla: men oe pine cue. he has would the a Sue He is Seentaly ‘@ sportsman: even at Sandhurst he ae polo ponies, ee to the envy of a fo can laugh very heartily and tell all sorts of stories exceedingly. well. He also confesses to a We el for drawing, and there are ie raha a that he has ipl ‘isi i ley'st’ i st other thiogs we eon that upon one -occa- he was brave enough to take the responsibilty ere reting: Sir John’s orders and ri ’ rifi ut and confiscated.’ ‘This ‘course om] ¢o1 the part of the sll eon 1 it ue a madonna rma, | that brains | y = French .. | the other. #] A Writer Declares He Is a Much’ aligned Animal. the story is told girl who finds a interesting black and ‘tens’ the woeds and me with much joy, only ue be met by a horrified par- ent who loses no time in explain- ing the unpleasant. peculiarities of skun! ‘As the TOWS Up, Now nnd hen of. tale country mil the sight of a next-door neighbor eee his aiheey elothés ia e; 8 lephitis so firmly established that i is di cult to find anyone who has 2 Bod wore: fo say about him clares is a much maligned animal. oneeee an occasional feast o aos he made friends ae a pair of skunks that lived i and just inside the entrance found a squirming mass of black white young skunks, all away at their mother, er side that they might havea bet. ter opportunity ‘Her was away from me,” says aynes, ‘‘and hidden in the darkness of the ea but her tail was ee to ward me. a8 this frst, lesson may be enforced by ; IN BUYING T CAKES BE CAREFUL TO SPECIFY 0 Es YEAST CAKES DECLINE. BONUS WinnipE S GILLETT CO. LTD. | ates TREAL, Without Delay to A de epatch says: A from. Paris Everett troo} I appro: het b nedieane for was well within range. Vious reasons as The aquagauence avo’ sat Bows ee Then I talked to her, phe that she would re- ze tow tone. at the same time I stroked her fur ever so eonaly with my fingers. Very slowly the expressive tail was as I continued to more stretched forward until I felt [plump _ little babies, Without. a supgestion of hupry IT drew oe he ‘hole, rose quietly to m: feet 3 ata once clear of the mouth of the burrow, dashed off home like hand gently one of ‘the my prize. With I had put’ him bac again. a continued to visit these queer neighbors for weeks, and| Really in June T took three of the babies from their mother and pro- ded to rear en by hand, feed- ss medi- e next step was from a saucer, they soon learne 0, although in the SoS they were very messy about for ie Baud aut their paws ih the dis! an the contents eUbube they pa larger, tal them out into of aoe vith ae and watch grasshoppers. was to capture tere prey ae put- ting their paws on it, and then to kill it by rolting it on the ground with abete feet. en sae picked up wild cher- vate er the trees and gathere: i cians lense raspbe dete pulling down the branches their. pa They ‘were extrem nd They good- spataed little fellows, an ne- ver nlcetg pte to bite me, ‘although they were somewhat obstinate times, running off with all might when I wanted to take etnlant- when Lier Aas alii for two socited, Bappy. in that they would be happioe an wey had entire freedom, so I liberated ghasies are ios paradise where for all I know they are leading happy—and useful—live ob. 1813) 000 Prisoners Cla A despatch = fons Amsterdam despatch: gives the prisoners by axeonelity as fol- lows = Russian Belgian . British A German Sir Philiy Sidney, Heré is a efouching: war story that is printed in the Nu “Mirror. It was told i t Country hospital. by eee many mouse British . soldiers who lay The British taal taken a German ri , badly «wounded, ay beside a oe German in’ the|~ K tee deine called o The stood |- word ‘‘drink,’” ane it is much like the word in his own y|. ‘The soldier who. ive for a “eae Scat 7 lips. | “Pore at owas i for, ue We sez, SS, oe fone yu imed by Germany a G G99 | O00, bushels = ner thing wrong yet her dige: as| know tl a send he: ee butter 01 S25 ee a 3 é Ge seen A. G. L. de and ‘concentrated its, organization, 1 voyage o: vant under the best of conditions, = “TROOPS E FOR DARDANELLES French Expeditionary Force Is! Ready to Proceed ny Point Necessary Tt has pen ready since March 18 he allied fleets and British they -are resti ‘their pieesiaton sion. ready to proceed’ ioe de! Ly io any point necessa: WA A Tropical Rain of Sheets, We have thad, since the- war he gan, a liberal education «in the matter giving. So many de. mands have be een made h e of | generosity tha prised at we the University “Where, on come ton, a picts rilliant a oc ker It was this— ES et EN not but for the Pro- wor! y not have a for Toronto, S a provincial university. Wi hy should not we give the womer of Ontario an opportunity to help] with these furmshings all that ty hi picks are thou is need- nds of f pa students i st then Bo. ie thes Nomied linen a rown re aeey and d| dearest, will- dedicate them to the peatast andd eee of others; in ze ay sramited is 60” ”, and the: y be sent to the Ring Street , marked. Base Hos- 4, immediately N MePHEDRAN. eat a pital, No. Great Bri 's Food Supply. t Britain Fo es Ue 915 bushels of wheat from Can. 1913. She also imported Ia bushels from Russia and C Europe Great Br tain 143 pee of ‘en jmp ed /24,148,2 h. ritain “took. 92. bushels of oats from Gexnany, R ‘sia and Roumania in 19 fo) Canada, go- > lp to ae up the defi- eat Britain imported toa i Aug. 1, 1913,. to Jule a, “191 307,000 bushels vs ate ed 34,760,000 b $ 077,000. and - Roxas a ficiency. of seventy-seven n bushels? tt | American Mice up t mil A despatch from Geneva a The five Am who were attached. to the Gena ai military forces as observers. ae recalled by*cables, arrived at Beta on their way 1 honie, lean = ar aa _ > Have Proved Tt. ‘The two servants met. : “Does this war they’re talking so, ‘much ah put make much difference you sails. save. we've got to, $0 we're oF shave mar- # rhe nage ag acute Bit ir up @ oma and have ovation assailant. in a Reavegnent described years A call for ss) aaecture of shells roa bi engineering shop. r, i er- P Some the aH ited action against Kosta od w or else be antag lave Left Commany Th ATTRMPT TO SLAY SULTAN OF BRYPT Shot Fired at Potentate as He Lett the Palace Went Wide of ark, spatch from London says An attempt was made on Friday. to the M ; fc varie Sat the rete and gave him an he returnes is himself as a ive Egyptian, 25 f age, and a y apreth hail: } ing from Manna ectly compos ee Sas Clergyman We orking Ina Shell Bactory: A desi from: espa. recruits here to as savers forth a clerg was pronase Hacsnts i tuart Robertson, of Pollokshield Lee a tall, athletic faa * who in the 5S at night in a ‘arse His day the Rey. Robertson aiteoae! astoral duties as his evens SEEN, Albanians Gathering» Eo ‘or r Raid on Serbia y nd urkish efficers are- collected be- tween Ethasin and Tir form t of a concerted Blan for ale Balkan urkey. itary Airme a esate from, oi han ilitary aviators rake ‘litte which ine the Nor wegen coast nera y on Thursday discoverod ferman submarines ken there. ed ‘to: depart inumedint d. ‘They. left. efug> dod teh fhm: oo Ales eDipeera. a = 1 ty beet a $25, at Saree Police for sx