Milverton Sun, 22 Apr 1915, p. 3

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ow ‘A despatch Gas London says: The Official Gazette announces that ricia’s OC: ian Light Infantry, has been decorated with the Distin- guished Service Order, and for conspicuous bravery. ieut. Papineau was in char; led by Lieut. Crabbe at which exploit was menti recently. The two other parties were le iy rgeant Patterson and _ Company ‘Sergeant - Major| € Lo: the official record, rr re Re ’s position and ing tion of great oon for the tae carried out the oe: in time. John French’s despatch peelied on. reconnoitring duty under very dangerous cireum- next day. Gault assisted i: wounded cae: aces difficult cir- cumatengee while pavceedto 2 MAJOR GAULT WINS THE D.S.0. Officers of Princess Patricias Decorated for Recent Conspicuous Gallantry at St. Eloi On iota 28 38 Bay ol Stik t. Colquhoun is Geconsted ‘for e@nspieuous gallant ce on numer ou Ous occasion cially at St. Eloi on Fratieata 26, difficult stance: Lieut. Papineau is rewarded ‘for conspicuous gallantry at St. Eloi wi mortally wounded | ped ‘ge of of cer after dikes others had failed the first party of the aetectmens i avy ‘of the enemy him along ott therein.” a ‘Bap, ns, e assistance throwing eavy ny and re- ‘ee port that much sm ‘0 | the central station then ran AIRMEN RAID RHINE CITIES Bombs Were Dropped on a Shell Factory in the Suburbs of Baden. itch from Paris. says: Aled aviators ghar, been, very ac- ront. A utilized for the hells. Ten bombs were also. on the powder factory at Rott. well in Wuerttemburg, six striking the mar] filam ba cer acretp squadron, dropped twenty bombs, the majority of which struck their mark, on miles north of Mei the town and forts of Metz ath power and light. ° aviators re- from. mn the return journey. the allied sath encoun- tered ti hostile rs, whom tee gave chase, forcing them to land. A despatch from London says: Two Zeppelin airships visited tho east coast of England shortly after midnight ‘Thursday, dropping mbs on several towns, doing co siderable: damage to property. en ascertained, ‘only ee tear, fated Hiiaid she was colg cliattly hurt, ‘The airship dropped 12 bombs on iden, in Essex County, 30 miles north-east of Londorf, but only one building, a workshop ondon damaged. Bombs were also dropped: in the Heybridge, Ba- sin, 2 miles acro! . These das Mticts pouiayaikirigs chips came up the Blackwater River and over the Marshes and circled Suffolk to house prope town direction of Felixsto Previously the aireratt had visit- ed Southwold, Lowestoft, and ing that town with Cow unty, reat 12 miles ZEPPELINS MAKE ANOTHER RAID Dropped Many Bombs in Norfolk and Suffolk Counties, Slightly Injuring One Woman At Lowestoft, on the North Sea, three bombs were dropped, pontierabie damage in the centre of lumber yard also was set on fire. ‘The win- houses were ree hor ging to the railway company, were killed. After leaving Lowestot A belo: he air- eraee ich in the towe. south of fieving alisged stake its missiles, Southwold and dropped six bombs. Although subjected to a heavy eannonade from the Metz forts, the allied onsdon red no mis- haps, The aeroplanes which visi len uck an splinters ee as ohio: the line: Tried to Wreek Cathedral. ll persons were material damage There are a num- ber ae ee in the Amiens Hospi Te ae continues to launch 8 it teries were silen and an ammu- nition depot blown an Plans Hero Colony For Maimed Germans ‘A despatch London we ere ete Hollweg, rman Chancellor, is con- sidering the, feasibility of a sugges: for says: ATRMEN SHELL GERMAN STAFF Bombs Dropped on Buildings Hous- ing Kaiser’s Leading Generals. ich from Paris says: French iroure have made btabls advai at widely-separated pole of the Reitte line, one in the ame drive toward Lens and Bouai un- taken last month. A notable feature of the’ opera- tions the yardment by French aviators of seyeral towns pied by the Imperial pele at Charleville and Mezieres. These be where for the first time the cat towns on part- tment of adernien.- sabout 15 ae below” 8 ‘This n some ten miles south of the Franco: Belgian frontier a1 of German battle Tine. in zi the staff, accor which states that the aircraft visit was in the nature of a repris- © bardment of Nancy by a Zeppelin. Tt is also announced that a eats onading, but all ye: desire f in, issue ion ing lyet eas ty. “For several days there has been cineca any public speech as ir ment this e ms ” Trial of Spies April 26. 7 postal se: as lying in a hospital. ae the pas with no one to write have shelled a Belgian ambulance, killing three wounded Belgians and six wounded be rman prisoners. Lonesomest Tommy Gets 3,000 Letters b_____ A des; series ies London says: Rifleman A. ndle and carry His letters hi OW passed the 3,000 mark, and his cels are numbered by the hundreds, ar mail White ae a bigger bag’ than many compan: a for peace sentiment sorbed thy e Hungary Clamoring For an Early Peace is the the people are an be seen ata glance in the | No aber evel which ii or ey eet Id be ‘Saat aye offehate A EASES: respatch says: ‘The ‘whelm- Tohealio through- great! out Hungary in the past few days. oF ae . overw. are in this 28 1e on the war | situation which did not Bara on Erguoedly, the Government, newspa — le ies—Kuepfer! cai tat inten with sending aie a le, ra take ie poles He soe feted se artillery stationed near Bethune, France, eported to repulsed with The tary to Germany, has been definitely fixed for April 26. proceedings wi e i etre the’ Lord Chiet ae The pes ee in secret case greatest importance. ition allusions, editorials and expressions of opin- Hine: S near Pforta School in South Pr which he is an hose maimed and orippled war may take up their life after it is over. ‘The originator of the idea is Eat Kerston, head of a big fac- ‘oesen. believes thes there will be thousands of noble | t and patriotic ils \d widows of Boldicne wie wit en cluded, will be peace is lad to marry “the loss of an Ea eap ieniaies de 101 mselves, he thinks that the birthrate will have increase that is to be ter the war. Ce Sea British Prisoner Gets Another Trial nhagen despatch to the Comoe "nally Mail s military ae on April 2) Lon ioe aie avatbosk on sarees in issioned officer at the military prison at Doeberitz, was once sentenced to th, but | J his sentence was commuted to 20 Hague in the case at the request of the Lo: Mayor of Leeds. Seton TeSea To be es Prisoners to 88.60 8: m Entering Canada| *ifrirc’ch mo A despatch from penile, sro Gi erican st iD panies operating Benross Seattle pid ee Dore and Seattle and a Francisco were notified by the British Aaimiealty: that all German, Austrian or Thu A despatch from gn says: Teco: during the eleven ince the German subarkins terrorist cam- aign Admiralty pees more y water. ie total losses in transport work Adminal ce the begii of pala two. In the merchant marine more ten rd| merchant’ ships ha & sailed from British ports in the Tae eleven weeks, whi British peat eey Sie than one million | vie Five men represent in the same time the new ships launched for the British merchant marine m: number of terror.’” RECORD OF PIRATES’ CAMPAIGN Over 1,000,000 Men Transported by Water—11,000] Austen Ships Have Arrived or Sailed, With Loss of 40 a een pets ee forty | ¢ es the total and the total ton- nage of ews menage marine eater re the “reign of| © moved from any vessel Canadian port and ses prison- ers of war, a Opposed to Seerecy. A despatch from London says : a Chamberlain, member Been for West Bi has led to the Government W e into its co) oe know a little — Anxious to Join in the eae A despatch from At say politi ae Hestia Snaleates that the ‘A despatch from Athens says: The Turks are daily massing troops 4n the Gallipoli Peninsula, espe- eo cially “ Kilid Bahr, and all the wy w around E Conerantiinpls and thelcai emoved to arrived. Turks Massing Troops at Gallipoli pean ipal Marmora Sea ports are to the Dardanelles. A great number of German aero- rman | Life insurance aeroplane hurled three bombs~ at itish were formerly | an a ieensoor The damage ‘unknown. is m overtures to }) relinquish nate a pa crests are understood t advan: $9,500,000 Insurance On Officers Killed despatch from honda says: paid: in re- rspect. to offers Eitea in war amount to n: and million dollars, Sei: pie betioves thal th ci n cloves chat the| EL, e z ghiotce, $7.35 to 87.00; do, ers $7 to mm, 98. ta, § calling at a| sales we e : The tale of an exciting air and a battle at an altitude os tS be ae Chambre, the o) "| the French be well} oi Sergeant Michael O’Leary, V.C. e A a ® PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS a hg jreom. THE LEADING TRADE INTRES OF AMERICA. Breadstuffs. edoronte, Ape 19-Manitoba first” pal nts. quot te, bags; secon patents, 8.20; strong ba $7, ‘Ontario kere’ Wheat flour, 90 per cen atents, quoted at $5.85 to 36, Sai, nd at $5.98 to. 86, Toronto di ht. o1 ‘ack, Toronto. Siestorn Canadas No 2, quoted ‘at 10 128, and No. 3 at 68 ive, Barley—The market remains quiet. Good se grades, 75 to 800, outside. market is dull at $1.10 to $1.12, outside, as—The market is quiet, with No. 2 auoted at $1.75, outside. Corn—No. ww American quoted at 820, all rail, Roxon’ freight. onueewhe: Z quoted at 00 to #0, cid and chorte—Bran ie quoted at $26 to $i a ton, and shorts ai 83 to, $3, al led oats—Car lots, per bag of 90 the., untry Ae nate choles, siatry, M to, Sas infestans ie Bigs ovakehecy priate, ts 10.5 soll, 32 to eges—Receipte aro lagge,, and ‘prices tn. edged at 20 to Bic per in case Beans—At $3.20 to $3.30, for prime, and 85,25 to $5.40 for, hand-picked. 16e; fowl, 11 to 130; market is quiet, with new quoted at 18-20 tor large, ard at 18 40 for twin Potatoes—Ontario, 85 to 6e per bag, out ot store, and 45 t Brunswicks, car jote, 85 t0 600 per b Bacon—Long fee 13 3-4 to ite per 1b,in ease lots. 1 to do., heavy, i Boneless 161. market is quiet, with, prices Bucs teed, tie Wed go ime doe Pale "iato 12 1-26, “Compound, tubs, 9 $4 10 10¢; do., pails, 10-to 10 1-40, Baled Hay oth Straw. to $8.50 a ton in Hay—No. 1 new hay ie quoted at $17 te Pie No: 3 at, 6-000: Sisal to. 5 $12.50 to Business in Montreal. Montreal, April. 19—-Corn= America 2 yellow, 1-20. Oat Western. No.3 +, No. 2 Joe: ce arley—Manitoba feed, 8c; malting Spring, wheat, patente, fata, 7. senha bakers “Se a ‘sie’, Shri to $1; doy b 50 The, $3.25 to $5.35. Bran, $26, ‘snow, $a, iiddiings 385 to $34.“ Mouit {O'938, May “No. 2 per ton, car lots, 18 19; ‘Gheose Finest yosiomne, ita 34 to 350; ie at to ie. pox 00d. pails, 515: tbe. it 1a} purer wood 120; w tierces, 20 Ibe. net, tbs, pure, pails, nies States Markets. 19.—Wh » 4 Northern, $4,511.89 to ‘ancy patents, $7.70; y $a; second clears,’ $4.90. see, “April 19.—Linseed cash, $1.95 3-4; S196 54 duly, 2. Whest No. 1 fend, st ii Northern, $1.57 34 Rod Northern, siig0 gto $1.55 3-4; Mon- tana, No. 2 hard, $1.58 34; May, $1.56 3-4; Tuly, $1.52. Ive Stock Market. ‘oronto, “aoe 19.Butchere’ cattle, $7.25; $6 om $5.50 to $ brought trom $9 60 per ot ‘to $9.60 per cwt., Ww ? ed French Aeroplane Victor in Long Chase A despatch from Bordeaux bake in the rious, was related by server on wth pursuit Pegan at. oe, ac: to ;. Chambre in ~ | plende the. the igi of ‘rench mi ee ‘The Seas sshot fired’ i the French a caused ae German aeroplane to reaching the ground it office: The German ers. aan injury and were taken prison dressed, 17 to 18:] Tt is added G 2 60e, in car lots, New | j ag. | of ¢ til eat—No. 2 st me rom| where disc COLORS FLYING, GUNS TRAINED Why the British Cruiser Glasgow Sank the Dresden in the -Chilean Harbor. A saeco from London says: The British Government has ehetst “a, full and ample aj Ohilean He feat for the ance A despatch from London. says: The report of Field Marshal Sir John French, reviewing the Neuve ORDERS WERE NOT OBEYED Heavy Losses at Neuve Chapelle Accounted Li in. é Sir John French’s Report : 1 nee the name of the officer whom he so sharply blames for the delay - pce robbed. ese British of the full we Be ruits of fe victory at Neuve on March 14 in Ohilean, territorial Chapelle battle, has been eagerly waters o! Gernil critiser Dres-| awaited. For some days rumors| Field den, the internment of which hac mibin, heavy British losses | British Aare) Fog Fa ae Bind rs) already been ordered by the Mari-| (12,811) to some extent to British ghting at Neuve Chapelle as ree time Governor of Cumberland Bay/ artillery and to a mistake of a Bri- f - when squadron attacked | tish commander -have found their : ' one als te way into print. . ‘his fact was made public in a| In his introductory remarks the| Kj Ei the nee Sie thee cies Bae {Noonaderabie doles oc, Sie Sse | lean note pi again: at. ‘‘conside a =" Missi ; ; the sinking of the Dresden and the| eurred after the tach Netw le e Aee | ritis] vernment’s rep apelle. The infantry was dis- 4 yne,note delivered by the Chilean organized by, the violent nature of siaaeming ee ae ee) | inister to Britain says ittacks.’ Field Marshal "8 : : the Dresden anchored in Cumber- whe Ta in the despatch he say Belper cay oe several » land Bee oa ease oe ee oF the opinion that the alee thousand dead on the fiel A hd permission to} lay would not have occur har itive inf i ren Ti. days for the Bngpere the te expressed order of the apie of E000 Hance kh oe _ i er engines, which | commander o} first army been| moved by train. ‘Thi icers were said to be out of order. The more carefully observed.’ m “[tsst of eens cone an the oe os to leave the Lee within 24 the As the ardee" or not complied with, the captain of the resdlen was “ntormed that his ship was in. yainad, at | term When the een squadron ap- ‘ch 14, the ships open- Dade captain then gave or- ders to blow up the magazine of “an ne esden. Apebed out that. according a the British. pore die the. Dres- ot accepted internment a still had che colors flying and guns trained.”’ ‘The British reply, continues: “at this is so, ant were means ose rise eran the Sees of the Chilean authorities © intern the Dresden, she might ee ‘had not the British ships taken action zg tunity to sally out and attack Brit- ish commerce again. WANTED. A Tropical Rain of Sheets, We have had, since the war be- gan, a liberal education ite! Brest, many b: reathlen ed, ‘‘is the mo- ‘om to purchase oethen a brilliant idea occurred to of the workers. y. not have a sheet shower, not only for Toronto, but for the Pro- urs is a provincial piipesitys Why should not we give the women of Ontario an opportunity to help with ‘these furn: isters. past present eae students who will be only too scarey will dedi est and dearest of others, in thee! France. e size most required is 60” x 108’’, and they Red Cross East, Toronto, marked ie Hos- pital, No. £ immediat ay N MePHEDRAN. en Thoughts for the Day. Availeit aU laaatomireesttc regulate our lives, and there is nothing ns and events may stand for a time between you and reckon- ing, but it is only a postponement. "ea must y at ‘least your own Tyran ny may ed through ages is suppressed. Discussion aay Peatoly ste left free | by rulers who act on popular prin- lay. ‘< Bolne; Peftonis are’ ao constituted that the very excellence of an i to them smile, lik pcan te Wan and like a a homestead with- out a garden. It is the joyous day of the whole week.—Beech: a reality, what ~ it jowett. Happiness is a tg very lightly used. It aay oe ae it et rselves; we “a angpripledant, we are failures, —Lord Lytton. Unéle—My dear boy, it’s a fact that the microbes’ on paper money ie ee Hee a a death before Well, uncle, might let have e fiver 0} or two. Pny Grievances and babies grow with nursing, : very tired of the equipment of se the University Base Hospital. F was this— | in water. Tae Becacah as ate Soviety. bid Hang: Street | Ter ed.” des; from Paris says: wii "T, . Hulinacteen Je returned from SEPARATED FROM MOTHERS Hundreds of Infants Sent Back to Switzerland Cannot be Identified \e_most Reheat point: in’ Zurich, where he investi conditions of returning civilian prisoners on behalf of the American Clearing House for Reliet. many 30,000 already sent back penny are arriving from G Germady daily, each carrying of the returning prisoners. Thre: conte of these a: omen No boys over 13 years \ ( { | | | | | | | | — uA : of age are being sent back. } identity, medical the basin eat older children who ‘have arrived also cannot. he identified, : NEUTRAL VESSEL SUNK AT ANCHOR Pirates Submarine Steamer Char- tered by the Dutch Goyernment. A despatch from London says: The Netherlands steamer Katwyk, o) crew of the men say that while the aa watch ‘as being chai vere. shock ‘ing the crew took to the boats, and while rowing away saw the peri- scope of a submarine, which quick- ly disappeared. e Katwyk sank Gis minutes ine the beoua nat reight steamer. Built in was 1,287 at tone, a . She sailed from Baltimore Mai 6 for Rotterdam, and pass- ed Dover April 14. See eee mee eee The last speck o! ished from under the arate on the lawn aa Sroeha of slimy filth rests on the dry grass in the ack yard. ‘The chips a cert 4 are altered all over the yard; tin cans are wibaedy here n occasional old bas- e adornment, and pel z an pearan ether out of keeping witl he reshness and spinging into Tite ot the growing season. It is time for fence requires The gate must event bs “drag- be The hedge needs ae ae The brush from winter pruning of fruit trees should be cept = rine ansit: ie acrealeanoe up. e ung to pr mae be and dead pies mer’s wood should be neatly ppd The clean-up should not stop at fence- Brushy prey ak ly remoy from ooked. atten, could be profi fence corners, and, ye. way, plant in its stead meen s—trees which will add to the penny ‘of the landscape and the efficiency of the ene, the te as fence posts and move tumble- and prepare for Saeinees better. Clean up the sleighs and put them away, not al- lovin them to stand out in the June—sleighing is over for this season. le an arbor. d in a Saturday afternoon cleaning up Phi lawns and planting flowers; now or two on the farm.—Farmers’ Adve- cal ib Pe rentes German Socialist Who is Demand= beg Reports emanating from Ger+ many to the effect that ng of Ger- is gtrength- ft the ertian of th So is said to be Philip Scheidomnny ‘the, subject ofthis photog: the aid of Tiehknectey. ia leader, of other AEH RNS, mem reaeaily caused ast chamber of the ower House mann. protested bitte Governments action in placing on Socialist speeches. Imme eee arose, and in seathi t tl ve’ in a it reported that the military au | thorities, angered by Liebknect nit’ criticism, have sent him thi front. 0! Why, Trouan even as tee +6 hold the dy ! A despatch from London says: There was @ rumor in London that a serious fire had broken out in the big government dockyards at Ports- mouth; Ae the censor eliminated m of the matter from near wiping ou! ame it the dk potter valuable sa Spavtien at Ports- TRIED 10 BURN DOCKYARDS Fact Only Made Pudlic by the Announcement. of a _ Reward for the Discovery of the Incendiaries mouth. “The real extent of the dam- age is unknown, It is the com- mon pelict in official circles that @ fire was the work of incendiar- ies, presumably spies A worded notice was is- eRe b; Pes au ities, at tho ing ing slip ond the night'of J. anabasy.

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