Milverton Sun, 29 Apr 1915, p. 3

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p= says: “Indications of increased naval ac- A despatch from London luce tivity comes from various sources. | 1} {he market seemed All steamboat communication with] MerchYint and fishing vessels. ar- Holland has been suspended by| riving at peng n report the “order of the British Rarckiay: presence of an Anglo*French squa- .and taken in connection with the | dro: Sav: wr, Norway, and news from Berlin that British ae soee also. are current in’ the marines have been in the t of| Danish capital of a German fleet Heligoland, where the Ge: Ad: Pie in the North Se: miralty lays claim to having ‘sunk trawler Fuschia reached one ‘and perhaps more, this is be-|-Aberdeen to-day with the mete of lieved to foreshadow some move-|the trawler Envoy and orth Se. The stoppage of traffic to Hol-}a an submarine last night off nd was annow in an official] the east coast. ‘he men qn the statement given out in Amsterdam| Envoy left their ship in a small Sin epee f of the British Govern-| boat, which, 1] as men} elled by the submarine. No one ait “hing Bornean Holland} was injured. Envoy’s crew nd the United Kingdom is stop-| drifted about in the small boat fo! die being. No ships|for two hours before being picked NAVAL ACTIVITY INCREASES pods and checked the ‘tendency to red epo! that the Envoy had been shelled os Germ: insurance rates. ‘y to be aware 6 at Universal Ci ty, r}| up. Holland until further notice, and “According to Berlin - evening ships from Holland will not be ad-| new: 35 uter’s Am. . mitt the United Kingdom. | sterdam correspondent, ‘‘a Gent Aviator Killed While Performing for “Movies.” _. It is hoped shortly to resume limit-} submarine stopped the — Brit ed cargo and r traffic: | steam trawler Je off Aber-| , This photograph was made on March 1 pecial arrangements have been| deen k it a German | Aviator Stites % series of aerial t made for the transfer of mails.” | port on the North Bea Aber- | Picture photographers. The “‘stunt’? deen is some 450 miles across the North Sea from the nearest point on : German coastline. GERMAN dagen MAY BE EXECUTED Russia Will Institute Against Those Who Reprisals Kill A despatch from Petrograd says: Russia is to institute reprisals in Some form against the Germans for the bomb-dropping upon undefend- ed towns of Poland. Announce- men to this effect was made at the General: headquarters, which de- nounced the Gcerman aviators so engaged jas ‘apache! brought down near Sambroff yes- terday and the two men aboard made prisoners. They may be the in of Population Our aan Contin mselyes to bombardment of mili- fare works. tr THE WHEAT SUPPLY. Quantity Remaining in Hands shaped Smaller this Ye: aS of have ality. ae crop- reporting eoroen none tia show that of the total estimated yield of or in’ oy 12% per cent., 01 ini crea: seeded their efforts being facilitated by the oat, $8 7s lange amount of fall ploughing com- | pleted last yea ne us year ese crop aed the March 3ist, pecs it vee 27 per cent. or 62,188,000 bush- A despatch Loi ti Seven million Poles, of whom two| None, Ge) Sat Non ke Gi.s0 the animal: ring and howling, | in D millions are Jews, a in dire need a [-2; $12 12. Oates into the village, where the Russians. of food. ‘This ent was made | W 5 No. 3 Gout, So SkTA NO: 1 feed! were peacefully singing Christmas by Hermann Lunda, @ prominent 59 To, Flax] No. 1 N.W.O., $1.79; AO 2| chants. € e they fired Jewish _philan associated | 0-W., $1.76. volleys into the eae: and the i i torch with various Tene = Slibritiep in re pe arackotk: SE BN aber ie ican hese sufferers 5,500,000 are hard, gat 3; Pag rare a, ee 4 a noises impossib] ‘ibe, made 000} east, of the Vistula River a 2 seiqinern, $152 34 to the superstitious soldiers almost 000 a of the are ; yee ss vat lose their theads,’’ he ent an = 65140, Flour and bran un: eae Jk ee ean Sele April 2—Wheat-No, 1 hard, No. Norther , $1.60 38; May, i Jews in of ‘Poland ara the $1, in ed 8 ei, “Stay ser | Admiralty May Close ‘ b ft th New York, ‘April’ 2 —wlour Mea ys Ports Without. Notice rete 2 flour ste: pee steady. Cs Co a 3 ie Pa “teeie families.” the ‘| lock toa bushels, or 10 Miskd last year of 85,672,000 bush- els, 37.7 per pls were in farmers’ hands 01 luree than in any of the last five rem clover the quantity in eades is eee at 2,173,000 tons’ or 161,280,000 alee, all but years, durin Ls) stead: cent. (32,022,000 bushels), rye, 90 Ber cent. (1,815,000 bushels), buck- 5 sa cent. (6,370,200 bushels), pota- toes, 86 per cent. j els), i MEO a and hay and Ey oerets ton “sine eee that th through and are in good sooner In some parts, Supersti person ae believe a eas over door has more virtue r 21 per cent., and bert I 740,- 0 tatoes, which gave the eacleat cent., or 32,310,000 3ist, this proportion being| REP ained over, ae = the total crop of aide, Sey weet <0 of | at 1.10, which the lowest pro- | #2" of merchantable grain was | $3.40. 1910- 11 after the Boge ee 1910, when 12.8 to. be something went w: tons ith the “machin a his. death. PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS ent OntaOntaniy duoted at 60 "to 63 to 640, ide. Rye—The market is dull at $1.05 to The p: blown up as part sa ize. ue in stant before the d: of the ‘ e just as it starte ‘stunt.’” e and Stites was dashed 500 feet d tilting lammy aeroplane theory that the explosion shown-in tie picture caused Stites’ machine to FROM ERAS GREEN ISIE NEWS BY MAIL FROM. WAS A TRE- ey | Happenings In the Bmerald Isle of Titerest to Irish- men, “A de aontclefeo| ‘om Pasion nye : It is charged here by Madame Ducro tied ‘at hs pees colors of - international interven a en. has been pei Bi ‘os ie Madame Tmetzu Lieut. - Madden, ua been Kill: holds to be true, partly because the ed in ner ae aan n’: nal “League hi rpenters Sees ed ‘by the | been offered all expenses aoe their tures. anpelpat contracting firms in Oma, gh ‘have struck work, demand- Tae. an increase in wages. man named Jas. Hough, a ac0 in the Waterford post. 0 fice, has ‘been arrested charged wal taening down recruiting post: Sio1 t ntly ait French feminist | ganda soe ‘hare unanimously refu is their intention, how- ‘ ite ‘ontin William Morgan Hunt, | °°" to omits in Sete ears R. Expense of Delegates to be Paid if ae ‘Will Pass Sea Without niga i an protest against the aiblotion fay- eine peace, which it is a A See Heol tat mite of ihe nae conse from the women —__ An extremely large recruiting) Women’s eee aE Ue: the meeting was held sacpuadeNeahén omen’s Peace Conference to] “It is ee ” she says, “to a free Tecture was given by Lieut, |be held: at The Hague is upuans treat the quest ee oben in any . M téle. re nor less than a German pro-| fashion whatever while our pro- A 7 paganda manoeuvring under the} inv: by fe quiesce in the Brenared resolut peony without discussion pro lL attend and ace / F.A., a nephew of Mrs. Hunt, Aviators ‘Co., Limerick, has been Poultry Alphabet. severely wounded in the Persian ulf. A utility bird is rarely worth doe- toring, the axe being an excellent saves instrument to apply to sick “h Balanced rations The War Office have placed con- tracts in Dublin for a considerable quantity of saddlery items so that supply. maxi- ea! ea may be brisk. ue es nourishment with minimum ‘he ath ee announced of Mr. | of w stuido Joh ynch, Senior _ all ‘sey, for it does not pay Land Commissioner, at his home, | t» board idle after a short Elgin road, Dublin, one not stent ‘too much to ac- il F Bean Shor one hly.. a wi anit snom THE TAINS TRADE ES OF AMER! frit Northern auoted ‘Si -64; and No. rip wheat jie firm at $1.80 utside poi lo, out- » Toronto, eter B quoted at Moo, am 3 jay porte, od malting grades, 75 to 780, and at da, Ni outside, N n, and shorts at $29 to 0. re to 8 led oate—Car lots, per bag of 90 Ibe. Provisions. barley, 88 per t (74,165,000 *5 87 bush- cent. ips, ete., cent. (9,094,000 respondents Besant Can- e in © acreage to — In Dire Need of Food. says? ive been able to pro. ition is what prompts a| $18 and key. A despatch ct London says: A o letter to the Times desorib- ing the big camp of the allies’ ex- a for ‘the Usaies tally the. fact that ¢ Gen. Sir | Gen. “TAN HAMILTON COMMANDS eat, 8 ted British Officer Referred to as My Chief”. in “Sioat a Message From Gen, | @Amade ee eals | the Teak sectign, ele Hamilton as $4,605 fair, and 78 es ae rong undoes ‘my. chief. Started Out For erelaad preiia Sasa ties i frontie ~ Mi Bag made them; to 100; do., pails, 10 to 1 Butt igseietatiy weiter ged: | Goo ag toice > > hand-picked. fu Montreal, April 27-—Corn—American No. = 2 yellow, ‘82 1. Oate—Canadian Mestern’ No. i Ee ad feeds 69.4 x aes 8 gal Fang 66 Ser #No, 4 logal anitot Winnipeg, April 27.—Wheat—No. 1 North. | Hides stoudy. “Lekihor ‘Toronto, choice, a $ to 85.60; stockers, 80 10, $6.98, cannon and id_Gutvens, $8. milkers, choice, © $85 common aud gpringers, was cull for which hs ue Bold at Hi aoe of selected and i one two inet: $9.75 was paid es ‘small’ ote, istress—‘‘Ih me to tel Téould House Conipound, ‘tube, 9 34 14e. emysl was fo: PEREMYSL NOT SHORT OF FOOD Capitulation Due Simply-to Aus- trian Staff’s Cony: Resistance Was Useless. t out, reed to re useless. ‘rom rheumatism, whic! ed thousands of ‘them.’” Country Produce, ‘he eh ann er—The market is iulet, with prices Se eared nen ' to Be: interior, ioe printe, 360; do. steady ‘at $3.40 prime, and 85-46% $380. for jusiness In Montreal. em he ne Winnipeg Wheat. Hope’ quiet. y Live Lee GE «cattle, ADIL if butchery cate, | Lond 0 "medium, $6.50 to ae: dor fied ott phen bulle, choice, $1.8 ugh cal i fo rs red bali ae s nals a real, ‘april’? brite os nade eam eas 5 to 086 “per of aes ‘hogs tele demand and emal 10 Be pee me wainie nee. a6 hi aE EE Wasted Time, re time it a o Kempen how e oe the work ee ‘And in the stron ae me to listen ‘to you, 80 are ” s ye zt despatch cause the e story was ie ie a = oe = night When re duplaged to examination anchorage Bea.” vessels (Ree ee Bubonio Plague in Turkey. tion That A despatch ae Petrograd says: Gen. Seliwano! rei gists. hefore the sae be- ‘Dh the garrison suffered most ootsicly ineapaci- TIED STRAW TO ANIMALS. relat- bakers’, ry the colonel of the eaten $7.80; straight gi et “eT, -i0 to hie 4 oni “ SB 10° $s don, bags, 90 hee $3.98 0 We were happy and singing, Bran, $26. Shorte, Ke Middlings, Ss" to| waiting for midnight, shed the §34. Moulllie, $36 to $38, Hay—No. %. ver Russians, at: 11.20 o'clock, deliver. , car lots, $18 to $19.50. ‘mest oda fi fA westerns, 1712 to 17 34e; finest easterns, €d a wae at village ssian Christmas | came, and the “village was held by ‘tl must poi 8 Gen. that while ie discus- sions of the surrender of the garri- wert is incorrect to say that Per- surrender ow- estima ot abi rmerchant- | Cured meats are quoted as follows:—| ing to starvation, as stores sufi- able quality, on long clear, 15 34 to 14e per 1b, in| cient for two weeks were foun obi i to 17 120; The surrender was due si -» heavy, 14 1-2 to 160; sells, 24 to 14 05 j » brcaktact bacon, 18 to ply to the Atstrian staff’s convic- ips Doneleas tion it further a eae La "he © market is quiet, with Brleet| sacrifice we Lighted the Straw and Sent Them Into Russian Camps. The Morning Post publishes in the notes e suffered terrible loss- wi yuscee Dolphin’s Barr. on t| tenant pos that the town be = strated in the police district “of ~ pettus in Midleton at the age Pat ‘ oe county have been charged un-|” Lice multiply rapidly in uncleffnly r the Defence of the Realm Act, | surroundings. wes! oe charged with interfering with May chicks pushed to maturity. f|Sive use of seaweed police have disco 1 + the annual meeting of the Irish Medical School, the ernie Memorial Medal was awarded Lieutenant T. J. Kelly, RAM, o of Killarney. Enthusiastic scenes were witness ery f lett 4 to mature stegrani ie code of the flock. F-i-l-t-h spells failure. Good oe is the best foundation but it must be handled with com: mon sense aines statemen: make a combination whieh bankrupt a ee finan Tuatha gue chaciaetigns tam) prove that the I-know-it-alls never make suecessful poultrymen. ess shown to fowls pays in increased MEE ‘An East Cork Crimean veteran would | ated has just passed away in the oa of Jeremiah O'Shea, hoes rection co: “French tral A: 79 A hives number of men all recruiting. make fall layers to fill in the time eBay "Dorian and Nols d at] son were in Progress no stores were The death took place at Paddens-| when “‘earllens matched: sniidle ate!| aatenssoeh see Now. at 8, set on fine and was oe be five miles from Mullin- | resting. b ‘Buckowheat—No, 2 quoted at 80 to 8%,| blown tp. Such SERGE OS as oc- es Mulvaney, who ha No mixed flock can give the satis. ‘Bran and shorte—Bran ie quoted at ¢m7| curred were the of fires ericbrated “his 100th birthday last | faction of a single breed au is usually which to win success. Pullets should be separated from| cockerels as soon as sex can be dis- tinguished, Quickly kill the chicks which are dwarfed or crippled when hatched. Rush young birds towar tur- ity if you wish large ‘Oroiita reeders early and dispose of ail ctlinr malesnieas, qT yaste no feed, either by overfeeding, cenreless methods, or one-sided rUalbeg SORE Nig your flock regu- ‘Much regret has nes occasioned in Athlone-at the d path of Second Lieutenant P. B. King’s Own Light eiae who ‘waa kill- ed in action at Neuve Chapelle. The farmers of South Wexford are this season making an e . as a substitute for artificial manures, which have Spee advanced in price as ease, Kg a og be thtee-masted steamer Upon, af Newry, which was bound from Ayr to Wartannolat, capsized when ff the Coun own coast, and only fea St aera eight were ved. pocket. “Dh: ank much that n learn “bothing “At @ mecting of the South Dublin | ™ "he experience of othe Nothing Hasty. Loh. 4 the time. The workshops were gut- ‘Oh, in led I have, ma’am,’’ ted, but fortunately all hands were | the reply. ‘I’ve been to two tor: ae to reach sai tune-tellers, an’ a clair nt, Masoenatiod tes veoh received of | looked in panier fe eae ID the death of Alfred James Hunter, ane they a’ tell me to go ahead, ma’am. late | I’m no’ a rae to marty ” reckless Omagh. like, ye ken DRIVE ENEMY FROM THE HILLS Important French and British Sue | cesses in the Campaign in Ger- | man Equatorial Africa. A dlespatch from Paris aris says : ‘The War Fren it has cattoed that the allied foie had + & @ Victo against “the Canaan in the Came- . roons, a German colony of Si A Equatorial aoc it follow: low: Hens are not magicians; so ca. a d at Omagh Railway Station when ‘After heavy fighting of the ae iS eleven postmen and post office of- | 20b manufacture eggs unless given few months lerman troo] sos ficials left to join the Post Office | the proper materials. ‘ding | the Cameroons have been for ‘es Indolence and _poultry-breeding Fgh alaboate wine centre of the colony. The seat of Government has been. transferred to Jau' ment of the sled fotees in this di- ntin: etter troops from Cen- Africa have attained in the east the ling Lomie-Dume. See She Knew Th A celebrated violinist has a greate er readiness of wit t! hally credited with. He had played | “4 e afternoon at a reception at a fashionable house in London, Is he hanes cing ill at corner, ‘Avyoung sini, ented approach- ing aye sa rdon me, sir, but your ee eghtoe is hanging out of i you,” “Thank you for the warning. props know the company ebay While Rome Burned, sider the advisability of increasing | ,,/ Lhope, Flora, that. you have se; old ‘gentleman: beamed. upon ifn ed iy ts epee) SIGS PERSIGRGED a aeRorlbl lady to her servant the Tle oy Aine NEA ie oon : i girl, who had “given notice” be- 4 es xa iting aan were Nee Satih-choatie tc. he snatcenetunkt Bie happv contented mile on, “T am very pleased to watching the beautiful red glow of \ the setting sun, my ee ” he said, potting the yo par an- a nm the operations text of ~ hoes nde. The move- an the is us- and ° said the oun ie see you man, ungsbe teh it every night # The ile ‘led auuceled ‘Oh, sir,” he “That's not the sun siting Tha's our school burning dow: gleefully Many regia aperale are tobe | ~ q Refuses to Vote seen now in Dub] A Paris despatch to the Central News says that the opening Sue By the sinking of the aus SSE Bayano, the Bove. Brigade ublin have lost one rs its youngent and most peal of- ten ae the person of Harold n, the son of Mr. and Mrs. used: to vote the new military cre- dits demanded by tl oppo- Three hundred and eighty-four invalid soldiers haye arrived by the Red Cross ship Valdiver, in Dub- lin, a number of whom came direct sition as futil cree "Post's Berne cor- respondent gives a different version their promise of the opening of the from that of the Central News. Ba (o) hambes submi it ‘is fasteo the faile from the trenches. They were re- moved to the 15 city hospitals in. a Hittle over five Local Government, Boar constituted ai an district. eel nan wall tbe mad shooting outrages were per- yy and ever the acme of service, Over fifty styles ands herd Wale for i the Peterborough can covered. r the popular Outboa: op. Get folders tenling Tu: we aia aon unty w ie Dagle and the dveling house of a farmer name. int ee but none of the inhabitants were injur County folk in the neighbo: orhood | of Sawtfield, Ulster, have been BOROUGH, ONT: — | Canoes, Skiffs, Motor Boats THE PETERBOROUGH LINE. \, It any canoe can give you eae it 9 a "PETERBOROUGH." 4} eeied si catal atest Ask for ‘lisateated, folder. bh ‘Launches, all sizes and p. THE PeTeRoRoucH CANOE COMPANY, uimieD, TER! alarmed recently by a series of lov losions oe ie 4 afloat that prac- tical jokers are at work, es Orphans of France. on—“Th etang Line’ Silom hoa ts ian Sante Ape elfcaton N wea 2B diving engine zat on wa Rahat

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