The Milverton Sun And Monkton Times axe uDeeED EVERY AVHRR MORNING The Sun Petting ott Main Street, SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, $1; six mnths, 50 cents; three onthe 26 ‘cente, in advance, “Subseribers in a ‘8 will be liable to pay $1.60 per year CONTRACT ADVERTISING RATES Eight cents per tine for rst insertion an four cents per line for each subsequent Toecrs acne ee for all transient adver. 8 without specific directions xi Bein inserted Stat forbid’ and charged ace ““Guanges for contract advertisement must bean the office by noon Monday. attention. MALCOLM MacBBTH, Publisher and Proprietor Hard to Enforce The Scott Act Huron Deputation Claims That Conditions Are Worse _ Than Before. “DRUNKS” ARE COMMON. 3 The Federal Law Proving Much Harder to Enforce Than Local Option. From The Mail and Empire June 5th The Canada Temperance Act, now in foree in Huron Count come BusinessCards DR.M. CTINDALE, L.D.S. (Succ ene Dr, Li Honox Geapva Office: Over Metropolitan ‘Bank, Milverton 8. , PARKER, M.D. DRS. PARKER & TYE CFFOE : PUBLIC DRUG STORE, MILVERTON Hours—10 to 12 o'clock a. m.,and 2 o'clock p. m., and 7 to 8 o'clock’ p, m. R. F. J. R, FORSTER, Bye, Ear, we and Throat only. +53 Waterloo St., opps Kaex Church, Seretiord Phoni F. R. BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto fice : Gordon Block ONTARIO W. BARR, Veterinary Sur, Milverton, Eeaaacate of Ontario Veterin ary Colle; ‘Treatsall ieee of domesticated animals, Calls tele phone or otherwise promptly attented to 0. Societies. Ln GaP eat No. 4 78, before ‘fall aie ote E. gy tetas me No. iation meets every Friday night Ae their hall over Bank of D, WEIR, Notary Fablcy Anc- taker for, the Count Perth and Waterloo, RS, Monkton, Ont., No tory Public, "Conveyaueet, Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, to Perth, Real Estate b well as ever, would do eve =—Anti-Tei mvs up to expectations, th ingly fo: measure of prohibitio: Provincial Lice: that exuilitans: fo: that county were far from satisfactory and in places that formerly were under local option drun! eral P.L, TYE, MLD, emperance would improve cal conditions. Lozal Option Moze Bucce's*ul The deputation was camnpoeed Irwin. of Win; iitrok Clinton. weak © Mr. Irwi Sanada Temperance that that aptlan, wight ‘un- be mate dry. The rich, Bit and other places drunk- | ore eanen tie seen ov tees @ inspeotor for Centre ned, be Huron the oa w: inf on w e inspectors oe 3 pad ena h ie them to devote thei ae e work. At ririent: felt {hey were mot paid aioli: Had No Faith In It. Cha‘ gt pase rae pacer: tha ee little Tanne! Rey vaste ty! ‘aiffiontt to en ‘option. a it as rd, how- aor ure tae have the law enforced. am Sek! 2 Committee HAWKESVILLE Miss ae Hustne da r is spending Mrs. pinche villege “hire Forwell spent the ‘eck: at Waterlo>.—Mr, ford. visiting tabling Best brands brands of lige and cigars, Ritter, Proprieto ilverton, Ont aaars ‘and Cigars‘at the bar. ables. George F. Pauli, Proprietor. HOUSE, Berlin to Commercial THE AMERICAN S CENTRAL da STRATFORD, ONT. Intario's Best Practical Training aol. We have thorough cour- a in ors in epattments—Com- and’ and te legraphy: d and you should ec catalogue. Write D. A. McLACHLAN, ~ ~ Principal \a ti PUBLIC NOTICE! RS. C. BO} ul, su ete. Cider ee quality anager RY.FISH&CO. : § LINWOOD ve Dealer in... Coal, Cement and Lime Motar Stain, Ete. Grain, Flour and Feed and Furniture (ae “Above Goods Constantly Kept on Hand 4 ne Mr. Joseph OGrady, has purchaaca an r nda’ with his. brother, Mr, John me fre nd, Miss day. ions number of m og was goed at The 8 a resting place in the waste co of Li ntl rhage of Or ‘George Huetner on Ree spent Satur: ‘ohn, alte lin, at r Sunda dy, of a yak SSS TRALEE Mrs. George Carey, Sunday with Mrs. W L. Stith ai its Millbank. A tambon, fen Bare. attend ble’s Lin- is spending, a sear Loretta Mr, shan, Got driver. ss Della Cimm’ngs, is sp-nding| ™ ‘pani of weeks with Mfrs, A, Mar-| on. oy is al from here teal a tor ‘kine. ‘Miss Winnie Hanle Maggie visi ed neces x [M iy Se ARSEES " CROSSHILL vam Rennie and Mrs. | nal iunday ‘afternoon | fgcactietery Ramet be atowing triofas. poi SE NESTON busiaess | Bi in of- msigned it ae bask. as it was w ca | and | thou as whieh Bie made se’ oe Sunday at a me iona i nis and other games on LINWOOD TWO NERVOUS WOM EN Made Well By ell By Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia, Pa, —‘I had a ¢ zation, with palpi. ate Sener tation of the Heat, Mr. D. w. Pub ass ‘aera Lydia E. Pi Medionyr Goutal sol threw away medicines the doctor left me and be- fore with relatives in ees larrosh havinz sever ion with Hae mi Mr, F. re work. edicine has provi ial at to doall all you say it will and sad t I e recomm: itin every household I ert visited.’’—Mrs. MARY JOHNSTON, 210 aah ne Philadelphia, Pa, r Bad Case. Erba Pa Abt a year ago I dewa fee is prostration. I wes pal weak pi would have hys- teric Gialle, sick ad pain under my sealer inde. ‘under the care ‘erent doctors at did not i ae Twas so weak I could en M 2, (Games Girone, of japecr a vacation “Lydia Bikes 's Vegetable Com- pound has made me well and happy and Thave ee egun to ein fn m welaht and my face looks healthy bi eR, R. Wo. ie trasict Pa. you want special advice write to ryt E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confl- dential) Lynn, Mass. a sa be opened, read and answered woman and held in strict nikiene. MILLBANK te a tte from hexe at Hae sale ea at Mrs, Pride is sss ee winning both matches _ witi oe The funeral of the late Ale: xander Quit the patriotic Newton. on Giter, Je ¢ Kerr. nd Mrs Nurse, _Mrs. with mship. little gona | Thackey =a te ee) the home of Mr. Huron, M j 88. osinith one day last wee Me Wray id “bette ECan i afte or By ee visit in the yest | rata a Ha vous sp: nt} of aye ae. Wats mi os, Ranson. f Gnd Mime Winn" rote 4 et WARTBURG ig ee bad a sveleamne. rayr-on Tos * visit-| an1. Mrs H Go Beads | Roy | day wot Sat [wr y. Bob and Geo. s led ove ther. i t pulpit of the Metho dist chu Sunday pet os made a strong ap- peal in = terest of Seen Delia : mi ry held rox oarek, aw i am. and 7.30 of Mitehe Me t her home in Mitchell — | h, of Seebach’s | with Pe Sere at |Otr, and af } Hill. spent Bilis Vedm: saday’ ae t We port that sick lis' ee Stewart, > a canvas bas st week so iting fam ‘and: reports 1) nd as commun'ty | Hu, te hi ave of bis “eather, The were inter- hea wee! Ww of petierem ere SS WELLESLEY Mir ea seh is ete et from | Kto yrh u-| Go SCOm ES out | 9 K Jack — Cha!m after conipl ting ime pte a Bu Pau'i, of in evening of 7 de tay sh od Mr. A. Da . of Lisbon. ithe homie of Mr. an 8. Mayberry Ottmann and ¢, a business trip last F Ee Lia tose W, Ste deg ha and Mr. PERHAPS IT’S THE KIDN — an syne lant Sunday on the farm with io _ ty le PCat iste! of Berlin eae hs ere with, relatives: joved her ef! om nie actos puffered a broken nkle reat is causing her con ble pai police aS Beas ee veral imp o-em: oF Re ev. 4 mBattenbs Ee offi: iat you certainly have epeeane fhe matter with your Kidneys. wn, — irs. a wal re Hout succean i ia Bil T was Sogn y pains and now lam perfect petite entirely to Gin Pil ee ‘es J. G! ‘ree: MORNINGTON Our young anit are enjoying ten- uy. in Pills are “* Made in A ges aad aie Bus all ae at 50c. a bo: in U.S. under Gane nGINO® is, Write us for free trial treat National Dru; ys Chemical Cou: of Canada, Li nen Toros NY { sp cae tha cigee een Nz Mr. Sandy Angus, of Mir, Andrew “Spahr n, bee “ Geo ‘Mille “nd vt i Albert r nm3,— spent | lore ines: | spent ‘ie week-end with friends ee friends hos anverson) a a | spamt 1S pat Ba We still have a nice assortment of the new fabrics which are so NEW AND LOVELY for BES DRESSES. Ten Bees to choose from at the low price of . of Stratford. Is the Time for Your Summer ress 15c Per Yard Raincoat Specials 8 Men’s Black Raincoats, ous from ingland, regular 7.50, 6.78 » 6.49 12 Ladies’ Raincoats, with ao newest style cut, regular 4.00, Kitchen Aprons and Kimonas All the new checks and spots tiow selling 4 ) Fs veto 49 The New Hat is a Fedora We have them in all the leading shades brown, grey and pearl. Price. 2.50 Men’s Negligee Shirts Our special Men’s Shirt at 2: cents is a 85 Men’s and Boy’s Belts h| ‘ In the new styles me 25¢ to 75¢ each Boy’s Buster Wash Suits aot 16 eae MEN and BOY’S SUIT SALE $6.00 and 6.50 Boy's Children’s School Umbrellas he a ee light umbrella for your child- 4 . Extra special this week, 48 Men’s New Straw Hats Watch our north window, We have all the new shapes in Straw Hats—new this spring. Suits on sale At $4.98 00, $4.50, 5.00, 5.50 Boy’s Suits going Special in Groceries At $3.98 $15.00 and 16.00 Men’s Suits on sale At $13.68 $14.00 and 14.00 Men’s Suits on sale At $11.98 25¢ package 25¢ package Robin Hood Eeoiiee Oats . Peerless Oat Fla’ a oes 3 ie ce Sardir Riche sated Tomatoes ‘Try our ‘Try our Bulk ‘Teas a’ Salada and Red Rose Teas at very §; | 5 and 45c “OLD PRICE EGGS 20c DOZEN “The Square Deal Store” Milverton, Ont. W. K. ma lett Eatardey for “his afier sponding a month of Mr. and Mrs, R nd 0 [FURNITURE Rugs and Linoleum ain ir. Lawn Seats and Hammocks Baby Carriages Collapsible Go Carts $5 up Express Waggons $1.75 up Mor la a j Auto Wheel Coasters $4.25 urvive bu ay fant yet five eons and, tour WE SELL daughters Gerhard Heintzman Pianos poner eee) ELMA COUNCIL | The mun! sh’p of Ein hall, pal oat ot the teegatl eri ural Robert McMane im ith; John Tl Furniture Dealer Funeral Director and Embalmer Milverton Ss t mer [approved Gi ete ee erst: Aa ok communication was read from | — naan ss and 0 inform 5 of Morn ngton, that proo’¢s- ings would be taken to improve the ovle drain as early as it was pract- do s0. to mect as a a |numbor of monte ie A mumber of ‘s were paid on motion of ise csr Timan ved by and Recreation crises —with all t appointments and 9 \ travel on comforts—luxurious eso enjoyments of ocean m the frees ‘ rth to aed aration» of deta excaions vo Beau Fal=Inereing ors and Ship eo mine rer Manet Pleo Nees Wiki NeakeFinew Meieand comle able berths all Included. To Duluth, Fort William, Port Arthur, Soa, Mackinac, Georgian Bay, 30,000 Islands ‘he Big Nothero Natenon Fletcovere all the best routes thro, wood. on eas lock am, for general Exeebip co pmo NSS Vee BRUNNER am?s and Miss aire Cane Pe Fede Collen at 88. he 30,000, Islands. 5 From the light draft “Wauble™ which syed of isle to the Mall are Roy {Walker rand the Miss panied: las 'riday even'ng. Peters a iets ‘ays ith Ate, ald Meas Pete ne : Marys. Pte. Are Pte ‘Bort Arthur, Fort William and Geseyian Day Poe AU ‘etait day 4s the ones that sae pea ee “E,W. Holton, Gen. Pass. Agent. ORTHERN PNAC Vale) CO. ia oS lh ‘five day crue, $2.28.